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The Pass Out

"I try to work out a way to let the 'genie out of the bottle'."

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Author's Notes

"I give my gorgeous wife the opportunity I think she has been craving for years. <p> [ADVERT] </p>You can see how gorgeous she is in the story picture."

I awoke with a start, my head slightly foggy from the fact I’d been sound asleep for three hours or so. I checked the other side of the bed but it was empty. My wife, Tara, wasn’t back yet. Blinking, I looked at the clock on the bedside table. It read 3.15 am. I closed my eyes wondering where she was, as the bars in the nearby town all shut at 2 am. I sighed, opened my eyes and reached for my phone, which was turned on but switched to silent and pressed the button, which revealed a text message on the home screen. I slid the bar and read the message, which came from Tara:

2.27 am: Will be home soon xx

I turned over, trying to get back to sleep but failed miserably, knowing I wouldn’t settle until she got back. Thankfully, it didn’t take long, five minutes later I heard a key fumbling around the lock downstairs and Tara came in, locked the door again and came up the stairs. I thought she must be slightly worse for wear by the noise she made coming up the stairs. That, alongside the switching on of the lights, confirmed my thinking.

Eventually, she made her way into the bedroom, switching the main bedroom light on as she did so. I winced against the light, pushing myself up onto my elbows to see exactly what was going on. Despite having been out for hours, my wife still managed to look incredibly sexy in her tiny black one-shoulder dress and heels.

“Hi there,” she said, reaching down and trying to take off her shoes before deciding that sitting on the bed would be better, flicking them onto the floor.

“What's going on, you don’t normally make this much noise, or come in this late?” I asked. 

She stood up and walked around my side of the bed, slipping her dress over her head.

“I’m sorry, I got a little sidetracked there’s a little something I need to tell you,” she said, pausing, “I hope you’re not mad at me.”

Tara eventually managed to get the dress off. She stood there, wearing only her black bra and matching thong, looking very sexy indeed.

“I’m intrigued but why don’t you knock the light off and get into bed and tell me whatever it is?” I asked, lying back down and turning onto my side. Tara managed to get the light off and clamber her almost naked body into the bed curling herself around me, reaching her arms around me and kissing my neck.

“I don’t want you to be mad at me,” Tara said quietly.

My heart rate quickened.

“Go on,” I replied, suddenly feeling very much wide awake.

“Well, when were at the bar in the club, there was a group of lads there who started talking to us and buying us drinks. One paid me a lot of attention even though I told him I wasn’t available,” she started.

I was not quite sure where this was going but Tara held me tighter and carried on.

“He asked if I wanted to dance, so we made our way to the dance floor. I didn’t think anything of it because I’d told him I wasn’t single but I don’t think he got the message! As we danced, I could feel him getting closer to me. His hands were on my hips and he pulled me closer to him. I turned away from him to try and calm things a little but again he grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I could feel him gently grinding into me from behind and let’s just say, I could tell he was enjoying himself, if you know what I mean.”

I could feel myself getting interested in this story and my cock began to twitch. “Keep going,” I said moving Tara’s hands onto my skin as she talked.

“I turned back to face him and he tried to kiss me but I managed to stop him and say no, but in truth, I didn’t want him to stop so when he grasped me and pulled me into him as we danced, I didn’t object. I pulled him into me and pressed myself against him but stopped short of letting him kiss me. It felt naughty and wrong but good at the same time and I was enjoying myself… Are you mad at me?” Tara asked, massaging my side.

I grabbed her hand and placed it around my now hard cock.

“That’s how mad I am,” I replied.

“Let me tell you what happened next,” she said…

I was even more intrigued now. My mind was working overdrive and my cock was rock hard. My gorgeous wife began slowly stroking me, running her thumb over the sensitive end of my cock as she continued her tale.

