Ha, great thread, Daisy!!
I don't write with a specific goal in mind. Often times, I may be thinking of a person, or scenario as I write, but I'm not writing specifically to turn the reader on...
Hold on, that is utter BS isn't it?? I am totally writing to turn the reader on!! I just forget how many people will actually read it!!
I sit, typing in a bit of a bubble, forgetting that Lush has like 40 million hits in a week... A lot of people will share with me what seems like an intimate thing at the time of writing...
I do like to get feedback on my stories, I think most of us do... It can sometimes make me a wee bit squirmy when I get a blow by blow [sic] account of their reaction to the story...
When I read a story, well, nowadays, I often times find that I'm looking for spelling mistakes and tense shifts... (because I'm a story verifier) I kid you not, it can really ruin the mood for me... (not that my own stuff isn't littered with errors!!)
Sort of comparable to eating a burger and biting down on a piece of gristle...
Good question! It's not something I really thought about until recently. I write mainly because I enjoy it and I post my stories in the hope that others will enjoy them, too. My writing is more on the subtle side though and not overly sexy, so I wouldn't have thought readers did anything other than just read.
I post my work on an offsite blog as well as here and received a twelve page Word attachment via email recently from a man who'd read all of my stories and wanted to describe...uh...how he felt about them. In great detail. So that made me realise that maybe there are others who "enjoy" them that way, too. (I don't usually get those kind of emails.)
I write because I actually do enjoy writing, but I do also hearing that others enjoy my stories and poems.
That said, I really don't write with an express purpose of stimulating a multitude of readers into orgasmic bliss,
but when someone tells me how exciting they found one of my stories, I feel honestly complimented.
Not many people read to masturbate, men are too visual and would rather look at the real thing, or movies; and perhaps women are more seeking the emotional side.
I am more interested in putting the story to paper in such a way that the reader feels transported into my pages. As the characters become aroused I do still try to capture the readers thoughts and make them feel they are there, which does become arousing. But isn't that a part of writing.
I have to say Lass that this is the most original threads I've seen. When I write I fully expect that many of my readers are looking for something to stimulate their arousa and while I try hard to make the back story interesting I try to keep in mind that it is erotica.
I find it exciting to think that people, especially women, might be encouraged to orgasm by my words. As a writer what could be more satisfying and even intimate then that.
I love writing! I mostly write for my friends and the women I know. It is always a great feeling to know my readers love my work. I expect my stories to aroused women and make dudes jizz in their pants!
What I hope that the readers that I target do and what I think at least some of them do is get caught up in the story and feel what the character they've identified with feels, at least to the point of satisfying arousal. I'm not trying to get them to orgasm, but they're certainly welcome to use my story to do that and it would be flattering. I'm more interested in seducing them into a state of mind where they feel whatever other emotions I've added to the story. I like to trigger responses that people like to have and some that they might not, but that are crucial for the realism that results in others. I might cause tears or laughter or disgust. We have an oral tradition of telling ghost stories around a campfire at night to people who are camping and if I can tell a story well enough to thrill in a manner similar to that, while also telling a sexual tale, that's all the better for the readers I'm targeting. I've written emotion laden true stories (not erotica) and heard from readers that they enjoyed the ride, so I think that way about my stories now. They take the reader, if the reader is amenable, on a ride and I like readers who like to go on rides.
All of the above explains why I publish here. I write for the joy or for whatever other emotional release I get from it. I don't masturbate while I write, although I do get aroused at times, because the mind is a sex organ.
I love to write. I write erotica to tell great stories and hope to cause great orgasms.bagPwCw2R37eKEUg
well this is erotica so I'm thinking they touch themselves but if they don't that's ok.
I sent it in pieces to a friend here on Lush to see what she thought and she loved it. I'm not sure if she masturbated while reading it (I didn't ask) but she did tell me it was the first time she read a story from that category and she loved it.
I don't know about everyone else but sparking someone's interest in a whole genre is a lot more satisfying then knowing they got off reading it (although that makes me happy too)
I think my readers open a beer, light up a doobie, get naked, put on a party hat, get crazy and then go bang some friends in a wild ferocious fun orgy!
I used to read stories and would hunt through pages and pages of rubbish to find a decent story, then I found Lush and now I would classify the majority of those 'decent' stories as rubbish too. My boyfriend at the time encouraged me to join and write my own stories. I did join and I tried to write something but I couldn't finish a thought, I'd feel inspired and start writing, only to run out of steam and leave it, hoping to come back to it another time. I did that over and over again.
It took an intense chat with a friend before I was able to write a story, I only wrote that one because of his encouragement to do so. The first time I thought about the readers was when I submitted the story, I hoped they would like it and they did!
The next story was written with a particular person in mind, again, I didn't think of any other readers until I submitted it. Conversely, the second part to that story was only written because of the readers, the first part ended with a cliffhanger of sorts, I just didn't expect the second part to be so difficult to write. If it hadn't have been for the readers I would have left it half written and forgotten about it.
I've written a couple of stories since and neither were written with the readers in mind, it's too much pressure to write with them in mind. It's easier to just let your imagination come up with an initial idea and then watch the story appear in front of you as your fingers tap away at the keyboard.
Once it's been submitted I hope it will be published, once it's on the site I hope people will enjoy it. As for how they enjoy it? I don't give it too much thought.
All of my stories have been inspired by my friends, with real life experiences in mind. Hartclass inspired me to write 'The Potting Shed' - and my imagination has grown from there. From the feedback I've received, readers can tell if a story is from the heart or not, and I like my stories to depict a true part of me - I believe they do.
When I first starting posting up stories, I did not think much about the readers. I simply wanted to write a story and get it out of my system. Though I found that the more I wrote for the site, the more I was writing toward what my readers had really liked. So I know that my stories get people excited and that makes me excited knowing that I could create something that could do that.
If you can't fuck yourself ... who can you fuck?
Well I write for me and well to be honest I doubt someone would be getting off to one of my stories but if they do i'd feel flattered. I mean, hey I'm good enough if they do get turned on.
I usually hope that readers would like the story as a whole and that the feedback is not based only on the sexual parts. I suppose this is the main reason I'm no longer bothered about the number of views my stories get.