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When The Babysitter Came

"Andrea's adolescent craving for the babysitter takes an unexpected turn."

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"Andrea, Susan, can you two come down here for a minute?"

I heard mum calling us and felt my cheeks flush angrily. I know Susan was still young but I wasn't a child anymore and didn't want to be treated like one.

"Andrea, don't start young lady, my taxi's here." The neutral tone couldn't hide her impatience and I could picture her looking at her watch whilst standing at the door, waiting for me to show myself. Knowing she wouldn't leave until I'd done as asked, I resignedly sauntered to the top of the stairs.

"Yes, Mum, I know."

I deliberately used a condescending tone because, as I suspected, the babysitter was standing there and, although I wanted to ignore him, our eyes briefly met, before I began a staring contest with Mum, accompanied by a short painful silence. Finally, running out of patience, she smiled in resignation and spoke again. "Now listen carefully, young lady, I'm going and probably won't be back until very late. Susan's ready for bed and, as for you," her eyes spat fire, "I've decided... as part of your punishment, ten thirty is late enough for tonight and that's final."

My mouth opened to object but mum's stern look silenced me. "Now, don't be a pain in the ass for Mr Daniels, Andrea, or you'll regret it. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes, Mum," I replied truculently. I'd seen Dean arrive in his nice shiny car and he was sooo good looking. Without a word, he looked up at me and, after a curt nod, moved towards the couch in the living room. Within seconds of making himself comfortable on the soft leather, the TV remote was in his hand. Aware I was staring at him, I returned my attention to mum. Despite her angry expression, the presence of Dean caused a shiver of excitement to run down my spine.

"Andrea, I'm depending on you to look after your younger sister because Dean's only here in case of an emergency. Now promise me you'll behave," she ordered, interrupting my train of thought. Stop treating me like a baby. I wanted to scream at her but just kept staring instead.

“Andrea?" The tone was different and I knew I was teetering on a knife edge now.

"Yes Mum, I promise. Now go or the taxi will leave without you."

She gave me a long hard stare. Torn between a night out with the girls and her duty as a single mother was making her cranky. Of course, having one of her daughters being awkward didn’t make life easier. She seemed at a loss at what to do with me. Susan was precocious, eleven-and-a-half years old, and adorable. She was the apple of Mum’s eye and couldn't do anything wrong.

I'd celebrated my sixteenth birthday only a week ago and, although I was a young adult, at least according to the law, in her opinion, I’m a gigantic pain in the ass. My latest indiscretion, smoking in school, was just the last in a long line of incidents and that's why Mum was so angry with me and the reason I was being punished.

I decided to try and convince her that I could be trusted and treated her to one of my most appealing smiles and descended the stairs. Standing next to my sister, I asked if it was really necessary for Dean to babysit. Still not completely believing my intentions were sincere, Mum nodded resolutely before hesitantly walking towards the front door. I tried to hide my disappointment at her decision but failed miserably.

At the door, she looked at me, her eyes glinting dangerously. "Oh, another thing Andrea, I work with Dean's mother, so don't embarrass me tonight. Okay?” The warning was accompanied by a tight-lipped peck on my cheek. “Because the last thing I want, is to hear about your behaviour when I’m standing at the coffee machine. You've been warned.”

She gave me another long, cold, hard stare before giving Susan a quick kiss. "Okay Susie, Mama's going now and I'll see you tomorrow. If you want something, just ask Andrea, okay?" Then she turned on her heel and before I could sarcastically say, “Have fun!” she was gone.

"About time," I mumbled. Now I had Dean all to myself.




"Do you want something to drink, Dean?" I was on my way to the kitchen and I thought he was ignoring me because he didn't answer. As I was about to repeat the question, he finally spoke.

"Sure, what d'you have?" After hearing I was taking a Cola up to Susan, he said that would be fine. "Do you have Doritos?" he asked as an afterthought.





"What yer watching?" I asked, plopping down next to him on the couch. Susan was settled and now I could give Dean my undivided attention.

"Something 'bout travelling in space in the future. How one day, we'll all be using a giant space station as a springboard to visit far away planets."

Boring! Trust Mum to choose a nerd to babysit us.

"It's all part of my study. When I've finished high school, I'm hoping to qualify for Cambridge so I can learn from the famous Mr Hawkins." I looked at the TV screen and just heard gobbledygook. Not only did I not understand a word being said, I’d never heard of the famous Mr Hawkins.

I looked Dean over and wondered how could someone that hot be such a nerd? He was tall, well built and drop-dead gorgeous. Long wavy hair, high cheekbones and soft brown eyes to drown in and a delightfully sensual mouth that I could have kept kissing for ages. Exasperated, I slumped back into the couch. Life isn't fair .

In a huff, I stood up and went to the kitchen to get another bottle of Cola. When I returned to the living room, I sat in the chair opposite him. As he watched the stupid television, I folded my long legs beneath me and studied him.

"How old are you, Dean?"

"Nineteen, almost twenty. Why?" he asked distractedly.

"Oh, no reason," I said, plucking truculently at my shorts. "How old do you think I am?"

“What?" he asked absently, his attention preoccupied with the programme.

"I said, how old do you think I am?" thrusting my adolescent chest forward, trying to impress him.

