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Just An Average Wife Ch. 1

"A mundane wife goes on vacation."

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Hi, I’m Tracy, and I have to write what happened down while it is all fresh in my memory. I don’t know if I will ever share my story but something inside me needs to write it down anyway. My life has changed so much that writing it all down makes it more real to me and not some wonderful dream.

It is important that you understand that I have always considered myself to be a middle-of-the-road average person. I grew up in a very conservative household and my father was a bit of a tyrant, at least when he was home. He tended to go to bars and pick up women rather than spend time with my mother and me. I lost my virginity late in high school, and it wasn’t a fun experience. I married my first husband as a ‘fuck you’ to my father. I realized the error I had made three years into the marriage.

I know that my first husband would have been happy to keep me and was a bit put out when I filed for divorce. He really enjoyed having someone to keep his house clean and suck his dick. I guess in the dick-sucking department, I am not average. I happen to like doing it. So, while I didn’t mind the dick-sucking, I did get tired of being his maid service. To be honest, I was tired of him. I married him because I liked him, not because I loved him, and I knew he would piss off my father. My father was a tall and trim workaholic, and my husband was a very overweight and lazy hypochondriac.

I was living alone, just barely divorced, when I met Dan. I didn’t know at the time he was the one. He said something very dirty to me the first time we met at a bar. We were both drunk. I should have been disgusted, but I wasn’t. That deep voice, and the way he said it, sent a thrill through me. He kissed me, and it nearly undid me. Nobody had ever kissed me like that. As the night progressed, I lost track of him, and we went our separate ways.

One other thing about me that is not average is the way I look. I’m tall for a woman, standing at just under six feet. Imagine a tall Sigourney Weaver with a cup bigger boobs and brown hair down to my butt. Dan was shorter than me by three inches. The funny thing is that I never once considered that when I was with him or thought about him. We met up again through mutual friends and went on a few dates before we consummated our relationship. He was, and is, the best lover I have ever had. He brought me to places in bed that I didn’t know existed.

I have to brag about him a little bit. He is a well-endowed man. I have measured it at 8-1/2” long and almost as big around. He is big and thick and so wonderfully good. We have gotten very intense and animalistic in bed and the only pain I ever felt was the good pain of that wonderful cock pushing against my cervix. That, and his broad muscular shoulders and his blue eyes and a million other things. I fell in love with him, and we married a year later. I have never regretted a moment of our marriage.

As a middle-of-the-road person, my sex life was middle-of-the-road as well. A very nicely paved middle of the road, but the middle of the road nonetheless. We never discussed or considered wife-swapping or sharing. It just wasn’t on our radar. We jazzed up our bedroom fun with dirty movies and new positions, but we remained mundane for the most part. Not boring, just mundane.

I like a mundane marriage. Mundane is safe and doesn’t require me to socialize much. I always feel awkward socializing. Dan chides me about it, but he doesn’t understand the way it feels to be called ‘long legs and fried eggs’ in middle school. To be the tallest girl by a wide margin throughout those years. It makes for a less-than-positive body image. Dan loves my body, but in my heart of hearts, I am still that tall gangly girl ridiculed in school. Despite all that he loves me.

You don’t need to hear about the day-to-day details of our marriage. Suffice it to say we had a few arguments, but they always ended with fabulous makeup sex. We just went on loving each other and working hard. We worked so hard that we didn’t get around to taking a vacation until we both turned thirty. We decided a tropical beach was the perfect solution to a cold January and we headed to Jamaica.

Dan had traveled outside the country on business several times. I had never been flying. My first takeoff in an airplane was with my eyes tightly closed and a death grip on Dan’s arm. The landing probably would have been the same if he hadn’t distracted me with the view out the window. I was so very excited, but also tired from a long day’s travel. While we waited for our hotel bus several locals tried to sell us weed right out in the open! I used to smoke a little weed in high school and college, but I could really take it or leave it. Dan suggested that if we wanted weed, it would probably be a bad idea to buy it standing in front of the airport. I didn’t much care, but I suspected he was interested in getting some while we were there. We were on vacation after all.

