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Author's Notes

"Annie makes her return after a looooong hiatus."


5 Days After Dr. Carly

"Annie gets a gold star..." the voice hummed before merging with a beat.

Like a small boat on the ocean,

Sending big waves,

Into motion...

Annie reached down as a warm purr tumbled through her body. She grabbed the silky brown ponytail bobbing between her legs and pulled. An agile tongue and sweet lips responded by dancing over her shiny, slick pearl in rhythm with the music. Annie's other hand grasped the slender, manicured hand on her thigh tightly as the beat quickened. A fresh orgasm crescendoed.

This is my fight song

Take back my life song

Prove I'm alright song

"Right therrrrrreeeee... suck me," Annie growled, pulling hard on the woman's hair; her legs wrapped around her lover's naked body. Annie erupted with satisfaction.

As she floated above herself, Annie noticed a cute gold star tattooed on her left hip flexor. Ashley lifted her head away from Annie's sex slowly, smacking her lips. Her honey-brown saucer eyes intensely happy, AAA affixed a sultry kiss on that star.

Annie woke up with a gasp... and a familiar itch. She scratched her mark, still quite clear, but now a deeper hue of purple. The "omega" never irritated her, but there was a kind of persistent warmth; a recurring fuzziness pleasing to service within it.

Her hand slid to her soaking crotch as Sam snored softly beside her. It was the third dream this week. They'd just fucked as hard and long as a weeknight would allow. Annie easily slid two fingers inside herself (just a few months ago it would've been one). She grabbed her phone off the nightstand.


Annie chided herself for her nerves. If she saw her, red cheeked and sweating like a nervous-nelly, sitting inside her car in the office parking lot looking at her phone every ten seconds….

“It’s just a consult,” she reminded herself. “It’s free,” she smiled. “Dr. Carly wants to talk to me; she thinks I can really hit high levels with our quad.”

Annie didn’t notice her own fingers tracing circles around her labia as she recalled Lauren’s follow-up; how Dr. Carly herself wanted to check in with her.

How Lauren agreed with Dr. Carly (of course) that Annie was an excellent example of an “omega.”

How high her quad could hit.

How well positioned they were to be ‘with the program.’

How her quad could really ‘fuck each other up in all the right ways.’

How Annie wanted to pay whatever rate was appropriate for the extra time.

“Carly’s time must be really in demand,” she’d said. It had felt good just to say that out loud.

“It’s Doctor Carly,” Lauren sternly admonished. That felt bad. Annie had wrung her hands and apologized profusely.

Lauren’s sweet voice returned though. “You’re still learning Annie, and I’m here to teach you.” That felt a little better.

Doctor Carly will call you tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Make sure you can enjoy her in some privacy. Wear headphones. And the consult is free. “

Now that felt really good. Bubbles floated and deliciously popped in her head. It wasn’t about money for Annie. The fact that it wasn’t for money for Carly — Dr. Carly — either made Annie feel so warm inside.

As she watched the minutes on her phone tick by, she started absentmindedly stroking up and down her dampening pussy, her hand fully working inside the NSFW thong she’d picked out this morning.

When the phone rang through her earbuds precisely at 9:00 am, Annie couldn’t wait for the second ring.

“Hello, this is Annie!” Oh, gawd! She sounded too eager.

“Annie, such a pleasure to follow up with you, honey,” Dr. Carly sang. Friendly and informal, confident and commanding; the good doctor’s voice disarmed whatever Annie’s nerves might be trying to signal.

“Dr. Carly, thank you so much for…for just everything,” Annie blurted out.

“Oh Annie,” Dr. Carly gently chided. “You should thank yourself for investing in the program. It pleases me to be help wonderful women like you realize your full happiness and capabilities. More is good, right?”

“More is good,” Annie repeated back to the doctor, feeling the blood rush to her quickly emerging clit.

From there on things got fuzzy for Annie. A

“more is good” kind of fuzzy. Dr. Carly was speaking. And she was listening. But what exactly was being said, taught…instructed, was in the background of a delightful hum in Annie’s brain.

One far-off day Annie would liken it to the lyrics of an R&B song at a club. You could hear them, even sing along, but you didn’t really stop to think about even shocking lyrics until it was already normal in your head. And by then you liked the way it made you move too much to worry about it.

But in the moment Annie’s eyes glazed over as she sat in a remote corner of the office lot hazily stroking two fingers in and out of her gushing sex. The humming grew softer after some undefined time and it now felt like Annie was listening to Dr. Carly underwater, or like Dr. Carly sounded like the parents on the old ‘Charlie Brown’ specials.

