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Are all men unsatisfied with the size of their penis?

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Advanced Wordsmith
I have been blessed by the gods and I'm thankful.
Cogent Sensualist
Quote by DeliaStar05
Just wondering. My husband keeps looking for pill and different stuff on the internet to help him grow it or whatever. Are all men this obsessed with thier penis size?

Based on the responses and my own sentiments, I'm going to go with "no".

Basically, it's parallel to women and their breast sizes. There are LOTS of products to help women increase their business. Just saying..
I'm very happy with my size and how it looks ;) compliments always boost confidence
I am a little self conciese sometimes. Mostly because media makes us beleive that women want the biggest one. If I am not told that she likes and enjoys my cock then you always wonder.Wd9yYvmPTrBPsn4m
Active Ink Slinger
no i am contented for my size because girls also hurt when fucking for those who have so big cock
Active Ink Slinger
I used to be unsatisfied though i never had any complaints... after actually growing up and coming to terms with the fact the the average penis is only like 6" then i felt alot better. I truly believe that its how you use your tool and rather than the size if it.
Advanced Wordsmith
i am very happy with what i have
The size of my penis has served me well for many years. I don't need for it to be larger.
Active Ink Slinger
Size is all relative as to the partner you are with and how you use what you have. Another important question would be the size and staying power of a partner's tongue and how adept they are at using it.
Active Ink Slinger
I may not hit bottom but I will beat the hell out of the sides smile I am good with what I got! :)
Ehhhhh, What's up Doc?
Not ALL men...clearly some are quite happy with what they have...some are not so happy....I'm reminded of a rather insightful saying, and I quote.
"You can only f**k with the c**k you've got"

Interstingly, I heard that saying, with the asterics included, it was quite weird...
Constant Gardener
I know a fellow, let's call him Kevin, who is fourteen years younger than me. He's also 3 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier @ 100 kilos total. For about eight years, he was living with a young woman, four years older than him, who I have been smitten with since I first met her in 1996.

Kevin is a handsome man, in a sort of hickish, country-bumpkin way. I just saw him last year at a shopping mall with his new wife of four years, sitting next to a stroller with his newborn resting inside. His young wife was inside a shop browsing at goods.

The child is Kevin's 2nd. His oldest is now a fifteen year old lad.

"Dude, what's up, long time - no see."

"I'm here to pick up some prescription sunglasses. How's life treating ya?"

"Well, this is pretty much it. Still working for IBM, got married two years after Michelle and I broke up."

"Cool beans, you happy?"

"At least my wife isn't a stripper." He said this flippantly with the beginnings of a sly grin, under his blonde mustache, forming.

"Your ex girlfriend hung up her dancing heels in 2005. You dug dating a hot babe who was way out of your league."

"You fucked her after we broke up, didn't you?"

"Uh huh...and about four times a year on average, when you two were living together."

Kevin just grinned. If he was upset, he was hiding it very well. He could easily have rearranged my various limbs and smashed my handsome face, but I knew he'd take my comment in stride, especially inside the public mall.

I had enjoyed pricking his frail ego over the years, with the odd off color comment, and he too, had always thrown a few back at me. Kevin knew I had a crush on his ex girlfriend. I was one of her better customers for many years, and he would often show up at a local reservoir where she and I had been catching rays, drinking cold ones, riding wave runners and enjoying our all day flirtations, during the summers between 1996 and 2003.

Kevin was not quite 100% full blown cuckold, but that's only because Michelle had never fully turned him.

Michelle knew a little bit about me - the moment she first plopped onto my lap, that first July evening, almost sixteen years ago now. She had often told me, after she got to know me, what strapping Manly Man, Kevin...was not packing.

About the size of her pinky finger. But I understand that he could/ pussy like a madman.

But obviously it worked well enough to provide Kevin with a pair of offspring. Kevin, aside from be a bumpkin, is also a very good computer programmer within the Unix operating system world...and has always hauled in a nice weekly paycheck, and he's a pretty good carpenter too. I have seen his work. He's a perfectionist/craftsmen with saw, tape, hammer and screwgun. He owned a pair of Corvettes when he lived with Michelle. Imagine that.

The size of your dick is relative to the size of your ego and it's all relative to how healthy you are, mentally.

"Take it easy, Jeff," he said to me as I began meandering off. "When Michelle cries out my name the next time you are..."

I did not hear the rest of what he was going to say, as at that moment he noticed his pretty young wife approaching him and he killed his last words voluntarily.

He and I are not friends, nor were we then or are we now, rivals. He merely satisfied Michelle orally and financially. I was granted a small handful of occasional carnality, on the side.

