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Not scoring and commenting on stories.

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I've been reading stories for some time now without scoring or commenting on them. reason being , except for some authors on my friends list you never get a simple thanks for reading / scoring/commenting a story. certainly dont expect it everytime but, it would be nice to get a simple thank you via a pm from time to time. especially if you've read stories from a author not on ur friends list. or, multple stories by an author.

Am i expecting too much ? should i expect a thanks from time to time?

Kinda get the feeling the time it took to read /comment.score went unappreciated.

Any feedback is welcome. thanks
I read for my own pleasure, so don't really need or expect to be thanked for it. If it's a friend's story, it's nice to get a thanks for a comment, but I'm not bothered if I don't.
I usually send thank yous when people comment (although not when they just score. If it's a friend, I may mention it to them and thank them, but if not, I see scoring only as a more discreet thing, if that makes sense?)

I'm usually pretty good at thanking them in the first month or two, but after that I'm less so)

If I leave a comment, I don't expect the author to thank me, although it's nice if they do. I figure they've already spent hours writing, editing, proof reading and what not.

I also read for my own pleasure. I don't expect a "reward" for doing it, other than the enjoyment of reading...
I always appreciate when someone takes the time to leave a comment on mine. I'm with the above poster, I don't expect anyone to take the time to thank me if I leave a score/comment, because they already did the hard work of giving me something I felt was entertaining enough to score on in the first place. I see leaving scores/comments as a way to show appreciation for the hard work someone else did, writing a piece that I enjoyed. Expecting them to thank me for my thanks...?? LOL No.

And I strongly dislike being required to leave a comment ALONG WITH a score. If I felt like making a comment, I would. Sometimes all it needs is a score, I wasn't moved to leave a comment.
I don't believe there is any real expectation from my readers but I still make the effort to post a thank you. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time so I think it only fair to at least acknowledge their efforts.
I'm likely in the minority here.

1. I read ..... if I like it, I score AND comment. I rarely do one or the other.

2. I write .... majority of the readers of my works do not score and/or comment.

I do not ever expect an author to send me a thank you note. I read because I enjoy reading erotica here.

I rarely ever send out thank you.

I will say though, I am amazed at the readers who do take out the time not only to read my works but send me an pm/email with their comments .... yet they do not score nor comment on the actual work. When they send me an email, I usually try to take out the time to reply.

I know that many like to send out thank you ..... but I don't need a writer to thank me for scoring/commenting. I hope that when I've scored/commented that those who visit my page see what I've read and are interested enough to go read it themselves. Encouragement of writers .... I like that!
I make a point of thanking most people who comments and/or scores my stories, especially if they leave constructive criticism.

Check out my newest story, Penalty of Love

Penalty of Love

Ok, and thank you. Maybe i just didnt grab big enough of a sample size.

As Milik stated it's more of an acknowledgement than a reward. The comments and scores strikes me as an interpersonal interaction between the reader and writer. Makes you wonder if ur scores and comments even matter.

i understand writing takes up a lot of ur time and the whole process is time consuming. i'm just of the mold that if you're going to thank one, then you should thank them all. Just as you would greet everyone in the room, shake hands with everyone you meet etc.. .

some of my comments might be bland but, i try to come up with something more than "that's hot'" 5. then again i had a friend who i had told something was a little off with her story imo, and she freaked. lol . She took it as an offense without listening to my pov and was auto offended by my comment.

I wouldn't expect it for each and every story mind you. Just as an acknowledgment that they know ur out there.
Huh. I've only thrown up one story, and while I haven't thanked anyone via message, I've thanked them in chat, PM's, whatever. So do I go through each comment and send a thank you to each specific commenter? No. Do I thank you if you PM me while I'm online or send me a friend request? Yes. I guess that puts me in the grey area, etiquette-wise.
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I read tons of stories but sadly I have a bad habit of not rating and commenting, it just slips my mind
As a reader, I try to always score and leave feedback. As an author I am always thankful for readers taking the time to score and comment. I try to send a quick note to say thanks, but may miss some. sad

I remember the first time an author said 'thanks' for feedback and it meant a lot to me.

I rarely get to read nowadays as often as I would like to, however I do not recall a time where I have commented/scored (i always do both) on a story where the author didn't thank me. Mainly I read friends stories who are those I'm set to follow but for those I am not I have always received a pm thanking me which is nice, I don't score/comment for that reason but do very much appreciate them doing so its nice.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
The only time I dont comment or score is when I dont likevtge story. Id rather not give people bad scores or say somthing that could hurt their ego.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Huh. I've only thrown up one story, and while I haven't thanked anyone via message, I've thanked them in chat, PM's, whatever. So do I go through each comment and send a thank you to each specific commenter? No. Do I thank you if you PM me while I'm online or send me a friend request? Yes. I guess that puts me in the grey area, etiquette-wise.

I think any method of letting them know you saw the comment is fine. I don't usually thank people over just scoring. Part of that is because until the timeline, I simply didn't know who they were. Now, my thought is if they only scored, they probably wanted to remain as anonymous as possible?