Annie let out a dumb laugh at the thought of Dr. Carly as Charlie Brown’s mom. Had she been lucid, she would have been embarrassed, but instead, Dr. Carly laughed in response. And the sensual and sunny sound of the doctor’s laugh made Annie suddenly break into a long, convulsing orgasm.

After Annie came, Dr. Carly’s voice steadily came into the forefront of her mind in higher resolution.

At first, it was only a fractions of sentences or ideas.

“…until your legs give out…”

“…just like you controlled Sam…”

“…cervix dips to catch it all…”

“…pussy makes the rules…”

“…give him a nice, sticky mine, full of treasure…”

“….Jen and Sian…”

“…wrong not to do it…”

“…what do you call her? ‘AAA’?”

“…sexual athlete…”

…fuck that little bitch hard Annie…”

Little by little it became clearer, like listening to an old radio broadcast. And now Annie was dimly aware she had a vibrator lodged inside her thum-thum-thuming away.

When she’d inserted it or where it came from… Annie lacked the presence or self-control to ask. It felt good. More is good. Hands gripping the steering wheel she came hard a second time, some of her juices squirting out around the relentlessly humming phallus stuffed to the hilt in her pussy.

The Doctor continued her consult, telling Annie all about her research on female and male sexual psychotypes - Epsilon, Rho, Sigma, and Omega for women, and Alpha, Beta, and Omicron for men.

"Epsilons are, sexually speaking, the female version of the alpha male. They're critical to my work in that they take the pleasure they want, and much like alpha males, they want to dictate pleasure to others. They're also a pain in the ass sometimes if you'll pardon my 'French' Annie. Hierarchy and dominance are so important to them.

Your quad-mate Jen is a perfect example. She's sweet in her own fashion, but she will bend any man or woman over a counter if they let her.

Rhos. Rhos are the mirror image and the counterpoint to beta males. My work often helps them the most by harnessing their natural sexual submissiveness for gains elsewhere in their lives. It’s counterintuitive to an Epsilon, but when a Rho finds a proper outlet for their disposition they actually assert themselves more at work or home even as they desperately need to sexually please and submit.

It took some work to appreciate them, how happy they are on their knees, spreading their legs wide all the time, equal parts fearful and wet when you leash them… but after years of fine tuning, I think you've seen how my techniques allow Rhos to bloom. Once they embrace what they need, they really showcase their resilience, their creativity in realizing the paradox of dominance through submission.

Now my dear, Omegas. Omegas are my favorites for good reasons. Omegas possess an intriguing duality. It's reductive perhaps, but within you is an Epsilon and a Rho, and yet neither. You are not a leader or a follower. You are a giver and a taker.

The challenge for many Omegas is that their purportedly dueling facets make it hard for them to accept one side or another. They've been conditioned to feel that either their aggressive or passive, dominant or submissive sides are 'wrong' or 'weak.' So untrue Annie. More is good.”

“More is good,” groaned Annie, a silky thread of drool escaping down her bottom lip and pooling on her skirt.

"Finally, Sigmas,” Dr. Carly continued, ignoring Annie’s intensifying moans and whimpers.

“Sigmas are tricky Annie," Annie's nipples felt like they were pushing through her top as her knuckles turned white on the wheel.

“But I'm confident that you are the perfect match for your friend, and what's more, your quad.

You see Epsilons and Rhos are fun, and there's always a challenge in keeping things engaging for them. But Sigmas are free spirits. An Epsilon's hardened need for rules and supplication might thrill or offend. A Rho's need to be the perpetual "bottom" might bore or frustrate. Sigmas need clever, agile playmates.”

“In the right context," Dr. Carly continued as Annie moved her hands to her thighs, involuntarily spreading her legs and flexing her butt as she wriggled and writhed. Her freshly minted “Omega” tattoo itched delightfully, egging her on my depraved devotion. “They give themselves with curious devotion to an Omega.”

“Jen is your Epsilon. Love her even when you hate her Annie. And you will hate her. Use it. Gawd knows she’ll use it on all of you.”

“Sian is your Rho. That pervert is there to serve your every sordid whim. Just make sure to take care of her Annie. Jen is going to practically enslave her.”

“And your sweet, flakey Ashley Amber…”

The car windows were fogged up and Annie was involuntarily bucking her hips when Dr. Carly concluded the consult.

