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Lesser of a Man because he helps around the house??

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Hey Ladies

Do you think a guy is Less of a man because he helps around the house by doing stuff like, doing the dishes, hanging up the washing, taking out the trash?

Because some of my males friends still believe the women's place is in the kitchen and he shouldnt be doing stuff like that.

I would be more inclined to think less of a man if he did not "help" around the house.
Quote by Dark_Lord
Hey Ladies

Do you think a guy is Less of a man because he helps around the house by doing stuff like, doing the dishes, hanging up the washing, taking out the trash?

Because some of my males friends still believe the women's place is in the kitchen and he shouldnt be doing stuff like that.


let me tell ya what i think.....

first i believe in the traditional roles of men and women...i believe once children come women should stay home and raise them (because generally speaking we are better suited to it then men) and that, generally, includes taking care of the house too. unfortunately, in our current society not only is women filling that role frowned upon its not always possible as we are entrenched in being a two income society.

that does not preclude a man from helping out. in what way is it emasculating to help pick up or clean the environment you live in? doesnt that sound a bit ridiculous? i think it is.

and as to the above in bold....THIS is part of the reason why the family unit has fallen apart. you have gotten confused that "homemaker" translates into "maid". we are not the mothers of our husbands nor are we paid employees. i think its an honor to be able to take care of my family and my home but when (and dont kill me here Menarealwaysignored) men reduce us and our work down to so little you take that honor away....and that sucks because i firmly believe that in the last 30 years if more moms had been willing or able to stay home and raise their kids themselves we'd have a much better country as a whole right now.

and thats what i think....

oh and ps!! if your woman is working and bringing home money then you are responsible for that house as much as she...and thats really just DUH. ur friends are morons if they think different. just sayn
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Quote by Dark_Lord
Hey Ladies

Do you think a guy is Less of a man because he helps around the house by doing stuff like, doing the dishes, hanging up the washing, taking out the trash?

Because some of my males friends still believe the women's place is in the kitchen and he shouldnt be doing stuff like that.


Your friends are insane chauvinist Neanderthals for thinking this, and I think you know that. Otherwise, you would agree with them and thus not be concerned. And putting aside the issue of ideal gender roles, I believe that in a partnership, each couple has to figure out each others' roles in their particular situation. I bet a huge chunk of the friction between couples is caused by failure to communicate or agree on these roles.
Put another log on the fire babe, cook me up some bacon and some beans. Then go out to the car and lift it up and change the tyres, wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans. You can fetch my pipe and my slippers boil me up another pot of tea. Put another log on the fire babe and come and tell my why you're leaving me.
Jack- My dad used to sing that to my mom all the time, now hes a lonely guy that has to do it all for himself.
guys who do that get MORE sex....ladies may not say that...but there is nothing sexier than a guy who knows that household chores are FOR all people who live there...

ps bet your buddies will be single as soon as their ladies figure out that MOST guys this.. these days....

If an individual with a protruding appendage between their legs cannot
look after themselves then they should not be defined as a man.
A man can do it all.
Look at our fighting troops.
From new to special ops they all can do it.
Cook, iron, sew, clean and more.

That's a man for you!

That said a relationship should be a partnership. Work together. NOT against each other.
Work out how to share the chores, leaving more time to enjoy spare time!
Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Ahh the good ol' medieval time.

Oops I think your friends didn't get the update memo. How you manage to remain friends with them?
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I honestly think that a guy that can help out around the house is extremely sexy. I tell my bf that all the time, he still thinks its funny that it turns me on just seeing him fold laundry or something.
Your friends are idiots!! Most probably very LONELY idiots!! If you help out around the house you are much more of man then they will ever be.
Quote by Dark_Lord

Do you think a guy is Less of a man because he helps around the house by doing stuff like, doing the dishes, hanging up the washing, taking out the trash?

Because some of my males friends still believe the women's place is in the kitchen and he shouldnt be doing stuff like that.

Have your friends moved out of their parents house, yet?
Cause single guys do that all the time. Unless they still live at home with their parents OR they live in a pigsty.
I usually end up doing the dishes and laundry on the days I work from home. Lets face it, how much time does it take to put the dishes into the dishwasher and clothes in the washing/drying machine? I read this book called the Five Love Languages. Doing something for others was one of the five. The others were affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and buy me stuff.

Though, my personal favorites are affirmation and physical touch.
A guy that can do laundry ROCKS!
Quote by littlemissbitch

and as to the above in bold....THIS is part of the reason why the family unit has fallen apart. you have gotten confused that "homemaker" translates into "maid". we are not the mothers of our husbands nor are we paid employees. i think its an honor to be able to take care of my family and my home but when (and dont kill me here Menarealwaysignored) men reduce us and our work down to so little you take that honor away....and that sucks because i firmly believe that in the last 30 years if more moms had been willing or able to stay home and raise their kids themselves we'd have a much better country as a whole right now.

and thats what i think....

oh and ps!! if your woman is working and bringing home money then you are responsible for that house as much as she...and thats really just DUH. ur friends are morons if they think different. just sayn


No way is he less of a man, in fact it makes him more of a man in my opinion.

