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Tempted - Part 1

"Teasing, I asked, "What did you think of Tom and Dell aside from her large breasts?""

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Author's Notes

"This story was inspired by a dear friend of mine, and with her approval, I present it to you. Any resemblance to those living or dead is coincidental. Some details, names, places, etc., were changed. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The location is Santa Barbara, CA. Some of the businesses named exist, and I recommend them if you ever visit."

Chapter 1

My name is Beth. I'm an RN and worked at the hospital in the ICU. I'm twenty-six, 5' 2", 115 lbs, 36C breasts, blue eyes, and shoulder-length blonde hair.

My husband is an associate professor of marine biology at UCSB. Ben is handsome, twenty-eight, lean, and 6', with brown hair and hazel eyes. His job requires him to scuba dive on research projects, and he keeps himself in good shape.

We met during my senior year at UCSB and fell in Love. We were both brought up in wealthy, conservative families. In college, you would call us nerds. Neither of us was a virgin and had a few liaisons, but nothing special until we met.

Ben proposed and presented me with a solo one-carat diamond surrounded by sapphires. It was beautiful, and we were married in the spring upon graduating.

Our married life was great. Outside of work, we didn't have much of a social life. Work kept us busy, but we had each other, a cat, Freya, and Jack, our German Shepherd. We both stayed fit, worked out at a local gym, and did morning runs on the beach.

Ben was a caring lover and sought to please me as we learned about each other's likes sexually. We soon expanded our sexual repertoire to oral and discovered the joy of the various positions.

We lived in an apartment near campus in Isla Vista for the first couple of years. We were well paid. Upon graduation, I had access to my trust fund, which we used to buy our first home.

It was a two-bedroom house in the foothills of Santa Barbara. We had a great view of the Pacific Ocean, the harbor, and the city below from our deck.

After a few months, we had settled into our new home. A couple who lived down the block introduced themselves and presented us with two bottles of locally vintage wine. A Pinot Noir, Syrah and Chardonnay.

Tom and Deloris, who went by Dell, were a few years older than us. We exchanged greetings and invited them in. Tom was an attorney, and Dell was a curator at the Museum of Art. Tom was tall, around 6'2", with a solid muscular build, black hair, piercing brown eyes that seemed to look through you, and a bright smile. Dell was a stunning, svelte brunette, about 5'6, with blue eyes and a smile that made you feel at ease. Her sheer blouse barely hid her firm, supple breasts, which I noticed got Ben's attention. I teased him about it later.

They invited us to a pool party at their place on Saturday the following weekend. It would be informal and a chance to meet some of our neighbors. Of course, we were thrilled with the invite and accepted.

That evening, after dinner, we were on our deck enjoying a glass of the wine they had brought us. It had been a hot summer day. A cool breeze blew in off the Pacific Ocean, and the sun had set on the horizon before beginning its descent into the sea.

Teasing, I asked, "What did you think of Tom and Dell aside from her large breasts?"

Flushed and embarrassed, Ben replied, "Honey, Yes, I noticed you must admit it was hard not to."

I stood before him and removed my blouse and bra, cupping my breast. "Are these not to your liking?"

"Oh yes, Honey, They're perfect; I love your breasts."

"Right answer," I said with a smirk as he sat there, looking sheepish. I slipped off my shorts and panties and sat on his lap, facing him, "They better be the only ones you ever fondle. Now kiss me, you fool."

Our mouths locked in a sweet, passionate kiss. Ben's hands squeezed my breast, and his fingers tweaked my nipples.

I leaned back. "That's it now, show me how much you love my tits. Oh, yes, use your mouth and tongue!"  

Ben cupped my left breast as he took it in his mouth and began to suck and swirl his tongue around the areola. Then he switched to the right. Mini shocks shot through me as he nibbled on the engorged nipples. From one to the other, his saliva ran down my breast. The sensations opened the gates, and my essence flowed.

