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What Goes In Vegas. 2.

"Carol’s night of dancing ends in a bit of an orgy, and very well may end her marriage."

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Carol joined DJ in the shower, and as he had earlier that day, he washed her carefully and dried her down. When he finished, she wrapped a towel around herself in case Kurt was still waiting in the bedroom. DJ's ministrations in the shower had made her horny again, and she would have happily dragged him back to bed if Kurt had not been in the apartment.

The novelty of him being black, well-built and younger turned her on more than she would have ever believed. But there was more to it than that, he treated her well, and they just seemed to jell; conversation with him was easy and intelligent.

Thankfully Kurt was not in the bedroom; he had moved out into the lounge but had not closed the bedroom door. She gave him a patronising look as she closed the door and started to dress. He had the last word, though, calling out that she was a spoilsport.

DJ was zipping up her dress when the door opened, and Kurt entered, saying they needed to hurry as he had booked them for the early dinner sitting at 7:00 pm.

He went into the bathroom and returned with her makeup bag and a hairdryer, "Sit, and I'll blow dry your hair."

Carol marvelled at the ease with which Kurt worked her hair back into its beautiful mass of curls. Then he surprised her by emptying her makeup bag, searching the contents, and working on her eyes and face. He used little makeup, saying to her that she was pretty enough to go without any at all. But he used some colours from her eyeliner pallet she had never considered before. When he had finished, she appraised herself in the wall mirror and was very impressed with what she saw.

"Where on earth did you learn to style hair and do makeup?" Carol asked.

"I don't know; I've just always done it. I did it for my Mother, sisters and some of my girlfriends. My mates used to tease me that I must be gay. But I didn't care; it was just something I enjoyed.”

DJ came out of the bathroom carrying an overnight bag, whistled his appreciation, and motioned that they needed to leave. She stuffed all her stuff back into her travel bag and asked DJ why he was bringing a bag.

"Kurt has us a room at the casino. So I will return after I drop you at the Luxor and stay the night.

Kurt piped up, "I have us a small penthouse suit, there are quite a few empty, which is unusual for a Saturday night, and so I thought we should go overboard."


When they arrived at the casino, DJ pulled up at the main entrance; the valet parking attendant rushed over. She saw that he knew Kurt; he almost bowered to him before hopping in and whisking DJ's Durango away.

They caught the elevator up to the penthouse and deposited their bags. Carol was impressed with the size of the room, and that it had two bedrooms, each with enormous beds. It even had a balcony, and she thought of the views you would have of the strip after dark. 

A bit suspicious, Carol asked, "Why did you get the room? We could have left all our stuff in the car."

Kurt replied, "DJ said you need to be home about 11:00, but the place hardly gets going by then, so when he has dropped you off, we will party on and stay the night here.”

Oh! Thought Carol, feeling dejected that she could not party the night away.

When they returned to the main level of the casino, they negotiated their way through hundreds of slot machines to a stage where a country group were knocking out an excellent rendition of The Gambler.

The hostess ushered them to their table on the edge of a large dance floor, that was between them and the stage. It was already half full of well-dressed couples dancing to the seven-piece group.

DJ ordered Carol a Black Russian, and he and Kurt had beers. After he had ordered, DJ got her up dancing. As he whisked her around the floor, she was happy to find he was light on his feet and an excellent dancer.

As soon as she had finished the dance with DJ, Kurt stepped in and escorted her onto the floor. Kurt was also an excellent dancer, which was hardly a surprise to her after his skills with makeup. But they were also different, DJ was an absolute gentleman with her, but Kurt certainly wasn't, the hand on the small of her back repeatedly drifting down to clench her butt. And no matter how many times she frowned and him and told him to behave, he just laughed and was soon caressing some other part of her body.

The meal was superb; they got her some wine to have with her meal. Once she had finished her wine, she had another Black Russian set before her. She had to tell them, "No more drink, please," as she didn't want to get pissed and spoil the night.

