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Geraldine’s Transformation. Chap. 2.

"Having tasted the forbidden fruit, Gerrie is impatient to try again."

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Author's Notes

"I have rewritten this story. As with all my earlier writing, there were many mistakes and inconsistencies."

When she awoke on Monday morning, Gerrie still felt uncomfortable about her actions on Saturday night. She looked at her still-sleeping husband and thought again about the exquisite feelings Chima had awoken in her. Emotions that had been so strong she had howled dirty obscenities like an immoral slut.

All of the previous day, she and Brett had been a little hesitant with one another. So she made a vow to herself that she would keep all thoughts about this evening’s illicit encounter from her mind, wanting to keep her enthusiasm hidden.

Her worries were soon forgotten, as when Brett woke, he rolled over and wrapped her lovingly in his arms. She wanted to make love, craving his attention to prove he still loved her. But he held her tight, reminding her they needed to wait until that evening. They showered together before going to breakfast, and although he let her play with his cock in the shower, he didn’t relent and look after her needs.

After breakfast, Brett insisted they did some more sightseeing around New Orleans. They stopped at the tour desk and booked the Whitney Plantation Tour, which would take up much of the day, as Brett added a swamp tour at the end. When they planned their trip, he mentioned that photographing some alligators was on top of his bucket list.

It was great for them to get away and have plenty to do. It took their minds off what might happen later in the day, and they relaxed, laughed and joked together.

Lunch was traditional New Orleans fare, with mint juleps to wash it all down. Gerrie was not a great drinker; more than one glass of anything quickly went to her head and made her quite silly. At the end of the tour, he insisted they stop at Pat O’Brian’s bar for a Hurricane cocktail. So when they returned to their hotel around 4:30, Gerrie was quite tipsy.

The message light blinked on the phone when they returned to their room. Bret picked it up and listened, then put the phone down and said it was Chima. They were not on that night, as Tyrell had to cover for another band’s sick drummer. But he promised they would make it the following night, come hell or high water.

Gerrie couldn’t stop herself, she was too slow to turn away from Brett, and he caught the crestfallen look on her face. But he just laughed, “Don’t worry, I’m just as disappointed as you. We’ll go down to the bar, and you can tease some men, and we’ll see what happens.”

“I can’t do that. We said this fling with Chima was to be a one-off. Now you want me to go and pick up another man?”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But we may never get this chance again. So let us play things by ear and go down to the bar and have fun.”

“What if they cancel tomorrow night? We return home on Wednesday.”

“Let’s just do the bar tonight and enjoy ourselves. Whatever will be, will be.”

Gerrie knew she should put up more of a fight; at his suggestion that she flirt in the bar, but the alcohol dimmed her objections. They lay and talked on the bed, then around 6:00, showered and got dressed.

She picked out her black cocktail dress again and checked it thoroughly to make sure there was no cum on it from the night before. And as the hem was so sort, she chose her black teddy to wear under it instead of the tiny thong. Knowing that if she sat on the stool again, men would likely get glimpses of what she was wearing under the dress.

Again, as they walked to dinner, couples stopped and gawked at her, but Gerrie just held her shoulders back and walked through the lobby as if oblivious to the slutty image she was projecting.

Dinner was a blur; people stared, and the waiter was very obvious in his attempts to look under her short hemline. But although she was embarrassed, this unwanted attention did get her hot and bothered.

After dinner, Brett took her elbow and walked to the cocktail lounge. And at the entry, when he turned to the left, she carried on to the bar, even though she was screaming inside to escape back to their room. The hazy buzz of the alcohol she had consumed that day was just enough to subdue her instinct to run.

Gerrie sat on the same stool she had two nights before. Then cringed at the thought there may be men in the bar that had watched her two nights earlier. She glanced around and noted the lounge was less busy than it had been on Saturday night. And instead of mostly couples, there were many more single men this evening. 

She saw Brett sitting over in a cubical near where he had sat two nights before. This time she was doubly nervous; the other time she had sat here, it was all planned. But this time, she had no idea what might happen, if anything.

She had sobered up a little after their dinner; the food and the water she had downed had soaked up some of the alcohol she had consumed that day. She glanced at Brett and saw that he had the video camera partially disguised by his jacket again. She wondered how good his filming would be tonight, as he had to be a little drunk still, having consumed much more than her.

The barman came and asked if she wanted a drink. Thankfully, it was a different barman, and she ordered a Mai Tai, knowing it would be strong and give her Dutch courage. As she waited, she took a more studied look at the men near her.

