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Employee of the Year - Part 3

"Things are not always how they seem. Twists and Turns can change things."

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Author's Notes

"We are happy to give you part 3. We hope it was worth the wait. Part 4 is on the horizon, but we owe you a few other parts of other stories and a few short ones coming very soon. We are on track to complete four stories in the next week so stay tuned. Like always please vote and give us your comments and feedback. We love it. Enjoy"

I walked around a bit, went out on the deck, and ended up in the bathroom. I peed, washed my face, and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Was I ready to hear the rest of Molly's weekend?' 

I shook my head but knew I had no choice and had to know everything. I splashed more water on my face, took a deep breath, and walked out. It all had to come out whatever it was.' 

I walked to the kitchen and filled my glass with Jack Black. I knew I was going to need it, so I walked back into the room prepared for the worst. I had no idea how I would handle it. With fortitude, I hoped. 

I looked at the clock, and it was 5:15 am. I knew we had a lot longer to go. I was tired, but we needed to finish. My curiosity was high, and my excitement kept me going. It was like Molly was reading me a porn movie script. I must admit, mixed in with my anger, concern, and jealousy, I am a little turned on. How could I not be? As I layered my imagination, I painted a porn movie in my head with her words. 

Not once since I met Molly had I ever imagined seeing her in bed with anyone, and that will never change. I am a possessive male, so I could never freely share my wife. That is the difficulty with this whole mess. I had no choice in what had happened, so I couldn't stop something I knew nothing about. My anger was directed at those people that manipulated Molly. She was the one being taken advantage of by these assholes.

I promise that those responsible will pay dearly, including Molly. She did not tell me about Harrison and his declared feelings, and then she did not call me to discuss the trip, and she went anyway. She will be punished, too.

Molly doesn't realize it and would never admit it if she did, but I feel sure Molly had been awarded the Employee of the Year Award because Harrison was infatuated with her. No doubt the trip had been planned so Harrison could seduce Molly. Maybe not all the men were in on it, but it certainly had been plotted by Harrison. The others, I don't know about, but I am hopeful Molly will tell me. 

I love my wife, but at this moment, I hate her as well. But I hate the men more, and they will soon feel my pain. 

As for Harrison, my anger level for him is at maximum, but my anger will blow off the chart once I hear the rest of the story. Harrison manipulated Molly to get what he wanted, overstepping his bounds as CEO of her company. My retribution to Harrison will be swift and painful, and he will understand the meaning of 'payback is hell' and 'revenge is sweet.' 


 Now I was ready to hear the rest of Molly's story. As I walked into the room, Molly was waiting with her notepad beside her. There was also a bottle of wine and a half-full glass on the coffee table.

I sat down and looked at her. "Ok, baby, are you ready to finish telling me the rest?" Molly looked at me. I think she was unsure what to say, and I had not given her any emotional signals since I picked her up. It was clear to Molly I was angry and disappointed in her, but other than that, she knew nothing of my feelings toward her or what would happen after today.

I guess so, Brandon. I'm not sure. But you do need to hear it all. Only then will I know what you will do and if we are still together. Brandon, you need to know that I love you with all my heart and will to my dying day. Please keep that in your mind as I tell you the rest of what happened.

"As you remember, I was going out to the beach. So, Alai dressed me in the tiny black G-string thong and matching top they gave me to wear. It was thin and unlined, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. My nipples were hard, poking out like small bullets. My tiny bottoms were so tight my camel toe showed clearly. I had a wrap on, so at least I was not parading around almost naked.  

I went out to the beach cabana. The weather was spectacular. The sand was crystal white, and the ocean was that tropical blue, so clear, you could see to the bottom. It was breathtaking.

When I got to the cabana, two board members were there as well as Harrison. The two were in boardshorts, but Harrison wore a black Speedo matching my bikini. I thought that was odd, but I never expected to be wearing what I was wearing either. They welcomed me in.

The cabana was large, more like a big tent on the beach. It was open on all sides with drop-down curtains that could be closed for privacy. There were several woven chairs, four large double loungers, and two large platform beds with privacy curtains. The loungers were set up two in the sun and two in the shade and were easily moved by the cabana boys.

There was a full bar and food. It was very luxurious and made me feel more comfortable since it was open. None of that mattered since the only people besides us were servers and security people. 

Harrison suggested a lounger for me, so I lay on one in the shade. I was given a pretty fruit drink with an umbrella. The others were drinking Red Stripe beer or native rum. On the table in the middle of the cabana was a big bong and all the marijuana you could want. It was rolled in small joints, big blunts, or loose for the bong. I saw no other drugs, but I am sure they were all available if someone wanted them.

