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I Like Big Cocks and I Cannot Lie: Part 1 of 2

"My husband and I wanted a well-hung guy to play with..."

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Author's Notes

"This is, as they say on TV, based on a true story. Names have been changed and conversations from memory are obviously not verbatim, but it's all pretty close. There's a bit of artistic license applied to the tale of course, or it wouldn't bear the telling. I hope you like it! Oh, and apologies to Sir Mix-a-Lot!"


Okay, it’s true; I like big cocks. I’m not ashamed to admit it, and I certainly won’t turn down a smaller one based on size alone, especially if its owner is a nice, sexy guy. But big ones are arousing, visually appealing, fun to play with, and oh so very useful… if the guy it’s attached to has any clue what he’s doing.

I’m a lucky girl because my husband has a big cock and he knows what he’s doing. I didn’t marry him for that, of course. I married him because he’s sweet and handsome and romantic, and I fell in love with him, but his big dick and the way he used it to satisfy me certainly didn’t hurt his chances!

I’m doubly lucky because my husband understands my attraction to big cocks. He loves them too, you see. He’s bisexual - something I didn’t find out about until after we had been married for a few years. When I did find out it was accidental, and I struggled with it for a while. Not because he was bi, understand, but because he hadn’t had the courage – or worse, enough trust and faith in me – to tell me. That hurt.

Anyway, we got through it and it turned out that as a bisexual man he enjoys big cock fantasies too, and after a period of playing with our mutual fantasies and desires we decided to try to act on it. We agreed to try to find another well-hung man (or maybe more than one) and invite him into our bedroom. Or living room, kitchen, hot tub… or even a local motel.

We simply wanted another well-hung guy in our relationship. By this time we had a couple of male friends we played with occasionally, neither of whom had been shortchanged in the dick department but neither a “Wow!” situation either, so we started to discuss possibilities, soon realizing we had no idea how to go about it. Some random internet guy was not appealing to either of us.

My one specification, as mentioned above, was that he knows what he’s doing and how to satisfy a woman – or, more specifically, me – rather than cause pain. A guy with a big cock who thinks he’s Grond, trying to batter down the gates of Minas Tirith, is of no interest to me – bearing in mind that it took only four thrusts to take down the great gates of that city. I’m going to want far more than that and I don’t want to lie in ruins afterward… except perhaps metaphorically.

So anyway, with no idea how to go about it – I mean, as much fun as it would be to ask every guy we knew or met to show us his cock, it’s just not socially acceptable - our plans remained in limbo for some time. We continued to merely fantasize and tease each other with the idea but remained hopeful.

Our adventure finally started one afternoon when Richie said, “Do you remember Jason?”

“Jason…” I frowned, trying to think of a Jason we knew.

“You remember – he was a rafting guide with us.”

“Oh yeah, that Jason. Ugh.” We’d all been guides for a company that ran whitewater rafting trips on the Arkansas River in various stretches between Buena Vista and Pueblo, Colorado.

Brown’s Canyon, The Numbers, and Royal Gorge are the most serious and well-known stretches of whitewater with several Class II to Class V rapids depending on the stage of spring/summer runoff, and we’d run trips on all of them at various times. It was how Richie and I met after we’d graduated from college.

The guides were almost exclusively eighteen to thirty and were fit, athletic, gutsy risk-takers… and perpetually horny. We were at that age. There was a lot of sex among a lot of different people in our crowd (and often among our rafting clientele) not always couples-only and not always straight.  While I’d fucked Richie (and a few others) quite enthusiastically, as horny as anyone, I’d avoided Jason because I thought he was an egotistical jackass. Which he was. Accordingly, I was less than enthused when Richard brought him up.

I did recall his reputation, however. His legend revolved around being hung like a horse and inordinately proud of that fact, as if it was something he’d accomplished himself rather than a lucky genetic roll of the dice. To my knowledge, he’d never actually accomplished anything other than getting laid a lot.

Richie sensed my distaste. “You never liked him, did you?”

“I think there was only one thing about him that any of the girls liked. To me, that wasn’t worth putting up with the rest of him.”

He laughed. “Well, never mind then.”

“What? Why did you ask about him?”

“I saw him at the store yesterday. I didn’t recognize him until he approached me.”

“Here? In Buena Vista?”

“No, down in Salida, but he’s guiding again so he’s all over. He’s staying at that little trailer park here in town though.” We’d all lived at that little circle of eight or nine trailers at one time or another while working as rafting guides. It was owned by the guy that owned the company, and free board there or at a small group of cabins he owned down-valley was part of our compensation. Those had been exciting, carefree times among great, fun, like-minded people.

“He’s guiding again, doing raft trips? He’s our age.” Usually, by the time you hit your mid-thirties, you’d found a real, year-round job. That had been the pattern, anyway. Raft or fishing guide in summer, ski patrol or instructor job in the winter, and kicking around having fun in between can’t go on forever.