She was not oblivious to the fact that many eyes were upon them. Some were couples, but there were also some single ladies there, and they were giving her jealous looks. At one stage, when dancing with DJ, she saw an attractive blond walk over and ask Kurt to dance with her. Carol was astounded to find that a surge of jealousy hit her in the guts, and was surprised by the relief she felt when she saw Kurt refuse and wave the woman away. It gave her the sudden realisation that she wanted both these men for herself.

And when she returned to the table, she coyly questioned Kurt about his turning such a beautiful woman away.

"I'm with you tonight," he replied. "Why would I want to dance with anyone else?”

His answer gave her a flush of pleasure. But it also rang a warning. She had already crossed one of her most sacred no-go zones that day in sleeping with DJ. She couldn't let herself cross another, even if parts of her body were telling her otherwise.

Still, when Kurt asked her to dance at the start of the next bracket, she found her heart racing and eagerly headed back to the dance floor with him. And she did not stop him when his hand wandered up to her breast. On the contrary, she found her hips were making small gyrations against his left thigh. Startled at her bodies reactions she pulled back and tried to keep him at arms length.

But another turn of the dance floor and his fingers were on her nipple again, pinching it, before it wandered down past her waist. He hesitating on her hips, then he reached lower and pulled her arse against him. He was hard; she could feel it against her stomach, and with a feeling of awe, she noted that the bloody thing almost came up to her breast. His leg moved between her legs, and she subconsciously pressed her drenched pussy onto his thigh.

"Christ!" She thought. "I can't be doing this. By sleeping with DJ, I have already crossed a taboo line. I need to stop.”

But before she had time to make any objection, she felt Kurt slowly gather the bottom of her dress and lift it above her waist. She was wearing a very brief thong, so he was exposing what must look like her totally naked butt to DJ.

Snapping back to the moment's reality, she said, "Fuck don't do that. Others are watching.”

But the elicit thrill of arousal that swept through her groin made her hips thrust hard against his leg.

 "Kurt! This is not who I am," she cried, "I'm way out of my comfort zone and need to sit down. Please take me to our table.”

He took her hand and walked her back to sit by DJ, who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Carol noticed that at least half a dozen people around them were grinning like little kids in a candy store. And more than one of the husbands had a salacious expression on his face. She sat, her face burning in embarrassment.

"How could you do that to me, Kurt? I want to hide under the table.”

DJ answered, "Don't worry about it; you have just made me and some of the diners around us very happy, and, What goes in Vegas…..”

"Stays in Vegas. I know; I've heard that a dozen times since arriving here.”

She took a sip from her drink and followed DJ back to the dance floor. As he twirled her around the dance floor, she soon forgot Kurt's indiscretion. Instead, she abandoned herself to the pleasures of dancing, and she soon had another hard cock rubbing against her stomach, this one a little more welcome.

The night became a blur of excitement, dancing with these two beautiful black men, their touches driving her mad with desire. Then, much too soon, DJ mentioned it was almost 11:00 and that they should go to the room to get her bag.

 A terrible guilty feeling stole over her, she wanted them both, but it was so far out of her comfort zone that she doubted she could go through with it.

Then Kurt took her uncertainty out of play and stated that he needed to check what was happening with security that night. And, giving Carol a kiss on the cheek, he turned and walked away.

 Carol felt a crushing disappointment as she watched Kurt depart. But she bit her lip, knowing it was for the best, and she rose to follow DJ to the lift.

 Another couple joined them in the elevator. But when they exited on the eighth floor, DJ took her in his arms and ardently kissed her. She opened her mouth slightly and gave a very audible moan. By the time they reached the twenty-sixth floor, he had unzipped the back of her dress, and his hands were inside it, caressing down as far as her butt. By this time, the disappointment at Kurt's escaping their company had long slipped her memory, and as they stepped from the elevator, she ripped the buttons on DJ's shirt open.

 Just as well the was nobody about, as before they even reached the penthouse, DJ's fingers were inside her thong, working her slit to a creamy turmoil of desire. Once through the door, he threw her onto the bed. With her dress bunched at her waist, he ripped her thong to one side and rubbed his rampant cock up and down her slit. She closed her eyes and savoured the feeling of his swollen knob thrusting against her. Finally, the head slipped in between her tight, abused labia, and he drove his cock fully home.

