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Someday - Part Three

"Sarah and Keith visit Aaron's house, and things get out of hand... (final part)"

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While Sarah had been intentionally putting the alcohol away, Keith had switched to soft drinks some time back, so he felt safe to drive.  Aaron had assured them that he only lived a few minutes away, so the couple was once again following a strange man to his home for the purpose of Sarah having sex with him.   

Keith was surprised at how nervous he felt; after all, this had all really been his idea from the beginning.  Sarah, on the other hand, seemed calm – excited, perhaps.  But if she felt nervous, her face didn’t seem to show it.  Then again, Sarah was often that way – she might agonize over a decision, but once she made up her mind, she tended to stick with it.

They followed Aaron’s car into a residential neighborhood, and soon enough pulled into a driveway in front of a clean, if modest, home.  With one more look at one another, the couple got out of their car and follow the tall man into the house.

The interior of the residence was fairly spartan, though tasteful.  However, it was clear that Aaron seemed to enjoy incense – the cloying scent hung heavy in the air.  Keith didn’t know what to expect; he half assumed that the black man would shepherd them directly into his bedroom, but instead, the tall stranger indicated seats on his couch while he took a chair across from them.

“May I offer you a beverage?” Aaron asked politely.  Sarah demurred, and Keith shook his own head. 

“No thanks, I believe we are good,” Keith answered.

The three of them engaged in small talk – what everyone did for a living, how long they had lived in the area, hobbies they enjoyed.  While Aaron was a charming enough host, the situation felt odd, artificial; everyone knew why the couple had followed this man to his home.  Why did anyone feel the need to chitchat about their jobs?

After a time of awkward conversation that seemed to stretch for an eternity, Aaron pulled out a small box from beneath his coffee table.  He then opened it and produced a baggie of plant matter, from which he withdrew a small amount and began to roll it in paper.  “Do you mind if I partake?” he asked easily.

Keith found himself feeling vaguely uncomfortable, but a glance at Sarah showed no such reaction from her, so he shrugged.  “It’s your house, so it’s your business,” he replied.

Aaron grinned widely, finished the rolling, then lit the joint.  He took a long pull, held in the smoke, and exhaled slowly.  “Very nice,” he observed.  He held the blunt out towards his guests.  “Would you care to share?”

Once again, Keith found himself glancing at Sarah.  It had been at least ten years since either of them had smoked weed; it may have been longer.  He fully expected Sarah to decline the offer, but to her husband’s surprise, she shrugged and reached out to accept it. 

She glanced at Keith with a wry grin as she raised the joint to her lips.  “I figure it doesn’t hurt to relax a little.”

Keith couldn’t argue with her logic.

The brunette’s first pull resulted in a near immediate fit of coughing and watering eyes.  Once Sarah caught her breath, she tried again – this time, managing to hold the smoke in her lungs for a long count before exhaling.  She chuckled at her own reaction.  “It has been a minute since I’ve done that,” she admitted. 

Keith decided that he might as well give it a try, as well. Moments later, he was holding the acrid smoke in and fighting to not break out into coughs, himself.  Laughing a little at himself, Keith passed the joint back to their host.

The next few minutes were spent in mostly silent contemplation of the weed as they passed it around.  Keith couldn’t say for sure, since it had been so long since he had smoked any, but his impression was that this was quality product.  Very soon, he felt the tension leave his body, felt his outlook become so mellow, so relaxed.  Sarah was grinning crookedly; Keith recalled that when high, Sarah became so pliable, so agreeable to almost anything.  Also, if past performance held true, weed made Sarah so very horny – and considering how she had been acting so far today, her sexual appetite was likely growing to epic levels.  He found himself grinning foolishly at that idea.

As the joint grew very short, Sarah proved Keith right.  “You know,” she stated causally, “I am ridiculously wet.”

Keith laughed.  “Damn, baby – just throw that out there!”

She began to laugh in response.  “It’s true!  I’ve been so turned on all day long, anyway.  And here we are, coming over to a stranger’s house to fuck.  And this weed is good, and you know how it does me!  I may have to throw these panties away, they are so wet!”

Aaron joined into the laughter.  “I am glad that you trust me enough to say this so easily, my beautiful friend.  Perhaps it is time for us to address your issue?”

“Thank God!” Sarah exclaimed.  “I thought you would never ask!”

The entire situation felt so surreal to begin with; the drug made everything seem even more disconnected from reality for Keith.  On one hand, it seemed like a dream to watch as this tall black man got up and moved across to place his hands on Sarah’s breasts.  But at the same time, when his wife moaned and opened her mouth to accept the stranger’s kiss, the details seemed to jump into hyper focus for him.

The couple kissed on the couch next to Keith for a couple of minutes, with Aaron rubbing Sarah’s pert breasts through the fabric of her dress.  The brunette’s response grew more and more intense, until she broke the kiss.  “Please,” she panted.  “Please touch me.  I am so wet, I need it…”

The black man smiled, his bright teeth standing out so starkly from his dark skin.  He moved a large hand between Sarah’s legs, up under her green dress.  He wasted no time; Sarah’s moaning reaction and jerk of her hips indicated that his hand had gone directly to her crotch. 

