Once, I’d had it all: a loving husband, a promising future, and a body that turned heads without even trying. I was Jane, a petite blonde with a secret weapon: a chest that defied my slender frame.
I’d always been active, my lithe form a testament to hours spent running through the park and practicing yoga. Even now, the memory of that creepy old man’s gaze, fixated on my curves while i was out running one day, sent a shiver down my spine. Yet, beneath my delicate exterior, a fire burned. A desire that would consume me, a hunger that would push me to the edge.
I’d been a good girl, a model student, a dutiful daughter. The only rebellion I’d ever known was the tiny silver stud piercing my tongue, a reckless act of youth that had thrilled and terrified me in equal measure. But now, a new kind of rebellion was stirring within me, a darkness that threatened to overshadow my pristine life.
Damian, my knight in shining armour, my safe harbour. He was everything a woman could want: handsome, charming, and devoted. Yet, as I would soon discover, even the strongest bonds could be broken by the insatiable cravings of the flesh.
Damian was older than me, but I’ve always liked older men. They seem to mature with age. We met when I was just eighteen, on a night out. I lost my virginity to him at his place, a house he shared with his ex who’d recently moved out.
The only issue with Damian was his… endowment. He knew he wasn’t well-endowed, and he was self-conscious about it. But I hadn’t been with anyone else, so I thought his was normal. I’d only seen those oversized cocks in porn. We had some toys to help, but our love for each other was the most important thing.
We got married when I was twenty-one, and we’d just moved into a new house. We wanted a quieter place to raise a family, away from the city. It was a typical four-bedroom detached house, fifteen miles outside the city.
We met a few people in the neighbourhood, including Mr. Lewis, our next-door neighbour. He was a tall, imposing black man in his late fifties, always out tending to his garden or washing his car. He was a widower who’d lived there for years. I’d often catch him eyeing me up and down, but I just assumed he was a dirty old man.
I was a freelance marketing expert, but the gigs were drying up. Damian was trying to launch his gas business, but customers were few and far between. Money was tight, and we were determined not to touch our savings. So, when our water pipes decided to burst, it was the last straw.
One morning, I was in the kitchen, minding my own business, when a loud bang echoed through the room. Water was gushing everywhere, spraying from a burst pipe hidden behind the cupboard. "Shit!" I yelled, rushing towards the chaos. Damian was out, and I was left to deal with the mess. As I scrambled to find the stopcock, there was a knock at the door. Still in my nightgown (I rarely bothered to get dressed when I was alone), I answered to find Mr. Lewis, our neighbour, curious about the commotion.
"Are you alright?" His voice cut through the air, and I felt his gaze linger on me. Typical, I thought, rolling my eyes.
"I was out front when I heard you scream."
"Oh, it's just the pipes, I think."
"I can take a look if you like," he offered.
"Oh, would you mind? Damian isn't around," I replied, inviting him in.
He headed straight for the cupboard, fiddling with the pipes.
"I think I've found the issue. I just need a spanner, and I'll try to get you sorted. Do you want to see?" he asked. I leaned down to look at the pipe.
"Here, see? I think the nut's come loose."
"Ah, okay. Easy fix, then?" I asked, crouching down beside him. As I leaned in, I felt his eyes on my chest. I straightened up, realizing my dressing gown had gaped open. Heat rushed to my face as I quickly adjusted it. He smirked and looked away.
"There, all done. You should be okay now," he said.
"Thanks," I mumbled.
"You're welcome. Anytime," he replied, his gaze lingering on me once more.
He stood in front of me, his eyes boring into mine.
"Thank you so much. I owe you."
"Don't worry about it. Just doing my duty as a neighbour. See you soon," he said, turning and leaving.
That night, after Damian got home from work, I told him about the issue. "You should have called me," he said. "I could have fixed it. What did the plumber say?"
"It wasn't the plumber," I explained. "It was Mr. Lewis, the neighbour."
"He did it for you? You should have called a plumber," he insisted.
"I would have," I said, "but he must have heard me scream and came over."
"Well, I guess that was nice of him," Damian replied.
"Hey I saw him just now actually. He showed me his garage and he's got tons of stuff in there. He was going to throw everything out until I told him you were a whizz on marketplace and could sell some stuff for him. Honestly it's like a little goldmine in there. He said he'd give you half the cash and we are pretty broke. You said you were bored so what do you think?"
"I dunno, i don't really know the guy. Anyway he's probably got nothing worth anything."
"He has got a vintage guitar, an old TV, some jewellery, loads of stuff."
"Well i guess if he's willing to sell them and they are worth something, maybe we can help him out."
"That's the spirit" he aid and gave me a kiss.
The next morning Damian had left for work and I had finished getting dressed. It was a warmish day so I put on some jeans, trainers and a blue tank top which showed some of my ample cleavage but nothing that i normally wouldn't wear. I then finished my breakfast and walked over to Elijahs house and knocked on the door.
"Hi Mr Lewis i said Damian mentioned clearing you garage out if you want me to help?"
"Sure, I've been meaning to clear the place out for a long time. Come on in." He said."
He took me through to the garage. I cautiously stepped into the garage, my eyes darting over the haphazard collection of tools, boxes, and forgotten treasures. The garage was a chaotic mess, but it was a hidden world waiting to be explored.