"I dunno, fifteen, sixteen I guess," he said, clearly uninterested.

"Yes," I said proudly. "I’m sixteen. Celebrated my birthday last week."

“Congratulations," he offered, but indifference oozed from him.

"Have you ever been with a girl?" I asked and saw his gaze flicker towards me as I pulled the neck of my t-shirt over my shoulder, revealing a bra strap.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked wearily, returning his eyes to the TV after throwing me a cursory glance.

"Just curious," I replied coyly. "Do you want some more Cola?" He nodded absently, and feeling frustrated at his total lack of interest in me, I stormed off into the kitchen to sulk.






I'd been up in my room for a while, putting on some makeup and changing my outfit. In an effort to look older, I swapped my shorts for a mini-skirt and removed my bra. Now, back downstairs, I sat opposite him again, hoping he'd notice. From the split second glance he gave me, I guessed it hadn't helped much.

"Do you think I'm sexy?"


Talk about saving one's feelings. I felt tears well up and wondered why he was being so beastly. He could have said, ‘No Andrea, you're not my type,' or 'Sorry Luv, I prefer brunettes, not blondes,’ but he hadn’t. He just said No!

My bottom lip began to tremble. Why didn't he like me? My eyes began stinging and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Wiping them away as quickly as I could, I turned towards the television so that Dean wouldn't see me crying. Biting my lip, I wondered why boys were so mean.

"Look, Andrea," he said apologetically, apparently realising he'd upset me. "It's not that you're unattractive... you're just too young for me. What are you? Fourteen? Fifteen?"

"Sixteen," I sobbed, "I just told you... About my birthday..."

"Okay, you're sixteen," he said, sighing heavily. "You're at least three years younger than me..."

"So what?" I cut in.

"So," he spoke slowly as if he could hardly believe he had to spell it out for me. "You're much too young for me. I only go out with girls my age. Sorry Andrea, it's a rule I have. So don't go beating yourself up about it, that's the way things are, no reflection on you. You’re just not old enough. There's no need to get so upset. Okay?”

"So you don't think I'm ugly?"

"No Andrea, on the contrary, you're very attractive. If you grow up to be as sexy as your mum, then you'll have the boys baying at your door."

Although I appreciated his compliment, I was surprised to hear what he said about Mum. I'm not saying she's ugly, she's not, but it never occurred to me that someone would think of her as sexy or desirable because… well, she’s just Mum.

"Do you think Mum's sexy, then?" I asked, grimacing and trying to keep surprise and disbelief out of my voice.

For the first time that evening, he seemed unsure of what to say. Taking a swig of Cola, he sat there contemplating, probably wishing desperately that I would go away or at the very least, forget about what we were discussing. For what seemed an eternity, he said nothing while I waited, just staring intently at him, my curiosity piqued. Eventually, he caved.

"Fuck yeah." His admission sounded both embarrassed and enthusiastic.

"How? Why?"

"Why what?" he asked evasively.

"Why do you think she's sexy?"

He shrugged his shoulders. ”Jesus, I dunno, she just is," he said, sounding a bit nonplussed. I watched with interest how his eyes focused on a point just in front of him and I realised he was trying to find the right words. "For one thing," he said evenly, pointing at me as he made his explanation, "have you really looked at her?"

I shook my head.

“Well, take my bloody word for it, she looks pretty fucking good, you know, for her age." I slowly nodded whilst listening. "She's intelligent, witty and understanding.”

That comment made me snort. I hadn't noticed any sort of understanding when it came to me. The only thing she seemed good at lately was punishing me for stupid, silly things. "What else?" I asked tersely.

He paused, then summarised enthusiastically, "Well, from a bloke’s point of view, she's got it all. Looks... style… and a fucking killer body.”

I just looked at him, gobsmacked.

“What do you mean?” I was determined to find out what she had. He grinned wolfishly before answering.

“Before I say anything else, Andrea, you’ve got to promise me you'll never tell anyone what I've said.”

Mischievously, I hesitated before nodding. “I promise?” I sighed and raised my hand and pretended to pledge a solemn oath.

Finally reassured, Dean continued. “Like I said, she’s got a fucking amazing body. Her tits look great. I'd love to get my hands on them and, from what I've seen, there's no sag to them whatsoever. She's nice and trim without being a stick insect, and her legs... well, they seem to go on forever. Does she go to a sports school?"

I shook my head. "Not that I know of," I answered honestly. "Why?"

"Because, if she does, I've definitely got to me a membership there," he said before laughing at my astonished expression. I couldn’t believe my ears and continued to stare at him incredulously. Seeing my expression, he blushed a little and shrugged his shoulders. “What? You asked. Whether you like it or not, your mother is hot. That's a fact. Now you can accept it or not, that's your problem but don't give me grief because you don't like hearing what I've got to say."

Hearing his rebuke, I realised I was acting like a spoilt bitch.

“Sorry Dean, you're right. No, don't stop, go on please, it's fascinating.”

Reassured I wasn’t taking the mick he continued. “Anyway, like I was saying, your mum is hot, a real MILF and instead of being a pain in the ass, you should be proud of her. There aren't many mums that look that fucking good. I can see where you get your blonde hair and long legs from. Jesus Christ girl, don’t you know how lucky you are having a mother with such good genes?" He shook his head.

