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Dirty Little Secrets 10: Out in the Open

"Mark’s in for a couple of big surprises"

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I’m on tenterhooks all Sunday waiting for the call. When it does come it’s almost dark out. It’s been just over a week since I’ve seen Catherine, what with her husband being home, although I’ve had videos of her to me to keep me company. I don’t care where he is, all I care about is that Catherine has said she has plans for us, whatever that means. She tells me to meet her in the car park outside a boarded up pub. She could have told me to meet her down in the sewers and I’d have gone.

The blue Renault is already there when I arrive. I open the door on the passenger side, and to my surprise Catherine is seated there. She looks up and smiles at me. “I need you to drive,” she says.

I don’t pretend to understand why, but I know it’s going to be good. It always is. I get in the driver’s seat and slam the door shut. Catherine leans across and kisses me on the mouth. Just by sitting there next to her, I sense that something special is coming up. I know her well enough by now to read the signs instinctively.

“So what are these plans of yours, kinky lady?” I say.

Catherine smiles. This evening she’s wearing a dark blue dress which fits snugly enough to outline her shapely breasts to perfection. Her tongue teases her lips as she lifts the dress where it meets black nylon. She’s had two gadgets hidden under her dress. She hands them to me.

“What’s this?” I say.

“These are remote controls,” Catherine says. “That one goes to a clit vibrator I’m wearing. And that one activates a vibrating egg that’s inside me.” I just stare at her. Catherine giggles. “You can use them on me whenever you like. Do you like that?”

“Do I like it?” I say. “I’m always as hard as a rock for you, you know that. And now this! You’re fucking amazing, Catherine. Absolutely fucking amazing.”

Catherine looks amused. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk to me quite like that before, Mark.”

I’m not sure she’s right, but I’m not about to contradict her. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not. You can say anything you like.”

While I’m digesting this, I fiddle with the controls. Catherine is staring. I go for the egg, increasing the speed until I hear a low hum from beneath Catherine’s dress.

“Mmmmmm!” she exclaims. “That’s nice!”

“Good,” I say. “I want you hot and horny.”

Again, Catherine looks amused. “Oh I was hot and horny just sitting here waiting for you,” she says. “If you’re not careful with those things I might climax right here in the car, before you even touch me.”

“Well it wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” Maybe it would, I can’t remember, but it doesn’t matter.

I don’t know where all this boldness is coming from, but somehow Catherine seems different too. There’s some barely perceptible change in her, and therefore in me, that I can’t quite put my finger on. I leave the vibrator to hum inside her thinking that if she cums she cums. She’s not answering the question, but she is bringing out one more thing from beneath her dress.

It’s the black hood I’ve seen her in before, the one that covers her head except for eyes, nostrils and mouth. She pulls it over her head, and through the holes I can see her eyes and lips smiling. “I want you to drive us to the look-out,” she says. “I want to see if the rumours are true.”

Well, I can certainly understand why she’s using the hood. We’ve been to the look-out before, of course, but that was early evening when it was still light. Catherine sat on one of the benches that give you a nice view over the town and filmed herself with a rotating dildo inside her, though the thing was obscured by her dress. This though, this would be entirely different. Always assuming there’s something in the rumours. I just don’t know, and neither does Catherine.

So I drive, letting the vibrator vibrate inside Catherine. Engine noise and the sound of rubber on tarmac obscure the low hum, but I can hear Catherine breathing in that certain way and see her fidgeting next to me. When we get close to the turning to the look-out, she breathes, “Have you any idea how much I want you to fuck me?”

I switch the vibrator off.

“Why did you do that?” Catherine says.

“Because I’ve got you where I want you,” I tell her, still not knowing where this boldness is coming from.

“You’re a very wicked young man,” Catherine says.

I can sense nervous anticipation in her voice, which mirrors my own. Maybe the rumours aren’t true, but if they are…

The narrow road up to the look-out seems impossibly dark, even with headlamps on. When we reach the gravel-scattered area up top where the road ends, there’s light though. There’s a white van at the far end of the makeshift car park, with the rear doors facing us. There’s a car too, a few yards away from the van, with its lights trained on the van. I can make out three shadowy figures in the car, and a man lurking near the van, as if he’s waiting for something.

