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Gone Missing

"The past meets the present with explosive results, and devastation!"

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It had been six years since I walked out of my house with four suitcases of clothes and my two adolescent children. It was the day we disappeared!

Today we were standing on the porch of that same house, looking at the front door. Jake and Jillian pressed the doorbell together as I stood back on the steps. 

I heard movement inside and took a deep breath!

The door opened. Standing there was Mandy.


It was April 16th, exactly six years ago. 

I came home from work early on Friday, looking forward to going on a family camping trip for the next three days. As I pulled into my driveway, my next-door neighbor Roy Sage walked over. 

He and I were rather good friends; his wife, Jill, and Mandy, my wife, were best friends and did everything together. They have kids the same age as ours, so we do many family things together. 

"Hey Jason, how are you doing?"  

"Hey Roy, good to see you." 

"Well, I am not sure you'll say that in a minute."

I looked at Roy; he had a concerned look on his face. 

"What is going on? You look bad." 

"Can we go inside? I need to talk to you about something serious!"

"Mandy is inside. Is that OK?" 

"No, Jason, Mandy is not here, no one is home, and the kids are at my house."

"What? She is getting ready for our camping trip. I texted her a few hours ago!" 

"Come on, Jason, let's go inside!"

I was very confused as I walked into the house with Roy. 

I called out, "Mandy, are you here?" 

"Jason, she is not here. That is what we need to talk about!"

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note lying on the counter. 


I can't go camping this weekend and need some time alone. You guys have fun! 

I love you! 


I read the note again and looked at Roy with total confusion.

"What is going on, Roy? Where is Mandy?"

"Where is your booze, Jason?"

I pointed to the cupboard across the room.

Roy brought out a bottle of Patron Tequila Silver. 

"I bought the bottle for a special future anniversary. That may be in jeopardy, so let's drink it now!"   

Roy found the shot glasses and poured us a shot, "To hell with the lime and salt, Jason, just shoot it!"

I looked at him, "That bad?" 

"Worse, I think!" 

We both took a shot. It burned as it slid down my throat. But this was nothing compared to the fire I was about to be engulfed in! 

My heart was beating as Roy poured a second shot, "Another, then I'll tell you!"

We shot them back and slammed the glasses on the counter.

I looked at Roy, the messenger. "OK, what is it?"

"She's gone, Jason!"

"What do you mean, gone?"

"She is gone off with Peter Long!" 

"What, I don't understand. Peter Long is my boss, and my partner Roy, I just saw him this morning, and he seemed normal; this can't be!"

"Mandy brought Will and Lorie over about an hour ago, and she had gotten them out of school early. She told Jill you would be home soon and needed Jill to watch the kids until you got home." 

"Jill asked her what was going on. Mandy said she was leaving for the weekend and would return on Monday. She wouldn't tell Jill any more, but she was crying as she ran away back home. Jill tried to follow her, but Mandy turned and screamed, 'No, No, I must do this! Please take care of my kids?' Jill had no idea what Mandy was talking about. She got scared and called me, and I came right home." 

Just as I got home, a car pulled into your driveway. Mandy ran out of the house with a suitcase. The man got out and put the case in the trunk. I didn't recognize him, but Jill did. She gasped, "Oh My God, he is Peter Long."

"Who is Peter Long? I asked,

Jill looked at me. "Jesus, Roy, he is Jason's boss… and partner. Jason has been a minority owner in the company for about two years now!" 

"What the fuck? Mandy is running off with Jason's partner; that is very bad?" 

I looked at Jill, "You are her best friend. Did you know about this? Tell me the truth!" 

"I swear on our kid's life, I knew nothing about this. I am as shocked as you are!" 

"Jill told me she talked to Mandy this morning, and she told her she was leaving to go camping with you and the family. Then she appeared frantic, told Jill she needed to leave the kids, and ran back out crying. That is all we know!" 

"Jason, I was just going to call you when you pulled in."   

I listened to what Roy was saying, but honestly, I had no idea what he was saying. All I heard was Mandy had gotten into the car with my boss, Peter Long, and driven off, leaving our kids with Jill and Roy!