"I'll just grab some boxes and we'll get started." He said.
"You know, you look very pretty today for clearing out my garage."
I wasn't sure what to say, I'm sure he was just flattering me. "Thanks" I said with a smile.
"So how's Damian?" He asked.
"Busy at work."
"How is the business going?"
"Not great. It's tough getting started up and it's hard to market a gas business."
"I know it's difficult in this day and age, especially after COVID."
"Do you want a cup of tea? Sorry i should've asked if you wanted a drink. Or I can make some coffee?"
"A coffee would be nice. Thanks," I replied.
He disappeared back into the house, leaving me alone with the chaotic mess. I began organizing the clutter, sorting items into two piles: one for potential treasures and another for the trash. A solitary box, its presence oddly familiar, sat untouched in the centre of the room. As I focused on the hidden gems, I eventually turned my attention to a large TV box. With a curious glance, I lifted the lid to reveal a trove of CDs, each marked with mysterious initials, and a relic from the past - an old camcorder and CD player. Just as I was about to delve deeper into this intriguing find, Elijah returned.
"Here you go," he said, pressing the steaming mug into my hand. He took a sip of his own coffee, a satisfied look crossing his face.
"There are some cd's in the box over there that we need to look through"
"Oh....erm.....i'm not sure what they are. I found them in the attic. I haven't listened to them. Do what you want with them" He replied.
Something seemed a bit off when i mentioned them.
We toiled through the mountains of clutter for another hour, but as lunchtime approached, I decided it was time to take a break.
"Elijah, I'm just gonna nip home. It's lunchtime and i'm starving."
"OK, no problem. Have something here if you like?" he replied.
"Oh, thanks, but I have some leftovers. I'll return after lunch. But let me take these home and list them on Marketplace," I said, picking up the box containing the camcorder, CD player, and a collection of valuable jewellery.
"I'll see you later." He replied with a little disappointment in his voice.
"Bye, Elijah."
I was curious to see if the CD player still worked, so I took it into the living room and plugged it into the TV. The device powered on, and I began pressing buttons to test its functionality. As I pressed the eject button, a CD slid out. Intrigued, I picked it up and noticed the initials "EFHW" written on the top. Eager to see what was on the disc, I inserted it back into the player and pressed play. To my shock, the screen displayed a porno. The camera focused on a young Black woman being aggressively fucked by another black man. I watched, captivated by the explicit nature of the scene. The woman's moans and the man's intense movements filled the room. She performed oral sex on him before straddling his lap and bouncing rhythmically on his huge cock.
"Fuck, you're tight," the black man grunted, while the woman panted and screamed with pleasure, her gaze locked directly on the camera. My jaw dropped in shock, my eyes wide with disbelief. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to turn away. For the next twenty seconds, I watched as the man forcefully fucked her from behind, the slapping of her arse echoing through the room. I felt an involuntary reaction, a surge of arousal that quickly subsided. Snapping back to reality, I pressed the stop button and turned off the TV. Despite my initial shock, I understood that guys often watched porno's so it wasn't surprising that Eli had a stash. At least now I knew the video recorder was working.
Damian returned home later that day, greeting me with a casual, "Hey honey, did you have a good day? Did you get everything sorted for Elijah next door?"
I replied, "Oh yeah, I sorted everything, took some photos, and listed a few items on Facebook. I'll list the rest tomorrow. Um... I actually found something today."
"What's that?" he asked, intrigued.
"A DVD. Elijah had a box of CDs and a camera. When I plugged the camera in, I noticed a DVD, and well... it was a porn video."
A look of surprise crossed Damian's face. "Oh god, the dirty old man. I guess it's normal. All men watch porn."
"What do you mean 'all men'? Do you watch porn?" I questioned, curious.
"Sometimes," he admitted, a little hesitantly.
"What kind of porn?" I pressed further.
"Um, well... you know, different stuff."
"Tell me what kind of stuff," I insisted.
"Why are you asking all these questions? You never asked me before. Don't you watch any?" he countered.
"I've seen some, but not a lot. Anyway, I asked you what kind? Stop being evasive," I said, firm but calm.
"Okay, well, you know... maybe some interracial stuff," he confessed.
I stared at him, shocked. "Interracial? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, why?" he asked, oblivious to my surprise.
"You've watched Black girls being fucked?" I clarified.
"No, white girls being fucked by Black guys," he corrected.
I shook my head, disbelief evident. "I don't believe it. I didn't realize you were into that."
"Well, you know, their cocks are massive. Some girls love big dicks, and I guess it's sort of the contrast in colour," he explained.
"You surprise me," I remarked, still in a little shock. "Anyway, there are loads of CDs in that box there, so they're probably all porn."
"Wow, so he has quite a stash," Damian said, looking through the box. "He seemed quite startled when I found them. Anyway, enough of that subject. I'm off to cook dinner."
Later that evening, after dinner, Damian went into the lounge. I heard the TV and some explicit noises, and I immediately knew he had started the porn. I was furious and tempted to throw the DVD away.
"Turn it off, Damian! Now!" I yelled.
"Come here and watch it with me," he invited.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.
