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The Adventures of Footlong Frank: The Bucket List

"Denise, the quintessential trophy wife, seizes the opportunity to fulfill a colossal bucket list item with her husband's cooperation."

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Author's Notes

"Once the epitome of a below-average loser, Frank experienced a bizarre transformation upon entering adulthood. Join his rollercoaster of adventures as he navigates the blessings and curses of his newfound growth. Our first adventure follows Frank's freakish transition and Denise, the quintessential trophy wife, who seizes a chance to fulfill a decade-long bucket list item with her husband's cooperation. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Will Denise be overwhelmed by this gigantic opportunity? Stay tuned to find out!"

Just before 9:00 PM, I approached the entrance of Eagle Point, the most prestigious neighborhood in my city. My car came to a grinding halt at the gate, thanks to brakes that should have been replaced months ago. The security guard emerged from a guardhouse the size of an average middle-class home, his face marked with unmistakable judgment. Despite his attempt at politeness, he couldn’t hide his curiosity and contempt for what a kid in a rusty, beat-up 1991 Toyota Corolla could have possibly been doing in the city’s most exclusive neighborhood on a Saturday night.

“Can I help you?” the guard asked, his tone laced with rudeness.

“Hi, I am going to Matt & Denise Clark's house,” I replied.

“What is your name?” he sharply snapped back.

“Frank Purvis,” I responded.

“Can I see your ID, please?” he asked.

As I handed the security guard my ID, he stepped back into the guardhouse, taking a few minutes to verify me on the computer. I could see him push a button to open the gate before he returned to the curb, looking disappointed, as if he were somehow upset that he had to let me in.

“Have a nice evening, Mr. Purvis,” he said, clearly annoyed.

As the sizeable castle-like iron gates slowly finished opening, I cautiously pulled through and continued following Waze to the address Matt had given me just an hour before. Although he wasn't the nicest guy I had ever met, I quickly began to understand the security guard's skepticism as I passed houses I couldn’t afford, even with four lifetimes of work. Eagle Point consisted of thirty gargantuan estates, with a local reputation as a mythical fortress that many had talked about but few had seen. Only the wealthiest and most influential could claim residence within its borders, making it one of the most exclusive communities in the region. With Waze indicating I was just three minutes away from the house, this is probably a good time to introduce myself and explain what business a guy like me could have possibly had in Eagle Point.

My name is Frank, and my life is best described as that of a mostly below-average Caucasian twenty-year-old introvert. I wasn't blessed with the looks or physique of a model, an entrepreneurial spirit, wealthy parents, or a trust fund. I’m simply a borderline loser, a high school dropout scraping by in a double-wide in crime-ridden Whispering Oaks Trailer Park. Somehow, over the past two years, I’ve juggled more jobs than I can count on both hands to make ends meet.

The summer following my junior year of high school is one I will never forget, sparking a chain of unforeseen events that would change my life forever. Something extraordinary began happening to me as I couldn't help but compare my life to some bizarre, twisted version of the 1985 movie Teen Wolf. Instead of transforming into a werewolf at age eighteen, I instead began to experience what seemed like a second superhero-like puberty, targeting only my manhood. While my way-below-average, petite 5’2”, 105-pound frame remained intact, it felt like a cruel joke as everything below my waist began to grow almost exponentially over a three-month period. I struggled to adapt to what had now become a twelve-inch kielbasa-sized cock, thick as a shaving cream can, which seemed to be in a perpetual state of hardness, paired with a set of gargantuan jumbo egg-sized testicles. At the time, I felt like an utter freak and had an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with what was happening to me.

While I would eventually come to realize my transformation as a blessing, that was far from the case initially. My newfound growth left multiple urologists baffled and had a significant psychological impact on me, flipping my life upside down. Shorts and underwear no longer fit my consistently unpredictable, gigantic hard-on, which strained the seams and left me feeling constantly uncomfortable, making it nearly impossible to conceal in everyday clothes. The absurdity of my cock size was surreal, almost comical, and added to my daily struggles. Orgasms, once below average, suddenly turned into forces of nature. I thought something was wrong with me, and the difficulty I had coping with the freakshow I had seemingly become overnight led me to fast-track a difficult decision I had been pondering for the past year.

To say high school was a horrible time for me would be an understatement. It was the worst, and I was awful at it. I was the quintessential bullied introvert with no friends, already extremely self-conscious about my petite physical stature and non-masculine demeanor. Every day was a struggle, filled with relentless teasing and isolation, amplifying my misery and making me dread each moment spent in that toxic environment. The anxiety and psychological impact of my newfound transformation was simply the final straw in a decision that had loomed for months. While my parents were already aware of my horrible grades, I purposely kept them in the dark about the social anxiety I faced every single day. Naturally, they were distraught and vehemently disagreed with my decision to drop out of high school. To make a long story short, things escalated quickly, and less than two weeks later, my parents were so angry they asked me to move out. This forced me to find a place of my own, with only an insulting stipend to get by until I could find a job to support myself.