“If there’s a drug deal or something going down, we’ll be in big trouble,” I mutter.

I can tell by the look on Catherine’s face that this is something she hasn’t thought of. The man by the van looks over at us, but he doesn’t appear hostile, in fact he nods as if in greeting. Still, I leave the engine running, just in case, parked up on the far left of the dirt car park.

“What do you think is going to happen?” Catherine asks. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

She sounds tense, and in an effort to defuse her tension I activate the clit vibrator, making it hum. “Let’s give it a few minutes,” I say. “If they didn’t want us here, they’d have let us know by now.”

Catherine gives a nod, just as light sweeps over us from another car. It parks up a short distance away, facing the van, lights trained on those rear doors. “At a guess I’d say something’s about to happen,” I say.

More cars arrive in quick succession. Catherine just sits staring, her breathing both agitated from the vibrator and nervous from the tension. A second man appears by the side of the van, saying something to the first one, who nods and steps forward to open the van doors wide.

Inside there’s a third man. He’s holding a leash, a slim chain, and on the end of the leash is a woman, the chain fixed to a collar. The pair step down from the van. The woman is wearing a skimpy silvery top which glistens in the glare from the headlamps. She’s a little on the chubby side, but not by much.

“That can’t be very warm,” Catherine says. She’s right, the temperature can’t be much more than 10 degrees centigrade.

The young woman doesn’t seem to care. She’s smiling cheekily. There’s a skirt that’s even skimpier than the top, black stockings, high heels. Thick red hair looks like flames surrounding her head in the unnatural light. There are glasses too, oval-shaped with thin frames, reflecting the light of, at a rough guess, ten or so headlamps.

She drops to her haunches, the man who was with her in the van still holding the leash. The other two men are already unzipping. The young woman smiles at them both and holds out her hands. She has one man on either side of her, holding their stiff cocks in her hands, wanking them as she looks straight ahead at her carbound audience.

Strange as all this is, there’s one thing that’s even stranger. “Emily!” I exclaim.

“You know her?” Catherine says, sounding as surprised as I feel.

Well, there’s no harm in explaining. “Used to,” I say. “A few years back. I had a huge crush on her.”

Catherine nods, she looks as if she’s thinking. She fidgets slightly. Well, the vibrator is still humming. I switch it off. Save it for later.

Car doors are slamming. Onlookers are moving towards the little group. “Do you still want her?” Catherine asks. “Because if you do, it looks like now’s your chance.”

I just stare at Catherine, unable to believe she’s asked me that. But she’s right, of course. I fancied Emily like mad, but she made it painfully clear to me there was no way I was going to get near her. Not like that. Yet from the look of her now, it seems as if she’d let anyone but me get near her like that. Now is my chance, but it was a long time ago and my reply is as honest as it can be.

“Why would I want to shag her when I’ve got you?”

“Is that all I am to you, Mark? A good shag?”

Catherine’s questions shocks me. But I’m more shocked by what I’ve said. “No, no! Of course not! I didn’t mean…”

Then I see the way Catherine’s looking at me, just before she bursts out laughing. “I know you didn’t,” she says. Then she gets a twinkle in her eye before winking at me. “Perhaps that’s why I wouldn’t mind if you said things that were a little more… vulgar.”

“How do you mean?”

“Perhaps I like the idea of you being… What’s the expression people use…? My bit of rough.” The way she says it suggests it’s not a phrase that comes naturally to her, but I quite like it that it doesn’t, and that she says it anyway. “What would you say to me if you were… my bit of rough?”

I’m nobody’s idea of ‘a bit of rough’, but maybe it might be fun to act the Neanderthal for a bit. Catherine’s still smiling at me, and I try to think what a complete Neanderthal might say, voicing the first thing that comes into my head. “Why don’t you get yer tits out, doll?”