Keith watched, his mouth dry, as his wife ground her hips against the lump in the fabric of her dress that was Aaron’s hand while the tall man kissed her. 

“Yesss,” she hissed.  “Please….”

Sarah moaned again, the sound much more guttural and deep.  There was no doubt in Keith’s mind – his wife had just been penetrated by one of Aaron’s thick fingers.  His head spun, his body felt weightless… but his own cock was unbearably hard.

As turned on as he was, Keith felt a little out of place just watching the show.  He stood, not completely understanding why he was doing so, then leaned over to begin tugging Sarah’s dress down.  Aaron turned and smiled at him, pulling back long enough to allow Keith to free the brunette’s breasts.  Soon, her small pink nipples were visible, and Keith leaned in to take one in his mouth while Aaron continued to finger his wife.

This continued for a couple of minutes; Keith’s heart was racing as he felt Sarah writhe and moan beneath him.  The knowledge that he wasn’t the sole reason – or even the primary reason – for her responses was both sickening and incredibly arousing.

By some unspoken agreement, Aaron pulled back from Sarah, eliciting a whine of dismay as he withdrew his finger from beneath her rumpled dress.  Keith moved as if by scripted agreement to pull her dress the rest of the way down; Sarah raised her hips without prompting to allow him to remove the garment completely.  There she sat on this stranger’s couch, her breasts heaving, with nothing but her black satin panties preventing her from being completely nude.

"So, Sarah,” Aaron spoke in his measured tone, “you and Keith wanted to verify my safety as a partner.  I assume that you wish for me to have sex with you without wearing a condom?”  

Keith reeled from the black man’s casual matter-of-fact attitude.  Sarah nodded, her face flushed.  “Mmm-hmmm” she replied simply.

“I must verify, then,” the tall man continued.  “This means that you are on birth control, correct?  I do not wish to cause any problems.”

Sarah closed her eyes for a moment.  “I am not on birth control,” she explained after a brief pause, “but it is not necessary.”  She swallowed before continuing.  “I am infertile.  Keith and I have tried everything to have a baby, but I cannot get pregnant.  We always planned to have kids someday, but it just is not possible for me.”

Part of Sarah’s brain was thankful for the weed.  In other circumstances, if would have hurt to say those things out loud, but she felt disconnected enough from reality that the emotional punch of the admission did not come like she expected that it would.

Aaron smiled gently.  “I mean no disrespect to my friend Keith, who I am sure is a strong man,” he stated.  “But I must warn you – I am very virile.  I produce much semen, which I would deliver very deeply inside of you.  My sperm is very strong.  You may think that it is impossible for you to become pregnant, but I do not think that you should be so certain.”

Sarah looked to Keith, her expression one of puzzlement – and perhaps, a tinge of worry.  What if the black man was correct?  What if it was, in fact, possible for him to impregnate her?

Keith grinned and shook his head at his wife to reassure her.  They knew for a fact that the issue was not Keith’s sperm; he had been tested and was quite fertile.  The issue was that Sarah was essentially menopausal; she was barely having periods at all anymore - even with fertility drugs and IVF, she had been unable to conceive. 

“I think that we are okay with the risks,” Keith offered.  “We have even tried IVF.  If Sarah were to somehow get pregnant, it would almost feel like it was meant to be.”  Maybe it was the drug, but Keith felt very at peace with his proclamation.  His wife’s eyebrows were down in a bit of a frown, her face looked confused; but when he leaned over to kiss, all of her resistance seemed to melt away.  When he pulled back, the sultry look on her face was one of open, naked lust.

While Keith had been busy kissing his wife, Aaron had taken the opportunity to shed his pants.  “Holy shit,” Sarah exclaimed lowly, her eyes wide and focused on a spot behind Keith.  He turned to see what had caused the outburst and found himself a little closer than he was absolutely comfortable being to a truly massive specimen of a penis.

Aaron’s ebony shaft was long – a good two inches longer than Keith’s pale penis, if not more.  It was thick, as well; Keith couldn’t be sure, but the girth felt like it might have been half again what he himself was packing.  Beneath the heavy phallus itself hung a pair of sizable testicles that had to even now be working on building up a large load of semen to inject inside of Keith’s wife.  The entire thing was so very dark; the head was a somewhat lighter brown, but the rest of the huge penis was coal-colored, like nothing Keith had ever seen.

Aaron gave a wide, toothy grin at the Fullers’ responses.  “I take it that my friends are satisfied with what they see?” he asked.

Keith chuckled.  “Fuck, man.  That thing is enormous!  I’m not sure that it will even fit in my wife.”  He wasn’t kidding; there were times when Keith had to be careful, or Sarah would complain of his own dick hurting her.

The tall black man laughed good naturedly.  “Trust me, my friend – it will fit.  I have experience with this.  Sarah will take all of me, and it will be a very pleasurable experience for her.”

