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Hey guys! Does it really matter what the girl looks like?

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Okay. This is what pisses me off with humans in general. You got One Direction saying it doesn't matter about your looks just your personality. It is right but looks who they have shacked up with, fucking angels.
Also, I regularly go to the gym. When I'm there I get odd looks about my tattoos and hair colour. Basically everything about me.
I don't care about looks or past or sexuality and I'm truthful cause you should have seen some of the guys/gals I've dated and I'm bi so.
But what I want to know- does it really mater what you look like to be loved?
To be loved as a person? NO. As a LOVER, for me, I have to admit, yes it does. I have to be attracted physically as well as mentally. I can be FRIENDS with almost anyone that fits me mentally, but for a sexual attraction, yes, I have to find them appealing in some way. Now I find many things attractive, and I don't hold such high standards that they become unrealistic, but I have to be honest and say that if I am simply NOT attracted to them physically in some way.... not going to happen.

Now on the other hand, I don't care how physically appealing a woman is to me if she does not attract me mentally... same thing... not going to happen.

For me there has to be a balance.
Clever Gem
Quote by EmoQueen
You got One Direction saying it doesn't matter about your looks just your ?

Ok mistake one- listening to One Direction!

Mistake 2- Quoting One Direction

Mistake 3 - One Direction Exist

It's a boy band honey, they know nothing. They will sing everthing you want to believe to make money and simon Cowell spanks them to do so.

( oh and they suck )
John I am dissappointed. I know you didnt say it was teh only thing but it was the first thing. There are a whole lot more average looking people than raving beauties. Sometimes the most beautiful and thoughtful and yes sensual aer the most average and plain on the outside.
Quote by Angie57
John I am dissappointed. I know you didnt say it was teh only thing but it was the first thing. There are a whole lot more average looking people than raving beauties. Sometimes the most beautiful and thoughtful and yes sensual aer the most average and plain on the outside.

Why are you disappointed? Please read what I wrote again. I didn't even say it was the first thing. Heck, I even said there had to be a balance. I said I have to be attracted physically and mentally. What standard did I give? NONE.

And how is that putting one thing before the other? By the order of words? Sorry, that is not how it works... unless listing by order. And I didn't.

Also I said nothing about people even having to be above average or even more than plain. Anyone who knows me, or even read my profile (and being my friend here, I presumed you at least did that), knows that I am NOT super "picky" or hold people to some unreasonable standard. Heck, I openly admit that I find attractive things others consider flaws.

So how you got what you did from my post is beyond me. A question was asked, and it was answered honestly. Would I be attracted SEXUALLY to a woman who had a fantastic personality but was 600 lbs, had rotting teeth, and pretty much universally accepted bad looks? NO. So the honest answer is that it does, to some degree, matter what a person looks like. If that make me a bad person in your eyes (or anyone else's) so be it. But I honestly don't believe anyone who tries to claim they think otherwise.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnC
To be loved as a person? NO. As a LOVER, for me, I have to admit, yes it does. I have to be attracted physically as well as mentally. I can be FRIENDS with almost anyone that fits me mentally, but for a sexual attraction, yes, I have to find them appealing in some way. Now I find many things attractive, and I don't hold such high standards that they become unrealistic, but I have to be honest and say that if I am simply NOT attracted to them physically in some way.... not going to happen.

Now on the other hand, I don't care how physically appealing a woman is to me if she does not attract me mentally... same thing... not going to happen.

For me there has to be a balance.