An hour in a hotel bus over unimproved roads, seeing cows tied to billboards inches from the road put the kibosh on my excitement. By the time we got to the resort, I was exhausted. The resort we had chosen was all-inclusive and for adults only. We didn’t want to worry about carrying money around and we didn’t want the pitter-patter of little feet interrupting a long romantic kiss. We figured that this kind of resort would let us have fun, feed us well, get us drunk, and not mind if we made a little noise in bed.

We spent the first half hour of our stay with wonderfully kind staff explaining the many amenities the resort offered. It was a bit overwhelming but eventually, we got to our room. I insisted that we immediately change into our swimsuits and jump into the ocean. We weren’t in long before Dan managed to catch his board shorts on some coral and ruined them. A short time later we found the bar and had ourselves a nice beverage. Then we had another. After the third, we decided a nap was in our immediate future.

We woke up two hours later and got into the shower together. The resort had put some thought into the shower. It was quite large and had an alcove that served as a handy replacement for the bed when drying off would take too long. The shower wand and various shower heads ensured that water could be aimed in the most delicious places. We got pretty stirred up and tested the alcove. It worked fabulously. It was amazing with the warm water raining down on us and him penetrating me so deeply. I will always remember that first lovemaking session at the resort.

We were staying in a private bungalow with an ocean view. We had our own small private pool in the back, just outside the sliding doors. It was awesome playing with Dan in that pool. We could get frisky without anyone noticing or interrupting. We took advantage of that pool during our stay. As nice as it was, I wanted to spend most of my time on the beach near the ocean. I could find a swimming pool at home, but the ocean not so much.

After a wonderful dinner, we went to the oceanfront bar. Island entertainment was offered on the beach, and we drank too much while watching the dancers. Dan got dragged into doing the limbo. They tried very hard to get me to do it. Between my height and my antisocial tendencies that wasn’t ever going to happen. It was pretty funny watching Dan try to get low. He did his best but couldn't compete with the locals.

We made our drunken and laughing way back to our bungalow and were asleep within minutes. The following morning was when things started getting interesting. We had breakfast in our bungalow then headed to the hotel store to find Dan some swim trunks. Regretfully, they only had the Speedo style. I cursed internally at the exposure my husband’s big dick was going to get while wearing them, but I figured, what the hell, we are on vacation, and let it go.

Shortly after that, we headed to the beach. We had just spread our towels on the crowded beach when another couple approached. They asked politely if they could settle next to us and we, of course, said that it was fine. I figured we would just ignore them, but I hadn’t factored in my socially oriented husband. He immediately struck up a conversation with the man. His name was Brian, and his wife’s name was Erica. The Browns seemed like nice people. They sure were attractive. He stood two inches taller than me and was built like a runner. I found him immensely attractive as the physically polar opposite of my husband.

My husband may not be tall, but he is built like a bulldog. Huge shoulders and big muscles define my husband. He could have picked Brian up and broken him in half. Brian, on the other hand, was all lean muscle and I must admit, I enjoyed having a man around that was taller than me. It pushed a few of my buttons. Not that I would ever tell anyone. Erica was a petite blond beauty. Her perfect little body pissed me off a little bit. I could tell that Dan was quite taken with her from the moment he met her. The way she looked at his swim trunks didn’t sit right with me either. This made me more than a little jealous. Sorry, I don’t claim to be consistent in my feelings.

I know it is a lot hypocritical for me to like the guy and dislike the girl just because my husband finds her attractive. It was what it was at the time. It didn’t take me long to get over it. Erica was just too nice. Plus, she had the same fun-loving personality that my husband had. Which was another thing that pissed me off a little bit. She was an outgoing, never met a stranger, kind of girl. She was nothing like me and I felt just a little threatened. Nevertheless, I got over it after hanging out with them for an hour.