The brunette moaned softly at Aaron’s words as Keith took the opportunity to hook his thumbs in the waistband of his wife’s satin panties.  Without prompting, she lifted her ass to allow him to pull them down; as the saturated undergarment came free from his wife’s body, the overpowering scent of Sarah’s arousal filled Keith’s nostrils.  She absolutely reeked of sexual desire; the heady scent was nearly overpowering.  Her labia reminded him of how it had been with Curt – they were swollen, park pink, slightly open in a sexy pout.  Her entire vaginal area glistened with lubrication, and a long string of discharge stretched from Sarah’s vagina to the soaked gusset of her panties; it stretched out for several inches before breaking.

While Keith was busy below Sarah’s waist, Aaron took the opportunity to step up to the edge of the couch and present his erect penis to the brunette.  Wordlessly, she leaned forward and enveloped the head of the massive phallus in her mouth; Keith had not even realized that she was doing it until he looked up and saw a couple of inches of the ebony shaft buried inside of Sarah’s mouth.  The bright red of his wife’s lipstick really stood out to Keith as she moved her lips up and down the dark, hefty shaft.

“Aaaah yes, that is very nice,” Aaron murmured as Keith’s wife worked on his cock.  Keith felt his body tingling as he watched; it took him only a few moment to shed all of his own clothes and free his own hard dick.

After a couple of minutes, Aaron was clearly ready to progress things further.  “I think that we would all be more comfortable if we move to the bedroom,” the tall man announced as he pulled his heavy member from Sarah’s mouth.  “Shall we?”

The naked trip moved down a short hall to a dimly-lit bedroom that fortunately featured a king sized bed.  Sarah gave her husband a quick look as she settled down on the bed with her legs spread.  Aaron moved up to her and leaned in to give the brunette a kiss.  As he did so, he moved his hand to her crotch.

“Ah!” he exclaimed.  “I had thought to prepare you, Sarah, to allow you to slowly build up and become ready for me.  But it appears that you are fully prepared already, yes?”

Sarah blushed slightly and glanced at Keith, but then turned and held Aaron’s gaze. 

“Yes,” she replied quietly.  “I am ready now.  I have been wanting this all day; please don’t make me wait anymore.”

Grinning widely, Aaron maneuvered himself between the open legs of the other man’s wife.  He grabbed his heavy phallus in his hand and began to press forward, but stopped abruptly. 

“Are you certain that you do not wish for me to use a condom?” he asked.  “I do not want to cause any problems for you.”

Keith could see the raw lust on his wife’s face.  He felt like he was almost out of his own body, watching the scene, as he responded for Sarah.  “Go ahead, Aaron – do it.  Fuck my wife, fuck her bare, give her your cum.”  He held eye contact with Sarah as he added one more line.  “Do your best to give her your baby.”

As he said that, Sarah’s eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned in reply.  Aaron smiled appreciatively, then began rubbing his erect cock against Sarah’s messy pussy.  “Very well, my friend,” the tall man declared.  “I will do my best to fuck your wife well, and to give her my baby.” 

With that, Aaron centered himself against the brunette’s sopping opening and pushed.  For several moments, nothing happened; perhaps he was, in fact, too thick to penetrate the much smaller woman.  But then, the black man rolled his hips a bit, pulled back, pushed forward again…and Sarah gave a deep, guttural, soulful groan as the head of the big penis forced its way inside of the wife’s vagina.

It was happening, Keith thought.  Sarah was taking someone else’s bare cock – and a massive bare, black cock at that.

Sarah’s head turned to one side, then to the other, as she arched her back against Aaron’s pressure.  To his credit, the big man was patient, withdrawing most of his penis, then pressing forward again.  Each time that he did so, more and more of the ponderous member worked inside of the brunette’s body.  Keith found himself staring intently at where the two bodies joined; there was Aaron’s coal black skin in stark contrast with the pale white of Sarah.  As the black men withdrew, her tiny pink labia clung to the ebony shaft, which glistened with her lubrication. 

Once he had perhaps half of his oversized tool inside of Sarah’s vagina, Aaron shifted his position.  Now, his back was straight up and down; he reached down and grabbed the brunette’s hips and shifted her up, then tucked a pillow underneath her ass.  He looked down and made eye contact with Sarah.  “Are you ready for your first orgasm?” he asked.

Sarah’s face looked disoriented, as if she didn’t quite understand what was happening, but she nodded in reply.  Suddenly, the gentle penetrative efforts by Aaron were gone; he began mechanically withdrawing all but the very tip of his cock from the smaller wife, then driving a good five to fix inches inside of her.  In response, Sarah’s mouth formed into an “O” shape and she groaned almost as if she were being choked.  “Nuuughhh God… what the fuck?” she questioned around gasps for breath.   The woman’s pert breasts made circular motions with every thrust of the thick dick into her body. 

Aaron smiled in response but did not slow his motions at all.  “You are feeling me against your G spot, yes?  It is pleasurable, is it not?”

