Girls, would you be open to being invited to a nude beach or resort? Would you get naked the first time?
I have always wanted to go to one and at first would probably just go topless then after i got my courage up the bottoms would come off
I'm with VanGogh. I like tanlines too. I usually go topless but wear a gstring. So i guess i'd go the resort. Its more fun teasing men semi clothed anyway i think.
Yea course i would. Depending on who it was, i might not get naked straight away but im sure id be there soon!
We vacation at resorts with nude beaches in the Caribbean almost every year and love it. Been to nude bbq's and hubby wants to try a nude campground (not!) so being naked is all good to me especially on the beach and in a pool or hot tub!
Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Count me in! I hate my tan lines.
My husband persuaded me to go naked on a beach in Cap D'agde France many years ago, it was something that changed my life because it gave me more confidence and helped me shed my in built inhibitions. He gave me the confidence in myself to take that step.
Since then we have been a lot of times and have now progressed further into a swinging lifestyle.
I couldn't/wouldn't do it.... but i admire the people who can/do
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
Gotten naked on a secluded stretch of clothed beach with a boyfriend before, but I'd really like to try an actual nude beach or resort where I'm surrounded by a bunch of other people.
I've been many times on Brighton's nude beach. Lovely to be surrounded by other naked people.
22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx
Prefer a nude beach.
We once had a seafood lunch with white wine before stumbling on a nude beach in France. Without hesitation, we stripped off. The skinny dipping was exhilarating.
How wonderful life is while you're in the world Maspolomas in the Canaries is a nice place to get it all off, nude beach and resort.
Life is not a rehearsal!! I prefer nude beaches and the first time, I went to one I fell out a tree..
Local lifestyle friendly campground can be a lot of fun. All depends on the crowd any particular weekend.
Sure. I have no inhibitions about being naked in front of other people.
Black's Beach in SoCal holds many fond memories. At first it was an embarrassing turn-on. But, once I got over it... okay I never got over it, but I did gain some control... it was sheer delight. Sadly there was not much actual sex happening with all that lovely nudity. Mostly the hook-ups were made and they would go off to other places. There was one beach bonfire, though, that seemed to have the karma of sex in its flame. Couples, threesomes, swapping, open, uninhibited pleasure being shared without guilt. Restored my faith in sexual freedom!
You may find this hard to believe, but I am an exhibitionist.
#2 took me to my first nude beach in Cornwall. I think I may have waited a few minutes before disrobing, but not many. This was before he got promoted to #2, the shit.
Being naked on a nude beach is on my bucket list!!!!
Being from Europe I have been to many nude beaches
Sure. Haulover Beach in North Miami and beach in Negril Jamacia