I agree completely... Balance is everything!!!
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Good looks help to be initally attracted to someone, but I would dump a bitchy model in a heartbeat. Not that I'd ever get a model but you see my point. Being a bigger guy I would think only bigger girls would be attracted to me. Personally tatoos and bright hair are things I find hot, but not in a long term way (if that makes any sense). I think suicide girls are hot but I'm more of a cute, wholesome looking girl kind of guy. That being said if a tatooed girl were to accept me and I found myself emotionally attracted to her, I would accept her also and try and make the relationship work. I guess I have my own obvious tastes but they don't mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of a relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
not to me
i think what on the inside is more important then looks. if the ugly on the inside it does not matter what they look like on the outside
Of course looks count, it's the first impression you have of someone. From there you either have a more positive image of the individual or you start looking for the exit!
Hey, I'm gonna deadpan honest here. Anyone can say, "Looks don't matter/aren't important." but honestly who (men or women) don't want an attractive person on their arm and that goes for everyone. Now, having said that; every guy's definition of attractive or criteria when it comes to attractiveness isn't the same. I'm engaged to be married soon and I find my fiancé very attractive physically, but also mentally and spiritually. If we're just going by the physical then there's many times when I dated a girl that met my attractive standards, but not those of my peers and if the situation is like that then it just comes down to the phrase; "To each his own."
Quote by crazydiamond

Ok mistake one- listening to One Direction!

Mistake 2- Quoting One Direction

Mistake 3 - One Direction Exist

It's a boy band honey, they know nothing. They will sing everthing you want to believe to make money and simon Cowell spanks them to do so.

( oh and they suck )

I don't like them at all I just read shitty tabloid stuff. It's what all the little girls believe and it's heartbreaking they believe that biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by EmoQueen
Okay. This is what pisses me off with humans in general. You got One Direction saying it doesn't matter about your looks just your personality. It is right but looks who they have shacked up with, fucking angels.
Also, I regularly go to the gym. When I'm there I get odd looks about my tattoos and hair colour. Basically everything about me.
I don't care about looks or past or sexuality and I'm truthful cause you should have seen some of the guys/gals I've dated and I'm bi so.
But what I want to know- does it really mater what you look like to be loved?

Looks do matter. Everything matters when it comes to attraction. There are plenty of gorgeous people that are total assholes, I'm not attracted to them. There are some people who are wonderful, but aren't necessarily "pretty". If I see a woman that is bald headed, one tooth, and 6'5 inches tall, chances are i'm not going to be attracted to her. We all have a type, you may claim you don't, but you probably do.

If you get odd looks because of your hair color and tattoos, that has nothing to do with your "looks". Those people don't dig your style. That's different, don't confuse the two. Some men like a woman in a business suit, others like a woman in jeans and tshirt. Short hair vs long hair. Lots of makeup vs little or no makeup. Style and "looks" aren't exactly the same.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Artistic Tart
Everything matters.
Id go for no. You have to be attracted to someone, but everyones definition of attractive is different. If I had to think about the main things I go for in a girl, its usually that they are a bit of a geek and are a bit quirky. Someone a wee bit different. Theres an endless line of "pretty girls" but a lot of them are just bland people with nothing to say. Ive spent much of my life surrounded by women in my work, some of them more classically attractive than others, but if their idea of chat is Hollyoaks and how drunk they got at the weekend, then the attraction stops right there and then. Give me someone who likes an obscure band, dresses a bit differently or has an unusual hobby any day of the week.
This is a very split personal view on this and I am seeing everyone's view. I am finding that to a certain degree looks do not matter.
Everyone has there own type of personal opinion on love and dating. Whether you like slim girls or large girls. Small girls or tall girls. Some one elses veiw is going to be completely different to your own view.

Maybe I did get my point a bit mixed up. And yes I was a little niave but people has their views and choices. If something think looks are key then to ahead. It if someone doesn't still go ahead!!

Life will continue to remain split cause that's just life. And that is my finale statement x
Active Ink Slinger
to a cretin degree yes, some thing must attract your attention, but a beautiful woman,without an inter beauty can not keep my interest .the external wrapping fades with time..
Active Ink Slinger
I would have to agree with LOVES4PLAY. I've been with some super hot women and some not so hot. The inner person is what really attracts me to someone.
Quote by EmoQueen
Okay. This is what pisses me off with humans in general. You got One Direction saying it doesn't matter about your looks just your personality. It is right but looks who they have shacked up with, fucking angels.
Also, I regularly go to the gym. When I'm there I get odd looks about my tattoos and hair colour. Basically everything about me.
I don't care about looks or past or sexuality and I'm truthful cause you should have seen some of the guys/gals I've dated and I'm bi so.
But what I want to know- does it really mater what you look like to be loved?