I picked up the tequila and poured two more shots. 

"Fuck, Mandy!" I downed a shot! "Fuck Peter!" I downed another shot, "Fuck 'em both!" and slammed the glasses on the counter after the third shot!

"Roy, thanks for being my friend. Can you keep the kids until Sunday? I need to take care of a few things, and I will get them Sunday."

Roy agreed. We shook hands, then he pulled me to him, and we had a man hug. "Man, I am so sorry. If you need anything, just ask. We will do something with the kids tomorrow to keep them busy. Take your time." 


I know Peter is married, and I have met his wife and been to his house many times. I mean, we are partners for God's sake. I got in my car and drove toward his house. 

I thought as I drove along. I worked for Peter for most of my career over six years, and two years ago, I was made a minority 10% partner. He has been a good boss/partner. He owns 40% of our company along with an older partner, Ben Staunton, the majority 50% partner. Peter will be the heir apparent to the company when Ben retires in a few years, and I will be elevated to a 30% partner at that time. 

Well, that was how it was, before today anyway! If I am right and have my way, someday in a few months, after I divorced Mandy and I have sued the company and Peter for Alienation of Affection, Peter will not work at our company any longer.

I turned the corner, down toward Peter's house. I saw his car in the driveway. My anger level was off the charts as I stopped. I was out of my SUV and at his door in seconds. I knocked hard on the door, then a few seconds later, I knocked again. 

The door flew open. Peter was standing there with a shocked look. 

"Jason, what the hell are you doing here?" 

"Where the hell is Mandy!" I pushed my way past him into the house.

"What, she's not here. She is on a plane! Didn't you know she was leaving?"

"What?" I snapped as I turned toward him, my fists clenched, ready to strike. 

"What plane, to where?" 

Peter held up his hands in defense. "Look, I don't know what is going on. Mandy called me at 11:00 am this morning and asked if I could take her to the airport. Then she asked me not to tell you, so it would be a surprise." 

I stood completely confused at what I had just heard. 

"Where was she going?" 

"Jason, I don't know. Mandy only said a few words on the way to the airport. 'I'm so sorry!' I don't know what is happening! I thought I was doing her a favor, but that seems that is not what was happening at all! I am terribly sorry!"

"Can I get you a drink, Jason? Maybe you should sit down!"

I accepted and slumped into a stuffed chair!

"God, Peter, I thought she ran off with you, and I was coming here to tell your wife! I'm sorry, but that is what it looked like to my neighbors and me. No one knows what's going on?"

I sipped the twelve-year-old Scotch Peter gave me, trying to clear my mind. What the hell, where had Mandy gone? I had no idea. I tried to think back. Had Mandy said anything or done anything, where did she go?

"Peter, I am sorry for thinking you and Mandy…," 

Peter stopped me, "No, Jason, it's OK. I would have reacted the same way! I will make it happen if you need anything, time off or an advance!"  

"Thanks, I must go figure this out. Peter, what airline did you drop her at?

"United, but she could have been on American or Delta; they are all out of the same terminal!"

"Yeah, you're right!" I shook his hand and thanked him, and he was gone.


As I drove off, I knew I had to find out what plane she was on and where the plane was going! Jesus, this was all so confusing.

Our life was almost perfect. We loved each other. We have two wonderful children. We have a wonderful house, a great neighborhood, and great friends. Our love life is much better than average, and we love making love to each other often, but probably not often enough! 

We had made love last night longer than usual, and Mandy had made sure I came twice before we fell asleep. Then this morning, she was the human alarm clock blowing me awake, making me cum, and swallowed all of it! 

I just don't get it! How could Mandy make love to me as she did in the past ten hours, then fly away somewhere without a word other than one stupid sentence in a note? What could have gone wrong? Why would she leave us? 

I stopped at a lawyer friend, Wallace Kramer's office, on the chance he was available. I got in to see him for 10 minutes, so I gave him the 'crip note' version and asked if he knew a PI I could hire! 

