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The Dare - Chapter 2

"After a husband dares his wife to walk past some young guys with no knickers.  He gets a lot more th"

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As Don climbed into my van and sat down opposite me, I asked. “You’re not here to punch me in the face, are you?” 

“No!” He hesitated, “Hazel wants to fuck you.”

That brought a little gasp from me. I kind of knew that’s why he had to be here, but I didn’t expect such a blunt response.

“And what do you think about that?” I asked, knowing he would not be in my van if he hadn’t agreed.

“I’m pretty confused, I want to, but I’m also really scared this is going to fuck up our marriage. You’re everything I’m not, and she may decide that she only wants big cocks from now on.”

“Right, let me give you some advice. I could see that Hazel cares for you. She may have gotten horny with what you guys did, but no way will she want that to affect your marriage. She will be just as worried about that as you are. Next, I find women may fantasise about big cocks, but not many want to marry one. And mine is not that large anyway; it may be seven inches on a good day. I’ve seen plenty that are much larger.”

Don didn’t look convinced. So I mentioned that my wife and I had a similar situation, “I was terribly jealous, angry, and felt inadequate. I even despised myself for allowing another man to touch her. All of these emotions combined to heighten my sexual response. The excitement and passion we experienced afterwards were quite incredible.

“Is that how you’re feeling?” I asked.

“Yes, and I’m fucked-up by how exciting I found it. Also wondering if she will go off and find other men.”

“That final bit is up to you. How you handle the situation is important. You need to be really honest with Hazel. Tell her all your fears, but always keep telling her how beautiful you thought she was and how excited you got watching her get so turned on. If you get negative or try to put the blame on her, you’ll lose her for sure. What happened was all you’re doing. It was you who dared her to walk past with no knickers. So make sure you apologise for setting her up.”

I wanted to know how honest they had been with one another. “You obviously had a fairly good discussion for Hazel to admit she wanted more.”

“We were pretty awkward, really, both screwed up, but I knew she wanted more and finally got her to admit it. She’s promised me it will be only this once, and we will never see you again. And the thought of her being fucked, really got me excited, and I thought if we didn’t do it, the chance may never come again.”

He admitted to me he had never had much experience with sex and that Hazel initiated most of the more ‘out-there’ things they had done. I asked him if he was a virgin when he met Hazel, and he admitted he was.

“Was Hazel a virgin?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I have asked her, but she will never tell me anything about her past. But she did an arts degree at University, so I guess she had adventures there. Doesn’t everyone who goes to University? “

“Come on, let’s go see her. I’ve got a good bottle of wine I would be happy to share with you guys. I’ll also bring a couple of music CD compilations of mine.” Then, as Don moved to the back door, I turned and grabbed a jar of Vaseline from the shelf. Don saw this and raised his eyes, questioning me.

“Let’s see if we can have you get some arse before the nights out. There’s nothing better than Vaseline if you want that to happen.” I noted that the worried look left his face for the first time as he contemplated the benefits the night might bring.

“You don’t need to bring the wine; we have plenty of booze, and Hazel and I have already had a couple of Gin and Tonics to pluck up courage.”

“I need a drink, and I want to share this bottle, not drink it alone.”

On the way over to their van, I thought about Don’s revelation that Hazel initiated all the sex and anything new that they tried. I thought to myself, ‘She has to have had some sexual experiences before she met Don, and I resolved that I would have a go at finding out what she had done in her past.’


My first impression when I entered their Motorhome was how classy and modern it was compared to mine. I saw they had a Luton bed over the driver’s cab, which appeared to be where they slept. But I noticed that Hazel was sitting on a bed they had made up on the seats where the dining table should be. She must have made this up while Don was over fetching me, as he appeared surprised. I also noted the shadow of doubt that crept over his face when he took in her waiting on the bed for me.

Opposite the dining area was a comfortable bench seat. I sat on this and asked Don to open the wine. He went to the kitchen, which was at the back of the van. I asked Hazel if she knew how to operate the CD player. Nodding, she got up and led me to the front cab. Bending over to find the remote, she presented me her alluring globes, only half covered by the short dress she had changed into. Grabbing a handful of butt, I found she had put some panties on.

 She gasped, a sharp intake of air. “I asked for that, didn’t I?”

“Yes, well planned on your part.” But I removed my hand and worked out how to get the CD playing.

