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The Hung Brown Man: Part 1 of 3

"Of course it's a myth, everyone knows not all black men are heroically hung. But a few are..."

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Author's Notes

"Just a fun one based on fantasies about someone who is very real... so, you know, never say never. I hope that if you enjoy it you'll leave me a 'like', 'favorite' or comment - or better, all 3! Thanks for reading..."

Ā I was working out upstairs in our spare bedroom/fitness room and had music playing, but I still heard the truck when it came up the driveway ā€“ of course, it helped that the dogs went nuts, as they always do when someone dares venture onto their turf. Itā€™s all bluff ā€“ theyā€™re harmless and quite friendly, but loud, and, ā€˜The Brown Manā€™ - what my four-year-old nephew calls all UPS drivers regardless of race or gender due to their uniform and truck color ā€“ was one of their favorite bark alerts.

It was late on a warm, sunny day, and I had the windows open. When I walked over to look out, it was indeed their favorite target, The Brown Man, his brown van rolling up our long gravel drive. I see him only occasionally ā€“ weā€™re usually not home when he comes around and he leaves things on the front porch - but when I have been home itā€™s always been the same guy, apparently our regular route driver.

James is always friendly, always has a big smile on his face, and loves to chat. He also flirts shamelessly, so heā€™s a lot of fun. I wiped the sweat off my face and neck with a towel and headed down to meet him, fairly sure I knew what he was delivering. My crop top was glued to me, my little knit shorts equally wet with sweat and plastered to my body, my running shoes old and clunky, and my hair pulled back in a ponytail, so I knew I looked like crapā€¦ but I was taking a delivery, not going to a job interview!

I stepped out onto the front porch as he backed up close to the steps, then waited as I heard him banging around inside the truck. When he raised the rear door, he had a huge box sitting there ā€“ the new memory foam king-size mattress weā€™d ordered. The box was probably almost thirty inches square and over four feet high, and the order form had warned that it weighed over a hundred pounds.

ā€œHey, Rayne, how you doinā€™ baby?ā€

ā€œGood, James, you?ā€

ā€œIā€™m good, but Iā€™ll be better soon; one more stop, and Iā€™m done for the day.ā€

I smiled. ā€œThereā€™s a cold beer calling you?ā€

ā€œOne? Nah, baby, itā€™s a six-piece choir. Hey, you want this on the front porch, or where?ā€

ā€œWould you mind setting it inside the door? Richard is out of town and wonā€™t be back ā€˜til Saturday.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll put it wherever you want it, sweet cheeks.ā€ He gave me his brilliant smile. James, our Brown Man, actually is a brown man, African-American, and one of very few black people we ever see in the valley. Primarily white and Hispanic, our fairly meager population is nowhere near the national averages on racial makeup, although James made up for that makeup by being everywhere, all the time, in his brown van. Heā€™s also one of the few people who could make that ugly uniform look very, very goodā€¦

I laughed. ā€œYouā€™re so bad! Just inside will be fine.ā€

He tilted the massive box onto one shoulder, his thick biceps and forearms bulging, and ran up the steps like he was carrying a loaf of bread, his muscular legs more than a match for the heavy box. I held the door so he could set it inside. Once heā€™d set it down, he straightened and looked at me. I knew the light breeze had hardened my nipples in my sweat-soaked top, and assumed my shorts were doing their usual cameltoe trick, as always happens when Iā€™m exercising; his eyes ran over my body, taking it all in.