When Mandy returned, we agreed to meet again next week, and I knew more. His assistant called the PI, and we met at Starbucks down the street.

Tony LaRoche is a slick-looking Italian guy. He had been a PI for twenty-two years and probably knew all the angles. I told him what I had learned. Tony said, "Jason, this is a strange one!"

"Tony, I need you to find out what plane Mandy was on, where she was going, and if she was with anyone or if someone was meeting her. Can you do that for me? Mandy said she would be back Monday, so I need to know before then. Is that possible?"

"Just a minute," Tony took out his phone and made a call. 

"Hey, I need to know what flight Amanda Wilson was on today early afternoon. She was on Delta, American, or United. No, I don't know her destination, and she has disappeared! OK, call me as soon as you have something. Thanks!"

"Jason, do you have access to her credit card accounts? Have you checked your bank accounts and any other cash accounts that Mandy has access to? You need to protect your money asap! Go to your bank now. You need to see if her plane ticket was purchased on a credit or debit card. If nothing is happening, you can reset all the changes later."

"OK, I'll go there now!"

"How about your kids?"

"They are OK; so far, they know nothing about their mom leaving."       

I gave him all of Mandy's contact info and exchanged ours, and I was off to the bank.

As I pulled into the parking lot, my phone dinged. It was a text from Tony.

Tony's text: "Mandy was on the 1:30 Delta flight to Las Vegas. She was traveling alone. The ticket was prepaid, so she must be meeting someone!"

My text: "Thanks. Any way to track her in Las Vegas?"

Tony's text: "The plane is still in the air. I have an associate that will track her when she gets off the plane. I will take care of everything and keep you posted. We can wire her hotel room as soon as we know where she is staying! You want to do that?"

My text: "I must know what the hell is going on, so yes, I want to know it all!"

Tony's text: "I got it. I'll send you any pictures I get of her and who she meets."

My text: "Thanks, I'll be waiting!"            


I went to the bank and took care of my bank accounts, splitting the bills and canceling joint credit cards. Mandy had her credit card, so she was OK and probably wouldn't know what I had done. 

Monday, after she came home and I had all the information on her activities in Las Vegas, I would decide what I was doing with all the other things. 

It was getting on toward 5:46 pm when the plane would be landing. My anxiety was growing rapidly. 

I went home and stayed out of sight, so my kids didn't know I was there.

I stopped and picked up a case of beer and two deluxe pizzas. I was ready to hunker down and wait for all the sad news. 


I decided to look around the house for any clues. 

I logged into her email and found nothing. I looked through her dresses, clothes, and anywhere she may have left a clue and found nothing!

Tony told me not to email or text her until he had sent me the mirror links so my message would put a program on her phone so I would see any texts and emails she sent or received. 

I took a shower and put on some loose shorts and a T-shirt.

I texted Roy.

My text: "Roy, I am at home. I don't know much yet. Don't let the kids come home; I don't want them to ask questions. I'll keep you posted. Thanks, buddy!"

Roy's text: "Hey Jason, the kids are good. We are going to the movies tonight and then to the lake tomorrow so that they will be gone all day, and you can go out if you need to!"

My text: "I’ll stay in all day, so no worries there. Thanks again; you guys are great! Once I know more, maybe you can come over once I know more, and I'll fill you in!"

Roy's Text: "OK."

Just as I finished my text, I got an email from Tony with the mirror link. I read the instructions and sent a message to Mandy.


I am so fucking angry with you. What the fuck is going on! 

You went off and left the kids with Jill and Roy. 

Where are you? Are you having an affair? I would be shocked if that were true. 

Fuck, I can't believe this. You just abandoned the kids and left us! How could you!"

You had better have an incredibly good explanation on Monday when you get back. Or on Tuesday, I will be in Wallace's office drawing up divorce papers.

Call me NOW! 


I sent the email and waited, doubting I would hear anything. All I wanted was for Mandy to open it and read it. Maybe it will put the 'Fear of God" in her. The real purpose was to install the mirror on her phone, and I hoped that worked.