The first song I got playing was Tracy Chapman’s ‘Baby, can I hold you’. I led the way back to the bench seat, my hips swaying to the beat, and guided Hazel to sit beside me. Don came back with the wine glasses and sat opposite us on the edge of the bed.

“To good friends.” I toasted.

We all took a sip, Hazel commenting that she didn’t really need any more drink. But I asked her to have a little for me, as I didn’t want to drink it on my own. Then, I proceeded to ask them both about their lives. What they did for work, hobbies, and travels. For the next good while, we all relaxed, finding many things we had in common and places all over the world we had visited or wanted to go to.

Somewhere along the way, while Hazel was laughing at something I had said, I drew her to me with my arm around her shoulders. She was fully relaxed now and snuggled in happily. As my right hand caressed her shoulder, down her arm, and moved closer to her breast, she just relaxed and turned her body to mine.

 I changed the subject slowly, telling them I did a little writing, some sexy stuff I admitted. Hazel wanted to know how sexy and if she could find some to read. I said if she wanted to give me her email later, I could send her and Don a story.

“Ooh, we’ll look forward to that. Won’t we, Don?”

 I don’t think Don was quite as keen as Hazel. So to get back on track, I asked Hazel if she liked foot massages. At her enthusiastic response to that and my nodding encouragement to Don, he picked up her feet and kneaded her toes. I took the opportunity to lower my right hand and cup her breast, which I lightly fondled, but kept my fingers away from her nipple.

She eased back into me, pushing her hips forward so her feet rested more comfortably on Don’s lap and taking a big sip of her wine, she murmured. “Ooh, that’s nice.”

“What?.... The wine, Don on your feet, or my caressing your breast?” I asked her.

“All of them, I feel like a spoilt, decadent woman.”

“Right, some honesty. What age were you when you lost your virginity?” I felt her tense up slightly, but she answered.

“Seventeen, and it was very average, my schoolboy crush, and he was quite useless.”

Then I went for the one million dollar question, “What about those guys at University?”

She turned her head to me and tried to sit up, but I held her.

“How did you.” Then, realising what she was about to say was incriminating, she turned to Don. “I can’t tell you about my life before I met you. You just have to trust me that nothing I have ever done affects our marriage.”

I knew I had touched on something important and that Don would never leave it alone; now he had an inkling that something pretty big had happened. And knowing he would likely stuff things up in trying to find out, I knew I needed to try and find out for him.

“Hazel, look me in the eyes.” And when I had her attention, “What we did before and what is happening now demands absolute honesty between you and Don. You have all but admitted sexual activity at Uni, and if you don’t come clean now, it will destroy the two of you. Talk to me, forget Don is there. I will not judge you in any way.”

“But I can’t. I made a promise to my best friend that I would never tell anyone.”

I saw that Don was about to launch into a thousand questions. His imagination running wild, and his ‘want to know’ blinding his judgment.

“You know you can trust Don with anything. He will promise not to let what you tell us leave his lips.” 

Hazel snapped her head around to stare at Don. Thankfully, he saw sense, nodded his head, and swore that whatever she had done and told him was safe between them. I gave him a thumbs-up with my left hand. It was held hard against my side so that Hazel couldn’t see.

“Now start slowly. How did it start?”

Hazel was quiet for a bit. Don resumed massaging her feet, and I gave her a comforting hug and caressed her, but still keeping well clear of any naughty bits.

“I kept to myself most of my first year at Otago Uni. I studied the arts and did well in all my subjects. In my second year, I branched out a bit and joined the badminton team, bible class, and outdoor tramping group. On the badminton team, I met a guy, Peter; he was very popular; I was quite flattered that he bothered with me.”

“Because you were beautiful!” Interjected Don. I gave him another secret thumbs up.

“He took me to movies and came on several tramps with me. He tried it on each date we had, but I resisted, knowing that he would disappear as soon as he had me. After I turned him down a few times, he started seeing me less and less, but he always turned up again after a week or two, and we would do something together. Near the end of the year, he started seeing me more often and in my head, I started to think of him as my boyfriend. At the end of the last semester, he asked me to a party, and I made a decision that I would sleep with him that night, as I was going back to Wellington and he to Auckland, and we likely wouldn’t see one another again if I did not relent.”

Turning away from me, she looked at Don, “Oh! I can’t tell you this. You’ll hate me!”

