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Button Front Dresses Part 1

"A loving husband sets out to give his wife a thrill"

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I’m usually a private guy, and I’m not one for blustering or bragging. Sometimes, a life event happens that you can’t hold inside, in that private place that no one else knows. It needs to be carefully shared with others so they can have some idea of how wonderful it all was. Considering what happened, it would normally be easy to ignore that particular temptation. I read and, more importantly, wrote erotic stories, which gave me an idea. I figured that the anonymity of this erotic story site would allow me to tell my tale without mortifying my wife.

I need to start somewhere, so I guess I’ll start with my name. It’s not my real one, but it's close enough that if someone I know reads this, they should be able to put two and two together. They can add all they want, but it doesn’t prove a thing. I like the idea of them never being sure.

Let’s just say I’m Dave Grant, husband to Sara Grant, whom I’ve been married to for eight years. We live in a twenty-five-hundred-square-foot modern home with some nice amenities, like the pool in the backyard. I drive a BMW five series while Sara drives a Lexus SUV. We’re not rich, but we are far from hurting for money. We’ve earned that money by working in demanding careers.

Mine is about as far from romantic as you can get. I’m responsible for the supply chain feeding seven manufacturing facilities in the United States. I write and negotiate contracts for services, raw materials, skilled trades, and everything else under the sun. Last year, I managed a total spend of over a billion dollars. My company pays me very well in return for long hours and frequent travel. They also have an excellent bonus program and great benefits.

I don’t love my job but am damn good at it. When you spend over a billion, it tends to get sales reps' attention. With visions of huge commissions dancing in their heads, they insist on showing up at my office without an appointment and expect me to stop my work and listen to their pitch. I’ve since dealt with that by simply asking the receptionist to get their information and tell them I’m unavailable. I look at the information they leave and separate the wheat from the chaff. Most of what they leave ends up in the recycle bin. Occasionally, I’ll find a potential supplier.

One of the typical sales methods is to offer perks to decision-makers. I could eat free at the best restaurants in town nearly every day. Sales reps would pay for every meal and not bat an eye. I’m constantly receiving offers with no strings attached (yeah, I believe that) for difficult-to-find tickets to any event you can dream of, hotel rooms, and fine dining. It goes on and on, and they will bust their ass to get that stuff for you. Every bit of it is tax-free bribery.

It’s not the kind of bribery you might think, although I’ve seen people fall for it that way. There is no way a guy in my position would let themselves be bribed with perks. You won’t make me do anything other than what is best for my company. I don’t care what you’re offering. I am an honorable and ethical man.

The real aim of a perk is to develop a personal relationship between the buyer and the seller. The sales rep wants to be more than a sales rep. He wants to be my friend. I’ll be less inclined to replace his company with another if I have a personal connection with him or her. That’s the logic anyway, and it works pretty well on some people.

I do occasionally accept an invitation to lunch. I’ll have lunch with a potential vendor once, for the most part. There’s no reason I can’t use their free lunch marketing tool for my own purposes. I use lunch to get past the sales pitch and get a feel for the person my company may come to depend on. I look at it as a kind of job interview

The vast majority of suppliers have lunch with me one time. If we take them on, the contracts cover the day-to-day stuff. I want the sales guy to care for my internal customers and solve their problems. The last thing I want is for them to waste time hanging out with me.

There are a few exceptions in the sales force that I look forward to seeing and hanging out with. They always do their job and do it well. Our largest supplier was the company that provided raw materials to all seven plants. It was a great business relationship. Our contract was rock solid, and their service levels were always excellent. Nick Thompson was the sales rep, often accompanied by his boss, Ted Wingate. We lived in different worlds but found we liked each other’s company.

Nick was a huge man. He was six-foot-eight inches tall and seemed about the same width. He is a true monster of a man and athletic enough to play pro football. He played in the NFL for three years before injuries got him cut. He moved to England and played Rugby professionally for another five years. He wasn’t only huge; he was athletic and fast. The blonde hair, blue eyes, and his chiseled good looks made walking around with him entertaining as hell. People would stop and stare as we walked down the street.

Women were constantly approaching him with some pretty creative conversation starters. The guy could have been an arrogant asshole, and nobody could have done shit about it. He was, in fact, a gentle giant. He was a genuinely nice guy and a Rhodes Scholar. His wonderful wife is a lawyer and very successful in her own right. 

Picture Nick walking down the street, his head is visible above everyone else, and alongside him walks all five-foot-six inches of me. I wasn’t bothered by our height difference. There wasn’t a man around who would come close to overshadowing Nick. It wasn’t a competition, and if it was, Nick would win anyway, so who cared?

Add to that picture my broad shoulders and well-developed muscles, and people begin to wonder if a giant had somehow squished Nick’s twin brother down to my height. Nick is a solid guy, but he’s not as broad as I am proportionally. I’m built like a bulldog. In my youth, I did a lot of weightlifting. I competed in the sport and was good enough at it that I missed going to the Olympics by a tenth of a point.

I gave up competition when my work career took off. I still lift but mix it with aerobic exercise, running, and mixed martial arts. Maintaining flexibility is much more important to me now than building muscle mass.