“Well, after that we had to all go outside to get a taxi back home. There was our group and their group, who’d joined us. There were too many for a car so we managed to get a minibus that would fit us all in. We all got on, I sat with the one from the bar at the back and everyone else fitted on. We set off and he put his hand on my thigh and was rubbing my leg. It felt naughty but nobody could see. Ever so slowly his hand massaged towards the inside of my thighs onto the soft skin; it felt really good. I know I shouldn’t have but I felt my legs parting allowing him an open invitation to my thighs. I put my head back on the headrest as he began to rub gently higher up my thighs. I know I shouldn’t have but I opened my legs even wider.”

I could feel myself gently thrusting into her hand now, precum was flooding out of my cock as I imagined my normally demure wife in this situation.

“Mmm, then what happened?” I asked, reaching back and massaging Tara’s firm ass cheeks as she played with me.

“I don’t know what came over me, but I started to rub his leg as he teased the inside of my thighs. Then, as wrong as it was, I felt him begin to slowly get higher up my thighs and I have to be honest, I was turned on even though we hadn’t actually kissed or anything else. I’m sure he could tell that I was enjoying myself and I felt him graze almost against the material of my knickers with his thumb. I gently opened my legs and pushed myself towards his teasing hand but he just kept his distance from touching me too much and kept almost touching my knickers as he rubbed my inner thighs.”

It was so hot listening to my wife’s tale… I moved my hand from her ass and in between her legs to her thong. She was soaking wet. I pushed fingers inside her through the material and she moaned loudly as I did so. Then I slid the material aside and slid two fingers deep inside her pussy.

“Ohhhh!” She groaned, as my fingers worked deep inside her.

She continued, gasping and moaning as she tried to talk.

“I couldn’t do anything to him obviously but the teasing was hot, so I just enjoyed him almost touching my knickers. I was so wet by now but it was short-lived as I felt the bus slow down as it pulled into town, where we were getting off. The lights came on and I arranged myself, kissing him on the cheek as we got off the bus and went on our way home…”

I withdrew my fingers and turned to face her, holding her in my arms, looking at her.

“I’m sorry if you’re mad at me,” she said.

“I’m not mad at you,” I replied, “but I am as horny as hell listening to what you did; that was so fucking hot.”

I started kissing her passionately, allowing my hands to remove her black bra and massage her perky breasts, teasing her nipples and making her groan quietly.

I worked my hands down her flat stomach and over her lightly-haired pussy, dipping my fingers inside her once again, teasing her roughly as she moaned and pushed herself onto my fingers.

“Ohh that feels good,” she said, grabbing me round my neck.

I ground the palm of my hand over her clit as my fingers worked deep inside her pussy.

“Is this what you wanted him to do?” I asked. “Did you want his fingers deep inside you?”

“Mmm, I did! I wanted that so badly. I wanted his fingers deep inside me,” she whispered as she moaned.

 I kissed her deeply and increased the pace of my playing with her wetness.

“Ohhh, that feels good,” she said, pushing herself onto my hand.

The time for teasing was over though, I kissed her passionately before kneeling up in front of her, pulling her legs wide apart. Tara’s pussy was visibly soaking wet, so I grabbed my cock and began to rub it around the outside of her dripping wet hole. She moaned as I nudged the head gently in and out of her and over her clit on the out strokes. My cock was bursting by this point so I slipped it inside her and began to ram myself into my wife as she dug her nails into my back.

“Ohh, yes! That feels good,” she exclaimed.

I thrust quickly and deeply inside her, grabbing her breasts as I did.

“I wanted him to do this, I was so turned on. I wanted to suck him and have him fuck me hard!” She replied, pulling me inside her even harder.

I could feel my orgasm build with her talking like this, so I thrust hard until I could feel myself almost reaching my climax…

“Imagine that he is fucking you now… Where would you want him to finish?” I asked.

“Deep inside me,” she said quickly. “I’d want him to finish deep inside me.”

