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Miles And Sara

"Sara is the 'entertainment' for a gala dinner."

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Author's Notes

"My very first story here. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Hope you enjoy it!"

Miles and Sara were driving to the mall downtown. He had been told that it was tradition for the husbands to pick out the outfit their wives would wear during the dinner. There was no set rule. Any man could dress his wife in any way he was comfortable with, and in turn, she would be treated by the clients regarding how much or how little she was dressed.

Miles's heart was already going a mile a minute as they entered the lingerie store.

“Alright. What do you want me to wear?” she said, playfully.

They walked around the whole store first, looking at their options. He had already made his mind up a couple of days earlier, though, but was hesitant to tell her right away. After he sensed her getting annoyed by his indifference to her suggestions, he led her over to a mannequin towards the back of the store. The mannequin was just a pair of legs, with stockings, a garter belt, and black panties.

“This,” he said.

“I like it,” Sara said as she began to grab a pair from below the display, “We will have to go back towards the front to get a pair of black panties.”

“No panties,” Miles said looking at her.

He was nervous, wondering if she would be upset. She would know what this means. She would be completely available to any man who wanted her.

"Are you sure?" Sara said, with a half smile. Miles could tell she was a little reluctant.

“I mean, that's what I was thinking. If you're not comfortable with it, we could get some panties for you to wear. You would at least be topless.”

Sara turned and looked at the mannequin thinking it over. This would be the next step in their journey into exhibitionism. It wouldn't even be exhibitionism, it would be her possibly getting fucked by another man.

“Okay, I'll do it,” she said. Her smile returned.

They purchased the set and quickly returned to their small one-bedroom apartment.

Miles insisted she put them on. He sat on the edge of the bed resisting the urge to stroke his cock, which was rock hard in anticipation.


Miles and Sara had been married for a little under five years. They were in their late twenties and both worked menial jobs. Miles worked phone support for a cell phone provider and Sara managed the women's department for a retail chain. They didn't make good money, but they weren't living in poverty.

Both came from lower middle-class homes. They had met while going to a local community college, but they ended up dropping out together to get married. They both had a bit of a past, Sara's being far more promiscuous, but once they got together they were faithful to each other. Miles knew Sara was a bit of an exhibitionist and loved to try to get her to show off. Eventually, one night while drinking with some friends, he was able to get her to completely remove her top for the rest of the evening, giving his friends a show. This led to a phone call about the dinner one evening while stuck in traffic on his way home from work.

“This is Miles.”

“Miles. My name is Jack Thomas. I'm a cousin of your friend Alex. He had referred you to us saying you and your wife were a bit adventurous. He also mentioned you may be able to use a little bit of extra money.”

Miles was stunned and embarrassed. He and Alex had been friends since high school. He was there the night Sara went topless and Miles had told him about their 'adventures' together. He couldn't believe Alex had told anyone else let alone some cousin Miles had only once heard about in passing.

“I'm sorry, I...I'm not sure what you're getting at.” He was a bit annoyed by Alex's betrayal.

“I'm not sure if Alex has ever mentioned it, but I manage R&R Butcher's downtown. I'm also an event coordinator. We do a lot of event dinners for charity, and we have one coming up. A couple of male societies have gotten together to solicit us for an event, but we're short a couple of ladies.

I'll be upfront with you. My wife and I are also exhibitionists. We came up with this idea for a charity dinner with topless waitresses. It was a bit of a fantasy of mine, to see my wife wait on men topless. It was an immediate success, so we kind of expanded it and evolved the idea. We invite married women to come and serve drinks to our clients in whatever risque outfit they feel comfortable in. It's usually customary for the husband to pick out what they wear, I find it adds to the excitement, but whatever you and your wife's lifestyle dictates.”

“Wow.” Miles was no longer angry at Alex. “You want Sara, I mean, my wife to serve at this next event?”

“Yes. She would be serving drinks to the guests, but her role will be very light. It's a five-hour event and I don't want the girls to get exhausted doing any actual work. Your wife will also be allotted a half-hour break that she can take at her discretion. At midnight it ends. No matter what is going on, we end the dinner. The girls say goodbye to their guests and return to their dressing rooms. Then you can meet back with your wife and leave. During this event, you will be granted a small viewing room with amenities.”