Ultimately the personality becomes the most attractive feature. Initially it's usually the physical looks. Attraction will be a combination of these factors but physical appearance will always play a role in finding someone attractive.
Her Royal Spriteness
we all, to some extent, have a physical ideal. that's not a flaw inside of us, just something that we all have. it's like with anything else, visual. you might like green, i might like pink, John might like red. doesn't mean we can't appreciate the other colors, but if give a choice between a red, pink, or blue car, i'm going to pink the pink one, right? same with people. yes, personality matters. if someone doesn't excite you personality wise, if there is no spark there, you probably will move on. same thing physically, much as we hate to admit it. we all have a type. some guys like blonde girls with big boobs. as other said, that doesn't mean they'll be attracted to a girl like that if they have nothing else in common, but those are the girls that will draw their attention, right? and we all do it, men and women both. and sometimes, we find someone's personality so attractive, that it doesn't matter, but really, first impressions are often all we have to go on; what person looks like, how they dress, how they carry themselves, the sound of their voice, all those things that are visual cues. so saying looks don't matter is naive. saying that they are the only thing that matters, however, is just plain stupid.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Constant Gardener
Quote by LadyX
Everything matters.

The fruit hangeth too low here. Even I cannot venture forth. I'm giggling thinking of which letters to bang out on keyboard.

I shall leave this for your master to reply.

Where is that degenerate lately, anyway?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Yes it matters
It really doesn't matter to me. As Andrew Dice Clay once put it, "Two tits, a hole and a heartbeat, that's all it takes for me."
Of course looks matter. Imagine you spending the rest of your life with someone. Are you saying you have no problem waking up every morning to a person that disgust you physically?

But, as has been stated, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe you want one of those gym fanatics or you want an average build guy or you find fat guys attractive. It's all in YOUR preference. We all have a type that we are attracted to.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Plunger
Of course looks count, it's the first impression you have of someone. From there you either have a more positive image of the individual or you start looking for the exit!

Bang on the money.

Mind you, being a leg man, I did once date this one one chick who had awesome legs and the face of a pit-bull chewing a wasp. Doggy-style was great. Heck, I was young and horny.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
No it doesn't! It's what's on the inside that Really Counts! Outer Beauty fades over time. Inner Beauty Stays Foreversmile
Advanced Wordsmith
Major elements of the personality come from the sense of appearance. Among those are self-esteem, sensuality, perceptions of credibility, trustworthiness, self-awareness, consideration, kindness, and dependability. It is more difficult for the “unattractive” to prove their worthiness in this society. Nothing is more farcical than the grossly obese individual who thinks they’re all that and a bag of chips. The munchkin behaving like a gansta is hilarious. The old man behaving like an adolescent is sad. Behavior matters more than appearance, but Dude! Do something about that spare tire! Oh, yeah, and go see a dentist, woodja?
Alden Bradley

The zenith of sensuality occurs in sensitivity.
Caring matters more than achieving gratification.
Advanced Wordsmith
I may as well throw my thoughts here ... vanilla relationships in the past....looks was all I cared about, but that was long ago in a far away place. At this point I would drop Jennifer Anniston if she wasn't into what I like. What they have to offer contributes to their hotness factor, as they say.. don't judge a book by it's cover ... an average girl can quickly become a 10 if she's as kinky as I am ;)
Knowledge is nothing if not shared, with your slave, your community, and those wishing to enter into it. So I will continue to look for topics to give My opinion about, yes opinion.

*** Disclaimer ***
My way of thinking doesn't fit everyone, nor does anyone elses, it is not My intention to tell anyone else here how they must see or do things, as there are as many views of what "the life" means to people as there are people in it.