My husband is a graphic designer, and every so often will lecture at the local community college's computer classes. While on his last trip there, he had a meal with the faculty, and one of the painting instructors (female) offered to have him pose for a nude studies class. He's stoked, being 48, but I'm not so sure I like this. I 100% trust him, and I know he's not going anywhere, but I don't trust HER.
Would anyone else have issues with their partner doing this? He's told me numerous times he'd be okay with me, but I'd never do it, mainly because I like him being the only guy that gets to see all of me.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I agree - no one gets to see my hubby's goodies but me!
I don't think I'd like it either, but if you trust him 100% and he wants to do it, I guess there's no harm in him posing.
It seems like a strange thing for her to ask of a work colleague. Don't they hire models for those classes?
Chalk up this topic as another one in the "Gals ask Gals" section.
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
I'd let him. I think. Not that I have a partner, but I don't think I would mind.
In the past I wouldn't and I don't think I will in the future either.
I think you want answers from both gals and guys, right CQ? I may be wrong.
When i first saw the title i thought, do you object to your partner being nude in general, all the time? I thought ummm why would you?!?
I wouldn't object to him being nude in front of women of my choosing for a threesome, but I am downright jealous if one has her eye on him for any reason. Call me a hypocrit.
I would let him do it. It will be a good story to tell people. I always try to show off my girlfriend as much as I can.
Yeah, guys, you can answer as well!
He's not actually part of the staff, he just guest lectures, and this lady is a new teacher there. That's what I'm worried about, they usually do have a number of models for these classes, right? The only reason I can see for her to ask him is if she's interested in him, which, quite frankly, can be very, very hazardous to another woman's health.fJqVNk4YEhLa2LsS
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
That's a tough one to answer. Only you know your man well and he knows you, too. What has he said about it to you? Has he shown any concern about what you think about it? I feel you either trust him or you don't and therein lies your answer.
It is art ... and I done some things like that ... I had sex in public so getting naked for art class was easy move ... if you belive him 100% let him do it ...if you don't then it is another thing
I've been a student in a number of nude drawing/painting classes. From my POV, it was never really sexual. It's more about falling in love with the lines and the beauty of the body as a visual, and not thinking about actually having sex with the person. At least that's how I felt. And everyone was always very respectful of the models, and they only stayed nude for short periods since it's too tiring to hold a pose for very long. In between poses they wear a robe and everyone just acts pretty normal.
Of course, I say you should do whatever you and your husband agree on, and what you feel comfortable with.
Being swingers other peeps have seen us both nude and doing things with each other as well as with other people. We only do same room currently except with our one regular friend. But even then she is nude around the house just as much as we are. i wouldnt have a problem with anyone seeing her naked or me for that that matter. And posing for someone as a art subject to me would also be very flattering.
Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!!!!! So can i make you bounce?
We go to nude beaches every year while on vacation and both get seen by all kinds of people. An art class is a whole different animal. VERY non sexual. She'll be so busy help/monitoring the students doubt she'll be drooling over your hubby as that's very unprofessional. Let him do it. It will give him a thrill and be waiting for him when he gets home to give him a surprise.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Hiya Castlequeen, I might me reading to much into your thoughts. are you feeling unsure of yourself, because you are either still pregnant or just had the baby, and this creates an un-easy feeling within you. I'm sure if you and your partner are secure enough as a couple you will be alright, when us women are worried like this, its becasue we love our partners so much, if you didn't feel like this I would be more worried.
You could suggest a romantic drawing of the two of you to capture the love you both feel for each other, you could have some lovely silky satin golden drape over you, wow i need to go and draw now myself, i have a great picture in my thoughts mmmmmmm.
If he wants to model, let him. Its a huge compliment for him and if he is comfortable enough with himself then let him try it. If you are not comfortable in this situation, I think you need step back and examine the reasons why. I understand you not trusting her, but it takes 2 to tango and if your realtionship with him is strong, healthy, and based on trust, honesty and love, then you have nothing to worry about. If you do decide to go to the class, you should be very hesitant to tell him the real reason why(because you don't trust her).
Your husband would resent it if you refused. His ego was boosted with her request and you don't want to be the one to deflate it. I would definitely let him do it and I would be in that class watching proudly from the sidelines. Remember, it is YOU he would be going home with. Let the other women eat their hearts out! lol
I swim naked in the Pool twice a day for eight months of the year
I doubt the wife even notices anymore
i would not mind at all. she is beautiful, sexy, confident, exactly the woman who should be immortalised in art.
also, she is herself, i really have no say over whether she does or not.
Do you think that is the only time your hubby will have an opportunity with another woman? Marriage commitments should be on love and wanting to be with someone and not on sex.
If my Lady wanted to pose nude for art or for a skin mag, web site, whatever Id support her desire. Then I would just think to myself go ahead and look, she's mine....