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Dirty Little Secrets 1: Performing For Two

"A wife shares her dirty little secret"

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I know heā€™s there, even if he isnā€™t.

What I mean is that I can never know if heā€™s there, but heā€™s so real in my mind that heā€™s always there when I perform.

Oh dear, Iā€™m not explaining this very well, am I?

Itā€™s like this. My husband, John, spends every other working week abroad. Iā€™ve never had any reason to imagine that heā€™s been anything other than completely faithful to me, but at the same time Iā€™m a realist. I know that things can happen, that temptation can ensnare. Where does that line come from, the one about the flesh being weak? Itā€™s perfectly true, of course. Iā€™m not naĆÆve enough to imagine that anyone is immune to temptation.

Thatā€™s why I began doing it. Thatā€™s why I began performing for my husband. Sometimes I can do it in real time, but mostly the time difference prevents that. This week, for example, John is in Singapore. When itā€™s evening here, itā€™s the middle of the night there; and when itā€™s evening there, itā€™s the middle of the working day here.

But I perform anyway. Every evening I set the laptop up, mostly in the bedroom, but sometimes in other places, and I perform for my husband. Sometimes itā€™s just ten minutes, sometimes half an hour, but I make sure that every day he receives a video of me performing. I see it like this; if John is busy wanking over me, heā€™s not likely to seek company elsewhere.

Oh dear, that does sound hard headed, doesnā€™t it? It sounds as if Iā€™m casting aspersions on Johnā€™s ability to withstand temptation. Thatā€™s not the case. I enjoy performing for him, and I love the e-mails I get back telling me how turned on my husband was by my performance. It keeps the spark alive. The nature of the exchange is such that I become less a wife to John and more aā€¦ a camgirl. Does that sound terrible? Itā€™s not; you should try it. Whenever John comes home itā€™s like weā€™ve only just met. He canā€™t wait to have me, and I canā€™t wait to have him.

Take this evening, for instance. Itā€™s Tuesday. I canā€™t tell you what I do for a living, but believe me, itā€™s been a day and a half. Thatā€™s another great thing about doing this; itā€™s a fantastic way to unwind.

Itā€™s nine oā€™clock when I place the laptop on the foot of the bed. This is by now a routine. Not the bed necessarily, but the time. Itā€™s always nine oā€™clock when I begin. Thereā€™s a reason for that, just as thereā€™s a reason why Iā€™ve cracked the window open, which Iā€™ll get to in a moment.

Tonight Iā€™m naked, save for a pair of silky black knickers. Normally I pay a lot of attention to what I wear, but this evening I just want to get down to business. I get on the bed and angle the screen. Iā€™ve done this so many times that I know exactly what the best camera angle is.

I hit record and lean back, legs spread. I slide a hand over my stomach and in under the hem of my panties. Well, I did say I wanted to get down to business.

I make sure my head is resting on a good height of pillow so that I can keep an eye on the recording. I watch as my hand moves underneath the silky fabric and let out a sigh. ā€œIā€™m so horny,ā€ I announce. ā€œBut of course you know that. You know how turned I get, thinking of you watching me.ā€

I also know that John has a serious underwear fetish. I know how turned on he gets when he canā€™t actually see my pussy, only the movement of my hand inside my knickers. Maybe I move my hand a little more than I need to, but why not? Iā€™ve let my fingers find my clit straight away. Yes, I really am horny and ready for business. I need this after the day Iā€™ve had.

Thereā€™s no need to tell John exactly what Iā€™m doing. I know heā€™ll be thrilled just by the look of my panties as the fabric shifts with every twist of my hand. ā€œOh!ā€ I moan. ā€œI really am so horny. Iā€™ve been thinking about you all day. Iā€™ve been imagining you holding your stiff cock, stroking it while you watch me.ā€

I watch myself, the outline of my hand beneath the black silk. I donā€™t have to do much, and all I want to do right now is concentrate on my clit. I can see that John will be able to see my nipples, which have hardened. My face too, right at the back of the image, but heā€™ll be focusing on my crotch.

My hand moves, and I watch intently. I look good, even if I do say so myself. I can see myself as I am seen, and it turns me on. I rub my clit a little harder and let out a new, elongated moan.

ā€œHave you got your cock out?ā€ I ask. ā€œAre you stroking it as you watch me?ā€

It doesnā€™t matter that thereā€™s no reply. Everything I want to be true is true, in my imagination. I move my hand faster, applying more pressure to my clit. I donā€™t really need to say anything, and I moan softly for a little while, but it doesnā€™t hurt to say things out loud, does it?

