Let me tell you a little secret. If you have a handsome man that greets you at the door with a frosted margarita for you, kisses you and tells you how much he missed you during the day, you smell a savory dinner cooking on the stove. He has done the dishes from the night before and vacuumed the entire house. DO NOT, DO NOT ever tell anyone about this, because the moment you step out of your front door, their are at least 100 million other women in the US that will murder you to have this man. THE ANSWER IS NO!!!!!!!!!!!
That plan may work for some couples. It sounds as your lady is objecting. Don't give some friends say unless the friend you mean is Dark Lord!
Your woman has done the cleaning, cooking, laundry, shopping and ironing too. I imagine you will expect her to take care of the garden also. You wonder why she is not always ready to jump in to bed as soon as you enter the door.
To have her do all these jobs you do understand that when you walk in the door each Friday you will hand her your weekly paycheck, uncashed. I am sure additional parts of her job description is to manage the money in the household and give you an allowance when it is warranted.
Dark Lord does that not sound like a fair and equitable plan to share the work in the family.
Thank you everyone for all your replies......
Yes I deff feel my friends are idiots for not helping their wives/girlfriends around the house, as it’s not a women’s place anymore. Things have changed since the days of our parents, where both members have to now go to work in order to support a family and everyone gets tired after a long day at the office and its wrong for them to expect the women to wait on them hand and foot.
My relationship with my wife is based on a 50/50 partnership, where if one is doing the cooking then the other does the dishes and if one did the washing then the other hangs it up etc......Those were the values my mother instilled in me and those are the values I will past on to my son one day.
If guys do more round the house, they will much more likely get rewarded hehe ;) thats my thoughts anyway
Hubby does his fair share, and it certainly doesn't make him less of a man, in fact, when I come home from work and he's got the place spotless and our daughter all cleaned up, it's kind of a turn on that he's so thoughtful.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
hell no I think it is extremely sexy when a man helps out.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
The most important thing to consider here is that helping out around the house makes you a nicer person.
And of course the bonus is you will get more sex...just don't EXPECT more sex...keep on doing it and it will come!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a man in the kitchen or helping out around the house. It shows he's considerate and not selfish. Plus, if he's doing some of the chores that means there is less for me to do, which means I will be less tired and there will be more time to fool around later on.
Guys..Hint Hint.
When I was married to my first wife, a neighbor lady came over thinking my ex was home (she wasn't). I was in the kitchen with an apron on washing dishes, and didn't even know she was there until she said, "Oh my fucking god...it makes me so horny to see a man in an apron who doesn't mind doing housework."
Nothing drops my panties faster than coming from a long day of work to find the dirty kitchen I left completely spotless. A male receives the title of a man when he does what needs to be done, whatever that may be.
LOL Oh my..... The idea that a man can't be manly AND do things around the house always makes me laugh. I am pretty darn manly (if I say so myself), and I cook, I do laundry, I vacuum and even steam clean the carpets, dishes too.... heck, you name it, I do it. I am not a servant, nor feminine. I also shovel all the snow, take out the trash, mow the lawn, fix things when they break, etc. Hell, what would people do if they didn't have a partner? Do things just NOT get done? (rolling eyes)
Again, doing any of those things are not by default showing a man is less "manly". A REAL man knows how to do it all, and does not depend on ANYONE to do things for him. And a REAL man is not afraid to help his woman do ANYTHING, or do it FOR her... not because she can't do it herself, but because he WANTS to.
I have always known my way around the kitchen...
I make a potent chicken curry, can do a tasty BBQ and can bake a bread to top the BBQ.
I have a gift for turning a Fillet into a delicacy and can make you mix dessert without opening the book or you knowing what you are concocting or even entering the kitchen before its time to stick it into the oven...
And I clean the whole mess MYSELF...Always
I think it's better if a man has the decency to help around the house. It shows commitment and equality in a relationship
Not at all......
Firstly in this day of equal rights its a natural thing to do ,i love to cook and am very good at ironing and its not rocket science to put on the washing machine .
I think if a man helps around the house, he is more of a man. There is something about a man that can help around the house that just says so much. I also think its sexy when watching a man cook or when a man comes into the kitchen just to help with the dishes. ;)
For many years I've helped [or, depending on view, hindered] about the house. I'm not often "permitted" to do the cooking, but always clean up after the meal.
The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
I think that's bullshit. It's not the 1950's anymore. If a guy cleans up, that respectful and I see it as kind of almost a natural thing to do. In a relationship, it works both ways and the respect comes both ways. Sorry if I'm sounding harsh. I just hate the whole "women in the kitchen" crap thing. Show some respect guys. Although, I do know not all guys are like that.