“What a pair you will be with her as a Sigma to your Omega Annie.,” began Dr. Carly with a near sinister tone.

Through grit teeth, Dr. Carly commanded, “You and ‘Triple A’ will hit levels so high, with your quad, with your husbands, with each other…you’re making me fucking cum just thinking about the two of you being little hedonistic sluts all over.”

“Now go on and cum for me agin you little MILF slut. And make it good. More is good.”

“Mawhhhh issssss, soooo gooooooood….” Annie cried as she seized the vibrator and furiously pumped it in and out of her soaked, spasming cunt.

Whole bottles of champagne bubbles washed over Annie's brain, pop-pop-popping, releasing her old patterns, reinforcing her new ones. Her whole body convulsed in an aftershock orgasm.

“Thank you, Doctor,” she mewed, too high to be fearful of the power Dr. Carly held over her. “I…I… have to go to work now.”

“Of course honey,” her goddess allowed. “You have so much work to do, don’t you? Remember what I told you now.”

“Everything,” Annie vowed.

After Annie was released by the dial tone she quickly cleaned off her vibrator with her mouth, tucked it into her bag and tried to smooth out her blouse and skirt. Stepping out of the steamy car she wobbled from her distant parking spot towards the lobby looking like she was taking a “walk of shame.”

From his front desk, Oaklee Graham noticed the dazed, loony-looking woman from a good long distance. His hand was on his walkie-talkie about to call it in when Annie’s mussed hair, runny makeup, and damp spot on the crotch of her skirt came into clear view.

It was all recent. Real recent. You could almost smell it when she click-clacked through the door in those uncharacteristic heels. The retired Philly detective didn’t need a DNA sample to know this white woman just got fucked good; and not by her husband.

She’d been such a nice lady to him, and so had Sam; both the kind that would stop and ask him how his family was doing, or talk Sixers with an old retired cop when half these folks wouldn’t give him the time a day! She’d seemed like a model wife and worker But now? What on earth happened?

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“Dayum” Oaklee grunted. “She look like one of them hot white girls his grandsons brought around - ‘snow bunnies’ they called ‘em, just dressed in fancier clothes,” he thought. The detective in him always warned him to never say never around these yuppies, but it was his wife this one down pat.

“My stars, my stars and stripes Toni,” he whistled through raised eyebrows. “You were right about these white folks. All of ‘em freaky, even the good ones.”

His fifty-seven-year-old cock stiffened and stirred for the first time in a good long while. He hadn’t had any pussy since Toni passed. But the wheels in old Detective Oaklee’s head were turning as fast as ever. Annie was showing him pictures of her kids just last week and now she looks like she was steppin’ out on her man Sam at 9 a.m.!

“She looks baked too,” he observed. “I bet she like that flower like those bad girls Corey and Jay mess with. A man could get some of that above-board nowadays at those pot shops. What a world. He could get some and see if she want a smoke break…see if she would smoke some big black Graham too.”

Oaklee grabbed his swelling cock under the desk with a perverted mixture of excitement and disappointment, remembering how he had got his ass on the straight and narrow for his wife. “His Toni-angel had an open line to his shoulder angel” he used to say. But this white woman was no angel. And the devil lit a fire in his big old balls. “Oh forgive me Toni, but as Jay says ‘YOLO,” he mumbled to her framed picture as he put it face down on his desk.

“Well hello there Annie,” Otis Graham said through a big grin.

Annie eked out a smile and a little wave as she tried to shuffle off to the elevator without seeming too rude.

“You look like you got dragged through a knothole Annie,” he laughed. “What’s cookin’ girl?”

Annie was slowly sobering up, but she still felt bubbly. Her tattoo pulsated, but she wasn’t ready. She hadn’t hit a level where she could just strut into her office building looking freshly self-pleasured. She started to turn pink with embarrassment.

“Oh, hi Oak,” she offered meekly praying she could just make it to the elevator.

“You see the Sixers last night honey? Helluva game!” Oaklee stood up.

“Oh…yeah…I fell asleep, early morning dance class today and I’m running late - didn’t even get to shower Oak!” Oh gawd, she just realized her underwear was still pulled to the side!

‘Oak’ came out from behind his desk. He looked determined to talk. As he stepped closer, Annie could not recall ever seeing him walk, let alone stand this close to her. He was a big, big man sporting an obvious and obscene bulge stuffed like a baton in his uniform pants which made him pull up on his belt uncomfortably.

