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Ink Slingers - do you read smut too or just write it?

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Advanced Wordsmith
Just wondering about this - as I love to write erotic fiction - and I read a lot of fiction - but I dont read erotic fiction more or less at all. I have read maybe half a dozen stories on Lush in the last 10 years.

Am I alone as a writer in this genre?
God Empress of Lush
I do read quite a lot of stories by my fellow Lush authors, though sometimes I get discouraged by just how good some of them are. But I still like to be aroused and stimulated by good erotic writing.

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

I read erotica on Lush, but not otherwise. Which is why it is rather weird that I'm making my first mark as a writer here. SF, Fantasy, and horror have been my usual genres with the odd foray into spy thrillers (I'm a big Le Carre fan) but the only one of that sort I've written here (to date) is my entry from last years book-theme comp. Now, I used to read stuff like Penthouse Variations back in my youth, and that likely inspired some of my early, pre-Web, attempts at erotica, but I haven't even cracked one of those open in years (they often aren't that spectacular writing-wise, anyhow).
Active Ink Slinger
I only occasionally read stories and those I do are generally written by my friends.
I am afraid of picking up ideas from them and subconsciously adding them to my own.
I know there are some great writers here, SaucyMH, NaughtyAnnie, Monica3, Katie Elizabeth to name but four of the best but apart from my own time constraints and writing myself I see precious little of them... and they are far better at than me.
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
My reading ebbs like a tide. Sometimes I read a lot, sometimes a little. Sometimes I read quality pieces and other times I'm a trawler going for content strokes and not quality.

The one thing I don't do is buy erotica (though I do publish it professionally).
Advanced Wordsmith
Reading and trying to write. I'm on X-mas break from editing my first in English (for Lush, of course).
English Gentleman
i do a lot of writing, but i do read a bit too.
Advanced Wordsmith
Only on Lush. I've found it has the best quality out of all the erotica sites
Newest Story: [Url=https://]After Prom (Change Comp)[/URL]
Love Bug
Reading the submissions here on Lush is what inspired me to try to write something other than Evidence Based Practice nursing papers. I continue to follow close to 100 authors and though I am very far behind I am always chipping away at my reading queue.
I write both poetry and stories. Generally speaking, I read a select few. Those that follow me are usually on my reading list. I have no time for those, that have no time for me.
Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely. I enjoy reading, first and foremost, and the half dozen or so best erotic stories I've read are far more powerful and enduring than the best porn I've seen. I also find that reading helps my writing, especially when writing about an unfamiliar experience or from a female perspective, but also by keeping me fresh and helping to avoid repeating myself (which is an unfortunate tendancy I have).
My body begged for release and for more; for a perfect moment, a sublime stalemate held

Tori and Mr Renshaw (Part 1)

December 2017
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I read more than I write (though to be honest, I don't write very quickly).

Reading helps my writing. Writing helps my reading. I would imagine that's true of most people.

I read/write almost no poetry, though, since I am really bad at it. I stick with prose.
You gotta be careful with the reading malarkey as it bleeds others writing styles and techniques into your own efforts.
Advanced Wordsmith
I read a lot of smut, mostly from the Kindle store. (Kindle Unlimited has been the best discovery in recent years for me.)

I'm still fairly new to Lush, and I've read a few stories here. I've loved what I've read so far, and my queue is growing quickly...

I definitely read more than I write, but it inspires me to be a better writer. I can be completely burnt out on writing, then I'll run into a really special story that refuels my passion to pick up the pen/keyboard.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Xanaphia
I write more than I read. I am picky, so I write the smut I want to see in the world.

That more or less equals my position.

I probably don't read much smut because I find nearly all of it not to my taste - so in a way I'm writing for myself and as a bonus, some, not many, like my writing too.
Rainbow Warrior
I'm a voracious reader, but not erotica. I read very few stories here, and comment even fewer. Mostly, I just edit for a few writers here.
I read very little smut, but I do read with an appetite. I have a few Lush writers that I follow, but that is about it.
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy writing and my inspiration comes from actual events in our lifestyle or fantasies my wife and I both have. I also enjoy reading other authors work on here and always comment and score after reading their stories. I consider it a courtesy to acknowledge that you've read and enjoyed their efforts.

Click Pegasus4's Profile ( to see my profile.

Click Pegasus4's Stories ( to see a list of my stories.

Reading is one of my least favorite things to do
As a youth I was an avid reader. As I grew up I still read, but not as much. When I found erotic fiction I read all I could get...this was before the internet and B. Dalton Bookseller had a number of erotic books by a writer call anonymous which I purchased ans read. Then the internet came along. By then I as a software engineer and found all the erotic fiction online for free. I huge out at...well another site for a long time just reading the stuff. Then I thought 'Why not? I can do just as good at anyone here.' When I started writing I almost quit reading everything. Now I read erotic fiction as much as I write.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to write a lot about 15 years ago, and have just found all the stories I wrote. Am slowly adding them on here, but am trying to write a new story. I like to read some stories, especially those of writers who like my tales
Advanced Wordsmith
I read. Not enough time to read all that I like. Trying to keep up with my queue but I fail often. I read whenever I am not inspired to write. Sometimes the story line comes out of my head too fast and I can't capture all the imagery and linkages quick enough.
A man in the house is worth two in the street- Mae West