“Most women her age are fat and frumpy and wouldn't know sex appeal if it hit them in their pie hole. In fact, I bet she doesn’t have any fat anywhere, does she?”

I thought and shook my head slowly, realising he was right.

"I don't know what it's called,” he continued, almost without taking a breath, “but she's got it. Big time!"

"Have I got it? You know, what she has?"

“Jesus, Andrea. You’re like a broken record," he said, clearly exasperated. Then he looked at his watch and grinned. "Okay, if I tell you, do you promise you'll go to your room, it's almost eleven?"

I nodded my head and waited.

"Hmm,” he muttered. “It's too soon to tell," he said and looked at me seriously. "Sex appeal is different for everybody, but what your mother has... well, it’s apart. What people call the ‘X’ factor. It's not one thing in particular but a combination of so many things.”

I could see he was trying to explain himself coherently.

"It's the way she carries herself, the way she walks, the way she talks to you.” He started speaking more rapidly, his thoughts apparently tumbling through his consciousness. “The way she looks at you, making you feel as if you're the most important person in the world. And she listens. When we talk, she makes me feel so important, not some dorky college student and... and… oh, I dunno. Have I mentioned how great she looks?”

I nodded wryly.

“Well, what can I say? To be honest, I can't understand why she's still single. I would have thought she'd have hundreds of blokes standing in line to be with her."

He sounded very wistful and I was about to speak when he held up a hand. "I know, I know, I haven't answered your question," he acknowledged. "Like I said, Andrea, you've got the looks, at least for now, and as long as you take care of yourself and don't stuff your cake-hole with loads of junk food and refrain from using makeup like it's plaster of Paris... you'll be.... hmm, not half bad in my opinion." He paused, and I guessed he was trying to find the right words, not wanting to hurt my feelings.

"And for the rest?" he said thoughtfully. "I think that comes with age and experience, although not acting like some spoilt bitch goes a long way towards making people like you. Anyway, what's the big rush? You've got your whole life in front of you."

He looked at his watch again. "Now it's time for you to go upstairs. If your mum still finds you here, she'll kill both of us." His smile was both cute and self-effacing.

Feeling a lot perkier, I stood up, brushed my skirt down over my thighs and crossed the room. He wasn't such a jerk after all. Standing in front of him, I leant forward and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Dean," I said cheerfully and wished him goodnight.




In my bedroom, I put on pyjamas and picked up my diary, eager to write everything Dean had said while it was still fresh in my mind. After I'd finished, I went to clean my teeth, but as I was crossing the landing, I heard something that sounded like a giggle. A feminine giggle. I froze. I hadn’t heard the front door bell, but that didn't mean Dean couldn't have invited a girlfriend over.

My mouth formed a sly grin and, to avoid revealing my presence, I stood still, hardly daring to breathe. Then I heard a long sensual groan and had to smother a fit of the giggles. The dirty bastard! He had invited a girlfriend over and they were fooling around. This I had to see.

I slowly sank to my knees and crawled very cautiously towards the banister, poking my head over the landing to see what was happening downstairs. I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to avoid giggling and betraying my position because what I saw wasn't what I expected... it was much better.

There was no girlfriend in sight. Instead, Dean had found mum's porn films, not that she really hid them, and was avidly watching one. From my lofty position, I could see him lounging on the couch, his lithe body stretched out beneath me. His muscular build was clearly defined beneath his thin t-shirt and his tight jeans were something to behold.

Although totally engrossed in the action on the screen, I was sure Dean would freak out if he knew I was spying on him. So, when I moved, I did it very quietly. Despite my reluctance to take my eyes off the eye candy lying on the couch, I cast a look at the screen and saw a hot three-way, which was obviously turning on my babysitter. From my vantage point, I watched fascinated how his hand caressed the bulge between his legs. It was very arousing seeing the thick, sausage-like shape developing beneath the tight denim and my excitement grew.

On screen, one of the actresses was getting a good licking and, honestly, I don't know what turned me on more; spying on Dean or imagining him doing to me exactly what was happening on screen.

I did know I was having serious trouble keeping quiet. My nipples were rock hard and, every time I moved, no matter how slight, they rubbed deliciously against the soft cotton pyjama top. Delightful erotic sensations coursed down my body towards my core of sexuality. Kneeling there, I could no longer fight the urge to play with myself. Reaching beneath my top, I cupped a pert little titty and kneaded the tight cherry red nipple, biting hard on my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning.

Suddenly, as if aware of my gaze, Dean casually looked up in my direction but, luckily, I managed to duck out of view. Lying flat on the floor, my heart was pounding so fast, I had trouble catching my breath but I couldn’t hear any shouting and assumed I was in the clear. Having gotten away with my brief encounter of voyeurism, I heaved a huge sigh of relief and wondered if I should return to my room. Not wanting to miss anything, I decided one more peek would be enough and I’d just have to be a bit more careful. Although the excitement I felt was heady and intoxicating, it didn’t stop me being scared. Eventually, after mustering enough courage, I peered over the edge and almost gave myself away again.