Now she's some other poor bastard's problem.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think all men at least wonder and most would not mind being bigger. I dont think they get that in porn, they have big dicks but in real life it often hurts! Its definately not what you've got but how you use it that counts. Most men i know are sensitive about their size and growing up they would all lie about the size and be jealous about other men with big dicks

Note to all men: We dont mind the size, its what you do with it that counts! We PROMISE we arent laughing at you behind your back!! smile
You must give up the life that you had planned, in order to live the life that is waiting for you..
Active Ink Slinger
It's never really bothered long as it fits the palm of my hand for those lonely nights....I'm good!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Active Ink Slinger
I did when i was younger, its only after being with a few ladies that your technique gets better. From my experience most ladies dont like big cocks as it can be sore.

Mine hits the spots ive been told.

Interested in this thread.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm happy with what I've got, I don't see why I wouldn't, and I don't see why other people are. You could have a 5 inch penis or 10 inch penis, it's how you use it that matters.
Active Ink Slinger
i have always been comfortable with the size of mine, probably because i've never had any complaints and always been complimented on the size during and after sex (i hope they were being honest!). Perhaps tell your hubby that your happy with the size and maybe he will be more comfortable that he is fine as he is.
Rookie Scribe
Not at all. I am quite happy to be average length, and above average girth. Never had any complaints. Its all in how you use your whole body, including your penis. Different positions make different penetrations.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to be obsessed with it. Well, I probably still might be. I just never thought I was big enough. I guess it stems from always hearing things like "bigger is better" or "if it ain't big, don't bring it". Also had a few exes who never stopped talking about things like that. Almost every other sentence they said was about how one or more of their exes "measured up". Drove me insane. I'm roughly 7in long and about 5in around (give or take a cm on both) and half the time, I honestly don't think I'm good enough.
There is no perfect size, only perfect fit.

So long as mine fits, I ain't changing it.
I have got what i got.... never had any complaints about the size or how i use it (not to my face anyways smile ) so the answer is no i'm not obsessed with bigger or smaller...

My wife very much enjoys it inside her so thats all that matters i guess :)
I feel o.k with mine. It's part of me so that's that.
Active Ink Slinger
yes, as much as i believe there are such things has too small, too long, or thin or thick, at the end of the day it's about how you use it! enjoy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mypleasure

I did when i was younger, its only after being with a few ladies that your technique gets better. From my experience most ladies dont like big cocks as it can be sore.

Mine hits the spots ive been told.

Interested in this thread.

<------- same

Anyways, yes i would hazard a guess least 75% of men probably are not totally happy with their penis, i bet that figure wont be far wrong. I just like girls and their boobs in that respect. Alot of girls dont get boob jobs, but that doesnt mean they are 100% happy with them. I think we all have things on our bodies we would change if we could, but ultimately its about learning to love yourself with what you have and as you are, then once your are secure, that confidence will too. Besides i always think its more about being satisfied by your partner, then it is about being satisfied by yourself.
no. mine is between 7 and 8 inches depending on how aroused I get. Does the job.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm pleased with my 7 inches! I've never had any complaints thus far...
It's All Good! :-)
Amazing isn't it how many guys here reporting on this topic are claiming cock sizes of seven inches and 'above average' girth. Many concede average length but insist on thickness as being their redeeming factor.

Medical fact guys. Six inches is more than average. Circumference of 4.5inches when erect means you're doing OK. We girls don't measure our vaginas - well I certainly don't and I don't have any hangups about how how much cock I can take.

On the converse my b/f is a full nine inches in length and a massive seven inches in circumference. Sounds good guys? Not according to him .... many of his former potential sex partners have shunned him because of his size and those who did succumb didn't last for long. When I met him he had such a king sized complex about it, he grew his pubic hair especially to hide his size (and I hate pubic hair on both male and females). It took me a while to cope with his thick cock inside me but now I'm comfortable with it. Just shows guys .... all that glitters is not gold.
Active Ink Slinger
Lauren thats probably one of the most sensible posts ive ever read on this forum! Kudos gal!

Quote by Laurenxxx

Amazing isn't it how many guys here reporting on this topic are claiming cock sizes of seven inches and 'above average' girth. Many concede average length but insist on thickness as being their redeeming factor.

Yeah I think there are a few of on the forum ha

To build on Laurens analogy, "its not the size of the nail, its the hammer you're throwing at it!" smile
Advanced Wordsmith
I am satisfied with my size, the biggest not the smallest, to me, I would think many women would desire passion and chemistry, if you have that in common, most cocks would do the job!
I've never had any complaints, but an extra inch would never go unappreciated smile