ā€œAre you wanking your hard cock? Iā€™ve been thinking of you all day, wanking your big hard cock. Iā€™ve been so excited thinking of what Iā€™d like to do with it, and what youā€™d like to do to me.ā€

Fuck, Iā€™m horny. Horny enough to be surprised at myself. I give my clit a brief rest, so that I can slide two fingers inside myself and feel the physical evidence of my arousal. It wonā€™t take much this evening, I can tell. The only thing I have to decide is if I want to really go for it, or draw things out a little.

I pull my hand out from under my knickers, then sit up, making sure my face is on screen, so that John can see me sticking my fingers into my mouth and sucking on them. ā€œWould you like a taste?ā€ I ask. ā€œSilly question. Of course you would. Youā€™d love to taste how turned on I am, wouldnā€™t you?ā€

I turn and crawl across the bed, pulling out the drawer in the nightstand and bringing out a dildo.

Did you know you can have a dildo made that is an exact replica of your partnerā€™s cock? I didnā€™t, at least not until quite recently. John found it a bit embarrassing, but he loves it that I can have that part of him with me when heā€™s not home.

I get on my stomach, facing the laptop and angling the screen a little. I want nothing but my face to be visible, even though I slide one hand underneath myself, in under the hem of my panties, so that I can continue rubbing myself. I rest on my other arm and look straight into the camera.

ā€œMmmmm, yeah!ā€ I hum. ā€œMmmmmā€¦ Mmmmmmmā€¦ Oooohā€¦ Mmmmmmā€¦ Oh yeah!ā€

Iā€™m seeing my face, but not really seeing it. I know more or less what I look like. I have watched these videos afterwards, after all. I know John loves watching my face as I pleasure myself. So I rub myself for him, knowing that I canā€™t help what I look like, but knowing that John will love watching what he calls my ā€œpleasure faceā€.

I give a great sigh, and another. I notice that Iā€™m biting my lip, then my mouth falls open. ā€œAaaah!ā€ I gasp. ā€œOhā€¦ Mmmā€¦ā€ Then another sigh and a little moan. ā€œAoh yeah! Ooooohā€¦ā€ Then a drawn out moan.

As I rub myself, my moans grow louder and more intense. If I wanted to I could bring myself to a climax in next to no time, but I donā€™t want that. John would like that, just seeing what he calls my ā€œorgasm faceā€ and nothing more, but it would make for a short video. Fuck, I am horny this evening.

I pull my hand out of my panties, adjusting my body so that I stroke just the outside of the silk, turning the heat down a little.

ā€œWank that big hard cock!ā€ I breathe. ā€œWank it!ā€

I bring the dildo up to my mouth and lick it, from the bottom to the tip. I drag my tongue around it, kiss the head, draw my soft, moist tongue round the whole thing. I stare into the camera and slide my lips over the head.

Doing this has the advantage that I donā€™t have to speak. I donā€™t mind doing the dirty talk, but as you might have noticed, Iā€™m not very sophisticated with it. John loves it when I use this dildo, because it is him, albeit at one remove. Me? If Iā€™m totally honest I like some of my other toys better. I donā€™t mean to suggest that my husband is lacking, but Iā€™m the kind of woman whoā€™s excited by size. Maybe that sounds bad, but I just am. I have toys that are bigger, that satisfy that side of me, and I like them better.

But I like this dildo plenty. John and I both do. He likes to see me perform with ā€œhisā€ cock when heā€™s not there, and for me itā€™s as if some part of him is here with me. I donā€™t need to say anything, itā€™s enough for him to see me play with ā€œhisā€ cock, to slide my lips down it, to suck on it as I stare into the camera.

As I do, I push my fingers back inside my panties. Humidity greets me. Itā€™s as if my pussy is asking why I stopped earlier. I tease my hole with a finger, which makes me sigh and moan and hum as I keep on sucking on the dildo. For good measure I slurp loudly. I donā€™t have to, but John loves it when I do.

I relent a little. I may not be good at dirty talk, but I canā€™t keep quiet all the time, can I? I slide my lips off the dildo, looking into the camera and seeing my own glazed eyes stare back at me from the screen. ā€œIt tastes so good!ā€ I breathe. ā€œI get so horny sucking on your big cock!ā€ My fingers move to my clit and I work my pelvis. John canā€™t see this, all he can see is my face. I giggle. ā€œIā€™m not going to ask if youā€™re turned on now. You love it when Iā€™m your little cocksucker, donā€™t you?ā€

My lips slide back down over the replica of Johnā€™s cock. My clit is swollen. Blood has rushed to my groin. I work my mouth briskly on the dildo, moaning on each downstroke. This will be a quick one. Just a quick one tonight.