The two board members fired up the bong, toking on it, passing it back and forth, and offering it to me, but I declined. They were really into it and were quickly extremely high. Harrison lit up a blunt taking a big hit off it, holding the smoke inside slowly, letting it out. He moved to my lounger and offered it to me. He was insistent, so I took a good hit. That shit was incredibly good. I got buzzed instantly. I guess the drink I had helped too.

Harrison tried to kiss me, but I fended him off at first. I was afraid of him and what he had planned. I drank my drink, then closed my eyes, waiting for what was next. Harrison moves off the lounger. 

Then Mr. Ellison mumbled something. I looked at him as he took a big hit on the bong, holding it in. Then he leaned over and blew the smoke into Mr. Robbin's gaping mouth. They didn't kiss, but God, it was all so fucking weird. They both looked at me, their eyes scanning my naked body, then Mr. Ellison spoke in slightly slurred words.

"Molly, we are proud of you. We think you have a great future with the company. We are glad you chose to come on the trip so we can get to know you better. We want to understand your management style and willingness to be a team player and learn your thoughts and ideas for your future with the company. Tomorrow will be a full day of team-building exercises requiring you to team up with other employees and board members. There will be two, three, and four-person teams working to solve a variety of challenges. These exercises will give the team members feedback on their performance, attitude, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities.  

I finished my drink and was quickly given another. 

Mr. Ellison continued… 

"For today and tonight, we want you to enjoy yourself. Get some sun, swim, or do about any water sport you might desire. I will do some paddle boarding later if you want to join me. We have a spectacular Bahamian banquet with local entertainment, then dancing. With you being the only woman, we have invited other local women and attendants so you will not have to dance with us all night. It's a long night, so we don't want you to get worn out too early."

He laughed. I thought that was a strange comment. I acknowledged what Mr. Ellison had said, making it clear I looked forward to the exercises tomorrow and the dinner and entertainment tonight.   

Harrison had not taken his eyes off me, and neither had the other men. I decided I wanted some sun, so I moved to a lounger outside. There was a beautiful native woman attendant, Lili, and I asked her to assist me and put sunscreen on me. Harrison quickly volunteered, but I told him, "NO, the woman will do it." I could tell he wasn't happy. 

I took off my wrap. For the first time, the men saw me almost naked. I heard them gasp as I turned my back to them, and the only thing covering my skin was three pieces of thin black string. 

Brandon, to be honest, I felt so sexy and empowered. I look fucking hot. The men all moved to get a better look at me, and I thought I could use that to my advantage later if necessary.

Lili put sunscreen on my barely covered body, making sure she covered me everywhere. The men were all getting a clear view of the sensual massage I was getting as she put the cream on my feet, legs, and back, dipping between my cheeks and legs, making sure I didn't get burned in those special places. Then she asked me to turn over, and there were audible sighs as my sexy front came into view.  

I was sure all those dirty bastards had a hard-on by then. Lili began putting cream on my front. Her soft hands rubbing my skin and the tropical air and all that had gone on in my room with Alia made me horny. Then add booze, smoke, and three horny men staring at my sexy body, and my pussy started leaking cream, wetting my bottoms. Suddenly I had a strange feeling running through me, and I began to tingle. I knew I needed to cum. I knew Lili could smell my scent rising because I was putting out the pheromones, so I wondered if the men and Harrison smelled me too. 

Lili finished, and I lay back, giving myself to the sun. I forgot about the men, the team building, and about everything. All I thought about was you, Brandon. I was worried about you. I knew you were furious with me, and that concerned me. We had never been at odds on anything of this magnitude, and I was really worried about what I had done. I knew I was wrong for not talking to you before we left. I was also concerned about how I would tell you about making love with Alai. Not knowing what you would think of me cheating on you with a woman. 

I knew I could not do anything about that now, so I decided I would enjoy this trip, and we would work things out when I got back like we are doing now. 


I listened to what Molly told me and understood most of her words. I was not upset at anything that had happened so far, though I was surprised about her making love with Alai, and I was more jealous than mad that I had not been there to see it.

Molly was starting to crash, and I knew we needed to sleep before she finished. I wanted her to be keen when she told me the rest, which I felt was going to be interesting. 

"Molly, let's stop now and sleep. We can finish this when we wake up in a few hours. I will not be sleeping with you tonight. You will be in the guest suite, so I have moved all your clothes until we sort this outIf we stay together, we will move you back into our room. I hope you understand. I will feel more comfortable this way. Sorry for the surprise, but there have been so many in the last few days; what is one more? I am sure there will be several more tomorrow before your story is over."

"No, Brandon, I need to sleep with you. I love you and need you to hold me. Please don't do this?"

I stood, walked to the kitchen, emptied my glass in the sink, and had a glass of water. I walked past Molly, and I did not stop or touch her. 