What do people think? Would you thank people who you didn't know and just voted? I'd hate to be rude by ignoring them but I respect their anonymity as well.
When I read stories, if I like them and think they have enlightened me in some way, from a literary perspective, then I will leave a comment even if its just a quickie. As an author, if I get comments then I guess that person has done the same. I have thanked people in the past, and I think I should make more effort to do this. But once the story is there I forget about it for ages and I'm onto the next one.

I don't always score either, but I will if the story is good.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

I score on a story if I like it, and I comment when I feel it is an outstanding piece or has a unique element that I feel needs to be mentioned. From a reader's perspective, it is a means of letting the writer know that putting all the time and sweat into writing the story was worth-while. I don't expect any feedback for that. The best feedback is another delicious story to read anyhow.

I try to respond to comments that are insightful, but, to my shame, I have to admit that I often forget when I don't do it immediately. Between writing new stories and other things to do, I'm sometimes pressed for time and too focused on continuing my current writing projects. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate every single feedback I get. Seeing the number of votes increase and reading new comments, even just a short "wow, great" ones, is an incredible feeling and motivates me to keep on writing.

I can see both sides of the coin. As a writer, I look at all the time and effort I've put into a story and see the feedback as a non-monetary form of payment. But I can understand that readers may ask themselves whether a feedback has even been received and appreciated. I can't imagine a writer who doesn't care about comments and votes, though. Why publish anything at all then?
If I score a story, I usually try to post a comment (note - there can be a problem if I am on my iPad when authors have requested a comment - the bloody thing just freezes and I have to reboot it completely, and none can tell me why).

I try to thank people who make a comment, by the way I do it depends on whether they are friends who I talk to often via the black boxes, in which case I will do it the next time we chat, or someone whom I don't know in which cad I will either post on their wall or PM them. It would be nice if a greater proportion of people who read my stories would score them, and if they really like them, post a comment. I have noticed that the proportion of people who look at a story and then posit a core has increased as I have made my stories shorter - I now think that 1500-1600 words is about the right level.
So let me this straight. Someone puts together a 1500 word story, building characters and plot with a good dash of eroticism that you feel is good enough to be worthy of leaving comment. You run off an 8 word platitude and then expect to be the one who's thanked in this exchange?
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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I try and remember to thank people, with friends I'll post on their wall.
Of course the comp entry scorers were anonymous so I could only thank the ones that left comments.
If someone follows me or adds one to their favourites list I will send a pm and a fr.
My only concern with comments from writers is that they don't criticise enough, even if they did it in a pm. I actually wrote to a friend who writes terrific stories and asked him to disect my story and tell me how it could be improved, which he kindly did. I'm never going to be in the same class as some of the writers here but I'd like to get a bit better, if only for the sake of the readers.
I'm a big softy - so I vote AND comment when possible ;)

I didn't actually realize that it's a common nice-ty (not sure if the word exist) on Lush to send a pm to readers...

But I do try to send my appreciation for those who've read my stories through the comment section or by a status update.

I'm a rather lazy and lousy at correspondence but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the fact that several someone on this planet took the time and effort to read my work. Because I'm absolutely thrilled and love it. Specially the comments. Nothing like it to improve one's creative spirit and increase the size of my humongous ego.
Quote by overmykneenow
So let me this straight. Someone puts together a 1500 word story, building characters and plot with a good dash of eroticism that you feel is good enough to be worthy of leaving comment. You run off an 8 word platitude and then expect to be the one who's thanked in this exchange?

Yet another charming observation which I cannot argue with...
It depends on the individual. But should you take it personal? Of course not. If not being thanked rubs you the wrong way, then don't read and/or comment/score that particular author's work.

It can also depend on how many people score/comment a story. Some people can expect to see well over 60 comments/scores on every story they post. And I'm sure it takes quite some time, but there are authors who make it a point to contact and thank each member who gives them feedback, so it may be a case of waiting your turn.

As for me personally, if it's someone on my friends list, I leave a thank you post on their wall. If this person isn't on my list, I send them a PM. But no one is by any means obligated to do so.

And it may depend on how often an author checks their scores. Some people use the timeline function, so when they log in they see 'So and so has read/commented your story'. Others may not use this function, and it may be a while before someone even notices that you've commented/scored their story.

So try a little patience. And if you still feel unappreciated for taking the time to score and comment, just refrain from scoring and commenting that author's work.

I'm sure most authors are grateful to have their stories scored and commented, and I assume it's one of those things that goes without saying. Of course a simple 'thank you' never hurt anyone, but I don't think you should take it personally when it doesn't happen.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Mazza
I usually send thank yous when people comment (although not when they just score. If it's a friend, I may mention it to them and thank them, but if not, I see scoring only as a more discreet thing, if that makes sense?)

I'm usually pretty good at thanking them in the first month or two, but after that I'm less so)

If I leave a comment, I don't expect the author to thank me, although it's nice if they do. I figure they've already spent hours writing, editing, proof reading and what not.

I also read for my own pleasure. I don't expect a "reward" for doing it, other than the enjoyment of reading...