“This is entirely consensual. She can choose to interact with the guests or not. If she chooses to do so, then what she wears will inform our guests of the kind of interaction she is willing to do. If she is topless, her breasts are free to use. If her ass is showing or she is wearing a thong, her ass is free to use. If her pussy is out, that is also free to be used as a guest sees fit. If, at any moment, she does not want to engage with a client, she can tap them on the shoulder twice. That will let them know to stop. Thought if she taps more than one man, her time with us is over and she will not be paid, bar some extenuating circumstances. If it is too much for you to handle, you can call it off at any time, but again, you will not be paid. That said, her payment will be scaled to how far she is willing to go.”

“I understand...we're interested.” Miles felt his heart begin to race at the thought of his wife serving their guests. “Who is this event for?”

“Various clients. As I said before, it is usually men's groups. This coming event is for about three organizations for older men that have banded their money together. The clients will be men in their late fifties, mostly sixties and older.”

Miles had always been turned on by the idea of sharing Sara with another man. He would often try to pry stories out of her from her past exploits with other men. The idea that it would possibly be with older men made him feel more at ease. He felt like he could 'compete' better with them than with some stud in his early twenties.


Sara exited from the bathroom, wearing what they had picked out. She was by no means fat but she had a little extra weight on her, which Miles loved. The stockings went up to her thighs. She had a little bit of a tummy that she was somewhat self-conscious of, but Miles knew the garter belt would cover that and make her feel more comfortable. Her breasts were a smaller D size with puffy nipples. The kind that drove him crazy. Miles thought her ass was nice and round, but Sara always disagreed with him saying it was flat. Her hair was shoulder-length. Brown and wavy. She had been the complete vision of perfection to him.

She stood in front of their vanity sink and did a spin for him. Miles got up and moved towards her. He turned her back around bending her over the bathroom sink. He didn't last long though.

“I'm sorry,” Miles said. catching his breath.

“No problem.” Sara turned around and wrapped her arms around him. “We're going for a round two in a couple of minutes anyway.”


The day of the dinner Sara put on the nicest dress she had. A small black dress that showed some cleavage and came down to just above her knee. She had decided to wear her hair up in a curly bun. Miles had a suit that he had been given by a family member that he wore.

Jack had told them to tell the receptionist that they were the entertainment. She led them, behind the counter, down a flight of stairs to a small antechamber with an empty receptionist desk and a couch. It was one of the nicest rooms Miles had ever been in.

The receptionist then handed Miles and Sara each a black masquerade-style mask.

“To keep your anonymity among the other husbands and entertainers. Now, you can say your goodbyes and when it's over, sir, you can go through that door to find your wife. She will be in room eleven.”

Sara and Miles looked at each other. Both were full of nervous excitement.

“I love you,” Sara said.

“I love you too.”

They kissed and then separated through opposite doors.


Sara was led to a small dressing room with a large vanity and a leather couch against the wall. There was also a fancy wooden wardrobe that was open with some empty hangers, for the clothes she was about to remove. On the wall by the door was a golden robe hanging.

The room made Sara feel like she was famous. She was amazed at how expensive everything looked.

“Here you can change into your outfit. Will you be donning a white mask or a golden one?”

She knew that a white mask meant she was off limits from the clients. A golden one meant she was theirs to enjoy.

“A gold one,” Sara said after a moment's hesitation.

“If you are unsure, I would strongly suggest a white one for this evening.”

“No,” Sara insisted. “I'm sure.”

The woman handed her a gold mask. It was a full face mask made of an odd material she had never felt before. Was firm and hid her face but felt as though it was very light. Almost fragile.

“In ten minutes I will have you line up with the rest of the women at the far end of the hall. Enjoy your night.”

She then turned and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

Sara was a little embarrassed. She wondered what the woman had thought of her, but she quickly pushed that out of her mind.

Standing in front of the large vanity mirror she took off her dress. She stood there for a moment contemplating if she would remove her panties.