Walking on my other side would be Ted. Ted is in his mid-forties and has the handsome, mature stud thing down pat. Women tend to look at him longingly after they look at Nick lustily. He’s never mentioned his wife, although he does wear a wedding ring. I figure he’s entitled to his privacy. If he wants to share with me, he will.

This particular day, I’m in Chicago, their home city. We’ve completed a mill tour and are entering the Drake Hotel. They’ve put me up in a room there and have a table reserved in the dining room. We kick back, relax, and spend some of that marketing money they’re so free with. We had finished dinner and were enjoying a brandy when I remembered something I wanted to ask Nick. “Sara and I are considering coming to Chicago for a short vacation. I’d really love to pick your collective brains for some cool stuff to do while we’re here. I think we’ll have three or four days before our jobs start screaming for our attention.”

Ted shook his head. “No need for that. We’ll put something together for you and let you look it over. We’ll cover everything and be happy to do it.”

I shook my head. “Ted, I appreciate what you are trying to do. I really do. But I can’t accept something like that. It would definitely be an ethics violation. My own, if not the company’s.

“I do like your idea, though, with some changes. If you can devise a fun itinerary and give me the cost information, I’ll pay my own way and be tickled to death that you helped make it happen.”

Ted nodded. “Not a problem at all. I’ll have my assistant email you information on things to do and see. You can talk with Sara and decide what you are interested in doing. Our Activities Director will put something together that I’m sure will please you. How soon do you want to visit?”

I shrugged. “I figure by the time we can get all the pieces in place, it will be by the end of the month, give or take a few days.”

Nick raised his glass. “A toast to Dave and Sara visiting our great city!”

He nodded after finishing his brandy and set the glass on the table. “Dave, I’m sure you and Sara will want alone time, but I hope we can all get together for lunch or something while you are here. I’d love to meet your wife.”

I chuckled. “You’ll both need to wear masks or something. I don’t want my wife getting the vapors when she lays eyes on you two!”

Nick actually blushed, which tickled Ted and me to no end. Nick provided fodder for our teasing for the rest of the evening.

I arrived home the next day and had just sorted the mail when Sara pulled into the garage. She walked through the door from the garage into the kitchen, dropped her purse on the table, and turned to find me waiting for her. She had dressed her usual conservative way but couldn’t fully hide the treasures beneath. There is no hiding the perfection of her full and upright c-cups. Her long brown hair fell nearly to her waist, drawing attention to her round, tight ass. Those amazing legs, long and lean, were only revealed to the bottom of her dress, but I know for a fact that men want to see all of them and what lies between them. I pulled her into my arms and tilted my head for a kiss. Our lips met. Her day must have been tough because it took at least fifteen seconds for her to relax enough to stick her tongue in my mouth.

She has this affection for dresses that button up the front. And while it does take more time than a zipper to get to the goodies, it is a lot more fun. I turned her around and pulled her back against my chest. I kissed her neck and nibbled her ear as my hands unbuttoned that critical first button. That button stayed buttoned when she was working. It was her serious façade button. When I wasn’t away traveling, I made sure to undo that button as soon as I could get my hands on her.

Sometimes, that’s the only button that gets released until she changes into her casual clothes. Other times, like this time, I arouse her while releasing button after button. When her bra is revealed, my hands cup her breasts, and my thumbs brush her nipples through the cloth.

Sometimes, I wait until every button is loose before sliding her dress from her shoulders. Other times we’re too damn horny to wait, and the dress comes off with buttons flying. We’re both pretty good at sewing buttons and have a large thread collection. You never seem to have the right shade, no matter how many spools you have.

Today was an all-the-buttons day. I was so hot for her that I needed the slow burn to mellow me while I built her desire. I freed another button, giving me access to her bra clasp. The only bras Sara owns are either sports bras or front-opening bras. She does like our button play. I released the catch, and my hands gently cupped and held her bare breasts. Most women know at least one magic trick and are very good at it. Sara made quick work of slipping the bra out through her sleeve. How did she…?

I nibbled her neck and her ear while gently rolling her nipples with my fingers. She stifled a moan, and I chuckled in her ear. “Lost again, didn’t you? I’m going to come up with something special this time.”

We had a sexy little bet between us. If I could make her moan before the dress was off, she would be my sexy little slut for a day. If I didn’t make her moan, I would be her sex slave for a day.

It’s not like we didn’t have sex all the time, and she’s always been as slutty as she wanted to be. The bet was different. Whoever won would lead the other on a sexual adventure of some sort. The goal was to make each other try new and arousing things. So far, I had been relatively tame with my plans for Sara. This time, I wanted to create something that would rock her world. I would give it a lot of careful thought later. Right now, I have buttons to release and my wife’s lovely body to play with.

Since she’d already lost the bet, she didn’t try to stifle her moans as I worked the buttons loose and touched the revealed skin. I traced my fingers down her stomach and brushed them across the elastic of her panties. Her ass pushed into the raging erection that was trying desperately to escape my slacks.