There was a young man a few seats away who hardly looked old enough to be in the bar. He smiled at her, then turned his attention back to his drink.

Then she was interrupted by an older guy that asked to buy her a drink. Gerrie declined, saying she was waiting for someone. But it only took minutes before another guy plucked up the courage to approach her. Over the next hour, five different men offered to buy her a drink. She slowly calmed down as she listened to their feeble pickup lines. By the third one, she was relaxed and relishing the power she felt at their attention. She fell into her role-play easily, teasing them with sexual innuendos and absently opening her legs or bending over a little to show off her ample cleavage.

But none did anything for her; they were all businessmen or travelling salesmen with wedding rings on their fingers, and she sent them on their way. She looked around the bar to see if any eligible black men were in the place. But only saw two in the bar, and both were with women who appeared to be their wives.

She was about to call it quits and move over to join Brett in the booth when the young man stood and came over. He spoke to her, but at first, she didn’t realise he was talking to her, as she couldn’t believe someone so young would try and pick her up.

However, he spoke again, “Can I sit with you a talk for a bit? I’ve seen you turning some men away, but I don’t mean to pick you up. Just sit with someone and talk, as my friends have not turned up.”

Thinking it was just another pickup line, Gerrie was about to shoo him away. But he looked so sincere and innocent that she asked, “What has happened to your friends?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “They were meant to meet me here nearly an hour ago. I feel stupid sitting here alone, and I had a man trying to pick me up before. So I thought that if we sat and talked for a bit, the guys in the bar would leave us both alone.”

“OK, I was about to leave, but I’ll sit with you briefly. My name is Geraldine.”

“I’m Ethan.” He held out his hand.

She shook his hand, then asked, “You had better tell me why you are here and why I should believe you are not just another jerk trying to entice me to his room.”

He blushed red at her comment, then explained that it was his best mate, Max and his wife, Laura, that he was waiting for.

“It’s far too long a story to tell you now. It would take all night,” he said, looking quite nervous at the prospect.

“Well, I have plenty of time. Give me a condensed version.”

He hung his head and started mumbling that he and Max had been friends forever and that he had met Laura at Uni.

Gerry had to tell him to speak up and talk clearly.

Ethan lifted his head and looked her in the eyes, then continued explaining that he had fallen madly in love with Laura from their first date. And he knew that Laura had been just as keen on him. But after five months of seeing one another, he had graduated top of his computer science course and been picked up by a Silicon Valley high flyer company.

The job and salary were too good to refuse, and he moved to California a month later. He continued, explaining that he and Laura had written and talked about her coming to California to find a job. But the letters became less frequent and lukewarm as the months passed. Finally, he had gotten a Dear John letter, followed by an invitation from Max to be the best man at his and Laura’s wedding a month later. He had never seen that coming and was still very much in love with Laura.

Gerrie asked, “Did you attend the wedding?”

“Yes, Max and I have known one another all our lives. Even though I was very jealous and upset about his marrying Laura, I couldn’t disappoint him.”

Gerrie was becoming intrigued. The boy in front of her was quite a handsome catch. And she had to wonder why a girl would spurn him.

“Do you have any idea why she dropped you?” Gerrie asked.

“I think so, but I can’t tell you that,” Ethan replied.

Just then, his phone pinged as a text message came in. He excused himself, saying it might be Max. Gerrie gesticulated for him to take it and waved her hands to show she wasn’t upset.

He read the text, then, without saying anything, handed the phone over to Gerrie for her to read.


Gerrie looked over at Ethan, “What did you have planned? You were about to tell me why she dropped you.”

“I’m embarrassed; I can’t tell you either of those. I’d better head up to bed now. It’s been nice to talk to you,” and he went to get up from the stool.

Gerrie leant forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him back down on the barstool. “Don’t you dare leave without telling me! I’m way too intrigued to let you go now. We will never see one another after tonight, so open up and don’t worry; I have done many things you would never believe of me, so don’t be embarrassed.”

It took a bit more persuading from Gerrie, but eventually, Ethan opened up. First, he explained that Laura wanted to be a virgin until she was married but that their petting was getting pretty heavy by the time graduation was upon them. And that on the night of their graduation, she had indicated she would be OK about giving him a blow job, as long as it went no further than that.

He awkwardly admitted to Gerrie he was a bit large down there — he indicated between his legs — and that Linda had balked once he placed it in her hand.