"Oh, fuck!" She thought, "I'm married; he's fucking my little married cunt." And that filthy thought almost made her cum. She was acting like a slut, she felt like a slut, and loved the feeling.

Her body was moving with the pleasure of his thrusting shaft. Her hips started lifting off the bed. She fantasised about what she must look like, legs wide open and raised high, her wet cunt spread wide, accepting his engorged shaft. She lifted her head to take in the view, and DJ lifted himself so that she could watch. Turning her head to the side, she saw a reflection of them in the wall mirror, and as she watched his rigid member impale her she felt her orgasm building. The familiar spasm came from deep inside; her stomach knotted for a second, then convulsed. Her legs stiffened, and her body lifted from the bed. She bucked her body hard against his groin and wailed out to him that she was about to come.

 "O-o-o-h-h-h, o-o-h-h, oh, oh, oh, oh," she couldn't contain her sounds of ecstasy. And her cunt released a squirt of viscous fluids; they spurted out, drenching his hairy black pubes.

 Her climax didn't slow DJ; he continued to hammer into her. And as her excited sounds wained, her hands moved to his ass, pulling him hard against her.

"Don't stop," she suddenly groaned, and after a breath, added, "It feels so good... don't good…yesssss..."

"You going to cum again, baby?" he asked.

"Maybe..." she whined.

He watched her face become contorted as if she was in excruciating pain, and then her entire body had a spasm which caused her hands to rake his back while her feet kicked around in the air. It proved to be the final moment for DJ, and suddenly he began emitting loud grunts of his own as his rhythm became spastic,

 "Ahhhhhh...ahhhhhh...uggghhhhh...oh yeah…ahhhhhhh..."

Then with two final hard thrusts, he collapsed onto her.

 Carol opened her eyes and saw Kurt standing by the bed, watching them. Fighting for breath, she whispered in DJ's ear that Kurt was in the room with them.

"I know; I heard him close the door. He wants you real bad, girl. Will you let him join us?”

She sighed, a drawn-out "No'ooooo, I can't," But found herself willingly moving over with DJ as Kurt joined them and cuddled into her back.

Kurt turned her head to him, and he kissed her, "I've wanted to kiss you all night." He murmured.

She returned his kiss, then jerked as she felt DJ move between her legs and felt his tongue lapping at her messy cunt.

"Oh shit, DJ, I'm all dirty down there.”

"I know, isn't it fucking wonderful?”

Before she could respond and tell DJ that it did feel wonderful, Kurt lifted himself up and straddled her waist with one knee under each of her arms.

Her eyes fell on his dick, and she inspected his member. It was long and thick, protruding straight out from his abdomen. She couldn't help herself but reached out and wrapped her small hand around his shaft, stroking it slowly. Her other hand moved to his balls and caressed them. Her mouth fell open, and her tongue slipped out to moisten her dry lips. There was already a slight dribble of his pre-cum glistening from his cock. Carol gave his shaft a few swift strokes and watched his tight, muscular stomach clench. She really wanted him in her mouth, but before she could get to him, he moved back slightly and grabbed her tits.

"Hold them together." He huskily commanded as he pressed her tits towards each other, "like this, together.”

She did it, taking her hands from his cock and pressing her boobs together. She watched him ease forward and jamb his erect prick into the tight gap between her tits. She guessed he was much the same size as DJ. Too fucking big! She could feel his balls dragging along her body as his prick pried her tits apart. She squeezed her tits together, giving him more friction, and his cock started to plunge in and out rapidly.

"Hold on," he paused and tilted his head toward her chest, slightly releasing his grip on her hands. He spat twice between her mounds, just ahead of the swollen tip of his cock, then immediately resumed pumping, and his hands pressed on hers to give more pressure. She could feel the ridge of his knob plopping outside her boobs, just under her chin, and she tilted her head so his knob started touching her lips.