The next button gave me full access to her pussy, but I didn’t take advantage of that. I teased her by running my fingers down until the very tip of my fingers tapped her clit through her panties. Her hips arched as she tried to force her pussy against my hand. Instead, I unbuttoned the next-to-last button and then dragged my fingers up her thighs. My hands returned to the last button, and I hesitated. Sara knew that when the last button was released, it was her signal to turn around and attack me. She tried to time it so she could throw off her dress and turn around with the release of that last button. She failed miserably. I held her tight and gave her a little spank on the ass. “Uh-uh, Baby. You’ll just have to wait until that last button is loose. I may need to take a bathroom break and get back to you.”

There went the button flying across the kitchen, and like some whirling dervish, Sara dropped her dress to the floor and flew into my arms. Her mouth captured mine, and our tongues danced. Her hands got busy getting my cock out of my pants. I captured a nipple with my mouth, causing her to moan and squeeze my cock.

That was it for me. The tease was over. I pulled away from her long enough to grab her hand and rush down the hall to the bedroom. I was out of my clothes and in bed with her in no time at all.

Why didn’t I take her while in the kitchen? A bit of standing fucking would have been hot as hell. There is one small issue with that. Remember that I mentioned being rather short? Sara is just a tad over six feet tall, and while I am blessed in the cock department, it sure as hell isn’t that long. Bending her over a table doesn’t work either. Her legs are wonderfully long, while mine are not. The alignment doesn't work out unless I carry a step stool around with me.

On the bed was another thing entirely. The height difference no longer mattered when those long legs were wrapped around me. Right now, those very legs were squeezing my head while I worshiped her sweet pussy. Her first orgasm happened seconds later. I left her sensitive clit alone while I journeyed to her other treasures. I kissed my way up her amazing body, flicking the nipple on her perfect breast with my tongue on my way further north. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. My raging erection slid up and down her labia, aching to get inside.

I didn’t have to wait long. Sara broke our kiss and looked at me with lustful need. “Fuck me, David. Put that big fat cock in me and fuck me.”

Her words sent a jolt of lust through me, and I wasted no time lining myself up with her opening. When I pressed into her, I did it as gently as I always do to allow her body to adjust. Soon, she adjusted just fine, and we had a wonderful time. A couple of wild orgasms on her part and one epic one for me later, we lay beside each other, catching our breath between passionate kisses.

I told her about my trip while we basked in the afterglow. “I talked to Nick and Ted yesterday. They’re going to hook us up with information on Chicago. Ted is going to put together an itinerary for us. I expect we’ll love it and probably won’t need to change it much, if at all.”

Sara snuggled up against me and smiled. “That’s really nice of them. When do we get the information?”

I shrugged. “It’s probably in my email inbox right now.”

Sara hopped out of bed. “Well? Come on! Print it out. I’ll throw together some dinner.”

I chuckled at her post-sex energy and got out of bed. We passed printouts back and forth while we ate. The itinerary looked perfect to me. I was a bit skeptical of the pricing they had included. The costs seemed way too low to me. I resolved to ask Ted about that.

Sara held the itinerary and looked at me. “We’re supposed to have lunch with Nick, Ted, and their wives on Friday?”

I nodded. “Yes, I noticed that as well. I’ve talked about you so much that Nick and Ted want to meet you. What better way to do that than a nice lunch with their wives?”

She didn’t look all that excited. “I don’t know these people. Do I really need to get to know them? Isn’t this kind of your work thing?”

“In most cases, I would agree. I’d never ask you to be involved in my work. It is true that Nick and Ted do business with me, but this trip isn’t business. They really are very nice people, and I’m willing to bet that their wives are too. I’m looking forward to a nice lunch with friendly people. I would have crossed it off the list if I didn't think you would have had a good time. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised.”

She looked at me skeptically. “Pleasantly surprised, huh? Okay, you’ve never steered me wrong yet. Plus, you are pretty good at surprises.”

I called Ted that day and set everything up. I discovered that the low pricing was because Ted’s company had contracts with most of the venues, and their prices were heavily discounted. I thought about it and decided that taking advantage of their discount wasn’t unethical. I was paying for the perk, not accepting it as a gift. I kept the paperwork anyway on the off chance I was questioned about it in the future.

Two weeks later, we were off to Chicago. We traveled the city, experiencing some pretty fun and amazing things. We went to a play one evening and to a comedy club the next evening. As much fun as we were having, I kept anticipating the lunch with Nick. I was curious about his and Ted’s wives, but what excited me was the thought of Sara getting her first look at Nick and Ted. She’ll know right away that I set her up. I couldn’t imagine she’d be upset at the sight of them, and I expected to reap my horny reward when we got back to our hotel. Win-win!

I had one other surprise for my wonderful wife. Friday arrived, and our pending lunch date with Nick and his crew. Over morning coffee, I took Sara’s hand and looked into her eyes. “You lost the bet and owe me a full day as my slut. As a matter of fact, you owe me two days because I haven’t got around to using the last one yet. Those two days start now.”

She grinned and kissed me hard. “What’s the plan?”

I shook my head. “No questions, Slut. You’ll know when I tell you.”