I can tell by the look on Catherine’s face that this amuses her. Without a word she slips the straps of the dress down over her shoulders. I can’t resist setting the vibrating egg in motion as she pulls the garment down under her delicious boobs, then leans forward to unhook her bra. Her voluptuous breasts spill out and I stop the vibrator, but reach out to squeeze her right boob, sliding my finger over a rapidly hardening nipple.

In front of us, Emily is on her haunches, with both hands and her mouth occupied. As men take turns it’s clear that she’s not too fussy about who she serves or how. All that time I fancied her, and yet now, now that she’s here and more available than anyone could ever have imagined, I don’t want her at all.

I’m about to lean across to suck on Catherine’s nipple when there’s a sharp rap on the side window. Both Catherine and I jump. I turn to see a man outside, dressed casually in t-shirt and jeans motioning to me. I push the button for the window to slide halfway down, noticing that Catherine is staring dead ahead, as if scared stiff. Wickedly I start the clit vibrator up.

The man’s face comes up close to the window and he peers in, staring straight at Catherine. “Your bird’s got fucking awesome tits,” he says. “Mind if I cop a feel?”

“Sorry, mate,” I say, as casually as I know how to. “We’re just here to watch.”

The man nods. “No worries,” he says. “Have fun.”

As he disappears, I turn to Catherine, feeling sure she’s a shade of scarlet under the hood. “Did I say the right thing?” I ask.

“Yes,” Catherine breathes. “Of course. I’ll be your bit of rough, Mark, but I won’t be just anybody’s.”

I nod, even though there’s something in her voice that I just can’t decipher. But I feel obscurely proud too. “Your bird’s got fucking awesome tits.” I’m out in public – well, semi-public at least – with an incredibly gorgeous and sexy woman. That’s never happened to me before. I’ve also got a part to play.

“He was right, though,” I say. “You have got fucking awesome tits.” I pause, not quite sure I dare to say it, but didn’t Catherine say she might like it. “And you’re the best fucking shag I’ve ever had.” She’s actually the only woman I’ve ever been with, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“You certainly know how to sweet talk a woman,” Catherine says, but she’s smiling through her mask.

In front of us, Emily has risen to standing. There are two men on either side of her, wanking over a stocking top each, while a third man removes her top. Her breasts are smooth and white with perfectly round areolae, but her chest looks surprisingly flat. “What do you think?” Catherine asks.

“I think she’s got nothing on your fucking awesome tits,” I say, before leaning across. This time I do get to suck and squeeze properly, sliding my tongue across the protuberances as Catherine hums along with the vibrators, her arousal back up to speed.

“If you keep that those things on,” she gasps, “I might just cum. Are you sure you want me to?”

I break off the licking and sucking. “You can if you like. It’s never stopped you from enjoying a good shag afterwards in the past, has it?”

Catherine giggles. Curiously this ‘bit of rough’ thing seems to work for her. She says so. “You really are wicked, my bit of rough.” She sounds almost affectionate.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you, doll?” I say, playing up to the stereotype. After all, I’m so taken with this woman that I’ll do anything she wants; anything to keep her interested in me.

Catherine giggles, then lets out a short, sharp moan. “Are you sure you want me to cum?” she asks.

“Let’s have a look at that thing,” I say, grabbing her dress and pulling it up, lifting it so I can see the carefully shaped object that’s humming against her clit. There’s a thin loop of something emerging from her pussy too. “So that’s an egg you’ve got in there?” I say.

“Mmm-hmmmm,” Catherine responds, segueing into an exquisite purr. “I’m not joking,” she says. “I really will cum soon if you don’t switch the vibrators off.”

I touch her labia, just stroking, then fiddle a little with the loop, without really pulling. “Wouldn’t you rather have my big cock inside you?” I ask.

“In the back seat, you mean?” Catherine says. She’s breathing heavily.

I’m in two minds about what to do, and end up just leaving the vibrators to vibrate even as I can feel myself getting into a groove with my part. “Nah. We could get out and I could bend you over the car and shag you from behind. We’d probably attract a crowd; people watching you getting fucked by your bit of rough.”