"He's fucking huge, look," he insisted.
"I'm not watching that," I replied firmly.
"Come on, just look," he urged.
Reluctantly, I walked in and saw a young black woman bouncing up and down on his cock.
"I can't believe you're watching that," I said, disgusted.
"I've watched more," he admitted.
"I don't care. Turn it off," I demanded.
Just as he was about to turn it off, I heard the woman say, "Eli, fuck me with your big cock."
"Did she just say what I think she said? That girl said, 'Eli,' didn't she?" I asked, incredulous.
"Fuck, isn't that Mr. Lewis from next door? That's Elijah, isn't it?" Damian realised.
"I can't believe it," I muttered, still in shock.
"Fuck, babe, and he was fixing your pipes yesterday?" Damian said with a cheeky grin, winking at me.
"Shut up!" I scolded him.
"Do you think he was checking you out when he came over?" he asked, teasingly.
"You're a pig. Anyway, you're the one watching this filth. What were you saying about big black dicks earlier?" I retorted.
"Just that some girls love big dicks, but fuck... Eli is on another level," he admitted.
I sat there, dumbfounded. "You can carry on watching if you want," I said, storming out.
I went upstairs to lay down, and Damian followed. He cuddled up to me and asked, "Are you okay, honey?"
"No, not really. That was shocking and a bit of a surprise," I confessed.
"Fancy getting naughty? I'm really horny," he suggested.
"No way," I replied firmly.
"What do you mean no way? You're not turned on?" he asked, confused.
"I'm dirty, Damian. Not a good time, and I'm cross with you," I explained.
"Fine," he said, disappointed.
I didn't end up going back to Eli's and spent the rest of the day pottering and listing some of the items from Eli's garage.
The next morning, Damian's phone woke us both. A groan escaped his lips as he rolled over, his hand blindly searching for the device. With a muttered curse, he answered the call.
"Oh, fuck really? It's so early. Okay, okay, I'm on my way," he said into the phone.
I stirred and asked, "What's up?"
"It's a client. Their boiler's broken down. I have to go. It's an emergency," he explained.
"Now? It's so early! Do you have to?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes, I have to go. They can't have no heating and no hot water. Besides, we need the money. I'll call you later," he said, kissing my forehead before rushing out the door.
Drifting back to sleep, I was roused by the insistent buzz of my alarm at 8:30. A quick shower and a light breakfast later, I carried the warm laundry basket upstairs. Then, my phone chimed, a notification announcing interest in one of my Marketplace listings.
"That was quick" i thought and clicked on it.
The ruby necklace, had caught the eye of a potential buyer called Tiana.
"Hi, are you still selling the ruby necklace? Let me know please," the message read. A glimmer of hope ignited within me, especially as it was on for so much money.
"Yes, are you interested? £150 right?" I typed, a sense of anticipation building.
A swift reply arrived: "Yes, I am. Can we meet up now please?" I was caught off guard by the urgency but agreed, suggesting a meeting outside Eli's house in half an hour.
With a key Eli had given me, I swung open the garage door. I located the jewellery box and carefully extracted the ruby necklace.
As I waited outside, the sound of an approaching car pierced the silence. A tall, dark-skinned woman emerged, her eyes fixed on me with a determined glint.
"Sarah, right? You're the one selling the necklace?" Tiana asked, her eyes fixed on the delicate piece.
"Yes, that's me. You must be Tiana," I replied, handing over the necklace. "Feel free to take a closer look."
Tiana held the ruby up to the light, turning it slowly. "Is this a real ruby?" she inquired.
"I believe so," I answered, uncertain. "I'm helping a friend clear out his house, and he let me sell a few things."
Tiana's eyes lit up. "It's beautiful. I'll take it."
I smiled. "Great."
Tiana handed over £150, slipped the necklace into her handbag, and climbed into her car.
Eli must have heard the commotion, because he soon emerged in shorts and a t-shirt.
"Morning," he greeted.
"Oh, hi. Sorry, were we too loud? Did we wake you?" I asked, feeling a bit guilty.
"No, no, it's fine. I was awake anyway," he reassured me.
My gaze drifted involuntarily towards his lower half, haunted by the vivid images from the night before. I noticed him shift his weight, his hands resting on his hips.
"Everything okay?" he asked, his eyebrows raised.
"What? Um, yeah, sorry. I just...didn't sleep well. That's all," I stammered, trying to cover my tracks.
"Oh, I see. Anything I can help with?" he offered.
"No, no, it's fine. It's probably just the heat," I replied, hoping my explanation sounded plausible.
About thirty minutes later, a sharp cry pierced the quiet garden air. I rushed outside, heart pounding.
"Eli!" I called out, my voice echoing through the space.
A muffled response came from the shed. I sprinted over, the wooden door creaking open. There, on the cold, concrete floor, lay Eli, with a grimace on his face.
"What happened?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.
"I was reaching for something," he groaned, his voice barely a whisper, "and the chair slipped out from under me. I think I twisted my ankle. I can't get up."
"Oh no," I replied, my heart sinking.
"It's okay," he insisted, trying to sound reassuring. "It's probably just a sprain. Can you help me up?"
"Of course," I said, reaching out to grab his arm.
