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Training My Husband's New Slut

"Horny milf Amanda invites her husband's new secretary, Cathy, over to her house to prepare her for her husband's big black cock"

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Author's Notes

"Milf Amanda invites her husband's new secretary Cathy a young newly married woman over to her home to seduce her and prepare her to become the husband's new slut. Grant is a powerful black businessman with a huge cock and a lust for young tight pussy. <p> [ADVERT] </p>His cuckoldress wife Amanda lets Grant fuck who he pleases to keep him coming home to her. But Amanda also loves to seduce and fuck Grant's young sluts her taste for pussy as hungry for the taste of her husband's cock."

I was in the kitchen when I heard the doorbell ring. I felt the all too familiar excitement in my naked pussy at the anticipation of meeting Grant's new secretary. I smoothed down my dress and cupped my shapely breasts, lifting them and making them look presentable. First impressions are always important.

I checked my hair and makeup in the hall mirror as I walked by and grabbed the front door handle. "Ok, Amanda, big bright smile," I said to myself. And I opened the door.

"Hi, you must be Cathy. I'm Amanda," I said, holding out my hand.

I could see the questioning look in her eyes. I had seen it dozens of times before. She hesitated only for a second, but long enough to be noticeable. She took my hand and shook it.

"Yes, I'm Cathy. It's nice to meet you. You're incredibly generous to invite me to your house. I certainly was expecting it."

"Which part, dear? The fact I invited the current competition to my home or the fact that I'm white, unlike my black adonis husband that is your new boss."

Cathy was stunned. I could see her looking for the right words, her mind taking in and computing everything I had just said. She wasn't expecting me to be so forward. The poor young thing was like a deer in headlights. So I decided to put her out of her misery or stop her from running.

"I'm joking, Cathy. I'm sorry. I have a twisted sense of humor. Please come in, or the neighbors will start to talk. And trust me, they would have plenty to say about you. 

Cathy shot me another questioning glance at my comment. So far, I had the horny little vixen exactly where I wanted her.

"Goodness, Your house is so beautiful, Amanda. I love it."

"One of the bonuses of fucking your boss, my dear."

"I'm sorry! I don't understand. Are you implying something?" 

"Not at all. I was just saying I have this house because I fucked my boss when I was about your age, and my body looked as superb as yours.

Cathy was staring at me now, unsure what to make of me and wondering if she should just turn and run for the door.

"Oh, did you get it in your divorce or something?"

The catty little bitch. Assuming I was either old enough to have been divorced and remarried or was some sort of a gold digger.

"Not at all, dear I was Grant's secretary as well at one time, but now I'm his wife, and I live with him in this house. Can I fix you a drink? I'm having one. I was thinking Long Island tea."

"Yes, please, if you're having one. It's a little early, but I could use a drink right now."

I turned and looked at her, "Are you ok? You look a little frazzled if I'm honest."

"So we are being honest? Then do you mind if I'm honest?"

"Please, is there something wrong?"

"You tell me, Amanda. Since arriving, I feel there have been innuendos and cryptic conversations. I'm not even sure why you invited me here today. It's extremely bizarre for my boss's wife to invite me to her home when I have only been in the company for a week. And what was with the snide remark about me being the current competition?"

"Wow, you really do need that drink, don't you? So much pent-up anxiety for such a beautiful young lady. I meant nothing by anything I said, especially if you are implying malice. Come on, let's go out by the pool and chat. It's a lovely day outside."

I could tell Cathy was now on edge. She assumed she was here for me to warn her off of my gorgeous husband. You could cut the tension with a knife. We sat in the shade next to the pool.

"Would I be correct if you assumed I invited you here today to warn you off my husband?"

"Yeah, I guess so, something like that. I want to assure you I'm not interested in your husband, Amanda. I'm recently married and extremely happy with my husband, Daniel. So you have nothing to worry about. Besides, why would Grant look at anyone else when he has you waiting for him at home? You are stunning, Amanda."

"Ah, thank you, sweetheart. That's nice of you to say," I said, putting my hand on hers.

"But, I can assure you, your assumption is completely wrong. In fact, I helped pick you from all the other applicants. And can I say your resume photo doesn't do you justice? You are a hundred times prettier in the flesh."

"Thank you, I guess. Then why did you invite me today if not size me up or something?"

"Grant told me you and your husband recently married. You moved here from Wyoming or somewhere in the boondocks. I assumed you had no family or friends here. I was extending my hand in friendship, so you felt like you had another girl you could talk to about girl things, and we all have girl problems. Right?"