I paused for a moment just to make her nervous. “I will tell you this much. Right now, I want you to finish your coffee. After that, I will fuck you within an inch of your life. Then, it’s shopping for your outfit for lunch.”

She looked confused for a moment, then scared. “Please don’t dress me up like a slut and take me to lunch with them! That would be so embarrassing and not the least bit sexy.”

I rushed to reassure her. “It’s nothing like that, Honey. You know I would never do that to you. You’ll be classy and beautiful like you always are. Underneath, though, well, I guess we’ll see about that.”

I knew that Nick’s group would be dressed in a style fitting with big city ten percenters. I aimed to make sure Sara looked like she belonged in their stratosphere. While we make a good living, we weren’t nearly as well to do as Nick and Ted. I didn’t want Sara to feel embarrassed or like she didn’t belong. It was also a great opportunity to buy her some super-sexy lingerie. We enjoyed the shopping almost too much and had to rush to prepare for lunch.

The lunch venue was a country club that was a forty-minute drive away. The upside to that was that they had sent a limo for us. We relaxed in the back, sipping on Mimosas while I admired my beautiful wife. She looked perfectly amazing, sexy as hell (but not slutty), sophisticated, and gorgeous. Her underwear was a different story. She wore a thong under her skirt and a matching half bra under her silk blouse. Her erect nipples pressed against the silk, leaving no doubt in my mind that she was excited. Thoughts of molesting her in the limo crossed my mind, I pushed them aside. Maybe I could revisit them on the trip back to our hotel. That didn’t stop me from kissing her heatedly and repeatedly.

We were both horny as hell when we arrived at the clubhouse. It took me a moment to get my erection situated and to let it soften. It wouldn’t do for us to make our grand entrance with my bulge leading the way.

We walked in the front door and were met by the official keeper of the gates. I told him who we were there to see, and he smiled. “Please follow me.”

We walked down the mahogany-paneled hallways until we arrived at a raised panel door. The gatekeeper opened the door and escorted us into the dining room. We were led to a round table with place settings for the six of us. Nick and Ted stood and walked forward when we approached.

I smiled at both of them, then turned to take in Sara’s reaction. I almost laughed out loud at the look on her face. Total shock was part of it for sure, but her red cheeks and super erect nipples told the real story. Her eyes darted back and forth between them, and I couldn’t help but notice her scan their crotches. Their tailored clothes left her curiosity unsatisfied.

Nick took her hand in his. “Hello, Sara. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. David won’t shut up about you, and now I see why.”

Sara looked into his eyes, and ten seconds of silence passed before she responded. “Uh-huh.”

Her brain vapor lock continued when Ted introduced himself. Nick still held her hand, so he took the other and actually kissed it. Her head swiveled toward him, and his blue eyes caught hers. “It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady.”

Sara’s ability to speak hadn’t improved much. “Uh-huh.”

She blushed deeply and gathered herself. “Uhm, well... My husband has pulled a bit of a trick on me.”

She gave me a smirk, then blessed both men with her smile. “I expected two stodgy old sales guys. Not two handsome and charming men like yourselves. Please introduce me to your wives.”

The funny thing was that Nick and Ted both seemed just as smitten with Sara as she obviously was with them. Both quickly recovered their hands when their wives were mentioned.

Standing behind them were two women with similar smiles of indulgence on their faces, as if they had seen this happen many times before. They didn’t appear to have a problem with it. I’m sure that over their years together, they have adapted to the constant flow of their husband’s admirers. After seeing Nick and Ted’s wives, I knew I wanted to be the newest member of their fan club. I was thinking of running for president.

Ted’s wife touched my arm, smiled at me sexily, and chuckled. “Hello, David. My husband has apparently forgotten my name after meeting your beautiful wife. I’m Sophia.”

Nick’s wife laid a hand on my other arm. “I’m Anne. My husband didn’t bother to mention how attractive you two are. Sophia and I were expecting some fat old guy and his grumpy wife. I will admit that I’m pleasantly surprised.”

Sophia wore a tennis skirt and matching sleeveless top that perfectly fit her voluptuous body. She wasn’t overweight in the slightest, but she did have some wonderful curves. Her borderline D-cups were defying gravity in the most pleasurable way. Her dark hair was cut fashionably at her shoulders. Her green eyes glittered with humor. Her tennis skirt revealed very fit legs that I could easily imagine wrapped around my waist. Ted had definitely met his match with her.

Ann was blonde-haired, blue-eyed, perfection. Her hair hung well down her back and was currently bound into a ponytail. It wouldn’t have surprised me in the least if she had modeled professionally in her life. I could, and did, imagine a nude pictorial of her in whatever classy T&A magazines they have now. Her c-cups were firm and full, and like my wife, her nipples were making themselves known through her snug tennis top. Her tennis skirt revealed a stunning pair of legs and a beautifully firm, round ass.

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The two women guided me to the table and sat me down between them. I looked across the table and noted that Nick and Ted had done the same with Sara.

I loved how this was going. Now that her initial shock at seeing the two hunks was behind her, Sara settled right into the conversation. Lunch was served, and by the time the food was gone, my wife had made four new friends. I couldn’t help but notice that two of those new friends got ninety percent of her attention. I also couldn’t help but notice that the flush of her attraction was still very evident. I was so going to get laid for this.