He told her that things had been awkward the next couple of days, and he flew out to California before they could talk through what had happened. 

He shut up then, and it took much more coaxing from Gerrie to get him to continue telling her what he and Max had planned for that evening.

But Ethan finally admitted that Max wanted to have a threesome, and he thought his best shot at this was to involve Ethan, as he knew Laura still had real feelings for him. Ethan insisted to Gerrie that he was firmly against it but that Max would not listen.

Suddenly, Gerrie was interested in seeing what Ethan had between his legs. She figured it had to be impressive to scare his young lady away.

They talked more about each other, and as they relaxed and became more comfortable, he asked her what she had done that was worse than what Max had planned for that evening.

Gerrie saw her opening; she wanted to take a look at his love handle and found she was getting aroused just thinking about it. Sitting there, concentrating on his words, she couldn’t help but think about sucking on another huge cock.

So she answered Ethan, “My husband is sitting over there in the booth; he wants to film me with another man.” She turned and waved to Brett, and Brett returned the wave with an awkward smile.

Quite naive and not really taking in what she had just insinuated, Ethan waved back to Brett. Then asked, “Why are you sitting apart?” 

As he said this, Gerrie saw the penny drop, “Oh! Why did you not choose one of those men that approached you?”

“Because they were all married jerks and did not interest me.” And before he could reply, she stood and grabbed his hand, “Come over and meet Brett.”

Ethan tried to hold back, suddenly aware of what he might be getting into and embarrassed about meeting her husband. But Gerrie just held him firmly and steered him over to the booth where Brett was waiting with a puzzled, nervous smile on his face.

Gerrie introduced them and gestured to Ethan to sit. But Ethan needed some space and asked if they wanted a drink. Brett accepted, saying he would like another can of Budd, so Gerrie asked for a Tonic and Bitters, and her eyes followed Ethan as he walked away to the bar, half expecting him to make a run for the door.

“What are you thinking?” Brett asked, “The kid looks about sixteen years old.”

“I know, but he’s actually twenty, and told me a girlfriend ran for the hills when she saw the size of his cock. I would like to see how big a supposedly well-hung white guy is.”

“How the hell did you find that out?” asked Brett.

“I’ll tell you later, but do you want to film him? If you don’t, then I’ll be OK. I’ll go along with your decision.”

Brett hesitated, and Gerrie had a moment of apprehension as Brett hesitated, and she thought he was going to say no.

Then he nodded to her. “I’m OK, I guess. This will be bloody interesting; he looks half your age!”

Gerrie felt a flash of annoyance at Brett’s suggestion she was old. Guys she met at work always told her how young she looked, not that she had ever, for a moment, flirted around. But she bit her lip and put a smile on her face when she saw Ethan returning with the drinks.

He hadn’t done a runner. After handing them their drinks, he went to sit by Brett. But Brett didn’t move over, indicating that Ethan should sit opposite, next to Gerrie. They spent the next half an hour talking, Gerrie and Brett at pains to ease Ethan’s obvious nervousness.

During all this, Ethan had nervously gulped down his beer, and when Brett saw he had finished it, he rose and went to the bar. But instead of getting them Buds, he bought them a Bourbon, and by the look on Ethan’s face, as he took his first sip, it must have been a double or triple. 

Gerrie was fully aware of what Brett was up to, just hoping to herself that Ethan didn’t get too drunk. The more she talked with the young man, the more she became interested, and her steamy imagination had a smouldering heat building between her legs.

One incredible coincidence that came up in conversation was that Ethan’s room was next to theirs.

“How come you’re in a suite? You must be earning millions,” she exclaimed.

“No. I only booked yesterday; it was the only room the hotel had left. They gave it to me at the normal room rate, seeing as I only wanted it for one night.”

“Well, I want to see if it’s the same as ours,” Brett interjected, “Finish your drink and come up and show us. We have drinks in our room if you want another.”

As they finished their drinks, Gerrie told Brett about Ethan’s mate standing him up. But she didn’t tell him about the planned ménage à trois, not wanting to embarrass Ethan.

Once they got up to their rooms, they opened the connecting doors to check out Ethan’s room.

Brett voiced his annoyance when he saw that Ethan’s room was far superior. Situated on the corner of the building, it was much more extensive and had better views, and he was paying a fraction of the price.

Waving Brett to keep quiet, Gerrie steered Ethan back to their room and sat him on the couch. She saw Brett pick up the video camera and disappear into their bathroom. She knew he was getting out of the way so that she could seduce the young man. 