She had been very promiscuous before she met Miles, but had not been with anyone else since they got together. It had been about seven years since another man touched her, kissed her...or fucked her.

Miles had known about her past, but not the full extent of it. For the first time since they had gotten together a lot of the old, intoxicating feelings were beginning to rush back.

She slipped her panties off and looked at her shaved pussy in the mirror. No razor bumps...none on her legs either. She was glad of that. She grabbed the golden robe by the door, slipped it on, then exited the room.


Miles was led up some stairs to a single room with a large chair. It looked like the most comfortable barcalounger he had ever seen. Next to the door was a small counter with a stool. On the counter was a platter with an assortment of food on it. There was a small sink and fridge behind the counter.

The man that had led him there, a younger man in a black suit and matching mask, motioned towards the counter.

“Please, make yourself comfortable. In case you get hungry, please help yourself. If you can't help yourself,” the man motioned to a box of tissues on the countertop.

“Please be sure to deposit them in the waste basket when you are finished. The room is cleaned after each event, but we would ask that you would be courteous and not leave a mess for the cleaning crew.”

“Oh...of course,” Miles was a little embarrassed.

"And if you would like to leave at any time. There is a red button marked 'security' under the thermostat against the far wall there. Press it and we will inform your wife that it's time to leave."

The man bowed and left the room. The barcalounger faced a large one-way mirror that looked down onto a ballroom. In the center were about twenty round tables set up. He could see a huge buffet against one wall, and on the other side was a bar that had a couple of guys with black masks and suits making drinks. It looks as though dinner was winding down. Each table was full of old men wearing suits. They sat and ate while conversing with one another. There were about ten other men, also in black masks and suits lined up against a wall with their hands behind their backs, almost at attention.

Miles looked at a clock on the wall above the door. It was ten to seven. Almost time.


Sara lined up along with about fifteen other women, she guessed. They were all wearing golden robes. Most of the women had gold masks on, but about five had white. She was glad to see that there were various body sizes in the lineup. She wasn't too self-conscious about her own body, but it still helped calm her nerves.

The receptionist appeared again standing in front of them with a large set of double doors behind her.

“You may remove your robes.”

The women did. Sara tried to sneak a look at the other women. Next to her was a woman with light brown skin who was about thirty pounds heavier than her, she estimated. She was also in a gold mask but was completely nude.

The woman on the other side of her was in a full evening gown though with a white mask.

“Why is she even here?” Sara thought.

Beyond the doors, they could hear an announcer get the attention of the room.

“Now gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed your dinner. We will now begin serving drinks.”

She heard the men applaud as the doors began to open.

The receptionist lead them out and lined them up against the wall. Sara's heart began racing. She was standing nude in front of about fifty men, she guessed. Most were very much in their sixties. There were also about fifteen young men in black suits working the bar and standing around.

She looked up to see the ballroom lined with one-way mirrors. Miles was up there. The thought of him watching her all night began to turn her on.

Just then one of the young men at the bar walked over and handed her a martini.

“Table five, seat four. The numbers are at the center of the table. If you have any trouble feel free to return and I will help you find it.”

He then walked away. Sara was surprised at how he seemed to not notice her standing there nude.

"He must be jaded by all this," she thought.

She then began walking around the dining area, looking at the table numbers and taking in all the hungry looks she was getting. She found the table and walked around to the opposite side. There a thin man with a bald, liver-spotted head smiled at her as she approached.

“Thank you, my dear,” he said.

She went to hand him the drink.

“Could you be so kind as to place it on my table for me?"

Sara nodded and leaned over to place the drink in front of the man. His right hand went up and she felt it caress and squeeze the right side of her ass. She stood back up, the man thanking her again as he removed his hand.

She was on fire. Another man, not her husband, had touched her. The man was not attractive to her in any sense, but knowing that Miles was looking down on her was beginning to make her wet. She looked at the rest of the men at the table. They looked her up and down, all the while surveying the other wives as well.

Sara returned to the bar. She was handed a small glass, by another young man in a mask.

