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When you write CRAP!!!!!

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Rainbow Warrior
Its pretty obvious from the cobwebs hanging on my stories and poems, that everything I write is crap!
Unfortunately for me, due to life throwing me a curve ball, anything that I write now is crap! I need to get my mojo back.

I will say that if you don't enjoy what you write, chances are that your audience won't either... Which is why I don't post crap, I'm like Liz, it gets buried.
Senior Analyst
Quote by Dirty_D

To many of us, the dirty pictures are incidental. It's the people and the place to stash my scribbles I stay for.

...and here is evidence that what I write is crap, as my remark about coming just for the dirty pictures was meant to be a knowing, ironic nod to Stephanie's obvious love of writing.

I think I'll stick to my day job.

Quote by Porgy87

...and here is evidence that what I write is crap, as my remark about coming just for the dirty pictures was meant to be a knowing, ironic nod to Stephanie's obvious love of writing.

I think I'll stick to my day job.


(I happen to be GOOD at it, but I don't enjoy it. Not EVER. It's like gigging in a band... You like it WHEN IT'S OVER... There's always a bit of me that thinks, "Well, you got away with it again... This Time...")


xx SF
Quote by Coco
I will say that if you don't enjoy what you write, chances are that your audience won't either... Which is why I don't post crap, I'm like Liz, it gets buried.

I honestly doubt that you are capable of writing crap...just saying. I would, however, kill any of my stories that fell below the 4.7 mark. Haven't had to do that yet, fortunately, but I know that I would.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Cheeky Chick
I can't even seem to write "crap" lately, let alone anything good. ._.
Prolific Writer
Quote by Poppet
I can't even seem to write "crap" lately, let alone anything good. ._.

Poppet you could never write crap. Your stories are fabulous. That's why you will always be my personal favorite.....xox
I write crap if I don't go back over a couple of times...I have written some real bloopers
Quote by Coco
Unfortunately for me, due to life throwing me a curve ball, anything that I write now is crap! I need to get my mojo back.

I will say that if you don't enjoy what you write, chances are that your audience won't either... Which is why I don't post crap, I'm like Liz, it gets buried.

I totally resonate with this - I just can't write at the moment, crap or otherwise...

Hopefully I'll get out of it soon...

Quote by Coco
Unfortunately for me, due to life throwing me a curve ball, anything that I write now is crap! I need to get my mojo back.

I will say that if you don't enjoy what you write, chances are that your audience won't either... Which is why I don't post crap, I'm like Liz, it gets buried.

Wishing you well.

xx Steph
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Coco
Unfortunately for me, due to life throwing me a curve ball, anything that I write now is crap! I need to get my mojo back.

I am truly sorry to hear that, Coco. I tend to write better when I am being thrown curveballs (and believe me, I've had more than my share). It's happiness that makes my writing turn to crap.

Maybe happiness isn't the right word. Complacency is what kills my writing.
Cheeky Chick
Quote by Mysteria27
Poppet you could never write crap. Your stories are fabulous. That's why you will always be my personal favorite.....xox

I'm glad I have at least one faithful fan always. xxx
Prolific Writer
Quote by Poppet

I'm glad I have at least one faithful fan always. xxx

I will always read you my friend. I wish you would write an ebook. It would be fabulous....xoxoxoox
Active Ink Slinger
I think we've all written crap at one time or another. What's important to me is that I'm happy with what I write. Whether it doesn't score well or gets great comments doesn't enter into the equation anymore. If I'm happy then it doesn't matter what happens. I'm not here to receive awards. I'm here to write and make friends and have fun. If I get caught up in the popularity game and worry about the bullshit, it becomes a chore. Does anyone like doing chores? I sure don't, so fuck the unimportant stuff.

That's why I stated earlier in this thread that if my heart and head aren't into it, I walk away from a story I'm working on. I won't write for the sake of writing, I write what makes me happy.

My written crap should be buried
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Poppet

I'm glad I have at least one faithful fan always. xxx

Two. At least.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Liz
My crap writing never lives to see the dawn. I wait until it is sound asleep in bed, unable to fight back as I tie it's hands and feet with black nylon cord. It struggles fiercely, bucking and kicking as I drag it down the stairs and bundle it into the trunk of my car. Every time I make that drive deep into the woods in the middle of the night, it takes a little bit longer.

I haul it out, bound and gagged, never able to escape it's fate. It's dragged roughly through the sparse foliage, and over the dank, mossy ground until we reach a small clearing in the trees. It watches me closely as I take my time digging a hole. Every glimmer of the cold moonlight that reflects off the head of the shovel, gleams in it's terrified eyes. It knows what's going to happen, it's happened before. Many times.

I watch the last remnants of hope fade from it's face, before slowly contorting into a sorrowful realisation of truth. It's going to die tonight, and nothing it can do can stop that. It lies down without a struggle as the cold, wet earth is piled onto of it's shivering form one shovel at a time, until only one desperate eye remains uncovered.