“Nyaa God… it’s good!” Sarah panted in reply.  She began to whine and moan in time with the large man’s thrusts.  Soon, her head began to toss back and forth, her hair swirling around her face like a cloud in a tempest.  Her back was arched, she was pushing down against the pressure; Keith’s wife was totally oblivious to his presence or him stroking his own dick while watching.  Her entire world had been reduced to the heavy black phallus thrusting in and out of her squelching vagina. 

Suddenly, she stopped thrashing her head, and a look of panic took over her face.  “Wha… wait… huh… what is hap…” she moaned.  “I… stop I need… ugh… wait…” Sarah struggled as if try to sit up, but Aaron’s thrusting never slowed, never altered, and his efforts seemed to rob all of her strength.

“Do not fight it,” Aaron softly ordered the woman below him.  In contrast to Sarah’s pants and broken words, the tall man seemed unphased at all by his efforts.  “You are all right!  You feel it building, beautiful woman.  When you cannot hold it back any longer, allow it to come out.”

“But… nyuugh… it’s huh… I’m… hunnngg…” she babbled in reply.  Keith stared in awe at the coupling his wife was taking from the black man.  Part of his brain idly noticed that her belly seemed to be bulging, as if she were pushing internally against the fat cock.

“Shhhh,” the big man answered.  “You must allow it to happen.  Do not fight it.  When you cannot hold it back and longer, push back.  Push it out.”

For a few moments, there were so sounds in the bedroom but the squelching of Sarah’s cunt as Aaron continued his efforts.  Suddenly, her eyes went fixed and her mouth returned to an “O” shape as her features scrunched up as if she were lifting some great weight.  Then, Keith’s wife began a choking groan that sounded something like her trying to pick up some very heavy object. 

With that, the fluid began spurting from the union of their genitals. 

As Sarah groaned and cursed, two, three, five bursts of clear fluid went flying up and away from her vagina, only to strike Aaron’s abdomen and drip down his body. 

“Yes, that is the way, Sarah,” Aaron reassured her.  “Let it out.  Revel in the pleasure I am giving to you!”

Keith gaped at the sight of his wife squirting for the first time in her life.  He had come to the conclusion that this sort of orgasm was pretty much an invention of porn, yet here he had witnessed it with his own eyes.  He had been stroking himself, but had to release his dick in fear of coming far too quickly.

After the mini eruption ended, Sarah went limp, gasping for breath.  Aaron, for his part, did not waver whatsoever; he continued to thrust away at the same pace, with the same intensity.  Keith had only thought that his wife’s cunt sounded wet and messy before; now, the squishing sounds were even more intense.

Perhaps two minutes went by with Aaron continuing to fuck Keith’s wife at the same pace when she began to come back to life.  “Ho…. hunnng… oh God… again?” Sarah asked.  Her face took on a confused expression, like she couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening to her.  Keith noticed that her lower belly was bulging once more.

It didn’t take long until once again, Sarah began to groan and curse as her face took on an expression of extreme effort.  Once again, spurts of clear fluid spattered all over Aaron’s belly and the bed. 

As she collapsed back into the bed, Aaron smiled and paused his efforts.  He reached and pulled the pillow from beneath Sarah’s ass, then began to lower himself until her breasts were flattened by his muscular chest.  “And now,” he spoke, “I will fuck you properly, Sarah.  It is time for you to take all of me inside of you – and soon, you will take my seed, as well.”

Sarah murmured something in reply, but Keith could not make out the words.  The tall black man reached his hands beneath Sarah’s shoulders to brace himself, then pressed his pelvis into hers. 

Sarah groaned in reply.  “Oh my God…” she murmured.  “So deep.  So…. huuuughh.”

Aaron set into a cycle of withdrawing partially, then pushing in harder and harder.  “Huh… huh… huh… huh…” Sarah vocalized with his thrusts.  Then, the muscular man pushed even harder and Sarah arched her back.  “Oh god oh fuck oh God… sooOOO… MUCH OH GOD!” she cried.

Keith moved to see, and sure enough, those large black testicles were resting directly against Sarah’s upturned ass.  Holy shit, she had taken every bit of that massive cock inside of her pussy!

Aaron gave Sarah a minute or so to grow accustomed to this new, deep penetration.  He held himself fully inside, simply rolling his hips slowly while she panted.  Then, he spoke softly in her ear.  “Now, I will fuck you properly,” he offered.

True to his word, he did just that.

Powerful did not begin to fully describe the thrusts that Aaron gave to Sarah.  As before, he would withdraw all but the very tip of his ponderous penis on the backstroke… but now, he was driving the entirety of his eight plus inch penis to the absolute hilt inside of Sarah’s liquid vagina.  Keith’s mouth was dry, his stomach churned, his cock throbbed at the sight.  This black stranger was touching parts of Sarah that had never been touched before, that Keith would never hope to touch himself.  Every time the black cock fully buried within Sarah’s cunt, a cry was drawn from her throat. 