Color me shocked when two young men, college-age and obviously twins, approached Erica. They walked up bold as brass and knelt next to her. She was quick to introduce them. “These two are Brian’s brothers, Jacob and Jeremy.” They reminded me a lot of her husband. They were tall with lean physiques, washboard abs, handsome faces, blonde hair, and blue eyes. They were eye candy of the highest order. All of a sudden, I didn’t mind so much that we had company on the beach.

We spent the morning on the beach and in the ocean. While we were working on our tan, Erica and I shared details about our lives. For her part, she shared that her husband’s twin younger brothers lived with them while attending the local college. They didn’t want to leave the two young men alone while they left the country, so they decided to take them along on vacation. I couldn’t help but note that it would be slim pickings on the girl front considering that there were absolutely no single women in evidence.

I was shocked and must have turned beet red when she told me that both had been propositioned already by married women! Not only that, but the women’s husbands were standing there when they did it! Apparently, some couples liked the idea of the wife sleeping with a stranger. Like I say, the idea shocked me. It stuck in my head, and after a while, little fantasies started developing in my mind. I fought them off, but they kept reappearing in my head at the most inopportune times. I could see why those married women found the twins attractive and the idea of having sex with them brought an embarrassing flush to my face.

Dan picked up on it right away. He leaned over and whispered to me. “Pretty hot, aren’t they? And Brian isn’t bad either.” I lightly slapped his arm and told him to stop, but the seed had been planted. I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

After a few hours in the sun, it was time to find some shade and have a beverage or three. The Browns had the same idea, so we all exited the beach and headed to the swim-up bar in the main pool. A few drinks in, we were all laughing and having a blast. The bartender was quite the character. He had us trying all these crazy fruity drinks. We decided to leave and get cleaned up when a woman sitting near us puked into the pool.

I lose all my middle-of-the-road inhibitions when I drink. It’s like I am so pent up normally that a little alcohol makes the dam burst and I get a bit crazy. I also get very horny. The combination can be a lot of fun for Dan, but he does have to keep an eye on me. I can get myself into trouble pretty quickly if left to my own devices. With that in mind it, shouldn’t be a surprise that I wanted to jump my husband when we got to our room.

I will admit thoughts of Brian and the twins entered my head as I attempted to seduce my husband. I couldn’t help it and I was looking forward to the most wonderful orgasm. He was chuckling and shaking his head. He knew where my head was going. The funny thing is that he didn’t seem to be upset or jealous. I told him I was sorry, but I just couldn't help myself. He patted my ass and kissed me. “I don’t mind at all. If it makes you feel good, why not? We're on vacation. No one at home knows what we’re doing, and they certainly won’t know what you are fantasizing about.”

Those words took a huge weight off me, and I felt a tingle rush through my body. At the time I didn’t know why. Now I do. It was anticipation. My filthy thoughts took wing, and I didn’t try to suppress them after that. Especially when he held me close and kissed me. I will always remember what he whispered, “I know you love only me and when vacation is over, you will be home in our bed. So, have some fun. Let yourself go. I will let you know if I have concerns.” That statement sent a delicious thrill through me, one I would never normally allow or acknowledge.

Dan desperately needed a nap, but I wasn’t the least bit drowsy. I wasn’t going to get laid so I decided to head back down to the beach while he snoozed. I settled back in the same spot we had previously. Brian and Erica weren’t in evidence as I spread tanning lotion on the front of my body. I laid back onto the towel and just soaked up the rays for a while.

I had gotten as much sun as I wanted on my front and really wished that Dan was with me to rub lotion on my back. I was just about to give it up and head back to the room when I heard the voices of the twins approaching. They paused at my towel, and I could tell that both were checking me out. It was a strange feeling having these much younger men ogle me. Normally I would have put a stop to it, but this wasn’t normal. This was vacation and I was in fact turned on by the attention.

Jacob noticed the bottle of lotion in my hand. “Would you like us to spread lotion on your back?” I hesitated for a moment then thought, What the hell. I’m on vacation. I handed him the bottle and laid down on my stomach. A stomach that was fluttering in anticipation of their strong hands.

