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Guys-would you be interested in a woman who had been abstinent for a long stretch?

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Active Ink Slinger
If after talking with her for a little while, she seemed to be a nice lady and I found myself being attracted to her, sure, I’d ask her if she would like to join me for a cup of coffee or dinner. Why wouldn’t I? Besides, the topic of sex would have never come up. I don’t approach a lady by saying something like, “Hi, my name is ??? and I was wondering if you’d like to join me for lunch, but first I need to know, when was the last time you had sex?” That would probably get me slapped, and so it should have.

If she suggested we meet at some bar for a drink or I happen to know she runs to a bar every night to pick up some guy for a one night stand, then no, I would have no interest in her at all. I don’t care how pretty or sexy she is. I want someone that sets a higher standard than that, and would hold me to the same level.

As a few other readers have mentioned, there may be several reasons she has been abstinent for a long period, and I’m sure whatever reason she had would be a valid one. For that reason alone, it would be important to me and I’d respect it, however, even knowing that, wouldn’t stop me from being interested in her. I guess this is where I differ from some guys, not all by any means, but some. When I look at a woman, I see a living, breathing human being with the same wants, desires, hopes, fears and dreams I have, and not simply as a sex object that I can use for my pleasure and then discard.

Your second question was, ‘Would she be too hard to date?’ I’m not sure what you are trying to ask here, because I don’t see how her not having been in bed with someone for a long period, would make her any harder to date. It seems to me if we like each other and have a few things in common, then our dates will be fun and exciting. If we can’t agree on anything, then our first, and probably last date, will be a disaster, however, that has nothing to do with her sexual activity.

Quote by GabrielSweet
Ok, to start with I prefer some connection with my partners and believe that her decision to refrain from sex wouldn't, in the beginning, be a concern. You didn't say whether it was by choice or not. Could be medical and that is no longer an issue. Could be emotional and she is now in a place where she can move on. You also didn't say whether she was now willing to change her decision. I do not believe the length of time she has been celibate would matter because, if the time was right for her to begin again then I am sure together, we could ease her back into it. [B] If you are saying that she has not changed her mind then I believe it would have to depend on the connection we could establish. If the ultimate question is can you see yourself in a relationship without sex then I would just say, being with someone that makes you feel special and not having sex is still 10 times better than being alone at night and not having sex.[/B]

While sex is great and wonderful, it is not the ‘end all be all’, some people seem to think it is. Personally, I feel sorry for those that think that way because when it comes down to the nitty gritty, if something happens to the sex part of their relationship, they have nothing left. That is why I think that GabrielSweet summed it up perfectly in the part of his remark that I’ve highlighted and I couldn’t agree more strongly.

Now, IAmLove, I like that name by the way, I have a question for you. Before I say anything else, want to apologize if I’m jumping to conclusions and reading more into your questions then what is there. When I read your original post, the thought occurred to me that maybe there was more here than a simple curiosity to see how men would react to a lady that was in that situation. Perhaps there’s a more personal reason for wanting to know. In any case, I hope between all our responses, you get the answer you are looking for. Again, if I’m overstepping the bounds of decency, please forgive me, and tell me to mind my own business. I certainly meant no disrespect to you.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by IAMLOVE
Would she be someone you'd be interested in or is that too much pressure (or perhaps not enough)?

Would she be too hard to date?
No she would not be hard to date and Im sure the first time wold be fast and furious and the orgasm hard. then comes the slow and sensual
Advanced Wordsmith
Why does her being abstinent having anything to do with dating her? I'm interested in the woman and her personality. Don't get me wrong, sex is important. I would hope her reason for being abstinent was because she hasn't met the right person. I would date the woman because I find her attractive, not that she is a slut in bed
Active Ink Slinger
I am a little surprised at the number of people who indicate that sex is great, but not one of the driving forces in a relationship.

This is a sex site is it not? Or did I stumble into a Church Box Lunch Social by mistake?

Seems to me that sex is the adhesive that keeps relationships active and alive.

Maybe I am more over sex than some but I have no intent to go without sex on a regular schedule as long as I have working parts and someone is interested in me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes it would be great to stretch her after such a long time
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, of course! In fact if I found her attractive it would enhance the appeal, I think. Oh, and it might increase the challenge too.
Active Ink Slinger
When I was in my twenties I asked out a woman who I knew had recently gone through a difficult personal event and hadn't dated for a while. I was going to be a gentleman and take it slow and easy and just show her a nice evening out.
Halfway through our date she asked me if we can just go to my place and hang out. We barley got in the door and she kissed me and then she took my hand and pulled me to the bedroom. We went at it all night. It was wild.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by IAMLOVE
Would she be someone you'd be interested in or is that too much pressure (or perhaps not enough)?

Would she be too hard to date?

Margot ... SSean08 has read your question and answered it best. " I would date the woman because I find her attractive, not that she is a slut in bed " I don't believe your question was really centered around the sex aspect, but rather around dating a woman who hasn't been dating for awhile. "Sex" shouldn't be the only criteria about whether or not to take that first, initial date...there maybe much more to her than just would she have sex so soon.