ā€œDamn, girl, you always look so fine.ā€

ā€œI look like shit, James; I was working out.ā€

ā€œYou look good enough to eat.ā€

Oh, OK, that idea gave me some tingles! I felt a warm, melting feeling inside, low in my tummy, and butterflies. I laughed. ā€œOnly if you like your treats extra salty ā€“ Iā€™m drenched in sweat.ā€

ā€œSalty is good with a beer.ā€

ā€œYou want one?ā€

ā€œBeer, or you?ā€

I blushed but laughed. ā€œJames! I meant a beer.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not off duty yet.ā€

ā€œToo bad, theyā€™re nice and cold.ā€

ā€œTemptingā€¦ Hey, you sure you want this box here? Iā€™d be happy to take it in the bedroom for you.ā€

I smiled. ā€œHow do you know it goes in the bedroom?ā€

ā€œItā€™s a mattress, right? We deliver a ton of these. You want it in there?ā€

ā€œWhat I wish is that I could get it opened up and on the bed, so it could start filling out, but itā€™s huge and heavy and the old mattress is still there.ā€

He paused as if considering his next words, before saying, ā€œI gotta finish my shift, but that last delivery is just a few miles further up the road. Iā€™ll be coming right by here going back; want me to stop and give you a hand?ā€

ā€œOh, thatā€™s a lot of bother. I canā€™t ask you to do that.

ā€œYou didnā€™t; I offered.ā€ His eyes ran up and down my body again, pausing noticeably at my jutting nipples and tight cameltoe, and he licked his lips, which was enough to make my sex ache with arousal. If it wasnā€™t already, the crotch of my little shorts would soon be dripping wet!

ā€œWell, if youā€™re sure you donā€™t mindā€¦ā€

ā€œI got nuthinā€™ goinā€™ on tonight, so sure, no problem. I might even take you up on that beer.ā€

ā€œPerfect, James, thanks! Iā€™ll move a couple of things out of the way and then get cleaned up a little. If I donā€™t hear you pull up, Iā€™m probably in the shower, but come on in. Hobo and Elsa know you ā€“ and you always give them treats - so no vicious dog worries. The beerā€™s in the fridge, just help yourself.ā€

ā€œYou donā€™t have to change on my account, Iā€™m kinda digginā€™ that look; since weā€™ll be moving stuff around and maybe getting dirty and sweaty anyway, you might as well wait.ā€

I laughed. ā€œAh! You like your women dirty and sweaty, huh?ā€

He shrugged, grinning. ā€œAinā€™t nuthinā€™ wrong with a dirty girl. And sweatyā€¦ fuuucck! Good, clean, fresh sweat is fucking incredible, makes you shine, girl.ā€ He shook his head, then turned and walked down the front steps, leaving me all tingly with arousal. His flirting had been more overt than usual, and I was home alone, which I had as much as told him.Ā  Plus, as heā€™d checked out my body, Iā€™d done the same to him, and I was virtually certain that the bulge in his thin uniform pants had grown as weā€™d talked!

When heā€™d left, I went and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the hall; Iā€™d been right, my tight, damp workout clothes fit like a second skin, molded to my small breasts, my nipples hard and erect, and the thin little knit terry shorts were tucked up into my sex in a toe any camel would be proud of. The area was dark with the wetness of my arousal, every detail of my puffy lips revealed!

I laughed. ā€œFuck, no wonder he kept looking at my crotchā€¦ I might as well have been naked!ā€ I shook my head as I touched myself, my juices slippery on the thin fabric. I knew I should go change, but now I also knew why heā€™d encouraged me not toā€¦ so I didnā€™t!

Instead, I picked up my phone and called Richard, unsure if heā€™d be done with his meetings for the day or not but pleasantly surprised when he answered.

ā€œHey, babe, whatā€™s going on?ā€

ā€œNot a lot, just wanted to tell you our new mattress came today.ā€

ā€œOh, cool, canā€™t wait to break it in! You get it on the bed?ā€

ā€œNo, Richie, that thing is huge and heavy! But James is going to come back and help me do it.ā€


ā€œOur UPS guy. You know him.ā€

ā€œOh, that James. Yeah, of course. Thatā€™s very nice of him.ā€

ā€œIt is. He had one more delivery up the road a few miles, but since he has to come right by here on his way back to town, he offered.ā€

ā€œYou gonna fuck him?ā€

I laughed. ā€œWhat kind of question is that?ā€

ā€œA logical one; I know you, babe, and youā€™ve mentioned him before, that youā€™ve had a few fantasies.ā€

That was true. Iā€™d even told Richard, in detail, one of my fantasies involving James and his ā€œbig, black cockā€ (because in fantasies you have to abide by the rules and adhere to all myths.) Iā€™d been alternating between sucking Richieā€™s cock and giving him a handjob as I told him my fantasy, and when heā€™d spurted all over my lips, chin, and boobs as I talked about James coming, his ā€œmassiveā€ cock deep inside of me, weā€™d shared the bounty, him licking it away between kisses before spending some quality time using his oral skills on me.