It was almost 6:00 pm when my phone buzzed, so I knew the mirror software was installed on her phone, and her first text came through.

Mandy's text: "I'm here. I got an email. Jason is furious, as we expected. I'll be there as fast as possible, have my carry-on, and catch a cab." 

Unknown text: "OK, I am waiting. Aria Hotel Room 2421. It will all work out, don't worry. He will understand, I hope, and will get over it. 

Mandy didn't answer.

What was going on? I didn't get it. There was no 'I love you' from either of them.

It was all very, very strange.

There had to be another man!

I forwarded the last Text to Tony. It had the phone number and the hotel information so we could find out who she was with and bug their room later when they went out. 


The Atlanta Braves were playing the Cubs tonight, so I heated some pizza, took a few beers in the den, and switched on the news. I needed anything to distract me from what the hell was happening! 

After I ate half the pizza and drank way too much beer, I fell asleep about the sixth inning. I had been asleep a long time when my phone buzzed, and I looked at my watch at 3:10 am. 

Tony's text: "Dude, you need to look at the video on the link attached. It will be best on a laptop. Sorry man!" 

I went to the bathroom and peed. I looked at myself in the mirror. All I saw was pain and confusion. I splashed water on my face and looked at myself again. I took a deep breath and stood up tall. I resolved at that moment that I was not letting what I was about to see, hear or learn in the next few minutes destroy me or my children's lives. I took a deep breath and dried my face and hands. 

I sent the text to my email and went to my office. I powered up my desktop computer, opened the email, and looked at the message. 

"Jason, we went into the room while they were out somewhere. We put up six hidden cameras and mics so there is nowhere that we cannot see or hear what is going on. This is the first video. Tony"

I opened the video expecting the worst, and I was not disappointed. What I saw made me sick, and I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I couldn't believe what I saw. The past had raised its ugly head. Why now? What was going on?

I stopped the video and took a deep breath. 


I closed my eyes and thought back eight years to June, the summer after our son was born. Mandy had a hard pregnancy, and we had a beautiful, healthy boy, William. The first five months were tough. Mandy had bad postpartum depression and did not function well. We brought in a nurse to help her, and finally, she emerged from it and started to do better. 

Mandy threw herself into her recovery and worked on her mind and body. She went to the gym three days a week and started to run. Mandy saw a therapist for her head, and she did wonders for her. After eight months, Mandy was back to herself and looked amazing. William was growing, and we were all happy again. 

We celebrated William's 1st birthday with family and our closest friends. It was a special day for two reasons. It was Will's Birthday, and that night was the first night that Mandy and I made love in over a year. It had been a demanding time, but I understood what was happening and was patient. Mandy felt guilty for depriving me, and reassured me she loved me, and we would be OK. I had faith and loved her to death, so I waited, and my prayers were answered that night. 

My mom had taken Will home with her and Dad, so we were all alone for the first night since Will was born. 

Our night was beautiful. We made sweet passionate love most of the night and professed our undying love for each other. The morning after, we slept in and made love twice more. 

We were back as a family again, and things stayed that way until today. 


I watched the video again. It was painful. I paid close attention, listening closely to the conversation between them. There was not much in the first part because Mandy's mouth was full of his cock. Then they fucked for over an hour, and I watched it all. They had been lovers long ago, so there was raw fucking, no lovemaking, just animal sex with Mandy cumming over and over. 

I watched as she rode his hard cock fucking him, posting on him like a jockey. I watched him fuck her missionary and cum deep inside her as she was cumming hard. Then after a short rest, Mandy sucked his cock deep in her throat, taking all of him on each bob until he came hard, filling her mouth with his cum load. God, I didn't realize that my wife had been such a slut, but that was how she used to be with him before. 

Mandy rolled over and shook her ass at him, and my greatest fear surfaced. Was she going to let him fuck her ass? He moved up behind her and pushed his hard cock deep into her pussy with one stroke. She was so wet there was no resistance. He fucked her for a long time, making the slut cum over and over. She collapsed on the bed, breathing hard and withering under him. He kept pounding her until he finally filled her pussy with his cum again!