I rub myself hard as I slide my lips off the dildo. I have just one more thing to say. I stare into the camera. ā€œI want you to come,ā€ I breathe. ā€œIā€™m gonna come hard, and when I do, I want you to come in my mouth!ā€

I stick the dildo back in my mouth. I can feel the climax building as my fingers continue their work. I look at the screen, but I donā€™t really see anything. All I know is that Iā€™m coming closer and closer. I try to work my lips on the dildo, but Iā€™m losing concentration fast.

I clench my lips round the replica of Johnā€™s cock as I come. Iā€™d be crying out otherwise. Instead Iā€™m moaning at the back of my throat. As I do, I could swear I hear a grunt through the window Iā€™ve left ajar.

I take a few seconds to get my breath back, then I look into the camera. ā€œYummy! I love it when you come in my mouth and give me so much to swallow.ā€ I pause. ā€œThatā€™s it for this evening, but tomorrow thereā€™ll be a special performance in the living room.ā€ I blow the camera a kiss and stop the recording.

I donā€™t always watch the recording before I send it, but tonight I do. I need to make sure that thereā€™s no other sound on there. Iā€™m sure I heard a grunt from outside when I came, but thereā€™s nothing on the recording. Relieved, I type an account of my day and tell my husband how much I miss him before attaching the video and pressing send.

This evening I have a small glass of wine before I go to bed. I sit in the living room in just my still wet panties and think about things. To be perfectly honest, I could go another round, but decide itā€™s better to save up for tomorrow, now that Iā€™ve promised a special performance. Yes, performing for my husband is exciting, but I have a dirty little secret too.

The thing is that Iā€™m not just performing for my husband. I have a secret admirer too, one who stands outside the window, a peeping tom, watching me. Heā€™s not always there, but most evenings he is, and even when he isnā€™t, heā€™s always there in my imagination. Tonight he must have been very turned on to grunt audibly like that. I mean I could be imagining things, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not.

This is going to sound very bad, but the truth is that Iā€™m actually more excited by the knowledge that my secret admirer came imagining me sucking on his cock than that my husband surely will.

Oh dear, this sounds very bad indeed, doesnā€™t it? But donā€™t worry, I donā€™t have any intention of actually cheating on John. Privately, I call my secret admirer Algernon, because I could never actually get physical with a man with such a name.

Does that sound shallow? It does, doesnā€™t it? Itā€™s like The Importance of Being Earnest or something. But thatā€™s how I know Iā€™ll never cheat on John, even if I enjoy performing for this man, who watches me almost every evening in secret.

Well, not really in secret. He leaves a ā€“ What should I call it? ā€“ a calling card of sorts. Itā€™s there the next morning. I check before I go to work. There, below the bedroom window is a used condom, containing male ejaculate, and tied with a nice, firm knot.

Does that sound disgusting? I was slightly disgusted the first time it happened. But I had asked. I already suspected there was someone outside, and I asked for a sign ā€“ once Iā€™d ended the recording. Now, every time Algernon has stood outside watching me, every time heā€™s come from watching me, he leaves this ā€“ What should I call it? ā€“ token of his affection.

No, that just sounds stupid, and Iā€™m not stupid. I may be Algernonā€™s little wank fantasy, but Iā€™m not stupid. He just takes me literally. ā€œI want your cum!ā€ I breathe, or something like that. Iā€™m Algernonā€™s little wank fantasy, I tell him I want his cum, and he leaves it for me to find in the morning, like some misguided teenager.

But that way I know heā€™s been there, and it gets me worked up for the evening. Since Iā€™ve promised something special for this evening, Iā€™m certain heā€™ll be there again. He knows the time ā€“ Iā€™m always punctual ā€“ and Iā€™ve told him which room Iā€™ll be in.

So I take the evidence of Algernonā€™s presence and deposit it in the bin before driving to work. Today things run much more smoothly than yesterday. Besides, work is so much more bearable when I have something to look forward to. I remain professional, of course I do, but at the back of my mind Iā€™m constantly aware that in so many hours Iā€™ll be performing for Algernon again. And John of course. I checked over breakfast. My husband gave my performance a rapturous review and told me how much heā€™s looking forward to the next one. He told me that he came twice before breakfast watching me. That made me blush a little, though I donā€™t know why. He imagined cumming in my mouth both times. I e-mailed him back to tell him heā€™s a dirty beast and that I canā€™t wait for his return, so that it can happen for real. My nice, fresh knickers were damp before I even left the house.

On my way home, I take a little detour. Thereā€™s a shop I sometimes visit. I like it because men are only admitted if theyā€™re with their partner, so the atmosphere is always quite relaxed. I have no idea if or what Iā€™ll buy. Really Iā€™m just after an idea or two, but I come away with a dress. Well, I say a dress, but I could never wear it in public. Itā€™s far too short, and the black fabric thin enough to be transparent. I also treat myself to a new dildo. It, too, is black. Itā€™s very long and thicker than anything I have at home. I donā€™t actually know if Iā€™ll be able to handle it, but Iā€™m determined to try.