“Table Nine, Seat Two."

She walked around and found the table. As she approached she stopped for a second. Seat two...

“Oh, my God!” she thought, “That's Arnold!”

Arnold was an old man who lived about four doors down from them.

“I think he works at Wal-Mart. He must have saved up all year for this!”

“If you are uncomfortable just tap the guy's shoulder twice to let him know his advances are not welcome,” she remembered Miles telling her. But if it happened again that would be the end of it. She would be sent off without any pay. Aside from the money, she was beginning to enjoy herself as well. Turned on by the thought of Miles watching Arnold grope her.

She approached the table, and as she went to lean in to give him his drink he moved his chair out.

Arnold was not a big guy but he did have a rather large gut. He thanked her and ran the back of his hand along the outside of her thigh before turning his attention to the conversation he was having with another man at the table.

“That's it?” she thought. She was a little disappointed.

Sara returned to get another drink to deliver. As she was delivering drinks she noticed the men who were once lined up against the wall were serving drinks to the men as well.

“They're getting the drinks out quickly so we can move on to whatever is next,” she guessed.

As she began to return to the bar yet again, a deep voice came from behind her.

“Walk with me to the bar, my dear.”

A large man almost lifted her off her feet as he rushed past her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

“I hope you are enjoying yourself this evening. I know I am.”

The man moved his large hand from her waist and squeezed her breast. He held it there until they approached the bar.

“I'll have another Scotch, please,” the man told the bartender.

As he and the bartender made small talk, Sara took the time to survey the room. She found the tan-skinned woman who stood by her in the hallways leaning over a table.

“Oh my,” Sara thought as she noticed two older men appearing to be taking turns fingering her as her face lie down on the table. Her movements suggested she was enjoying herself.

“If you would be so kind as to spread your legs a little, my dear?” the man said, interrupting her thoughts.

Sara liked the timbre of his voice. She did as he asked.

The man, Scotch in one hand, reached the other down towards her pussy. She let out a sharp inhale as the man pushed his middle finger into her. He then pulled it out and began stirring his drink with the same finger.

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“Thank you,” he said as he walked away.


Miles sat watching Sara at the bar, his view a little obstructed by some guests standing near them. He had watched the large old man walk her to the bar, but couldn't see exactly what was happening once they got there.

Miles was mildly stroking his cock. He had wanted to wait and play it cool. Sit there and watch as if he was a seasoned, wife-sharing veteran. As soon as the doors opened, though, and his beautiful wife made her entrance in the outfit he had selected he just couldn't help himself. He felt a little silly at first, but that faded quickly.

He had also been watching the other women. Wives of other men who had also been possibly watching his wife. He had fixated on a thin blonde with very long hair who was topless. She was wearing gold crotchless panties that matched the gold mask she had on. She had a flat chest, which Miles found very sexy. She was sitting on a table, leaning back as an old man rubbed her nipples and began sucking on them.

He then turned his attention back to his wife. He watched as Sara approached another table. There an old man handed her an empty glass, which she began to take back to the bar. The old man looked like a corpse, he thought. Very pale and very skinny. He wouldn't have been surprised if he had learned the man was a hundred years old.

When Sara returned with his drink the man backed his seat out. It looked as though he was asking her to sit on his lap. Miles was almost worried she would hurt him, the man looked so frail. He watched as Sara put his drink on the table and then sat sideways on the man's lap. His left hand wrapped around her back and his right rested on her thighs. He watched as the man began to whisper something into her ear.


“What are the chances that I could get you to remove that mask a little and suck on my pecker?” he asked her.

Sara found the man a little revolting, but knowing Miles was watching and probably loving this ghoul handle her was turning her on. She slowly shook her head no.

The old man began to kiss her neck. He was completely bald but had a small wispy mustache that tickled. He moved his right hand from her thigh to her breast and began to squeeze and play with her nipples. Sara began to breathe harder.

“You're married?” the old man whispered into her ear.

She nodded her head yes.

“Yet you are here sitting on this old man's lap with your pussy and titties out? You're just asking for some old creep like me to fuck you, aren't you?”