My orgasm was like an explosion and I pulled myself as far inside my gorgeous wife as I could, unloading a huge load of cum into her tight pussy as we kissed deeply and passionately, both satisfied before falling into a deep sleep.

Tara and I have been together for many years and I’m lucky in that not only is she incredible in every way but she is also gorgeous and very, very sexy. On a normal day, she looks amazing but there isn’t a man with a pulse who wouldn’t look at least three times when she wears a short skirt or dress and heels when she is out.

For a particular reason, which I may divulge in a future story, I have always been driven wild by the idea of her being with another man. This could be anything from flirting to pretty much anything else. I guess there’s nothing unduly crazy about this fantasy by modern standards but it drives me wild and that night, when she came in and told me her flirty tale, I was driven wild. My mind worked overdrive afterwards imagining seeing her in that and other similar situations.

After that night, I was intrigued as to whether she would ever do something like this again but it crossed my mind that, us both having enjoyed the pleasure of it the first time, whether she would be tempted.

The next week, Tara announced that she was going on a weekend trip away a few months later. A little while after she told me, my mind started to work, wondering whether there may be a repeat performance of her night out from a few months back. I sort of forgot about the weekend until the week before when she started talking about the plans for it.

I started to think of a way of dropping into conversation that I wasn’t mad about what she’d done and that it might be hot for both of us if she wanted to have some more fun in the future at some point; I didn’t want her to think she had to tell me everything about it if she ever did, I was just keen for her to have some exciting, hot fun and excitement and as long as I knew she had and she brought the sexual energy back with her to us; that would be incredibly arousing for our own sex life together. Just knowing that she had been turned on and had some enjoyment would be more than enough of a turn-on for me and I hoped for her too.

As much as I tried, for a couple of days, aside from being blatantly obvious about it, I couldn’t think of a way around it but then it came to me! I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t thought of it before.

A ‘Pass Out’ was my idea. This would give her a ‘Free Pass’ for some consensual fun at any point in the future if she ever felt like there was someone she was attracted to in that way and the moment took her. The only thing I had to do now was put it to her, picking the right time. This was made easier when she was the one who brought it up in bed one night before the weekend.

We were just lying there talking about the upcoming weekend, I was curled into her from behind when she said:

“Don’t worry about the weekend, I will behave myself.”

I was a little disappointed however, so I replied, “That’s a bit of a shame,” in a joking voice.

“Why’s that then?” she replied, curiously.

“It doesn’t matter now. I was going to make a suggestion but if you want to be on your best behaviour, that is fine by me,” I replied.

“What was your suggestion?” she probed.

“No, honestly, it doesn’t matter now,” I smiled, knowing she was curious.

“Please tell me?” she asked. I didn’t take much persuading, so I pulled her in tight to me.

“Well, I enjoyed your exploits last time, almost as much as you did and this has always been something that I have fantasized about, as you know, so I was going to suggest a ‘Pass Out’ for you for the future, in case you ever want to use it if the circumstances arose.”

“How do you mean?” she asked curiosity in her voice.

“You could have some no-strings fun and it would be totally ‘guilt-free’ because we have both agreed that the boundaries are that you can,” I said.

She went quiet for a few seconds before replying. “Hmm, I’m not sure… Are you positive you wouldn’t be mad at me?”

“Only if you didn’t tell me that you’d ever cashed in on it!” I replied. “You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, this is about your fun and excitement and as long as you bring that horniness home with you, that would be more than enough.”

Again, there was a pause. “We’ll just have to see what happens,” she said quietly.

To be perfectly honest, the Saturday of the weekend she was away, gave me very little time to think about anything, as things were so busy and chaotic. No sooner had I got everything sorted than it seemed it was time to turn into bed myself. I was so tired and went to bed to read and eventually drifted off to sleep, knowing that I was bound to have an early Sunday morning.