Well, I did tell you Iā€™m excited by size. I think most women are. I mean, I donā€™t mean to be brutal about this, but Iā€™ve never heard of any woman who fantasized about a small prick. This huge dong on the other handā€¦ Well, weā€™ll see.

(Oh dear, now I sound like a really terrible person, donā€™t I? There are plenty of really exciting things you can do that donā€™t require size. Honestly. I know that sounds like a clichĆ©, but I have had boyfriends who did marvellous things with very little. Just think of me as a terrible woman whoā€™s shallow enough to have a fetish about size.)

Anyway, Iā€™ve visited the shop enough times to know most of the staff, and the woman behind the counter gives me a crooked little smile. ā€œYou might need some lube with this,ā€ she says, holding up the dildo. ā€œThatā€™s my experience, at any rate.ā€

ā€œThanks for the heads up,ā€ I smile, and take her advice, adding a bumper sized tube to my purchases.

Back home Iā€™m too excited to eat much. I busy myself with small tasks, like watering the plants and tossing junk mail in the bin unopened, but time canā€™t pass quickly enough for me. Come the hour, I shall perform for Algernon and John. The thought is enough to keep me at a low level of arousal until half past eight, when I decide itā€™s time for preparations.

I donā€™t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I do feel a little guilty. I feel guilty because a part of me is more excited by Algernonā€™s presence than by my performance being viewed by my husband. But I canā€™t help it. The first time I became aware that someone was watching me, it immediately fed into a fantasy Iā€™d had from about the third or fourth time I recorded a video for John. I trust John, of course I do, but things happen, and men can lose all powers of judgement. What if John showed the videos to someone; a work colleague, or work colleagues, plural? Heā€™d do it because he was proud of having such a hot, beautiful, sexy wife, of course. It would be a compliment of sorts, even if it would also be wrong of him. Could I be sure he wouldnā€™t do that?

It was a worry, but more than that the thought excited me. I began to fantasize about being seen or watched by more than just John. I mean, I would never suggest it to him, far less actually do it (except for Algernon, but it wasnā€™t as if Iā€™d invited him ā€“ heā€™d just showed up somehow). When I first sensed that someone was watching, I told myself I was imagining things, but at the same time it got me incredibly aroused. John remarked on that video that heā€™d never seen me act so wild.

Thatā€™s why I did nothing to discourage Algernon. On the contrary, once I was sure there really was someone there, I couldnā€™t help butā€¦ not encourage it exactly, butā€¦ No, encourage was exactly what I did, in spite of there being obvious risks involved.

Oh dear. Now I sound both immoral and stupid. Well, so be it.

Iā€™ve promised Iā€™ll be in the living room this evening. I position the laptop first. I should really buy a stand-alone camera, but so far this system has worked just fine. I place the laptop on the floor, facing away from the window. It must always face away from the window, just in case some shadow or something should reveal Algernon to John. I open one of the French windows. They open up onto a patio. At this time of year, the light inside is just about beginning to reflect back off the windows. If I were to look, I might catch sight of Algernon, but I never do. I donā€™t want John to see me and wonder what Iā€™m looking at.

Once that is done, I go to the bedroom, change out of my clothes and into my new purchase. No underwear this evening, just the transparent black dress, which barely stretches far enough to cover the naughty bits when Iā€™m standing. I put on high heels. I donā€™t care that people say you shouldnā€™t wear them, that theyā€™re not good for you. As far as Iā€™m concerned, as long as you donā€™t wear them all the time, itā€™s alright. Besides, men adore women who wear high heels, and tonight I absolutely and unconditionally want to be adored. I am Algernonā€™s wank fantasy and I am determined to surpass myself. (I blush at the thought while I redo my make-up, making sure my lips are nice and glossy and blood red.)

I take the lube and the new dildo and one of my old ones, a red one that always feels very comfortable, just to have comfort ahead of this new monster, which is making me a little nervous. I take the items into the living room and put them on the table.

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There are still ten minutes to go. I donā€™t know if Algernon is there already, but I want to make sure I donā€™t start without him, and spend those minutes in the kitchen, trying to control my nerves and my lust.