“Not really,” she thought. She began to contemplate whether she should tap on his shoulder.

“You're so naughty,” the man said, cutting off her thoughts. “Bend over my knee. I'm going to give you a spanking.”

Sara got up and did as the man said, watching the rest of the men's faces while doing so. They all had big grins.

“He's a sick fuck,” one of the men gleefully warned her as she lay over his lap.

The old man placed his left hand on the back of her head pushing it down. Sara could feel his hard-on pressed up against her through his pants alongside his bony legs. She tried to gauge how big he was, but couldn't tell for sure. The man then began to slap her ass. He started out soft but then got harder. Eventually causing her to let out a moan. He then began to rub her pussy.

“You're dripping wet!” the man said as he slipped a couple of fingers into her.

“Oh God,” Sara thought, “I might actually cum!”

The thought of Miles and the other men at the table watching her be dominated was driving her wild. He worked his fingers in and out. The sound of her wet pussy being worked was surely being heard by the other men at the table.

“Tonight you're my whore. My chubby little slut,” the man said.

His remark about her weight turned her on even more, to her surprise.

He removed his hand from the back of her head and wrapped his frail fingers around her throat.

Sara moved her legs to get into a better position, preparing to cum.

“I want you to cum for me, okay. my chubby whore?”

Sara nodded her head in agreement. She moved herself forward a little more to place her pelvis on his leg where she began to grind. Before she knew it, she was cumming. Her body began to stiffen. She didn't want to be too loud. She grunted and then went limp.

The men at the table all made approving remarks.

“There you go, my chubby slut.”

He then removed his fingers from her and put them in his mouth. As she started to gather herself to get back up she felt his fingers begin to probe around her asshole.

“I want you to see me again before the night is through, okay?” the man said.

Sara nodded in agreement.

She then stood herself up as he pulled his chair back in. She was still trying to get her bearings back. The first man to give her an orgasm outside of her marriage was a ghoul who made awkward dirty talk and called her chubby. She would have never imagined something like this would happen.

In a haze, she began to look around the room.

At the table next to them a short woman with a shaved head, wearing only a black girdle, was being fondled as she collected some empty glasses.

Another table had a skinny blonde girl on it with her legs spread. An old bald wrinkly head eating her out.

“May I have another drink?” asked a man who was sitting next to where she was standing.

“Oh yeah...drinks,” she thought.

She grabbed the glass and nodded before making her way back to the bar. Her ass was still a little red from the spankings.


Miles came into a tissue paper. Between his wife getting fingered by the ghoulish old man, and the skinny blonde getting eaten out he couldn't help himself. He got up and threw the tissue into the waste bin. He had been worried that 'post-nut clarity' may ruin the rest of the experience for him. That he may start to get jealous or anxious. Before he could think about it anymore, though, his attention turned to two young men in black suits walking intentionally toward the dining area.

Miles watched as they made their way over to the skinny blonde he had been watching. They tapped the old man on the should who quickly moved back from the girl, unwrapping his arms from around her thighs. They helped the woman off the table and began to escort her out of the ballroom.

“Her husband couldn't handle it,” Miles thought.

He was disappointed. He had another woman he had been watching as well, though. A blonde woman who he would guess was in her forties. She was nude except for a small black bow that was wrapped around her waist. Short hair and large, obviously enhanced, tits. She was bent over a table getting fucked. She was clearly enjoying herself, putting on a show for the rest of the guys watching at the table.

He then returned to his wife who was at another table. She was getting one of her nipples pinched by one man while another was handing her his empty glass. That was pretty much how it went for the next twenty minutes for Sara.

He spent that time mostly watching the other women. His attention turned to one wearing a cocktail dress and a white mask.

“Why is she even here?” he wondered.

He then noticed Sara approach another table.

“Holy shit! That's Arnold!”


Sara returned with a drink for Arnold, and this time he wasn't as shy.

As she placed the drink down he reached up and squeezed her breast. Almost as if milking a cow. She flinched a little, startled by his touch.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” he said.

She stood up straight and placed her hand over her heart. Trying to convey that it was alright.