He collapsed to the side and lay there, pulling Mandy against him and holding her tight. 

God, it was hard to watch. I had to stop several times. I watched more, then started to drink heavily. I wanted to drown out what I was seeing, but after two large drinks, a moment of sanity hit me, and I came back to reality, knowing I needed to see and hear it all. 

Once I watched the end of their sex session of almost three hours, they dressed in hotel robes and ordered room service.

They started to talk. I hoped hearing their conversations would help to make sense of what was happening and why they were together after all these years apart. 

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Most of their talk was catching up on the years since they were together. After they had eaten and were cuddling on the couch, the conversation took an odd turn to the present day and became more serious. 

"Allen, this was a huge mistake coming here. I am sure I will never recover from any of this. Jason will never understand, and he will leave me. I have totally messed up. Somehow, I have managed to get through the past eight years without Jason knowing anything, and I wanted it to stay that way forever. Then you contacted me. I thought we would never see each other again, and I had made my peace with that, as you had!"

Mandy started to cry. "What have I done here? I must leave and go home. I must try to save my marriage! I love Jason and don't love you. Yes, I did many years ago, but that didn't work out, and you know why!"  

"Jason and my kids are my world. How did I ever allow you to come back into my life and destroy me, Jason, and my family? I must go!" 

With that, Mandy stood and started putting on her clothes. Allen stood and grabbed her. "Mandy, if what you say is correct, the damage is already done. Stay with me." 

Mandy slumped to the bed and started to sob. "Allen, what have we done? I am ruined. My life with Jason is over!"

"Mandy, listen to me, yes, but things changed, and I had to tell you, so you knew what had happened and how it could affect William in the future. I wanted to see you, but I never expected any of this. I was shocked when you suggested we get together, and I certainly never expected ever to touch you again, much less have beautiful sex with you."  

"In no way did I want to damage your marriage or create any problems for you, and I only needed you to know my medical condition."  

"I really wasn't sure what would happen when we got together, but it was like a magnet when you came through the door, and I couldn't stop myself. I had to have you, and I believe you were feeling the same way."  

Mandy began to sob again as Allen talked.

"Maybe when Jason hears the whole story, he will understand."

As I listened, I was confused. How would Allen's medical condition have any effect on me? As I thought about it, I heard Allen make another reference to 'little William'! Then it hit me. Oh God, they were not talking about me but about our son William. 

Mandy sat up and looked at Allen.

"Allen, how is Jason going to understand that nine years ago, when I was in California for my sister Susan's wedding, and Jason didn’t come, you and I spent the whole weekend fucking our brains out. I got pregnant, and Jason and I had William. I was suspicious about the time of my period, so I had a DNA test done on the amniotic fluid, and you were the father. My God, I was crushed. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to abort the baby, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't tell you or Jason, so I said nothing and lived with it."   

"Five years ago, after William's 3rd birthday, I felt you should know, so I sent you a copy of the DNA report in the letter that said. 'I never want to see or hear from you, but you need to know you had a son William, but you are only his blood father. Jason is his dad and always will be. I told you NEVER to contact me or respond to this letter!

"I was such a fool. I should have admitted what we did and prayed that Jason would forgive me. He may not have, but at least I would have been honest with him. But now I have come here, and we are doing what we did. Oh God, I am such a fool! I must leave now!"

Mandy stood and grabbed her bag. Allen stopped her, pulled her into his arms, and held her.


My stomach turned as I realized what they were talking about. Allen was William's blood father, not me. Mandy had cheated on me, and Allen made her pregnant. She had the baby, his baby, and had kept that secret for over eight years. God, how could Mandy do that? What was she thinking? 

I was instantly sick to my stomach again! A level of hate I never knew I could feel rose inside me. I looked at the screen and knew I never wanted to see either of them again. I never wanted Mandy to see her children or me again, and I needed to ensure that both things happened.

I turned off the computer. It was late, but there was no way I could sleep. I went to my office and emailed Tony. 