Ethan was reluctant and anxious and looked like he had serious doubts about what was happening. But when she leaned in and kissed him, he responded, and as their kissing became more passionate, he took control, put his hand behind her head, and French kissed her.

She knew then he was past the flight stage, and she broke the kiss, lifted her leg over his and straddled him before engaging his lips again. As their kissing became more passionate, she dropped her hands into his lap and unzipped his fly. He broke away and looked around the room, then stiffened when he saw Brett standing to his left, filming them.

Gerrie pulled his head back to face her, “Don’t worry about Brett. Pretend he’s not there. It’s his fantasy to watch. Just concentrate on me,” Gerrie breathed in his ear.

Dipping her hand back into his pants, she pulled out his limp member and tried to hide her disappointment at the meagre stalk she held in her hand.

“Sorry!” Ethan wailed, “This hasn’t happened before. I’m nervous, I guess.”

Gerrie thought, what the hell, I’ve come this far; let’s see if we can get this thing to rise.

She backed off his knees, slipped onto the floor, lowered her head, and sucked his limp four inches into her mouth. After a minute and no response, she lifted her head and kissed him again. And when he began to return her kiss passionately, she whispered in his ear, “Close your eyes and imagine it is Laura playing with you.”

Then slid down between his legs again and swallowed his limp phallus. It didn’t take long before she felt some movement, and his flaccid organ began to swell. She slid up, kissed him again, and told him to keep his eyes closed. Standing, she quickly removed her dress, leaving only her lace black teddy on. Then settled back between his legs and started to suck with real purpose on his burgeoning erection.

It quickly filled her mouth, and she began to gag when it touched the back of her throat. She pulled back, sizing it up in her hand. She realised why Ethan’s young girlfriend had gotten frightened; it was almost the size of Chima’s impressive pole.

Sucking him into her mouth again, she eased his trousers and boxers down and got him to lift his feet and step out of them. Then, reaching up for his hands, she pulled them down onto her breasts. Gerrie was now craving attention herself. And his groping her tits through her teddy was not enough. She let his cock plop out of her mouth and lifted herself, and straddled his lap. Then, wrapping her arms around his neck, she began to hump her hungry sex along his shaft.

He searched out her lips and began French kissing her again. She was surprised at how well he kissed; he was better than Brett, not that she would ever admit that to him. 

As Ethan began to squirm around, she reached down, tore at the domes in the crotch of her teddy, and then lifted and guided his magic wand between her wet curls.

As his swollen monster sank into her warm passage, Ethan pulled back to look for Brett, but with one hand guiding his shaft, she restrained his head with her other hand. Then she sank, letting his thick, swollen knob slip fully inside. It made a very distinct wet squishing sound; she was that wet. 

Had she not experienced Chima’s massive weapon, she would have never believed she could accommodate Ethan. But she knew now from experience that it might be uncomfortable at first, but then the pleasure it could give her would be worth a moment’s discomfort.

Ethan remained still, mesmerised and savouring the feeling of his pole impaling this crazy older woman. To date, he had only slept with a couple of girls, and neither had managed to handle his entire length. He started to move his hips, gently at first, scared she would cry out in pain and stop him. But when she eagerly responded to his moves and gave no indication of resistance, he reached up, grabbed her shoulders and flipped her over onto her back on the floor. Ethan lost it, lust wiping out his thoughts of being considerate and gentle. He thrust himself deep and let his body’s natural desires take over.

Gerrie couldn’t believe the change in him. One-second she was calling the shots, and he was meekly and very nervously going along with all she did. Now flat on her back, she found she was being fucked mercilessly and stretched wide by a very horny, energetic youth.

Ethan lifted, supported himself on one hand, and attacked her breast with the other. She lifted her head to watch. The sight of his impressive pole sinking into her depths nearly sent her over the edge—the perverseness of watching sent longing surges of pleasure running through her bones.

Ethan leaned forward, took her nipple in his mouth, and caressed it with his tongue. When she thought it couldn’t get any better, she felt his hand leave her breast and work between them, searching for her clit.

That was it; the orgasm that hit Gerrie was fast and jarring. She yelled out, “Motherfucker! You bastard, Oh God, I’m coming!!”

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She felt her juices gushing between her legs onto the carpet. She had squirted for the first time. But she didn’t care about the mess she had made. She did think, however, to look over at Brett to check out how he was taking all this.