Getting kicked out of my parents’ house was initially a massive shock, but it was a blessing in disguise that finally allowed me to discover my purpose in this world. Things escalated rapidly as I embraced my newfound independence, settling into my shoddy, stipend-funded double-wide trailer in the crime-infested Whispering Oaks Trailer Park. I began doing DoorDash deliveries in my spare time to make ends meet. Once reserved solely for high school homework, my computer suddenly became an introverted recluse's weapon for introducing his unique gift to the world. Escalating porn habits quickly brought me to the realization of a freakish endowment that set me apart from nearly every other man on the planet. Almost immediately, I dove headfirst into the online hookup scene, discovering that what I initially viewed as a curse had actually been a blessing all along. As I began to use my gift, I found its power, with each encounter boosting my ego as the worshipped reactions from my partners and newfound confidence gradually transformed me into a new person.

Over the next two years, my moral compass hit rock bottom as I transitioned from a bullied, introverted virgin who had never attracted even the slightest attention from the opposite sex to a sought-after bucket list item for size-queen-obsessed women from all walks of life. My trashy $250-a-month double-wide trailer became ground zero for women spanning every social, professional, and economic class. Soccer games were missed. Birthdays were missed. The dangers of entering one of the worst areas in the city were ignored. These women were willing to do anything it took to get their fix. Every negative aspect of my life seemed to vanish in the shadow of the footlong homewrecker between my legs.

I finally found my purpose in life, and I was good at it. In fact, I was great at it. Inflicting brain-damaging orgasms on otherwise happy soccer moms and trophy wives who were physically out of my league gave me a God-like sense of power. But after a while, the thrill of sneaking around with cheating wives started to fade. I began to crave something more exciting, and that’s when I discovered the thrill of couples. Watching husbands approvingly witness their partners fulfill long-held fantasies while being in the room added a whole new layer of excitement. It became like an addictive drug, with mostly resigned men helplessly observing as their size-queen addict wives, some spanning multiple decades, transformed into unrecognizable lunatics before their very eyes as they experienced a footlong penis for the first time.

Matt and Denise, though a milder experience compared to others remain one of my favorite couples to this day. They were a seemingly happily married duo in their late forties who had been married for nearly thirty years. Now, dipping their toes into this lifestyle for the first time, their story mirrored a classic tale as old as time in this world where years of size-queen curiosity had finally reached a boiling point and a desire to transform fantasy into reality.

The dynamics of each couple varied, making first-time experiences intriguing because it was often unclear who was the driving force behind the life-altering journey they were about to embark on. In Matt and Denise’s case, it became apparent that Matt made a concerted effort to control the interaction from the start, ensuring Denise didn’t speak directly to me. I quickly discovered that Matt had never fully embraced the idea but eventually gave way to Denise’s decade-long obsession, fueled by pornography, of experiencing a freakishly well-endowed man. As a somewhat reluctant fiftieth birthday gift to Denise, Matt was suddenly in charge of finding a candidate to fulfill his wife's long-held fantasy.

The journey from introduction to meetup typically followed a predictable script: intrigue, picture exchange, small talk, rules of engagement, and finally, logistics. Intrigue was almost effortless, akin to shooting fish in a barrel, feeding my ego. I didn’t have to lift a finger. The “12” next to the cock size attribute in my profile, coupled with a teaser picture featuring bike shorts struggling to contain my endowment, acted as a powerful magnet for size-obsessed women and sometimes even men.

The picture exchange was always a highlight for me, especially with newcomers like Matt and Denise. It marked the moment when fantasy collided with reality as Denise had likely struggled to maintain her composure while remaining cognizant of her husband's feelings. Although I can’t say with absolute certainty what was happening on the other side of the screen, I can offer some informed perspective. The arsenal of pictures I unloaded into the chat left little to the imagination, showcasing my impressive, flawlessly straight, and freak show-worthy member. It shattered the illusion of a potentially deceptive public profile picture. The shaft, as thick as a shaving cream can, was tanned and uniformly toned, smooth and imposing, with a lack of prominent veins. At the tip, a head resembling a gigantic, flesh-colored mushroom-shaped helmet was a remarkable marvel of human anatomy. My balls hung heavily, housing two testicles, each the size of a large Grade-A egg. Together, they formed a package resembling a large avocado, their size disproportionate even to the twelve-inch wiener they hung beneath. The substantial scrotum was responsible for my newfound ability to produce powerful loads.

When it became time for them to share pictures, Matt immediately emphasized their need for privacy and declined to include a photo of Denise’s face. I respected his decision without hesitation, and honestly, it didn’t matter much to me anyway. After a short pause, a single nude photo of Denise from the neck down appeared in the chat. It was a selfie in front of a bathroom mirror, instantly portraying her as a classic trophy wife. Her physique resembled that of a late twenties athlete rather than someone nearing fifty, with a petite frame weighing no more than 100 pounds. Her perfectly shaped, surgically enhanced D-cup tits appeared even more substantial against her slender figure, accentuated by distinct tan lines reminiscent of a dedicated tennis player. While I was never overly picky about the appearance of the women I met, encountering a smoking hot wife like Denise, who clearly took excellent care of herself, was always a welcomed surprise.

Just two days after our initial introduction, Matt’s message arrived unexpectedly early. "So, how does this work?" it read, almost resembling a hostage note, indicating things at home had escalated faster than he had anticipated. Little did their husbands know, women like Denise had already sealed their fate the moment the first picture appeared in the chat. Where I resembled Sloth from The Goonies or some other grotesque creature didn’t matter. They didn’t care who I was, what I looked like, or that I was broke and living in a trailer park. Their minds were made up; this was going to happen with or without their husbands.