I can’t say that my wife had my undivided attention. Sophia and Anne were deliciously distracting and very flirty. I checked on her often and liked what I saw. Nick and Ted took turns looking into her eyes as they spoke softly to her. Their actions were perfectly acceptable to me and, from the looks of things, to Sara as well. I figured my wife’s panties were soaked. The flush of arousal and the high beams trying to poke holes through her silk blouse were proof enough. Nick and Ted were pushing all her buttons and, outside of their introduction, hadn’t so much as touched her.

A few minutes later, Nick got my attention. “Dave, I thought we guys could play nine while the ladies do lady stuff. Sound good?”

I thought about it for maybe a second. “Sounds great. What do the ladies think?”

Smiles and nods between them gave us all the answers we needed. Nick stood, and Ted stood as well. Ted took Sara’s hand, and she stood next to him. “Dave, we’re going to the pro shop to set things up. Would you mind if Sara went with us? We would like to show her around the place while we can.”

I had absolutely no problem with that. Sara looked like she’d happily follow them on a tour of the sanitation facility. “No problem. See you in fifteen?”

Ted smiled. “I can’t imagine taking longer than that as long as we avoid scintillating conversation with one of the elder members.”

The three of them walked away with my giddy wife between them. My mind went to a weird place momentarily. Sophia must have picked up on it. “They would never do anything without your permission. They won’t try to seduce her or take her from you. They will be themselves as you see them, and Sara will feel what she feels. You and Sara decide what you both desire.”

I looked into her sparkling eyes for a long time. “You’ve been in this situation before…

“Of course, you have. Women approach your husbands all the time. Are you saying that sometimes they do more than approach? If I’m being a nosey asshole, please tell me.”

Anne and Sophia both smiled. Sophia patted my hand. “Relax, David. You are not an asshole, just a concerned husband.”

I shrugged. “Not that concerned, if I’m honest. I brought her here, knowing what excites her and that Nick and Ted would affect her the way they have. I wanted her to feel that thrill, that intense animal attraction, and the arousal that comes with it. Now, I’m beginning to think I am an asshole for taking advantage of my friendship with your husbands in order to titillate my wife. Not to mention the disrespect for your marriages.”

Anne grabbed my wrist. “Stop that right now. We aren’t upset with you at all. We know that our husbands are chick magnets, and we adapted to that long ago. Rarely, but occasionally, we will meet a couple, and things click. Sometimes, it’s just dinner and flirting. Sometimes, it’s more, much more. It seems only fair that if the wife lives her fantasy with our husbands, her husband should have one of his own. You don’t really think we sit around knitting while our husbands have their fun, do you?”

I was in a bit of shock and took a moment. It occurred to me that the two beautiful women sitting with me were being completely open and honest. I refused to believe they had something nefarious planned. Therefore, they had to be telling the truth. “I want Sara to feel wonderful. I want to give her the freedom to decide how far she wants to go, but I must be with her whatever happens. You are both absolutely stunning, but you don’t have to sacrifice yourselves for me. I’ll be happy as long as Sara is.”

Sophia leaned in and kissed my lips. “Don’t sell yourself short, David. There are depths to you that Anne and I would love to explore.”

They gave me confused looks when I chuckled. I held up quote-fingers. “Sell me short? If I sold myself any other way, it would be false advertising.

Sophia brazenly put her hand on the bulge that had betrayed me and had made its presence known. “I’m thinking long, fat, and delicious.”

I grinned. “Okay, you’re on! With conditions. This is about Sara and her joy, first and foremost. She decides what she wants and how far she wants to go. She also decides whether I play, too, or not. I don’t care if I have to sit with an ice cube on my balls to keep them from exploding, I want her happy.

“I want to share something else with you,” I explained the bet between Sara and me, then dropped the bombshell. “I called in my in the bet this morning. She’s my slut for the next two days and must follow my instructions. I will tell her she must follow yours until we sit down to dinner. I’m sure the two of you can think of creative ways to make her hornier than she already is.

“Talk her into a new sexy dress while you three are running around. The dress must open from the front. I’ll leave the rest up to you.”

Sophia grinned. “Oh, there’s a story behind that. You have to tell us so we can be sure to buy the perfect dress. She’ll need it for tonight. You are both invited for dinner at Nick and Anne's house.”

I had just finished telling them about the art of sex and button-front dresses when Nick, Ted, and Sara returned to our table. Sara was positively glowing, which made me wonder just how wet her thong was. I was willing to bet that she was dripping.

Nick looked at his wife and grinned at some gesture she made. He then looked at me and smiled. “We tee off in fifteen. The Pro will get you fitted with a set of loaner clubs.”

Anne stood and kissed her husband on the cheek. “We’re having everyone over for dinner tonight, so I must get going. We have to find Sara a new dress for dinner before spoiling ourselves at the spa. Be home by seven, Dear.”

