I always tend to score a story as soon as I have read it, and most of the time I do leave a comment, it only takes a few minutes, so I can't understand why they wouldn't. They could be busy with themselves though :P. Often I get a message back in thanks, which is much appreciated by me, and I always want them to write more. I always comment on stories which lack ratings, or comments though, they are needed to help the author.
I try to send out thank-yous to comments because it's a nice way to acknowledge support and connect with readers, especially if I don't know them well. I particularly try to stay on top of this when a new story has first come out. I don't have a perfect record - it can be very time-consuming and when I'm busy, things may slip or I may forget. It doesn't mean I'm not grateful or appreciative of the comments or that I haven't noticed them. Quite the opposite.
At the same time, I don't send out mass PMs asking people to read, and I don't pressure friends. I don't want anyone to feel obligated, or for them to feel like they're doing me a favour by reading/commenting. If they choose to - I'm thrilled. If they don't - that's ok too.
When I vote/comment - I don't expect anything in return. If I'm reading and enjoying something, you (the author) have done me a favour by entertaining me. In lieu of money paid in the way of an eBook or money thrown into a tip jar or hat - a comment is my way of thanking you for sharing your work.
I haven't written a story yet but i always leave a rating and sometimes even a comment if i really enjoyed it... I just think that the Author has put in a lot of time to write up the story and it would be rude not to score/comment on it especially if I've enjoyed it.
I don't expect a message saying thanks for the comment and score but it's nice to get one every so often because you might make some new friends through doing so!
I try to vote and leave a comment on every story I read, because that's what I want as a writer. Send it out there and all that...
If the author zaps me a thank you, I'll often send a friend request in return. I appreciate the politeness of acknowledging my feedback. But at the same time, I have no expectation of, or ill will towards those who don't respond.
As a writer myself, I'll try and thank everyone who votes and/or leaves a comment, and even adds one of my stories to their favourites list or follows me. If they're already a friend, I'll post on their wall. If not, I tend to do it through a friend request, after checking out their profile first. If they don't have any other friends or otherwise make it clear they don't want to be bothered, I just let it go.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. Maybe I've misread some etiquette somewhere. I've only successfully published a single story. I've been a lurker for the most part, reading but not really interacting otherwise. Without any bio or interaction I found that I get a lot of friend requests and messages based on my name. To those requests I don't respond. It equates in my mind as a "friend collector" on Facebook. That's not how I work. If I discover that I particularly enjoy an author then I follow them but I've never messaged them. I always read for my own pleasure and if I don't like something then I just move on and chalk it up to not my taste. I figure everyone has their own preferences, that's part of why we are here right?
After having recently published for the first time I can relate to wishing for feedback. It is nice to know what went over well or stuck out and what was just background building. If someone friend requests in response to my writing I'd be much more likely to add them if they included a message containing critical feedback rather than small talk. It's not that I don't enjoy a good chat but I work two jobs and go to school full time so Lush writing is like my underground hobby. Compound that with a tendency to flirt and a monogamous relationship! I hope I don't come across as cold but I feel it's important to be straight forward about my intentions from the start. I'm excited about the possibilities open to me through writing here but I feel like there are two commingled subcultures at work.
On the one hand there are those who are here to write; Literary thinkers who enjoy helping each other grow in this way and have built a community around doing just that.
On the other hand there is a sexual acceptance that I think stems largely from the wide variety of topics. There is an open mindedness that isn't common place. Both aspects are critical to the success of this site but I am more comfortable relating to the first than the second.
It seems that relating to sexuality and sensuality is different when expressed through the lens of my own writing than it is when expressed through interpersonal interaction.
When I do score or leave a comment, it's usually only if I really like the story(a 4/5). I don't see the point in leaving a score less than that. My mum always told me if I didn't have anything nice to say then don't say anything. That's just my opinion.
As for being thanked for commenting/scoring, I think it's nice if the author does acknowledge your comment, however I don't expect a thanks either.