I slipped a hand into his gym shorts, grasped his cock, and felt it swell in my grip. Freeing his cock from its bondage, I slid my wet pussy along the length as he moaned in response. It felt so good as I slid my moist slit along the length. I leaned back as the crown parted my labia and entered my hot, wet, velvety sheath. His meaty, thick seven inches stretched and filled me.

"Oh yes, Lover, fuck your needy wife!" I exclaimed as I rode his hard throbbing phallus. The heat between us drove our passion.

Ben had good stamina and managed to hold off until he sensed I was ready. I loved how he put my pleasure first before his own. Ben allowed me to take the lead. He had struck a balance between his alpha and beta personalities, which was one of the things I adored about him.

I was close as Ben met my thrust, and it felt so good as my vagina slid up and down his cock. I leaned back, and the angle stimulated my G-spot. I shuddered as the sensation sent shock waves through me, rending me senseless as I bucked and writhed. Adding to the impending climax, Ben tweaked my nipples, and with the extra stimulus, the waves hit me like a tsunami.

"My god, yes, oh fuck yes!" I yelled as I came hard, the waves of pleasure so intense.

As I came back to earth and regained my senses, I realized Ben hadn't cum, so intent was he to bring me off. I felt him hard and throbbing deep within me.

I looked him in the eyes and said, "It's your turn, lover, cum for me." I began to hump up and down, squeezing his cock with my vagina.

"Oh yes, My god, that's it. Oh fuck yes, Beth, I'm cumming!"I felt him tense, and with a final thrust, he let out a roar. His cock pulsed his seed, which brought on another wave as I came with him.

We clung together in the afterglow, our sweat-soaked bodies cooled by the breeze that blew in off the ocean.

I sensed we were being watched. I looked around, and Freya was sitting on a railing. She had a bemused expression as she frequently observed us having sex.

Chapter 2

The week preceding the party was hectic. I was on a four-day rotation, working the night shift in the ER. The hospital was short on nursing staff, so I would return to days when they replaced two RNs. One retired, and the other was on maternity leave.

Ben's working days meant he was coming as I was going. My shifts were ten hours, which left me exhausted: four pm to two am. Thankfully, my shift was Sunday through Wednesday, with three days off. Thursday was my day to recover. I would sleep in and take it easy, wanting to be well-rested when Ben got home.

With the party looming, I needed to update my wardrobe. After spending the better part of the day in hospital scrubs, I dressed conservatively, except for a couple of gowns I wore for Ben's work socials. I didn't wear Daisy Duke shorts or overly revealing tops. I had two swimsuits, a black one-piece, and a modest blue bikini.

I awoke late Thursday morning after showering and feeling refreshed; I had finished my muffin and coffee. Per our routine, Jack was waiting at the door with his leash for his walk.

It was a warm day as we walked past Tom and Dell's home. She had just pulled into their driveway. Compared to our home, theirs was palatial.

Dell waved as she got out of her BMW. I stopped to say hello. During our conversation, I mentioned going shopping on Friday to update my wardrobe, explaining that I needed something for the party.

She smiled and said, "What a coincidence! I was going shopping tomorrow as well. You're welcome to come along. We could do lunch."

"Sounds fun. I would love to."

"Then it's a date," she replied. "Pick you up at nine."

She went on to tell me about the upper-end shops in Montecito and one on the way. It sounded exciting, and I bid her goodbye as Jack tugged on his leash to continue our walk.

That evening, Ben and I had just finished dinner. We were relaxing on the deck, enjoying the sunset with a glass of the chardonnay Tom and Dell had gifted us. I brought up the shopping I had planned for tomorrow.

I said, "Honey, I think we need to come out of our closet and socialize more. I'm looking forward to the party and need to update my wardrobe."

He replied, "I agree, It's about time we expanded our social circle. I'm looking forward to an evening out with my wife."