I wasn’t kept waiting long. Two sets of hands were soon massaging the lotion into my back. They weren’t just smearing it on, they were taking advantage of the opportunity to touch my skin. It felt very nice and suddenly I felt guilty. What the hell was I doing letting a couple of college boys feel me up? Then I thought about what Dan had said. I wasn’t doing anything but building up fantasies in my head. I needed the lotion to protect my skin and these kind young men had offered to help me. And boy were they helping!

They dragged it out as long as they possibly could before moving to my legs. I had already done my legs, but they seemed to be doing a good job, so I let them do them again. Plus, by this point, I was in that meditative glowing state you get into when you are receiving a good massage. Jeremy was running his hands up one leg, almost obscenely close to my crotch while his brother did the other. They had developed a very pleasant rhythm when Jeremy leaned over and quietly told me. “You have an amazing body, Tracy. So statuesque. You look like a runway model should look.”

I was skeptical of his comment, but it gave me a thrill anyway. The way they were rubbing my legs, sliding their hands slowly up and just barely missing my bikini-covered pussy, was making me wet. I managed not to make any moaning noises, but it was a near thing. Finally, they couldn’t argue that I was more than fully covered, and they had to finish. I had been thoroughly covered for some time and all of us knew it. They had been basically feeling me up and I had not only let them, but I had also loved every second of it. I hoped Dan was fully recovered because before long I was going to wake him up and molest him.

The twins sat on the sand and talked to me for the hour I lay tanning. I found them to be mature beyond their age and quite funny. Another quirk of mine is that I find funny to be very sexy. My mind was overflowing with fantasy material by this point. I decided to take a dip in the ocean to cool off although I didn’t think my crotch was cooling off any time soon. The twins followed me in, and we bobbed in the ocean talking. The waves were moving up and down a good bit and I ended up bumping into one or the other frequently.

The bumping wasn’t anything that anyone planned but it sure increased my horniness. Apparently, it increased theirs as well. Several times I felt their hardness brush against my hip or my ass. It was so thrilling. There was no denying their attraction to me. Their erections told me that. They had already been propositioned more than once by women at the resort, yet they chose to spend time with me. It made me feel attractive and sexy.

We left the ocean and went back to where my towel waited. I was torn. On the one hand, I was enjoying the attention of the twins. On the other hand, I needed to get back to the bungalow and jump on my husband’s bone. I packed up my stuff and they walked me to our bungalow. I think they wanted me to invite them in, but that wasn’t going to happen. Although the thought of it really got my nipples hard.

Dan was gone when I walked into the room. I shrugged and took a shower. I dressed and went exploring, slash husband searching. I finally found him with Brian and Erica at one of the bars. When I walked up, Erica was rubbing my husband’s leg while she squeezed his bicep. Her husband watched smiling. A jolt of jealousy shot through me. I immediately thought about the twins on the beach and quashed it. I had no business being jealous of my husband getting a tamer version of the attention I had already experienced. I walked up to them with a smile. “There you are! I have been walking around trying to find you.”

I stood at the other side of my husband and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I just smiled as Erica continued to feel my husband’s muscles. I looked into Erica’s eyes. “If you think they feel good like that you should feel them wrapped around you.”

Erica held my gaze. “Would you mind?”

Something in me let loose. A great weight lifted and suddenly I didn’t mind. As a matter of fact, the idea intrigued me. “Not at all. Dan, go ahead and give her one of your sexy hugs.”

Dan gave me a questioning look and I replied with a gentle smile. He stood and moved against her body. He slipped his arms under hers and around her back, squeezed her to him, and picked her up. Her feet left the floor and her body rested against his. Her pelvis pressed against the obvious bulge in his shorts. His flexing arms held her effortlessly. His mouth was next to her ear and his deep voice rumbled into it. ”Do you like my hug?”

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Her reply was nearly a moan. “Very much.”