I pulled Sara into my arms and kissed her in front of the whole damn club. She moaned into my mouth and gave me the ‘I need fucked’ look. I whispered in her ear, “Remember, you’re my slut. You will do anything Sophia or Anne asks you to until we sit down for dinner this evening. Do you understand, Slut?”

She looked up at me with desire written all over her face. She leaned back in and whispered, “I need your cock in me right fucking now.” I chuckled as Sophia grabbed her hand and nearly pulled her off her feet. I watched as Sophia, Anne, and Sara wiggled their asses out of the dining room. Nick and Ted were right there with me. We shared grins as we turned to leave.

The golf course was so amazing that nine holes turned into eighteen. We had plenty of time to talk and didn’t rush into the conversation we needed to have. I finally broached the subject at the turn. “I was going to apologize to you both for using you to tease my wife, but your wives assured me it wasn’t a problem. They explained some things to me. I want to be totally honest with you. I brought my wife to meet you because I knew the effect you would have on her. I fully expected her to become aroused in a new and enticing way.”

Nick chuckled. “Well, that backfired. I can’t speak for Ted, but I’m the one being aroused in a new and enticing way, as you so aptly put it. I think Sara is an amazing woman and very beautiful.

Ted nodded. “I agree on all points. Look, Dave. I don’t know what you want to happen, but I will tell you that we consider you and Sara to be our friends. We won’t do anything that would put our friendship at risk. The rest is entirely up to you and Sara.

“Speaking for Nick, Anne, Sophia, and myself, we would very much enjoy going as far as you would like.”

I shook their hands. “I really do appreciate your friendship. This is all about Sara, as far as I’m concerned. She decides what she wants and how far she wants to go. I’m sure at some point, she’ll hesitate out of concern for me. I have something in mind that should help with that, but In no way do I want to coerce her. I want her to have a wonderful experience. A week from now or a year from now, I want her to smile when she thinks of this day. It's entirely up to her whether the memory is of a nice dinner or something more.”


I didn’t get the details regarding the lady's day out until the following day, but I think it is important to share what happened as it happened. I’ll let Sara tell it in her own words.


He did it to me again, and I loved it. Dave has surprised me with wonderful erotic experiences before, but nothing like this. I was dreading meeting Nick and Ted. I was certain they would be frumpy sales guys who dominated the conversation with business. I didn’t want to interrupt our fun with some boring-ass meeting.

Boy, was I wrong! Nick and Ted took my breath away. I was instantly drawn to both of them. Nick was so huge and hot. I shivered at the thought of being held in those big arms against that barrel chest. I must have been blushing like crazy, and it only got worse when Ted took my hand. He’s so handsome and has mature sexuality oozing from his pores. I bet he’s amazing in bed. That thought deepened my blush. Get a hold of yourself, Sara! You’re a married woman, not some giddy college girl.

The hold that I got was weak at best, but at least I had one. Dave had to know how I would react when I met his friends. He definitely set me up. I certainly hadn’t forgotten that he had made me his slut this very morning. I wasn’t sure what he had planned for me, but I was more than happy to cooperate, at least for now. This day had become an adventure, and I was having a great time!

I wondered what Nick and Ted had in mind when they asked Dave if they could show me around. As much as my imagination had them fucking me in a boardroom, my real self wasn’t about to do something like that. David helped a lot when he got them to commit to fifteen minutes. I had enough willpower to last that long. I was almost sure of it.

It’s funny when I think about it. They were both perfect gentlemen during our tour and visit to the pro shop, yet I kept getting more aroused. I still can’t explain the effect that they have on me. Both men excite me for completely different reasons. When I got back to David, I was a bitch in heat. I wanted to drag his ass out of there and fuck him in the parking lot. I became a bundle of nerves and nearly orgasmed at the same time when he turned me over to Anne and Sophia. When he ordered me to obey them, he knew I could have easily drawn the line and stopped everything. He left it up to me, and I love him for that.

I did want to see what happened next. I felt in control of my fate until Sophia grabbed my hand and jerked me away from my husband. I needed to modify my expectations. I control my fate until I let someone else take control of it. Nobody was getting control of me without Dave’s approval. Realistically, I wasn’t sure how far I wanted to go. Fantasy is one thing, but I have a marriage that means more to me than anything else. I won’t put that at risk for an adventure.

I was still kidding myself. My internal narrative had decided dinner would be a flirtatious adventure, followed by amazing sex with my husband. It gradually dawned on me that we had moved past that, even though nothing had actually happened. What did David, Anne, and Sophia talk about anyway? Something significant happened, that’s for sure. Why else would he hand me off to them as his slut, instead of as his wife?

Not that I was complaining. I was certainly curious and frustrated with Anne and Sophia. What happened to girl power and solidarity? I tried to get them to tell me about their conversation with my husband, but they deflected me every time I brought it up. I gave up for the moment and enjoyed our shopping experience.

I had never been to the elite stores they took me to, and I didn’t care if we bought a thing. Most of the things I thought were desirable had price tags that blew my mind, assuming they had a tag. I don’t care how much money you have, you’re a privileged idiot if you buy something without knowing the cost. I nearly changed my attitude when I saw the dress.

