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is the page-fold method of bookmarking acceptable to you?

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The Bee's Knees
it was until i started paying for my own books. now i love collecting bookmarks. the only problem is i can't enjoy my collection cos they're all stuck in books lol

Say. Her. Name.

Southern Charmer
It's never okay and it makes me cringe to see it.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

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Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Gentleman Stranger
On new books that I buy, no, no damn page folding; I try to keep them as pristine as possible, especially if I'm adding them to my permanent library. I'm a voracious reader though, even more so when I traveled for a living and spent countless hours on boring flights, so I got in the habit of buying used books, which might be in any condition when I got them. Considerably less picky about those, although I donate stacks of books that I've finished and so try not to damage them any further.

One fun thing about used books is finding bookmarks in them from stores all over the country, so you get a sense of the book's history. Yeah, okay, so my definition of 'fun' doesn't set the bar very high...
I'm in the fuck no, it's book abuse camp. Like stormdog I like to keep my books pristine, hate it when I even crease / crack the spine which is inevitable.

Can someone explain why it would be ok in paperbacks as opposed to hardcovers though? I think I saw a few responses like that.
no - it is idle and people who do this should be banned from reading books
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
*Stares in horror* books are sacred. always carry a bookmark.

Sprite, I agree with you 100%. I hate it when I see someone fold a page. A book may convey knowledge, inspiration as well as several other things and can give many hours of enjoyment. It will allow someone that is lonely or depressed a way to escape into a better world even for a few minutes or hours, so it is a thing of value and deserves respectful treatment. It doesn’t matter whether it is a hardcover or paperback, it is still a book and should be handled with tender loving care.

I remember reading in a history book how literate people that lived around the time Gutenberg invented the printing press, sometimes had to wait years to get their hands on a book, especially the Bible. What few that were available had been painstakingly hand copied by Monks, some of which spent their lives doing so.

After reading all the previous submissions to this thread, it amazes me how many people don’t seem to care and see nothing wrong with folding down a page. People who are authors and have spent a great deal of time and effort in writing their story, and yet they have so little respect for a tale written by someone else.

Years ago, I had the privilege of briefly speaking to a man that had spent most of his life living in a communist country where the government had banned many books. He said it was worth your life if you were caught with one, yet I've seen perfectly good books thrown in the garbage. It’s just a book, so who cares, pitch it out. As a society, have we become so rich and uncaring that nothing matters anymore?

Another thing that irks me is to see someone write in the margins or highlight some passage. One time I was in a used bookstore, and for some reason picked up a Holy Bible and flipped through the pages. Someone had used different colored markers to highlight verses and circled others. It was almost as if a little kid had used it for a coloring book. I was so sad to think anyone would do something like that. If you want to remember some passage, get a notebook and write it down. By making the effort to copy it, you will remember it longer, and this way the book isn’t defaced.

Some bookmarkers are unique and quite colorful, but you know, anything will work just as well, whether a piece of string or scrap paper. When I continue reading a story, I always leave the marker in its original place until I have to put the book down. This way when I fall asleep while reading, as I’m sometimes prone to do, and the book falls out of my hand and closes, at least when I wake up I can go back to my starting point and quickly find where I left off.

I’m sorry if I came on a little strong and got carried away with my answer, but to me a book is precious and needs to be treated that way. If I’m feeling sad or depressed, all I have to do is spend some time in a library. Just the feeling of being surrounded by all those wonderful novels and textbooks, perks me up. I’m an old man but I have books that even before I was a teenager, I had saved up my pennies and purchased. No doubt by now you have figured out how I voted.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Internet Philosopher
I'm kind of fantastical about real books. I do not lend them. I do not bend the spine. And I sure as fuck NEVER fold pages.

Next, someone is gonna say they use a highlighter.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I'm kind of fantastical about real books. I do not lend them. I do not bend the spine. And I sure as fuck NEVER fold pages.

Next, someone is gonna say they use a highlighter.

I have used a highlighter or pencil underlined certain text... ducks for cover.

My text books, never. These are revered and have little post it notes for future reference.

Books that have been passed around a dozen times, yes I dog ear. Sometimes I find myself un-dog-earing them as I read.
Quote by Milik_the_Red
Next, someone is gonna say they use a highlighter.

Quote by seeker4

If it's a textbook, then she just highlights (she's a prof).

(She = my wife)
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I'm kind of fantastical about real books. I do not lend them. I do not bend the spine. And I sure as fuck NEVER fold pages.

I'm with you on this! With my "real" books, I tend to use a yellow sticky to mark my page.