As I did, my eyes widened in surprise. A black cock was visible and was escaping his shorts. My gaze lingered for a moment, taking in the sight of his flaccid thick shaft.
Snapping out of my shock, I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.
"Sorry," I stammered, my face flushed.
"Sorry about what?" he asked, confused. "You haven't done anything."
"Oh erm....." I replied, my voice barely audible. "I'm sorry about your ankle."
"Don't worry," he said, trying to smile. "It'll be fine."
As I helped him inside, my mind raced. Why on earth wasn't he wearing any underwear?
I guided him into the kitchen and gently urged him to sit.
"Thank you," he murmured, wincing.
"Do you have a bag you can put ice on it? That should help with the swelling," I suggested.
"Yes, yes there should be something in the freezer. Can you grab it, please?" he asked.
I retrieved a bag of ice and instructed him to elevate his foot on the other chair. As he shifted, his exposed cock came into view once more, and I couldn't help but steal a glance as it looked even longer than before.
Feeling a blush creep up my cheeks, I averted my gaze and focused on applying the ice pack to his ankle. However, I couldn't ignore the lingering sensation of his eyes on my chest. A wave of embarrassment washed over me as I realized the extent of his lecherous gaze.
"God, he's such a dirty old man," I thought to myself.
I tried to ignore his suggestive stares, but his cock kept catching my eye.
"I managed to sell a piece of jewellery this morning," I blurted out, trying to change the subject. "So that's £150 now."
"Oh, that's fantastic. I'm so glad. I appreciate you doing this for me," he replied, his voice laced with gratitude.
"Here's half," I said, handing him £75.
"You can have it all. You've done the hard work. I haven't lifted a finger," he insisted.
"I couldn't possibly take it all. It's too much. I've had nothing to do," I protested.
"It's the least I can do. Take it. Please," he urged.
"Thanks," I acknowledged, reluctantly accepting the money.
"Listen, I have to go, but you'll be okay, I'm sure. It doesn't look that swollen, and the ice should help. I'll lock the garage door," I said, standing up.
"Thanks again, Sarah," he thanked me once more.
"No worries, see you soon," I replied, turning to leave before my eyes once again glanced at his crotch.
I returned home, my heart pounding. Damian’s van was parked outside, a familiar sight. As I unlocked the door, the low, guttural sounds emanating from the TV confirmed my worst fears.
“Damian, are you in there?” I called out.
He emerged from the lounge, his face flushed and his eyes darting nervously.
“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice steady despite the rising anger within me.
“Nothing,” he mumbled, his gaze avoiding mine.
“I can hear the TV,” I retorted, my voice growing louder.
“Yeah, it’s just football,” he lied, his voice cracking.
“Football, seriously? I can hear a woman screaming!” I exclaimed.
I stormed into the lounge and paused the TV, revealing Eli and the young girl fucking away on the screen.
“What the fuck, Damian? I can’t believe you’ve watched this again!” I shouted, my voice echoing through the room.
“Sorry, babe,” he stammered, his face contorted with shame. “I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Christ, he’s our next-door neighbour, Damian! Why can’t you just leave it alone?” I demanded.
“I’ll switch it off now,” he mumbled.
“Why can’t you just watch a normal porno like everyone else? This is weird.”
“Sorry. You’re right,” he muttered, turning off the TV.
“What’s that on your top?” He asked, noticing a strange stain.
I looked down and realized it was mud. “Oh, it’s mud from next door. Eli fell over and hurt his ankle, so I helped him inside.”
"He probably loved that," he teased. "Did you give him a massage too?"
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice.
"Oh, come on, babe. He's a dirty old man. He probably had a massive erection while you were rubbing his ankle."
"That's disgusting. He did not. He's an old man, for Christ's sake. Why would you even say that?"
"Because he's a dirty old man," Damian insisted.
"You're so crass," I replied.
"Haha, whatever you say."
"He was actually very grateful," I continued. "He even gave me all the money I earned from selling some jewellery today. Said I did all the work, so I deserved it."
"So how much did you get?" he asked, his interest piqued.
"Wow, that's not bad," he said. "We can go shopping tomorrow and buy some things we need."
"That's what I was thinking."
"Listen, I have to get back to this customer now, but I'll be back around 3 pm."
"Okay, see you later," I replied.
I couldn't take my eyes off Eli's massive cock as he pounded into her from behind. It was easily the biggest I'd ever seen, and I couldn't imagine how she could take it all. A strange wetness began to form between my legs. At first, I thought it was my period, but when I checked, I realised it was something else entirely. The porn had turned me on, and I was desperate for release. When Damian walked in the door, I couldn't resist.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Damian asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Shut up and fuck me," I replied, my tone both urgent and demanding.
Without hesitation, he tore off his clothes, exposing himself. I wasted no time, my mouth closing around him with a ravenous hunger that surprised even myself. He groaned in pleasure, his body arching involuntarily.
I then looked at him pleading and bent over. He wasted no time, entering me from behind with a forceful thrust. As he pounded into me, he pressed play on the TV, and Eli's fucking resumed.

I was momentarily startled by his action, but my eyes were immediately drawn to the screen. The woman's lustful expression and the Eli's aggressive thrusts captivated me.
