True love stories never have endings.
Don't call me the wrong name
I have a new story that I wrote for the new competition. If you have a few minutes would you please read it?
During rough, sweaty sex which is quite often, no name is off limits
Almost a requirement for me
Yes I enjoy hearing words at the right time
Anyone who gets me to give it up gets to call me whatever they want. Sometimes even when it's over ;)
During sex I love to be called by the cheapest and dirtiest name. Call me whatever you want to. No boundaries on verbal abuse.
I love it! I've probably been called every name, possible..but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear it again !
I don't mind a lover calling me naughty names, it can be much fun,
just don't call me a slut.
I would rather be known as a whore,...but never a slut.
Very big difference...smiles
i enjoy being called insulting names, baby dick etc
My partner always calls me names during sex. Something we both enjoy
I love being called by dirty names. Verbally abuse is something which I like most. It makes me go wild
I have mixed feelings -- seems to depend on the guy who is doing it
Oh certainly. I once had a lover who could easily have got a job as Grace Kelly's body double. To look at her you'd think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth - but in bed she was a wanton harlot. Mid-way through the act she'd whisper: "You DIRTY fucker!" It did the trick every time!
I don't like being called a slut. I'm a tart. A fat old tart, to be precise. Other than that I mostly don't mind.