I am enjoying my kindle for the fact that I close the kindle cover and it saves my page/spot! No folding the page to bookmark where I am.

One thing that really irritates me is when people bend the pages of their book (mostly I see it with paperbacks or soft cover books) back and breaks the spine. That's why I never lend out my books except to my daughter.

Candyland Kitten
Quote by Saucymh
No. Just NO. Use a book mark.
I use post-it notes. They don't fall out.

This! I always use Post It notes or those little flags they have for a bookmark. Perfect.

Only exception are magazines or catalogs. Those I dog-ear all the time.
Active Ink Slinger
I hate the page fold method of bookmarking. I am no expert, but its bad for two reasons.
1. Others who see that you folded the page to bookmark will (subconsciously) follow you probably.

2. It makes the pages torn & weak at the edges, affecting the overall integrity of the book structure.
Quote by sweetsinner

Can someone explain why it would be ok in paperbacks as opposed to hardcovers though? I think I saw a few responses like that.

I'm not sure but I imagine it's because hardcovers are supposed to be a more permanent thing. Like maybe people value them more(?) and expect to keep them for years and years.
Fold a page in one of my books and I will fold your ear in the same shape and angle. With a stapler.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by bluecore
If you hate puppies then this is the perfect technique for you

favorite post of the week.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Raised on Blackroot
Snitches get stitches.

And page-folders get their bodies folding into pretzels and repeatedly slapped with a wet rubber glove.
DO NOT do it. It deprives me of the pleasure of finding a £5 note in an old book.
Active Ink Slinger
This is right up there with writing in books. I will set a person on fire if they do this to my books.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I generally don't, I will find some scrap of paper to use. But it doesn't bother me. Books should be well-used, well loved, frayed and scruffy around the edges. A lot of my books have been given away with a "read this" from me, a lot of my books are borrowed from others who said "read this" to me. I like books that show a little wear and tear, and that includes dog-eared pages.
Southern Barefoot Angel
OMG no no. No dog eared pages hardcover or paperback ..
OK very few things I'm OCD but books are my escape ... The library is still my favorite place . I come from a family of readers. Soon as I learned to read I had my first trip to the library to get my very own card.
When I loan a book I include a bookmark with the warning dog ear a page and I bite your fingers .
Bonnet Flaunter
Quote by Burquette
I don't dog-ear.

However, I have no problem with laying a book face-down and hurting the spine. Go figure.

We are definitely evil twins!!
Advanced Wordsmith
I read one response over on here that went something like this ---

“… thing that irks me is to see someone write in the margins or highlight some passage. One time I was in a used bookstore, and for some reason picked up a Holy Bible and flipped through the pages. Someone had used different colored markers to highlight verses and circled others. It was almost as if a little kid had used it for a coloring book.”

When I was younger, I once noticed our pastor’s own personal Bible. It had tattered, frayed, and worn pages that had some notes written in the margin also many of these same things that person mentioned - many passages in there were highlighted in either yellow or pink and even others had been circled in either black or blue ink.

So I guess you could say, that his Holy Bible had been defaced in a case like that.


I do not personally mark in, highlight, bend or fold down pages in any book I own or borrow from others. I just don't deface them!
Advanced Wordsmith
En garde, all of you prudish, fetichist snobs! En garde! Time for the other side to have a go!

You're damn right I'm going to fold pages. I break spines too! I do all kind of horrible things to get my sweet, sweet wordfix at any time and place. I've read under an umbrella in pissing rain without caring about a few droplets on the pages. I've read with glasses of wines and coffee breakfasts, leaving stains of both on masterpieces. If there's a non-fiction that I owned, you better bet that it's covered in pencil and annotations too...If it's been in my bag, it's a teeny bit crumpled too.

How dare you imply that I am no true book lover? All you fetishists who take the paper and the ink for what a book is, all of you confuse body and soul. If I need to bend and break and fold that shit to get to what's inside and question it hard, I will and without a doubt at that.

That said...Don't do this shit on book that don't belong to you, obviously. And for the love of everything that is loveable, don't mess with nice editions.

(Side thought: I've noticed that a lot of french peope actually mistreat their book, while a lot of americans treat themlike gold. I wonder if this has something to do with the french Fixed Book Price Law, which guarantees that book prices are kept low and uniform, so that massive chains like Barnes & Noble aren't able to grab a monopoly o the book market and then proceed to drive book prices up. Seriously, books in the US are expensive as fuck, even I wouldn't mistreat THAT.)