I love big cocks, I enjoy the full feeling!
I'm a size girl.....love huge cocks
I've done Kegels most of my life, so I'm very flexible and can take huge cocks without pain. Now, if I could only FIND a guy with a huge cock that I found attractive! I've never had one bigger than 8", though I've had a few really thick ones!
Big is good. Especially thick. Too long can be a problem but can be dealt with.
Prefer thick. I'll take a thick 6-7 inch cock over a long 9-10 inch cock. I like the full, stretched feeling the thick ones give me.
I like a lil'pain--kissing the mouth of my cervix. ?
i am small all over , everywhere, and so is 'down there' lol so i like the more under sized than monsters, the big guy usually does not last long because been so tight brings them off too soon lol
A big one gives me the penetration and sense of fullness that I like.
but I don't like them too wide
I go for pleasure over pain mostly. I like a little pain thrown in there. Cock size is subjective. I have found that smaller cocks can be just as enjoyable as larger ones if the guy knows how to use it.
Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I have been told I am very flexible and can take on the supersized as well as all the other sizes also.
The only problem some of the big boys think that is all that is need to be a good Lay or Lei. ( which ever is right.)
Bigger the better, to a point. I was dating a guy he was about 9 inches long, ended up sleeping with his best friend (as he wanted to be a cuckold) his friend had a 11 inch cock. Wow was that a big difference, after that I never fuck anything under about 10 inches.
Big cocks are great but it is still the MAN attached to any cock that counts. IMHO
Sure, I think I would like the mixed sensations of pleasure and pain that would come with being fucked by a man with an extraordinarily large cock--but like someone else said, it's more the man that the cock is attached to that matters, not the cock itself.
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A large cock can be both. It depends on the guy, the situation and how wet you are. Personally, I love a big cock inside me, as long as I'm well prepared and the guy is gentle and loving.
Pleasure if used correctly, pain if owned by a moron.
I love it big......the bigger the cock the merrier.......I love huge black cocks and I'v taken up to 11" balls deep inside my pussy and it was so thick too so the pleasure was amazing indeed.
yes I like big cocks as long as it is attached to a thoughtful and attractive man Lil harder to get my mouth around but nice in my pussy
Size is always nice, but i have found that when a man is skiled enough they can always get the job done. For a good assfuck however, nothing beats a thick meaty cock.
I'm kinda tiny down there so unless I'm im out of my mind horny IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD. I like down the middle
Big is no good for my bum - any size of dick hurts to be honest. But I love a thick one in my vagina. I always get very wet, and don't seem to have any problem stretching to take a thickie. Thank goodness haha.
Big cocks can be fun but for me its more important that the guy knows how to get me going. There are guys that just ooze sexuality and can bring out my inner animal. Mmmm.
My husband is huge and he was my first. I didn't know the difference until I started having sex with other men. I'm a small woman at 5' 1" 104 pounds. My opening is tight. It took Chuck a lot of time and patience before I was truly enjoying sex. Anal was damn near impossible but where there is a will there's a way. Or should I say willie. Lol. In football vernacular, I switched from tight end to wide receiver.
I have sex for pleasure not for pain or to break records.
I have had long, short, thin and thick cocks but the only ones I am not comfortable with are the long ones who bruise my cervix. I am uncomfortable for a day or so after a long session.
Really it comes down to the guys and how they use it. A little cock can be a pleasure at times in the same way an eight inch one can be providing they use it well.
Now I have my regular three guys - I am more than happy with what I get consistently. All are in the vicinity of six/seven inches and delightful.
Thicker always feels better
Pleasure and pain, always worth it, maybe not the morning after! x