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Do you get aroused when reading your own stories?

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If I do, I know I wrote the scene well!
Head Nurse
Nope, I always notice the bits I'd have changed. I read it for its content when I read my own, not for pleasure.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lanne
So, do you? I certainly don't. But it would help knowing if I was a lone case or not.

I do
Nah, they aren't that good...yet...
Most definitely
Only while I'm writing them
Reading can be sexually arousing, if the subject matter appeals to me. But writing stories really does it for me. Writing certain stories has pushed me to highs of arousal like nothing else before -- not even real-life sex.

When writing. When editing. When rereading.
Yes, when thinking about the story, when writing, when editing, when re-reading, when copy and pasting it into the submission box, when seeing it on the site... but only then.

My stuff is all first person, and it's basically always some version of me as the narrator, so it's easy for me to fall into it and think of it as a fantasy. Maybe that doesn't always make for a great story, but I always think that if I can turn myself on by imagining something, it's at least got a chance of stimulating someone else. (And if not, I've turned myself on. Win win.)

I think it's the same if you write humor. If the goal is to make someone laugh, and you aren't laughing through the story yourself, you may be underselling your reader. That shouldn't override the writing itself, because you've got to glue it all together and make it believable and have pacing and so on... (that's my writing metaphor, to use glue)... But so yeah, my answer is: yes.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes I am reliving a life experience that was erotic to me.
The Resident Princess
Quote by Piquet
Very much so. I write so that I can create ideal worlds which can be a mental playground for anyone who cares to enter them but ultimately I write my stories to please and entertain myself.

I completely agree, most mine happen in my head, and I usually have to take breaks during the writing process, expecially the editing part (why I employ an editor). Dreams mostly either day ones or the night ones. My latest was written as I was on the elliptical machine, had to stop and type it up on my phone so i would not forget it.
Active Ink Slinger
Only my favourites. But not enough to have a wank to or anything like that.

Others I wonder why I wasted my time writing it biggrin
Advanced Wordsmith
I do when writing them and even before when thinking up the stories, coming up with the best lines or scenes. The work of writing tends to wash out the excitement for me though.
Of course....

if your own stories don't turn you on, then why would you write them?
The Linebacker
Absolutely! That's the foundation. My stories are based on fantasy, my own history, things l personally know, some l was told about, and sometimes set in a time or place that intrigues me. Arousal drives any sex scene l write.
Short Arse Brit
Honestly no they don't. I'll admit that I always write the sex scenes when I'm turned on and don't let myself *coughs* anyway back on topic no. By the time I publish it, I never want to see it again.

Hey Buz
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Active Ink Slinger
Have to admit that It DOES sometimes happen with me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes.. some are from my personal experience.. and really enjoy them
Hope Breaking taboos around my sexuality.
I can understand you might be a little apprehensive to chat with me because of my age.
It is difficult for ladies to want to chat with me, because there is a huge stigma and a certain level of taboo connected to my age.

What is it exactly that makes mature woman attractive to me?
Have you ever really looked deeply at and felt a mature woman?

For me…
There is a sense of something rich, mature and possibly deep that can emanate through her body, a quality that is attractive in and of itself.
She usually offers an image of the aging gracefully, sexy mature woman as something that is desirable, something that aspire me to and look forward to being one day – beautiful mature women. They still so radiant because what’s inside always shines outward. They teach me to love myself, and love my life, and I will attract others.
My Personal Vids and pics updated Sep. 22, 2018 HAVE A GREAT DAY!! Meow!!!
Active Ink Slinger
For me I was taught to write what I know. I have spent a good bit of my life trapped in my own mind so most of what I know writing worthy is fantasy. Sometimes this could be very dark and horrific, other times and can be beautiful and fantastic. Of course you guys mostly see the pervy side of my mind but of course even that is reflected in my twisted mind.
I've always wanted the ability to create my own world with my own rules. Playing games like the Sims helped me in that fantasy a little bit, but ultimately I've learned that writing is the closest thing I have to filling that hole. I can create this world with the rules that I set. Finding an audience for my writing is my way of bringing people into my world. So to answer this question: yes smile, not because I'm narcissistic or anything but it is my fantasies and fetishes so it just happens :P. ;).
Active Ink Slinger
While reading my own stuff? No, not usually. I’ve spent so much time looking at each and every line that it’s difficult to turn off the analytical side mind and immerse myself in the story. In a way, knowing that I wrote it makes all of the diaglouge sound wooden and plot feel contrived. Only when I’ve walked away for a very long time can I appreciate it as if it were someone else’s story but even then, I’m far from batting a thousand when it comes to being turned on by my own stuff, both stories published here and those not.

However, while writing? Yes. Hell yes. Often I become engrossed in the fantasy and spend in ordinate amounts of time in thought, brainstorming in vivid color all of the erotic things the characters are up to. It’s the reason why I work on exposition first and the ‘fun’ stuff after because otherwise I’d never get anything done.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
Occasionally. I often live the story in my mind as I am constructing it. Some of the detail I base on personal experiences and reliving some and the memories can get me quite hot.
At times. If I am trying to come up with lines.
If what I am writing is based of truth, I often come to post.