One of my things to do in my life is to be a mother and a housewife. This however, does not equal slave!

Your friends are douches, who do not deserve girlfriends
Quote by littlemissbitch

let me tell ya what i think.....

first i believe in the traditional roles of men and women...i believe once children come women should stay home and raise them (because generally speaking we are better suited to it then men) and that, generally, includes taking care of the house too. unfortunately, in our current society not only is women filling that role frowned upon its not always possible as we are entrenched in being a two income society.

that does not preclude a man from helping out. in what way is it emasculating to help pick up or clean the environment you live in? doesnt that sound a bit ridiculous? i think it is.

and as to the above in bold....THIS is part of the reason why the family unit has fallen apart. you have gotten confused that "homemaker" translates into "maid". we are not the mothers of our husbands nor are we paid employees. i think its an honor to be able to take care of my family and my home but when (and dont kill me here Menarealwaysignored) men reduce us and our work down to so little you take that honor away....and that sucks because i firmly believe that in the last 30 years if more moms had been willing or able to stay home and raise their kids themselves we'd have a much better country as a whole right now.

and thats what i think....

oh and ps!! if your woman is working and bringing home money then you are responsible for that house as much as she...and thats really just DUH. ur friends are morons if they think different. just sayn

Preach it Sister.
According to research carried in Europe and America men who do housework are not only happier in their marriages, but also have lower heart rates, better sex lives, better health, less stress and are physically healthier than men who don't.

That's a man.

So don't worry Dark_Lord ignore your mates they are just little mummy's boys.
No hes not hes a real man to help out..I think its great that a man helps around the house...gets more
This post has to be a joke or written a century before the Internet existed.
Less of a man what a joke , i do house work im no less of a man because of it i get more sex , so my wife is less tried mean more energy for naughty funand its 2012 not 1950
Quote by Dark_Lord
Hey Ladies

Do you think a guy is Less of a man because he helps around the house by doing stuff like, doing the dishes, hanging up the washing, taking out the trash?

Because some of my males friends still believe the women's place is in the kitchen and he shouldnt be doing stuff like that.


If a woman's place is in the kitchen, how's she supposed to hang out the washing and take out the trash? There's only so much work you can do in the kitchen! smile

I do most of the work around the house because I'm the one who's home most of the time. My husband helps out clearing the dishes after dinner and does a few other chores. I've never asked him to help or hinted at it, he just sees what needs to be done and does it. None of these things make a man less of a man. They just make life easier for everyone and when life's easier, people are more inclined to be happy.
i help around the house, in fact, i do most of the housework, being unemployed at present, and trust me, i am way more of a man then your friends. sound like a bunch of whiny ass whimps, to me - real men aren't afraid of doing a little work instead of sitting around in their underwear, drinking beer, getting fat, and watching tv.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It is not only fair, but also a lot more fun if you do things as a team - and share the chores. Plus, that leaves you more time to spend together and more energy for sex. I have always been the one to do the laundry, change the sheets and grocery shopping - even when my wife had no job! I just can not be a man to sit on the couch, drink beer and give orders! That is disgusting!! and I think, I am totally a MAN - certainly no less than your medieval friends!!
A real man can load the dishwasher with one hand, turn the dials on the washing machine with his toes while he mentally evaluates whether or not the garbage has enough to take out or can stay for at least one more day.
All while he tells me all the naughty things we're going to do in the bedroom as soon as he puts the leftovers from dinner away.
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

Have your friends moved out of their parents house, yet?
Cause single guys do that all the time. Unless they still live at home with their parents OR they live in a pigsty.

Why does this video come to mind when I read this? Dark Lord, I think your friends need to disconnect for awhile from their nonsense.

The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by Lisa

If a woman's place is in the kitchen, how's she supposed to hang out the washing and take out the trash? There's only so much work you can do in the kitchen! smile

I do most of the work around the house because I'm the one who's home most of the time. My husband helps out clearing the dishes after dinner and does a few other chores. I've never asked him to help or hinted at it, he just sees what needs to be done and does it. None of these things make a man less of a man. They just make life easier for everyone and when life's easier, people are more inclined to be happy.

Bravo Lisa
Fix the dishwasher? Sure, Change the oil? I'm on it, Build me some cabinets? Absolutly, Mow the lawn? You betcha, Do the laundry? Taken care of, Fix dinner?

Quote by oldrascal
Fix the dishwasher? Sure, Change the oil? I'm on it, Build me some cabinets? Absolutly, Mow the lawn? You betcha, Do the laundry? Taken care of, Fix dinner?


What a pathetic question, how can helping around your own house make you less of a man. The year is 2012!!!