Suddenly, he cried out, "Oh fuck, yeah, I'm cumming!" His face contorted in ecstasy, and I could almost feel the intensity of his climax.
The sheer pleasure I witnessed on his face ignited a spark, and I was also overwhelmed by a wave of intense pleasure as my orgasm came out of nowhere.
Damian thrusted deep within me, a primal scream escaping my lips as he unloaded his seed. "Fuck, oh God, yeah!" I screamed as we both came at the same time.
"What the hell was that about?" he demanded, my heart still pounding. "One minute you're berating me, the next you're watching that video and jumping me."
"Shut up, as if," I muttered, a smirk playing on my lips.
"So, you do like big black dicks?" he was obviously teasing me.
"No," I denied, but my mind was confused.
"Then why were you so turned on watching that? You're intrigued, aren't you?" he pressed.
"No," I insisted, but my tone seemed to waver.
"Babe, just admit it. There's no shame," he coaxed.
"What do you mean?"
"You have no idea how hot it is. That was the best sex we've had in ages."
"What are you talking about?"
"The video, watching it while fucking. It was a turn-on, right?"
"Maybe just a little," I finally admitted, my voice barely audible. "But just a bit."
"I wonder how many wives and girlfriends he's slept with."
"That's just wrong. Stop it," I snapped.
"Why is it wrong?" he retorted.
"You're saying it would be okay for me to fuck another guy while married to you?"
A long silence followed. I was stunned. He didn't have to answer that.
"Damian, really? You'd be okay if I fucked another guy?" I asked, disbelief colouring my voice.
"Well...erm...only if you wanted to," he stammered.
"Jesus, Damian. That's not a normal reaction. What do you mean, 'only if I wanted to'?" I demanded. "Of course I don't!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he apologized, his voice filled with regret.
"You better be," I growled.
"Come on, let's not fight. What's the harm in talking about it?" he suggested, his voice softening.
"It's not right. It's dirty. Anyway, how would you feel if I told you I was going to fuck that dirty old man Eli or something? You wouldn't like that, would you?"
Another long pause. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Well, erm..." he began, his voice trailing off.
"WHAT?" I screamed, my voice echoing in the room.
"If you wanted to," he finished, his voice barely a whisper.
"Are you fucking crazy?" I demanded, my anger rising.
"Babe, listen, it's not what you think," he tried to explain.
"Oh no, so it's not you telling me it's okay to fuck our creepy old neighbour?" I scoffed.
"Listen to me. Just listen. What I mean is if you really wanted to fuck another guy, then I'm cool with it."
"Why would I want to?".
"Just saying," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"We're fucking married, Damian! That's the worst thing you could have said," I yelled, my voice still filled with hurt and anger.
I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. How could he say that? Fuck... with Eli, too? No way. Eww.
I barely spoke to him for the rest of the day. We went to bed angry and frustrated, the tension between us palpable.
The morning sun streamed through the window. Damian was already up and dressed.
"Oh, hey, babe, you're awake. Do you want a cup of tea?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of concern.
I was still simmering with anger, but I decided to let it go, at least for now. "No thanks," I replied, my tone flat. "I'm going for a run."
"Oh, okay," he said, turning back to the task at hand. "I'm just sorting some stuff out at the front."
It had been a while since I'd been out for a run, so I quickly changed into my running gear and headed downstairs. As I entered the kitchen, I saw Damian talking to Eli through the window. My anger flared again, but I decided to turn the tables on him. If I could make him jealous enough, maybe he'd finally get those stupid thoughts out of his head.
Grabbing my yoga mat, I walked out onto the driveway and placed it on the front lawn. Both Damian and Eli turned to look at me, their gazes lingering on my figure. I smiled inwardly, satisfied that I had their attention.
I smoothed the yoga mat, then lowered myself into a downward dog, holding the pose as I felt the stretch through my calves and hamstrings. Damian and Eli were still watching me, and I caught Damian whispering to Eli.
I straightened up and lifted my leg into a side stretch, then transitioned into a bridge pose. I glanced at Damian, who was grinning, and Eli, who stared at me with his arms crossed.
As I rose to my feet, I saw the two men whispering and smiling again. Perverts, I thought, and to emphasise the point, I did a full split right there on the lawn. I saw Eli's tongue loll out of his mouth in surprise, and I heard a clatter as Damian dropped his trowel. He walked over, feigning concern.
"Everything okay, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Yeah, fine, thanks," I replied, standing up. "Just doing my stretches before a run."
Eli joined us, his gaze lingering on me. "Hey, Eli, nice to see you. You okay after your fall yesterday?"
"Oh, hi. Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing."
"That's good. You could have twisted it badly. I'm glad it's not worse."
"You know, Damian, Sarah did really well yesterday. She'd make an amazing nurse."
I noticed Eli's appraising look and Damian's less-than-pleased expression. My plan was working; he was getting jealous.
"Oh, she's good at that kind of thing," Damian replied, a bit too quickly.
"She really is."
I smiled at them both. "Right, I'm off for my run." And with that, I jogged off, feeling their gazes on me until I turned the corner.
When I came back, Damian was in the kitchen, making a brew.