I laughed as did her husband. We both knew the truth. His wife had the hots for my husband and from the looks of things the feeling was mutual. The funny thing was I didn’t have a problem with it. I want my husband to be happy. If a dalliance with another woman on vacation made him happy, I wouldn’t get in the way. I would kick back on the beach or something while they screwed each other.

To be honest I was surprised that this hadn’t happened before. I am one woman, and he is an attractive man who can handle all I can give and come back for more. I had long ago decided that if he wanted a little strange, I was going to be ok with it and I told him as much. If he protected us and made our relationship the priority I wouldn’t mind.

I know I’m weird but considering how I grew up I didn’t want my husband to be on the run at the bars. If he needed another vagina, then I would rather he get it and come home rather than not come home. It’s not like he had ever taken advantage of the offer.

She practically melted down his body as he lowered her back down to the floor. Yep, she was beyond a doubt turned on by my husband. I wondered what was going through her husband’s head. Does he think like I do about it? Is he one of those husbands that like to watch his wife having sex? Or maybe they will have a big fight later about her conduct. By the look on Brian’s face, I seriously doubted that they would be fighting. No, another word starting with ‘F’ came to my mind.

Within a few minutes, Brian and Erica decided that they needed to go to their room and ‘change for dinner’. I suspected the clothes would be coming off much faster than normal. We agreed to meet for dinner, and they left. Dan and I sat at the bar and enjoyed a drink. I just asked him point blank. “Do you want to fuck her?”

He took my hand and looked at me seriously. “All I need is you, babe.”

I smirked at him. “I know I am all you need, but I want to know if you want to stick your dick in her. I’m ok with it if you want to. You know that.”

He looked into my eyes. “You are serious, aren’t you? Well, I will admit that I find her attractive. Her husband wants me to screw her while he watches. I just learned that little fact minutes ago, so I haven’t had the chance to tell you about it. I really didn’t think anything would really happen.”

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “It can happen if you want to. I want you to have fun on vacation and if bedding her will do that then go for it. I’ll hang out on the beach or something. Jacob and Jeremy kept me company today and it was fun.”

Now it was his turn to smirk. “Jacob and Jeremy huh? And what, pray tell, were the twins doing that made it so much fun?”

I smiled. “Well, they helped me with my suntan lotion. They did a wonderful job of rubbing it onto my back and legs.”

Dan chuckled. “I bet that isn’t all they would like to rub.”

I outright laughed. “I don’t know. I had already done my front.”

We sat at the bar and had a pretty good buzz going by the time the Browns met us for dinner. As we walked to the restaurant, I realized that I was still very horny, and it wasn’t going to get better anytime soon. One thing I realized was that I was loosening up a lot. My mind dwelled on that for a bit but since I had a nice buzz going, I let it go. I was determined to have some fun and forget about my mundane life. At least while I was on vacation. At least for now.

The twins didn’t join us for dinner. They were off checking out the local area and didn’t plan to be back until late. The four of us had a fun dinner. We really wanted to keep hanging out when it was over. Dan invited them to come over to our bungalow and swim in our private pool. They readily agreed and promised to meet us there. Dan and I headed back to change. On the way, we ordered pitchers of the fruity concoction that was giving us such a pleasant buzz.

We hadn’t been in the bungalow long before one of the resort staff showed up with the drinks. We thanked her and then rushed to get changed before Brian and Erica showed up. When we finished dressing, I grabbed my husband and pulled him close. “Can I watch you fuck her?”

He kissed me. “What makes you think I am going to fuck her?”

I giggled, “Oh, it’s obvious. She wants it, you want it, and her husband wants it. I want you to enjoy yourself so why not?”

He held me so close I lost my breath for a moment. He kissed me deeply until we had to come up for breath. He kissed my forehead, then looked into my eyes. “I love you more than anything in this world. I would like to have sex with her if you are truly ok with it. If not, please say so. What makes you happy is the most important thing to me. Our sex life makes me happy, and I don’t need another woman.”

I gave him my serious look. “I want to watch you make her crazy with lust. I want her to remember for the rest of her life how good you fucked her. Then I want you to love me forever.”