ā€œThose are just fantasies, honā€™. It would be a nice way to thank him for his help, thoughā€¦ Maybe we could even forego his usual Christmas tip that way.ā€

He chuckled. ā€œYouā€™re always thinking, babe, one of the things I love about you. Hey, Seth is in town on business too, so weā€™re going to meet for dinner.ā€

ā€œGood for youā€¦ you gonna fuck him?ā€ Both he and Seth are bisexual, something theyā€™d discovered when they roomed together in college, and I knew there was a strong love bond between them as well. Richard also shares me with Seth in anything-goes threesomes, so after my initial shock at discovering my husbandā€™s bisexuality, the relationship has been very rewarding for all three of us.

Now, though, he laughed. ā€œI just knew you were going to turn that around on me as soon as I mentioned him. And yes, weā€™re sort of planning on it. Is that OK?ā€

ā€œWell, sure, honā€™, of course. I know how close you two are, so yeahā€¦ if you didnā€™t, Iā€™d think youā€™d had a fight or something. Are you all right if it comes to that with me and James?ā€

ā€œWould it matter if I said no?ā€

ā€œRichie, of course! I wouldnā€™t do anything if you donā€™t want me to.ā€

I could almost hear his smile. ā€œThatā€™s good enough for me, but no, itā€™s fine, have a good time. I just hate that Iā€™m going to miss it if you do.ā€

ā€œI know. But if it does work out, we might just possibly do it again sometime, when youā€™re home.ā€

ā€œI like the sound of that! Remember, though, you have to tell me everything, all the tiniest details.ā€

ā€œIs there any other way?" I laughed. "What if the details arenā€™t so tiny?ā€

ā€œEven better. I hope for your sake that theyā€™re not. You hoping for your first BBC experience?ā€

ā€œRichard, come on. You know thatā€™s mostly just porn stuff that drastically distorts reality.ā€ Outside of porn, Iā€™d ever only seen two black guys naked, and only one of them erect. In college, at a frat party, things had gotten very out of hand and one of the frat brothers, whose name I never knew, got naked along with a bunch of other people. Heā€™d had a very nice hard cock which had bounced around very becomingly as he danced with a naked friend of mine, but it was within that four to six-inch range that makes up the vast melting pot of normal, average guys, that middle eighty percent of the bell curve. Still, he was cute, I enjoyed looking at it!

The other was one of the rafting guides I worked with for a year, Tyler, whom I hadnā€™t seen erect, just naked at the end-of-season party that year. We usually held a beer bash and barbecue at an isolated place along the river that was only accessible by water (rafts, for us) or a long overland hike, a spot where the river swirled in a fairly placid pool behind a large rock in the fall, at low-water levels. Thereā€™s always skinny dipping, and often couples (or more) sneaking off into the bushes for sex.

Iā€™d been with Richard then, before we were married, or I might have made a play for Ty, who was funny and cute. His cock too had seemed average, not likely to be anything remarkable even when hard ā€“ then again, the water is quite cold, even in the fall, so I may have had the wrong impression! Still, he looked good naked, trim and fit like all the guides.

I donā€™t attend the party much anymore other than to help get things together for it; Iā€™m fifteen to twenty years older than most of them now, so even though they harass me to come, I usually donā€™t. Despite staying in good shape, and, in my own humble opinion, looking pretty good, Iā€™d be self-conscious getting naked among all those young hardbodies! Plus, despite still guiding raft trips regularly, Iā€™m now part of ā€œmanagementā€, so it doesnā€™t feel right.