"I have what I need, but keep recording everything you can until she leaves, whenever that is. You only need to send me an alert when she leaves, then forward me all the video's pictures and your bill." I will give you a P.O. Box number next week so you can forward the final report and copies of all the recordings. Also, a full copy of everything needs to go to Wallace. Thanks for your help." 

I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of twelve-year-old Scotch. I took a big gulp and gritted my teeth as it rolled down my throat with a low burn. I took the bottle with me and went back to my office. 

I sat for a few minutes, thinking about what I wanted to do. First, I was protecting my kids, yes, both of my kids. Neither of them will know any more than what I tell them Monday. The details of what has happened, why and what we do next will not be explained to them until they are in their teens and can understand what their mother did to the family! I promised myself I would never lie to them. I will tell them everything and let them decide about their mother.

As I evaluated my life, I opened my safe and brought out the three legal pouches, a bank bag holding $30,000 in cash and the offshore bank account info, that I had hidden from Mandy, and my small safe containing my gun and Mandy's jewels. 

I put the bank bag, and my small safe, into my carry bag. I opened the one legal pouch containing the Prenuptial Agreement, my grandfather's will, and other related legal papers I will need. I don't think I had looked at any of these papers in over ten years since Mandy signed the prenup before we married. 

You may be wondering why we have a prenup. 

My Grandfather, Paul, was successful and built a company from the ground up that he sold for a large profit. He was a modest man and lived like a normal working person, with no big house, or fancy cars, just a normal life. He wanted each of his children and their children to live the same way. He felt that his values were hands down and that everyone would have established their life by age thirty-five. He set his will up so that 'no bequeaths would be dispersed until his heirs reached their thirty-fifth birthday.

My father and Aunt Catherine were already thirty-five when my grandfather passed away, so they received their shares immediately. My other uncle Thomas was of age a couple of years later. 

I never knew the difference between before and after his death. We moved into a larger house with better cars, but I never thought of it. 

When Mandy and I announced our engagement, my father sat me down and explained everything. Once I knew we were getting married and had the marriage license, I told Mandy about everything I knew. I also told her she had to sign the Prenuptial Agreement. 

We met with the lawyers, and they explained all the details. At the time when I came of age, the value of my portion of the estate would be calculated and revealed to me only. Then I could implement one of several options. One, take the full amount. Two, leave the trust as is and receive a monthly stipend at their determination. Three, take an annual allotment on the first day of each year. The last two were the most desirable options, so my lifestyle would be radically affected. No questions will be asked about all the extra money. Before that day, none of us knew what the amount of money would be. 

We were also required to sign a disclaimer that prevented us from ever disclosing the amount of money to anyone other than our spouse, and they were also required to sign a Prenuptial Agreement, declaring they had no claim on the money. The details were spelled out about death and divorce. We were forever sworn to secrecy. If we violated the agreement and disclosed the amount, we would have to surrender all future claims to the money and be required to return the money if we had taken a lump sum. That money would be lost forever and donated to a charity. 

Mandy was excited but realized it would be years before anything happened. She readily signed the documents and life moved on. A week later, we were married, madly in love. Our life journey began.

We had not thought about the inheritance much at all over the years. We had established our life together like normal people. I had an excellent job and was promoted several times, and Mandy had an excellent job as well. We owned a nice but modest home. We worked in our community and had normal friends. 

I knew that things could change when I qualified for my share, which was coming up on my next birthday, and at that time, the amount of money would be disclosed. 

This was no big deal for us from the beginning since it would be ten years before I could receive the money. We never talked about it or planned any of our future around it. We were just like everyone else, building our family and future together. At least, that was how it was up till yesterday!

I put that pouch in my carry bag and opened the next pouch. This one contained our personal documents, marriage license, birth certificates, mortgage papers, and car titles. As well as a few letters we had written to each other over the years that Mandy wanted to keep. I took out a yellow envelope and put in a photocopy of our marriage license, birth certificates, the original mortgage papers, and Mandy's car title. 

I typed out a letter to our mortgage company granting Mandy the full title to the house. I also explained that the mortgage payments would automatically be paid monthly through autopay. I signed it, put it with the mortgage, sealed the envelope, and put it into the safe.