“I already love you forever and that isn’t going to change.”

There was a knock on our room door and Dan opened it to let the couple in. We went out by the small pool and relaxed in the water while we continued to drink. Soon enough Erica came over to me for some girl talk, leaving the guys at the other end of the pool. She got very close to me. “Uhm, I guess I’ll come right out with it. Are you guys swingers?”

A chuckle escaped my lips. “We never have been, no…

“But if you are asking if you can fuck my husband then the answer is yes.”

She looked at me strangely for a moment. “I don’t understand.”

I kissed her cheek. “It’s really not complicated. My husband thinks you are a very sexy woman, and he would like to fuck your brains out. I want him to do what makes him happy. Plus, I want to watch.”

She grinned at me. “Really? Brian wants to watch too. Well, if you are sure it’s okay, then I guess we’ll see what happens.”

I thought it was time to insert a reality check and I smirked at her. “Oh, I know what will happen. He will fuck you like you have never been fucked before. I guarantee that you will love it and will never forget it. When you go back to your husband it won’t be the same as before. You will always know that you’ve had the best and it isn’t Brian. Are you sure that’s what you want? You need to be very sure before you go too far.”

She looked serious for a moment. “I get what you are saying. Brian and I have done this once before. I know that there are better lovers out there, but I love him more than anything, and that means sex with him is more than fucking. Plus, he is actually very good in his own right. So, there is that. You might want to give him a try yourself.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her response. “Well I don’t know if I’ll do that, but please feel free to spend time with my husband. He’ll rock your world!”

Now I know at this point you must be wondering why a middle-of-the-road woman in a middle-of-the-road marriage would even consider any of this. Normally I would for the reasons I stated, but it wouldn’t have made me happy at all. Knowing my husband needed more than I could give him would have definitely been a downer. It’s not like it made me, or my mother, happy when my father did it. I was willing to put up with it at home because losing Dan was too much to contemplate.

This was different. We were in another country, with very sexy people. Nobody at home would ever know and I wanted this for my husband. I knew he loved me and would take care of me. He let me decide and made it clear he wouldn’t be upset with my decision. It was kind of like giving him a world-class anniversary gift, even if it wasn’t our anniversary.

She waded her way across the pool and up to my husband. Her arms went around his neck, and she leaned up to kiss him. He looked over at me and I smiled my approval. After that, they kissed deeply. Brian made his way over next to me and the two of us watched in silence as Dan and Erica lit each other’s fires. It didn’t take long.

I was surprised at my reaction. At first, I was jealous, and for a moment I wanted to slap her face off. I fought the urge and realized that I was in truth getting turned on by the show they were putting on. A quick glance at Brian’s tight swim trunks informed me that he was getting excited as well. I was surprised that he was rather well-endowed. I guess I assumed that she wanted strange cock because he was lacking in that department. That convinced me that they just enjoyed the sharing thing. It made me wonder if Dan felt the same way. He had never voiced such a fantasy, but one never knew. I felt a tingle run up my crotch at the thought.

Meanwhile, things were progressing with my husband and Erica. I could see her clinging to him, and her hand was tracing his cock through his tight swim trunks. I waded over to them and stood next to my husband. When the couple came up for air, I pulled him into a kiss. I then turned to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Why don’t you two take this inside where it’s more comfortable?”

I could tell they thought that was a wonderful idea. We all exited the pool and toweled off. I refreshed our drinks and we moved inside. We had no sooner entered our room than Erica began peeling off my husband’s new swim trunks. He helped her out of her bikini, and they stood kissing next to the bed. I will admit at this point I was decidedly turned on. It didn’t help that I had needed fucking for hours. Now instead of getting my husband’s hard cock I was relegated to watching. In all honesty, I liked the buildup. I knew that eventually, I was going to get my husband’s hard cock again, it just wasn’t going to be right now.