I watched as Cathy's entire facial expression changed. I saw her shoulders slump as she finally relaxed. I watched as all the tension drained from her body. The hook was baited now to start reeling her in.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I misjudged your intentions, Amanda. I feel terrible now. That is so nice. You're right. I don't know a soul here, and I was so glad Grant employed me as I was so terribly bored in the house all day on my own. You have no idea..."

Cathy was still talking, opening up to me like a long-lost girlfriend. This was almost too easy. Now To get her to open up about her sex life, her likes, and dislikes. And If she is being well serviced at home.

"Wow, that's terrible, dear. Well, you can talk to me any time, day or night," I said, gently placing my hand on hers and giving it a subtle squeeze. And even though my husband is your boss, what us girls talk about stays with us girls our husbands don't have to know."

"This is amazing, Amanda. I have been busting to talk to someone. I already feel like we could become great friends. You have made me feel extremely relaxed. Or it might be this drink. It's really strong. I don't think I've ever had one before."

"Would you like another one, or is Daniel waiting for you at home?"

"No, Daniel is at work all day. No one is waiting for me at home."

"Cathy, it's Saturday. Why on earth is he at work on the weekend?"

"I know. He is a junior partner at his law firm, and they expect you to be a slave to the senior partners. Daniel has worked every Saturday and even some Sundays since we arrived six months ago. When he does come home, he is so tired he eats dinner and goes to bed."

Perfect, she is already opening up about the little cracks between the newlyweds. Let's see If I can't turn them into the Grand Canyon, I thought.

"Let me fix another drink," I said, taking her glass. "So, how did you and Daniel meet anyway?" I asked from the pool bar.

"You know, nothing romantic. We met in college. I had dated a few guys but nothing serious then I met Daniel at a frat party, and we have been together ever since."

Perfect, phase one of training is complete. I thought as I topped off the drinks with garnish. Time for phase two, talking about her sex life and finding any chinks in the armor.

"So, were you a virgin when you both met?"

"Amanda, my goodness, that's a bit of a naughty question. But if you must know, no, I wasn't a virgin. I had a few lovers before Daniel. But between you and me, when he asked, I told him I was. Daniel was the sort of boy you marry, and boys like that don't like a slut."

"Well, I hardly think a few guys in college constitutes a slut but ok. So he satisfies you in bed. I mean, you are newlyweds. At least tell me he is a demon in bed."

Cathy went quiet and looked into the drink I had just handed her. She took a huge swig of it and then looked at me. That question had hit a nerve, and she had to think about the best way to answer me. 

"Amanda, we shouldn't really be talking about this. I just met you and have to work with your husband."

"I'm sorry for being so forward, but how you just reacted to my question tells me you have something you want or need to talk about." I reached over, took her hand, squeezed it, and said, "Look, honey, I'm here for you, ok I know we just met, but I can tell we are going to become extremely close. You can tell me anything. I promise. Unload on me if you need to."

Cathy looked up from her drink, her crystal blue eyes beginning to well up. She squeezed my hand, then blurted it all out, along with a deluge of tears. 

"Daniel has never made me cum. He climbs on, pumps away like a rabbit cums in under two minutes, then rolls off and promptly falls asleep. Oh, Amanda, it's terrible. He just gets started, and it's over. Most times, I just lay there and cry myself to sleep. Other times if he has gone long enough to make me horny, I will get up and finish myself off in the bathroom."

I got up, walked to her, put my arms around her shoulders, and hugged her.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry, and you're newlyweds as well. Has he always been like that?" I said, kissing her on the cheek.

Cathy pushed her chair back and stood up, throwing her arms around my neck. She hugged me tight and sobbed on my shoulder. I hugged her back and let her cry. I had just found that niche in her armor. She was horny and incredibly unsatisfied sexually.

When she finished crying, she looked into my eyes, and I felt the connection I had been looking for. The trust bond, it's what I needed for phase three. Soon she would be eating my hungry cunt while she took my husband's big black cock in one of her other holes.

"This is really a lovely house. Can I take a look around? Plus, I need to wee. Can you direct me to the lady's room, Amanda?"

Perfect, I thought she was making this too easy. I get her to use the upstairs ensuite, and then she will already be in the bedroom. I won't have to coax her up there.

"Why don't you use mine, sweetie? First left top of the stairs. Once you're in the bedroom, you will see it."

