I have done all of the above. Too many times to count lol.
I have several times to the guys at work, sometimes it was a dare, and sometimes to tease them.
Many times. Usually it's just a bit of fun. Flashing truckers when I catch them trying to look down into my car. That kind of thing. Sometimes I've done it to attract attention.
I've flashed lots of times. Initially because of lost bets or dares. But after realizing how much it turned me on I started doing it whenever the mood hit. Usually just my tits but sometimes I flash my pussy.
My wife has done it several times and we both find it a tremendous thrill. Sometimes while we're out driving with truckers looking down into the car, sometimes 'accidentally' whilst out shopping or in a bar. Depends on the mood and the situation but always for fun.
So there are a few out there :-)
I see that flashing truckers seems to be a recurring theme - lucky them lol
Sure I have flashed. Why? Several reasons I guess, but more often than not I was probably drunk! LOL
Flashed too many times to count, for little or no reason. Most likely will continue as long as I am noticed. Must there be a logical reason for everything we do? Seems like some should just be for fun and this is one of them.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of discrete flashing. It can be a very useful way of attracting attention from the right person.
As a driver who has drove over 1.5 million miles and is on the road between 325 and 330 days a year I can say that it's not that often. I have not been flashed in over 2 years and I drive all over the country.
I have been guilty of 'flashing' but not for some years. It was always a fun thing and I had no reservations about exposing my body.
Being dared to do it posed no problem and often with a group of other girls we would flash our tits to see what sort of reaction we got.
Now I regularly attend nude beaches etc, flashing now longer does anything for me - they can see it all for as long as they like.
If men do it they get arrested and placed permanently of the sex offender registry. If women do it they become a fond memory.
i've flashed my breasts before. no particular reason, besides being shitfaced.
Too many times to count. For me, I think it's all about the thrill and watching the reaction.
It's a big turn on for me. Usually I like to do it casually, like wearing a strappy top with no bra that shows a bit of boob and sometimes a glimpse of nipple. Or no panties under a just-too-short skirt.
Definitely! Love flashing my husband when we are out just to tease him. And sometimes not being too careful when other people are around makes it even more interesting!
i believe a woman flashing is considered sexy and turning on...and i agree to it...but why is it considered a sin or a crime when a man flashes?.....i have seen many woman flashing their sexy cleavage specially when they are shopping in supermarkets
Just the occasional panty flash, it's a thrilling and fun tease because guys can't resist a quick peek and sometimes it's completely accidental due to the shortness of the dress or skirt.
If a girl takes a peek it gives me some serious tingles
I have a few times, usually involves Patrone shots lol
I guess I'll be the odd ball. Never have flashed, I prefer to save that for who i'm with.