I smiled at my loving husband and said, "Yes, we need an evening out together. This work schedule has been a pain."

"So, Ben, I'm going shopping tomorrow. While out with Jack for our walk, we ran into Dell, and she offered to join me as she was already planning to shop as well."

Ben replied, "That was nice of her. You two can get better acquainted."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. We are going to some shops in Montecito and do lunch as well. Their high-end and quite pricy."

"That's not an issue, Love. You set aside some of your trust for this sort of thing. You have yet to use any of it. Don't worry about cost and indulge yourself. I look forward to your new wardrobe."

"Oh, Honey, thank you for easing my concern about the cost."

"That's fine," he replied. "We could go to dinner and a club afterward when I get home tomorrow. You could wear one of your new outfits for me. Maybe surprise me with some sexy lingerie."

"That sounds wonderful, Love. It's a date."

I was excited about the shopping. I have never dressed overly provocatively, and I could loosen up as Ben was enthused about the idea.

Later that evening, Ben was getting ready for bed since he had to work the next day. It had been a week since we had sex. He was in the bathroom, doing his business. When he exited, I was nude on the bed, teasing my erect nipples. I noticed his cock immediately tent in his boxers.

I pointed at his erection and said, "Bring that here, and we'll figure out what to do with it." I giggled and spread my legs. "I'm open to suggestions."

Ben chuckled as he stepped out of his boxers. "I think I could come up with a few ideas."

I was hot and wet in anticipation. Ben got on the bed and lowered his head between my thighs. I felt his warm breath on my sex. He took a deep breath, savoring the scent of my arousal.

"Hmmm, what to do?" He looked up with a smirk.

I'm in need and squirming. "You bastard!" I pleaded. "Stop teasing and eat me!"

That said, he lowered his head and licked my soaked labia. "Oh yes!" I exclaimed and shuddered as his tongue parted my lips and probed my inner depths.

Ben knew my triggers, and his tongue worked its magic. My body responded to the sensations, my vaginal nerves excited by his ministrations, and my clit throbbed.

I squeezed my breast, pulled and pinched my engorged nips. The pleasurable pain added to my arousal.

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"My god, yes! Oh fuck!" I yelled as I reached down, grasped his head, and pulled him in. I brought my legs up, allowing maximum access. "That's it, Lover, you're the best!"

He withdrew his tongue and licked up my slit, parting my pink lips to expose my throbbing clit. His tongue ran circles around it, and I shuddered as the waves of pleasure hit me. He wrapped his lips around it and began to suck and nibble. At the same time, he plunged his fingers into me.

It was too much, and I yelled out, "I'm cumming! Oh fuck yes!"

Ben continued plunging his fingers in and out as the waves overwhelmed me. I came. Oh lord, it was intense as I writhed in the throes.

Ben didn't relent, rose, and grabbed my legs, holding them up. He lined his cock up and plunged. He thrust hard and deep, growling like an animal as he fucked me mercilessly.

"Oh my God, harder!" I wailed, "Fuck me!"

I became like him, a wild beast lost in the throes of our coupling. I raked his back, my nails digging into his flesh. I was mindless as the waves were more intense with each thrust and took me to the very heights of arousal.

Ben roared, I felt him stiffen, and that finished me as he pulsed his cum.

I exploded. Fireworks went off. I saw a bright burst of light as my eyes rolled up. A continuous wave racked my body. Spent, Ben collapsed on to me, brought his lips to mine, and kissed me sweetly. He rolled to my side, catching his breath.

"My god," he said, "Are you OK! I got a bit rough."

Still in the throes, my body quivered as I slowly regained my senses. I replied, "I'm fine, Love. That was incredible though much more intense than I can remember. We just took our sex to a whole new level."

"Yes, it was intense. I love you, Beth."

"I love you, Ben."

We snuggled in the euphoric aftermath.