"Good night or morning," not looking back as I went to my room and locked the door. I heard soft sobbing as Molly walked down the hall to the guest suite. It was a twin room just like ours, and the only difference was that I was not in it. 

Sleep came for me because of two things. One… Molly was here safe unhurt physically. Emotionally I am not sure about that yet. Two… I was exhausted. 

Hours went by… 

I smelled coffee as I slowly opened my eyes. The clock read 1:43 pm, and I had slept over six hours straight through. I stretched and rolled out of bed to the bathroom. I showered and dressed in shorts and a T. As I opened the door, I saw an envelope on the floor.

I picked up the thick envelope and took it with me. I saw that the guest suite door was open, so I thought I would find Molly in the kitchen. I walked down the stairs but heard no noise, total silence. 

No Molly. I went to the garage door, and I saw Molly's keys were gone, as was her car. I walked back to the kitchen. There were three large shipping boxes in a pile with a note. 


These are the boxes of my things from the trip. Please feel free to look through them to see what you may learn. These things are as they were the minute we left when Alia and I packed them. None of the clothes have been washed, and the gifts are all in there as well.   

The envelope you are probably holding will go a long way to telling you the rest of the story. There are two thumb drives in an envelope on the top of the boxes. One is my video to you, which I made while you were sleeping. The second video will let you see the whole weekend. It is all the raw security video with no cuts or edits. I think you need to read the documents and then watch the video. Once you have done those two things, you will want to look in the boxes. I will warn you that parts of the video you may find difficult to watch.  

I will be at my mom's for the next two days until you have had time to go over everything in detail. You can then decide on what direction you want us to go. If we are still a couple, come to my mom's on Thursday at 6:00 pm for dinner. If we are no longer a couple, then do what you must do. 

I have told you and will tell you again that I love you with all my heart. Anything that has happened will never change that. I want to be your wife forever and have your babies if you want me to. But, if you take me back, we shall NEVER discuss any of what happened again or any of the ramifications from that day forward. You must agree that this will all be put behind us FOREVER!

I love you, come back to me. PLEASE!


I was shocked Molly wasn't here. She left her explanation for me in an envelope with some videos. What the fuck was she thinking?


I was starving. I made eggs, bacon, an English Muffin, and a fruit bowl of strawberries, blueberries, and melon. I ate, washing it all down with a glass of milk. 

I felt better now that I was rested and full. I was hoping to get this mess out of the way, so my life could move in one direction or the other, but without Molly here, I don't think that can happen.

I decided I needed to go out and do something to clear my mind. I put on my gear and headed to the Gym, a place I hadn't been in a long time but needed to start to go again. 


After Brandon went into our bedroom, banishing me to the guest suite, I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. With Brandon in the other room, I lay there for almost two hours thinking of him. Then I started to replay the whole weekend over and over in my head. It was all so strange from the night I had dinner with Harrison. 

I don't know how I allowed things to happen as they did. Why wasn't I straight with Brandon and telling him about Harrison, about the Employee of the Year award? Why didn't I invite him to the award dinner? Why didn't I call him and talk to him about the trip? Why, Why, Why, I kept asking myself. 

We love each other and have always been open and honest regardless of the subject. We have shared our sexual attractions for others and talked them through, never acting on them. We never had secrets, and that is how we have grown so strong.

So WHY NOW did I choose to break that trust?

I had no answer, and I hated myself for what I had done. I was not sure we could ever recover from this. I think that if it were just my mistake, not telling Brandon about Harrison and knowing beforehand, I would have won the award. We might have been Ok. 

But then my not invite him to share in my big moment. Not calling him about the trip, then with what happened on the trip, and destroying our loving weekend. I doomed us as a couple. I am hoping we still may have been able to work through those things over time. But with the things that happened, I just don't know. 

I knew there was no way I could sit in front of Brandon and replay the whole weekend watching his reactions to my descriptions of the events. My shame would never allow me to speak the words. I sobbed for a long time, realizing I had destroyed the love of my life, and I may never feel that love again. 

I decided to video my whole weekend story so Brandon could see it and hear it over and over if he wanted to. I would be able to talk to the camera with minimal emotion and tell him things I would never be able to say face to face with him.

I set up my phone and was ready to record. I went to the kitchen for some water. I heard a light knock on the door. It was 7:04 am. Who would be at our door at this hour?

I looked out; the DHL courier truck drove off. I opened the door. There were three boxes. The two Alia and I had packed before I left the island and a third, I had never seen before, along with an overnight envelope.

I carried them all into the kitchen, stacking them by the island. I opened the overnight envelope, and I saw a handwritten just inside.