I motioned for Brian to take a seat in one of the chairs in our room. He moved it to a location that gave him a good view of the bed and started to sit down. I stopped him. “Why don’t you take off those wet trunks so you don’t get the chair wet?” He thought that was an excellent idea and proceeded to take them off. His cock pointed up proudly and was obviously very hard. I will admit that he had a nice cock. The more I looked at it the nicer it got. I had a mischievous thought and made him turn his chair at a right angle to where he had it. I pulled a chair over for myself and we sat to watch.

I don’t think Erica realized just how big my husband’s cock was until that moment. While he does have a substantial bulge, the fact is that he’s a grower, not a shower. His cock gets substantially bigger when it’s hard. The look on her face was a mix of lust and not a little fear. I knew how she felt. The first time that I saw it I felt the same way. I knew that soon enough the fear would be gone, and the lust would take over.

Dan picked Erica up and laid her on the bed. He slid in beside her and kissed her for probably five minutes. It seemed like an hour to me. It really brought home what was about to happen. I had already thought it through and surprisingly enough, I was still fine with it. It was just that I had felt his kisses and pretty much anything else he was going to do to her. Every move he was making made me just a little bit hornier.

I heard him whisper to her, “Are you ticklish?”

She looked at him funny. “Not particularly, why?”

He nibbled her ear. “Because I wouldn’t want a fit of laughter to get in the way of your orgasm.”

Her response was an Oh my fucking god moan of, “Oh.”

Then he went to work like his job was to make her beg for his cock. I gave her five minutes, seven minutes tops after he started on her body. It took him a few minutes to get to the body part. He spent a long time kissing her, nibbling her ears, and mouthing her neck. He kissed his way down her shoulders, then moved back to her mouth. His hand cupped her breast while his thumb stroked and squeezed her pert tit. Eventually, his thumb began to flick her nipple. He broke the kiss and ran his mouth down her neck and to her waiting breast. Her nipples were rock-hard when his tongue finally licked them. Oh, my god! I knew what she was feeling, and it was making me so hot! Okay, the clock is now ticking.

He finally released her nipple from between his teeth and kissed her again. She was panting with desire as he moved between her legs. He pressed his body, and his very hard cock, against her. He broke the kiss and began sliding down the bed kissing her body as he went. He licked around her nipples, then lightly nipped them with his teeth. Pulling each nipple out from her body before releasing it. He continued to kiss her body until he reached her belly button, then, suddenly, he sat back.

Erica’s moan of loss wasn’t difficult to hear. The moan was barely out of her mouth when Dan slid back on the bed and grasped her ankle. He pulled her leg up and put her foot to his mouth, licking the arch of her foot. His tongue continued up her ankle and onto her leg. He paused to kiss and to wet his tongue all along the way until his tongue caressed the inside of her thigh. He continued upward until his face was within a hair’s breadth of her soaked pussy. I knew it was soaked. Mine was and he wasn’t even doing that stuff to me.

His tongue caressed up her shaven mound, wetting her slit and flipping against her clit. Her moan of appreciation was loud and clear. He did it again, and yet again. Each time her hips moved a little more and her moans got a little louder. He captured her clit between his lips and stroked it with his tongue. Light butterfly flicks intended to make her just a little bit crazy. Then he introduced her to his finger.

His big finger circled her opening, teasingly close to entry, but not quite there. He teased until her squirms told him it was time. He pressed inward and sank the first inch of his finger into her. He continued his assault on her clit until she exploded into an obviously amazing orgasm. Fuck me! I wanted so badly to be her at that moment. I looked over at Brian and his hand was slowly pumping his cock. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I did what I knew I was going to do as soon as we entered the room.

I got up and dropped to my knees in front of Brian. I pulled his hand away from his cock and looked up at him with a smile. I glanced over at the bed as I lowered my mouth onto his rigid cock. The way we were positioned I could look to the side while I sucked his cock and still see the action on the bed. I playfully teased his cock with my mouth while we both watched my husband prepare Brian’s wife for a fucking.

