Sex at home is almost non - existent. I've been running in the park every morning and have met a really hot Black guy who has expressed interest in me. He says I have a black girls booty and I'm sure he fantasizes about having sex with me as I do about him when I masturbate. But It's not something i've ever done before and I can't imagine ever cheating on my husband, but I want to feel a man who appreciates me thrusting into me so badly. Plus I know he has a big penis from the bulge in his pants. I really want to feel it inside of me. But I'm afraid. I am married but it just seems like I'm living with my brother and not my husband. Advice? anyone did this before? Been in this situation? I am greek and would be completely disowned by my family even knew I was thinking about a black cock. I need advice. Live? or let it go? help me sisters!!!
My answer would be, yes.
And since you are Greek, I suggest you do it Greek-style.
If you husband is not taking care of your needs, it seems to me he is inviting you to look elsewhere.
A man is a man white, black, brown or any other color.
I live not far from a clothing optional beach and when I visit I am always nude. There is a black guy who goes running by most everytime I am there, but in running shorts cut almost to the waist band. Body beautiful is the only discription. He always wave to and I wave back.
On day it was very hot and I went into the surf to cool down. As I walked out of the water he came by we chatted for the first time. I asked him to join for some ice water and he was glistening with sweat and he accepted. I told him I was abit uncomfortable in my bareness and he with running shorts. He stood up and pulled off he shorts to reveal a large, thick, uncut cock. Nothing happened that day, but I knew I had fallen in Lust .
The next time he came up to me on my blanket and I invited him home. He still had a long thick uncut cock, but that is about all I could say for him. He was no different that other men some good and some not so good.
Even with this less than satisfying experience. I woulds say give it a try, unless guilt is too great of a burdon
Thanks guys, Felix, if yo must know I'm one of those girls that beg, literally beg for greek style. I seemed to have married the only guy in the universe who thinks it's "gross" and When or if he ever does it, he does it like he's doing me a favor. lol. Nymph guilt is not the factor, I think If i enjoy it, I won't feel guilty because Im fed up. but i's just the idea that this may be the gateway to either more sex with this beautiful black warrior, or perhaps an on going affair. either way I need something more than my vibrator inside of me. I need something living. And I know i would have no problems "going greek" with a black guy. The guy I see every day adores my ass.
I'd say - do what you need to do. It's not an ideal situation, but I would be less worried about it leading to more sexual behaviour or an affair, and more worried about the long-term viability of your marriage. Do you really want to stay married to a guy that feels more like a platonic roommate? I'd say fucking this guy is a short term fix, but you're probably not going to be satisfied going back to your vibrator and a sexless marriage after that.
If everything is great in your marriage except the sex, or there are financial/children complications that make you feel like you need to stay with him, I guess your best bet is to find ways to have discreet affairs going forward to get your fix. Or... marriage counselling and maybe divorce.
Long term, you want to be happy, that's the most important thing.
If you have posed the question on this Forum then you obviously really want to.
Greek is always good. Pucker up!
I think you need to do what is right for you. No one can answer that except you. Have you spoken to your hubby about the lack of sex? Has it always been this way or is it something new? Can it be he is having an affair?
If fucking this guy is going to make you happy then by all means do it. I am not one who believes in cheating but I also do not judge others who do. All situations are different. But be sure you understand the consequences too. Will it just be a "Fuck Buddy" type situation? Is the guy also married? What is he looking for, Sex or relationship!!
And your family. Are you prepared for the fallout there. Its a shame they are so close minded that you being with a black man offends them. I mean he will be fucking you, not them, LOL!! remind them it is 2012, not 1962!!
Good Luck in whatever you do!!
BTW, Listen to Magical Felix, he is Pre-Med!! LOL
Its a double standard isnt it. A guy cheats, he is an asshole. A woman does it, and its like well if he is not man enough to give you want you want, then go get it from somewhere else...
Is my memory serving me wrong or is the overall response to this (some by the same people) completely different to when a guy asked the same question on a recent post? Not that I wish to moralise - I'm just baffled by the contradiction.
My response was pretty much the same in both. I do not believe in cheating but I will not judge those who do. You have to do what is right for you.
Two things:
First, how sad is it that you would be "completely disowned" by your family for even thinking about fucking a black man. How ridiculously sad. This is the 21st century, the days of that type of mentality should be long gone. Your family should be more concerned that you want to stray from your marriage. Secondly, I feel honesty is the best policy, cheating is not acceptable in my opinion. I'm sorry that you're in a sexless marriage, but perhaps a conversation should be had before you fuck your black flirt. I am of the mindset that if you feel the need to stray then you probably shouldn't be married or perhaps an open relationship is what you need. But I'm newly married and happy, so I'm probably not the one to ask.
Honesty and openess is the best policy, tell you inattentive partner your ready to burst if you dont get some quality loving soon, If his response isn't to your liking, at least you warned him of your needs and have an affair.xEkpJooPIiFQW1i8
rather then listen to our drivel her, seek professional help and get to the bottom of the root cause of his hang up. if your questioning it, you feel there is still something at home. square it first before going else ware the grass my be greener at first but it's only coloring.
as far as disowned.... well its old culture that has yet to embrace the fact we are all one element of a diverse species . but that's whole different topic......
Thanks everyone for your many advice. The truth is I have spoken at length about sex with my husband. What I got from him is that duty is more important than sex. So he would work all day, but not make me his job. I am very giving in bed. Not selfish at all. I do all the things he likes and still, it's home from work for him. Then dinner, then bed. I saw my flirt today again and it made me so excited to think about him fucking me. We chatted for awhile and i found out he's not married but is living with his two kid's mom. He asked me today " so when are we going to hang out?" I smiled and laughed it off. But i wanted to say something. But chickened out. I think next time I will ask for his number and take this a step further. Should I or am I asking for trouble? What does everyone think?
You only life once, Jillian. Go for it!
Just dont forget to tell us all about it! . . .lol