 What you will find inside this envelope may help you explain the trip to Brandon. I am so sorry if what happened has damaged your marriage. I never wanted that to happen. Look through all the papers and watch the video. Things will be clearer in your memory. Then talk to Brandon. The last item is a SILVER envelope. Do not open the envelope until you are with Brandon, and he has listened to your story. It is an extremely important envelope, so please do not open it until then.

P.S. The third box is the last thing you open after the SILVER envelope.


What was this? If things aren't bad enough. Is Harrison now heaping more shit on the pile? I ripped open the yellow envelope. The thumb drive slipped out on the counter. I pulled out a pack of papers and two envelopes, one brown and one yellow. Then there was the thick silver envelope.

There was a cover page with a guide to the video. The envelopes were numbered one and two, then the silver envelope. Knowing that after what had happened on the trip, I had little or no chance of saving our marriage, I was tempted to rip them all open, but I resisted. I had to try to salvage my relationship with Brandon. God, I had to. I just couldn't lose him. 

I needed to watch the video, so I knew what Brandon would see. It was about everything that happened over the weekend, but I was unsure of the details. I was overly concerned. I knew there were parts where Brandon would be shocked at what he saw, and I knew there was no way for him not to see them. We both needed to see everything, so there were no secrets. There had to be no unanswered questions. There had to be no deception, only truth. 

I needed a shower to clear my head before I started. I stepped in and stood under the hot water as it rained on my head. Thoughts flooded my head. How did I allow things to get so out of hand? How could I have been so open to Harrison and the board members? How was I so easy, so selfish? How could I have been such an idiot? 

I started to sob and fell to the floor. I lay there for a long time until all the hot water was gone, and freezing water was raining on me. The freezing water chilled me, but I lay there, unable to move. I had fucked our lives up so badly. I just wanted to die. Maybe I would freeze to death, which would be far better than what was about to happen. 

My body was almost numb, and my fingers had shriveled like prunes. I finally stood up, shivering. I was not sure if it was from the cold or from knowing what I had done and not knowing what Brandon would do. 

I dried and put on a robe. I walked to the bedroom and looked at the king bed. It was just like the bed in our suite where we had made so much love. I sadly wondered if we would ever make love there again or if I would ever make love with Brandon at all. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I feared it would never happen again.

I fell on the bed, rolling to the middle, pulling a pillow over my face. My body shuttered as my memory of feeling Brandon lying on me, loving me, overtook me. I began sobbing again, losing control once more.


I felt so much better after working out for over an hour and walking the track for thirty laps. I was sweating and tired but refreshed. My head was clearer. I still didn't understand why Molly could not tell me the rest of her story in person. I was concerned about what I was going to read and see. 

I stopped at the liquor store, and I bought two bottles of Jack Black and two cases of beer. When I got home, I showered and lay on my bed, dreading what was next.  

I called Molly, but it went to voice mail. I texted her, with no response. I just didn't get it. Finally, I went to the kitchen. I got a bottle of Jack Black. and a tumbler of ice, along with the contents of the envelope, into my office. I put the Jack and papers on the table and plugged it in. Molly's thumb drive in the fifty-inch TV. I settled in my chair. I read the note.

Molly had written:



I stopped crying. That was not improving, so I needed to get on with it. I sat up, crawled off the bed, gathered myself, and moved back into Brandon's office. I took a yellow pad and pen from Brandon's desk and plugged in the thumb drive video of the weekend. I picked up the video guide and sat in Brandon's chair. 

I read the guide finding the spot I wanted to start watching. I fast-forwarded, speeding through the first night and most of the morning, stopping to watch Alai and me in bed. It was beautiful to see us making love passionately. I remembered how tender her passion was. Her mouth and fingers were so talented. She knew a woman's body and ate me so completely. I love it when Brandon eats my pussy, but it was no comparison to a woman loving another woman. I came so many times I collapsed. After I recovered, Alai taught me how to love a woman so I could teach Brandon how to love me better. I just needed the chance with him. God, I hoped I would get it. 

Once Alai had completely satisfied me, I made love to her, honing my skills in a brief time, making her cum, tasting her sweet cream as she filled my mouth. I was instantly in love with this amazing black creature. The entire day was incredible. 

As I watched the video of Alai and me making love, I was so horny my hand slipped between my legs, pushing my fingers in my hot hole, fucking my pussy to an incredible orgasm. It was like we were together again at that moment. 

I sobbed when I finished cumming, ashamed that I was once again cheating on Brandon. I was very afraid this scene would be too disturbing for him and doubted he could forgive me for my lesbian tryst.

I fast-forwarded the video again and stopped when I arrived at the beach cabana. Harrison and the other two board members welcomed me and watched every move I made, trying to see my near-naked body. It was disturbing that Harrison and the two men watched everything I was doing. 