I was proud of Don’s response. He said that even though it would drive him nuts, she didn’t have to tell him, and he would try not to bring it up. But that whatever she had done was likely to excite him, just like she had excited him tonight and that it would only make him love her more.

‘That-a-boy’, couldn’t have said it better myself. Turning to Hazel, I said, “You can see that you have to continue. We are both understanding, and you know I have done a thousand things far worse than you could ever imagine. So you certainly won’t shock me.”

She looked very sceptically at me. “Well, when I got to the party, Pete went off and talked with his mates; I saw a girl from my bible class there, so I moved over and talked with her. I can’t remember her name, but she was an attractive, shy girl, and we hit it off well. Sometime later, the guy she had come with asked her to dance, so I went to the kitchen for a drink. I had already had a lot as I was trying to drown out my doubts about sleeping with Pete later on.”

“Out in the kitchen, a guy was preparing the food and asked me to help. I put sausage rolls in the oven, helped him set the timer, then buttered bread, etc. Then I took some club sandwiches out to the lounge. I was quite shocked to see my bible class friend dancing between two guys, and they were not being very discreet with their roving hands. Her boyfriend was kissing her and fondling her breasts. The other guy was rubbing his very obvious bulge up the crack of her butt. He had his hands on her hips and had pulled her dress up, exposing her knickers. Making obvious fucking movements and grinning lewdly at all his mates.”

“Embarrassed for her, I escaped back to the kitchen. When the sausage rolls were ready, the kitchen guy and I took them out to the lounge. I noticed immediately that Pete and his mates were missing. The room seemed half full, but I didn’t think much of it, and the guy from the kitchen started making conversation.”

“Are you really sure you want me to go on with this, Don?” Hazel asked.

Don and I sounded a bit short of breath as we gasped our reassurances. Both of us were forming an idea where this was going, and we were getting turned on by our imaginings.

“His name was Ben. He was easy to talk to, and we must have talked for half an hour before I started wondering where Pete and the rest were. Wanting to go to the toilet, I told Ben I needed to use the lady’s room and stood up to head for the hall. Ben leapt up and told me to use the bathroom in the washhouse out behind the kitchen.”

 “But everyone else is going to the hall toilet. Why can’t I?”

“Ben looked awkward and tried to move me out to the kitchen, but I got stubborn and pulled away. He came with me and, at the entrance to the hall, took my arm and again tried to talk me out of going further. Until that point, I had no suspicions at all, but with his actions and the noises coming from the open bedroom door nearby, the penny suddenly dropped. Someone was having sex in the bedroom on my left, and it hit me then that Pete was in there. I was hit by blind rage, the bastard! I didn’t know if to barge in and confront him or just to leave and go home.”

Hazel stopped. Her face showed the pain and anger she had felt. Then, looking to Don, then me, whispered, “I was so naive, I turned and stormed into the toilet. I sat there fuming and thinking about what I should do. Then, as I sat there working things through, I realised that the sounds I had heard were from more than just a couple, and realised that was probably where the rest of the guys were. My imagination kicked into gear, and an urgent need to see what was happening spread through my body.”

“When I came out of the toilet, Ben was still there, he went to guide me back to the lounge. I told him I wanted to see them, and before he could stop me, stepped over to the bedroom door.”

“My imagination didn’t come close to what was happening in the bedroom. My bible class friend, ‘It’s just come to me, I think her name was Ruth, was on all fours, naked in the middle of a double bed. There was a guy behind her, thrusting away, and there was my Pete ramming his cock down her throat. I learned later it was called being spit-roasted. Ben tried to drag me away, and I was about to go with him when the guy behind Ruth came hard; he pulled out and yelled obscenities and sprayed his goods all over her back.” 

 “I resisted Ben, wanting to watch and see what would happen next. As the guy claimed off the bed, Ruth pulled her mouth from Pete’s cock, and complained she had not cum yet, and that she needed more cock. I was shocked. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had thought she was so innocent.” 

 “One of the guys standing around the bed leapt up behind her, hard cock in hand, and began wiping it up and down between her legs. I saw that it was getting wet and shiny from the mess the previous guy had made, and I found myself getting aroused despite my continued anger with Pete.”

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“I don’t know how long I stood there, but I realised that my growing arousal was partly because Ben was playing with my breasts. You know that is one of my biggest turn-ons, Don. One of the other guys in the room noticed us and came to the door and started trying to get his hands between my legs.”