But anyway, my opinion of the myth of all black guys being well-endowed was just that ā€“ itā€™s a myth. Still, Iā€™ve seen enough porn to always be curious, and was excited about seeing how things went with James, the size of his manhood not a major factor beyond my curiosity and a little erotic fantasizing.

We wrapped up our conversation, telling each other to have fun, him reminding me to remember details and to get some pictures if I could, to send for him and Seth to enjoy. Heā€™s such a kinky horndog! I told him to kiss Seth for me and that I loved him, which he returned, and we said goodbye.

I decided to cheat a little, and so went into the master bath and wiped some of the sweat from my face, neck, and pits with a wet washcloth; I couldnā€™t bring myself to consider getting intimate with him in my grungy condition, especially not as a first-time experience! I considered changing my sweaty top, but as I ran my fingers over my sensitive nipples, feeling how hard they were and seeing how they showed through, I left it. I couldnā€™t recreate that look with anything else.

I shuddered with arousal and went to the bedroom to move a few things out of the way and strip the bed. I heard the dogs go off again seconds before I heard his truck. I did a quick check in the mirror, pinching my nipples and tucking my shorts tightly to my pussy before going out to meet him. The crotch of my silver-grey shorts was now dark, soaked through with my anticipation, and my fingers came away wetā€¦ so, naturally, I licked them.

As he approached the front steps, his eyes swept over my body again, and he grinned and shook his head. ā€œDamn, girl, youā€™re dangerous!ā€

I laughed. ā€œDouble-O B-cup; I have a license to thrill.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll bet you do. So, should we get that old mattress out first?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s the plan.ā€

He grabbed the big box with the new mattress, lifted it effortlessly, followed me in and set it down outside our bedroom door. After making sure we had an unobstructed path, we lifted the old mattress from the bed, standing it on end. As I bent to get a better grip, I heard him laugh. When I looked at him, he inclined his head toward the uncovered box spring, and there, where it had been safely tucked beneath the mattress, was my big, black, heavily veined, and spectacularly testicled dildo that had been missing for several weeks!

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As I turned bright red, I remembered doing that, shoving it there, still wet, to get it out of the way so Richie and I could keep playing with each other. ā€œOh my God! Thatā€™s so embarrassing!ā€

He was still laughing. ā€œHey, whatā€™s a sex toy among friends, right? Fuck, I probably delivered that to you.ā€

I grinned, still blushing. ā€œYou probably did! Hold the mattress while I put that awayā€¦ā€

I grabbed it and was heading for my dresser when he held out his free hand. ā€œLet me see that.ā€


ā€œIā€™m curiousā€¦ā€ When I handed it to him, he looked at it carefully, and then he sniffed itā€¦ Thatā€™s such a guy thing! He grinned. ā€œMmmm, yum; amazing!ā€

ā€œJames, my God! Gimme that.ā€ I snatched it from his hand as he laughed.

ā€œYou know youā€™re a colored woman right now? Bright red, in fact.ā€ He laughed again.

ā€œI know, and stop that! God, this is so humiliating!ā€

ā€œWhy? Ainā€™t nothing wrong with being young, beautiful, and horny. I love a woman with a strong sexual appetiteā€¦ That thing been inside of you, hasnā€™t it?ā€

I was embarrassed, of course, but also so aroused I was about to die. ā€œWhat do you think?ā€

ā€œI think yes.ā€ He grinned. ā€œHowā€™d it fit?ā€

ā€œJames!ā€ I stared at him for a moment, but his smile was so teasing, so open and friendly, that I finally said, ā€œSnuglyā€¦ itā€™s quite fulfilling and very effective. Why?ā€

ā€œBecause itā€™s almost life-sized.ā€

I swear I could almost feel my pussy clench and then gush ā€“ or maybe I was melting; that dildo is between seven and eight inches long, and while I can just close my fingers around its girth, only barely ā€“ and I have long fingers. It fills and stretches me quite delightfully, and I have to be very well-lubricated (as I usually am) and go slow at first!