“HaaAAAgh…. nnnUUUgggh…. oh fUUUCK!” she cried.  Again and again and again, the wails of pleasure – which seemed to border on the very precipice of pain – were driven from Sarah as Aaron rooted that mighty phallus inside of her.  Slowly, the pitch of her voice rose until the cries were closer to shrieks.

It looked as though every muscle in Sarah’s body was under strain. Her fingers, her toes were played and stretched.  Her face was a mash of agonized pleasure, her throat pulled tight.  A deep red flush was all across the brunette’s face and throat, extending down to her chest beneath the black man’s body.

And then, Sarah’s true orgasm hit. 

“MUUUNNAAUGH!!!  OHHHH NAUUGHHHAAA!!!  HUHH HUH HUYYAAIIIIIINNA!!!” Sarah practically screamed as the tension released from her body like a spring coming uncoiled while her orgasm exploded through her body.  Keith watched in stunned amazement as she began to shake, with her muscles spasming almost in convulsions from the power of her orgasm. 

Keith pinched the end of his own rock hard cock; he didn’t want to come yet, but this was almost too much to take in.  He had seen his wife orgasm before, has gotten her off so many times.  He had never seen or even dreamed of something like this. 

As Sarah started to go limp, Aaron finally began to show some strain from the effort of the fucking he was giving to Keith’s wife.  “I am… huh… almost there,” he declared to Sarah as he continued to drive that massive black cock inside of her with the same long strokes.  “Soon, I will… huh… give you my seed!”

The black man’s commentary seemed to reach Sarah, and her eyes opened.  Her hands came up to her lover’s shoulders, and one pulled his head down and she opened her mouth for a deep kiss.  Keith groaned as he saw his wife’s pale hand run down the black man’s muscular back while her tongue danced with this stranger’s. 

Aaron pulled his face back and focused intently on Sarah’s green eyes.  “Are you… uhh… prepared for my seed?” he asked as he continued to drive his cock into the other man’s wife.  “Will you take it into your womb?”

Sarah arched her back in response as the flush began to return to her face.  “Hunnn yess….” she groaned.  “Give it to me…. nuhhh… give me all of your cum!”

A moment of panic flashed through Keith’s body.  This black stranger was about to inseminate his wife, who was completely unprotected!  What if she wasn’t entirely infertile?  What if this other man managed to impregnate her?  What if this illicit sex led to a black bastard growing inside of his wife’s belly?

Keith felt like he was spinning.  He couldn’t move.  He wanted to throw up.  Precum was dripping from his cock; he felt like he could orgasm at any instant.  He should intervene, he should stop this, there was no way that he could stop this…

Aaron gave one final thrust and held the massive penis as deeply inside of Keith’s wife as he could.  “HUHHH YES!  TAKE ALL OF MY SEED, SARAH!  TAKE IT, TAKE MY BABY!”  Some part of Keith noticed that the black man’s sizable balls had drawn up completely into his scrotum, that they were pulled tightly against Sarah’s ass.  He could see the space between Aaron’s asshole and balls clench, again, again, again.  He knew that every time that happened, this black stranger was injecting tens of millions of his sperm as deeply inside of Sarah’s vagina as he possibly could.

Sarah’s eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.  She could actually feel the warmth as the black stranger’s semen splashed against her cervix, bathing it with his sperm.  She could feel every tiny ridge on the head of his massive penis as it rubbed so very deep inside of her.  Oh my God, she was unprotected, what if he did put a baby inside of her?  Her husband had never gotten her pregnant, what if this stranger put a black bastard in her belly instead?

Out of the blue, an incredible orgasm tore through Sarah’s body in response to the insemination and the taboo thoughts that accompanied it. 

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“YEAAAHAAGHH!!!” she screamed.  “HUNNHHH HUNHHH HUAAAAGHH!  INSIDE ME OH FUCKING GOD, YES, INSIDE NUHAAAH, GIVE ME ALL OF IT!”  Without realizing what she was doing, Sarah’s legs wrapped around the black man’s ass, helping to lock him as deeply inside of her vagina as she could manage.  Even as her orgasm hit, she knew that her cervix was dipping again and again into the pool of Aaron’s semen as her body tried drew the stranger’s sperm up into her womb to help it find her egg.  The knowledge seemed to fuel her orgasm even more, causing it to roll on longer than she would have ever thought possible.

Keith felt like he would pass out.  He had done nothing to stop this.  What if Sarah did get pregnant?  He had every reason to believe that Aaron was telling the truth – that massive weapon had just injected who knew how many virile sperm practically all the way into Sarah’s womb.  My God, what if they were even now surrounding his wife’s egg, impregnating her with his black baby?

With a pitiful cry, Keith lurched closer to his wife as his own orgasm ripped through his body.  His own semen sprayed out uselessly, with a small amount landing on his wife’s shoulder – the rest splattered unnoticed onto the bedspread and pillowcase.