The small talk, Q&A, and rules of engagement passed swiftly as Matt made it clear that Denise’s curiosity extended only to oral sex, with a strict boundary against touching below her waist, a limit I respected. There was no middle ground for men like Matt and others in a similar situation; they either embraced what was happening or didn’t. From the get-go, I could tell Matt was seemingly doing this against his own will to keep what appeared to be a high-maintenance trophy wife happy. I agreed with Matt’s terms and did my best to ease an anxious man of the life-changing decision he was about to endorse.

As we sorted out the logistics, Matt was hesitant and insistent that the encounter not occur at their house. While my double-wide had seen its share of cheating spouses and men exploring unplanned bi-sexuality, I knew from experience that couples usually felt more comfortable in their own homes. Drawing on this insight, I eventually persuaded Matt that this would be the best approach. After some discussion, we settled on the upcoming Saturday at 9:00 PM, four days away, with Matt agreeing to share directions as the weekend approached.

In the darkness of night, guided by Waze, I approached my destination. Suddenly, an imposing mansion loomed on my right-hand side: a massive full-brick estate spanning at least 15,000 square feet. Soft outdoor lighting blanketed its exterior, highlighting towering columns and expansive glass windows. While it had already become apparent from the moment “Eagle Point” entered the conversation as part of Matt’s last-minute directions, it now made sense why he had been so hesitant about hosting tonight’s festivities and insistent on providing directions at the very last second. I cautiously turned into the property and slowly began what looked to be a football field-length trek up a beautiful paver driveway, backdropped by one of the most stunning homes I had ever laid eyes on. As I approached the top of the driveway and came to a squealing stop, I immediately took notice of the Maserati and Lamborghini SUV, a vehicle I didn’t even know existed at the time, parked mere inches from the dented bumper of my ’91 Corolla.

I began to play with myself through the same pair of white biker shorts that had been featured in my public profile picture, an outfit that comically highlighted my colossal gift. I sat in my running car for a few minutes, reflecting on the surreal situation. While being a bucket-list item to size-queened upper-class women in front of their husbands had become routine, I couldn’t fathom how someone like me, an absolute loser, had managed to penetrate the fortress of Eagle Point.

The bike shorts’ spandex stretched to its limits, accommodating a now fully grown twelve-inch sausage and avocado-sized ball sack that struggled to coexist within the strained fabric. Turning off the car, which had likely already leaked a pint of oil onto their pristine paver driveway, I stepped out and began the trek up the lengthy, winding sidewalk. Approaching the imposing double front doors, towering twelve feet high and resembling more of a castle entrance than a typical house, I rang the doorbell without hesitation.

From experience, I never expected a first-time couple like Matt and Denise to answer the door immediately. I knew they had been sitting nervously somewhere in their gigantic mansion, their lips glued to glasses filled with wine that probably cost more than my car, trying to process if this was actually happening. I could practically recite the conversation as the doorbell reverberated throughout the halls of their ten-million-dollar estate. "Are you sure you want to do this?" likely came out of Matt's mouth at least three times before the echo of the doorbell had even subsided. I never bothered to ring the doorbell a second time because part of the fun for me was imagining what they were doing on the other side of that door at that moment, as Matt was likely making a last-ditch appeal, pleading with Denise that it wasn't too late to ignore the door and pretend like this was all just some crazy dream.

Half a minute later, I snapped out of my awe at their home and shifted into alpha mode, refocusing on the task at hand. Through the frosted glass, I watched a large shadowy figure approach the door and pause for about ten seconds before finally unlatching the lock. The tall door creaked open slowly, revealing Matt, visibly nervous. His eyes immediately dropped to the ridiculous bulge stretching the spandex of my bike shorts to its limits. Urgently, he invited me inside, despite the nearest neighbor being over three hundred yards away, as if overly concerned about prying eyes.

I entered the dimly lit foyer and turned around to see Matt still peering out the door, likely eyeing the piece-of-shit car, which had already reduced his property value just by being in the driveway. The white noise from the outside disappeared as Matt finally closed the front door and hesitantly turned around. He nervously extended his hand, stuck in the awkward phase of trying not to look down at my crotch while being too embarrassed to look into the eyes of the man on the verge of serving his wife a footlong salami. With his expensive haircut and the appearance of a stereotypical late-forties businessman, Matt was “dressed down” in shorts and a tucked-in golf shirt, his demeanor betraying curiosity and unease.

“How are you doing?” Matt said, his handshake unusually firm, seemingly to compensate for his nervousness and assertion of a false dominance.

“Pretty good, nice to meet you,” I replied.

Seconds felt like minutes to Matt, who stood towering over me at 6’8”, surpassing my height by a foot and a half and outweighing me by at least 120 pounds, his muscular build adding to his imposing presence. He finally succumbed to human nature, locking eyes on the absurd spandex-wrapped mass that would soon change how he looked at his wife. Likely a man of power and control in his day job or whatever afforded him this lavish lifestyle, Matt was an absolute nervous wreck, trying to reconcile the seemingly impossible reality of the cock he had seen online being attached to the tiny little guy standing in front of him. Attempting small talk with someone who wouldn't have even qualified to intern at his company clearly made Matt uncomfortable as he struggled to divert his eyes off my ridiculous outfit.