  “I knew I should get out of there but found myself telling them, ‘Not Here!’ Why did I say that? It is not what I meant to come out of my mouth. Before I could correct myself, the two guys guided me into the opposite bedroom, which I found out later, was Ben’s. They lay me on the bed. I was still thinking I should stop, but on top of my mind was getting back at Pete, and I was by now very aroused. Before I knew it, they had most of my clothes off, and Ben was on top of me; he knew what he was doing and what with the other guy sucking on my breasts, I soon had a massive orgasm.”

She stopped talking as if this was the end of the story. Don spoke first, “Shit that was sexy. Look how hard you have me.” And he grabbed his cock through his shorts. 

I chimed in, “Yes, you have me hard as well. Did any others come into the bedroom, and what happened with Pete?”

Hazel reluctantly continued, “Yes, some others came into the room, and I soon forgot about Pete and really got into it; I might have had five different guys and many orgasms. I finally came to my senses when Pete entered the room and tried to have me as well. I exploded, called him names, and kicked everyone out of the room. Once dressed, I searched for Ben and got him to take me home. Ben tried to see me after the party, but I was way too embarrassed about what I had done and ignored all his requests.”

Hazel looked at Don, “Are you disappointed with me?”

“Shit no!” Exclaimed Don, “Hell, I understand; Pete was a bastard; I’ve met plenty like him. It makes no difference to me. I wish I had known sooner. We could have used that in our fantasies.”

Hazel looked down, embarrassment written all over her face, “But I enjoyed it, I had a horrible summer; every day, I beat myself up, and when I wasn’t beating myself for being such a slut, I masturbated thinking about that night. I was terribly screwed up.”

Hazel lay back as if that was all there was to tell. But for me, there were some unanswered questions. While Don was reassuring her he loved her and that what she had done was in the past, I ran things through my mind. On top of my list were: who was the friend she had promised to remain silent too, and what had happened in her third year at Uni?

So when she was relaxed again, I urged her to carry on and tell us the rest. She turned to Don and asked. “did she have to?”. 

Don must have been having the same thoughts as me as he asked about her best friend. And when she again spoke of her promise, he said he could already guess who it was.

“It can’t be Margaret. We have only known her for less than ten years. It can’t be Trudy; she’s never done anything wrong in her life and is such a prude. So it has to be Rose. She’s always game for anything.”

“Shit, why did I open my mouth? It wasn’t Rose. You know I wasn’t at Uni with her.”

A sceptical look came over Don’s face, “Trudy, you were at University with her. It can’t be. She gets awkward and upset whenever the topic of sex comes up.”

Hazel laughed nervously, “Little do you know. I met her towards the end of the second year. She joined the bible group, and we realised we had gone to the same secondary school. But we never really knew one another, as we lived quite far apart, her on the other side of the school.

But that summer, she looked me up, wondering why I had missed the last two bible club meetings. I couldn’t tell her why, of course, but I never returned. I would have been such a hypocrite. But we hit it off and decided to share a dorm room for our final year.”

Don spoke up, “I remember now. I have heard you guys mention that you roomed together. But you never talk of those times!”

“You are about to find out why. I hope you can handle this. Remember, it’s you pushing me to tell. And you absolutely have to promise me this stays between the two of us.”

“I’m OK. Anything you did sounds pretty exciting to me.”

“Well, when our third year started, Trudy joined the Badminton Club with me. There, she almost immediately took up with a Malaysian student, Ashram. He was dark-skinned, very handsome, and an outstanding player. Before long, I would get woken frequently by their lovemaking, only feet away in the bed next to mine. She was always trying to get me to date one of his friends, but I was still screwed up about the party the year before and always made excuses.”

“Not long after Trudy started dating Ashram, I found he knew Ben. They were in some classes together, and Ben, finding where I was staying, started trying to date me again. I wanted to, as he was a very good lover, but I was nervous about dating him and what it might lead to. Still, eventually, the four of us did go to the movies a couple of times and on a tramp together.”

“I should have realised that Ben would tell Ashram all about me, and the signs were there, but I didn’t see them. Ashram was treating me differently, making complimentary comments and teasing me. Trudy also changed. She started asking me about my sex life and the things I had done sexually. But I didn’t have a clue. I found out later that Ashram had been trying to get Trudy to have a threesome, and when she kept resisting and giving me as a reason she never could, he blabbed to her about my not being as pure as she thought and that I had had a gang bang. I had no idea about this, though, although, in hindsight, I should have seen the signs.”