While I was cowering in the corner, Dean had apparently become so turned on by the film, he'd decided to pleasure himself. His jeans were unzipped, pushed down over his thighs, and sticking out from his lap was the first real, honest to God, erection I'd ever seen. It looked huge. His hand was wrapped around it, moving up and down in a leisurely manner and there was still a good portion rising out above his fist.

I clenched my fist and looked at how small it seemed and then returned my gaze to Dean's lap. Watching him masturbate was intriguing. Yeah, yeah, that and a whole lot more.

The sight of him pulling his foreskin back over his huge glistening knob was so exciting that the crotch of my pyjama shorts was now damp. Crouched into a hump on the landing floor wasn't the easiest position for slipping my hand inside my bottoms. So, wanting to make things easier, I slid my legs from under me and sprawled out on the landing carpet.

From this angle, his prick was pointing right up at me and I could see his tiny slit. I was surprised at how shiny his helmet was and wondered if that was entirely due to pre-cum. I’d never seen anything like this before, and thousands of questions raged through my mind. Despite my curiosity, my hand slipped beneath my waistband and moved over the smooth skin towards my sex.

I was shocked at how much pubic hair Dean had in comparison to my sparsely covered mound and wondered absently what it would be like like to run my fingers through it. Caressing my excited clit with the palm of my hand, I pressed my fingers into my labia and instantly felt a warm wetness accept the intrusion. Slowly, I moved my hand, sending all sorts of delicious sensations searing through my body, and I couldn't believe how naughty I was being... and how delicious it felt.

Despite trying really hard not to make a noise, it wasn't easy and every time a soft moan escaped my lips, I quickly ducked out of sight and froze. Then, after a couple of seconds silence, I would look back down into the living room, checking to see if my handsome babysitter was aware of my presence. Luckily, he seemed so absorbed in watching the orgy on television that his mind and hand were fully occupied. In fact, he probably wouldn't have heard my moans or any other noise. Mind you, he wasn't the only one guilty of that mistake.

We were both so busy masturbating to the visual stimulation before our eyes that neither of us had the slightest inkling of what else was happening in the real world. That changed the moment Mum purposefully strode into the living room and didn’t stop until she was standing in front of Dean. Although she hadn't seen me, my heart missed a beat all the same, and this time, instead of just ducking out of sight, I instinctively crawled backwards until I slumped against my bedroom door. Not only was I shocked, I was very frightened, especially as I was already in her bad books.

Knowing her temper, and realising how bad things looked, I could only imagine the consequences for me if she found out I'd been spying on the babysitter. And he was in enough trouble as it was without becoming entangled in our private little war. Even though my sense of self-preservation was paramount, I couldn't help wondering how Dean was faring against the tempest that my mother could be. Unfortunately, the only way I could find out was by stretching my neck and peeking through the banisters. To be honest, scared shitless, I daren’t move.

Sitting there with my heartbeat filling my ears, I had expected an approximation of World War III to break out downstairs. Then it dawned on me that all I could hear was the sound of the television. I couldn’t decide which was scariest: a full-scale argument, accompanied by things being hurled across the room, or the total absence of shouting and screaming. Though I was petrified, curiosity overwhelmed me. I needed to know what was going on.

Bolstered by the belief that no one knew I was there, I crawled cautiously - no, very cautiously - towards the landing's edge.

Mum and Dean were facing each other. He was cowering on the couch with nothing more than a cushion to cover his private parts, his eyes filled with terror while his mouth opened and shut like a goldfish on speed. Standing provocatively between the couch and the coffee table was Mum, hands on hips, tight-lipped and a wild look in her eyes. I'd expected her to be furious and, looking at her now, I thought I’d guessed correctly.

Boy, was I wrong?

Watching her from above, I kept thinking about Dean's words, "If you grow up to be as sexy as your mum, you'll be alright," and tried looking at her objectively, despite my antipathy towards her.

As he’d pointed out, she was tall. Not just tall but athletically built and the dress she wore, which I hadn't taken any notice of earlier this evening, subtly displayed her body in a way that was both sexy and erotic without being slutty. I studied the garment with my new objectivity and, suddenly, things that Dean had said earlier, started making sense. The dress wasn't low cut, short, or for that matter black. It was cream coloured, knee length and stylishly fastened down the front with inconspicuous buttons. A black leather belt fastened loosely around her waist and red high heels completed the outfit. It looked good and suited her perfectly.

Earlier, I hadn't seen it, but now looking through Dean's eyes, it was strikingly obvious. Watching the way she stood, very cool and composed, despite being confronted by something very out of the ordinary, she exuded style, intellect, and a certain amount of arrogance. To tell the truth, she looked hot, and I couldn't help feeling a certain amount of pride.

Her blonde, shoulder-length hair was cut in a fashionable bob and complemented the curvature of her face and. because she'd been out on the town with girlfriends, she was wearing makeup, something she rarely did. It transformed her appearance remarkably. Her sharp cheekbones were softened and her succulent lips, made up with a blood red lipstick, looked stunning. I also noticed how tanned and relaxed she looked, especially set off against the cream dress. But the thing that remained imprinted in my mind was her eyes.