“How’s it going?” he stammered nervously as if he had forgotten our handshake introduction moments ago, struggling to maintain eye contact.

“Doing great, thanks. Beautiful house you guys have here,” I said.

“Thanks,” he replied.

Watching Matt struggle to maintain small talk in the towering thirty-foot-tall foyer was enjoyable as if it would somehow delay the inevitable outcome of the evening. There was nothing to discuss, as we had nothing in common. We were two people separated by nearly thirty years of age and social class. When it became clear that the small talk had finally run its course, he reluctantly led me into the living room right off the foyer. There, I finally saw Denise sitting on the couch with a glass of white wine in her hand, the monster diamond on her finger nearly blinding me as it caught the light.

It was the first time I had seen Denise’s face. Despite a body that reflected that of an athletic twenty-five-year-old in their prime, her face indeed showed its age, perfectly fitting the description of a butterface that had undergone numerous surgeries and Botox injections in a never-ending pursuit of a more youthful appearance. She had shoulder-length blond hair, and although I couldn’t initially put my finger on it, I suddenly realized Denise had been the spitting image of a classic porn star named Tami Monroe, a favorite from my early porn-watching days. Matt didn’t even have time to offer an introduction before her eyes locked onto my bike shorts, caught between mouthing an involuntary “wow” and chuckling at the absurdity of my outfit.

Her nervousness was evident from her demeanor, as she was torn between standing to greet me or remaining seated. Sensing her discomfort, I approached from behind the couch where Denise sat, extending my hand to introduce myself. From this angle, I could see the large, bra-less implants protruding from the top of her black tube top. Her shoulders and upper back bore prominent tan lines, clearly etched by hours in tennis attire. These lines, so pronounced that even regular tanning bed sessions couldn’t conceal them, featured the distinct pattern of racerback straps vividly contrasting against her sun-kissed skin.

“Hey Denise, nice to meet you,” I said.

“You too, Frank,” she nervously replied.

The tension in the room was apparent, thick enough to be cut with a knife. Denise nervously shook my hand, bravely attempting to maintain eye contact while struggling not to glance at the prominent spandex-clad colossal mushroom head pressed firmly against my hip, mere inches from her face. Matt, who had never seemed comfortable since our first chat, appeared no more at ease as he finally moved away from his position between the living room and foyer, settling onto the couch a few feet away from Denise. Across from them, a loveseat separated by an antique glass table between it and the sofa awaited me. Instead of sitting down, I stood confidently with my hands on my hips and a cocky grin, offering them both their first unobstructed view of the real-life embodiment of the first image they had ever seen of me on the internet.

I never saw the point in fake pleasantries or engaging in awkward small talk in situations like this. Building friendships or finding common ground with people like Matt and Denise was never my goal. Pretending to care about each other was a waste of time and held no value. People like them wouldn’t have even acknowledged someone like me in public. Even if offered, I wasn’t old enough to legally share a drink with them and probably would have hated their $300 bottle of wine anyway. Early on, it was hard to accept, but after several encounters with couples, I could no longer deny that I was merely an emotionless piece of meat with the sole job of fulfilling a fantasy. My presence was transactional, devoid of any emotional investment.

I quickly shed my t-shirt and casually kicked off my flip-flops one by one while Denise’s eyes remained locked on my crotch. At that moment, I was clad only in my white bike shorts. Although I usually didn’t take pleasure in making others uncomfortable, I couldn’t help but feel a certain satisfaction in Matt’s unease. I never lost sight of the confidence granted to me by my footlong blessing, a physical reminder of how far I had come from the bullied introvert recluse just two short years ago. Meeting affluent individuals like Matt and Denise always fascinated me, knowing I was providing a priceless service that money alone couldn’t buy.

With little else to focus on, Matt couldn’t help but study my colossal, spandex-wrapped anatomy alongside his insatiable wife. It wasn’t out of any homosexual interest, as far as I knew, but rather a mix of envy and curious fascination. My colossal cock was even more abnormal, attached to someone standing at just 5’2” and barely over 100 pounds, making me a true freak of nature. It was simply impossible not to look. Wearing a giant shit-eating grin, I considered different approaches for the moment. But with newcomers like Matt and Denise, I opted for the straightforward “rip-the-band-aid-off” approach.

“These things are cutting off my circulation,” I said jokingly.

Before they could fully grasp the moment, I grabbed the sides of my bike shorts, alternating my eye contact between them as I slowly peeled away the spandex wrapping from Denise’s impending birthday present. With deliberate precision, I paused just above my kielbasa, revealing my cleanly waxed pubic region. Despite having seen nearly twenty pictures of me online, nothing could have prepared them for the real-life spectacle about to unfold. I continued peeling off the spandex like an inexperienced stripper at a bachelorette party, pausing momentarily before unveiling the fully erect twelve-inch sausage, releasing like a coil spring from its spandex cage.