He was standing with his mouth open; he had never heard her swear in all the time they had been married. Well, maybe the odd ‘Bugger,’ but nothing like what he had just listened to. He saw her looking at him, so he shut his mouth and tried to give her a reassuring smile.

Seeing the look of lust on Brett’s face, Gerrie knew then that this would not be the last time they invited another man to their bed, even if Chima and his friend bailed out of their planned tryst again. Then a truly wicked thought popped into her mind. Would she dare to tell Brett about her wildest fantasy – a gang bang? That fantasy was buried so deep in her subconscious that she seldom let herself think about it.

As her orgasm subsided, she realised Ethan hadn’t stopped fucking her. She was sure she felt him throb and spurt with her, and the mess pouring out of her couldn’t be all her own. But he just continued to thrust himself between her legs. Amazed, she felt the luscious longing in her loins begin to build again. It blew her mind; she seldom orgasmed twice and never this quickly.

She clenched her teeth and pushed her pelvis up to meet his thrusts. Then, lifting herself to his ear, she used the filthiest language she could think of, encouraging him and asking him to make her cum again.

Ethan didn’t need much encouragement; he heaved himself into her like a juggernaut. It brought grunts of euphoric pleasure from her lips every time he bottomed out. Her cunt clasped his shaft and milked him, and she felt his long pole begin to throb again.

This time, Ethan joined her in a noisy cacophony of swear words as they both came together. His words were not as course as those she was exhaling between her moans and cries of joy. Still, she found his swearing and calling her dirty names a big turn-on, something she never expected.

Gasping for breath, he rolled off her and lay on his back. Then, as his breathing slowed, a very embarrassed look crept over his face. He glanced just once between Brett and Gerrie, rose, grabbed his pants, and scuttled through the adjoining doors into his room.

Gerrie tried to call out for him to stay, but hand over her mouth, she was also trying not to laugh and embarrass the poor guy. His door slammed shut before she could compose herself, and she burst out laughing, unable to contain herself.

Brett laughed so hard that he had to sit down. “Poor bugger, he never knew what hit him. Gerrie, you had better hope he does not turn up at our door in the morning with the cops, trying to sue you for molesting a minor.”

Gerrie was too buggered to reply; she just smiled at Brett, and when her giggles finally subsided, she picked herself up and headed for the shower.


The next morning, they were woken early by someone knocking on the door. But as they came fully awake, they realised it was not their door but Ethan’s being hammered on. They heard the door open and close, and both rolled out of bed simultaneously and moved over to the bedroom's adjoining doors.

They opened their door, but the door on Ethan’s side was closed. Still, they could hear faint voices and tell it was a woman talking with Ethan. Ears glued to the door, they listened to some amorous sounds coming through the door.

“I’ll bet you anything that is Laura in there.”

“I agree, and it sounds like they are doing more than just talking now,” Brett replied.

Sure enough, Ethan arrived with his female friend at breakfast an hour later. They waved out to him, and he looked very embarrassed. However, he did come over to their table and introduced them to Laura. And later that morning, when they were leaving the hotel to find lunch. They saw Ethan getting into a car with Laura and a guy who had to be Max. They laughed and spent the next hour over lunch imagining what had gone on that morning. Gerrie thought they may have had their threesome. But Brett reckoned that Max would not know that Ethan had fucked his wife. She’d never tell her husband about her infidelity, he reckoned.

Brett’s mobile rang. It was Chima calling. He told Brett it was all on for that night and that he wanted Gerrie dressed up in a wedding dress. One of his fantasies, he said. He gave Brett a shop address where they could hire one for the night. Once they finished their lunch, they hailed a cab to take them to the hire shop.

It was a costume party hire place. Brett picked out a Princess V-neck Lace Wedding Dress with beaded sequins. A sheer veil went with the dress, and the shop assistant found Gerrie some high-heeled white shoes that fit her.

The V-neck highlighted her cleavage, and Brett voiced his appreciation for how she looked. After a discussion with Gerrie, the shop assistant pointed out that her existing lingerie would show through the dress and talked them into buying some brief, very sexy white lingerie to go with the outfit.

Dress bundled under their arm, they took their time returning to their hotel, stopping for cocktails along Bourbon St.


Gerrie and Brett were awkward with one another at dinner. They were about to go far further than initially planned. And both were nervous about the leap into the unknown. After dinner, they ordered a stiff bourbon and sat with it, quietly locked in their own thoughts. Brett motioned to his watch just after 7:00, as the guys had said they would arrive at 8:00.