My reaction / thoughts are reflected in the highlighted statement above. ... and "attraction" is more than just physical beauty.
yes - why not
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Smoocher

Margot ... SSean08 has read your question and answered it best. " I would date the woman because I find her attractive, not that she is a slut in bed " I don't believe your question was really centered around the sex aspect, but rather around dating a woman who hasn't been dating for awhile. "Sex" shouldn't be the only criteria about whether or not to take that first, initial date...there maybe much more to her than just would she have sex so soon.

My reaction / thoughts are reflected in the highlighted statement above. ... and "attraction" is more than just physical beauty.

I quite agree with you good man. The need to be loved, or at least feel wanted, and the need for intimacy work well together. Neil Diamond sings it best in this song, so why not take the risk?
L.A.'s fine, the sun shines most the time
And the feeling is "lay back"
Palm trees grow and rents are low
But you know I keep thinkin' about
Making my way back

Well I'm New York City born and raised
But nowadays
I'm lost between two shores
L.A.'s fine, but it ain't home
New York's home
But it ain't mine no more

"I am"... I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair

"I am"... I cried
"I am"... said I
And I am lost and I can't
Even say why
Leavin' me lonely still

Did you ever read about a frog
Who dreamed of bein' a king
And then became one
Well except for the names
And a few other changes
If you talk about me
The story is the same one

But I got an emptiness deep inside
And I've tried
But it won't let me go
And I'm not a man who likes to swear
But I never cared
For the sound of being alone

"I am"... I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair
"I am"... I cried
"I am"... said I
And I am lost and I can't
Even say why
"I am"... I said
"I am"... I cried
"I am"
Active Ink Slinger
I suppose we could call upon the old adage about riding a bicycle.

You never forget how to, just a little bit wobbly when you put your feet back on the peddles.

I'm now getting on for my Biblical Use-By Date and a few years ago I met a lady who is a few years older.

The lady hadn't indulged for at least 15 years and had no troubles getting back into the saddle.

It's truly amazing what a little bit of patience and understanding can achieve.

Not to mention a liberal application of coconut oil.
It does wonders for the Velcroed Vagina and tastes great.
(Thanks to Palm Beach - movie, for the incentive).

I will never forget her comment, from the initial encounter "It felt like a volcano erupting, inside me"
Active Ink Slinger
Certainly, with patience and empathy things can turn around.
Saucy Little Minx ♥️
I normally don’t answer the guys questions but I saw this about an hour ago and felt compelled to add my.

In my humble opinion dating someone is because you have a curiosity about them and have an initial attraction. If you are “dating“ someone just for sex I don't consider that dating.

If I were a man I would actually rather date someone who has been abstinent for a while, it means she has had time to get to know herself again. Odds are she was in a sexless relationship not necessarily that she wasn’t interested in sex anymore but that the sex wasn’t worth having anymore.

She is probably craving a good lover and can you imagine all the built up lust she has!

Btw some really great responses here!
Active Ink Slinger
In the past year I've met three women who had extended abstinence. One had a invalided husband for 19 years & had mastrubated regularly. However she only stimulated externally & quickly to orgasm. Her vagina had 'athopied' and she was slow to lubricate & her Kegel muscles were very short. She acquired a BF who introduced her to swinging & at age 72 she returned to vaginal penetration. I've had sex with her several times, including penetration. It takes a lot of patience and communication to ease in but the reward makes it worth it. Physically she is tight with the attendant stimulation on my cock. Better yet in being penetrated, enjoying coitus, and giving a man pleasure, gives her a enormous amount of satisfaction. Her happiness at being a woman sexually is clear & infectious.

The second was a similar situation. The husband had been physically sexless for several years, & after his death she had assumed that at age 57 sex was no longer part of her life. A swinger BF changed that & when I met her she was happily making up for missed fucks.

#3 had some abusive relation ships & after each went into a extended periods of abstinence. when i met her she had (still has) a BF who caters to emotional & certain kink needs. But, she was not actually having sex and had several fresh years of abstinence behind her.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't see that it would be a problem.
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh hell yes - ever had sex with a woman who had a child and hasn't been able to for months? It is incredible sex. First time I had sex with my wife after our last one was born she thanked me - only time that ever happened. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Really, the question should be, "Guys would you be interested in a woman?" But I recognize the need behind it.

This is just part of getting to know a woman. She’s worth listening to. I love to listen to women. If genuine mutual interest develops, she might reveal her abstinence. People have history and insecurities. So we discuss that, and, if she's willing, proceed accordingly.
Active Ink Slinger
YES but I am not a one night stand man. I have had sex with only two ladies in 47 years.

I have not had sex for 25+ years. I was divorced 15 years ago, and living on my own since then.

I now have 10 grandchildren and another 'in the oven' so they tend to come first.

For me, a happy relationship will always come before sex, I do love sex, though.