Denise's involuntary gasp abruptly shattered the silence of a room accustomed to hosting luxurious cocktail parties attended by some of the city’s most elite and wealthy individuals. Despite me being even shorter than his petite wife, Matt, observing my imposing presence, looked on with a blend of horror and shame as he clearly struggled to comprehend the sheer size of my salami. At that moment, Matt realized that everything he had provided for Denise up to that point had been inconsequential. The jewelry, the ten-million-dollar home, the fleet of luxury cars in the driveway, the country club membership, and plastic surgery. It all faded into insignificance. Denise’s entire world now revolved around the most picturesque piece of meat she had ever laid eyes on.

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As I finished unwrapping, my swollen Easter egg-sized testicles, swollen from not being emptied for nearly three days, finally freed themselves from the remaining bit of spandex. Denise gasped again as my bike shorts slid down my legs, joining the heap with my shirt and flip-flops. Standing there like a piece of meat under scrutiny in a scientific experiment, Matt knew that, barring an unexpected natural disaster, nothing would stop tonight from unfolding.

Appreciating my gift didn’t require one to be homosexual; its presence had swayed even the staunchest of straight men, but that is a story for a different day and category. With all eyes locked on the perfectly formed, gigantic, pre-cum-coated mushroom, reflecting the light nearly as brilliantly as the diamond ring Denise was wearing, I knew it was time to move the evening forward. The air was charged with anticipation, and I could feel the tension rising as everyone waited for what would happen next. I absolutely owned the room.

“Where did you guys want to do this?” I asked with a blunt confidence.

The moment that all first-time couples could have never fully prepared for had finally arrived, as the room filled with a cloud of anxiety. Denise nervously glanced at Matt, trying and failing miserably not to appear too eager. While I could have easily sat down between them and let Denise check her bucket list off right then and there on their twenty-thousand-dollar sofa from a furniture store I would have been kicked out of, I was always mindful of their comfort, ultimately letting them decide where the evening events would take place.

“Upstairs?” Denise hesitantly said, looking toward Matt.

It became crystal clear that Matt wasn't fully prepared for Denise’s eagerness. He sat there with a dazed, almost overwhelmed look on his face. Denise, however, maintained her respect for him, doing her best to keep him engaged in the process. Although his approval seemed inconsequential, she still valued his input, or at least pretended to at that moment. As Matt gave a hesitant nod, Denise sprang off the couch like a sprinter bursting out of the blocks at the sound of the starting gun. Still, she paused for a few seconds, waiting respectfully for Matt to stand up before hesitantly leading the way back into the foyer where I had entered the home a mere ten minutes ago.

As I followed Denise closely, enveloped in a mix of her light perfume and after-sun lotion, we moved from the living room to the foyer, eventually reaching the foot of the grand split staircase that resembled something more from a luxury cruise liner than a private residence. Climbing the stairs, I caught a glimpse of Denise’s white panties under the white skirt she had worn. Matt trailed a few paces behind, likely involuntarily witnessing an awkward upward view of my hairless, bare ass and gigantic, fully loaded balls swaying back and forth as I ascended the stairs behind his wife. Finally reaching the top of the seemingly endless staircase, Denise led us along the landing to a bedroom entrance equipped with massive French doors.

We entered the bedroom through the set of towering French doors, each at least ten feet tall. Immediately, I was awestruck by the massive four-post canopy bed that dominated the dimly lit bedroom. By itself, it appeared more extensive than my entire double-wide trailer. I followed closely as Denise navigated further into the room, with Matt hesitantly appearing at the bedroom entrance a few seconds later. Recognizing this as a delicate time, I relied on my experience to give Matt the illusion that he still had some control. Throughout my journey, I learned that even the strongest men required some guidance in this situation, as most weren’t fully prepared for what they were about to witness.

“Are you okay?” I asked, looking at Matt, who nervously nodded his head up and down, unable to take his eyes off my gargantuan footlong sausage that had been at full attention since I stepped out of my jalopy.

I quickly found the optimal viewing spot for Matt to witness the unfolding events, settling on a full-sized couch against the wall near the bed as if it had been strategically placed for this occasion.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I said confidently, looking toward Matt and directing him to the couch.

Barely three minutes had elapsed since Denise darted off the downstairs sofa like a rocket as Matt hesitantly shuffled over to the couch to sit down. Moving towards Denise, who stood just five feet from Matt, I observed her almost trance-like demeanor, her gaze locked onto my wiener as I approached. She remained fully dressed in a white skirt and black tube top. Standing face to face, our petite, almost physically identical 5’2” frames were separated only by the foot’s worth of cock and gigantic fake tits between us. I gently guided us into a position that afforded Matt a side view, ensuring he had the best seat in the house for what was to come.

Denise glanced towards Matt, seeking what would likely be the final nod of approval for the evening. Matt responded with a hesitant nod, akin to a pitcher acknowledging a catcher's signal. After a brief pause, Denise’s tiny hands finally made contact, wrapping around me, struggling to encase my shaving cream can-sized girth. Her gaze was almost worshipful as she locked eyes with mine. Despite the numerous encounters, it never grew old seeing someone my mother’s age, separated by thirty years, looking at me as if I were the most significant person in her life.