“Oh, you don’t mind me going into the room where your hot husband makes love to you?” Cathy said flirtingly as she began to climb the stairs.

Perfect, a couple of drinks was enough to bring any remaining wall she had up crashing down and become flirty but not to much she couldn’t understand my intentions once I make then clear to her. At this rate, she should be feasting on my hot cunt before Grant gets home.

I finished mixing her drink a little extra strong, grabbed my phone in case a photo opportunity presented itself, and headed upstairs. But I wasn't prepared for what I was met with when I reached the master bedroom. Our ensuite is open to the bedroom with no doors, just large clear glass panels. When I entered the room, Cathy was sitting on the loo, her floral dress hitched up around her waist, and she was holding my dildo, looking at it inquisitively. I totally forgot I had used it this morning on myself and had washed it in the bathroom sink.

I watched from the doorway as she turned it this way and that. Then she put it back on the sink and tried to get her hand around it. She opened her mouth in shock when she realized her fingers couldn't touch. She had that oh my God look when she couldn't close her hand around the thick shaft. But what she did next even shocked me. Cathy held it up to her mouth and stretched her mouth, mimicking trying to suck it. She shook her head in disbelief at how open she had to open her mouth to be able to suck it.

Cathy reeled off some toilet paper wiping herself, then pulled her pretty red lace panties back up, sadly covering her pussy. I was about to say something, but she flushed the toilet and washed her hands. The entire time she hadn't taken her eyes off my dildo. She picked it up again and tried to get her fingers around its girth, this time looking to see how much they missed by.

"I see you found my husband."

"Oh, shit Amanda, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to touch it. It was right there, and I had never seen anything that big. Surely it's like a novelty toy? No one could actually take that monster. Wait, what do you mean met your husband?"

I was wondering when that comment was going to register.

"That is an exact replica of Grant's cock. We had a plaster cast made and then fashioned that silicone dildo."

"I'm sorry, what? I know I'm blonde and even probably pretty wasted. But there is no way my new boss's cock is that big!"

"Come over here, sit on the bed and bring my big black cock with you."

Cathy picked it up and carried it to the bed, sitting beside me, gripping hold of it.

"I mean, come on, Amanda, just look at this thing. How would you even take a dick that big?"

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I looked directly into those beautiful blue eyes and said, "With absolute pleasure! If my husband asks me to suck his cock. I drop to my knees, and I happily suck his cock. If he comes home and wants to fuck my arse, I hold my arse open, and I let him use it. If he wants to fuck another woman, I happily let him. I do whatever I need to do to keep that glorious cock coming home every night and stretching all my holes."

The dildo rolled out of Cathy's hands and landed on the hardwood floor with a thud. My direct response to her question once again had Cathy lost for words. I could see the shock on her face.

"You seem a little shocked by my response Cathy. I assure you, If you had a cock this big fucking you every night, You would be exactly the same as me, and you would do whatever it was he wanted to do," I said, bending over and picking the dildo up off the floor.

I held the giant black phallus in my hands, stroking it as I watched Cathy's reaction. She was still in shock. Time to turn that shock into utter bewilderment and wonder if she could see I could take the big dick; subconsciously, she would wonder if she could as well.

I opened my mouth and swallowed the head. Then I started to slowly push the cock further down my throat. Inch by inch, it was easier with the real thing. The silicon was a little sticky. I pulled it back and rubbed all my throat saliva along the veiny shaft, then I tilted my head back and swallowed the entire thing until the giant rubber balls rested on my chin.

"How? I don't understand. How could you possibly fit that monster cock down your throat? And what did you mean you let Grant fuck other women? I'm so confused right now. That really is a replica of his cock. I believe you now. Oh my fucking God, I don't know what to say."

"It took a little while to train my throat to accept it. But I had to learn. I had to stand out from every other bitch wanting to take my man. He has only ever met three other women that can do that. And to answer your question about Grant fucking other women. Maybe I should show you it will be easier.

I picked up my phone and flicked through it, looking for the perfect video. It had to be something Cathy would relate to something or someone she recognized.

Turning my phone on its side, I hit play and handed it to Cathy 

"Oh my God, Amanda, is that Grant? Should I really be seeing this? Holy fucking hell, it is real. Wait, I know that woman. Oh, fuck, that's Lisa from HR, the girl that interviewed me for the job alongside Grant. Jesus Christ, he is stretching her so much. Listen to her scream and moan. Shit, her eyes just rolled back in her head. Oh fuck I have never seen anything like that. Is there more?"