I was flat out when my text message tone went off and the bedroom filled with light, waking me with a start. I checked the clock. 4.15 am. I cursed myself for not turning the phone on silent. I reached for my phone and swiped the screen open. The text message was from Tara, it read simply:

I hope u were serious about the pass out luv u c u 2moro xxx

My mind worked overdrive and my cock followed suit as a whole host of hot scenarios ran through my mind. I was rock-hard at the thought. I’m not sure how I managed it but I did catch some more sleep before my 6.30 am get up.

One thing was for sure, I was looking forward to Tara getting back home later in the day. Not only had I missed her, I was interested in finding out what she meant in her text message, even if I didn’t get the full story. I didn’t have to wait too long as, after a busy morning, she messaged to ask if I could pick her up from where the bus was dropping off.

Tara was pretty exhausted as she got in the car and I have to say I was a little disappointed as I wasn’t sure she was going to be in the mood for elaborating on her early morning text later on in the evening when things had quietened down.

“Good time?” I asked as we drove home.

“Yeah, it was but I feel pretty tired now,” she replied.

“Oh dear, you’ll be in bed by about half seven,” I said, disappointedly.

“Only if you’ll join me?” she replied, stroking my leg and smiling, albeit tiredly.

“I think I’m pretty exhausted myself anyhow so I might do, unless I get a better offer,” I joked.

Everything was quiet after we’d eaten and we watched some television.

“I’m tired, do you want to go up for an early night?” she asked.

“Mmm hmm,” I replied. “Only if you are going to elaborate a little on your 4 am text,” I added, squeezing her backside as she stood up.

“I think I can manage that,” she replied, taking my hand and pulling me up.

“Only as much as you are willing to share of course,” I said, as we made our way upstairs.

“I know,” she answered, as we made it to the bedroom.

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I turned her around and pulled her to me, kissing her, tentatively at first and softly on her lips before our tongues met. I slipped her jacket off and unbuttoned her shirt low enough to pull over her head. I allowed my hands to roam over the soft skin of her back as we kissed; searching for her bra clasp, I unhooked it and pulled off her bra, exposing her breasts, which my hands roamed over, massaging them and her nipples as she moaned softly in my ear, I kissed and bit her neck gently as I rubbed her. I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and our warm bodies pushed together as our tongues entwined. My cock was bursting in my shorts so she undid my buttons and removed them, allowing my erection to spring free. I followed suit and slipped her out of her jeans as she kicked them onto the floor and we both climbed into bed.

I pulled her in close to me, rubbing her back as we kissed. Her skin felt soft as I moved my hands over to her breasts and nipples. She pushed her tongue inside my mouth and ground herself against me, obviously feeling aroused as she moaned softly.

“Well…. I did take advantage of the Pass Out,” she said softly, breaking away from our kiss. “What do you want to hear?” she added.

I replied between kisses,” Only what you want to share.”

“Okay then…” she said, gently massaging my balls.

“When we checked in to the hotel, there was a group of guys drinking at the bar. They asked us if we wanted a drink with them, so, after we dropped our bags in the rooms, we headed back down there to join them. They bought us a few drinks and we chatted to them. They seemed nice and a couple of them were good-looking so naturally I talked to them more.”

“Like us, they were heading out into the city for the evening and asked where we were going later on. We didn’t know but said that they could buy us some more drinks if we bumped into them later. We made our way upstairs to get ready for the evening; I showered and did my hair and make-up before slipping some sexy underwear on under my short dress. A couple more drinks and we headed out…”

She paused and continued to massage me all over my front. I closed my eyes. It felt really good and I was curious as to what was to come.

“We’d been out a few hours and then the group we’d met at the hotel came into the bar we were in. Eventually, the one I’d talked to earlier came over and asked if I wanted a drink, I said yes. Their group and ours mixed and we danced and drank more. The one who’d bought me a drink had taken a liking to me and we flirted a lot as we danced.