Denise’s awestruck gaze quickly shifted downward, her eyes filled with a mixture of fascination and self-amusement, as she began to watch her own slow, deliberate strokes along the entirety of my footlong length. She relished the amusing contrast between her petite hands and my substantial size. Her inevitable verbal appreciation, almost unsolicited and fueled purely by lust, broke the silence in the otherwise quiet room as she acclimated to her unexpected birthday present.

“Holy shit, it's big,” Denise submissively mumbled under her breath.

While undeniably aroused, especially as I observed a diamond ring worth more than my entire trailer park and its residents combined sliding along my engorged shaft, my attention began to wander quickly.

Taking a moment to appreciate Denise’s defined tan lines formed from her tennis attire, I gripped the sides of her tube top, which struggled much like my bike shorts to contain her enormous assets. With a deliberate pause, I eased the tube top downward, revealing the most beautiful, bra-less set of surgically enhanced tits I had ever laid eyes on. Despite being too large for her frame, they were flawless in their symmetry. These perfectly shaped mounds, untouched by the tennis court sun but bronzed artificially, boasted half-dollar-sized nipples, solidifying her resemblance to porn star Tami Monroe in every way imaginable.

With her hands still gripped around my throbbing sausage, I leaned closer to massage Denise’s silicone-enhanced mounds, feeling the warmth from her recent tennis match and the faint scent of after-sun lotion emanating from her skin. After a moment, I began to reach for the sides of her skirt, eager to reveal the remainder of the smoking-hot body I knew lay underneath. Matt cleared his throat pointedly as Denise swiftly withdrew her hands from my kielbasa, pushing mine away as if reprimanded by a school teacher, stopping my attempt.

“Rules of engagement,” Candace whispered with a smile that seemed tinged with disappointment, evidently forgetting about those rules herself.

“Sorry, I almost forgot,” I chuckled, turning to Matt with the same apology.

Though I was determined to respect our agreed-upon rules of engagement for the evening and the boundaries that had been set, it was easy to forget amidst the excitement at that moment. However, despite his clear and valid stance, I found myself irked by Matt’s smug interruption, which almost immediately killed the mood and put me in a frame of mind laced with a desire for vengeance. His embedded corporate mindset seemed to amplify his sense of superiority, making his disruption all the more irritating. Even though I knew I wasn’t justified in feeling that way, it was a stark reminder of how years of high school bullying had embedded this vengeful nature into my DNA.

As enjoyable as it was to watch Denise mutter random words of disbelief and appreciation while exploring my gift with her tiny hands, I felt it was time to stir things up. Stepping away, I approached the couch where Matt sat, looking somewhat bewildered, and plopped down beside him, our sides nearly touching. I spread my legs out, establishing an alpha position, forcing him to move his legs closer together to accommodate my position. His eyes never left the rock-hard homewrecker pointing straight up at the ceiling.

Being so close, our bodies touching, I could feel Matt’s heart pounding against his chest as he took in his first up-close view of my intimidating freakishness. With a subtle beckoning gesture of my index finger, a trophy wife who had everything, epitomizing perfection from the neck down, now topless with her tube top wrapped around her belly, approached the couch, voluntarily dropping to her knees between my spread legs with no words ever being spoken.

Matt’s proximity allowed him to share my viewpoint as Denise took in her first point-of-view angle of my engorged glistening mushroom now staring her in the face. She again wrapped her tiny hands around me as if somewhat perturbed by Matt’s previous interruption, causing her to remove them in the first place. A bird’s eye view of the action offered a new perspective of a passion he had likely not seen out of Denise since their pre-marital days. The dimension of sound became more prominent as the pre-cum from the tip of my helmet began to distribute itself along my footlong length. With each stroke, Denise methodically grasped and moved her hands over me as if she were milking a cow.

Using my peripheral vision, I could see Matt, his eyes locked onto his wife, watching a diamond ring that must have cost half a million dollars slide up and down the entirety of my lubricated pole as Denise began to shift closer to me, seemingly against her control. The tension in the room grew palpable as I started to feel the warmth of her breath become more prominent between my legs as she continued to stroke me. While I was in no rush and would have enjoyed being milked in a worshipping manner by a fifty-year-old trophy wife for another hour, I began to wonder just how long Denise would be able to hold out. Her restraint was commendable, likely due to the last tiny shred of guilt-consciousness left in her system, with her husband closely looking on.

As with countless soccer moms and trophy wives before her, the staring contest between Denise and the beefy mushroom that had been oozing pre-cum since I stepped out of my car was nearing its conclusion as her strokes began to subside. I could again feel Matt’s heartbeat through the connection of our touching shoulders as we both watched Denise’s walls of resistance crumble before our eyes. The guilt began to exit Denise’s body, almost like a spirit in slow motion, as she slowly leaned in, struggling to wrap her lips around the meaty head of a total stranger’s cock for the first time.

“Oh, fuck,” I groaned, grabbing hold of Matt’s knee tightly as Denise struggled to engulf the head of my cock.

While this wasn't my first rodeo, it was always fun to experience that exact moment when fantasy met reality for women like Denise as her lips finally touched down on a bucket list item that had consumed her sexual being for nearly a decade.

“Holy shit, that feels incredible, Denise,” I moaned.