It wasn't long before Ben drifted off. I wanted to stay cuddled up and sleep with him but was restless. Ben understood, and we did our best to accommodate my schedule. The late shift not only affected the frequency of our sex, but I couldn't go to bed that early and sleep. I would stay in the living room, watch TV, read, or browse the internet with my laptop. Sometimes, hang out on the deck. I had Freya and Jack to keep me company.

So tonight, after an amazing fucking, I kissed Ben on the cheek and slipped out from Ben's embrace while he slept blissfully. I curled up on the couch with a glass of wine and watched a romantic movie, 'The Way Back' starring Ryan Locke. He was hot and many a woman's fantasy.

Chapter 3

I awoke early and showered so I would be ready by nine. After a quick bite and coffee, I fed Freya and Jack.

I wore a knee-length floral spring dress underneath a blue cotton bra and panty. I applied lip gloss and didn't feel the need for makeup. I wore my blue sapphire pendant and earrings, which matched my engagement ring. With my hair in a ponytail, I slipped into a pair of blue flats and was ready.

Dell arrived promptly at nine. I met her at the door. She wore a black pencil skirt that fell just above the knee, a low-cut yellow silk halter top, black heels, a pearl necklace, and earrings.

She smiled, and with a quick hug and peck on the cheek, she said, "You look lovely. Are you ready for a fun day of shopping?"

"Oh yes, I'm excited. I've looked forward to updating my wardrobe. Ben said to indulge myself, and I plan to do just that."

"Well then, let's get going. This will be fun." We got into Dell's BMW and were off.

The shops, Angel's, Wendy Foster's, and Malia Mills Swimwear, to name a few, knew Dell and treated us well. I had never been so pampered, and they offered wine while they took my measurements. The fitting rooms were spacious. It was fun and the best shopping experience. I bought dresses, lingerie, pants, shorts, blouses, and shoes.

I had to be talked into buying one of the two bikinis. Both revealed more than I was comfortable with, but one was skimpy. I will admit I got a thrill modeling it in the mirror. The saleswoman and Dell convinced me I had the body for it.

Three hours later, it was time for lunch. Dell had made reservations at Tre Lune. It was a lovely day, and we sat outdoors. We ordered the Sea Bass paired with the wine, which was delicious.

It seemed everyone knew Dell, and I was introduced to those who stopped to say hello. I was amazed at how friendly and warm they were, often giving me hugs and pecks on the cheeks.

We had finished our meal when Dell's eyes lit up, looking at someone behind me. She stood, and as I turned to look, I was star-struck. Walking up to Dell was Ryan Locke.

"Ryan!" she exclaimed as they embraced, and with a chaste kiss, she invited him to join us.

"Good to see you, Dell. Yes, I would be delighted to join you for a moment."

I sat there dazed, trying to keep my composure. Ryan turned to take a seat, looked over at me, and asked, "Dell, who is this lovely vision?"

"Ryan, this is Beth. We were out doing some shopping. Beth, this is Ryan Locke, a dear friend."

Ryan offered his hand and said, "Beth, it's a pleasure to meet you."

At a loss for words, I smiled and offered mine. Ryan smiled back as he took it, leaned down, and kissed the backside. I managed to reply, "The pleasure is all mine."

Ryan's blue eyes sparkled, and I was lost in his gaze. I realized how I sounded with my response. The touch of his lips on my hand sent tingles through me. I withdrew my hand and admonished myself for acting like a fool.

 Dell spoke, "Beth and her husband Ben are our neighbors."

Thankfully, I had regained my senses. Ryan looked back my way, and I said, "Sorry if I was a bit taken aback. I just watched your latest movie, 'The Way Back,' and was surprised to have the star standing before me, much less meeting him. I must say I'm a fan."

"Why thank you, Beth," he replied with a wry grin.

I thought to myself as I returned his smile. He certainly is a charmer and knows it.

"Well, Dell, Beth, it has been a pleasure but I need to leave you two lovely ladies for now."