At nine oā€™clock on the dot I return to the living room. I bend over, activate the camera and hit record. I refuse to look at the windows. On the screen I can see my feet in those towering shoes, then more of my legs as I back up. The hem of my dress comes into view, then my stomach, my breasts (swollen nipples are easily glimpsed through thin fabric), and finally my face. This isnā€™t the greatest set-up, but it will have to do. At least now John can see all of me. I look at the laptop and smile. ā€œGood evening,ā€ I say. ā€œHere I am. Do you like the way I look?ā€

I run my hand over the top half of my body, paying especial attention to my sensitive nipples, and making my veiled breasts dance. ā€œIā€™ve been thinking about this all day, and Iā€™m already so horny I can hardly stand.ā€ I feel embarrassed. I told you I wasnā€™t much good at dirty talk, and Iā€™m hot all over thinking about what Iā€™m about to say next. ā€œIā€™m here to be your little wank fantasy. I want to make you hard.ā€ I give a little giggle. ā€œThough Iā€™d be very disappointed if your big cock isnā€™t nice and hard already. I want you to stroke your big hard cock as you watch me, and I want you to cum when I cum.ā€

I can feel myself blushing. The bit about being a wank fantasy was directed at Algernon, though Iā€™m looking at the computer. I never mention John by name, because I donā€™t want to turn Algernon off uttering someone elseā€™s name.

Oh dear, that sounds terrible, as if Iā€™m thinking more about my secret admirer than my husband.

The thing is, that it doesnā€™t hurt to perform as if I donā€™t really know John, as if he isnā€™t my husband. I have an idea that hasnā€™t let me down yet, that if you donā€™t want your husband to stray, then when it comes to sex, you need to be the woman youā€™re most afraid heā€™d stray with, if you see what I mean.

So when I perform for my husband, I try hard not to be his wife. The dirty little secret that Iā€™m performing for two men really helps me feel like someone else, someone shameless and dirty.

I walk slowly back to the computer until just my heels and ankles are visible on the screen, then I turn and get down on all fours. The dress is so short that I know that my pussy is on display. I know that when John gets to see this, my pussy will be there, smiling at him from between my thighs, with big, puffy lips. But when I crawl slowly away from the computer, Iā€™m thinking of Algernon equally, of him standing outside with his big hard cock in his hand, how easy it would be for him to slip inside ā€“ the room and my pussy.

The thought helps me get further into character. You see, the woman Iā€™m most afraid my husband will stray with is a certain kind of woman. He goes to all these places, and my biggest fear is that heā€™ll visit some establishment or other. The kind of establishment were there are plenty of slutty women, all of them crawling about on all fours like this, ready to serve any man whose fancy is taken by them.

So I crawl round on all fours, showing myself off from all sides. ā€œDo you like what you see?ā€ I ask. ā€œI hope you do. I want you to like what you see. I want you to get big and hard watching me. I want you to stroke your cock. I want you to want me. I want you to want to do all manner of infamous things to me.ā€

Where did that come from? I crawl up to the laptop and stare into the camera, licking my lips. ā€œWould you like me to suck you dry?ā€ I turn, poking my arse at the camera as I lower the top half of my body. I reach back, to pull myself open, to display my pussy, which has been waiting for this moment all day. I feel damp urgency against my fingers as I open wide. ā€œOr would you rather have this? Would you rather slip your cock inside my molten pussy?ā€

Where did that come from? I slide a finger inside, to illustrate, then I turn, clumsily, stare into the camera and suck on my finger, giving it a little lick before asking, ā€œDo you want me? Are you stroking your big hard cock yet?ā€

Then I crawl away, doing another tour of the room on all fours. I canā€™t be sure Algernon is out there, but I know he is. Heā€™s so real in my mind that he canā€™t be anything else. ā€œStroke that big hard cock for me,ā€ I breathe. ā€œStroke it! Iā€™m so wet and horny for you, completely ready and willing. I could so use your big hard cock right now.ā€

This isnā€™t just talk. I really am so worked up that Iā€™m ashamed of myself. Iā€™m ashamed because I know that if Algernon did enter the room, I wouldnā€™t be able to resist him. So I force myself to think of John. I crawl back to the laptop. I lean in so that my breasts fill the screen under that gauzy fabric. I tweak my nipples, my sensitive nipples. Hot flushes of desire shoot through me like lightning bolts. I stare into the camera. ā€œIā€™m so horny,ā€ I moan. ā€œIā€™m so fucking horny.ā€

I turn and crawl to the table where Iā€™ve left the things I need. I donā€™t actually need the lube for the red dildo, but I grab the tube anyway. I crawl back to the laptop, angling the lid, then getting into position in front of it, facing the camera, legs spread. My pussy fills the screen. My moist, yearning pussy. I squeeze out a generous helping of lube and prepare myself. Iā€™m breathing heavily, then Iā€™m moaning softly. Just the act of lubing myself up is making me so horny I hardly know what to do with myself.

I stare at my pussy. Fuck it looks good all slippery and shiny and wet and glistening. Do I have to tell you that I always keep myself completely shaven? The women I imagine John straying with, they are always immaculate down there, in my imagination, so I keep myself immaculate.