Like me, Mum has green eyes and, although I'm biased, I think they're sexy and something special. However, the dark and mysterious eye shadow she wore, seemed to emphasise the colour in the soft lighting. Tonight they shone like emeralds. Not only did they shine, they sparkled... not with fury, as I expected, but with mirth and mischief. It wasn't just confined to her eyes either. I thought she was having trouble keeping a straight face and, even after she moved a hand to her mouth, I could see she was having difficulty not smiling. That was definitely weird. I'd never seen her act like this before.

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Had I been asked to predict her reaction to finding her babysitter watching a porn movie and masturbating while her daughters were asleep in bed, then I would definitely have gone for shouting and hysterics. In fact, I would've bet money on it, so it was a bit confusing to watch her standing there impassively and acting for all the world as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Her steady gaze continued to study the hapless young man, who must have been desperately wishing he was somewhere else at that moment, while I unconsciously urged her to do or say something. Although I felt quite sorry for him and was really glad I was upstairs, out of sight, I couldn't help feeling a bit peeved. I knew for sure Mum would have acted quite differently if she'd found me lying there instead of Dean.

"Well, well, well. What have we here, Mr Daniels?" Mum asked sarcastically, looking around at the television. The video was still playing and the leading actress was on her knees, undoing the belt buckle of her latest conquest.

"So you like watching porn movies, do you?"

There was an edge to her voice, one I'd never heard before and, watching her bosom heave heavily, I had the impression her breathing was laboured. In fact, it looked to me like she was quite breathless and, although I'd seen her like this often enough in the past few months, normally after she'd given me a good dressing down, I wondered why she felt like that now.

Admirably, or stupidly, depending on how you looked at it, Dean said nothing and just stared at her, his horrified expression frozen in place.

"Tell me, Dean, what would your mum say, if I told her I’d come home and found you wanking yourself silly in my house?" He didn't answer. "Do you think she'd like finding out her son is a perverted little shit?"

Although he didn't speak, he did answer her. He shook his head and, when she moved her hand from her mouth, both he and I flinched. Why I flinched, I have no idea, probably automatic response but I couldn't understand why Dean thought Mum would hit him. Seeing his reaction caused the corners of her mouth to twitch and her green eyes twinkled mischievously when he lowered his head in apparent shame.

Mum glanced over her shoulder and saw the leading lady busily giving a really filthy blowjob. I could be mistaken, but I swear I saw her lick her lips before she looked back at Dean. Then she ran a hand through her hair and, as if making a decision she might regret, said something that surprised us both.

“Does it turn you on, what you see in these films? Watching women sucking big cocks before getting fucked nice and hard. Does it make you wanna cum when you see them getting covered in spunk? Well, does it?” Recognising her tone all too easily, I kind of felt sorry for Dean.

I watched her look him up and down while waiting for an answer. “Look at me, Mr Daniels,” she ordered sternly. Slowly, he raised his head and finally nodded. If his mouth was as dry as mine, he probably couldn't speak anyway.

“Now, young man," my mother began, reaching for her belt buckle, "you've put me in a very difficult position, haven't you?" Her fingers began fiddling with the clasp. "You see, on the one hand, I really should be furious with you. I should be on the phone right now, telling your mother what's happened, what you've been doing, and asking her to pick you up. However, that would make things damn awkward at work between me and your mother... Soooo, that's not gonna happen.”

The belt came apart in her hands and fell to the floor.

"But, seeing as you're twenty and legally an adult, albeit a misguided one…” Her hands moved to the top of her dress and I actually saw what was happening. “I think we can sort something out, don't you?” and a button popped open. Dean dumbly nodded his head. “So tonight, you're really going to have to do your best, you know, to keep my silence.”

She spoke evenly as the next button came undone.

“Which means you're now mine for the next few hours. Am I clear?” He nodded again, although more in an effort to appease than anything else because, like me, total comprehension of the situation eluded him. Even when Mum's 36D tits, nicely clad in red lace lingerie came into view, he still looked a little mystified.

"There is, however, the moral issue to be considered," she said haughtily while continuing to undo the rest of her dress. My jaw fell open watching this and I'm pretty sure my expression matched Dean's as we both wondered what the hell was happening.

"And the moral issue is this," announced my mother, matter of factly, "you might find it perfectly normal to masturbate in other people's houses, but I don't!" She paused, staring at him for some seconds. The effect was almost frightening and I held my breath, waiting. "Especially when my daughters are upstairs asleep and, most importantly... and I can't stress this enough... most of all when you haven't asked me for permission."

He gulped, evidently unsure how to respond to this latest statement, but Mum wasn't finished speaking. “And, if you're really determined to do your thing, then you should close the bloody curtains before you drop your fucking trousers." With nearly all the buttons undone now, Mum's flat stomach came into view and still her agile fingers kept going.

"I know I do," she said casually. “I don't want any disgusting peeping toms watching me get my kicks." Even with the hint of irony, Mum's voice sounded thicker than normal. Listening to her admission whilst watching her impromptu striptease, Dean's understanding of the situation seemed to grow because his expression changed, first from confusion to bewilderment and finally to joyous wonder.