There are lots more, darling. Why don't you watch a few more and let me take care of your lack of orgasms."

I don't think Cathy even realized what I had said as she went to the next movie file, and the screams of a well fucked woman rang out through my phone's speakers. I knelt down between Cathy's legs and placed my hands on her bare thighs just below the hem of her summer dress.

Cathy flinched at my touch. Dragging her bulging eyes away from the screen long enough to see I was now gently pushing her legs apart.

"Hmmm, Amanda, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to give you the one thing your husband hasn't been able to, my dear. I'm going to make you cum."

"I don't think that's a very good idea, Amanda. Thank you for thinking about me, but I'm just not into girls. I'm sorry.

"Do you consider us to be friends now? I mean, you are currently watching my big-cocked husband servicing half the married woman at his company. And for me to show that to you, I consider you a very close friend, Cathy. I'm not asking you to do anything in return. But as your closest friend here, let me help you out just this once," I said as I traced my fingernails with feather-like touch, up and down the inside of her smooth thighs.

"I don't know. It's just a bit weird, don't you think? I've never had other girlfriends offer to make me cum."

"Then they weren't your true friends. A true friend like me will do anything to make you happy. And I want you to be happy, Cathy," I said before lightly kissing the soft flesh of her thighs.

I could still feel some resistance even though her legs moved apart slightly. She was enjoying my touch but wouldn't let her walls down completely. She needed to be hornier to really let go and surrender to me. 

I wasn't wearing panties; I rarely do, especially at home. I took the hem of my dress and pulled it up over my head, leaving me standing naked except for my heels in front of Cathy. I took hold of the replica cock of my husband and stood it on the floor, then squatting over it, I lowered my already wet pussy down onto it.

Cathy dropped the phone on the bed. One of my husband's many lovers screaming in ecstasy, still blaring out of the speaker as my cunt lips spread wide to accommodate the enormous head of his fake cock. 

"Amanda, what are you doing?"

"Showing you how to take my husband's cock, dear. Isn't that what you wanted to know? Didn't you want to see how my husband's cock stretches me open when he fucks me?"

"It was a rhetorical question. I wasn't expecting a visual demonstration. I am really not sure what to say. I have never been in a situation like this."

"Don't say anything. Just watch as I fuck my husband's big cock, and imagine how good it would feel to have his big cock spread your pussy open. Stretching you more than you have ever dreamed possible."

"Amanda, this is grossly inappropriate. We only just met, and you are naked fucking yourself with that enormous monster cock. Jesus, it's really stretching you open, isn't it? It must be painful taking that huge dick so deep."

Good, she was waning her protests of being inappropriate, turning to questions of whether I was in pleasure or pain.

"Mmmh, I assure you, dear, once you have had this cock in you, there is no question of whether it's pleasurable or painful, for both are the same thing when your pussy is being stretched."

Cathy glanced down at the phone. The screaming had turned to moans of pleasure and begging to be fucked harder and faster. Cathy's legs instinctively opened a little wider, those red lace panties coming into view. My cunt was soaking wet already as it bounced down hard against the rubber balls, and I lifted back up, showing Cathy the wet sloppy shaft of the rubber cock.

Cathy was quiet as I bounced up and down on the black cock. Her eyes now fixated on me as I fucked myself. I couldn't help but notice a wet patch appearing on the gusset of her panties. 

"Oh, so good Cathy, really you should try it. It's so big I never get tired of being this stretched when Grant fucks me."

"It's really stretching your pussy, isn't it? I mean, the thing is huge. I couldn't even get my hand around it. Shit, watching you ride that huge black cock is making me very horny."

"I know it is, dear I can see how wet your panties are. Why don't you let me help you out just this once? No one will ever know. Come, when was the last time you came? I can help you with that. Would you like me to help you cum, Cathy?

I knew she was mine when she simply nodded her head.

I stood up, the black cock sliding out of my wet cunt, the eleven-inch shaft and huge balls coated in my cunt juice. I took Cathy's ankles, dragged her to the edge of the bed, and then lifted her legs in the air. 

I felt no resistance as I hooked my fingers in her tiny red panties and pulled them from her hips. Sliding them up her legs, I pulled them free from her sandals and held them to my nose, inhaling the sweet scent of young married pussy.

"Hmm, you smell divine, dear. Why your husband isn't eating your sweet pussy at every possible chance is a mystery."

I pushed Cathy's legs apart, and instinctively her hands dropped to her pussy, covering it.