Maybe Catherine was about to climax anyway, or maybe my words have tipped her over the edge. At any rate she’s gasping, “Wicked man! Wicked man!” Her nipples are like tiny knots, and I pinch one of them as her body shudders, hearing her give an extra little gasp. Only when I’m satisfied that she’s satisfied do I switch the vibrators off.

Through the eyeholes in the mask, Catherine is looking at me as if I’ve just done something terrible, and yet that she’s very pleased with me. “I’ll do anything for you,” she says. “But I’m not getting out of the car.”

It’s a contradiction in terms, but I’m not going to argue with her. I realise well enough how the thought of it has turned her on. I decide to stay in character. “Fair enough, lady,” I tell her. “You don’t have to get out of the car, but I think it’s about time you got my cock out.”

Once again I see through the eyeholes in the mask how being spoken to like this agrees with her. “It seems only fair,” she says.

“Too right,” I say. “Have you any idea how long I’ve had this fucking hard-on?”

Catherine giggles. She doesn’t reply, but she does pull my sweatpants down beneath my balls. I shift my body to make it easier for her. As her fingers close round my cock, I realise that I haven’t bothered about what Emily’s doing for an age. With Catherine stroking my cock, I focus on the action behind the white van.

It looks like I’ve missed out on quite a bit. In the light from all the vehicles, Emily’s body looks like a waterfall. Even as I sit there watching, with Catherine wanking my hard cock, Little Miss Butter Wouldn’t Melt In Her Mouth sits on her haunches as yet another load is sprayed over her tits. She’s got a cock in each hand and a ribald smile on her face. Then she leans across to suck on one of them. In a moment of weakness I imagine getting Catherine out of the car, marching across to Emily and having Catherine wank my cock all over her glasses. Then I think better of it. Whatever I’ve felt about Emily, it’s all in the past. Why would I bother about Emily when I have Catherine?

A car pulls up to the right of us as I watch the man with the leash say something to Emily. She stands, then she bends over. Her skimpy skirt is lifted. A hand reaches out to rub her pussy, then a cock pushes against her labia. In next to no time the cock disappears inside her. Then there’s someone in front of her too, someone whose cock disappears into her mouth. Is it just my imagination, or does Catherine grip my erection that little bit harder? Does the sight, the thought, of two cocks at once excite her?

I don’t want to ask. Instead I happen to glance to the right, which is a real shock. There, in the passenger seat, is Trish, one of my best friends, who I’ve coincidentally fancied for ages, but have nothing to show for it. Is everyone I’ve ever fancied up there tonight?

The guy in the driver’s seat is leaning across, kissing Trish’s neck while groping her tits. It doesn’t take much to imagine it’s that Evan bloke she never stops talking about. She looks a little embarrassed, but she’s not exactly protesting. I wait, watching, until Trish chances to look to the left. She spots me. How could she not. She looks surprised. Why the surprise? I want to ask. Didn’t you think I had it in me?

Trish is giving no sign of recognising me, for obvious reasons. It’s mutual. In fact I pretend not to be looking, while keeping an eye on her out of the corner of my eye, seeing that she does indeed give repeated glances.

An idea comes to me. I want to show her, Trish. I don’t know why, I just do. For some reason Trish being there brings something out in me. It’s not an act any longer when I say to Catherine, “I reckon you could use more than just your hand, doll.”

“Oh yes?” Catherine says, sounding amused. “What can you mean?”

“You know what I mean, doll. Get your lips wrapped round my cock.”

I sense that this roleplay is very much to Catherine’s liking. She leans across and in no time I feel her gorgeous lips close on my cock. I let her suck me while I watch the man fucking Emily pull out and spray his cum over her buttocks before another man shoves his cock into her pussy.

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Then I grab the remote control, setting the egg to vibrate inside Catherine.

She gives a great sigh and sucks a little faster. “It’s hot in here,” I announce. “I’m going to open the car door, let in some air.” This is nonsensical, since the window is still half down, and I sense tension in Catherine. “Don’t worry, first sign of trouble and we’re out of here.”

I don’t know if this necessarily calms Catherine. I do know that she doesn’t protest, and throw the car door open. I glance at Trish, making sure not to make it obvious that I’m looking. I can see that she’s glancing at me, or rather see that she’s glancing at where this masked woman is fellating me.