"Oh relax, Dean, I'm not a Nun you know," she said good-naturedly as the last button fell open. "I'm a fully grown woman, flesh and blood and with a real woman's appetites. To be honest, I'm hungry and want some of that.” Her eyes looked down at the cushion covering his crotch. She smiled warmly and let her dress fall open to reveal the rest of her sexy lingerie. “So, let’s stop mucking about, eh? I'm not gonna bite, at least not yet,” she exclaimed with a filthy laugh. Amused by his reaction, she watched as the young man tried sitting up.

"Here, let me help you," she said eagerly. Dean scrambled upright and even managed to hold the cushion against his groin but he was no match for Mum. She dropped to her knees between his legs and, before he could stop her, she'd removed the cushion and licked her lips hungrily. Even at half-mast, Dean's manhood looked impressive. "Hmmm," she pouted. "This looks like it needs a bit of work, Dean. It's shrunk a bit. I hope that's not due to me."

“Duh,” I muttered, raising my eyebrows incredulously. I would have slapped my hand against my forehead, but not wanting to tempt fate, I just lay there, silently muttering to myself. What did you expect, Mum, scaring him half to death like that?

I knew exactly how he felt, mostly because I was experiencing exactly the same emotions. Any fantasies I'd entertained about what I would or wouldn't like to do with Dean prior to her entering the house had been instantly forgotten. Even now, guessing what was about to happen, and finding the whole situation unbelievably horny, I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to watch mum seduce my babysitter. I certainly wasn't able to just carry on where I left off.

Dean was obviously made of sterner stuff because, under her scrutiny, his prick was rapidly returning to its former state. "Come on, Stud," she said encouragingly, her hands caressing the top of his muscular thighs. "You have my permission now.” He stared blankly at her. Mum’s mouth twitched. “Mr Daniels, you may start wanking again."

"Bu... bu... but," he stammered, his eyes portraying confusion and uncertainty.

"What's the matter, young man?" she asked innocently, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Have you forgotten how to? Strange, because when I walked in you were doing it remarkably well.” She tilted her head to one side, looking at him inquisitively. “Do you need some help?"

He shook his head vigorously and grasped his erection. Mum watched him approvingly. "That's it, Dean, don't stop because of me. I love watching a man masturbate, especially when he's got a nice big prick like yours."

Dean followed Mum's orders while she watched, her gaze fixed on his hand as it moved rhythmically up and down. "Oh, don't mind me,” she said when he flinched after she started pulling at his Levi’s, "just getting these out of the way.”

With a speed and agility which surely comes with experience, she freed him of not only his jeans, but also his boxers and socks. Now, naked from the waist down, Mum’s ultimate goal was no longer obstructed by his clothes. That's when she bowed her head forward.

"Hmm, I love the smell of pre-cum, Dean,” she confided huskily. “Here, let me help you with that," and I watched in astonishment and resentment as her hand replaced his. Entwining her long delicate fingers around his thick girth, she resumed his actions and my earlier impression of his prick being quite large was definitely confirmed. Mum's hand looked tiny clenched around the impressive manhood. That didn't stop a soft little moan escaping his lips as Mum expertly continued milking him.

“So, Mr Daniels likes this, does he?" she asked. Unable to do or say anything without betraying my presence, I watched in fascination as the evidence grew in her hand. Not wanting to place myself in a precarious position, I moved away from the landing edge and sat up against my bedroom wall with my legs folded up against my boobs. My heart was beating furiously and my chest heaved like I'd just run a marathon but, from this position, I could still observe what was happening without too much difficulty.

Despite my aversion to the idea that mum was able to do something I could only long for, the sexual tension between them was undeniable. Once again I became aware of the heat in my belly and I slid a hand between my legs and pressed my shorts against my moistening slit.

The heat I felt was due to my teenage crush on Dean. I was really disappointed that he said he wouldn't go out with me, although I still hoped he'd change his mind one day. Even if he didn't, he was still hot and made me wet. Not only that, but I'd come to appreciate his intelligence. Without his comments or compliments, my confidence would have been in tatters and, importantly, I would never have learned how to appreciate how sexual Mum was. Secretly observing her take control of the situation and seeing how she'd seduced him, it was obvious I had a lot to learn. However, watching them together, even knowing his fantasy had come true, I couldn't help feeling slightly grossed out. 

Watching Mum in action was a revelation. I had no idea she was such a bad ass skank and, despite everything, my admiration grew. Our relationship was strained, to say the least, especially during the last few months, but what was happening now was forcing me to look at her differently, as a woman.

Dean's cock was now at its full length and, as if not being able to believe what she was seeing, she kept repeating, "You're so fucking big." And he was. She had both hands wrapped around it and I could still see his helmet towering above her fingers, except when her hands moved upwards and smothered his sensitive rim.

From the stifled moans and groans she was coaxing from him, and the way his hips bucked violently every time she massaged his shiny dome, I assumed he was enjoying himself immensely and I took mental notes on her technique.

Another person having a good time was, of course, Mum. She watched Dean intently, obviously getting a kick out of the way he reacted to her touch, how his moans grew when she brought him close to the edge and then smiling with satisfaction when his excitement receded under her expert touch. Time and again, she apparently brought him towards a climax and then stopped, smiling wickedly as he begged to explode. Then, after he’d calmed down, her eyes sparkled intensely as she began the process all over again. It was as if she was communicating with him on another level and her message was clear: Sonny, you're mine tonight!