Gerrie locked herself in their bathroom to get dressed. The feeling of flight was growing stronger by the minute. On the other hand, she was also excited and hurriedly ripped the package open.

Once dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her veil. She appraised herself and had to admit; she looked beautiful and fucking sexy. Far different from the modest outfit she had worn to her actual wedding. 

Through the bathroom door, she heard a knock. She then listened to men’s voices. She knew Brett wanted to film the men knocking on the door and entering the room. So she sat on the toilet and nervously waited, her stomach clenched tight with anticipation. Finally, when the door banged shut again, she heard Brett call, “Honey, come on out. We have visitors.” 

Her stomach double-flipped as she smoothed her dress and opened the bathroom door. Chima and Tyrell stood in the middle of the lounge, gaping at the vision of the virginal bride stepping out before them. 

She noticed Brett also had his mouth open, and the video camera had dropped to his side. That she was stunning was not in question. She could see it on their faces. The dress left her elegant shoulders bare, the creamy skin of her breasts rising from her bodice, her waist impossibly slender.

She took in the newcomer ‘Tyrell’. He was shorter than Chima and much more solidly built. He had been in the band where they had dinner two nights earlier. He was the drummer, and being at the back, she’d not got a good look at him. He was very black, a much darker shade than Chima. He looked menacing, like he belonged to a gang, but she calmed when he gave her a wink, and his face set into a wicked grin.

Still, Gerrie again sorted through her emotions; anticipation and a little fear mixed, forming a powerful ache in her stomach. When Chima stepped forward and kissed her, and she felt Tyrell move behind her to kiss the nape of her neck, the discomforting feelings lessened, and her knees almost buckled as her excitement built.

The wedding dress made her feel special and sexy. And the fact that she was about to break the ultimate taboo of having sex with two men, neither of them being her husband, had her tingling with pent-up desire. Also, the fact that both men were black greatly affected the emotions building in her body. Wow! Could a stronger taboo exist than a pale blonde woman having sex with two black men in her wedding dress?

Her blood felt hot; it coursed through her veins as they kissed and caressed her body. They had already discarded her veil, and Chima was kissing her lips. She could feel his friend kissing and nibbling on her bare shoulders, neck and ears.

She was already hot and breathing hard when Chima pushed her to her knees. Her mind dragged up a memory of her kneeling at the altar during her wedding. Gerrie pulled out his black cock and gazed at it for a moment. She resisted the urge to gobble it up straight away, kissed it lightly and began to make love to it slowly with mouth and tongue.

Brett was mesmerised, watching her lips graze over the black man’s cock; her jaw stretched wide to accommodate it. The image of Gerrie in her virginal white dress, on her knees, her red hair done up just as it had been at their wedding, made Brett hornier than he had anticipated. He checked again to ensure the camera was running; he did not want to miss one second.

He had dreamed it would be sexy, but the reality was beyond his imagination. Gerrie’s beautiful face tilted slightly, all her attention on the black shaft before her, her lips parted. He watched as her head moved forward slowly, her lips contacting the fat helmet that crowned the cock, then slid over it.

She kept pushing forward, forcing the cock deep into her mouth, letting herself feel his penetration. Brett had no words to describe the intent look on her face; blissful, beatific, joyful, glowing, sublime; none seemed to be the right word. She was in a trance, all her attention on his cock.

Tyrell reached from behind her and slipped his hands into her bodice, caressing her breasts. He commented to Chima, "Fuck man, these tits are fucking perfect."

Chima replied, "Of all the white women I've been with, none has given me a blowjob any better than this."

He stroked her head lovingly as Gerrie's blue eyes gazed into his own. Her wedding dress and beautiful bare shoulders got to him, and in no time, he felt his orgasm building. He saw the recognition in her eyes that he was about to come. And taking a handful of her hair, he pulled her hard onto his cock as it swelled and pulsed with the precursors of his eruption. As he came, she kept his cock in her mouth, and he kept his eyes on hers. He struggled to keep from forcing her head down hard onto his cock as he shot spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth.

Gerrie felt his cock get bigger and then pulse as he came. Her cunt was fiery and wet, and she wriggled her arse against Tyrell’s fingers. He had moved one hand down under her dress.

Chima’s cum bathed her tongue and pooled in her mouth. She struggled to contain all of it in her mouth but failed. The cum leaked out and spread over her chin and dripped down her neck and into her creamy cleavage.