"So, what were you and Eli talking about? Not the videos, I hope?" I teased.
He chuckled. "As if! He was just saying how much he misses his wife. Poor guy, she passed away from cancer."
"Oh, that's awful. I didn't know."
"Yeah.. He seems quite nice, despite being a bit awkward. Once you get to know him, he's a really great guy."
"I feel a bit bad now. Maybe I should be more friendly."
"I told him he could come over later for a few drinks and watch the football while you're out with Emma."
"What did he say?"
"He's free and would love to."
"So, he's coming here, for drinks and football?"
"You're not going to get drunk and watch his porn again, are you?" I joked.
"Very funny. Can you imagine? Watching his own pornos with him? Hilarious."
"Right, I'm off to get a shower." And I jogged up the stairs.
As I stepped out of the bathroom, Damian was standing there with a mischievous grin.
"What's up with you?" I asked.
"Come here," he said, pulling me closer.
"What is it?" I teased.
"Turn around," he commanded.
"What's the matter?" I asked, confused.
"You're so hot," he breathed.
Before I could react, he undid my towel and began kissing my neck.
"What are you doing?" I gasped, surprised.
"Can't I kiss my wife?" he retorted, his voice low.
He dropped to his knees and lifted my leg, his tongue darting out to tease my clit.
"What the... mmmmmm," I moaned, unable to contain my pleasure.
"Just enjoy it, babe," he murmured.
I closed my eyes, savouring the sensation. I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.
"Fuck, that feels good," I whispered.
"Mmmmmm, tastes so good," he groaned.
"Don't stop," I begged.
I felt his finger slide inside me, his movements slow and deliberate.
I opened my eyes, gazing into his intense gaze.
"Fuck me, Damian," I pleaded.
He smirked, rising to his feet and walking away.
"Wait! Where are you going?" I protested.
"Sorry, I have to go back out. Just thought I'd give you a taste of what's to come later."
"But you can't leave me like this. It's not fair."
"I'll be home soon, I promise. Just be patient. See you in fifteen minutes."
"Fuck's sake. What a tease," I muttered to myself.
I was burning with desire, eager for his return. I slipped on a tight pink tank top that accentuated my cleavage and a short denim skirt, then headed downstairs.
As I slipped into the kitchen, Damian was just about to leave. His eyes widened as he took me in. "Woahhh, you look so sexy," he breathed.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, a playful smirk playing on my lips. "I knew you’d like it, especially with no bra. You’d better hurry up and get back soon so we can finish what we started. Pity you have to leave as I’m so wet right now," I teased, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He squeezed my ass, a grin spreading across his face. "Don’t tell me that! God, I love you!" He let go, a lingering look in his eyes, and headed out the door.
My phone buzzed, a Facebook message about the Swarovski mouse I was selling for Eli. "Hey, just wondering if you had the second one as they came as a pair. I’ll pay £2k for them. I need them in the next 30 mins though as I’m off on holiday and they’re a present for my wife," the message read.
£2000?! I thought it was a scam at first, but the urgency in the message made me doubt my instincts. I quickly texted back, "I’ll definitely have it ready in 30 minutes, but I need to find the other mouse."
Two grand in half an hour? This was too good to be true.
I rushed next door and threw open Eli’s garage. Panic set in as I searched through boxes and piles of clutter. I found the first mouse, but the second was nowhere to be seen.
"Where the hell is it?" I muttered to myself.
Maybe Eli knew where it was. I knocked on his door, and it swung open to reveal Eli in a black silk dressing gown. The gown was slightly open, and I couldn’t believe how toned he was for an old man.
"Eli, do you know where the second Swarovski mouse is? A customer's desperate for it by noon, offering a ridiculous £2000."
"Wow," Eli replied, his eyes widening.
"Crazy, right? I can't find it anywhere."
"Maybe it's in the spare room. That's where all the other stuff is."
"Oh, right. Thanks."
As I climbed the stairs, I felt his gaze lingering on me. I couldn't help but worry if my skirt was too short.
The spare room was larger than I expected, overflowing with boxes and trinkets.
"Try that box on the floor," Eli suggested.
I knelt down, sifting through the clutter. As I reached for the box, I felt a strange sensation. Eli was standing nearby, his dressing gown slightly open. A flash of skin, a glimpse of something but i didn't look...
My heart pounded. I forced myself to focus on the task at hand.
"Ah, here it is!" I exclaimed, relief washing over me.
"Great. You can take that box too, if you want. I don't need any of it."
I hesitated, unsure but decided to take it anyway. As I reached for the box, Eli's dressing gown slipped open further, revealing his huge cock in full view, staring straight at me and it made my breath catch.
I quickly grabbed the box and rushed out of the room. My mind raced, replaying the image. What had I just seen?
Back at home, I couldn't shake the memory and to top it off, the customer had cancelled the order, leaving me with a strange sense of disappointment.
As I sat on the couch, the image of Eli's... well, his endowment, kept flashing before my eyes. I felt a mixture of guilt and arousal. What was wrong with me?
Damian entered the house, his footsteps echoing through the quiet hallway. "Hey honey, what's that box on the worktop?" he called out.
I emerged from the living room. "Oh, just another box of stuff to sell for Eli."