“His hands were on my back as we danced closely and he pulled me to him. His hands roamed over my back and the skin below the back of my neck as he pulled me towards him. He alternated between that and turning me round so he could grind me into him and his hands were on my hips and tummy, rubbing me gently through my top. I could feel his hardness pressing into me gently.

“After a while, he leaned in and asked if he could kiss me. I shook my head and said no, pulling him in closer to carry on dancing. I was torn as I wanted to but I was nervous. He rubbed the top of my arms and pulled me towards him again, kissing my cheek. He whispered again, asking for a kiss. My heart was thumping and I quickly checked to see if anyone was watching but didn’t even bother replying to his question; I just leaned in and kissed him on the lips. For some reason, I lingered a little bit longer and all of a sudden, I felt him holding me and felt his tongue on mine. I pulled him into me, kissing him passionately.

“It felt so naughty but nice and we danced and kissed for quite a while in the crowd, his hands caressed my back and hips and it felt so good. We went to sit down for a while and had a drink. The kissing continued and I felt very turned on. When his hands started to caress my legs under the table, I was more than happy to let him. I parted my legs and allowed him to massage my inner thighs under the table. Gradually, as we kissed, his hands massaged higher up my thighs and I opened my legs a little more for him, as nobody could see. Every time he gently got nearer to my knickers; I gasped a little. He asked whether I minded; I felt so horny I shook my head and gradually opened my legs wider under the privacy of the table. I felt so hot and turned on knowing that I was more exposed to him but he didn’t rush or touch anywhere but the inside of my legs. Slowly though, he just got closer and closer to my pussy and was driving me wild with his teasing.

“God, it felt so good and naughty having that done by a stranger like that. I felt hot and pushed myself towards him but he still didn’t touch me. Just when I didn’t think I could take any more, some of our group came over and said they were going back to the hotel. I shrugged and he asked if I’d mind if he walked back to the hotel with us. I said I didn’t mind and we headed back to the hotel.”

By now, Tara had taken my hard cock, dripping with precum, and was wanking me off slowly. It felt amazing as she swirled her thumb over the tip of my cock now and again.

“Mmm, carry on…” I said, reaching back to massage her breasts and tease her nipples.

“We could barely keep our hands off one another on the way back. He pushed me up against a wall and were kissing passionately, his hands grabbing my ass through my short dress, pulling me into him. We ended up getting back long after the others and I wasn’t sure what to do, so I said goodnight to him. He asked me if I wanted to go back to his room for a little while… I wasn’t sure if I should but I was so turned on, I said yes.

“We just got inside when he pinned me up against the wall, kissing me passionately, his hands all over me, grabbing at my breasts and ass as we kissed. I pulled his t-shirt over his head and rubbed his body as we kissed. It felt so hot and different. I kissed down his body, over his chest and stomach muscles down to the top of his jeans. I felt myself undoing his belt and easing his jeans off. His cock looked big and was straining inside his boxer shorts. I led him over to the bed and sat him down on the edge. My heart was pounding at what I was about to do. It felt wrong but so good at the same time.

“I pushed him back and slowly eased down his boxer shorts down as he sat up. His big cock sprang free and it was so big and thick… I knelt in front of him and put my hand around his thick shaft. His head went back and he moaned as I started to wank him slowly, peeling his foreskin back and exposing his dripping wet cock… I gently licked around the tip at first before taking him, inch by inch deeper into my mouth, swirling my tongue over his swollen end as I wanked him faster and faster in time with my sucking. I had to use two hands because he was so big.”

I could feel myself thrusting into Tara’s hand as she slowly stroked my wet, hard cock whilst talking me through last night. I kept closing my eyes and picturing the scene in the hotel room as my gorgeous wife licked and sucked another man’s big cock.

“I swirled my tongue over his cock and slowly jerked him inside my mouth. I felt so horny kneeling lower and sucking his balls into my mouth, making him moan as I did, looking up to see the pleasure on his face. He tasted good and I began taking him deep inside my mouth until I couldn’t go any further.