As I watched the video, it was clear Harrison was extremely excited by me. He kept gripping his cock in his Speedo as I moved around, then lay in the sun. When Lili was putting sunscreen on me, Harrison was almost losing it, as were the others. I thought they might have jerked off if they could have done it without embarrassment. They were all grabbing their cocks. Seeing this now was very disturbing, and I realized just how vulnerable I was in the moment. It was clear they all wanted me.

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I knew none of this at the time, or I would have returned to my room safely. But I didn't. I started to drink my third drink. Harrison moved out beside me, sitting in the sand. He started talking shit to me as I sunned, lying on my front. My almost naked back was exposed, sweating, and feeling wonderful.

Harrison was smoking a big blunt and offered it to me. I raised, showing him my breasts as I took a couple of big hits on the blunt. His eyes were all over me. I lay back on the lounger, feeling the powerful ganja doing its thing, making me horny. I remember feeling the drinks and grass working on me, making my body tingle and my pussy wet. Harrison was working on me, too, wooing me. I loved his attention as the smoke lowered my inhibitions. Knowing how he felt about me made my body begin to crave him. 

"Molly, you are incredibly beautiful. I can't get you out of my mind. We are here together this weekend. Do you think we can get better acquainted, more personal, spending time together?"

As I watched Harrison and me on the video, I realized I was playing right into his hands. I had let the smoke and drinks mess with my inhibitions, and I wanted to tease him and then cut him off. So, I sat up and turned over, resting on my elbows. My breasts were sitting high on my chest right in front of him. My nipples were hard as diamonds, pointing right at him. Harrison's eyes were locked on my nipples as his breathing became rough.  

I relished the power I suddenly felt over Harrison, knowing he was so weak for me. I could make him do anything I wanted if I gave him what he wanted. That gave me power if I was willing to sacrifice myself and my relationship with Brandon.  

I gave Harrison a minute to ogle my beauties, then I stood up and walked into the cabana, shaking my bare ass at him as my naked breasts swayed in front of me. I picked up the bong, loaded it with grass, fired it up, and took a big hit, holding it in. I returned to my lounger and took another hit, holding it in as long as possible. I handed the bong to Harrison. I sat down and pulled him to me. I kissed him hard, opening my mouth, shotgunning the smoke deep in his lungs as my lips pressed against his, and my tongue teased his lips. 

My body shook as I sat watching us on the video, remembering that I realized at that exact moment that I had made a huge mistake. Harrison kissed me back, pushing his tongue in my mouth, holding me tight as his hands rubbed over my bare back and ass while my breasts pressed into his hard, sweaty chest. 

I remembered feeling a rush of pleasure through me. I kissed him back. Oh, fuck, this was all coming back clear to me now. I was in danger and didn't even see it. 

I did a third hard hit on the bong, holding it in, and lay back on a lounger. I held it in as long as possible and slowly let it slide out of me in a cloud of pungent smoke. Man, this was some good shit. The buzz was on me in seconds. I rolled to my side, looking at Harrison as he walked back into the cabana. 

God, I shivered as I remembered what happened next. 

As I looked at Harrison, seeing his hard cock trying to slip out the top of his Speedo. I could tell he was big. My eyes flipped up to his. He smiled as he saw me looking at his cock. He gripped it through his Speedo and stroked it. I moaned as I was suddenly past being horny.

In college, smoke always made me a raving nympho, and I knew I was like that now. My pussy was begging for cock. I was in real trouble and knew that could be a problem. I was wanton I needed to be fucked hard and have a strong cum.  

I remember I said, "Harrison, I came here as a loyal wife and a good employee. So far, I have failed badly in the loyal wife department, and I only have the good employee role to fill now. As my leader and mentor, what is it you suggest that I should do now?"

As I watched, I realized that my asking that question told me I had lost control. My body was talking now, not my head. I remembered his answer and watching this now made me want it again as badly as we both did then. I heard my words clearly in the video, and I knew they would crush Brandon.

Harrison walked back to me, standing over me, looking down at me, "Put on your top and come with me."

As I watched the video, I remember hearing those words, and my whole body leaped for joy. We were going to go fuck. The two of us took another big hit on the bong. Then, I watched as we walked off toward the resort. God, I didn't remember it, but I even let him take my hand in his as we crossed the sand.

On the video, as we walked off, I heard the two men say, "That lucky fucker, he is going to fuck the hell out of that young lady. She is in for a real treat. Have you seen his big cock? It's a foot long!" 

I shivered at the thought of how big his cock was. 

I remembered everything now, and I was about to see it happen. As I watched, my whole body was buzzing. My pussy was wet and tingling. I pushed my hand between my legs, squeezing my pussy. My shorts were soaked all the way through. I slipped my hand inside my panties and fingered myself, knowing what was coming soon. 