Not only does my pussy look fantastic, it sounds delicious when itā€™s all lubed up. I slide two fingers inside, thinking that if the noise doesnā€™t make John crazy with desire, I donā€™t know what will. Can Algernon hear? I donā€™t know, but he can see. With that in mind I get back up on all fours and wiggle my arse as much at the camera as at the French windows. ā€œIā€™m such a naughty girl,ā€ I breathe, because thatā€™s what I am, displaying myself both to my husband and to my secret admirer. I know exactly how my shiny pussy must appear to them. ā€œI could really use a big hard cock right now,ā€ I breathe, thinking that if Algernon takes that as an invitation, I really will be in trouble, because thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll be able to say no.

ā€œStroke that big hard cock,ā€ I urge. ā€œLook at my hot, hungry hole.ā€ I repeat the trick of leaning forwards so I can reach back and open up. ā€œDonā€™t you want to fuck it? Donā€™t you want to stick your big hard cock in there?ā€

I giggle. I really am horny tonight. Slowly I crawl away from the camera. Iā€™m not good with dirty talk, but something possesses me. ā€œI really am a dirty bitch,ā€ I breathe as I move back towards the table. ā€œIā€™m so horny. I feel so dirty. I need something in my wet cunt right now.ā€

I never use the c-word. Whatā€™s happening to me?

I grab the red dildo and back up, crawling backwards towards the laptop, the camera. I stick my arse in the air, rest my head sideways on the carpet and reach back. ā€œLook at my juicy cunt,ā€ I breathe. (The c-word again. But I never use it.) ā€œDonā€™t you want to fuck it? Donā€™t you want to stick your big hard cock in me?ā€ I need to be careful. I nearly used the plural, ā€˜cocksā€™.

When I said that my red dildo feels nice and comfortable, what I meant was that normally it stretches me just the right amount, giving me something to really feel. This evening Iā€™m so wet and slippery that when I slide it in, thereā€™s no stretching, no friction, it just slides right in. I move it slowly back and forth. I want it faster, but if this is going to be special, as promised, I need to draw things out.

ā€œDonā€™t you wish that was your cock?ā€ I say. ā€œDonā€™t you wish that was your big hard cock in my hot, hungry hole? Fucking me?ā€

As I speak, Iā€™m thinking of Algernon. Iā€™m thinking of him out there, with his big hard cock in his hand, wanking as he watches, trying to control himself so that he doesnā€™t come until I come. And afterwards, heā€™ll leave a spunk-filled condom for me to find. Itā€™s disgusting, but right now the only thing that would be hotter than that were if he would actually enter the room and take charge of me, stuff his hard cockā€¦

What am I thinking? That can never be. I work the dildo back and forth, hearing the delicious noise as it goes its slippery way, aided by lube and pussy juice. Thereā€™s a lot pussy juice. ā€œFuck me!ā€ I moan. ā€œTake me! Fuck me! I want your big hard cock inside me!ā€

Fortunately, Algernon seems to understand that this is not meant to be taken literally. Thereā€™s no evidence of him being there at all, but I know he is.

I force myself to think of John, or rather force myself to think of the kind of woman he might stray with. Those women no doubt have all kinds of kinky tricks up their sleeves. I keep the dildo buried in my pussy and grab the lube with my other hand. My aim isnā€™t good, and some of it goes over my buttocks, but enough ends up on my rosebud.

I smear lube over my skin before attending to the smaller hole. Normally Iā€™m a bit dubious about this. I donā€™t mind a finger or two, but I would never let John stick his cock in there.

This eveningā€¦ What can I say? This evening Iā€™m a totally different person. Thereā€™s so much lube, two fingers slide into my back passage before I hardly know whatā€™s happening. I moan out loud.

I find it hard to work up a rhythm, or even to move the dildo and my fingers at the same time. It probably looks a little ungainly. On the other hand I donā€™t imagine that either my husband or my secret admirer minds. ā€œAaaahhhh!ā€ I gasp. ā€œTell me, which of my hot, horny holes would you rather fuck?ā€ I must be crazy. What if John assumes I will let him fuck me back there when he comes home? What if Algernon takes it as a direct invitation right this moment?

But I canā€™t help myself. Iā€™ve never felt like this before. ā€œMy hot, horny holes want your cock. Both of my hot, horny holes do.ā€ I drive the two fingers right the way into myself. Working the red dildo, I realise that the thing is not going to satisfy me tonight.

