Is it normal that my wife sucks me off at least twice a day ? How many times do you do it to your husband / BF ?
I suck cock at least once a day.
I don't know what 'normal' is but I date nearly every day. Twice on some days. Most of the time that involves giving head at some point so probably once a day on average is normal for me.
I am a high profile businesswoman and I suck cock at least once a day
I think you want to suck even more if you are able to
It seems to be normal for you. I have 2 boyfriends, and we all three live together, so I usually wind up sucking them both about once a day. Maybe more on weekends.
Hard to have an accurate count. There is the sucking when we are both home. Most of the time that would equal twice a day.
Then when I am out and about you can add some number to that amount
Any of you girls ever get lockjaw?
Twice a day is pretty normal for me since I got married. When I was single it was a lot more.
I would do it everyday always loved giving BJs!!
Lucky you snag lol I wish my hubby was home long enough to suck him twice a day lol so once a day is good for me
I went through a stage of waking my ex up everyday with a blowjob, but after a while my jaw developed a constant ache.
Yes, I give my hubby usually 2 Blow jobs a day.
are we supposed to be keeping a tally?
amateurs. i suck cock every hour on the hour. on a slow day.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
If I had the chance, absolutely.
I would love to be able to suck at least one cock and cunt daily and have my cock sucked at least once a day too. Yet sadly, in real life that just doesn't happen.
I do it daily, Monday thru Saturday, Sunday is my day of rest.
I wish I could say I am like everyone else but I do not give 2 bj's a day. When I was younger and in college with a bf I probably came close. Now we do it whenever we feel like it maybe 3 times a week
For me, giving a blowjob always wants me to have intercourse. I get so turned on by giving a blowjob that for me intercourse always needs to follow.
After reading these responses, I've got one request, can one of you talk to my wife?
Not any more. Now it is an occasional joy for him if we are into it.
I enjoy it and pleasure him whenever he wants it.
I'd do it in as many ways and as often as possible, given the right partner. Sadly, that is not currently the case.
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Love to suck cock, would do it, sadly I have no suck to cock on a regular basis right now.