At some point in the middle of the night, Keith regained some measure of consciousness.  He felt like he was floating, like his body was not fully his own to control.  Keith tried to get his bearings, but it felt like he was reaching down through a large pool of water to make the effort to manipulate his mind.  It was so much easier to just float here, drift back to sleep…

It was quite dark in the room, but there was a little light from another room, perhaps a bathroom light?  Indistinct shapes were moving close beside him.  Not moving far, not moving fast, but moving back and forth all the same – the same motions repeated over and over.  One pale shape, one very dark shape, intertwined together and difficult to pick out from the darkness around…

There was a heavy weight on his left arm.  Ah, that would be Sarah.  She loved to snuggle in the crook of his arm.  Something was amiss, though; it felt as though she were heavier for a bit, then lighter.  Then heavier, then lighter.  Again and again and again.

The sounds.  A wet, sloppy, squishy sound.  Feminine moans.  Keith’s brain examined the evidence, decided that the sounds seemed to happen in concert with the increases in the weight on his arm.

The smells.  Sweat.  Semen.  Vaginal secretions from an aroused woman.

Finally, with great effort, Keith’s mind put it all together.  Sarah was there with him, and she was having sex.  She was lying in the crook of his arm, while the motion from someone behind her drove her weight into Keith’s arm.  He was happy to hold her, to stroke her hair while she received what sounded like serious pleasure. 

Keith felt a faint smile touch his features, felt his own penis stir with arousal.  His wife was so incredibly hot.  He loved having sex with her.  While it was a bit confusing that Sarah was having sex in the bed with him, but not actually with Keith himself, he considered and decided that he didn’t mind.  Good for her, she deserved to feel good.

Some part of his brain tried to put meanings to words.  A deep, masculine voice, groaning out and imploring someone to “take it, take all of it inside of you”.  A feminine reply moaning “yes, yes, inside of me, all of it, give me that black baby”.  Keith felt his penis grow more erect; the idea of someone being inseminated, perhaps even impregnated right there in the bed with him was so very erotic.  What would Sarah think about that?  He wanted to ask his wife, but couldn’t seem to figure out how to speak to her.

The motion and the sounds and the sensations came to an end.  The light got a little brighter.  There was a face right in front of his– Sarah’s face, although it was flushed red as if she had been running a race, or perhaps had been feeling ill.  Was she okay?  Did she know about the sex going on in the bed?

The face of his wife gave Keith a wicked grin, leaned in and kissed him deeply.  He felt his penis stir again, then a hand tightened around it.  He heard a man’s voice say something, heard a woman’s voice reply, felt his dick being stroked, then suddenly, an orgasm swept over him and he began to spurt semen all over the hand of the person holding his prick.  Sarah said something – maybe even to him – but the effort to focus on consciousness simply grew to be too much. 

In moments, Keith gave up his tenuous grip on reality and found himself floating off into a sea of ocean breezes…


The vibration of his phone pulled Keith back to consciousness.  They were in Aaron’s bedroom; both Sarah and the black man were still asleep, with neither of their naked bodies covered by the discarded sheets or comforter.  The room was surprisingly dark; Aaron had clearly invested in quality blackout curtains.  Even so, there was enough light to make out the sleeping forms of his wife and the other man. 

The room absolutely reeked of sex.  As he processed the smell and the significance of it, Keith remembered back to last night.  The images of Sarah on her back, with her legs wrapped around this black stranger as begged him for all of his semen.  The thought caused the feeling of a cold hole in the pit of Keith’s stomach – but also caused his penis to begin to stir to life.

Another memory tickled at the edge of his consciousness.  Keith tried to focus on it… had Sarah had sex with Aaron again during the night?  Thinking back, Keith realized that he had to have still been very high at the time, but that surely seemed to be what he remembered. 

Taking a bit of a risk, Keith grabbed his phone and pulled up the email screen; the white background wasn’t a true flashlight, but given how high he kept his brightness setting, it would work in a pinch.  He directed the light between Sarah’s legs, and what he saw there would be burned into his mind forever.

His wife’s labia were normally closed, a light pink color, with little to no visible gap.  This morning, her pussy was still a dark pink - nearly an angry red in color, with puffy labia spread open to allow Keith a view inside of Sarah’s vaginal opening.  Her lips, upper thighs, and mound were all covered with a mix of still glistening lubrication as well as the dried remnants of older fluids.  While much of the fluid appeared to be clear, there was a significant amount of milky white liquid there, as well – and a string of sticky white semen stretched across Sarah’s vaginal opening.

Judging from the appearance – to say nothing of the aroma that wafted from Sarah’s crotch – Keith’s fever dream of a memory of Sarah having sex during the night was almost certainly true.  It also seemed to be extremely likely that she had been fucked far more recently, given how dark it was during his memory and the fact that there was so much visible semen still leaking from his wife’s vagina.

Holy shit!  How much of this stranger’s sperm was floating around in his wife’s womb, anyway?

Suddenly, some primal part of Keith’s brain was triggered by the sight and smell of his wife’s heavily used vagina.  Heedless of whether anyone would wake up, he found himself lowering his face to Sarah’s pussy.  He didn’t understand why, but he knew that he simply had to do this.