Dan’s finger was now fully in her and he let up a little on her clit. His finger moved against her g-spot back and forth as he slowly slid it into her. He let the hypersensitivity of her clit subside and ran his tongue over it. Her hands grabbed his head and held him in place as he licked her to another orgasm. Her hips pumped hard, and he pulled his head back as the orgasm had her squirming on the bed. He moved up her body as she shivered and kissed her again. She threw her legs around him and squeezed him tight while she recovered.

Ok, five minutes in and she has orgasmed twice. Not bad, but I bet myself that she wasn’t making seven minutes. Their kiss broke and Dan nuzzled her neck while his hard cock rubbed against her entrance. It was teasingly close, but not penetrating her. That’s when I heard the magic words. “Please fuck me!” Yes! Just under six minutes. I licked the head of Brian’s cock in celebration. His breathing told me that I needed to tone it down a bit or he was going to cum too soon.

Dan didn’t keep her waiting. He rubbed his cock head against her entrance, then began to press it into her. Her gasp as the head entered her fully illustrated her heightened arousal. He took it slow because he is a considerate lover, but inch by inch his cock disappeared into her pussy. He would back out a little, then press forward and continued to do so until he was buried in her. I dropped my free hand down to my bikini and began to rub my pussy. Brian was close to cumming, and I stilled my tongue. Not yet baby. His groan as I pulled my mouth away from his cock made me smile.

The rest as we say, is history. Dan began to slowly draw his cock back out and just as slowly slide it back in. His mouth was either kissing her or sucking on her breast with each stroke. He increased the pace as her pussy adjusted to him. She orgasmed again before he really got going. I feel so sorry for women that aren’t multi-orgasmic!

He set up a good pace long stroking into her, and she lost control of her body. I could tell by her continuous moans that she was experiencing an ongoing orgasm. I started sucking Brian’s cock again. I wanted him to cum when Dan shot his load deep into Erica’s well-used pussy. My hubby lasted longer than I thought he would, and Dan began shooting his load into my mouth. I swallowed every bit of it and his cock was still rock hard. Wow! I wish I had known. I would have let him cum sooner.

Dan continued to fuck Erica with his big cock. By now, she was a rag doll on the bed. Her moans told us all that she was having a great time, but at this point, she was along for the ride. Dan began to get a bit loose in his movements and soon I heard him tell her. “I’m gonna cum!”

She managed to wrap her legs around him which let him know that she wanted his cum in her. I could see his muscled ass clench as he dumped load after load into her. Soon he stopped moving, his cock buried fully in her. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she hugged him like she would never let go. Their lips met and they kissed between ragged breaths. After a few minutes, Dan rolled off her and lay next to her. She snuggled against him while they both recovered.

She would never admit it, but I think Erica fell a little bit in love with my husband that night. Brian’s erection was still sticking up proudly. I looked up at him and he grinned at me so, I sucked his cock again. This time he was looking at me while I did it. He must have liked it because it wasn’t long before he came hard, although he only shot some dribbles of cum in my mouth. I wiped my lips and returned to my seat. Man, I needed a drink.

I stood up and grabbed my drink, “I’m going to walk along the ocean. Brian, they are going to be at it for a while so you might as well get comfortable. I'll be back before long.” I left the room and enjoyed a quiet walk along the beach. The stars were amazing and the sound of the ocean was so soothing. I spent the better part of an hour on the beach before heading back to our room.

When I arrived, Erica was on top of Dan. She was absolutely worn out but was trying hard to grind her clit against Dan’s pelvis as his cock split her open. Brian had moved to the couch and had fallen asleep. I walked over to the bed and stroked her hair. “What’s wrong baby, not enough energy left to cum again? Maybe this will help.”

I leaned in and kissed her. The first girl ever! I kissed her good too. Our tongues danced and I guess kissing me was just what she needed. A shudder went through her body, and she screamed into my mouth. Yep, stick a fork in her, she’s done. She collapsed onto my husband completely exhausted. I let her lay there while I woke up her husband. Ten minutes late he was practically carrying his thoroughly fucked wife out the door. I climbed into bed next to Dan and was asleep in minutes.

Written by Woodart
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