  His saliva was starting to dry, and the friction between her tits was building. Kurt leaned back, and she felt one of his hands fumbling around behind. He pushed DJ's head out of the way and scooped up some of her mess, then coating his prick with it and resumed fucking her tits.

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She found the filthiness of all this incredibly erotic, and as DJ resumed sucking on her cunt she knew she was going to cum again. She thrust her head forward so that his knob was entering her mouth. She had the wanton urge to swallow all of him but could not bend her head any further towards him, which was probably just as well, as she could fit much more of him in her mouth anyway. He reached back and scooped up more of her juices, then smeared them on his knob and all over her lips. she reached forward, taking his fingers, then alternately his knob into her mouth. She sucked hard, tasting herself, DJ's spunk and Kurt's pre-cum. It made her hornier than hell.

Kurt's pubic hair was tickling the bottom of her boobs, and as his thrusts became more urgent, she realised he was going to cum. Before she could get his cock out of her mouth, he came. The first warm ejaculation went right to the back of her throat, making her pull her head back reflexively. (She never let Ray ejaculate in her mouth.) Kurt's cock slipped out from between her tits; grabbing it in his hand, he directed the next spurt up over her face. She wrenched her head to the side, and the final ejaculations went into her eye and her hair. She reached up and wiped it from her eye; no one had ever cum over her before, and again she found herself highly aroused by the dirty act.

Groaning his satisfaction, Kurt rolled off and lay at her side. Carol reached down and pulled DJ's face hard between her legs. Her climax was only seconds away but hanging annoyingly just out of reach. Then Kurt wiped a large dollop of his cum from her face and smeared it over her breast, and worked it onto her nipples. That was her trigger, it released an explosion of feelings that had her writhing around in ecstasy.

 She bucked her hips and ground her pelvis onto DJ's face. She wallowed in the pleasure brought on by their filthy actions. She heard herself yelling out filthy words she had never said in front of anyone before.

As her senses returned, she heard Kurt whispering, "Give me a second; I want to fuck you.”

"You're able to again, so soon?" she asked incredulously.

"Hell yeah," he replied, sliding his hand across her belly and down to her hips. “You're so fucking hot, I could probably cum another ten times.”

Carol couldn't believe what she was feeling; she knew she should be absolutely done for the night. But Kurt’s words were like an aphrodisiac. As his rough hand pushed its way down to her slit, DJ began nuzzling her neck; she incredulously registered that she still felt horny.

Pushing DJ away from her neck, Carol said that he should take her home as she couldn't take any more.

But watching Carol’s body's needy responses to Kurt's ministrations, he knew she didn’t mean it. 

Instead, he turned his head and watched Kurt slide two fingers deep inside her, searching out and working them on her 'G' spot.

"Soon! You will be okay," he mumbled to Carol, then turned back to face her and resumed his kissing.

Carol lay back and tried to relax her tired body. She realised that Kurt was going to do whatever he wanted to. She had no say in the matter; there was nothing gentlemanly about Kurt. On the contrary, just the thought of him doing more dirty things to her had her body writhing with anticipation.

"Do you like it up the arse?" Kurt questioned her.

"No, Well, not really. I'll never be able to take you there.”

 She thought about the times that Ray had fucked her in the arse. They'd only done it half a dozen times, and it wasn't her favourite sex; it hurt too much. However, she did remember enjoying it once when she was very aroused. But then Ray was a hell of a lot smaller in the cock department than these guys.

Ignoring her negative response, Kurt rolled her onto her side, facing DJ, and she felt him exploring her neck and ears with his mouth. He then moved to her shoulders and on down her back, leaving a cool, wet trail of saliva. 

DJ had lowered his head to her breasts and was worrying her now extremely sensitive nipples. She tried to stop him but was distracted as Kurt shoved his tongue into her bum. She wanted it dirty but didn't expect that. If it had been anyone else, she would have been mortified and tried to flee.