In the video, I saw both board members slip their hands into the shorts playing with their cocks, and it made me sick thinking about what happened later.   

I fast forward through the video to the scene when Harrison and I approached his room. 

I remember we didn't talk on the walk back to the resort. My head was spinning. I knew what I was about to do would destroy our marriage if Brandon ever found out. I also knew there was no way I could lie to him, so I would have to tell him everything. 

The video showed us at his door. Harrison looked at me, "Are you sure about this?" 

I looked down, shrugged my shoulders, then looked at him. "Fuck No, I am not sure about any of this shit. But I have already fucked up my marriage with your fucking help, so what the fuck. My husband will never fuck me again after this, so I might as well give you what you are begging for and see what happens later."

As I watched, I was shocked at my cavalier attitude and total disregard for my marriage and what this would do to Brandon. I knew it was the booze and pot talking to my horny pussy.

"As I watched the video, my heart raced. I watched Harrison lean down, kissing me. I could feel his lips on me, even now. I remember the kiss and his hands cupping my bare ass, pulling me against him. I remembered his cock was trapped between us and felt big and hard. The booze and pot combined lowered my resistance. I melted into Harrison's arms, giving myself to him to do with as he chose. 

As I watched the video, I felt every moment as if it were happening. I hoped against everything that it was all worth the destruction of my whole life.

Harrison opened the door, leading me into his suite. Everything was happening in living color. 

The security feed stopped and switched to another scene of the other board member, Mr. Olson fucking one of the island's girls on a cabana platform bed. These girls were made available for the men's sexual entertainment, and that disgusted me. 

The instructions said to fast forward to the end for the supplemental videos. They must have added Cameras in the suites to capture the sex action the men were having. These were the videos recorded. As I opened the video labeled 'Harrison's Suite.' 

The scene was earlier in the day. Harrison was talking on the phone, "Yes, I am going to have her while we are here. I am going to own her pussy and all of her after tonight. Her husband will divorce her after I am done with her, and Molly will be mine." 

I wasn't sure who Harrison was talking to, but it was someone that knew his plan all along. I needed to find that person; they could help me save Brandon and me. 

I fasted forward and stopped when I saw Harrison meeting with the other board members, talking on the phone many times, and walking around the suite nude, but I stopped when I saw him open the door and a young black Jamaican girl entered. 

As I watched, I saw Harrison pull her into the room. He started kissing her as he stripped her, then threw her on the bed and stripped quickly. He moved on the bed with his huge cock pointing at her. He was on her and began to ravage her, fucking her hard, making her scream. It showed just what an asshole animal Harrison is! I watched for a minute, then fasted forward until the video started when we entered his suite.  


I watched as we walked into Harrison's suite. He pulled me to him and kissed me hard while pulling the strings holding on to my thong. The pieces fell off me to the floor. He stepped back, peeling off his Speedo, letting it slide down to his feet. His cock sprang out. 

I stepped back. My hand went to my mouth as I gasped in shock. I couldn't speak as I looked at Harrison's huge cock hanging between his thick thighs. It was bigger than big. I had never seen anything like his big cock before, not even in the porn Brandon and I watch, none compared. Brandon had a beautiful long thick seven-and-a-half-inch cock that I love, but he didn't hold a candle to what was hanging between Harrison's legs. It was long, straight, with a large head, thick shaft with veins all along the sides. His big balls hung in a sack below. He had to be almost twelve inches long and thick as a coke can. 

As I watched the video, I remembered the feeling in my body as I saw it growing harder, rising, standing straight away from his body. It was both beautiful and terrifying. I couldn't believe Harrison's big cock could ever fit inside my pussy, but I was damn sure going to try. He might ruin my pussy forever, but that was not stopping me.

As I watched the video remembering it, my pussy started gushing cream just like that moment. I was suddenly horny as hell. God, I wanted to fuck right now! 'Brandon, please, please wake up and fuck me!'

I watched the video as I took Harrison's cock in my hand. I remember the heat it gave off like it was on fire. I slowly stroked it, dropped to my knees, kissed his big cockhead, licked his full length, then tried to slowly take his cockhead in my small mouth. For the next few minutes, I played with his cock. I could stretch my jaw wide enough to take a few inches in my mouth, so I mostly licked and stroked him. 

I heard Harrison moan as he put a hand on my head, running his fingers through my hair. I knew he was loving what I was doing fine when he let out a deep sigh and moaned loudly.

As I watched the video, I was so horny I had to slip my hand down in my panties, pushing fingers into my soaking wet pussy. God, I was horny from just watching me suck Harrison. But what I was feeling now was nothing compared to my feelings then. 