The third envelope contained all the documents related to my position at the company: my company shares, the partnership agreement, and a few other legal papers. I put the pouch in my carry bag, added my laptop and a few other things I knew I would need, and zipped it up.

I sat looking at the video again from last night when I got a text ping on my phone. 

It was a text from Tony.

Tony's text: "It looks like Mandy has left for home. She was only in the hotel room for the first few hours and left. Mandy sat in the restaurant for several hours until the man came down and tried to talk to her. She got up and hurried out, catching a cab to the airport. It was 2 am, so Mandy had to wait until the airline opened to get a flight. She is on a Delta flight and will arrive in Atlanta at 10:00 pm tonight. We will pick her up and bring her home when she comes home!"   

My Text: "Thanks, Tony."

Tony's text: "My guy in Vegas says she seems extremely upset and has been crying most of the time. Take a look at the video attached."

My test: "Thanks, Tony. I will not be here when you bring her home, so just drop her off. Can you fake being the driver I sent to pick her up? I will let you know if I hear from her and if we can do that, or she will have to find her way home."  

Tony Text: "Yes we can do that but let me know as soon as you can."

My text: "OK, thanks again."

I sat thinking. I only have a few hours now to put my plan in place. 

I needed to get everything, the kids and I would need for a few days out of the house before Mandy could get home. Her plane was landing at 10:00 pm, so it would be an hour longer before she got home. I had to be gone by then. I knew Tony could delay that a little longer if I needed him to. 

Packing clothes was first off. Since we were supposed to be camping and Mandy didn't know we weren't, having some clothes gone and coolers and camping equipment, it looked like everything was normal, so that is how I will play it. I will return next week and get everything else when Mandy is at work. 

It took a couple of hours to pack up. I decided to take the kids camping for a few days and keep them out of school. I would bring them back to Jill on Monday when I had to do all my legal and banking things. 

Once I had finished packing and loaded the car, I called Roy. Just as the phone was ringing, a text came in. I hung up to look at the text, and it was Mandy!

Mandy texts: "I am so ashamed; I don't know what to say. I am on my way home. I hope you will be there when I get back. I can try to explain everything, but I don't know what you will do."

I read it but did not respond. Mandy knows the campground we normally go to does not have cell service, so I would not have seen her text if we were camping.

A few minutes later, another text came.

Mandy's text: "You are probably camping, so you have not gotten either of my texts, so I will be home when you return. We need to talk through what has happened, and I hope I can explain it all to you, and you will understand, and we can work things out. I love you and can’t lose you, though I may have already." 

I didn't respond. I was so angry I never wanted to see Mandy again. I had made a major decision on that day that we would vanish and only return when the children were old enough to face their mother about what she did.

I knew I could not abandon Mandy, so I had to pay her expenses and communicate, but I didn't have to see her. I went back into the safe and took out our passports. If we stayed in the US, Mandy could get the police to track me down, so we were leaving the country. 

I had saved considerable money I had hidden away plus the cash I had with me. I knew we could survive for a good while. I began to look at where we could go. After a couple of hours, I decided on Belize—no extradition, and we could hide in plain sight there. There were a lot of ex-pats living there, so it would be like being at home.

I sent a text to Tony. 

My text: "Please call me." 

A couple of minutes later, he called. 

"Hey man, how are you doing?"

"Not good, I think my marriage is over, and my life has been ruined."

"Sorry, man, I often hear that when I get involved in these kinds of cases. It is a real shame you seem like a stand-up guy!"  

"Thanks, but now I have to protect my kids and care for them." I need something from you if you can help. I want to take the kids and disappear! I don't know how long, but I want it to be painful for Mandy. I will continue to support her and communicate with her so she won't do anything stupid like get the police involved, but she will not speak or see her kids for many years!"

"Wow, that's extreme, but I can see the hurt she put on you. How can I help? No one can know anything about this except for Wallace. I need new passports and other IDs for the three of us. I have my real passports, but they can be tracked if Mandy goes that way. I cannot be found until I am ready to come back!

