My wife Cassie (Cassandra) and I came from very different backgrounds. I, Jim, grew up in a working class southern California home, the son of a Korean War vet. I was a high achiever in school, had paper routes, mowed lawns, had summer jobs and was socially inept.
Cassie was born in San Francisco to a pair of hippies who were enjoying drugs, free love and Vietnam War protests. She was raised by a variety of young people while her parents were busy with the war effort. She is unusually self-reliant.
As a teen, my main recreation was pumping iron in my basement, surfing and jerking off. When I turned sixteen my parents bought me a car in hopes of improving my social life. It mostly allowed me to travel farther looking for good waves.
I had a couple of drive-in movie dates which ended badly due to my premature ejaculation, which caused a mess in my car and pissed off the dates. When I got to college I decided to knuckle down, finish early and get on with my life.
In my third year, I was sitting in the upper tier of the lecture hall in a required class, when this vision slid in beside me. She was skinny, and beautiful, with deep brown eyes that seemed to look into my soul. Her small tits jiggled nicely when she turned toward me and her nipples were trying valiantly to escape her tee shirt.
At the end of class she asked me if I wanted to get a coffee with her; boy, did I. She wore a hippie type long skirt which showed only her sandal-clad toes when she walked. She was skinny, sexy and self-assured, have I already said that?
After our second coffee meeting, she asked me out on a date. “You get some beer, I’ll get a pizza and we can go to the beach.”
So I went home and threw a six pack and a bag of ice into my ever-present cooler next to my surf board in the back seat of my car. Did I mention that it is a ’54 Pontiac convertible; I loved that car.
Cassie directed me North on Rte 1, The Coast Hwy. a few miles, then turning West on a farm road ending on a bluff over the ocean. We sat watching the sun glint off the waves as it slipped lower in the sky. She turned toward me in her seat, placing her arm along the back. We ate and drank for a while, talking about nothing in particular. I felt lucky to be there with this goddess.
As evening closed in we kissed and I began to fumble with her breasts. She pulled her tee over her head, letting me lick and suck them. She sighed contentedly and placed her hand on my shorts where my erection was evident.
In my infatuation, I confessed my previous lack of control. Her answer was immediate.
“Well let’s take care of that,” she said and undid my pants, hauled out my hard, dripping cock and went all the way down on it with her lovely lips. Her mouth felt wonderfuI, warm and wet. I barely had time to recover my shock when I felt my orgasm coming.
“Oh, look out!” I yelled. But she kept her lips clamped on me and swallowed nearly all of my spunk, a little spilling over.
“There, that was nice,” she said, laying my flaccid cock on my thigh.
I had to fight off a surge of revulsion when she approached to kiss me, but she slid her tongue, still slick with my cum between my lips giving me my first taste of semen. We sat quietly for a few minutes while I calmed down.
When I started to button my fly, she stopped me. “We aren’t done yet.
“Would you like to learn how to pleasure me with your fingers?” she asked. When I nodded yes, she slid her panties off, placed her right foot on the dash and raised her skirt.
There it was, my first unobstructed, live view of the most beautiful cunt in the world. It glistened wetly in the glow of the radio dial. She took my hand and licked my middle finger, then guided it to lightly stroke her prominent clit.

I’m a pretty quick learner and soon she grabbed my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. Her abdomen began to pulse and her thighs clamped onto my hand as she came for me. What a revelation that was, my finger was deep in her pussy. We hugged while she calmed down.
“I think you’ll last longer this time,” she whispered before plunging her tongue down my throat, grasping my once again hard cock.
She pulled me clear of the steering wheel and rolled over, straddling my lap. Then she pulled my shirt off over my head and ran her hands over my pecs and shoulders.
“I love your muscles,” she whispered. “Put your hands under my ass and assist me; my legs get weak when I cum. And you may kiss my nipples at will.” I love her smile.
The smooth, soft, silky feel of her warm pussy as she slid down on me was heavenly, and was mirrored by her warm silky lips that my tongue was exploring.
I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She came twice on my cock, never dismounting before I had my second orgasm, deep in her welcoming pussy.
Thank goodness for old cars, before center consoles. We cuddled for a while coming down from our orgasmic high.
“That was lovely,” she said, “maybe next time we can go to your room and I can show you how to pleasure a woman orally as well.”
“How about tomorrow?” I was ready for my next lesson.
“I have to go home for a few days, my mother needs me. I’ll see you in class next week.”
I spent the next several days alternating between trying to hide my erection as I remembered our time together, and agonizing about the boyfriend that I was sure she must have back home.
It was gratifying to see my housemates’ jaws drop when I brought her back to my room. I gained a whole new status in the house.
Thus began a long series of anatomy lessons for me. Cassie let me know that, like me, she had a hair trigger; she can cum from any number of sexual touches.
She explained that, because I was uncircumcised, my glans was very sensitive, having been protected by my foreskin all my life, making me trigger happy. That was better than the alternative she told me`.
But best of all, she introduced me to the joys of oral sex, showing me all the ways to make her cum with my tongue. I became obsessed with her pussy, its various states, from a tight slit initially, then blossoming into a perfect pink flower and ultimately becoming a swollen red gash, leaking my cum down the crack of her ass.
And best of all was the way she liked to kiss me with her juices all over my mouth and face. Our kisses were thrilling to me in the intimacy that they signified.
Cassie is the coolest, most secure person I have ever met, except for my mother, of course. And the most beautiful; with clothes on she looked skinny, but naked, she was all soft, smooth curves and endless legs.
Even her pubic hair was neat. When I asked her if it was much trouble to trim, she replied, “I don’t trim it, it just grows this way.” She loved letting me explore her body at will, and I was totally smitten; still am.
She is extremely intelligent but her ultimate goal was to marry and raise a family of two children in a traditional household. She took a relatively useless liberal arts degree.
My goal was to get an engineering degree and a good job. We married right out of school and I got an entry level job at a manufacturing company. We settled in the Bay Area and Cass was soon pregnant with our first child.