Part of his mind urged him to stick to Sarah’s clit, to bring her to orgasm but avoid the mess that this stranger had left in her pussy.  The stronger, more twisted part demanded that he clean her up.  The internal argument didn’t take long; soon, Keith was driving his tongue inside of his wife’s well used cunt.

The taste was not what he has expected.  He could identify his wife’s lubrication, especially the sweet and tangy fluids she created when she orgasmed… there seemed to be no shortage of those.  But he could also taste the bitter, alkaline flavor of Aaron’s semen; the thicker, more viscous consistency of the man’s fluids were easily apparent to Keith’s tongue.  But rather than stop, he found himself digging further and further inside of Sarah’s pussy, savoring the mixed flavors of the liquids he found inside of his wife.

At some point, Keith became aware that Sarah had laced her fingers through his hair, was pulling to direct his mouth to her clit.  Naturally, he obliged, focusing on her swollen little nub until soon, she cried out in orgasm, flooding his mouth with a new wave of the sweet, tangy fluids from her climax.

“Ah, it is good of you to bring your wife pleasure in this manner,” came Aaron’s formal voice from behind Keith.  “Although I fear that if you are intending to try to clean my seed from inside her, it is too late.  Surely, her womb is full of it by now; indeed, you may have caused her to draw more of it inside of her cervix when you gave her that orgasm.”

The words were humiliating, more than a little twisted – but yet, Keith found his cock to be insanely hard.  He glanced at Aaron before moving further up on the bed, with the intention of penetrating his wife, when the phone vibrated again.

“What the hell is it?” he demanded as he grabbed the damned device. 

“American Airlines flight 5155 is rescheduled.  New departure: 1:30 PM” came the app notification. 

With dismay, Keith saw that the missed texts were from the administrative assistant at work; she had been trying to likewise let him know that the flight had been changed.  It was already nearly eleven AM; he would have to hurry to get home, pack a bag, and rush to the airport for any chance of making his flight.

“Shit!” Keith exclaimed.  “We’ve got to go!  My flight has been changed, I’m running very late!”  He and Sarah hurriedly got up, got dressed, and bid their host goodbye.


Maddeningly, Keith could not have reclaim sex with his wife before he left; it was all that he could do to make his flight.  The two of them had a nice mutual masturbation session over the phone that night while recounting their time at Aaron’s house, but it wasn’t quite the same.

There was a lot of talking to do.  Sarah had indeed let Aaron fuck her during the middle of the night, though to her defense, Keith had apparently appeared to have been awake and involved far before his memory started.  She and the stranger had also had sex one other time that morning – by Sarah’s estimation, it had ended maybe an hour or so before Keith woke up.  Sarah swore that Keith had encouraged her during the night to have as much sex as she had wanted to have; she had been a little reluctant (and a lot tired) that morning, but she felt like she would have been letting Keith down if she had said no.  So once more, Aaron had taken her, once more he had given her several orgasms, and once more, he had inseminated her deeply.

They weren’t sure if the weed had been the greatest of ideas, but it had lowered their inhibitions and made things pretty hot.  When Keith suggested that they should try this sort of sharing sex again while sober, Sarah had giggled.  “Maybe someday, we will do that,” she had replied.

The business trip meant that Keith didn’t get to have sex with Sarah until late Wednesday evening.  He did make up for lost time; they had three rounds of sex that night, filling the night with dirty talk about Sarah fucking other men and allowing them to try to knock her up.  The one good thing to the delay was that three nights off from sex gave Sarah’s poor vagina plenty of time to recover from being so sore.

Two weeks after they had spent the night with Aaron, Sarah had perhaps the lightest period of her life.  The pad barely soaked up anything; mostly, she dealt with a few light cramps and the toilet paper coming away pink for two days. 

Two weeks later, both Keith and Sarah tested positive for COVID.  Keith had the more common symptoms of cough, headache, and fatigue; Sarah got the bad headache, but also the less common gastrointestinal symptoms en lieu of a cough or really bad fatigue. 

For a week or so, she would find herself throwing up off and on for the first half of the day.  Her symptoms would improve in the afternoon, only to come back with a vengeance the next day.  Even so, she shook her sickness quicker than Keith did; he kept a cough for nearly a month, although she did seem to lack her same energy level for a few weeks, as well.

A month after being diagnosed with COVID, Sarah realized that some of her clothes weren’t fitting quite as well as they had been.  She hadn’t really hit the gym as religiously since she had gotten sick; she decided that this sort of weight gain would never do.  In light of that decision, she made it a point to dedicate extra hours and extra effort to her workouts, and also really started counting her calories and such to get things back under control.

Two weeks later, Sarah had come home from a workout session and was in the process of changing when she stopped to look at her profile in the full length mirror in their bathroom.  “Keith, come here, please,” she called.

He stepped into the bathroom.  “What’s up?” he asked.

Sarah took his hand and guided it over her belly.  “Feel that?” she asked, her expression unreadable. 