I'm a small, newbie author here so even though I'm very busy, I can take the time to thank a reader for reading and for his/her comment/score, but I can understand how daunting and time-consuming it can be for very popular authors to do this. Scoring to me is another issue. I don't put much stock in scoring because its basically meaningless. People don't give scores of one or two because they don't want to hurt a writer's feelings or being seen doing so, so both good and excellent stories wind up with the same 5 rating. I love receiving personal messages from readers because it indicates they have been affected in some way by what I have written and want to connect with me about it.
Hey, I always score/comment on the stories I read. I believe in criticism...constructive criticism. I was once a novice that was worse than Stephenie Meyer, but it was Lush; the feedback I got (story rejections/criticism in the comments on my novice tales) that made me hone my craft as a writer here, so why shouldn't I do the same for others. If your story's gold or needs a little work, I'ma tell you so...respectfully.
I wish I could say I don't care about votes or comments, but I do. Much more about comments than votes. It means a lot when someone takes the time to comment either way, but I don't send out lots of thank yous unless someone says something pretty surprising or meaningful. Writing time comes at a premium, so that comes first. But if anyone is reading this who has commented on any of my stuff and not been properly thanked, please let me thank you now. Your comments are what drive me to try to write as well as I can and give you something you'll enjoy reading.
I comment on stories when I've been surprised by them for some reason. Usually it's in the quality of the writing and/or character portrayal. In erotic stories, it's much more likely the surprise will come from the characters rather than the plot or sex. Sometimes I'll comment mostly to encourage the writer, especially if they're newish and show some spark of personality or potential. This is the kind of writing that's most interesting to me. A while ago, I decided to stop commenting at all on other people's work, but after looking through the comments in this thread I realize it was a dumb idea. I just wish I had more time to read.
As someone who reads stories, I don't expect to get a thank you for anyone that I do read from. It is nice if they do, but no big deal if they don't.
As for me thanking people who read my things, I tend to thank anyone on my friends list, for the first month or so on a new story. As for those who aren't on my friends list, I may send them out on occasion, but not as often. I should, but I don't. It is more out of not having enough time, it is quicker to post it on a wall, than send it via inbox. The only time I make sure to thank everyone is when it is a competition piece.
I always appreciate when anyone reads any of my stuff, always. It still surprises me at how many read my scribbles.
When we start to create rules on anything we lose the human side of things. Than if a rule is created it should also be enforced?
The reason I'm here is to read some erotic writing.. on this site, if you wish you can leave a note to the author.. most time I do.. but no way I must get a thank you for reading it.. after all it was my pleasure to do so.. especially if I was entertained.
I believe I got a thank you from only two peoples... (RUDE haaa no it's a joke) it's fine. I didn't expect it either.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
If the authors have time to write, I certainly have time to score and make a comment. I read a lot of stories on my smart phone but cannot score. When I read on line the same story I have to wait 5 minutes to score another.
thank a select few.
Stephanie is the only one that springs to mind.
and that's only if the comment really hit home with me.
comments like hot story or excellent read while greatly appreciated but won't get a personal thank you.
I've only recently started sending any thank yous. And even so, it's usually on the more recent ones. But suffice to say, I do read and appreciate the comments I get. I try to leave decent comments on the stories that I read in turn. But at no point is a lack of thank you'd meant as a slight. Really it amounts to this: I work two jobs. I'm in grad school. I have a family. And like sprite said, I try to occasionally sleep. My free time goes either into a story, or in housework. If you(the reader) feels slighted because I've not left you a thank you, I'm sorry.
Honestly, if you are only reading my stuff to get my little thank yous, I obviously need to improve my writing skills. I would hold you are reading my work because you are getting some form if enjoyment from the story itself. But truthfully, much as it thrills me to have all the votes I've received on these last few stories, I was just as happy writing the ones who only have a few.
(But I am a writer. And I do read your comments. And I am willing to admit that I am vain enough to be pleased with the ones that have done well)