The material was as light and fine as gossamer in the loveliest blue. It had a halter that transitioned into narrow straps that tapered to the attachment point centered over each breast. The two sides of the dress overlapped in the middle. The dress closed with button-like catches made of silver. One catch was at the side, next to my right breast. The second catch was just left of the middle, below my breasts. The third catch was at my right hip, and the final catch was in the center, just a few inches below my crotch. The dress split below the last catch, revealing a lot of leg, and a fair amount of thigh. The back of the dress began below my shoulders and dropped to the hem from there. A sculpted opening in the back of the dress revealed my lower back within an inch of my butt. It was sexy as hell, and I wanted Dave to see me wear it. I also admitted to myself that I wanted Nick and Ted to see me wear it, too.

Sophia pressed me to try it on. I hesitated, concerned at the potential cost, but she reassured me that it didn’t matter what it cost, I had to try it on. She didn’t have to twist my arm much, and I soon stood before the triple mirror. I have never felt so sexy wearing anything. The dress was intended to be worn without a bra. The designer had taken great joy in keeping the material as thin as possible. My nipples stood proudly erect, and there would be no hiding them. I had to be brave and confident to wear it. I was brave enough and figured the confidence would come as I got used to strutting around in it.

I reluctantly took it off, knowing I would never own such an expensive dress. I’m not cheap, but I knew that dress cost a small fortune and I probably wouldn’t wear it more than a few times. Anne grabbed my hand and led me to the women’s intimate wear. She was on a mission and soon had a tiny blue thong and matching pull-up hose. “What are you doing, Anne? You’re wasting your time because I can’t afford that dress.”

She turned and gave me a serious look. “Excuse me? I believe your husband gave you some instructions, did he not? Do what we tell you, and we won’t have to report your insubordination to your husband. Now, follow me. We’re getting you some come fuck me heels.”

The grin she tried to hide as she turned away relieved me more than I can say. I hadn’t misread these women. They were definitely up to something, but whatever it was, it wasn’t evil in intent. Anne and Sophia were excited and having fun. I didn’t think for a second that they would do that at my expense.

Ten minutes later, we left the store carrying the bag containing my heels, hose, and a laughable excuse for panties. Sophia was carrying a dress box that I had no doubt contained the blue dress. I was nearly in tears. “You shouldn’t have bought that dress. I haven’t done anything to deserve that kind of generosity.”

Sophia put her arm around me and gave me a side hug. “It was fun. I’m not a bit concerned about the cost. Let me do this for you. If you insist on paying me back, I will insist we take it out in trade.”

“Take it out in trade?”

Her smile was lustful. “Yes, one hot dress in return for your hot body. Think about it. If your conscience bothers you that much, I’m willing to help you ease it.”

I must have turned a previously undiscovered shade of bright red because Anne joined her in laughing gleefully. I kept giving them the side eye as we worked our way to the exit. I had always been bi-curious but had never done a thing about it. Anne and Sophia were very beautiful, and I can’t deny I fantasized pretty hard about the three of us satisfying my curiosity. I reigned myself in. There was no way my libido was reflecting reality. We would go to the spa, have dinner, and that would be that.

An exuberant staff met our arrival at the spa, and the pampering began. Mani-pedi, facial, the sauna, and an eye-opening Brazilian wax. Our next stop was the massage tables, then showers to finish. The massage was wonderful mainly because the masseurs were three hunks of wonderful man flesh. So wonderful, in fact, that I was startled to hear moaning coming from Anne’s table.

I felt Sophia’s hand on my shoulder and pulled my head out of the hole to look up at her smiling face. “Roll onto your side and scrunch over.”

I did as she asked while she settled on the table behind me. Her nude body pressed against my back. Her hand softly ran up and down my arm, and I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. “Look at Anne.”

I looked at the table next to mine. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw Anne swallowing the huge cock of her masseur.  The masseur that had been massaging Sophia was peeling off his clothes while my masseur continued doing his job after a fashion, only now he had two women.

Sophia’s guy grabbed Anne’s ankles and pulled her away from the cock she had been sucking. He flipped her on her back, put a hand on the back of each thigh, and pushed her legs back. His mouth went to her pussy, and he went to work. Anne’s guy climbed onto the table and fed his cock back into her mouth.

I was in erotic shock. She looked so damn hot with her two studs. I was amazed that a woman married to Nick would have any interest in another man. Sophia didn’t help matters when she cupped my left breast and teased the nipple with her fingertips. “We give our husbands a certain amount of freedom to experience other women. In return, we get to have our own experiences. Sometimes we have them with our husbands, and sometimes we do not. Sometimes, it’s with each other’s husbands. Do you find that shocking? Unacceptable?”

The fact that my pussy was producing enough moisture to grow crops might have influenced my answer somewhat. “I don’t have a problem with it, but I am surprised.”

I tried to think while Sophia’s hand kept wandering. Her lips were on my neck by this point, and our guy was massaging my tits and pulling my nipples in the most delicious way. Sophia’s masseuse brought Anne to what looked like an amazing orgasm. I watched as his mouth left her pussy and his cock approached it. Her hand braced against his stomach as she pulled her guy’s cock from her mouth. “Not today, please. I’m saving that for later.”

