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Current Favourite TV Shows

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"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

Real Time with Bill Maher

Hockey Night in Canada (kinda ongoing lol)

whenever Tim and Eric, or ATFH, spew out a new season.

whenever Bill Moyers does something.
House of Cards.

Not technically TV, etc.

Dat Kevin Spacey.
Teen Wolf
The Big Bang Theory
Criminal Minds
Being Human
In The Middle
Big Bang Theory
Greys Anatomy

I have soooo many more hahaha
The Blacklist
NCIS....miltary channel..good history on there...waiting for the olympics
doing my best to be good..
The Big Bang Theory - because it's the best comedy out there and the relatebal characters; we all know them in real life
Games of Thrones - it's better made then some movies, the actors are hot, the story full of twists and turns and dragons
Girls - quirky characters, real sex and characters, who are imperfect
The best laid plans/ House of Cards - Politics is depressing and with those shows you can at least laugh about it
Doctor Who
Game of Thrones
Stargate (SG:1 or Universe, Atlantis was good but it just doesn't make the cut)
Adventure Time
How I Met Your Mother

Honorable Mention:
Bob's Burgers

Once upon a time Community would have featured prominently on this list as well but the third season just put me off that show. Though I have been hearing very good things about season 4.
The Walking Dead
Peep Show
The Inbetweeners
The Following
River Monsters - Bizarre I know, but some of the things that come out of rivers are amazing, really weird and often pretty scary!!
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
1. Game of Thrones best show on tv
2. Walking Dead awesome show
3. Blacklist
4. Revoultion love that show
As an 18 year old addicted to her Netflix subscription, my top five are (not in any particular order):

American Horror Story (1st season)
The Big Bang Theory
New Girl
I'm in my early 20s and I watch too many TV shows...but here are my top 5, in no particular order:
Person of Interest
1 Girl 5 Gays on MTV
I've never missed a single episode of:
Castle (Can I just say, I really hate cliffhangers...)
Bones (One of the best season finales know who the Mole is.)
NCIS (Sob!)
Criminal Minds (OMG, OMG...Don't die!...)
Scandal (Grrr...Does anyone know when does the next season start?)

Planning on Eventually Watching:
The Big Bang Theory (I hear it's funny.)
Orange is the New Black (Because everyone talks about it.)
Mike and Molly (Because it has Sooki from Gilmore Girls!)
Grimm (Because my man says it's good.)
Game of Thrones (Because no one will shut up about it.)
The Vampire Diaries ( men!)
Rizzoli and Isles (Because it's got Kate from NCIS)
Game of Thrones
Boardwalk Empire
Top Gear (UK version, the other ones are awful)
Doctor Who
American Horror Story

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad (even though it's ended)
White Collar
Not in this order

Heroes (first two seasons)
Prison Break
Smallville (the middle seasons where he gets his full powers)
The Big Bang Theory
Cutthroat Kitchen
Iron Chef

and I still got on reserved shows that I got to start and may like as well
My Current Favorite T.V. Shows Are N.C.I.S. And Dominion!!!
Arrow! I need more. I will be watching it live in October! It's just that good.
So sad that GOT is over for the season. I don't make time for much besides that. John Oliver's new weekly comedy news is great, though.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
happy valley
the mentalist

whoops i said fargo twice mind you its fffin brilliant
The Walking Dead
and I'm in mourning that they canceled Burn Notice.
Quote by AudriNichols
I recently started watching Game of Thrones. I'm not sure I like it or not.

you'll like it. trust me. and then, when you like it, it will break your heart, again and again.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

you'll like it. trust me. and then, when you like it, it will break your heart, again and again.

Hmm...I've only seen the first three episodes. Now I'm wondering if it would be better not to watch it at all. LOL
Quote by Mazza
I just finished watching The Tudors, it was pretty good

I am planing to watch it, heard good criticism about it. And is historical fiction smile

I have final episode of Game Of Thrones to see, I love that show, production is fantastic and actors are delivering it.

I also would like to see Orange Is The New Black, House Of Cards and True Detective. I guess I have more on my TV bucket list than I actually watch TV, but I certainly do enjoy good TV show.