 Richie smiled. “Yeah, he mentioned that, how he feels like the old man among the other guides. I think he was glad to see a familiar face around his age.” In our mid-thirties, it had been a while since either of us had last run a raft trip. “He looked good though. He asked about you.”

“He did? I didn’t think he liked me any more than I liked him.”

“I don’t know about that… he said I was a lucky guy.”

“Well, you are. He’s right about that.”

He laughed. “I know. He also said you had the best ass on the river.”

“He obviously has better judgment than I gave him credit for.”

“Obviously. Anyway, he wants to take us out to dinner.”

I was surprised. “Really? That doesn’t sound like him. Where?” There aren’t a lot of ‘fine dining’ places in Buenie. A couple of great breakfast/lunch places that close by two PM, but for dinner, it’s mostly just a couple of cafes and bars and a Mexican restaurant or two.

“He suggested Casa Sanchez. You like the food there.”

“Yeah, their Burrito Grande is good, especially smothered.” The Casa has a great spicy green chile they smother their dishes with when requested, the key to good Mexican food for me.

“You know, Jason has quite the grande burrito himself. You could see about smothering it.”

I laughed. “Cute. Yeah, I heard all the stories.”

“Not just stories, babe. The fucker’s hung. I’ve seen it.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Of course – gearing up, changing out of wet clothes, taking a piss out in the woods. Biggest cock I ever saw.”

“You’re serious.”

“Absolutely. Thing hangs halfway down his thigh. Thick too.”

“No way!”

“I’m telling you! When he walks around naked, that thing flopping sets up a breeze.”

I laughed. “Wow… how big does it get when he’s hard?”

He shrugged. “Never seen it. Probably doesn’t get any smaller though, you think?”

“That’s the way it usually works, yeah. Still, having a big dick doesn’t make up for being a big dick.”

Richie laughed. “He seemed mellower, like maybe he’s matured some. Wouldn’t hurt to just go to dinner, see what you think.”

“I suppose… His cock is really that big, huh?” I knew Richard was as curious about it as I was, in part because he wanted to play too, but also because he loves to see me getting fucked by another man.

“It is. Uncut too, like Seth. You seemed to enjoy that.”

“I was fun. It’s more about the variety, though, the difference. I’m not hung up on it or anything.”

He grinned. “Right! Tell me another one…”

“No, I mean circumcised or not; cocks in general, yeah, you know I’m a little hung up on those. You think we should do this, huh?”

He shrugged nonchalantly, but I knew he was interested. “We’ve been talking about it. Maybe him showing up now is karma.”

“I think you mean kismet. But yeah, maybe. You really thought he was better than back in the day?”

“Yeah, he seemed less cocky.”

“Well then, why bother?”

He frowned. “What? Oh, I see what you did there; you’re being clever. Don’t do that.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Dinner would be okay, I suppose. Give me a chance to check him out.”

“I think you’ll like the way he looks now.”

“I hope so, because before he always had one of those smug faces you just want to punch.”

“That’s what I meant; I knew you felt that way. We exchanged numbers. I’ll give him a call.”

He did, and we arranged to meet him at seven that evening. When we got to the restaurant, Jason was sitting on a bench outside the front door. I recognized him immediately, but then, I was expecting to see him. He did look a little older and more seasoned, but the few lines on his face and around his eyes gave him character, something he’d lacked before in both appearance and behavior. Truth was he looked good, handsome and sexy, and very outdoorsy, which I’m always attracted to.

When we got out of the car he walked over to greet us, a big welcoming smile on his face as if he was genuinely happy we were there. If he was faking it was very convincing, so I vowed to do at least as well. To my immense surprise, he greeted me with a huge hug, then stood back and turned me around in a circle, his hands on my shoulders.

“Rayne, how come me and your old man both look so tired and worn and you look as spectacular as ever – maybe more so?”

I smiled. “You look good too, Jase, but Richie looks old because I’m slowly draining his life forces. How do you think I stay so young and beautiful?”

He laughed. “Well, it’s working! Hey, listen, guys, thanks for coming. You have no idea how nice it is to see a familiar face and know we can talk about things I’ll understand. These young kids… wow. I never know what the fuck they’re talking about!”

We weren’t old – mid-thirties – but the mostly eighteen to twenty-five-year-olds he was working with were another generation. I could relate to his feeling of alienation.

I nodded. “Yeah, sucks to get old.”

“Not for you. Seriously, girl, you look amazing.”

“Now you’re just embarrassing me. C’mon, let’s go eat.” I was pleasantly surprised by his attitude. It seemed that any animosity between us had been forgotten, and if he could let bygones be bygones, I would too… although I’d keep my guard up, for now.