“You sure you ok, Annie?” Oak gave her the ole’ detective stare through his reading glasses, glaring at her rumpled blouse unbuttoned just one button too many for work. There was no game last night. Beads of sweat were still sewing between her freckled breasts.

The scent of Annie’s cum made his nostrils flare. Oak took in a deep breath and shook his head. His old instincts were coming right back to him in more ways than one. He took another step closer.

“I ever tell you they used to call me ‘Big O’ back in the day?”

“No Oak, I didn’t know that,” Annie gulped. She could imagine why. He had to be at least 6’4 and the hands resting on his belt looked like they could palm a basketball…or her head.

“‘Yep. ‘Big O’ like Oscar Robertson,” he chuckled. “‘Cept I wasn’t much of a basketball player myself.”

“So why did they call you…” Annie took the bait.

“Let’s just say I was a ‘leader’ in the locker room,” Oak intimated in a low voice, grinning but serious. “Man among boys you know?”

Oak was leaning with his back to the elevator panel now, his groin out ahead of him. His bulge creaked but grew like an old frigate coming about.

“Looong time ago, and before I had these grays,” he began smoothing his hair at his temples. “And these,” he took off his glasses. “But most of me works as well as it ever did, just with more…experience.”

“More is good,” Annie approved, biting her lip.

“Annie girl, where have you been?” interrupted a new voice along with a new set of clacking high-heeled shoes. It was one of the young, fresh-faced executive assistants, a tall, athletic black woman who always effortlessly pulled off the latest fashion trends on a shoestring budget.

Imani bounded over in a white jumpsuit that showed off her toned arms, with a cute gold belt and matching hoop earrings. She assisted a different group so Annie had barely ever talked to her, but she envied her look, her youthful confidence, her nose ring…she was just so cool. Unfortunately, like all the other twenty-somethings, she seemed to border on entitled.

“Papa Oak, I am so sorry to interrupt but this woman is in high demand. We have a client waiting and I’m afraid Ms. Annie’s privilege is showing up on her watch this morning,” she laughed stepping between Oak and Annie, touching his arm.

“We can talk Sixers later, but I have got to get this conference going or it will be my ass bent over the desk,” she complained.

Startled by getting caught off the desk, Oaklee wondered with more than a little annoyance where this little queen came from so fast before he thought better of it.

“My girl!” he exclaimed, offering a meaty hand for a fist bump. “They said your 100-meter hurdle time was something else at ‘Nova, but woooooo, you can do it in heels too?”

“Were you a pole vaulter Papa Oak? Cause you sure did jump just now!” Imani shot back.

“I got a pole alright,” Oak thought while he chortled and wagged a finger at her. Oaklee was too sly a silver fox to push it now. “Okie dokie, heaven knows you and I can’t be late right? I’ll just get back to my little box then and leave you to it then little queen.”

“Come on now Papa, this lady is late for a very important date,” Imani punched him in the arm and they both laughed before she pulled Annie onto an elevator.

“Alright now, you just take care of Annie for Big O.” He sounded like his jovial self, but his eyes stared with fierce hunger at her as the doors closed.

“Oh gawd, thank you,” Annie began. “I had a personal appointment this morning and I thought my calendar was clear…”

“Uh-huh,” Imani replied as she hit the stop elevator button. “I’d say it was a very personal appointment.”


“I saw you waddle out of that car looking blissed as fuck, all disheveled,” Imani said matter of factly as she turned to face Annie and pulled at the waist of her skirt with one hand and took Annie’s left hand with the other.

Imani smirked when she saw Annie’s omega. It wasn’t exactly what she was expecting, but most of her instincts were proved right as usual.

“What were you up to in there Annie?” Imani prodded as she sniffed Annie’s fingers like a cigar aficionado. “I was out there when you practically fell out of your car with your ‘fuck- me miniskirt’ around your waist. Is this all appropriate for the workplace, for a married woman?”

“Oh gawd, I didn’t…I’m not…”

“Not what?” The stronger woman almost half her age pulled her closer by her waistband before flashing a bright smile and taking Annie’s fingers slowly and sensually into her mouth. Imani swirled her tongue around each, savoring Annie’s juices and taking time to trace and suck around Annie's wedding ring.

Meanwhile, she placed her other hand against Annie’s mound before pushing two long fingers inside her honeypot. Annie mewed helplessly as Imani began pumped her pussy with her hand, wet slapping sounds echoing in the elevator.

