I don't take off mine at all. Only the *necessary* part is exposed.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
I usually put HIS shirt on until he needs it...
I would usually stay naked, what's the big deal? We've already been all over each other's bodies. Plus, cuddling naked is the best!
Of course I do, I can't go naked in public. I guess I could but maybe not such a good idea.
Not always just depends who I'm with at the time
Yep, I'm one of those who tend to get dressed soon after. It's what mostly comfortable for me. Lol
If I am with a friend male or female most likely I was naked before sex and will remain that way after. If my partner did not like the view I hope they would send me on my way.
If I am on just a Quickie or a one night stand, I will need to dress to go home I guess. Public nudity will get you a citation most places still.
I am comfortable with my body and see not reason it should be hidden.
I am usually too tired to even think about getting dressed after sex lol
it depends on the time of day. If its first thing in the morning then sex would be followed by a shower and new clothes. The middle of the day would probably mean putting clothes back on
I prefer to stay naked afterwards, sometimes i'll stay nude but put on a t-shirt of his. It depends on if he's my boyfriend or if I plan on staying the night or not obviously. As mentioned already, time of day is a factor also, haha. Even during the day, I enjoy a bit of naked cuddling for a little while after sex.
No, I stay naked all night, or until it's absolutely necessary to get dressed for work or to go somewhere. I'm a nudist/naturist, so I'm not the least bit shy about being naked, and when I have sex, I like to be able to see!
I am a nudist so I have no problems being seen and living without clothes - in the appropriate places.
I sleep naked so nudity is not a problem for me after we have sex.
I have been with others who do cover themselves afterwards, but for what reason I don't know, and neither do they when you mention it.
No, usually stay naked... Unless it's a quickie somewhere outside our homes.
No, Naked cuddles are the best
It depends on the circumstances, of course, but the bottom line is that I usually stay naked for as long as possible after sex. I'm happy with my body, and don't mind who sees it. And it saves time if we want to go again haha.
Depends. If it's at night... then no. We cuddle and go to sleep. If it's in the morning... then yes... eventually.
not unless I have to hurry before his wife gets home, lol.
most of the time i think i do.
depends on what time and place.
yes - specially after fucking the the supermaket
only if i took them off to have sex
just a t shirt or a vest top or something with some panties
If I'm outside then yes. If in the bedroom then no.GyVQYc6isZ0vGBs7
I only wear a fig leaf while eating an apple. Don't blame me, the snake was behind it all.