I snorted derisively. ā€œYeah, right! Cā€™mon, quit stalling, and letā€™s get this thing out of here.ā€

I laid the toy on the nightstand, the idea of hiding it away rather pointless by then, and we wrestled the old innerspring mattress out of the room and onto the covered front porch. It was massively heavy and awkward, but James is strong as an ox and Iā€™m in good shape, so we managed. My little shorts were so wet between the legs by that point that I almost felt like I had my liquid arousal leaking down my thighs.

ā€œWhere do you want this?ā€

I nodded toward our outbuilding, about fifty yards away. ā€œIn there until we can arrange to have it hauled off. Richie and I can throw it in my truck and haul it over there though, so this is fine for now.ā€ We leaned it against the wall and stepped back.

He was standing very close to me, almost touching, and I caught his masculine scent, an intoxicating stew of heat, testosterone, maleness, and perhaps some long-ago cologne or body spray. It made my heart pound, and I wondered if he could smell my arousal.

ā€œCā€™mon, letā€™s go unpack the new one; I hate to keep you any longer than necessary.ā€ That was true, although I was beginning to include things other than unpacking a mattress in my definition of ā€˜necessaryā€™!

He followed me back to our bedroom, and I knew his eyes were on my ass the whole way. Just inside the door, I bent to pick up a book weā€™d knocked off Richardā€™s dresser. I bent at the waist, intentionally, my feet apart and my knees straight, giving him a long look at the tight, wet crotch of my shorts. I heard him suck air, and mutter, ā€œJesusā€¦ā€

When I straightened and looked at him, he merely shook his head, but as we maneuvered the box around and began to open it, I noticed that the front of his pants was beginning to bulge noticeably and that the ridge of his cock head printed plainly through the thin, brown fabric along his right thigh - well down his right thigh, I might add! It seemed to be turning into a contest of who was arousing who, and which one of us would crack first.

We got the rolled up and tightly compressed mattress out of the box and flopped it onto the box spring like a giant burrito, and then he pulled out a pocketknife and began to carefully slit the taut plastic compression wrap. When it separated, the mattress unrolled and flopped open suddenly, rapidly expanding as it sucked in air. Not centered on the box springs, it hit me, knocking me back into him.

I half-caught myself, grabbing him, but he also caught me, keeping me upright, one huge hand on my shoulder and the other on my hip. It took me a moment to realize that my hand, flailing behind me for something to grab onto, had landed on his crotch, the firm ridge of his cock, at least semi-hard, filling my hand.

I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t pull away suddenly ā€“ that should have been my first instinct in such a potentially embarrassing situation ā€“ but I didnā€™t. Instead, I registered what he felt like, his firmness and impressive girth, and realized that when heā€™d made his wisecrack about my toy, which is more than life-sized for most mere mortals, heā€™d been serious; it was, at best, only ā€œalmost life-sizedā€ compared to him.

Suddenly aware that I was squeezing him, I pulled my hand away. ā€œSorry, I didnā€™t expect that thing to pop open so suddenly.ā€

His hands still in place on my shoulder and hip, he said, ā€œItā€™s OK, Iā€™ve seen them do that before; I should have warned you. Are you all right?ā€

ā€œIā€™m fine, yeah, thanks for catching me.ā€ That should have been his cue to release me, but instead, his hands tightened, and then his right hand, the one on my hip, slid up my side and around to the front to encircle my breast, his fingers on my sternum, his thumb on the outer curve of my breast, and the lower arc of my breast resting against the webbing between.