I do like to send a quick "thank you" PM. I appreciate when someone reads my stories, because I know they have a lot to choose from. However, I don't expect a "thank you" as a reader.

You know what really chaps my ass? When I send someone a thank you and they don't thank me for thanking them. I mean, c'mon. How rude!! Actually, I find it very sweet when people send me thank yous for my thank you to them. Most Lushies are pretty damn awesome.
I try to thank everyone that comment on my stories. The folks that are on my friends list definitely get a thank you post, those that are not receive a PM. Once I sent a thank you via PM and was asked not to contact them again, so it really depends on the person. For those that only score, a tend to not bother because they may be like the other person and not want to be contacted.
Don't think that an author not thanking you means they don't appreciate you. There may be a whole host of reasons—busyness, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem—that they wouldn't drop you a line, other than not thinking it necessary or simply not wanting to.

I used to try to thank everyone who read and commented on my stories, but I can find it quite tough for various reasons. I still do send messages occasionally, especially if there is something in the comment that I want to respond to.
I read a lot of stories here and I usually plan to score and comment on the story but more times than not, I don't. I read in bed a lot so I may either go to sleep after I read and plan to write a comment the next day and forget. Or if it is a particularly "interesting" story I may be otherwise occupied when I finish reading, LOL. But I appreciate how hard the authors work on their stories and will try to do better in the future.

As far as the author sending a Thank You when I do comment, I have received occasional Thank You notes, mainly from friends and while I really appreciate them they are not necessary and I don't expect them.

To all the wonderful authors at Lush, Thank You for all the great stories!
Quote by clum
Don't think that an author not thanking you means they don't appreciate you. There may be a whole host of reasons—busyness, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem—that they wouldn't drop you a line, other than not thinking it necessary or simply not wanting to.

I used to try to thank everyone who read and commented on my stories, but I can find it quite tough for various reasons. I still do send messages occasionally, especially if there is something in the comment that I want to respond to.


I do try, but especially with stuff that has been up for awhile, it can slip through the cracks and get forgotten. I tend to be distracted, and might start to thank people then start doing some...oh look a puppy!
Quote by overmykneenow
So let me this straight. Someone puts together a 1500 word story, building characters and plot with a good dash of eroticism that you feel is good enough to be worthy of leaving comment. You run off an 8 word platitude and then expect to be the one who's thanked in this exchange?

I don't expect a 1500 word thank you letter lol. I don't even expect anything that second, that minute, that day, that week, or even that month. I dont expect a friend request or you to want to get to know me better.

I received a pm from an author after i read i few of her stories. She wasnt a friend, just liked one and read a couple more etc....

Anyway , her pm said. "Thank you very much for reading my stories. It really means a lot to me"

That was much more than what she needed to do. A simple Thank you, Thanks, TY or even one of these would have sufficed.

I realize that you're probably pretty busy and not just with what you do on Lush.
Quote by Dani
It depends on the individual. But should you take it personal? Of course not. If not being thanked rubs you the wrong way, then don't read and/or comment/score that particular author's work.

It can also depend on how many people score/comment a story. Some people can expect to see well over 60 comments/scores on every story they post. And I'm sure it takes quite some time, but there are authors who make it a point to contact and thank each member who gives them feedback, so it may be a case of waiting your turn.

As for me personally, if it's someone on my friends list, I leave a thank you post on their wall. If this person isn't on my list, I send them a PM. But no one is by any means obligated to do so.

And it may depend on how often an author checks their scores. Some people use the timeline function, so when they log in they see 'So and so has read/commented your story'. Others may not use this function, and it may be a while before someone even notices that you've commented/scored their story.

So try a little patience. And if you still feel unappreciated for taking the time to score and comment, just refrain from scoring and commenting that author's work.

I'm sure most authors are grateful to have their stories scored and commented, and I assume it's one of those things that goes without saying. Of course a simple 'thank you' never hurt anyone, but I don't think you should take it personally when it doesn't happen.
Authors are notified upon receiving a new score/ comment on thier stories
regarldess of when it was published ? Is that correct? yes it does rub me the wrong way especially if i've read a few of the same author's stories.

At the same time I've been hounded by authors to read thier stories. "Did you read my story yet ? did you read my poem yet? Or, you get the mass emailing , notifying you that they have a new story out with a link to it. Then some friends get a thank you on thier wall and some don't. Chopped liver here or what?

Again i feel if ur gonna commit to thanking one , then you should/ might want to consider thanking them all. whether they be on ur friends list or not etc.

I dont think it necessary to burn the midnight oil thanking each and every person immediately. Just when you get the chance whenever that may be.

Also i never actually said thank you for sharing to a writer as some have stated they do. You can take something new from just about anything.
Quote by Coco
I try to thank everyone that comment on my stories. The folks that are on my friends list definitely get a thank you post, those that are not receive a PM. Once I sent a thank you via PM and was asked not to contact them again, so it really depends on the person. For those that only score, a tend to not bother because they may be like the other person and not want to be contacted.

You're awesome and i wouldn't let that incident deter you . There's nothing to describe that other than 'ugh'