"Why do you make me do this to you?" I scream, my voice breaking as it echoes through the deserted night. "I gave you everything."

Those were the last words it ever heard.

you scare me.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Head Penguin
Well, far be it for me to be up my own bottom, but I don't think I have ever written crap, or at least not that I've published! I will admit though, that some of my stories, particularly when I began to write erotica, are not up to the standards of the later ones.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DanielleX
Well, far be it for me to be up my own bottom, but I don't think I have ever written crap, or at least not that I've published! I will admit though, that some of my stories, particularly when I began to write erotica, are not up to the standards of the later ones.

your grocery lists aren't very inspired, tho. i mean, they don't even rhyme.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes it depends on what I am working o n
Have lots of fun
I can write crap as well as the 'best crapper' can and have pails of shredded paper to prove it. When I think my writing has reached the 'level of crap'...I sit deep six it.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I can write crap as well as the 'best crapper' can and have pails of shredded paper to prove it. When I think my writing has reached the 'level of crap'...I sit deep six it.

I meant that I have written some bad stuff but with my lack of patience thinking its good. I think all writers agree, a second eyed helps in writing.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by stephanie

Of course I have know other men of my kind, and it troubles me to say that I have know none as utterly fascinating as Lucius Ammaticus.

I believe that should be "known" instead of "know"...

Quote by stephanie

(This IS actually the Literary Equivalent of strumming idly upon a guitar as one waits for inspiration... Fun, but not work, in fairness...)

I agree with you about needing inspiration to write, and fortunately for me there are other things I can if I don't feel inspired...actually, I didn't really think what you wrote was that bad...but, it was really a few short paragraphs out of context, and I really couldn't tell without reading the whole thing...which reminds me, I don't think I've ever read one of your stories...I'll have to remember to give it a shot one day...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
I have the problem where I start writing something, but then I'm forcing myself to finish it, because I don't want to keep having writers block. Instead of going back through the story to add needed details, I just ignore it. That's what hurts me though. That's often a criticism that I get is how I was so close to nailing one part then it just falls apart!

I need more time in my schedule and deadlines. That's how my bum ass gets anything done!

Buxom Enigma
I've been in a writing slump for what seems like ages. I even sat down the other day and made myself "show" what was outside my very own door, and it read like a damn manual. I wrote crap. It was absolute shit. And that made me sad. My "boss" (he hates when I call him that) at the website I write articles for commented on the fact that I've not had many things posted lately, and asked if he could help.

So, I had a fit, threw a thumb drive with some of my erotica on it, and told him to read it and tell me what he thought.... He was gone for a looong time. (We all know what happened, but I didn't dare admit it to him!) And then I had a close friend read some of my other stories.

Because of their encouragement, I'm now about a third finished with my first story in months. I regularly have to stop, and just enjoy life before I sit down with my laptop again.

Probably doesn't help that I've quit smoking, and I always had a cigarette between my lips when I was writing. And, no, it wasn't always lit; it was just there.
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
Quote by prairiedogg
I think we've all written crap at one time or another. What's important to me is that I'm happy with what I write. Whether it doesn't score well or gets great comments doesn't enter into the equation anymore. If I'm happy then it doesn't matter what happens. I'm not here to receive awards. I'm here to write and make friends and have fun. If I get caught up in the popularity game and worry about the bullshit, it becomes a chore. Does anyone like doing chores? I sure don't, so fuck the unimportant stuff.

That's why I stated earlier in this thread that if my heart and head aren't into it, I walk away from a story I'm working on. I won't write for the sake of writing, I write what makes me happy.

WHY aren't we friends???

xx SF
I know how you feel!

I've got 2 stories on the go, neither are close to finishing. Depression is a wonderful thing! Sometimes I look at what I've got going and I just think "well, shit, no one would ever let you publish!".

Makes me even more depressed.
Quote by AriOli101
I know how you feel!

I've got 2 stories on the go, neither are close to finishing. Depression is a wonderful thing! Sometimes I look at what I've got going and I just think "well, shit, no one would ever let you publish!".

Makes me even more depressed.

I know a LITTLE bit about being a Depressive!!! *LAUGHS!*

I'm NOT SURE if there's a connection between being depressive and creativity BUT I'm not convinced there isn't one either... (Certainly A LOT of Comedians I know, (including myself) suffer badly at times with depression...) The Thing Is, those of us who BATTLE depression often use a creative outlet to, I guess, AFFIRM that they are not all about the illness... (And I write some MELANCHOLY shit too!)

But the thing is depressives ARE affirmed by creativity. There is an "I DID THAT!!!" element to it. (And the "THAT" isn't about the illness.) Which means YOU aren't just about the illness.

And we aren't.

So keep writing, FIGHTING, creating...

And to return to the ORIGINAL point, EVEN WRITING CRAP is better than doing NOTHING... MILLIONS of people COULD NEVER DO what WE do...

So keep writing, Sister. I feel you. *Smiles!*

xx SF