"Have you ever had your balls sucked Mr Daniels?" Dean hesitated before answering but finally shook his head. However, Mum wasn't finished teasing him. "I'm sorry young man, I didn't hear you. If you don't talk to me, how will I know what you like and don't like?"

"No, Mrs Mills... yes, Mrs Mills,” he said suddenly, his anticipation of something mind blowingly outrageous clearly causing temporary confusion.

"Now, now Dean. Surely we don't have to be so formal, especially when I'm about to suck your dick,” she chided before leaning forward and politely kissing the foreskin covered dome. Then she smiled ferally. "Please, call me Elizabeth, or Lizzy. Sounds so much nicer when you're shooting your load over my face.”

I don't know what Dean was thinking, but I almost died when I heard her say that. I couldn't believe my Mum was talking like that. At first, I wondered if she was just acting like this for his sake, but a quick look at the hunger in her eyes told me all I needed to know. She wasn't acting, she was actually going to get him to cum all over her face. I knew instinctively this would be one of those thing I’d never be able to ask her about. Never, not in a million years, would I mention it, no matter how close we might grow. All I could do was watch her do something that I imagined only happened in porn films.

Feeling bolder, I crawled back towards the banister and lowered my body onto the carpet just in time to see her lips engulf his manhood. I watched in awe as she easily swallowed his entire length in one fell swoop. It was there one minute and gone the next. Buried down her throat, and she'd made it look so easy. I was stunned and apparently I wasn’t the only one.

"Jesus, Mrs Mills, you're fucking incredible."

Oops. Dean forgot to call her Elizabeth. Within seconds, his cock was wavering in the air between them while she looked at him sternly. She tutted and repeated her earlier instructions. Then she went down on him again and, for the second time, his prick disappeared from sight and her face pressed into his loins. When she finally came up for air, she was grinning proudly. "Have you ever face fucked anyone?" she asked breathlessly. He shook his head and Mum's grin widened. “Now's your chance, young man.”

She opened her mouth and swallowed him again but this time, she grabbed his hands and placed them on the back of her head. Boy, did Dean go to town? Holding her head in place, he bucked his body like a man possessed, forcing his cock down her throat, grinding his loins against her blood red lips and generally treating her like some cheap whore. More to my surprise was the way Mum reacted. She loved it and from my position, I could hear her slurp and suck and watched fascinated as drool dribbled down Dean's erection, pooling into his matted pubic hair.

Me? My hand was instantly shoved down my shorts and wishing it was me sucking Dean's manhood, I was enthusiastically fingering myself, vowing that one day, I was going to copy Mum's technique, and preferably with my babysitter.

Then she pulled her head back and settled on her haunches, gazing fondly at the young man in front of her. Without relinquishing her grip on his manhood entirely, she reached behind her back and, seconds later, the lacy bra hung loosely around her breasts and shoulders. This time, Dean needed no prompting. He stood up and presented his glorious erection to her. His heavy balls hung above her head and, without delay, Mum started sucking them, first one, then the other and then back again while her hand continued stroking him.

"I want.... hmm, you to..." she switched balls again, "to fuck my... hmmm, uughh… tits..." She was devouring his ball. "Goddddd... and, oooh cum all... aaah," she released it with a loud plop like she’d been sucking on a lollipop, "all over me."

She raised herself and cupped her succulent breasts invitingly. Instantly she spat into the cleft they formed and I watched mesmerised as the saliva disappeared slowly between the fleshy mounds.

Dean pushed his hips forward and Mum folded her boob's around the babysitter's manhood. He wasted no time, pumping and thrusting his hips back and forth while Mum lowered her head and temptingly opened her mouth. Dean instantly accepted her offer, pushing the tip of his cock between her beautifully made up lips and moaned when she sucked hard on his mushroom shaped dome. 

Between mouthfuls, Mum kept up her filthy tirade, urging him to empty his balls over her or give her his spunk, or... well, you get the picture and, most importantly, so did Dean. He was grunting loudly and pumping his cock furiously between her tits, the sweat of concentration running down the side of his face when Mum suddenly started yelling and laughing more encouragement.

"Come on, you fucking gorgeous shit, cover me with spunk," she said, pressing her breasts tighter around his throbbing cock. Then she opened her mouth expectantly and although I’d never been in her position, I knew what was happening. Her expertise was immediately proved because no sooner had she said, "No, don't hold back, lover, let me have it," than Dean emitted a triumphant roar, which reverberated around the room, and creamy semen exploded from his cock.

His ejaculation was as huge as it was powerful and his body shuddered violently while huge globs of sperm decorated Mum's animated face. The gooey liquid was plastered over her forehead and in her hair and then another thick wad landed squarely on the side of her nose and down her cheek. Her tongue snaked out to taste the creamy offering when a third salvo covered her mouth and chin and she did her best to lick up all she could. To my surprise, she wasn't finished with him just yet. She grabbed hold of his erupting shaft and tugged hard at the pulsating flesh. I could see her teeth clenched as she pulled his foreskin back from his helmet.