“Don’t worry,” Imani whispered as she cupped Annie’s chin without ceasing her intense finger fucking. “Your secret is safe with me.” The younger woman kissed Annie deeply, exploring her with her tongue until Annie reciprocated and their tongues tangled together.

“I’m ‘with the program’ too and from the dumb look on your face, hella further along than you ‘meg” Imani jeered as she broke her kiss and retrieved her phone from a pocket. Annie still in shock just spread her legs a little wider and fell back against the elevator wall.

“We girls have to stick together Annie,” Imani signed as she squat down right in front of Annie’s incredibly swollen cunt, lips slightly parted and glistening from all the attention this morning. She then stuck her tongue out in a festive pose and snapped a selfie with Annie’s pussy.

“Ooooh, my quad gonna love this one! Got your omega right in the shot,” she laughed. “Hey girls,” Imani spoke into her phone. “Found this junior omega wandering around blissed out and covered in her own cum at work this morning! Watch me eat this pink MILF pussy out!”

With that Imani latched onto Annie’s pink, MIlF pussy and licked, sucked, and tongue fucked her with abandon. Annie’s legs went over her rescuer’s shoulders as she huffed abs puffed through her new friend’s expert ministrations.

The elevator started moving again to Annie’s fear abs excitement. “Oh hurry, pleeeeaase!”

“Mmnnn, we both… mulha, glah, gluh… have the pussy rookie” Imani growled. “…nnnnm. But I…mulaahh, nnnuh, but I …make the rules here.” In truth, the young black woman had a taste for white pussy, and she always seemed to know exactly how to push those buttons.

Annie’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she gushed all over the younger woman’s face with a guttural moan.

The elevator doors lurched open on the impatient senior manager. He’d been furiously mashing the button when he heard some kind of sound like a cat howling.

“What on earth is going on with these damned elevators today?” he whined as Annie and Imani briskly stepped by him. “Why is it so damned humid Inhere?” he droned on to himself before staring at his phone and sniffing something familiar as the doors closed.

Imani finished straightening up Annie’s hair and clothes for her as they reached the suite.

“Maybe we should sit in your car together sometime,” she said as she tucked a little card into Annie’s pocket. “We could catch you up…you know? Like You could eat my pussy for lunch ok?”

With that, she snaked her tongue into Annie’s ear. “Or if you really want that old cop’s nightstick, we could find all kinds of Big Os. Together.”

Somehow Annie made it through the day. She was productive, even inspired despite being an hour late to real work. And she felt surprisingly well charged. By the time she finished all her evening to-dos, she wasn’t as much tired as she was itchy again.

She wanted to learn more about quads, about Dr. Carly’s work…about being a good ‘omega.’

She logged onto Dr. Carly’s message board and clicked on a link for quads.

The message board had a lot of rho's on it. A lot.

"sR/42 looking for mE/30+"

"mwR/25 seeks older E or O, m or s ‘with the program.’”

"Rho looking for an Epsilon or Omega single or married.”

“Experienced Rho loves being fucked hard by O or S. Hard-hubs welcum 🥰”

“Black Epsilon wants to fuck up a straight white girl’s marriage. Likes converting Rs to g-only. LOVES undermining Os and hubbys. No S flakes.”

“Married Asian ‘Meg needs program partner to hit higher levels. Looking for my Sig or short term Rhos.”

“Rho needs a new quad after move! I love helping you hit new heights!”

“mwR needs to be used. Eager to please Es and hard Os.”

“Beginner single black Rho. I just worship Dr. C! She’s changed my life! Can I worship you too? Please!”

“Any party ‘Megs out there want to share their Sigs, Rhos and Hubs? I’m a married O with a steady Sig looking to connect for program parties.

“mwR with soft hubs needs an E or O to use me up! Hit your levels and leave me behind. It doesn’t matter.”

“mwS would like to experience an awR or O for mutual enlightenment. No bossys or clingers, please. Not looking for squads or steadys. Soft hubs gets to watch.”

Annie squirmed in her chair. There was so much to learn. So much to do with her quad. Hers. But maybe…maybe she could practice with some other devotees… you know, to be the best omega for her quad possible.

There was even a section devoted to group posts by quads with pics and videos. One, in particular, caught her attention immediately;

“SuperNovaGrrrl: Elpsilon & Noob Meg on the Lovevator. Quad Reaxs!”

“Oh my gawd…”

Written by CoachMikeChris
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