Some of Chima’s cum ran onto Tyrell’s hand. He scooped it up with his fingers and rubbed it onto her nipples, which he started kneading and pinching quite hard.

Chima pulled Gerrie up from her knees and made her stand in the middle of the room. He sat on the couch and ordered her to turn around and model for them. Tyrell stood back to one side and told her to lift her dress around her waist and show them what she was wearing under it.

Gerrie caught the hem and raised it slowly, imagining she was in a strip show. The men saw the sexy white garter belt holding the white stockings and the beautiful white lacy thong. All made approving noises; even Brett and Tyrell told her to remove the sexy white panties. With a wiggle of her bum, Gerrie complied. One hand holding the dress, she sexily bent over and slid her panties to the floor with her other hand.

Chima jumped up and moved behind her, grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her over even more until she touched her toes. But as she doubled over, Tyrell moved in front of her; he lifted her head back up and offered his cock to her lips. He wasn’t nearly as large as Chima, but she still gasped for air as she struggled to accommodate him. She nearly choked on it as he forced it deep into her mouth. Then as she involuntarily jerked backward from his thrusting cock, she felt Chima push his tongue into her tight, puckered, brown rosebud.

The feeling was exquisite. Gerrie had never experienced anything like it before; Brett had never licked her there. She had never even imagined anyone would do something as dirty as that. But the feeling was incredible, and suddenly she was aflame with passion, and her cunt felt like every nerve ending was standing up and vibrating. Her reaction to being rimmed made her fall forward and take more of Tyrell’s cock down her throat than she intended, and she started to gag.

 They carried her to the bed after working her up to a frenzy with their attention. Chima pulled her dress up and began to go down on her again, wrapping his thick lips around her clit. Tyrell was on his knees next to her head; she did not need to be told what he wanted and took his cock back into her mouth again.

She was approaching her first orgasm when she felt them swap positions, and Tyrell began to poke his cock at her pussy, rubbing it up and down her slit before inserting it into her wet, slippery cavern. She took Chima’s limp cock in her mouth, knowing she needed to get it hard again. She had seen this happening in one of the videos she and Brett had watched and smiled to herself, knowing she was being spit roasted. She had never in a million years expected to experience it herself.

Gerrie was in a fog of desire. Her mind split, concentrated on the cock fucking her from behind and the other one that was beginning to swell in her mouth. She explored every vein and ridge of the cock with her tongue; she licked it from end to end and played with his balls with her fingers while she rotated her hips around, attempting to get as much of Tyrell’s cock as possible.

Through that misty haze of desire, she heard Chima say, “You ready for me, baby? Are you ready for my cum? You going to swallow it all, like the good little slut?”

Gerrie was surprised. She hadn’t thought he would cum so soon. But was ready, her heart thudding with anticipation. As Tyrell’s cock in her cunt became more insistent, she felt Chima up his anti, pounding her face, obviously about to explode again.

Frantic and excited, Gerrie’s orgasm struck without warning, triggered by Tyrell yelling he was coming and the throbbing spurts of cum she felt him ejaculating into her.

They all collapsed on the bed and lay there, catching their breath. Then Chima got up, walked over to the fridge and got a couple of beers. He sat on the couch and beckoned Tyrell over to share the beer.

Gerrie lay on the bed, her wedding dress still bunched around her waist, her legs wide apart.

Chima spoke up, “Hey, Baby, why don’t you take care of your white boy there while we finish our beers? We need time to recover, and he looks like he’s gonna mess his pants.”

Gerrie looked over at Brett, pulled herself together and found enough energy to cross the room to Brett. Unzipping him, she saw his cock was rock hard; she got a shock, though, that she barely had it in her mouth before he groaned and jerked, pumping more cum into her mouth.

She could have sworn that he came harder and with more volume than ever before, and he seemed much larger than usual. When he had finished ejaculating, she opened her mouth and showed him the goopy mess before swallowing it, then standing and kissing him.

She was aware that Chima’s cum was still on her chin and her cheeks. She was relieved that Brett seemed just as turned on as she was by her filthy actions.

She staggered back to stand by the bed and saw that her two black lovers, having just watched her and Brett’s antics, were already showing signs of being ready to play some more. They only let her stand there for a minute before standing, coming to her and manhandling her onto the bed.

Placing her on her hands and knees, Chima pulled her dress up around her waist again, exposing her ass. After kneeling behind her, she felt him trying to feed his half-erect schlong in again.