It took her breath away, just how good his tongue felt in her butt. And her moan when he stopped was more like a sob of disappointment. But then she felt him rubbing some sort of lubrication on her crack and working a finger inside her bum. Soon it was two fingers, and with all the lube thankfully, they were sliding in relatively easily, with no pain,

It was senseless trying to stop Kurt and so she forced herself to relax. Soon a whole new set of sensations were darting out from her derriere. He nudged her legs apart, and then it felt like he was trying to work three fingers in, and she complained that he was starting to hurt her.

"The pain will not last. Trust me. Relax, I'm going to fuck you now." 

He rolled her onto her stomach, and she tried again to ease the tension building in her body as Kurt lined himself up against her butt.

She had to grab DJ's hands and hold them still as he started to pinch her nipples and as good as the attention to her nipples felt, it was torture. Thankfully her restraining him paid off, he removed his hand entirely, but her relief was brief, as his hand slipped under her body and started worrying her clit. The familiar throb and wetness between her legs returned.

Kurt straddled her butt, running his cock up and down between her wide-open legs. 

"Please fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me," she cried out. Surprising herself at her desperation. She was more aroused than ever before and could not help herself. She desperately needed to be fucked. 

Carol felt Kurt's hard cock pushing against her butt hole. An extremely hard cock!! "Shit," she thought, "How the hell am I going to take this. She groaned as he pushed into her, and she reached back to hold him a bay, letting her arse adjust to his size. He pulled back and scooped more of her slick cream onto his cock, then eased it in again. This time she couldn't hold him back. He pushed inside her, then began to slowly fuck her arse.

The first few thrusts were uncomfortable, but her arousal overcame all her fear. She was so sexually saturated, so hungry for satisfaction, that no pain was going to affect her now. And she bucked her hips back into Kurt, matching his every thrust.

Carol had never been so stretched before; she had no idea how she handled it. The next hour or more was a blur. They carried her out to the balcony, bent her over the rail, and both fucked her from behind. Then complaining it was getting cold, they carried her back inside, and Kurt had her doggy style on the rug beside the bed, with DJ reaching under her and rolling her nipples between his huge fingers.

She had many orgasms; they came in waves. The groans brought some on as one or the other ejaculated inside her, but others came without warning right in the middle of being fucked.

Finally totally buggered, she came to her senses. She was panting hard. DJ was still eating her cunt, and she pushed him away, so incredibly sensitive from the last climax that she wanted to scream. Kurt was gently kissing her neck and ears again, and she had to push him away. Her stomach was in knots from all the intense orgasms.

Trying to sit up, she realised that Kurt was talking to her. She had to concentrate hard to understand his words; she was so exhausted.

"DJ needs to get you back to the hotel; it is almost 2:00 am,"

"Oh Fuck! She exclaimed, "I don't think I have the energy to move."

DJ rose alongside her, helped her up, and walked her to the bathroom.

"Do you want a shower?" He asked.

"No, I haven't time; just a quick wipe down, please?"

He sat her on the toilet and tenderly wiped her with a warm cloth.

"I have never seen a woman come as many times as you did," he murmured to her. "It was incredible."

Carol was too buggered to respond, but she was comforted by his loving words. The guys had removed all her clothes at some point in the evening. She shuffled around in her bag, pulled out her spare underwear, straightened her dress, and slipped everything on. There was a wet patch on the back of the dress, but she realised she was probably in that much trouble; it was not worth worrying about.

Kurt was already fast asleep in his bedroom when they exited the bathroom. So they hurried down to get DJ's Durango from the valet. They rode in silence; she was too worried to talk. But at the Luxor, she searched in her handbag for her room key and couldn't find it. She looked accusingly at DJ.

"I haven't got it, I promise."

One look at him and she knew he wasn't lying to her.

"We could go back and check the penthouse for it. But it would be quicker for you to get a new one at reception."

Saying he would call her, they kissed a brief goodbye. She could smell her womanly scent on his face, and she knew she must stink of sex, so trying to deny to Ray what she had been up to would be pointless. She watched DJ get back in his SUV and drive away. Then she turned and entered the hotel, the feeling of her inevitable doom slumping her shoulders.