“He sat up and asked me to stand. He told me to turn around and take my dress off. My heart was thumping as I did as he asked, turning so my back was to him, before lifting my dress over my head. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks and then his hardness pressing against my bum cheeks from behind as he kissed my neck, making me moan."

Tara kept playing with me as she paused from her story. I had no idea what she was going to say next, or where this was going but I couldn’t wait to hear. She was driving me over the edge, massaging my swollen end, using my precum to drive me wild.

“Mmm, carry on,” I said, reaching to massage her breasts and skin.

“He turned me round so we were facing each other and within seconds our tongues were exploring each other’s mouths and his hands were on my back, caressing my bare skin. I felt his hands working at my bra clasp, which he expertly undid and removed my bra, leaving my breasts exposed to him. He grasped at my breasts, making me moan, teasing my nipples with his fingers and mouth, making them rock hard. He had no clothes on now and I had just my thong. His huge cock, which was like a rock by now, fell into my hand and I guided him back to sitting on the edge of the bed as we kissed.

“I knelt before him and took him deep inside my mouth. I spread my legs and pushed my ass up in the air, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. He had a great view in the room mirror, so I really put on a show for him, thrusting my ass in the air, legs spread, as I sucked him deeply into my mouth. I built my pace, stroking him deep, feeling him thrusting deep into my throat.

“He reached down and grabbed my breasts as I moaned with him deep inside my throat. I could feel him thrusting more passionately into my mouth, making me gag a little as his breathing got louder. I knew he was close. He told me to keep going as he gently held the back of my head as he pushed his big cock into the back of my mouth… He moaned loudly as he came and I felt his cock twitch. He filled my mouth with a huge load, squirt after squirt kept coming and I swallowed as much as I could before kissing the tip of his cock.”

I began to rub my fingers around my Tara’s pussy, which was soaked all over. I realised that I possibly was the second man to have fingers in there that day which turned me on even more. She pushed onto them and moaned as I teased her. I stopped and said:

“You can have more when you’ve finished.”

“Mmm, sounds good,” she replied, stroking me harder and faster.

“I kneeled upright and kissed him passionately as he helped me to my feet and he grabbed my hand, standing me up before sliding me out of my thong, which was soaking wet. I only had my heels on now and as we kissed, he gently guided me onto the bed and pushed me onto my back, before kneeling and spreading my legs wide. He worked his way up my legs with his hands, kissing my thighs as he reached up to play with my breasts before he slowly began probing my pussy with his fingers and tongue. He twisted my nipples, making me moan as I began to thrust my pussy onto his mouth and tongue. I was pushing onto his tongue, in time with him circling my clit with his tongue as his fingers worked deep inside me; he increased the pace with his tongue and his fingers, making me moan loudly as I teased my breasts, teasing my nipples to the rhythm of his movements.

“It felt so good and I looked down to see him in between my legs, furiously teasing my wet pussy. I could feel my orgasm building as his fingers and tongue worked me into a frenzy and then… I came loudly and it felt amazing, my eyes closed and pussy tightened around his fingers as my orgasm took over. I opened my eyes after my shuddering climax, which seemed to last forever and peeled my hands away from my breasts and nipples.

“I have no idea how but he was rock hard again and was playing with his huge cock. He grabbed my hands and made me rub my breasts again as he moved around so I could suck him as I was lying on my back. I pushed myself up a little to use my hand and fit his big cock in my mouth. He began to gently thrust his hardness into my hand and mouth, gradually increasing his pace as I became used to the size of him at this angle.

“He reached down to play with my breasts, making me moan around his shaft and he began to thrust quickly into my moaning as he thrust quicker and quicker. I took him as deep as I could and I could feel him nearing his second climax when he pulled out of my mouth. I continued to work him with my hand as he came hard, shooting hot cum all over my breasts, as I rubbed them for his pleasure, moaning quietly as I massaged his load into my breasts. He leaned down as we kissed again for a few minutes.”