She sat up, dropped to the floor, and reached out to both men. “How about I suck both of your cocks?”

Sophia’s hand found my clit about then, and it was all I could do to speak. “What are you planning? I don’t know if we should be doing this. I won’t do stuff without David’s permission. I think we should stop.”

I really didn’t want her to stop, but I wasn’t going to do anything that might hurt my marriage. She didn’t stop. Her hand continued to play with my pussy. “Sara, have you forgotten what your husband told you? He’s fine with you being here with us, doing what we are doing. He wants you to have fun, but only if you want to. It’s always your choice, dear. All any of us want to do is make you feel wonderful.”

Her hand moved faster, and I felt the orgasm growing in me. She twisted around me until her face hovered over mine. “How am I doing so far?”

Then, her lips were on mine, and she kissed me. I got lost in that wonderful kiss, and my arousal grew until I was nearly there. I was at the lip of the cliff, ready to fall into a wonderful orgasm, when her fingers left my pussy. I groaned into her mouth in frustration.

She abruptly got off the massage table and grabbed a towel. “Get up, Slut. We need to get showered and go to Anne’s house.”

I looked at her like she was insane. She chuckled throatily and glanced over at Anne. I followed her eyes, and mine fell on Anne. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. As soon as I laid eyes on Anne, she pulled those big cocks from her mouth and pumped them hard. Both men shot massive loads onto her tits. I desperately missed Sophia’s fingers.

Anne gave each man a few last strokes before she stood, grabbed a towel, and walked over to my table. She had cum all over her chest when she reached out as if to hug me. I cringed, and she laughed. “Sophomoric, I know, but the look on your face was worth it. Get up, Slut. We need to get going.”

My face had to be red as a beet when I shakily stood. I had never seen anything like what I had just seen, and no one had ever talked to me like that. I was so fucking aroused. I should have felt very guilty about that. I didn’t. What I felt was anticipation, and David had made that possible. He was guiding me. I could see that now. He wanted something for me, not from me, and had offered me a puzzle to solve. What is this? Where is this going? It can’t possibly be that, can it?

Dave and I had always been adventurous in our love life, but we had never been involved with other people. I was pretty sure that tonight might change that, and I wasn’t sure what to think about that. I needed to talk with my husband before things got crazier. It was my sincere hope that he would be fucking me with his big cock while we had our talk. I was going to lose my mind If I didn’t get some cock in me soon.

I found it rather odd that there was only one dressing room and shower available. I stood in the shower between two of the most beautiful women I had ever met. I should have been nervous as hell. Nervous ended up not being the case. As soon as the two of them started washing my body, I forgot to think at all. I washed Anne’s back while Sophia ran her soapy hands over my tits and down my body. Her fingers slipped between my nether lips, and I nearly collapsed. I was so fucking horny. I soon found out that my affliction wasn’t going to end soon.

When she pulled her hand away, my pussy was clean, throbbing, and aching for release. “You two are driving me insane. There’s obviously something going on. I’m having fun so far, but you need to come clean.”

Sophia caressed my cheek and kissed me softly on the lips. “I promise you that we only want to make you happy. Remember, whatever happens, you only do what you want to do, and that’s all you need to know for now.

“Now, get your gorgeous slut ass out of the shower and get dressed. We need to get going.”

An hour later, we stood in Anne’s foyer, watching half a dozen people run around organizing. Their home was gorgeous. Sophia took me on a tour while Anne focused on managing dinner. I think that involved pointing at stuff and other people doing whatever it was that was needed. I would do the same thing if I had her resources. I’m ecstatic with my life just as it is, but I wouldn’t turn down a few million dollars and the perks that came with it.

The main portion of the house had an open floor plan. The living area flowed into the dining room. The kitchen was separated by a wall with an arched doorway providing access. It was easily accessible while the mess made during food preparation remained hidden.

I was shocked to find that they have a four-season swimming pool. The roof was retractable, but this late in the year, it was closed. The floor was heated. I would have had no problem staying warm while walking around in a bikini. Water features broke up the lines, making the pool area look very inviting.

The guest bedroom that Dave and I were using was nicer than a honeymoon suite at a five-star hotel. The room was gorgeous. There was an ensuite bathroom with a shower and soaking tub. A hot tub for four is nestled in the arch of the bay window. The window overlooked a spectacular view of the landscape behind the house.

“Sophia, this is absolutely beautiful but seems like a waste for David and me. We won’t get much use out of it outside of dressing for dinner this evening.”

I felt Sophia’s warmth against my back, and her fingers moved my hair away out of her way. She kissed my neck, and my pussy reminded me that I was horny as fuck! “Anne and I thought it would be nice if you two spent the night here. That way, both of you can enjoy a few drinks… and the company.”

The innuendo was making me crazy. Is she suggesting what I think she is? No, that isn’t the question. She’s obviously suggesting something sexual. I wonder what she, they, have in mind?

I realized that the anticipation was overwhelming my resistance. I desperately needed to talk with my husband before things got crazier than they already were.

Written by Woodart
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