My hand remained wrapped around Matt’s knee, squeezing and contracting almost in unison with Denise’s slurping effort, indirectly including him in the experience. Although the physical contact between my hand and his knee made Matt clearly uncomfortable, it failed in comparison to watching his poor wife struggle to get past my head, stretching her jaws out like a baby snake attempting to devour prey too large for its body.

“Fuck!” I exclaimed loudly.

After several unsuccessful attempts to take me deeper into her throat, clearly not from a lack of effort or passion, I could see Denise quickly come to the realization that the annual birthday blowjob she gave Matt wasn’t going to cut it tonight. For men in marriages spanning multiple decades, the “job” aspect of blowjob was literal. They weren’t accustomed to witnessing their wives derive genuine pleasure from performing oral sex, and Matt was no exception.

“Mmmm,” Denise let out a deep, throaty moan, the sound vibrating with a mixture of desire and satisfaction.

Finding it difficult to acclimate to the sheer girth of my wiener, Denise struggled mightily to move past the gigantic tip, no matter her effort. Her petite mouth simply wasn’t equipped for it. The fantasy she had repeatedly replayed in her mind about how the evening would unfold was swiftly replaced by the reality that I was simply too large. She, like most other women in her shoes, had underestimated just how daunting a footlong penis in real life could be.

Yet, I learned never to underestimate the skill of a fifty-year-old trophy wife with something to prove to herself. Denise reintroduced her tiny hands back into the mix, her mouth still tightly wrapped around my mushroom as if it were her last lifeline. The room was filled with passionate moans of ecstasy mingled with the squishing sounds of the saliva and semen cocktail swirling around in her mouth like post-brushing mouthwash.

“How’s it taste?” I asked with a cocky smirk, looking down at Denise.

“Mmmm,” Denise mumbled loudly, seemingly giving her approval without pausing her mouth’s work.

“Oh, I know,” I chuckled arrogantly.

Denise became insatiable as if nobody had ever talked dirty to her before. I tightened my grip on Matt’s knee as she began to show an unadulterated passion toward my salami at that point, forcefully slurping the pre-cum out of my mushroom hole with each stroke as if it were her nourishment. My hefty sperm-filled testicles hung off the edge of the couch, lying dormant like a volcano on the verge of erupting as she jerked my shaft at an increasingly faster pace, detaching herself from the tip only when she desperately needed to come up for air.

“Oh my God!” I yelled.

At that moment, I could sense Matt pondering the rules of engagement we had previously agreed to as I squeezed his knee even harder, causing a reflexive reaction, forcing his leg to extend while doing my best to endure the oral assault Denise had launched on me.

“Oh, fuck!” I screamed.

Any hope of holding out longer vanished when Denise withdrew her left hand from my cock, still stroking with her right, her mouth never leaving the meaty tip. Her hand wrapped around my shaft, her fingers not able to touch due to its girth, while her other hand began to massage my avocado-sized scrotum. As she moaned in pleasure, she struggled to lift them from their resting place off the edge of the couch, realizing they were just too hefty to move with her tiny hand.

“Oh no! What are you doing to me?” I yelled.

“I’m getting close!” I moaned as Denise continued her relentless assault.

What happened from this point varied depending on the couple, as discussing granular details about how the evening would conclude during online chatter never seemed to take priority over the ultimate goal of fulfilling a size-queen fantasy. At times, couples were very particular in their rules of engagement. Meanwhile, someone like Denise was so eager to pull the trigger that minor details, which didn’t seem relevant at the time, were often overlooked, sometimes intentionally.

Matt wasn’t there to see Denise’s initial reaction when she first laid eyes on me in the living room while he lingered back in the foyer, but I was. I had seen that insatiable look countless times before. Though it might have surprised him, I couldn’t help but smirk as Denise removed her hand from my heavy balls and placed it back on my kielbasa, clearly intent on emptying me ahead of my natural schedule. She suddenly accelerated her already rapid jerking motion, now spanning the entire length of my shaft, never once detaching her stretched jaws from my swollen helmet.

“Holy fuck, you are going to make me cum!” I shouted, gripping Matt’s knee even tighter.

As previously mentioned, there was no middle ground for men like Matt and others in his position; they either fully embraced what was happening or didn’t. Most men weren’t built for this, and Matt was no exception. It was an impossible moment to prepare for, no matter how many times he had mentally rehearsed it. Despite all the hard work that had brought him success, none of it mattered now. The trophy wife, who had served as his arm candy at countless cocktail parties, validating his achievements, now belonged to a twenty-year-old, 5’2” trailer park-dwelling high school dropout with an unusual gift.

“Ohhhhhhh shit, it's coming!” I screamed, squeezing Matt’s knee.

Through our side-body contact, I could feel Matt’s heart pounding even faster than before as he silently prayed Denise simply hadn’t heard me. This level of passion was likely unprecedented in their thirty years of marriage or perhaps even before. The moment for Denise to release her oral clamp from my engorged mushroom and finish me off on the artificially bronzed gigantic silicon investment Matt had made had passed. Matt’s rightful prior interruption returned to my mind, sparking an unwarranted vengeful determination. Combined with a subconscious envy of our wealth gap, I was determined to leave a lasting impression in Eagle Point, ensuring they both remembered this night for the rest of their lives.

“It’s coming!” I screamed, beginning a countdown as if my footlong salami were a SpaceX rocket about to launch.