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We had a nice dinner. The food was great, the beer was cold, and the conversation was vibrant and fun. Jason had definitely matured. He was now able to carry on a conversation that didn’t focus on himself and sex, and I didn’t have the sense that every word and glance he directed my way was about getting into my pants… not that I was wearing pants. In a strange swap of our roles, I felt like I was now more interested in what was in his pants instead.

A short skirt, a tank top, a thong, and sandals were all I wore. No bra – I really don’t have enough boob to be subject to the forces of momentum or gravity and don’t much care if my nipples show unless the situation is inappropriate, so I seldom wear one. Since my sensitive nipples harden at the slightest provocation of thought, touch, or temperature, they often show. Nobody seems to mind – Richard doesn’t, and Jason, although he obviously noticed, also didn’t appear to – and if anyone else does, fuck ‘em.

After dinner, we walked to a nearby bar and sat at a tall pub table. I turned my stool toward Jason as we chatted and gradually let my thighs drift apart enough to get his attention. He battled with looking there, at my stiff nipples, my face, or at Richie, but did an admirable job of not staring. For my part, I checked out his bulge often enough to note its growth but also attempted to be subtle. I could see he was impressively hung and becoming aroused, and I was soon dripping. I knew the crotch of my thong would be soaked, but I wasn’t giving him that view… yet.

I eventually caught Richard’s eye and gave him a small nod, my signal that Jason had passed inspection. He was clearly no longer the smug asshole I remembered but instead a mature and sexy – and well-endowed – man. Of course, I was also a little buzzed and very horny, so my standards may have dipped just the tiniest bit. I just told myself that I was doing it for my husband…

Richard smiled, pleased with how things had gone. “Jase, how about we blow on out of here? Why don’t you come to our place for a while, maybe light up a smoke or two?”

“Sounds great. I’ve got some good bud in my car I can kick in.”

“You the man. Follow us, we’re out of town a few miles and you’ll never find it otherwise.”

So he did, and once he’d followed us into the house and been shown around, he handed Richie a good-sized prescription bottle loosely packed with weed. We both looked at it. It did look like mostly bud, and when Richard took the top off he said, “Whoa, this shit is loud! You really get it at a clinic?”

“No, that’s just for looks, adds a little legitimacy.” Jason grinned. “It is good shit though, you’ll love it.”

I poured us each some wine while they rolled a couple of joints and then we all sat on the sofa, me between the two of them so we could pass one around. It was good stuff, smooth and strong, and it didn’t take too long before we were feeling very good, relaxed, laughing at stupid shit and touching each other, our inhibitions (such as they were) fading away.

Richard started things by kissing me, squeezing my breasts and making my nipples pop as he did. Soon he was tracing his fingers up my inner thigh as Jason watched, staring a little hazily at my husband's hand pushing my skirt up and eventually caressing my pussy through the wet nylon of my tiny thong. I obligingly spread my legs. Something about fingers gliding up my inner thighs always seems to trigger that response.

Jason seemed hesitant, as if not sure what he was supposed to or would be allowed to do. He watched us, the bulge in his pants growing until I took the initiative and put one hand on each male crotch. I know I was fairly stoned, but those two cocks felt huge and hard as iron to me and I moaned with arousal, my pussy hot and wet.

That was all it took, and soon my top was off and I had a pair of lips on each nipple. Soon after, I felt fingers – I don’t know whose – wiggle inside my thong and then inside me and I knew I was going to come soon. That was okay – it was what we all wanted (especially me) so I did, noisily and hard, thrusting myself onto those anonymous fingers.

That was the signal, apparently, for rapid disrobing, and immediately after my orgasm I had two rampantly horny men with big, hard cocks sticking out, each horny guy wearing only his socks. My panties were on the floor and my skirt was bunched around my waist as Richie sank to his knees and buried his face in my needy pussy. Jason resumed his spot beside me, and I toppled into his lap and tried to take his cock in my mouth.

It was fucking huge! I had a tough time stretching my lips over it and couldn’t take much of him, so I went slowly, licking up and down his length and slurping at his heavy balls. He was smooth and hair free throughout the region, which was nice, and I pulled back and admired his package as I played with his soft, lovely foreskin, sliding it back and forth over the swollen head of his cock. As he leaked each occasional drop of precum, I’d quickly lick it away.

I loved the way he felt and the way it looked, so masculine, thick and powerful, his penis skin silky over that veiny hardness beneath, and his balls hot and heavy when I cupped them in my hand. A lot of my fascination with cocks comes from the way they look, feel, and taste as much as what they can do when inside of me, but taking each package as a package deal, I love everything about them.

I never measured Jason, but I have measured my husband, who is a little over eight medium-thick inches. Jason was bigger. Noticeably bigger. Using Richard for reference, I’d guess Jason at about ten to eleven inches, but stupid thick, especially near the base, where my fingers (and I have fairly long fingers!) could not come close to encircling him.