I felt his lips and nose graze my hair as he said, ā€œTell me, Rayne, am I reading things wrong? Because if I am, Iā€™m about to be way out of line.ā€

My heart pounding, feeling like I couldnā€™t catch my breath, my tummy tight and hot, wet pussy clenching with arousal, I softly replied, ā€œYouā€™re not.ā€

He groaned softly as his hand closed over my right breast, his huge mitt engulfing it, and he squeezed, bringing his other hand around to smother my left one. I made a small sound, low in my throat, surprising myself with my need as he pulled me back against him, and I ground my ass against the bulge of his erection. It wasnā€™t upright against his stomach where I could easily rub on him, but rather extending down his right thigh in a long, thick ridge, holding his pants leg out and away from his body. It feltā€¦ enormous, and I was on fire!

His hands at my breasts were now mauling my hard, sensitive nipples, pinching and tugging, and his lips were on my neck, his teeth gently nipping at the base of my neck. Iā€™d told him I was sweaty and felt dirty, but he licked me, my neck and shoulder, and I knew he was going to make me come.

He sensed it too, and slid one hand down my tummy, going for my pussy, but I grabbed it and pulled it back up to my breast. ā€œNo, donā€™t stop what youā€™re doingā€¦ God, youā€™re going to make me come!ā€

He nuzzled my neck again. ā€œJust from playing with your titties?ā€

ā€œYesā€¦ uhh, no, not just from. Other things tooā€¦ ohh, God, yes, like that!ā€ A couple of years back Iā€™d reviewed my old Grayā€™s Anatomy textbook from college, curious, and reaffirmed that there were no nerves that ran directly from my nipples to my clitoris or vagina, but under the right circumstances it sometimes felt like it, and I could have a strong orgasm without having my sex touched. I guess, passing through my brain, the sensations from my nipples picked up other things, erotic multipliers, andā€¦ well, just wow!

Here, my anticipation and fantasizing had me already aroused, and his big, firm body against mine, his scent and touch, his hard, throbbing erection in my hand and against my ass, the circumstances and combination of erotic sensations were more than enough for me to have a ā€œnipplegasmā€, as Richard calls it, and I did!

I cried out, writhing against him, his strong arms squeezing me as he mauled my sensitive nipples. He bit me ā€“ hard ā€“ at the base of my neck as I was coming, and the wet warmth of his mouth and the slight pain became a part of it, my orgasm ripping wildly through me. My pussy hadnā€™t been touched, yet I felt the powerful contractions as it sought something to squeeze, my orgasm a full-body experience.

He kept on until he felt it begin to wane, some of the tension leaving my body, and when he sensed that, he dropped his hands to the lower hem of my shirt and ripped it up and over my head. When his hands came back to me, I left my arms raised, one hand behind his head, holding him bent to me. One of his hands, his left, returned to my breast, but his right dove unerringly into the elastic waistband of my shorts and between my legs, and he pushed two big fingers inside of me. Now, at last, my pussy had something to squeeze, and it did.

I cried out, the sound turning into a moan as he penetrated deeper, and he said, ā€œJesus!ā€

I donā€™t know what prompted his exclamation; my sounds, my scent, my hot, dripping wet pussy, maybe the way I squeezed his fingers, but whatever it was, it told me that he was as aroused and eager as I, more fuel for my fire. As I humped myself into his hand, demanding his fingers inside of me, he bent his head and bit me again, then licked me, pulling me back to him and stretching beneath my upraised arm to lick the side and under-curve of my right breast, turning me so that his tongue and teeth could find my jutting nipple.

His tongue was everywhere, on my breast, along my ribs, on my shoulder, but when his thumb found my erect clit (which felt enormously hard) at the same time that his tongue lapped up my side and across my armpit, I came, hard!

He was eagerly oral and hadnā€™t been lying when he said he liked a dirty, sweaty girl, and he devoured me as I came, thrusting onto his hand, crying out, cursing him, begging him for more. He pinched my nipple roughly, and I knew my nipples would be bruised and sensitive tomorrow, but didnā€™t care. His hand at my pussy, his fingers inside of me, his uninhibited tongue, warm and wet wherever it touched, provided a combination of sensations that was making me crazy, insanely aroused, and I wanted more, I wanted it to go on and on!