Having Harrison's cock in my mouth, I suddenly realized two things. One… I knew I was empowered, and if Harrison were to fuck me, he would pay for the privilege of having my pussy. Two… As much as my pussy was begging me to fuck him, and I was as horny as I had ever been if I let Harrison fuck me, I was lost completely, with no salvation. Brandon didn't deserve that, and Harrison had no privilege with me. 

I felt proud of myself as the video played on... 

That had been the defining moment. The moment when I suddenly came to realize the position of absolute power, I was in. My heart started to race then and now. 

That is when it happened. I came to my senses and took control. I looked up at Harrison, still holding his beautiful cock. Things changed in an instant. As horny as I was, if Harrison wanted to fuck me, he would have to earn it and pay dearly because if that happened, my life as I knew it was over, and that was worth way more than anything money could buy. 

As I watched on. I was still on my knees, looking up at Harrison, holding his cock in my hand, right behind the head, squeezing it hard. I saw him wince as he moved to grab me. In his moment of weakness, I kissed his cockhead for the last time, stood, and pulled back away from him. 

"So, Harrison, what is my pussy worth to you? You have already helped me destroy my marriage and the man I love. You have destroyed my successful career, and when I get home tomorrow night, I will have nothing left. No husband, No job, and No fucking dignity. So, Harrison, I ask again, what is my pussy worth to you and the board members?" 

Harrison was stunned. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He gripped his cock and stroked it. His male ego was shattered. I am sure no woman that had ever had his cock in her mouth had rejected him as I had. 

I watched the moment when I shook my head, took a deep breath, and smiled. "Quid Pro Quo Harrison, answer the question. What is my pussy worth to you and your board? What is in it for me now, I have lost everything, so I need something substantial to become the company whore. The simple award is not enough since it will mean nothing when I lose my job when we get back. I am sure that is your plan, isn't it? To get rid of me, defame me, make all that has happened my fault, and all of you go blameless."   

I watched as I backed away, picking up my tiny bikini pieces. I pulled on the bottoms tying the strings, then put on the top and walked to the closet, taking out one of the short beach robes, and I slipped it on to cover my body from Harrison's eyes. 

The look on Harrison's face was a Mastercard moment. He was shell-shocked! He just stood there as I was readying to leave his suite. 

I took ten steps to the door leaving Harrison with his big cock in his hand. I turned toward him and smiled. "Think about it. If you come up with an acceptable answer, then we may be able to play together. If not, I will wait for the flight home in my suite with Alai.

I will not participate in the activities that are business related since I know the team building was only a vehicle to set up an orgy with attendants and local whores, so you could fuck me while they all played. The board and you all planned to spend time with me as your whore. Well, that is not going to happen, and when HR hears about this little plan, your ass and all the board's asses will be grass, and I will mow you to the ground!"

I watched the video in shock at myself. How could I have snapped out of my high sexual state and be this strong, so quickly? The only answer was Brandon, my love for him and not ever wanting to lose him. I knew as I sat watching the video, I was done enough to destroy us anyway, but there is always hope. 

"So, think about it, Harrison, your little trip, planned so you could win me over and fuck me all weekend, has backfired… SIR." 

I opened the door and walked out, "I am leaving now. Come see me if you come up with the 'right' answer; otherwise, don't bother. I will see you in court after I sue you for everything you have." 

My heart was pounding wildly now, as it was back then. I remembered that moment of empowerment, domination, and control that I had over all the staff attending the trip. I had all the assholes by the balls and not in a fun way. No, I had them in a life-destroying way, and they would all pay. 

I stopped the video, knowing the rest of what happened that afternoon. 

My pussy was on fire now, so I stripped off my shorts. I fingered myself to a beautiful cum, inspired by my strength as a sexy, empowered woman. My mind was on Brandon now. As I imagined him fucking me hard. Yes, Brandon, my love, not Harrison. After I had cum hard twice, I went to my new room. I showered quickly and changed clothes, putting on new shorts and a polo pullover. 

As I showered, dressed, and packed a few things for the next two days, I remembered the first morning. Alai told me that her cousin, a bartender, had heard the board members and Harrison talking over drinks. How they were going to use a woman as their fuck toy all weekend, then fire her once they got back, using the sexual misconduct clause in the employee handbook as the reason.

After I visited Harrison's suite, I quickly retreated to my suite, locking the door. Alai was there waiting for me. She saw the look on my face and knew something had happened. I told her all about my morning, Harrison, and the board members. She held and kissed me, making me feel amazing and horny. We made love the whole afternoon and evening, only stopping to eat. It relieved all my sexual tension. It was wonderful. 

I remember thinking I had all the board members and Harrison by the balls. The board would be dissolved. All members would be replaced, losing the $250,000 annual compensation. Harrison would be fired, losing his $2,000,000 package. All of them will have ruined reputations, and their marriages will be in jeopardy. My position would be in jeopardy once I sued the company for sexual harassment and other charges depending on what happened next. 