"Let's see what goodies are in here," he said, already rummaging through the contents.
He pulled out a plastic bag I'd overlooked earlier. "What's in here?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.
As he emptied the bag, a startling array of items tumbled out: furry handcuffs, a blindfold, a mouth gag, long bed restraints, what appeared to be a crumpled schoolgirl outfit, a bottle of lubricant, and a massive, ten-inch black dildo.
My eyes widened in shock. "What the fuck. Dirty old dog!" Damian exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.
I couldn't tear my gaze away from the dildo. Its sheer size was astonishing, and its realistic appearance was equally unsettling. "Wow, that's a big toy. Look at the fucking size of it, it's huge!" Damian blurted out, his jaw dropped. "That's the biggest dildo I've ever seen."
He picked up the dildo and examined it closely. It had a suction cup on the bottom, which he promptly pressed against the worktop. The dildo swayed precariously, its weight a testament to its impressive size. We both stared at it, our minds racing.
"It looks so real," I whispered, my eyes wide with disbelief. "Silicone, with veins and everything. And those balls..." I trailed off, my voice filled with awe.
"Yeah, it's a monster, isn't it?" Damian chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Fancy a go?" He winked at me, a playful smirk playing on his lips.
At first, I thought he was joking. But as I continued to stare at the object, a strange sensation began to stir within me. My heart pounded, and a warmth spread through my lower regions.
"No way," I scoffed, trying to hide my growing excitement. "That thing would never fit!"
"Well, it's time to focus on something that will," he said, leaning in to kiss me.
Our lips met in a passionate embrace, our tongues dancing and intertwining. As our hands roamed over each other's bodies, I felt Damian's touch on my tits, his fingers gently massaging my nipples until they hardened.
A wave of desire washed over me, and I pulled him closer, my body yearning for his. Damian, sensing my eagerness, lifted me onto the kitchen worktop, our kiss deepening. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his growing hardness press against me, igniting a fire within.
He slid his hand beneath the hem of my skirt, his fingers finding their way to my pussy. A low moan escaped my lips as he began to tease me. "Mmmmmm," I whispered, my body already tingling with anticipation.
"No panties, you naughty girl," he murmured, his voice husky. "Fuck, you're so wet."
"Fuck yeah, I am," I replied, my voice barely a breath. I reached for his belt buckle, fumbling with the zipper until it finally gave way. My hand slid inside his jeans, finding his hard length.
"Don't tease me," I pleaded, my voice trembling. "I need to feel you inside me."
He wasted no time and thrust into me, hard and deep, eliciting a loud groan from my lips. Our kiss deepened, tongues entwining as he began to fuck me.
"Harder," I gasped.
"Yes, yes," Damian responded, his voice low and urgent.
A sudden distraction caught my eye. Peering out the window, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Eli, in our front garden trimming the hedge without his shirt on. His muscular physique was on full display, the dark skin glistening under the summer sun.
"Fuck," I muttered, my breath hitching.
"What's the matter, babe?" Damian asked, his rhythm faltering slightly.
"Err... nothing," I stammered, my heart pounding.
"Are you sure?" he pressed, his gaze intense.
I hesitated, torn between desire and a growing sense of guilt. But the urge was too strong to resist. "It's okay," I finally confessed. "Just... fuck me. I need it."
As Damian resumed his assault, I couldn't tear my eyes away from Eli. And then, he turned, his gaze locking onto mine.
"Oh, fuck," I whispered, my body trembling.
"What?" Damian asked, oblivious to the drama unfolding outside.
"Nothing, keep going," I managed to say, my voice barely a whisper.
The thrill of the forbidden fuelled my desire. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the moment, letting go of all inhibitions.
"Oh, yes, I love your cock," I moaned, my voice echoing through the room. "Fuck me harder, give it to me."
Damian responded with renewed vigour, his thrusts growing deeper and more forceful. His balls slapped against my ass, sending waves of pleasure through my body.
"I'm coming," he groaned, his voice thick with anticipation.
"Yes, baby, come for me," I urged, my voice rising to a crescendo.
With a final thrust, Damian released his seed deep inside me. "Ahhhh fuck yeah" he groaned as his cock twitched inside me.
As I lay there, catching my breath, I couldn't help but steal another glance at Eli. He was still watching, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. A shiver ran down my spine as I realised the intensity of the moment.
The anticipation had been killing me. I'd been waiting for this moment, but now that it was here, a strange sense of disappointment washed over me. Damian's body lay heavy on mine, his earlier passion now spent. The realization that our intimate moment had ended abruptly, leaving me unsatisfied, was a bitter pill to swallow.
"Fuck, that was good," he murmured, his voice still heavy with the afterglow of pleasure.
"You okay, babe?" he asked, oblivious to my growing frustration.
"Fuck no," I replied, my voice laced with irritation.
"What's the matter?" he questioned, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"You need to finish me," I insisted. "I didn't cum."
"Sorry," he apologized, his tone apologetic but lacking any real urgency.
My gaze drifted to the dildo lying on the bedside table. A flicker of hope ignited within me. Perhaps there was still a chance to salvage the situation.
"Do you want me to finish you off, babe?" Damian offered with a smirk.