Still, I have other plans. I push the dildo right the way in and hold it there, moving my fingers to and fro in my back passage instead. ā€œWhich hole do you want?ā€ I breathe. ā€œWhich of my hot, horny holes do you want to stick your cock in? Theyā€™re both ready and willing. Both ready and willing to be fucked hard.ā€

Iā€™m shocked by my own words. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying it, far less meaning it. If Algernon were to cross the threshold right now and put his cock where my fingers are, I wouldnā€™t say no. If John were here and wanted to fuck my arse, Iā€™d let him. How can that be?

Iā€™d better stop this now. I pull fingers and dildo out and flip myself over, adjusting the screen so that I only see my own face and breasts there. ā€œAnd because youā€™re such a naughty boy and Iā€™m such a dirty girl, once youā€™ve fucked me, I want to suck you dry.ā€

I give the dildo a quick lick. The lube smears my blood red lips as I slide them over the thing. Then the taste fills my mouth. All that pussy juice. Itā€™s the taste of insatiable lust. I clench my lips round the dildo and use both hands to cradle and fondle my breasts, to rub my stiff, attention-seeking nipples through the gauzy fabric.

Thatā€™s not all that seeks attention. My pussy wants more, and how can I deny her? But first I remove the dildo from my mouth and look straight into the camera. ā€œAfter youā€™ve fucked me, I want your cock in my mouth. I want to suck all of my juices from your cock and keep on sucking until you fill my mouth with your spunk and let me swallow it.ā€

There, that should keep both Algernon and John satisfied as I pick up the laptop and carry it to the table. I position it so that the cameraā€™s facing an armchair, which itself faces the French windows, which I studiously avoid looking at. I sit in the armchair, but discover that the screen angle is wrong and adjust it. I stick the tube of lube and my new, long, thick dildo beside me before parting my legs, watching the screen as I put my pussy on display.

Exactly how messy and slimy is my pussy? Even more amazing is how gorgeous I think it looks. John will like that when he sees it in all its full screen glory. Algernon doesnā€™t have that benefit, but I feel sure he can see anyway. Just in case, I breathe, ā€œLook how slimy and messy my cunt is!ā€ (Ooops, the c-word again, but it just keeps slipping out.) ā€œLook what a horny slut I am, opening my slimy, slippery, juicy cunt for you.ā€ (Did I just call myself a ā€˜horny slutā€™? Well that only goes to show what a state Iā€™m in.)

Perhaps I need to concentrate on something else. I rub my oily pussy a couple of times, then grab the tube. More lube goes on my pussy, thereā€™s more rubbing. My clit is big and swollen. I glisten with the stuff, right the way down my thighs. John will be getting a good eyeful of this, but my mind is on Algernon. ā€œLook at my slimy, juicy cunt,ā€ I breathe. ā€œStroke that big, hard cock of yours. Wank that stiff cock and imagine sliding it into my hot and horny hole. Fuck, my cunt needs filling.ā€

I blush slightly at my own vulgarity, but at the same time I know that thereā€™s no room for false modesty. With my mindā€™s eye on the wanking Algernon, I grab hold of my new toy.

The woman in the shop advised me well. If I wasnā€™t this lubed up, thereā€™s no way I would be able to fit my new toy inside me. Even now itā€™s a battle, and I more or less have to use force to get the tip of it inside. I can virtually feel all kinds of chemicals rushing round my body, preventing pain. All I feel is huge excitement, because I am after all a woman who is excited by size.

I do battle while I groan and gasp. Bit by bit the monster toy edges further into me. Finally thereā€™s a little bit of give. I splash some more lube down there before looking at the screen.

What I see almost scares me. I have absolutely never been this stretched out by anything in my life. But damn, I look good with that thing inside me. I move a little, so that Iā€™m not quite facing the camera straight on. My husbandā€™s not to know, but Iā€™m hoping this will give Algernon a better view. I want him to have a good view of my slimy, juicy, lubed, stretched out cunt. Yes, C-U-N-T, cunt!

I move the dildo back and forth and my head almost explodes. ā€œFuuuuuuck!ā€ I gasp. But I canā€™t stop. I fuck myself with that monster, seeing how it stretches my oily cunt, and I just keep crying out, ā€œFuuuuuuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuck! Fuuuuuuuuuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!ā€

I move it faster and harder. It feels like Iā€™m tearing myself apart, but I canā€™t stop. Itā€™s the most terrible sensation Iā€™ve ever felt, and the most wonderful. ā€œFuuuuuuu-uuuuuuck!ā€ I wail. And then Iā€™m gasping and moaning and groaning and wailing and screaming and practically dying, or so it feels. On and on I go, fucking, fucking, fucking myself with that monster, staring at my gorgeous, stretched out cunt where itā€™s displayed in full screen deliciousness.

If this doesnā€™t stop John from straying, nothing will.

Still staring at the screen, I spy movement out of the corner of my eye. I scream in fright as I see a figure, standing just inside the French windows dressed in sweats and a hoodie, with the hood tied so tight round his head, all I can see are his piercing eyes.