“Uh… it’s firm,” he offered, unsure of what she was saying. 

Sarah fixed him with her green eyes.  “Yes, it is.  It’s also round… in fact, it’s sticking out.  My belly has never stuck out in my life.”

Keith eyed her suspiciously.  “What are you saying?” he asked carefully.

She ignored him.  “Look at my nipples.  What do you see?”

He started to frown.  “Have you been tanning?  They are looking a little brown.  Your areolas are pretty visible, too.”  He was scared to say it, but hell, her nipples looked bigger, too – they had always been so tiny.  And they had always been a light pink.  Always.

“Do you know what these things mean?” she asked, a sudden light dancing in her emerald eyes.

A quick run to the pharmacy and an at-home test confirmed it – that second blue line was supposed to take five minutes to show up after Sarah peed on the stick, but it was clearly visible in forty-five seconds.  There was no doubt about it – she was pregnant.


“Congratulations!” Doctor Hampton told the happy couple as he flipped through Sarah’s chart.  “You are definitely pregnant, no doubt about it!”

When Sarah had called, the doctor had worked her into his schedule in less than a week.  He seemed almost as excited about the pregnancy as Sarah and Keith were.

The doctor had a series of black and white pictures lying on his desk, but at the moment, they were looking at grainy images on a monitor with all sorts of notations around them.

“We went ahead and did some extensive testing and measurements, as you can imagine, given your difficulties conceiving,” Hampton explained.  “The news is great – everything is absolutely normal.  There are no signs of any potential birth defects on your ultrasounds.  The fetus has a nice sac, which is attached ideally inside of your uterus.  Do you want to know the baby’s sex?” he asked.

The Fullers glanced at one another quickly before Sarah nodded.  “Yes, please.”

The doctor smiled.  “It’s a boy, no doubt about it!” he grinned.  “Congratulations again.”

“So, when is the due date?” Sarah asked, her face beaming with unbridled joy.

Doctor Hampton continued to smile.  “Well, I know that it’s tough to say for certain, since your periods are so uncommon, but the measurements put you at exactly thirteen weeks pregnant.  So that would make the due date September… nineteenth.”

Sarah frowned.  “But doctor,” she protested, “I told you that my last period was nine weeks ago.  I can’t possibly be more than nine weeks pregnant.”

Hampton chuckled.  “Sarah, that is quite impossible given your baby’s measurements.  We wouldn’t be able to tell the sex so easily at nine weeks, either... probably not at all.  No, I suspect that you didn’t actually have a period – that was probably implantation bleeding.  You did mention that the period was very light – which is more evidence that it wasn’t a period at all.  No, you had to have conceived two weeks or so before that, which jives perfectly with the baby’s measurements.  I would bet my house that you are thirteen weeks pregnant, give or take a few days at most.”

A cold jolt ran through Sarah’s body.

Two weeks before what she had thought was her period had been the night with Aaron.  Frantically, she ran through her memories.  She and Keith had been having so much sex then, surely it couldn’t be…

But no.  They had skipped sex by choice for the two nights before meeting Aaron and by being separated for the three nights after.  Sarah remembered that she had been so aroused back then, even when she had just gotten out of bed; she had to have been fertile that weekend.  Keith hadn’t had sex with her at Aaron’s house, then he’d had to go out of town for a few days immediately after they had left.

If she was thirteen weeks pregnant, then the baby couldn’t have been her husband’s.

The baby had to, in fact, be black.


Author notes:

This is a work of fiction.  If you are angry at the choices that these make-believe people made, keep in mind that making abusive or hateful comments won’t change their choices - they are only fictional characters.

Pregnancy is measured from the first day of the last normal period.  A woman usually ovulates (is most fertile) roughly two weeks after that – which means that doctors use a funny system to measure how far along a woman is; it always includes about two weeks of time before she actually conceives.  Since Sarah no longer had normal periods, Doctor Hampton used the baby’s measurements and his knowledge of Sarah’s implantation bleeding to back into the correct number of weeks pregnant.

Yes, Sarah had implantation bleeding, not a period.  She also had very light morning sickness to go along with her COVID diagnosis.  Was her post-COVID fatigue from the sickness or the pregnancy?  You decide.

Why hadn’t Keith gotten her pregnant before?  It’s hard to say.  There are sometimes situations where two people just are not super compatible on a reproductive scale – you see pH issues, you see otherwise healthy sperm killed by a woman’s vagina.  There are many cases of donor sperm working when a supposedly healthy man can’t get his wife pregnant, even after the couple does everything right for months (or longer) in an effort to get pregnant.

How will the Fullers deal with this pregnancy?  The baby can’t be Keith’s, it pretty much has to be Aaron’s.  Do they keep the baby?  Do they try to pass this off as a fertility treatment issue?  How does Keith react to his wife carrying another man’s baby – and an interracial baby at that – after she put off having a baby with him until she was no longer able to get pregnant?

I’ll leave these questions and more up to your imagination.  Thank you for the read.  I hope that you enjoyed the story.


Written by cloakndagger772
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