ā€œGod, James, yes! Ohhh, fuck, yes!ā€

He frigged my pussy hard as I came, but when my climax peaked and faded, he scooped me up in his arms as if to drop me on the bed. I said, ā€œJames, no! New mattress, it needs to expand out for twenty-four hours first. The guest room, upstairs!ā€

He turned and I grabbed my phone before he toted me out and up the stairs as if I weighed no more than a loaf of bread, dropping me unceremoniously on top of the spread, my body bouncing as we laughed. Before he could go any further, I sat up and grabbed at his belt, undoing it even as I noticed a dark, silver-dollar-sized wet spot over the bulging head of his cock, his arousal leaking, staining his uniform pants. I was so excited that I fumbled about, trying but failing to unbutton him and work his zipper, but once I got it, I realized why he showed so plainly through his pants and why his wet spot was so obvious He was not wearing underwear, none at all, and as I pulled his pants down, exposing more of his thick, beautiful, hickory-brown shaft, fat veins pulsing, I felt a shudder of pure arousal run through me.

His pants didnā€™t clear the end of his cock until they were well down his thighs, and when they did, it sprung up to almost horizontal, jutting out in front of him, huge, hard, and heavy, the purple tip of his glans peeking out from his fleshy foreskin, slick with precum. He truly did have an enormous cock, with big, weighty balls hanging low in their silken sack, all in all, a very impressive, very virile and masculine package.

I looked up at him, and he read my shock in my eyes as I said, ā€œJames, my Godā€¦ā€ and leaned forward to see how much of him I could take in my mouth, one hand lifting his balls and the other around the base of his cock as far as it would reach.

He stopped me. ā€œWait, Rayneā€¦ what about your husband?ā€

I smiled, impressed and pleased that heā€™d asked even if it was a little bit tardy. ā€œRichard? Heā€™s not here, but if he was, Iā€™m sure heā€™d be happy to suck your cock for you. I guess youā€™ll have to settle for me.ā€

He laughed. ā€œFirst, not at all what I meant, and secondā€¦ what?ā€

ā€œRichie is bisexual, James, and heā€™ll be with one of his male friends tonight. He knows youā€™re here and told me I should go with whatever felt right. You feel very right.ā€ I squeezed him, and he groaned.

ā€œBullshit! Heā€™s OK with us fucking?ā€ I could hear the incredulity in his voice

I laughed, nodding. ā€œHe is. Weā€™ve shared each other before with a few friends; threesomes, or with another partner if things work out that way. We both love sex and experimenting, and we also understand the difference between love and sex.ā€ I was stroking him slowly as I explained, his thick, supple foreskin sliding sensuously over the plum-sized and plum-purple head of his big, brown cock.

ā€œSo heā€™s seriously OK with this?ā€

I nodded. ā€œProvided I tell him all the details, yes. He also requested a few photos, if thatā€™s all right with you.ā€

ā€œWell, fuck, yeahā€¦ I mean, fuck.ā€

I laughed. ā€œProfound!ā€

He grinned. ā€œI know, right? So yā€™all do threesomes? With other guys?ā€

ā€œSometimes ā€“ or other girls. Well. Just one so far, but sheā€™s a hottie.ā€ I giggled. ā€œSomething youā€™d be interested in?ā€

ā€œIā€™m not really bi.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s fine, itā€™s not a requirement. Curious, at all?ā€

He shrugged. ā€œI donā€™t know. Maybe, a little. I mean, you always wonderā€¦ā€

ā€œWeā€™d love to help you explore that, to whatever point youā€™re comfortable.ā€

ā€œGoddamn. How come I never knew any of this?ā€

I shrugged. ā€œYou never asked ā€“ and you never brought me a mattress before and showed off your big muscles. Including this one, which is astonishing!ā€ I wagged his cock back and forth with my hand before leaning forward to lick him, playing with his foreskin with my tongue and tasting the viscous saltiness of his skin and his precum before sliding my lips over his glans and filling my mouth with him.

Written by Wet_n_willing
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