In front of me, Emily is still being fucked from both ends by allcomers, and at long last she’s given a faceload of spunk. I glance to one side. Yes, Trish is very definitely interested enough to keep glancing at me, even with that Evan bloke’s hands all over her. Two women who didn’t think I was good enough for them. It brings something out in me.

My hands are on Catherine’s head. “You’re one hell of a cocksucker,” I tell her. I’m pushing down. “Fuck that feels good! Suck it, doll. Suck it!”

Most of my cock is in Catherine’s mouth now. I have no idea how she can take so much of it, but she’s humming in tune with the vibrator, so it must be all right for her. I can’t help myself, I switch the clit vibrator back on too, hearing Catherine moan on my cock. “That’s right, doll,” I tell her. “Suck on it. Suck on my hard cock and swallow everything down, like you usually do.”

Now Trish really is looking, unable to conceal her interest. Evan’s head pops up behind her. He’s still groping her tits, but he’s staring at Catherine and I too. He says something to Trish. It looks like he wants what I’m having, but Trish replies without taking her eyes off us.

“We’ve got a bit of audience,” I tell Catherine. “You see that guy in the car next to us. He looks like he’d really like to stick his cock in your mouth too, except his girlfriend won’t let him.”

I glance down and see that Catherine is indeed glancing up at the car next to us. “Show him,” I breathe. “Show him what a kinky cocksucker you are. Make him nice and jealous!”

I release my grip on Catherine’s head, allowing her the freedom to do as she pleases. To my delight she does exactly as I hoped she would, really going to town on my cock. I increase the vibrations on both devices, hearing Catherine moan with pleasure. Trish and Evan are just staring at us. The window on Trish’s side slides down. They can’t fail to hear how loudly and greedily Catherine is slurping on my cock. Nor can they fail to hear her moan with increasing excitement at the back of her throat.

They certainly can’t fail to hear the high-pitched whine Catherine gives off when her body tenses. With her climaxing, I can’t stop myself either. “Oh yeah!” I gasp. “Oh yeah! Swallow it down like you love to do, kinky cocksucker!”

Catherine’s lips clamp themselves on my cock as she cums. I spill my seed deep in her mouth, and don’t turn the vibrations off until I’m done. I don’t need to look at Trish and Evan to imagine the looks on their faces. Catherine moves her lips from me, and there’s hardly a drop left to soil anything.

I pull my sweatpants back up, slam the door shut and slide the window up. Catherine leans across to kiss me, making sure to push her tongue deep in my mouth. I can taste myself on her, and that keeps my arousal levels up.

“I think it’s time you took me home,” Catherine says. “I have a video to make.”

“It looks like the entertainment’s over in any case,” I say. Indeed, Emily is doing a turn behind the van, making sure everybody gets a good look at her body, which looks as if she’s been out in a cum downpour.

“What I want to know,” Catherine says, with a smile forcing its way out from behind the mask, “is what my bit of rough wants to do once my performance is complete.”

“Your bit of rough wants to shag you rotten,” I tell her.

“That sounds wonderful!” Catherine says, amusement spilling out with her voice.

Back at her place, I do shag her rotten. I shag her rotten on the Monday too. As soon as she calls me her ‘bit of rough’, I know it’s my cue to say really vulgar things, even if there are some things I just won’t say.

Trish doesn’t call until the Tuesday. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she says. “I thought we told each other stuff. You should have told me you were seeing someone.”

“Sorry,” I say, thinking that ‘seeing someone’ doesn’t begin to cover things. “It’s a bit… delicate.”

“So who is she?” Trish demands.

“I’d like to be able to tell you,” I say. “But if I did I’d have to kill you.”

“Very fucking funny. Who is she, Mark?”

I don’t answer immediately, but I can feel something snap inside. I realise, without actually realising, that there’s still some vestige of hope in me that my feelings will be reciprocated, and that I’m being delusional. “All you need to know is she’s a kinky little cocksucker. As a matter of fact, she’s down on her knees sucking my cock right now.” This is, in fact, true.