“Five!” I yelled, pausing briefly.

“Do you want it?” I shouted, looking down at Denise.

“Mmmm hmmmm,” Denise mumbled, never detaching from my rocket.

“Four!” I shouted louder.

“What do you want, Denise?” I asked, with an arrogant, somewhat mocking tone.

“Mmmmm,” Denise mumbled again.

“Three! Tell me what you want!” I screamed.

“I want your cum!” Denise exclaimed loudly after momentarily detaching her mouth from my mushroom.

The notion that Denise couldn’t jerk me off any faster was quickly disproven as her jaws locked back onto my python. With both hands gripping my girthy, skin-toned shaving cream can, she emitted muffled, orgasmic moans. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matt looking on in horror, having just witnessed his trophy wife, who was supposed to be mere arm candy, beg for cum for the very first time in her life. This was far beyond the purview of a trophy wife’s role; they were supposed to look perfect and be admired, not crave and indulge in raw, insatiable desires.

“Are you ready for my load, Denise?” I proclaimed loudly with cocky assurance, met with another approving mumble.

“Two!” I yelled, followed by another brief pause.

“It’s coming! It’s coming!” I screamed.

“Blast off!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, squeezing Matt’s knee with a death grip, the reflex forcing his leg to extend once more.

Any remaining hope Matt had held onto in how his bride of thirty years intended to finish me off that evening died right then as my gigantic sperm-filled scrotum shifted on its own, beginning the long process of pumping its contents through the twelve-inch rocket attached to his wife's mouth.

“Gooooorrrr,” I grunted, tauntingly reminding Matt of just how helpless he had been at that moment.

As my attention momentarily shifted to the enormous diamond ring moving rapidly up and down my shaft, the first jet of sperm fired out of my wiener, striking Denise in the back of the throat like a missile. Her mouth immediately detached from my mushroom, her inexperience suddenly taking center stage. The release, built up in my balls for three days, was indescribable. It felt so good. With a desperate grip, she tried to hold on with her tiny hands, but an equally powerful jet of semen erupted from my tip, hitting her Botox-filled lips and jerking her head back. This forced her to release my shaft entirely. Untouched, my cum cannon continued to expel slightly weaker but still powerful ropes onto her face as I let out caveman-like grunts with squirt, verbally acknowledging my release.

I continued to squeeze Matt’s knee as he looked on at an unrecognizable and resilient Denise, now looking more like the star of a bukkake feature than the trophy wife he paraded around on his arm. Summoning energy from somewhere, she wrapped her hands back around my pulsating salami, milking five more powerful ropes of semen directly onto the silicone giants, which probably hadn’t been treated like that since the day she got them.

“Oh my God,” I exhaled with a sigh of relief, utterly spent both physically and mentally, loosening my grip on Matt’s knee and removing my hand as Denise milked out the last droplets of man juice from my balls, letting it dribble onto her tits.

Time seemed to stand still as my homewrecker slowly returned to its flaccid eight-inch state. It was commonly an awkward time. Matt looked on as Denise attempted to clean her face off with her own hands, unable to use the tube top still wrapped around her belly as a towel. No matter how many times I had done this, I always had to pinch myself to make sure it was real. Two years ago, I was a bullied recluse dropping out of high school, and here I was, staring at a cum covered trophy wife who had begged for my semen. It felt like a dream.

There was no need to make this moment any more awkward for Matt and Denise than it already was.  I knew things would never be the same for them moving forward. As I had done countless times before, I would soon leave the chaos I had created and never look back. It wasn’t my job to account for emotions; I was simply a piece of meat fulfilling a duty. I admired my work on Denise’s face and man-made tits for a few more seconds before getting up off the couch, glancing at the spot caused by my overflow that would no doubt require professional cleaning.

Matt quickly rose from the couch, and I followed suit a few seconds later, leaving Denise still on her knees in front of the sofa. As I trailed behind Matt towards the bedroom’s massive French doors, he ignored his cum-soaked bride, who was in desperate need of a towel to clean me off of her, clearly more eager to get me out of their house in that moment.

“Thanks, Denise, that was incredible,” I said, giving her one last look before stepping through the door.

Exiting the massive French bedroom doors back out to the hallway, I followed Matt down the long staircase, through the foyer, and into the living room where my pile of clothes awaited, left on the floor just thirty minutes ago. Matt watched me closely, his look akin to a prison guard ensuring compliance, as I took my time savoring the discomfort in the air. It was evident he couldn’t wait to get me out of the house, his impatience palpable. I left my flaccid eight inches exposed until the very last moment before casually stuffing myself back into my bike shorts. After putting on my shirt and flip-flops, I followed him back through the foyer to the front door.

“It was nice meeting you,” I said, extending my hand for a farewell handshake, which was rudely ignored.

Before I knew it, I found myself outside, the door locking behind me with finality. Making my way back to the car, I took a moment to gather myself before reversing out of the long driveway. Driving toward the front gate, I tried to savor the last moments of Eagle Point, knowing it would be my final visit. Once through those imposing iron gates, I would return to being the high school dropout trailer park loser with a singular purpose in this world. Yet, even that felt insignificant compared to the broken husband, fulfilled trophy wife, and oil spot I had left behind.

Written by carlsnap12
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