"Come on, Baby," she hissed passionately, determined to empty his balls of every last drop. "Give me everything you've got!" Dean did as he was told and, when his hips bucked again, more, thick, creamy spunk spurted forth. This salvo didn't have the power of the first couple of expulsions but still managed to adequately splatter Mum's neck and boobs. Eventually, the last drop oozed from his tiny opening but, far from being disappointed, Mum seemed to glow at her young stud while his semen slowly trickled down her chest.

My fingers were pressed against my damp panties and my clit was throbbing intensely as I observed the activity below. Despite the erotic sounds coming from downstairs, I still had to keep quiet, which wasn't very easy. Having underestimated Mum once this evening, I wasn't going to make the same mistake again. I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself crying out loud and spoiling everything. I couldn’t help thinking that being a successful voyeur was very difficult.'

Mum's giggle brought me back to reality. She was still jerking Dean's manhood, but it was wilting. However, that didn't seem to bother her in the least. With a satisfied grin and the contents of Dean's balls decorating her face, she bent forward and took the sensitive purple coloured dome between her lips and sucked powerfully. Still recovering from his mind-blowing climax, her expert tongue clearly sent powerful aftershocks through his body, making it look like he was being electrocuted.

Mum hardly noticed. After thoroughly cleaning his prick she made a big show of licking her lips before greedily using her fingers to clean the sperm still adorning her face. Her slutty expression told me how much fun she was having, and not for the first time this evening I just stared at her dumbfounded.

Lying there, I wondered if the show was over and whether I should rapidly get out of ‘Dodge’ and return to my bedroom. I got the impression Dean was sated and assumed he wouldn’t be up to more this evening and Mum would probably want to clean up, which probably meant coming upstairs to the bathroom. They’d had their fun but I coudn't stop thinking about Dean's huge cock and I needed some relief. I was about to back silently towards my bedroom door when I heard Mum speak.

"Hmmm, that was wonderful, darling,” she said, smiling like the Cheshire Cat, “but you've had your fun, now it's time for me to have mine."

Wondering what on earth she was talking about, I peered over the edge again. Mum stood up and, wiggling her bum suggestively, walked over to the old cabinet where she kept all her paperwork. "Do you want to see what I use to get me off when I don't have a handsome young stud like you to help?” she asked casually, looking over her shoulder at Dean.

He nodded his head. "Good, you just lie on the couch, and fantasise about fucking this,” she said, slapping her shapely ass loudly and winking at him. “And I'll make sure your lovely cock gets nice and hard again."

"Ye...yes Mrs Mills," Dean stuttered unwittingly. Mum looked at him for a moment.

"Hmm. I know I said you can call me Elizabeth," she said sultrily while opening the top drawer of the cabinet, "but I must admit, it gives me a naughty thrill to hear you keep calling me Mrs Mills. In fact, it's a right fucking turn on.” Although she was preoccupied with looking for something her gaze returned to Dean. "Makes me feel all wicked and naughty."

Suddenly, after a few frantic seconds of rummaging, a calm serenity exuded from her. Then she began giggling uncontrollably. “Jesus, I sound like a whore, don't I?” and continued giggling. "I can't believe I'm seducing a colleague's son. Talking of which, as I was expecting to be very late home, I told your mother you could sleep here tonight, in the guest room... if you want to?" The innuendo was obvious.

"Yes, Mrs Mil... Elizabeth. Thank you, I will." Dean's discomfort at the mention of his mother in such a mundane manner, especially from a woman who moments earlier was sucking spunk from his cock, was clearly visible and in his effort not to upset her, he was agreeing to anything Mum said.

"Oh no, Dean," said my mother playfully. "You don't have to thank me. At least, not yet." She retracted her hand from the drawer and turned towards him. Then, with a feeling for amateur dramatics, she pressed the object obscenely between her breasts. I nearly swore when I saw what it was and, if I'd have known she had something like that in the house...

The black dildo looked extremely lifelike. Long and big with thick veins running up and around the length of it. My first impression was that it could have been modelled on Dean's glorious manhood. I’d fantasised about him taking me all evening, even knowing it was futile but it looked like Mum had a pretty good substitute. Well, if I couldn't have him for real, I could always try the next best thing. I knew where she kept it now. The first chance I get...

"You do realise you won't be seeing the guest bedroom for a while," she said hoarsely, crossing the living room seductively. "We're definitely not finished here yet Mr Daniels. I won't be satisfied until I feel that thing," and she nodded her head towards his growing erection, "deep inside me, making me scream for more."

She stood in front of him, her legs spread wide and her hips thrust forward in a challenging posture. "Unless you don't want to, lover?”

Even from where I was kneeling, I could see the state of his erection and I knew Dean wasn’t going to say no. He could no more deny her than he could fly to the moon. Mum swayed her hips side to side, waiting for an answer, and I got the distinct impression she was glad she'd come home early. As for Dean, judging by the state of his huge cock, I could see he was happy he'd decided to babysit.

"No, yes,” he shook his head. “No Mrs Mill... Elizab..."

Mum leant forward and shut him up by placing a finger on his lips. "Mrs Mills will do fine," she said soothingly. Then she shuffled closer still. "Now take off my knickers... with your teeth."



Written by AndreaDetroit
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