“I want to suck your titties. Come here,” he said, bluntly.

Arnold then moved his chair back and motioned for her to sit on his lap. He positioned her to where she was sitting facing him, her legs spread. He then started to grab at her and suck on her titties.

She couldn't believe it. Arnold. The older man down the way. Sometimes they would end up checking their mailbox at the same time and exchanging he was unknowingly sucking on her titties. Working her nipples with his tongue.

She hoped Miles was watching. The thought of him seeing her with Arnold was almost too much.

He soon moved one of his hands from her tits to her pussy, sticking two of his fingers inside. He began to nibble lightly on her right nipple, which she enjoyed.

She couldn't help but feel like something was simmering below the surface with Arnold. She wondered how he would be if there were no rules. If it was just them alone together.

“Bend over the table."

She got up and did as she was told. Arnold moved behind her and unzipped. As he entered her, placing his large belly on top of her, she began to look at the other men sitting at the table. A couple of them seemed annoyed by the shaking they were causing. They picked their drinks up to prevent them from spilling. A couple of others weren't even paying attention. One of them began to stare into her eyes. She began to moan. He was attractive for his age. He had a full head of beautiful hair. He looked almost like a movie star from a long time ago. She hoped maybe he would fuck her next.

“I'm going to cum,” she heard Arnold say.

She was disappointed. He wasn't very big, but she was enjoying herself nonetheless.

“Come here,” said the attractive man across the table. “And don't let a single drop of his cum drip out on the way over.”

She got up, cupped her pussy with her right hand, and made her way over to him. She was amazed at how effortlessly he lifted her onto the table. He then sat on his chair, spread her legs, and moved in.

It was so hot, she couldn't hold out any longer. As she felt him suck the cum out of her pussy into his mouth, she let out a loud moan. She had heard some of the other women do it by now, so why hold back?


Miles came again.

Arnold of all people. His wife just got fucked by Arnold.

Once again he made his way to the waste bin.

“Who the fuck could eat during a time like this,” he thought as he looked over the appetizers on the counter.

It felt like it was 100 degrees in the room. He removed his long-sleeved shirt down to his white undershirt. He found a thermostat on the wall that read '73'. He made his way to the fridge and got out a bottle of water.

He then sat back down and began to scan the ballroom again. He noticed a young African American woman, wearing full lingerie, shaking her tits for some men at a table. She also had a gold mask on.

“Boring,” he thought. He would have loved to see her getting fucked as well.

There was a woman with light brown skin, a bit larger than Sara, completely nude slow dancing with an old man who still had a full head of black hair. He had both hands on her ample ass.

He began to search for Sara but couldn't find her. He figured she must have taken her break.


Sara entered her room and took off her mask. While she was enjoying herself the mask was getting to her. It breathed surprisingly well, but it was still a bit much after three hours. She fixed her hair and grabbed some wet wipes from a small package on the vanity. She wiped her pussy and then grabbed another one and wiped her armpits. She stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe what was going on. Money was being spent, lots of money and she would take some home. Men were paying top dollar to have her become their plaything for a few hours. Something she would have never imagined would happen.

She put on the gold robe, that had been returned to her room, and lay down on the couch.

Thirty minutes later she returned to the dining room, walking around again looking for more glasses to refill.

For the next hour, as she worked, she watched as the other women were fucked, eaten out, and spanked. She saw one woman getting fisted, and another leaning over a table while an old man squired milk from her tits into a glass, drinking it after he was finished.

She was groped and fingered by some of them. None of them really doing much for her. She did cum when a man, who appeared to be no more than five feet tall, with a huge bushy mustache had her bend over a chair so he could eat her pussy from behind. Stopping periodically to stick his tongue up her asshole.

Her legs were getting more and more limp. She wondered how much longer she could hold out. She looked at the large clock that sat above the double doors she entered through. 11:15 pm. She only had forty-five more minutes left. She could do it.

She walked to the bar to get another drink, delivering it to an obese man who wanted to motorboat her, of all things. She then noticed she was being waved over by the frail old man who had fingered her earlier.