“What?” Trish shrieks.

“She’s giving me a very sloppy blowjob,” I go on. “Do you want to hear?”

“Have you turned into some kind of fucking pervert or something?” Trish asks.

Pot, kettle, black, I think to myself. “You went up to the look-out yourself to see that dogging session. Thinking of joining in, were you?”

“That’s beneath you, Mark. What is it with you? Anyway, it was Evan’s idea.”

“You could have said no if you didn’t want to go.”

“What fucking business is it of yours where I go and who I go with?” This from someone who’s voluntarily gifted me torturous details about her ‘love life’.

“As little business as it of yours who I get to shag,” I say. Then, because Catherine has been working away for a while, and because her lips have dived so very deep on my shaft, and because every man has his limit, I cry out. “Oh yeah! That’s so fucking good! Do you want it in your mouth or on your face, you kinky cocksucker?”

“Mark, that’s so not funny!” Trish tells me.

I’m in no state to answer. I just gasp out orgasmically into the phone as Catherine keeps on sucking, milking me straight into her heavenly mouth.

“Well fucking be like that,” Trish screams. If people actually slammed receivers down these days, I’m sure that’s what she would be doing as the call is broken.

The strange thing is that I don’t even feel bad about the fact that Trish will now more or less completely disappear from my life, as I know she will. Since my affair with Catherine started, things have changed in weird and imperceptible ways. I can’t really explain how it’s happened, but I sense that I’ve somehow become more attractive to women, as if they can smell something on me they want, the way they used to seem to smell my virginity.

Tina in reception, a 23 year-old with a seemingly inexhaustible supply of different hair-dyes, now greets me with a sunny, “Good morning, Mark! How are you today?” She’s never done that before. Even weirder is that I find myself asking if she’d like to out for a drink some time and she says, “Why not? I’d like that.”

I don’t even have to pluck up any courage to ask. Maybe it’s because there’s nothing riding on it. I’m not even seriously interested in her, or anyone, not as long as I’ve got Catherine. And Catherine just keeps getting kinkier and kinkier.

On the Thursday, our last session of the week, she arranges something new. She gets me to stand outside the bedroom window when I arrive, just like in the old days. I watch while she makes the usual video for her husband, this time using all kinds of toys. But this time she’s left the hood outside, the black one she’s used herself. I pull it over my head and wait till she’s done. She rolls over on her stomach, and I climb in through the window like some ruddy burglar.

“What do you want?” she breathes, not really acting scared, but I don’t care.

“What you want,” I tell her. “’Cause from where I’m standing I reckon you want a real cock up you.” Well, I am supposed to be her bit of rough, after all.

She’s laid out a pair of handcuffs on the bed. There’s no fight as I put her arms on her back and fasten her wrists. “Come on, you,” I tell her.

I frog march her into the living room, where I get her to stand bent over the armchair. “Oh, Mark!” she breathes. “Do whatever you want to me!”

“Like you can do anything about it,” I say, and I can tell from the look in her eyes that she likes hearing that.

I get my kit off and wipe my dick over her buttocks. She’s in thigh high boots, navy blue stockings and that navy blue corset that lets her tits hang free. I can tell from the sounds she’s making how worked up she is, and being in character as her ‘bit of rough’ I say, “You really want it up you, don’t you?”

“How can I stop you?” Catherine asks.

I move round and climb up in the chair. Her lips part instantly as her hungry eyes feast on my cock. I wipe my cock over her cheeks, making her skin glisten with pre-cum while I grope her delicious tits. Then I wipe my cock over those boobs, teasing her taut nipples with the head of my cock. She’s not saying anything, but I can tell that she’s practically desperate for me to enter her, anywhere.

Instead I leave her standing there while I return to the bedroom to fetch the wand she’s recently acquired, and which I’ve seen her use on herself more than once this past week. Now I use it on her, pressing it against her clit while I dig two fingers into her. Catherine moans like a woman possessed. “Fuck, you’re wet for it,” I tell her. The moan she lets out is so salacious I almost cum just from the sound, which would be the first time there’s been an accident in a while.