As she knew he would, Tyrell got on the bed in front of her and offered his semi-hard cock to her lips. Gerrie was exhausted and unused to all this sex; she had had more this week than in the last month or two. But she was still turned on, enjoying all the attention, and wasn’t about to complain. So she opened her mouth wide and worked at getting Tyrell hard again.

They pulled back simultaneously when they were almost hard; she felt disappointed at her loss. But not for more than a second, as Chima jerked her wedding dress over her head. She heard the small cracks as some stitches gave way and wondered if they would be charged extra when they returned it. Her bra followed and was thrown onto the floor.

Now naked, she felt herself pulled down to lie on Chima. He had slumped onto his back and held her close with one hand, the other hand snaked down between her legs, and it worked at easing his fattening cock back into the folds of her cunt.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Tyrell reach over to the bedside table and grab the KY Jelly. Gerrie shivered in anticipation but tempered with a large amount of fear as she felt him applying the jelly to her puckered brown bud. She looked to Brett for some encouragement, concern written all over her face as she panicked about being able to accommodate them both. But he had his eye glued to the video camera and did not acknowledge her.

When Tyrell got on top of her and pushed against her tight little rose, she involuntarily tensed up. Tyrell growled, “Try and relax. It will be much easier. I’ll try to take it slowly at first.”

Gerrie tried to force herself to relax. Thankfully, the lubricant did its job, and the pain was nothing like what she had expected. It certainly helped that Tyrell was smaller than Chima. If their positions had been reversed, she had no doubt that she would have struggled to accommodate him.

But, whatever, the excitement of what she was experiencing took over, and she pushed herself back against them both. She couldn’t stop a long moan from escaping as she felt both black cocks slowly ease fully into her very being.

Soon Chima was shafting her slowly and steadily while Tyrell, very gently at first, slowly worked himself in and out of her rear passage, trying to synchronise his thrusts with Chima’s. As the initial sharp pain subsided, Gerrie managed to relax, and as both men sped up their alternate thrusting rhythms, she moved her hips firmly back against their efforts.

She had never felt anything remotely like it. And again, way too soon, she felt their strokes turn urgent. Tyrell came first, and within seconds, Gerrie felt the rush of a second orgasm run through her. She was twitching and moaning, and her response tipped Chima over the edge. Both men pressed hard into her, and she felt them emptying their seed deep inside. Gerrie giggled in amusement; they sounded like a couple of wounded animals, grunting euphoric endearments in her ears.

Gerrie was exhausted, but the disappointment that it was over tinged her thoughts. She lay on her back and watched them gather their clothes. Then spreading her legs wide apart, she moved her hand down and ran her fingers around her sloppy cunt, feeling the tenderness and the delicious remnants of her receding orgasm. Again, she had the urge to ask them to stay the night but kept her mouth closed tight, not wanting to say anything that might upset her and Brett’s relationship.

She heard them hint to Brett as they dressed that they could be available again on Saturday night. But she heard Brett reply that they were leaving in the morning.

Once they had left, Gerrie asked Brett if he still loved her, as she had overstepped everything they had discussed. He assured her he was fine and that he had loved watching her lose control. He came over, lay beside her, and whispered, “I love watching you play with yourself.”

Gerrie jerked her hand from between her legs. She had not realised her fingers were still searching for all the sensitive spots. Brett grabbed her hand and returned it between her legs, saying, “Don’t stop. I want to fuck you. But you’ll need to get me hard again, and your masturbating is helping.”

Gerrie closed her eyes and thought about what she had just experienced in the last couple of hours. She fully understood now how women talked of becoming captivated by black cock.


Gerrie and Brett were in their darkened living room a few weeks later. The video on their TV was coming to an end. It was the last tape they had made in New Orleans. They had watched the four almost commercial-quality tapes nearly every night since coming home. 

She had told Brett he had missed his calling. They both agreed that the last tape was their favourite; they had watched it more than the others.

Gerrie was kneeling on the couch, her elbows on top of the seat back, with Brett embedded deep in her arse. They were both trying to make the sex last, gritting their teeth to hold off their impending climaxes. 

But they came, almost together, both collapsed in a post-orgasmic torpor, and Gerrie asked Brett if he had thought about another trip to New Orleans anytime soon.

Brett held back from answering and watched in amusement as a worried look appeared on her face. He knew she was concerned that she had overstepped the mark. But he laughed and put her mind to rest, replying, ”I’ve been waiting for weeks for you to ask me that.”

Written by mingemuncher
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