She stood outside Her and Ray's door with the new key card in hand. She was sure that an angry Ray would be waiting for her on the other side, and she was struggling for anything to say that may save their marriage. So, finally, she took the plunge, slipped the card in the door lock, listened to the catastrophic click of her doomed marriage and opened the door.

The smell of alcohol, sweat and vomit hit her. Then, moving further into the room, she saw Ray sprawled across their bed. He had managed to get his trousers and jacket off but was still wearing his shirt and briefs. She moved over and touched him to see if he was lucid. But he just groaned at her touch and moved further onto his side of the bed.

Not believing her luck, Carol stripped and headed for the shower. Checking herself out in the full-length mirror, she was surprised that her body showed fewer marks from her night of debauchery than expected. Her vulva was raw and swollen, and her hair was a mess with white smears of spunk still matted in it. But other than that, there were just two hickeys that she could see. One was small, by her right nipple; the other was larger, a quarter size bruise at the base of her neck. She thought her concealer makeup would be able to conceal that, but the one on her breast was on such pale skin the concealer would not do the trick there.

She was in the shower and inspecting a large dollop of spunk that had oozed from one of her holes when the bathroom door crashed open. Ray stumbled to the bathroom, leant over the toilet and vomited. He slumped to his knees, groaning. Carol quickly finished washing, stepped from the shower and snatched a hotel robe around her.

Helping Ray to his feet, she asked, "Have you drunk any water?"

He mumbled that he hadn't, and she spent the next ten minutes with him at the basin, forcing him to drink two large glasses of water. She'd never seen him this waisted. He didn't look at her or ask anything about her evening. He was too sick.

Finally, she got him undressed, into some boxers, and then back into bed. He lay back and then started telling her not to be angry but that he had been very naughty and kissed another woman. Carol bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing out loud. If he had admitted this to her before today, she would have probably snapped his head off. But after her night, any reaction from her other than laughter would have been a joke.

Once Ray was snoring away quietly, she wandered back to the bathroom, spread concealer over the hickey on her neck, and then pulled on her thickest nightdress, one with a collar.


Carol woke to the sound of the shower running. She checked the time and saw it was 7:00 am. Then, checking that the collar was still concealing her neck, she entered the bathroom and took in the sorry sight of Ray trying to wash a hangover away.

"You look terrible," she announced to him, "You can't go to the show, come back to bed."

"I can't. I have a New Zealand client meeting me at 9:00 to sign up for a couple of printers. And I'm expecting others to come and sign deals during the day. So I'll be okay once I get some coffee and porridge in me."

Then as he stepped from the shower and started drying himself, he asked, "What time did you get home; did you have a good night?"

I don't know what time it was, but yes, I had a wonderful evening of dancing with several partners, but I drank too much and am a little hungover myself. So I'm going back to bed."

Ray didn't bat an eye at her reply. But Carol felt incredibly guilty and seriously wondered if she should tell Ray what had happened. But her fear of what may happen to their marriage stilled her tongue.

She lay in the bed and watched him dress. He was looking better by the minute. He had always bounced back fast from a binge night. And soon, he was over by the bed, giving her a peck on the cheek, and then headed off to the show's final day.

She rolled over and shut her eyes, only to hear the door open again.

"I forgot, we are closing down and packing up the stand at 4:00 pm. I don't have to do any stand breakdown, so I will be back soon after we close. However, we must be downstairs, checked out and ready to board the coach at 6:00, so can you pack our bags and be almost ready when I get back?"

The door slammed shut again, and he was gone, leaving her to mull over what she had done. She could not believe she was still able to walk. She couldn't remember everything, but in the last two and a bit hours of the evening, she had been fucked to a standstill. She had been nibbled, kissed, fingered, sucked, fucked, massaged, complimented, softly made love to, and pummelled unmercifully by two cocks that showed no respite!! She had climaxed so many times it was beyond her comprehension. And she had absolutely loved it, just thinking about it was making her horny again.

Written by mingemuncher
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