I keep on until I can sense she’s building up to a climax. Then I pull the vibrator away and finally stick my dick in her. “Is this what you wanted, milady?” I ask, feeling her tight pussy stretch to accommodate me. Not that she can answer, because I already have my fingers up by her mouth, and she’s already sucking on them, sucking on those fingers that seconds ago were stuck inside her juice-pit; sucking her own cream from them.

I bang her hard from behind, hearing her moan and groan rhythmically with each thrust. Fuck, she seems to just grow tighter and tighter with each thrust too, until suddenly she’s gasping and breathing heavily, cumming on me, just like that. I don’t think she’s ever cum without her clit being stimulated before, at least not with me.

There doesn’t seem any point in holding back. I keep fucking her until sticky stuff shoots up my shaft and out into her deepest depths. Then I pull out to move round her and wipe my slimy cock over her face. When her lips part and move in my direction, I let her suck on it. She looks up at me as she does so, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so depraved. My cock hardly shrinks at all, and I fuck her face until she’s ready for another go with the wand.

I reckon we go on for about two hours like this, until we’re both all shagged out. When I’ve removed the hood from myself and the handcuffs from Catherine, she looks up at me and says, “What would I do without my bit of rough?”

We kiss, a mixture of sex juices on her tongue ploughing into mine.

Over the weekend I content myself with the videos I have of Catherine, both solo and with me, as I will have to do all week, with her husband at home. I don’t mind. This is the schedule I have to accept, that I’ve come to accept. But on the Monday, something happens which changes everything.

The call comes at lunchtime. I’m wanted upstairs. John Roberts requests my presence in his office. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I wonder.

Call me slow, but it’s not until I’m face to face with the man that I realise. The face is somewhat older than the one that’s stared down at me so often from the wedding photo on the shelf in the living room, but I recognize it easily enough. Why have I not connected the face in that photo with the face I’ve seen in company brochures? Probably because it looks so fucking ordinary. I’ve been in one of the company bigwigs’ house at every possible opportunity these past few months, fucking his wife while he’s away.

I go cold all over, but John Roberts is smiling at me as we shake hands. That could just be a front, though. He asks me to sit, and I sit down opposite him, his desk between us. “I expect you’re wondering why you’re here,” he says.

“Yes,” I say. “I do.” Though deep down I know it’s because I’m about to get the sack.

“I’ve heard great things about you,” John Roberts says.

“You have?” I say. From who? Not from his wife, surely. I hear Catherine’s voice in my head, “What you did to me was so amazing.” No, that can’t be what he means by having heard great things.

“Yes. I’m told you’re one to watch.”

There’s more than one way of reading that, but it’s slowly dawning on me that this might just be one huge coincidence. I let him talk.

“The thing is, Mark. My personal assistant has had to leave her position very suddenly, under something of a cloud. Assuming that you can satisfy me as to your ability to fill the position, and that we can agree terms, I’m prepared to offer you the job. It would be a step up for you; more money and a few other perks, and further chances for advancement.”

I’m silent for what feels like a very long time. This is ridiculous. Just a few days ago I said to this man’s wife, “You really want it up you, don’t you?” I’ve cum in this man’s wife’s pussy and mouth more times than I can count, even spraying her face with cum on a couple of occasions, not to mention her breasts. If I accept the job, I have to give up on Catherine, don’t I? I can’t screw the boss’s wife, can I? That would be too much of a risk. What should I do? I want the job, but I don’t want to have to give Catherine up, even if I do have a ‘date’ with Tina on Wednesday.

But since John gives no impression of knowing that I’ve been having it off with his wife, I’m determined not to give myself away. Once the conversation moves to work-related matters, I feel less nervous. I reel off the list of what I’ve done and what my responsibilities are now. John tells me what my new duties would be. I feel confident about carrying them out, but at the back of my mind I’m still reluctant to have to give Catherine up.

We talk about pay and conditions. John tells me that a number of people at the company envisage better things for me, that this would just be a stepping stone. The more he talks, the more I realise I’d be mental to pass up on the opportunity. I never imagined I’d get an opportunity like this. I just don’t know what to do.