Where are you going? Belize. I have leased a house there overnight, and once I get the new IDs, I can make the plane reservations from another city a few hundred miles from here. This way, she can never track me. I was hoping you could sell my SUV and keep the money. All you need to do is get us to the airport in Nashville on Monday, assuming you can get the ID's by then. 

Tony smiled, "Man you've been busy. It sounds like a good plan, let me call my guy, and I'll call you back!"

We hung up, and I waited for a callback. 

I looked at the Property Center in Belize for the house I leased in Placencia. It was a nice three-bedroom on the beach. I had decided I could home-school the kids and give them a great life experience living in another culture. 

I got Tony's call, and his guy could rush the documents for me. I went out and met Tony with my real passports for his guy.

It was almost 8:00 pm, and I had to get moving to get the kids. 

I text Roy.

My text: "Roy, I must pick up the kids in about an hour. Can you have them ready? I am leaving, taking them camping for a few days, then back to sort all this shit out. Mandy is on her way home, realizing she fucked up, but we won't see her when she gets home. All part of the plan. Thanks for your help. You are a real friend!"

Roy's text: "OK, we will have them ready. I hope you can work it all out, you guys are a great couple, and we really like you both."

My text: "We will see, but things are a very big mess for now! See you in an hour." 

I got home and packed the SUV. I had all my papers, luggage, camping stuff, and food in the coolers. It looked like we were going camping. Monday, I had to go to an unknown bank with my new ID and get a safety deposit box to put all my papers and my small safe. 

We weren't going camping, and I was driving a hundred miles away and staying in a VRBO I found near my sister's mountain place. I called her and asked if the kids could stay Sunday night and Monday, and I would pick them up on Tuesday morning. 

I had to explain that Mandy and I were having some issues and needed a couple of days to work things out. She understood and agreed. She loves my kids, so it was a treat for all of them.

Sunday, my phone was blowing up as Mandy tried to find me. I ignored the calls, texts, and emails. I dropped the kids off and went back to town for a while. I rented a storage unit and put all the camping gear in it. 

I rode by the house, and the lights were on. I was tempted to stop and have it out with Mandy but knew that was not what I wanted. 

As I was riding back out of town, I got a text from Tony.

Tony's text: "Paperwork ready. Can you meet me?"

I swung around and stopped at a Quick Stop store. 

My Text: "Yes. I am at the Quick Stop on Fulsome and I 20."

Tony's text: "Stay there, be there in fifteen minutes."

My text: "OK, how much!"  

No answer.

I decided to look at some messages from Mandy. I listened to her first and second voicemails. "Jason, please answer. I need to talk to you. I am so stupid and made a huge mistake. Please forgive me! I'm coming home!"  

The second was about the same; she was sobbing, and it was hard to understand much of the message.

I skipped the last message. "Jason, I am home. I know you are camping, that is what Jill told me. They are mad at me for dumping the kids and leaving as I did. They think I am having an affair with Peter. They say you think that too. That is not true. Oh God, what a mess I have made. Please hurry home. I love you so much. Please forgive me for being stupid!" 

This message sounded as if she was sorry and realized that she had really fucked up! The soft spot in my heart felt bad for her, but she had to pay for her cheating and for William, whom I love so dearly!

Tony showed up. He got in my SUV and gave me the new documents and the real passports. 

"How much, Tony?" 

"No… nothing, man, you have been fucked over royally, so I am giving them to you. Besides, you are giving me this sweet ride and I'll sell it and make all my money." 

"Man, you're the best, thanks. Did you send me a bill?"  

"No, I got it here." 

He handed it to me.

I pulled out my checkbook. It was painful to write the check for $6,300 that exposed my cheating wife, but that was the tab!

We worked out the arrangements for him to pick us up tomorrow. Tony had a guy bringing him so he could take my SUV. We shook hands, and we were both off. As I drove, I thought about everything that had happened in three days, how a happy family had been destroyed in less than seventy-two hours. What a sad story it was!


Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old.

Written by MaxxNRachel
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