“My God, that was amazing, I want you to suck me right now,” I said.

“Mmm that sounds good,” Tara replied, pushing up on all fours and taking me in her hand and mouth. I moaned as she took me in deeply. “Does that feel good?” she asked.

“Amazing,” I replied, groaning.

“Are you thinking about what I’ve just told you while I’m sucking you?” she asked.

“Mmm, Yeah,” I replied.

“I want you to cum in my mouth right now,” she said, stroking me harder.

She began sucking me harder and faster, using her hand, driving me wild. I thrust to meet her as I felt myself begin to orgasm.

“Oh baby!” I exclaimed as I began shooting a huge load deep down my gorgeous wife’s throat.

She swallowed every drop and licked around the end of my cock before coming up and kissing me passionately. “That was incredible,” I said. “All of it! The story and the blow job!”

“Mmm, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did,” she replied, cuddling herself into me.

“How long do you think it’ll be before that cock is hard again? I need fucked hard,” she asked.

“I don’t think it’ll be long at all,” I replied, kissing her.

“Was that story true or did you make it up?!” I asked.

“Well, I guess you’ll never know!” she replied, guiding my hand between her legs and pushing my fingers deep inside her.

Even having just orgasmed, I could feel my tired cock twitching back to life as I knelt up and stretched Tara’s pussy wide, gradually adding more fingers until I had four inside her, pulling her soaking wetness as wide as I could.

“Ooh that feels good,” she gasped, bucking onto my fingers as she reached down for her clit with her fingers.

I teased just above her opening and below her clit with my thumb as my fingers stretched her deep inside. She was working her fingers so quickly on her clit, rubbing herself towards her climax, breathing loudly as she did. I could feel her pushing, trying to get me as deep inside her as possible.

“Did you want his big cock inside you?” I asked, pushing deeper.

“Mmmm, I did. I wanted him deep inside me,” she groaned as her fingers slid her wetness over her clit.

“Imagine he is fucking you now,” I said. “Think about him fucking you as you come,” I knew she was close. “Imagine him filling you up with his load as you come."

“Ohhhhhh!” She moaned as her orgasm kicked in, her pussy dripping as she spasmed with pleasure.

By now, I was rock hard again, and as she recovered from her orgasm, I rubbed my cock, wet with pre-cum, all around her dripping wet pussy, gradually inching myself inside her. She moaned with pleasure as, after a while, I slid deep inside her.

“Now fuck me hard!” she said, wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me deep with every thrust.

I grabbed her breasts and nipples, making her pussy spasm tightly around my cock as I thrust as far inside her as I could. The thought that another man had had his fingers inside her, making her come, playing with her breasts and shooting his cum all over them and down her throat was driving me wild and I knew I wasn’t going to last long.

I pulled Tara up and turned her onto all fours, making sure she stuck her ass up in the air. The view was incredible and I pulled her ass cheeks apart, revealing her gaping pussy and tight bum hole. She was so wet; I’d never seen her like this in years. I grabbed my cock and pushed it inside her, making her moan. She began pushing back onto my cock as I increased the pace of my thrusting. I alternated between spanking her ass cheeks and reaching around to play with her breasts. The friction on the underside of my cock was unbearable by now and I knew I was going to cum. I pulled myself out of her as my orgasm built and despite the fact I had only cum recently, I came and shot a huge load of cum all over her sexy back and incredible ass cheeks; it felt amazing and I was fully spent.

“That was incredible… the sex and the story,” I said. “Did all of that happen?” I asked Tara, as she lay flat on her stomach, her sexy back still covered in my cum.

“Well, it might have done; I guess you’ll never know,” she replied, winking at me over her shoulder, my huge load glistening up her sexy back, from her ass cheeks to her neck.

I smiled, thinking that hopefully, either way, I’d find out at some point.

Written by Rangerstag
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