Instinctively I understand in a flash that the thuggish looking man standing in my living room is Algernon ā€“ except that he doesnā€™t look like an Algernon. But I canā€™t have John realising that Iā€™ve just screamed in fright. So I scream again, a glass-shattering scream, followed by, ā€œFuuuuuuck! Iā€™m a horny bitch! Fuuuuuuck! Iā€™m a horny slut! Yes! Yes! Yes!ā€

The young man still looks a little frightening, but now that I understand itā€™s Algernon, my only worry is that he will want to fuck me, and that I will yield. He has his cock out, of course he does, and heā€™s wanking it the way I always ask him to. I canā€™t keep my eyes off him, but I try not to make it obvious that Iā€™m looking at him, for Johnā€™s sake.

ā€œDo you like watching this horny bitch fuck herself?ā€ I manage to gasp. ā€œWank your hard fucking cock! See me stretch my cunt out! Do you like that?ā€

Algernon gives a curt nod. Having him there, being able to see him is miles better than any of the other times, when Iā€™ve known heā€™s there but have had to imagine him. Okay, I would never have imagined this thug, but Iā€™m too far gone to care.

ā€œFuck! Fuck Fuck!ā€ I breathe, stuffing myself with that fat toy, watching as Algernon beats his meat watching me.

I can feel myself tighten, though how thatā€™s even possible with this monster inside me, I donā€™t know. ā€œFuck! Fuck! Fuck!ā€ I gasp. And then it really does feel unbearable. Iā€™m screaming as I wrench the thing out of myself. My pussy contracts. Pulses of pussy juice are suddenly staining the upholstery and the carpet.

And yet I know Iā€™m not done, that thereā€™s something bigger waiting. I stuff the dildo back inside, having no idea how I manage it. ā€œFuck! Fuck! Fuck!ā€ I cry, seeing Algernonā€™s hand as a blur, as he works his hard meat watching me stuff my juicy, lubed up cunt with that monster dildo. ā€œFuck! Fuck! Fuck!ā€

I tighten again, and this time I know itā€™s the big one. ā€œFuck yeah! Fuck yeah!ā€ I scream. ā€œFucking come for me! Come for me! I want you to fucking come for me!ā€

Then thereā€™s just one loud inarticulate scream as I pull the dildo from my dilated cunt, only for spurt after spurt of pussy juice to shoot from me. The earth really does seem to move as orgasmic wave after orgasmic wave rolls over me, Iā€™m aware that Algernon has ripped the condom off his cock. Thereā€™ll be no little latex parcel for me, just an excess of semen as spurt after spurt shoots out of his hard cock onto the floor.

He stares at me intently for about fifteen seconds before adjusting his sweatpants, and then heā€™s gone.

I just about remember to kill the recording. I donā€™t even have the strength to blow a farewell kiss first, remaining where I am, utterly exhausted, for a good fifteen minutes. Then I stumble into the bathroom to clean myself up before sitting down to play the video.

Only now do I become aware of how close I came to squirting all over the computer. There are puddles of fluids on the table, and stains on the carpet, but only some slight splashes on the keyboard and the screen.

Somehow I feel utterly divorced from the person I see on the screen. I know itā€™s me, but I canā€™t actually believe I behaved like that. Letā€™s just say I did a much better job of behaving like the woman I fear my husband straying with than I ever thought I was capable of. More importantly, thereā€™s nothing to give me away, or rather to give my dirty little secret away. If Algernon grunted when he came, I was screaming loud enough to drown him out, and at the end, when I only had eyes for my secret admirer, I was obviously so out of it that it just looks as if Iā€™m incapable of concentrating on the camera.

I e-mail John, just typing a short note this time, telling him that heā€™ll understand why Iā€™m in no fit state to write more when he watches the clip.

After that, I go in search of carpet cleaner. My own mess doesnā€™t matter that much. John will be able to see me causing that. But lashings of male ejaculate just inside the French windows? No, that has to be dealt with.

You will no doubt think me very wicked, but since Iā€™ve confessed this much, I might as well tell you the worst. As I work hard to eradicate every trace of Algernon, I wonder to myself if I will just be satisfied with knowing heā€™s watching me perform for much longer. He may not be the man Iā€™d imagined. He may not even be someone Iā€™d normally ever think of as a sexual partner (not that I think of other men as sexual partners; I am happily married, after all). But having seen him there, wanking for me and coming the way I always ask him toā€¦

Even as I force the idea away, I know it will return. It will keep me in the mood all day tomorrow, so that in the evening Iā€™m ready to perform all over again.

I know heā€™ll be there, Algernon, even if he isnā€™t.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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