I’d probably seen bigger cocks in pornos, but I’d never held or sucked one, much less anticipated it being inside of me. Just the look of him, and the taste and feel, and that slightly scary thought of having him enter me made me gush. Poor Richie was probably drowning!

He was a trooper though, and he licked and sucked eagerly at my clit. I was coming even as I again took Jason’s huge cock into my mouth, determined to do better. I did, too, eventually getting three or four inches of that monster into my mouth and throat. I’m not good at deep-throating big cocks – I gag too easily – but I don’t think anyone could have taken his thickness down their throat.

Still, he seemed to be enjoying it and he groaned as he moved his hips, fucking my mouth as I drooled all over him. It was nasty and wet and sexy, and when I came again Richie rose to his knees and entered me in one long, hard glide. I was so wet and so ready that I took all of him easily and came yet again as he began to thrust into me.

Leaning over me as he fucked me meant his face was just a few inches from mine, and I stared into his eyes as he watched me loving Jason’s cock. He was transfixed, staring at my lips and tongue working on that big hunk of man meat, and when he licked his lips and swallowed noisily, I knew what he was thinking.

I let Jason’s cock slip from my lips and looked up at him. “Jason, since there’s more of you than one person can possibly do justice to, would you mind if Richie joined in?”

His eyebrows rose. “Seriously? I mean, yeah, sure. That would be great, I’m just surprised, is all. I never figured…”

Richard nodded. “Yeah, I’m bi. Lucky for me, Rayne will share, and there’s certainly enough cock here for two.”

Jason nodded enthusiastically. “Well then, go for it, dude! Suck that cock.”

So Richie did, joining me in licking and sucking Jason’s massive cock, but also playing with his big balls, fondling them and stroking the back side of his ball sack and his taint. We took turns having him in our mouths, but Richie could take more of him than I could. I guess if that’s the bar, he’s just a better cocksucker than me, but I’ve never had any complaints!

Richard was multi-tasking like a master, slowly fucking me with long, deep strokes even as he sucked Jason’s cock. I had a couple of orgasms before either of them showed any sign of coming – a joint or two always seems to make me easier to arouse and quicker to orgasm, but it slows Richie’s release – but when Jason announced that he was going to cum, Richie started slamming into me, excited and aroused.

When that first big shot of cum fired out of Jason, it went everywhere! We each caught some of it in our mouths, but it was also all over our faces and hands and pretty much all over, but we did better with the next few spurts, taking turns lapping it up. The power and intensity of it made me come, and my pussy squeezing my husband in the contractions of my orgasm made him come, so about the time Jason stopped straining and squirting, Richie started.

With his cock buried deep inside of me he made less of an immediate mess than Jason had, but I knew I’d make up for it when he eventually slid out. Still, I loved every sound he made and every frown and grimace on his face as he came, not to mention the sensation of him spasming and pumping inside of me! I had another little mini-gasm as he filled me with his pearly cream, and Jason was groaning at the over-stimulation as he witnessed our climax and we continued to play with his rubbery, sensitive, post-orgasmic cock.

Being the focus of two horny men is always very arousing to me, and this, with the two big cocks, had been incredible! I loved every second of it and I continued to fondle, lick, and play with Jason’s generous endowment even as my husband slowly went limp inside of me. When he softened and shrank enough that his cock slipped free, he groaned and collapsed to the floor, leaning back against the front of the sofa alongside my leg.

Before much of his load could run out of me, Jason clapped his hand over my pussy and slid two fingers into me. They went in easy, my pussy still loose and very lubricated with Richard’s cum (as well as my juices, of course) and I could hear him squishing around and felt another orgasm building. He finger-painted my smooth mound with copious amounts of my husband’s semen, then did the same with my nipples before surprising me by sucking them clean. I came again when he did that, inspired by his eager, uninhibited sexuality, and when I did, I squeezed out a lot of cum!

Jason seized the moment by dropping to his knees between my legs, grabbing me and pulling me forward until I was on my back on the sofa, my legs in his hands and sticking up in the air. He tilted me back onto my shoulders, lifting my ass and pussy, and buried his face in my creamy sex! I was stunned, but not too stunned to have a massive orgasm as he literally tongued the fuck out of me!

I was moaning and crying out, surprised and delighted by the intensity of it, Jason was lapping and slurping at my pussy, and Richard was staring intently at Jason licking his creampie out of me. When I heard Jason moan and felt, rather than saw, Richard’s arm moving back and forth below my ass, I knew he was stroking Jason’s cock.

Jason continued to eat me for another minute or two – and I came again – but when he sat back and then rose to his knees I saw that the combination of his face in my messy pussy and my husband stroking his cock had renewed his erection. It was huge, thick, rock hard, and scary, and I desperately wanted it in me!


Written by Wet_n_willing
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