Dell said, "Before you go, Tom and I are having a party Saturday and would be pleased if you could attend. I know Tom would like to see you."

"I'm free Saturday. Tell Tom I'll be there."

He bid us farewell with a hug from Dell and a wink at me. I appraised him as he walked away. He looked bigger on the screen. He is around six feet tall, with a fair complexion, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a lean and muscular build. He is in his late twenties or maybe thirty, handsome and sure of himself but not arrogant.

Dell had a smirk as she noticed me watch him walk away. "So impressive, isn't he?"

Having been caught eyeing him, I blushed and replied, "I won't deny it; he certainly is. I reacted like an enamored young schoolgirl and felt foolish."

Dell chuckled, "Get used to meeting celebrities and the rich and famous. This is where many make their homes. Tom is Ryan's attorney and just one of many clients he has. You will meet some more at the party on Saturday. We should get going. We still have to shop for the LBD for your evening with Ben tonight, and I know just the place."

The boutique was on our way back, and as we entered, Dell was greeted warmly by the staff. After trying several dresses with Dell's help, I settled on three possibilities. I had never worn anything so revealing and doubted I would have the courage to do so.

Of the three, I favored a dark blue Atria. It was a mini pencil cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline that allowed a titillating view of my breasts and cleavage without being overexposed. It had an open lace-up back, and the hem fell six inches above the knee. It was elegant and sexy.

As I modeled it in front of the mirror, I was enamored by my reflection. I felt most comfortable in this one and liked how it felt on my body and accentuated my curves.

I stood there, biting my lip nervously, asking myself if I could be bold enough to wear it.

Dell noticed my indecisiveness. "Beth, you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. You're a beautiful young woman who expressed your desire to loosen up and be less conservative. With what you already bought today, you have done just that. You appear in that dress for Ben; he will love it."

She was correct; I wanted this. The thought of  Ben's reaction excited me. My decision was made. I did a pirouette and was pleased at the sight. I smiled and replied, "Thank you, Dell. This is the one, I'll take it."

She smiled and handed me a pair of blue heels. "Size seven, right?"

When I got home, it was late afternoon. I let Jack out, and Freya joined me with great interest, pawing and sniffing my purchases as I sorted and put them away. It was time to get ready for the evening.

 I sat on the side of the tub. I had just finished shaving. Having always maintained a landing strip, I decided to go completely bald. I applied aloe vera oil, which was cool and soothing.

I rinsed the tub out and ran a bubble bath. I lay soaking in the tub, pleased with how the day had gone. I made a new friend, updated my wardrobe, and met Ryan Locke, the actor and Hollywood heartthrob. "Yes," I said to myself. It was a special day indeed.

I remembered the encounter with Ryan. The way his eyes sparkled as he looked at me. I have good self-esteem and felt I was pretty, but I didn't think of myself as hot, most certainly not in the same league as the women that he socialized with. Yet, the thought that he found me attractive had me aroused. Oh, fuck, I shouldn't have these thoughts. I reasoned it was just fantasy. I would never act on them.

I thought about my reaction when his lips kissed my hand and lingered as he looked into my eyes. I shuddered at the sensations, and I knew he felt them.

I was teasing a nipple, and my free hand inched down to my labia. I moaned as a finger slipped inside. I felt so naughty and succumbed to my carnal desires. I squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples. I lifted a breast, brought it to my mouth, and licked the nipple as I imagined Ryan's seduction. Oh, lord, his lips on my breast, sucking and nibbling. My nerves charged with excitement as my body responded to the stimulus.

Soon, two fingers were plunging into my pussy, as I imagined his ripped body on top of mine. My legs wrapped around his hips as he fucked me senseless, his cock plunging deep. "Oh fuck!" I cried out.

"Honey, I'm home. You OK? I heard you cry out."

There I was, in the throes of an orgasm, as Ben entered the bathroom.

To be continued.

Written by Marisa
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