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Do readers who actually vote, mind being asked to leave a comment?

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We are new to Lush and are wondering why so few people vote and/or leave a comment. Especially given the fact that most readers are also authors. We always check out the stories on people who leave a comment; it’s a great way to see new material from authors who have similar tastes in erotica.

We love both positive feedback and constructive criticism, so thanks in advance for your comments.

In any case, should we change our settings to allow voting without a comment?

Hello. Welcome to lushstories.

If I read stories I would most definitely leave a comment w/ rating.

I think there's a setting for that? I'm not sure though.
I prefer to get comments rather than just votes but don't use the settings to enforce it. When I vote, I always comment. I figure if I want comments, then I should hand them out, too.
I'm not a fan of 'comment coercion' and rarely comply with the 'demand.' Seems to me the spirit of being on Lush includes the freedom to read what you like and vote/comment or not as you wish. Lots of members read without doing either, and that's fine too.
Her Royal Spriteness
frankly, forced voting turns me off for a number of reasons. one being i often slap a vote on and then reply, sometimes a while later, since i tend to be busy multi-tasking when i'm on, so it forces me to make a second comment. honestly, i find that forced comments tends to hurt your votes and to be real, 90% of comments are going to be a simple 'great story'. Most people aren't going to provide more feedback than that. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Primus Omnium
Personally, the forced voting simply annoys me. For one thing I always vote first when I read a story that I like. Then the comment line pops up and I have to come up with "Why". And the darned comment line is small and your words will bleed into the empty region where you lose track of what you were saying and can't refer back. Honestly. I have just left a story many times rather than mess with it. That leaves a lot of folks without their 5 vote they were going to get. And no comment.

Just my
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by VixenAndStag
We always check out the stories on people who leave a comment; it’s a great way to see new material from authors who have similar tastes in erotica. V&S

This is how I tend to operate, as well. Like you say, it's a great way to meet new people and discover new work.

But everybody uses Lush in different ways. Most people do a drive-by to see if it piques their interest; others skip the story parts and go right for the sex before moving on to the next. And a blessed few (and I mean it, bless you all!) will take in the whole thing, offer some words of encouragement and maybe tell you what they liked specifically, probably leaving a vote as well.

Personally, I wouldn't restrict any kind of feedback.

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of getting naked in public.” -Paulo Coelho

Thanks for everyone’s comments. They confirm our feeling that we shouldn’t force a comment.

We hope to post chapter 13 of Fifty Shades of Silver soon!

Active Ink Slinger
I only comment on stories I enjoy. I do not vote.
As for my own stories I generally ignore the vote column and give any comments an appropriate response.
It would not disappoint me if the scoring was eliminated. Most people give a 5 and others I have noticed never more than a 3 or 4 irrespective of the quality of the story. comments don’t normally explain a score lower than 5.
Internet Philosopher
If I’m gong to vote, and I don’t always, I will comment. Seems pointless to score without saying why
Active Ink Slinger
Honestly, I don't feel that I vote or comment all that often unless I have something worthwhile to say or really want to give something that I feel deserves a great score, a great score. By having them linked, it makes it more difficult since I need to want to do both things before I can do either. However, I totally understand why people set things that way. It's nice to have specific feedback instead of just an arbitrary number (which are mostly fives anyway).

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
If you can take the time to read an author's submission and then vote, then the least you can do is leave a comment.

The comment doesn't have to emulate War and Peace, just a few words of appreciation of the author's skills.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for asking! As a longtime reader here, yes -- I mind very much being forced to comment in order to score a story. I comment on stories often; but sometimes I might not feel that I have anything meaningful to say, that others haven't already said.

When I'm trying to vote and that required comment box pops up, it's an immediate turnoff, and I will usually exit the story without leaving a vote OR a comment.

Sometimes, I will even look before reading a story, and if the vote count exactly matches the comment count, it's likely "one of those", and I skip it. There is no shortage of stories to read on Lush!
Not at all. I don't always view or comment but will do so ifor asked on voting and will do so good or bad. Having written myself I know how frustrating it can be to watch your reading mummers go up, but votes and comments go nowhere. "How am I doing! " FFS
Advanced Wordsmith
Lunafalls has put it very succinctly. A story that demands a comment before I can vote will lead to me not bothering at all, irrespective of what I thought of it. I may even give up on that author.
I have written my 3 stories for the enjoyment of knowing others are enjoying them or at least reading them. Comments and votes are just the icing on the cake. I have often suspected that after reading a story, and having their orgasm, people are just too wiped out to remember to vote or comment. That's my opinion and I am sticking to it.
Active Ink Slinger
As a reader I feel that I owe the author a comment if I vote on the story.
Thanks to everyone for your comments confirming our thoughts.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I think it's a little presumptuous, but I always comment on any story I vote,on, so it doesn't really affect me that much.

I'd certainly never require someone to leave a comment on one,of my stories. They're the reader, it was written for them, and they can vote or not vote, comment or not comment. It's up to them.
Sometimes I do.
Sexy Seductive Siren
I read and vote on the stories that I read. Don't read every story - some are just of an interest to me (BDSM, being at the top of my list). Not judging, just saying not every story interests me. But those that do interest me, I read critically and vote and comment. Because of the excellent work of our moderators, most of the stories I read are well written and enjoyable to read.
Internet Philosopher
If I leave a vote, I will always comment with it. I see no reason to do now without the other. I know some people don't like being asked when they vote, but if you have nothing to hide why would you mind?
I try to comment on every story I read. Sticking mostly to the ones supporting me.
I know I will probably get chewed up and spit out for this. but I always comment and vote on a story I have read. I wish the mods that verify our stories would leave us some kind of feedback on our story. It doesn’t have to be some long script, but something to just let us feel in some way how you felt. Good or bad.

Answer to the question , I don’t mind forced commenting. If I am voting on a story, why wouldn’t I comment. So no, forced commenting does not bother me.
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The Linebacker
I almost always leave a comment when l vote. But l don't like being forced to in order to vote.

As a story mod, l usually don't leave a public comment unless l am very impressed with the author's work.

When modding, with all that's on my mind having to check over the story for approval, adding one more thing to my list such as commenting is a little too much. I'm very focused at that time on the job at hand.
Quote by Buz
I almost always leave a comment when l vote. But l don't like being forced to in order to vote.

As a story mod, l usually don't leave a public comment unless l am very impressed with the author's work.

When modding, with all that's on my mind having to check over the story for approval, adding one more thing to my list such as commenting is a little too much. I'm very focused at that time on the job at hand.

This. All of it.

The majority of the time I'll leave a comment....most folks appreciate the feedback.