"Come now. My sweet girl, don't go getting shy on me. I'm about to change your world. You will never view sex the same way again."

With Cathy's legs spread wide in front of me, I gently took her hands and moved them out of the way. I almost gasped aloud at the site of her very pretty pink pussy. It was virtually virginal looking oh so tight. Her neat little pink labia poked out ever so slightly from her puffy outer lips.

Placing my thumbs on either side of her outer lips, I pulled them apart. My entire body tingled with excitement as the tightest pussy I had ever seen opened in front of me.

"Oh my God, Cathy, your husband must have a very tiny penis because this pretty thing looks like it's never been fucked. I now know why you couldn't comprehend how anyone could ever take Grant's huge cock. We will try but first, let's get you nice and wet."


"Amanda, I think this is a mistake. I'm not sure I'm comfortable having you touch me. I feel like I'm betraying Daniel. I made a vowel to honor and obey my husband and never stray outside my marriage."

"First off, it's no longer the fifties the words honor and obey your husband are obsolete unless your husband has a cock like mine does. Then you do as he tells you or lose him to some other slut willing to do it. But when your husband isn't fucking you properly enough even to make you cum, then those vowels don't count."

Realizing Cathy was still unsure, I threw caution to the wind and leaned down, my tongue sliding into her sweet sticky hole. My lips closed around her tiny pussy, and I began tongue fucking her.

Cathy's legs clamped shut around my head as my tongue wiggled around in her incredibly sweet-tasting pussy.

"Ooohhh shit, Amanda, what are you doing? That's not what I... I thought we agreed not to cheat on Daniel. Oooh, my goodness, that feels incredible. Oh my God, yesss Amanda, so good, so ooohhh yesss, please don't stop."

I had her. Not many women can resist my tongue once I start eating them. And Cathy was no different. She was squirming around now as I sucked and nibbled her clit. 

Cathy's hand held my head tightly in place against her as her legs once again opened up wide, as my mouth slurped and sucked on her young cunt.

"Amanda, if you keep doing that, you're going to make me cum. Oooh God, yes, make me cum. It's been so long. That's it just like that, ooohhh yesss just like that. Here I cum, I'm cumming ooohhh fuuuuck yesss."

I held Cathy's hips as her entire body bucked and shook against my mouth and her sweet nectar flooded my mouth. I think this might have been her best orgasm yet as she continued to quiver and twitch as I sucked her clit, flicking it with my tongue.

Eventually, Cathy had enough, and she managed to wiggle out of my grip, her entire body trembling, the words from her mouth incoherent. I quickly reached down and grabbed Grant's replica cock.

I opened my mouth and sucked on it, sliding a good six inches down my throat and enjoying the taste of my pussy juices on it. Satisfied it was nice and wet climbed on the bed next to Cathy. I straddled her chest reverse cowgirl before she even realized what I was doing.

Taking the rubber cock in both hands, I pushed the head against her tight cunt and tried forcing it into her. But she was so damn tight it just would fit. Well, not from this angle, anyway.

"Amanda, please, it won't fit. It's too big. It will ruin me. Daniel does have a small penis. You were right. It's only around five inches long and not very thick. If you push that monster cock in me, I will never be the same again, and he will know I have been unfaithful."

Just then, I looked over and saw Grant standing in the doorway. He put his finger to his lips to tell me not to say he was there. Then I watched as he quietly began to undress.

I pushed the rubber cock firmly against Cathy's tight pussy again. She instantly tried to close her legs.

Amanda, I'm begging you, I can't take that huge thing. If you promise to stop trying, I will.... I will kiss your pussy."

"Alright. I promise not to try and fuck you with the dildo if you eat my pussy, and to make it even better, I will eat yours again as well."

We were in a perfect position, to sixty-nine. All I had to do was slide back a bit and sit on Cathy's gorgeous face. I sat up, lifted myself up a bit, and lowered my pussy onto her waiting mouth.

I smiled at my husband as he finished undressing his large fat cock swinging from side to side as he walked toward the bed. I hadn't started eating Cathy's pussy yet as I was enjoying her tongue as it tentatively licked around my pussy lips and clit.

With Cathy's legs spread open, Grant had the perfect view of his soon-to-be new slut. His beaming smile told me he was happy with our choice of the new secretary. It had been a long time since Grant had destroyed such a tiny, tight pussy, and I knew he was going to enjoy making Cathy his new cum loving whore.

Written by Kevtheledge63
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