“About six weeks into the first term, Ben asked me to a party. I declined. But then Trudy started on at me, that she and Ashram were going, and she wanted me to go so she knew someone. So the next time I saw Ben, and he pressed me again, I agreed to go with him. But I made it clear I would not do anything like last time. He seemed to be all OK with that.”

“The night of the party came, and I dressed in jeans, a blouse and a jersey. But Trudy got onto me about having to wear a dress as she was wearing one. I had nothing suitable, so she opened her wardrobe and completely re-dressed me. I couldn’t fit into any of her dresses as she was a good five inches taller than me. So she pulled out a short red skirt and white blouse. She even teased me about wearing nothing underneath, but I was having none of that, so she handed me a red lacy thong and bra set. I argued about them being too skimpy and sheer, but to no avail. That’s what she insisted I wear.”

“When we got to the party, I realised it was at the same house as the ganging party from the year before. I started to realise what was likely to happen but didn’t say anything out loud because of Trudy and Ashram. But once we were inside, my suspicions were reinforced by the fact that only one other girl was there. I balked at the door to the lounge, but Ben assured me that more girls were coming and not to worry.”

“About ten other guys were already there, and a couple were making cocktails. Trudy and I were handed a fallen angel cocktail as we entered the lounge. I don’t think it was that alcoholic, but on top of the glasses of gin and tonic Trudy and I had before we left our dorm, it had me feeling quite tipsy. The next cocktail they made up was a Brandy Alexander, which was quite strong but delicious. The drinks, good music, laughter, and food soon relaxed us all.”

“Ben got me up to dance. I was feeling really good. He twirled me around the floor, making me feel like a princess. The next cocktail was a grasshopper, another delicious milkshake, but now I really did feel quite tipsy. He was holding me against him and running his hands all over my body. I didn’t mind, I felt great. Then, one of the other guys moved in behind me and danced erotically. I came to my senses and tried to break away, but they held me, and I felt the guy behind grabbing my arse.

I was feeling fuzzy, but my head cleared, and I searched out Trudy, expecting she would be disgusted with me. But she was on the couch, giving me the thumbs up and beaming encouragement. I fought the guys then, coming to my senses. Trudy leapt up, stood alongside me, and whispered for me to relax. She said she wanted to watch, just as I had watched her and Ashram plenty of times. I tried to deny that, but she said she didn’t mind. It turned her on, my watching them.”

“Then, as I kept struggling against the guys, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked, but it was nice. She put her hand behind my head and started to get into it. I found my breasts being released and fondled, looked down, and found that it was Trudy. God, that turned me on. By now, the guy behind me had my thong pulled down and was rubbing his finger in my slit; well, I thought it was his finger. Ben was still holding me but was helping Trudy remove my bra.”

“I was vaguely aware of Trudy leaving me to the ministrations of the guys, then as I was led to the couch and laid down. I realised that Trudy and Ashram had moved their two-seater to the middle of the lounge. It was a blur after that, but I had many orgasms.”

“Fuck! I’m going cum.” Exclaimed Don.

He pulled Hazel over to him and started kissing her. She half stood as she moved to him, presenting the beautiful round globes of her arse right in front of me. She had her legs apart for balance and bent forward at the waist. I just reached forward, slipped her panties down to her knees and cupped her mound.

Hazel wriggled her bottom in encouragement. So I stood behind her, dropped my shorts, and ran my prick up and down her slit. She was soaking wet and responded by pressing back into me, and her hand came between her legs, trying to pull me into her.

I eased away, knowing if I thrust into her at that moment, I was going to explode. I was so turned on by my imagining her being ‘gang banged’ by those Uni students. She thrust her hips back, trying to find me, and her fingers snaked around her clit. I watched her rubbing herself hard as she dropped her head to Don’s lap and took him in her mouth. And I mean, took all of him in her mouth; she bloody near swallowed his balls; she had him so deep. I also noted that Don was so horny he was about an inch longer than when he had been standing next to my van earlier.

He came almost instantly, hips bucking up into Hazel’s face. She came as well, her moans of pleasure escaping around his cock. Her fingers were a blur, sinking deep into the mess of juices gushing from between her legs.