Then suddenly he leans back with a curious smile playing on his lips. “There’s one extra duty that I haven’t mentioned yet,” he says.

“What’s that?” I say automatically, not quite registering the look on his face.

He pauses a moment, then he says, “I want you to keep my wife happy and satisfied when I’m abroad. But then I believe you’re doing that already, aren’t you?”

The shock of him knowing hits me like a thunderbolt. “I’m sorry!” I blurt out. “It was an accident… I didn’t know… I didn’t mean… It just happened…”

John Roberts lets me carry on like this until it dawns on me that he’s not actually angry, that he’s known for a while and wants me to have the job and wants me to keep… having my wicked way with his wife, as she herself once put it.

“I’ve seen videos of the two of you together,” he says. “I’m happy for it to continue, on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“That you video everything you and Catherine do together, so that I can watch when I’m away.”

My head’s spinning. I’m still not getting this at all. Those videos that Catherine was so nervous about anyone but her and me seeing. How has John gotten to see them?

“How do you know?” I ask.

John smiles. “Ah yes,” he says. “Well in a way that’s your good fortune. My previous personal assistant, Ms McLeod, has, shall we say, very strong moral convictions.”

“Charlotte,” I say, mainly to myself.

“Yes, Charlotte,” John says. “It appears she caught you receiving what she considered an indecent image on your phone one day.”

“Yes,” I say. “I remember.”

“I’m still not sure what her ultimate motive was, but she was so outraged that she followed you after work. She saw you meet up with Catherine, and after that she kept a close eye on the two of you, even videoing you in the woods somewhere.”

“Near the look-out,” I say, remembering how there was an empty car near where I pulled off the road for Catherine and I to… do stuff.

“Was it?” John says. “Well, it doesn’t matter. She sent the video to me anonymously. I wrote back saying the video wasn’t very distinct, and was there any better evidence.”

I’m calmer now. “I’m assuming there was,” I say.

John smiles. “Yes. Except to acquire it, the God Botherer resorted to very underhand methods. She cooked up an excuse to come over to the house one Sunday and took advantage of a window of opportunity to copy videos from Catherine’s computer to a flash drive, going on to send those videos to me.”

I want to ask which of the videos he’s talking about, but that still seems too delicate. Instead I ask. “Is that how you knew it was her?”

“Not in and of itself,” John says, “but it was obvious they weren’t filmed by a third party. I always thought it was curious that the original e-mail had somehow escaped the normally so reliable Ms McLeod. In the end, though, what clinched it was when I worked out that the unlikely pseudonym she used, Chase I. Tyturp, was actually an anagram.”

When John falls silent I realise it’s a challenge. “Pure Chastity,” I say after a bit of thought.

“Very sharp,” says John. “It took me a lot longer than that to work it out.”

I shrug. “Maybe it’s easier when you know who’s behind it,” I say.

“Maybe it is,” John says. He falls silent, then, when I too am silent, “Well, I’m convinced that you’re the man for the job. What do you say?”

There’s really only one thing to say. “Yes. I mean, I accept. Thank you.”

John looks as if he’s about to laugh. Instead he says, “Good, then I look forward to an excellent working relationship.”

We shake on it. John tells me to head up to Human Resources right away to get things sorted. Then, as I’m about to leave he says, “Oh, Mark. Not a word to Catherine about this arrangement. Not yet. I have something special in mind.”

“We don’t have any contact when you’re home,” I say. “It’s no trouble at all.”

John nods. “A man who understands how to keep things secret. I like that.”

Not so very secret, I think to myself, since that churchy bitch Charlotte caught Catherine and me at it, but, really, what were the odds on that happening?

Two days later, John lets me in on his plans. That evening I go out for a drink with Tina. We get on swimmingly, but whereas previously I would hardly have been able to believe my luck when Tina drops the hint that her flatmate’s away for the week, now I politely decline the offer. All I can think about is the fun I’m going to be having with the kinkiest lady I know, with her husband’s approval.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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