After that afternoon, to stay safe, I only went to the public beach nude with Alai in tow. I had wanted no communications with the board members or the other winners. 

As for Harrison, he came to see me twice. Once the next morning, inviting me to attend the team-building events. I was polite, realizing the position he was in, and he needed me to be there. But I declined to participate and asked him to leave me alone. Alai had her two male cousins staying in the suite for security. So, he didn't try anything.

Later that day, Harrison found me on the nude beach with Alai. He was shocked when he saw me, and his eye roamed my body. I ignored him as he came to me. Harrison begged me to go to bed with him. "Molly, look at you. You are incredible. Your body is exquisite. I must have you, and I will give you anything you want a promotion, money, company stock, anything if you go to bed with me!" 

Looking back at it now, I know Harrison was horny for me, desperate to get me in bed. I was a conquest he had failed to conquer, and in his macho mind, which was unacceptable. I simply took Alai's hand, and we walked away. One of my security guards made sure Harrison did not follow. 

I left the beach immediately, going back to my suite. I had two more days to survive, and I would be home, back with Brandon. We could work this all out and stay together, I prayed.

For the next two days, I had almost nonstop sex with Alai. We ate, drank, and slept sex. We made every type of lesbian sex, used toys, lotions, everything. It was the most satisfying sex of my life. I said that many times, and I hope that Brandon can deal with that statement. It does not change my feeling for Brandon or how beautiful making love is with him. It was just so different and taboo that it added to the excitement. We never left my room suite again until I went to the plane. 

I fast-forwarded past all that part of the video, leaving it for Brandon to watch if he wanted to. Hopefully, we will be able to watch it together sometime, then make love after. 

Now that we were back and I had everything I needed, once Brandon and I had been through all of this, I was ready to move forward with Harrison and all the other board members. I was going to use all of this against him, and I was going to ruin him and get everything I wanted from him.


I started the video on the morning I was leaving.

Alai and I were making love. It was beautiful. After we had satisfied each other, we lay together, "Alai, the last two days and nights, you have given me the most incredible loving I have ever experienced. I want to thank you for that. You have made me feel loved, desired, and part of something special here. I will never forget you or the experiences we have shared. You have made this debacle all worth it, regardless of what happens with my husband, Brandon. Thank you so much." I saw a tear in her eyes as she kissed me, and I held her. 

Then I watched as Alai, and I packed up two boxes of clothes, gifts, and my other stuff. Then they were picked up to go to the jet. 

I also watched and happily remembered Alai bathing me, making slow love to me as she washed my body. Small caresses, fingers in the right places and lips, her soft lips all over me. It was spontaneous, and it just happened. How would I be able to live without her? 

I continued watching as I pushed her on the bed, returning the favor, making Alai cum as I loved her pussy and ass, as she had loved mine. Our touches and kisses were so soft and sweet as we were cumming. At one point, I wondered if I could stay with her, but I knew that was never going to happen. This experience was ending, and this was a beautiful final goodbye.

I dressed in the party clothes I had arrived in, ready to leave for the airport. I was prepared to face what was at home, unsure of what would happen. 

Then I watched the scariest part of the whole video, the part that will hang Harrison if the other parts don't. This one could send him to jail. 

Suddenly Harrison burst into the suite and dragged me into the bathroom. He was enraged and extremely high. Harrison attempted to strip me, tearing my dress. I thought he was trying to rape me. I kicked him in his big cock smashing his balls and escaped. Alai's cousins guarded me, finally letting Harrison out of the bathroom. He was incoherent, screaming, "You are DONE, FIRED!! Molly, I will ruin you. You will never work in this industry again!"

I was shaken by what he had done and said, but I knew I had him where I wanted him. He was going down. 

He stormed out of the room. A few minutes later, I looked out of my window and saw Harrison and the board members leaving for the airport. They were going early, trying to figure out damage control and how to keep me quiet. 

While waiting to leave, I realized my dress had been ruined. But I had to wear it home because all the other things were packed and already taken away. I wasn't sure if I would ever see any of those things again. I needed them to help prove what had happened, so I hoped they would arrive at home.   

Later that day, all the winners went to the airport. We all boarded the jet. The other winners told me how sorry they were, that I had food poisoning all weekend. They questioned what had happened to my dress. I made up a story they accepted and thanked them for their concern, smiled, and told them I was all better now.

I thought it was a clever story and eliminated any questions or suspicion.

The flight was quiet; no one talked. I slept feeling safe and eager to get home. I had great concerns about what would happen on many fronts. I thought about the whole mess I had created and Brandon. 

Can we survive this mess? God, I prayed we can? 

Part 4 Coming Soon

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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