I glanced out the window, searching for Eli, and he was nowhere to be seen.
Damian reached for the dildo, his fingers gliding over the smooth silicone. He applied a generous amount of lube which was also in the bag. The clear liquid glistening in the dim light.
"Fuck, Damian, what are you doing?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mixture of shock and disbelief. "You're not going to put that thing in me, are you?"
"You want to cum, don't you?" he persisted, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"Yes, but not with that," I protested.
"Come on, I bet you want to try it," he urged, his voice dripping with seductive promise.
A wave of uncertainty washed over me. The dildo was enormous, far larger than anything I'd ever experienced. But the desire to reach climax was overwhelming.
"Fuck it," I muttered, resigned to my fate. "Okay, but go slow, Damian."
"I promise," he assured me, his voice gentle.
I spread my legs wide, arching my back to give him better access. As he positioned himself, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The thought of such a large object penetrating me was both terrifying and thrilling.
Damian began to stroke the dildo against my clit, the cool silicone sending shivers down my spine. The sensation was intense, and I could feel my body responding. He moved slowly, teasing me, building the tension to unbearable levels.
The pleasure was overwhelming, and I was desperate for release.
"You haven't even felt anything yet," he murmured, his voice low and husky.
"Mmmmmm, yes," I moaned, my body arching involuntarily.
His hand moved faster, the silicone surface slick with my arousal.
"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice a dangerous whisper.
"Fuck, be careful," I gasped, my voice barely audible. "Oh God."
He lined up the massive cock at my entrance, applying gentle pressure. But the sheer size of the toy met resistance.
"Oh fuck," I whimpered, my body tensing.
I relaxed, allowing him to push harder. With a final surge, the head slipped inside, stretching me to my limits.
"Ahhhhh fuuuuuck!" I screamed, my eyes widening as I watched my pussy lips stretch wide.
"You OK, baby?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Oh God," I managed to gasp.
"Does it feel good?"
"Mmmmmm, keep going," I begged, "I can take it."
But he pulled it out.
"Why'd you stop?" I demanded, "Put it back in!"
"Beg for it," he commanded, his hand rubbing furiously against my clit.
My body was losing control, my hips bucking involuntarily. I needed it inside me.
"Do you want your pussy to be stuffed with this big black cock?" he taunted.
Frustration mounted, my hips gyrating wildly.
"Damian, please stop teasing me. I'm so close," I pleaded.
My mind was a whirlwind of desire, lost in the depths of lust. I pushed my hips forward, desperate to feel the toy back inside me.
"Fuck, Damian, just put it back in!" I cried.
"Say 'fuck me with your big black cock'," he demanded.
"Oh please," I begged.
"Tell me how much you want it," he urged.
"Fuck me!!! Fuck me with your big black cock!" I screamed.
"That's better," he growled.
With a swift, forceful thrust, he plunged a few inches inside me. My eyes rolled back, a primal scream escaping my lips.
"Holy shiiit!" I cried, an intense orgasm ripping through my body.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed, my body convulsing.
"Fuuuuck!" I moaned, my hand frantically rubbing my clit as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me.
"Shit, shit, shit, ahhhhh, oh fuck," I gasped, my body finally surrendering to the ecstasy.
"Did you enjoy that, baby?" he asked, removing the toy.
"Oh, fuck yeah," I gasped, sitting up, breathless, my body still trembling. I glanced out the window, half-convinced I'd seen something move.
"Wow, that was intense," he murmured.
"Did it hurt?"
"A little. I think I was so horny, anything would have done it."
"I've never seen you like that, babe. It was pretty hot. I've never seen you orgasm so hard. You like the toy, then, huh?"
I reached over and grabbed it, holding it in my hand. "I can't believe you put something so big in me. It's not the same as a real cock, but yeah, we can use it again. Seriously though, honey, you're all that I want." I leaned over and kissed him.
"I love you, too."
"Don't take this the wrong way, babe, but have you ever thought about shaving down there?"
"Why? Is it long?"
"No, it's just... I've always fantasized about a shaved, bare pussy."
"You're only telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me years ago?"
"I dunno, I guess it never came up."
"You think a shaved pussy looks better?"
"Anything else I should be aware of?"
"Er, no, that's it."
"Hey, listen, why don't we sunbathe a bit and chill out in the garden with a few drinks?"
"Good idea. It's a beautiful day, and I've been inside all day. I'll get some drinks."
"Good, 'cause I've got you a surprise."
"Oooh, I love surprises. What is it?"
He disappeared into the hallway and returned with a bag. Inside was a white bikini that barely left anything to the imagination.
"That's a bit raunchy, isn't it?" I questioned.
There was hardly any material, but enough to cover the essentials.
"You like it?" he asked.
"Well, I've never worn anything like this before, but for your eyes only, I guess."
Damian pressed a lingering kiss to my lips before i rose and headed upstairs. I placed the box beside the bed, then disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of running water filled the silence as I cleaned the huge toy, before tossing it back into the box.
I lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Damian's words echoed in my mind. He was right about one thing. I had never experienced such intense pleasure, and my body seemed to crave the size.
I felt myself transforming. Into what, I'm not sure, but it felt good.