I snuck my fingers around hers, getting them coated in the viscous mess, then smeared them around her little puckered brown rose. I didn’t know how long it was going to take Don to be ready for more action, but I had promised him I would try to get Hazel to give him Anal. While she was still in the throes of her orgasm, I slipped a finger deep into her butt. She didn’t complain, just wriggled her arse around on my finger, relishing the sensations.

Don surprised me. He had now pulled Hazel up and was kissing her again and seemed quite turned on, tasting his spunk. But he was still hard! 

How? Once I have cum, it will be at least half an hour before I can get hard again. And to be honest, it’s more like the next day before I get the urge again nowadays. I had surprised myself that I had gotten a hard-on only two hours after the blow job by my van. 

I needed relief and afterwards wanted to hear the rest of her story, wondering if I would get hard a third time that day. But the priority, for now, was that I needed some relief. I moved over to lay beside them, so eager that I banged my head against the bracket on the wall that held the table when it was in place. Fuck, it hurt, but my need was much stronger than the pain, and I grabbed Hazel away from her husband and pulled her over on top of me. She came eagerly, throwing her leg over, grabbing my rampant cock, and sliding it between her legs. 

Don was looking crestfallen, his emotions etched onto his face: anger, uncertainty, desire, and disappointment. He was annoyed that Hazel had cast him aside so eagerly to leap upon my prick.

I caught his eye; ‘her arse,’ I mouthed at him. He didn’t move, too caught up in his confused emotions. I pulled Hazel down onto my chest, thrust hard into her, and then spoke to Don. “Hazel wants you in her arse. Are you going to give her what she wants or just sit there moping?”

He looked at her butt, bouncing up and down, and seemed to come to his senses. He stood, moved behind her, and bent down, pointing his still-hard prick at his prize.

“Take it slowly and be gentle; this is her first time,” I whispered. I had a hand over her ear but didn’t need to bother. She was so engrossed in her pleasure that I don’t think she heard a thing. I pointed behind Don to my pants. He took a minute to acknowledge me, and it took some more gesturing before he found the Vaseline in my pants pocket. Then the light went on, and he greased himself up and, like a real pro, started working Vaseline into her arse.

The plus for me was that all this distraction, getting him to find the Vaseline, had staved off an almost inevitable premature explosion. And I could now pace myself and match my strokes to hers. I placed my hands on her hips and slowed her down but pushed hard against her each time she thrust herself onto me.

Seconds later, I felt Don trying to ease himself into her arse. She jerked, coming to her senses about what was about to happen. She tried to slip sideways to deny him, but I held her firmly and whispered encouragement in her ear. “Relax, you’ll love this once the first bit of pain subsides.” And sure enough, we were soon all struggling to stay in unison, all banging away, working to increase the sensations racking our bodies.

We all came, not exactly together, but pretty close. Hazel was first; she thrust her pelvis hard against me, then rotated her hips around on Don’s prick. Her breathing became ragged, and as her hips really started to grind and buck, she let out a long A-a-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h that should have woken half the campers on the reserve. Then Don came seconds before me and collapsed on the bed beside us. I was bloody happy to see that as Don withdrew, he now sported a very limp cock.

I found later that this was their normal routine, A quick blowjob first, as Don always got too excited and came too fast for Hazel, then almost straight away, into some long slow sex. Over the years, it had become normal for him to stay hard between both orgasms.

I was fucked, and would have happily headed off to my bed. But like a gentleman, I stayed put and caressed Hazel and nodded in agreement to all of Don’s comments about how beautiful and sexy she was.

Hazel started to cry, “God, I am so weak. I never could say ‘No’. You’ll hate me.”

Her comment was directed at Don, who grabbed her, hugged her hard, and replied, “Don’t talk crazy. I love you more than ever. That was the best sex we have ever had. I don’t give a dam about your past. I’m thankful I’m the lucky bastard that married you.”

Way to go!’ I thought. Don was handling this beautifully. Although he still had doubt and misgiving present in his eyes when he looked at me, I had no doubt this would not be the last time he shared her.

After a while, Hazel got a hold of her emotions. We all sat up, and Don handed us our glasses. Sipping on my wine, I noted that Don and Hazel cleaned theirs up in a couple of gulps, and Don refilled them. I declined any more for the moment. I knew too much wine would put me to sleep right now, and I wanted to hear more of Hazel’s adventures at Uni. 

To be continued….









Written by mingemuncher
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