“My chubby whore is back. Come here.”

She walked over equally excited and exhausted.

“I don't have the stamina for this,” she thought. “This is a good excuse to get in better shape.”

“What I wouldn't give for you to suck my cock. I haven't had a good blowjob in years and this place puts those pesky masks on you,” he said as she stood next to him.

“How about this...I'll give you my number on this napkin. The next time you need some extra money you call me and I'll pay you five hundred dollars to suck my cock.”

Sara slowly shook her head no.

“I figured.”

There was a rather portly man sitting on the other side of her, watching the other women. The other men at the table were engrossed in what was going on outside of their table as well. A couple seemed interested in what the frail old man had in mind for her.

The portly man turned back around towards them, his dick in his hand.

“Jerk him off,” the frail old man told her.

She turned and knelt down in front of the portly man. She took his cock in her right hand and began jerking him off, trying to not pull at the tuft of white hair at the base.

“He's big everywhere else but here,” she thought.

The man leaned back and then began to almost wheeze. Cum spurted out and onto her right hand. She then stood up and started to look for a napkin.

“Put the cum on your fingertips and push them into your pussy.”

She placed her other hand on the table and spread her legs, shoving her cum soaked fingers inside.

She noticed the old man reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small bottle of lubricant.

“I want your asshole,” he said.

Anal? She had done it a couple of times with Miles, but she wasn't a big fan of it. The man unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. It was a bit larger than average. A big larger than Miles. A bit larger than she was hoping it would be now that she knew he wanted to stick it in her ass. She almost tapped on his shoulder...but something inside stopped her. He began to put the lubricant on his dick.

“Get down on all fours.”

She again did as she was told. Getting down on her hands and knees on the hard ballroom floor. He stared at her for a moment while stroking his cock. He then slowly got up and moved behind her. She was worried if he could even make it. Getting down on his knees he started to push his cock into her asshole.

He started out slowly. She looked up and saw the other men at the table were now all focused on her. One of them stroked his cock under his fat belly while he watched her get fucked in the ass.

She felt his bony hands grab her bun and pull her hair a little as he began to move faster. Settling into a rhythm.

She arched her back as he pulled her hair back even more.

Sara then began fingering her pussy with her right hand.

“Moan for me."

She did. She moaned as he worked his other hand under her and grabbed her belly.

“You chubby whore. Your husband fuck your ass this good?”

She shook her head 'no'. She wasn't lying.

Soon she began to cum. She leaned down, his hand letting go of her hair, and laid her face fall on the ground. She put pressure on her pelvis with her other hand and let out a scream. As she was cumming she felt him fill her ass. Overcome with ecstasy she lay flat on the floor, her hands still on her pussy. It seemed like she was down there forever, but it was only a minute. Finally, she heard a voice.

“Attention. We would like to thank you all for attending tonight. Ladies, please return to your dressing rooms.”

“As if that was possible,” she thought.

She slowly got up. Her hair was messy and her mask was disjointed from lying on the floor. The old man's cum leaking out of her.

The old man had pulled his chair back into place. He didn't say another word to her.

She carefully made her way out of the ballroom and into her dressing room.


Miles had just tossed another cum filled tissue into the waste bin when a knock at the door startled him.

“Just a minute!” he said, quickly trying to put his shirt and tie back on.

When he opened the door the young man in a mask from earlier handed him an envelope.

“Thank you for your service this evening.”

The man then turned around and walked away.

“I don't think I'm the one you should be thanking,” he thought.

The envelope was cream-colored with the restaurant logo embossed on the front. Miles opened it. Inside was a check for five thousand dollars.


Sara collapsed into the chair at the vanity. Not long after she heard a knock at her door. Miles opened it and rushed over to her.

He took her mask off her face and kissed her deeply. She was so exhausted she even forgot to take off her mask.

“Please,” she said, “I'm spent.”

“Same. I came like five times watching you! You were amazing!”

He got her dressed and helped her to their car. She had fallen asleep on the drive home and the next thing she knew they were in bed. Holding each other as they fell asleep.

To be continued...

Written by MCB
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