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Watching Susy 9

"Susy shows her cheeky side"

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Just when I thought that my lecherous spouse could shock me no longer, she looked from her iPad and made an announcement.

"Eric? I want to try sex with another woman."

I yelped as I spilled hot tea into my lap and stood up abruptly. This was a turn-up and not a bad idea either. What a treat it would be to watch Susy with another hot female in bed. She held up her iPhone and showed me the website she had been browsing. A BDSM site no less.

"And not only that, I want to be dominated and spanked."

Fuck me with a big stick! Make my day why don't you? What images ran through my mind as I pictured my gorgeous wife bent over and having her beautiful derriere smacked? I got half erect in an instant. We had never experimented in light bondage funnily enough, but now I was kicking myself for never indulging. And it was the that Susy wanted to take rather than give, that turned me on. To watch my sexy wife helpless and entirely in the hands of another female for sexual release was a super aphrodisiac.

"I'll get on it right away."

"And she must be a blonde, por favor."


Since we hadn’t had regular sex for the last couple of years, I had let my amorous wife off the leash to keep her fully satisfied. And not only that, but I insisted that I watch her in her various sexual adventures. Things had worked out so far and I was actually proud of Susy as she impressed me with her wanton ways. We had met when I was on business in Barcelona and she had swept me off my feet with her long legs and inflated boobs.

Things happened rapidly and we married, even though I was quite older than she was and she moved to England. I knew that she had married me for my considerable wealth and not my looks or sexual prowess. Our initial love life had been invigorating. Susy was a creature of the flesh and loved to be naked around the house. We spent day and night fucking and she did things to me that I had never dreamed were possible.

As time went on, it was obvious I could not keep pace with the fiery Latina and she began to play away from home. But this submissive angle was something new altogether. If this is what she wanted, she would get it. It took me a week to find somebody suitable and all was arranged for the following Sunday.

When the doorbell to our comfortable home rang, both Susy and I hurried to the door to open it. A stunning blonde in a plain Burberry raincoat stood on the threshold and sneered at us. Good start, thought I. She looked us up and down and strutted past us inside, depositing a fairly large holdall on the carpet.

"You must be Vanessa," I blurted.

She shot me a withering look and wagged her index finger at me.

"That's MISTRESS Vanessa. From now on you shall address me as such. I shan't tell you twice."

I gulped and nodded. Susy opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it.

"Well. You two look like a match made in heaven."

"Welcome to our house," said Susy in her attractive accent.

"Ah. Spanish. I might have guessed you were either that or a Thai girl knowing the age difference between the pair of you. So, you want the special treatment, and you just want to watch. Well, take a look at this."

The hired Dominatrix unzipped her coat to reveal her outfit for the evening. The statuesque blonde stood resplendent in all black. Teetering on her six-inch stiletto-heeled boots, the jet-black leather corset fit her like a second skin, sucking in her waist, and flaring out over her hips. The front panels of lustrous leather were close to bursting point as they fought to keep her bountiful bust in check. The tops of her long and supple bare thighs framed the ludicrously minute black thong that utterly failed to completely cover her golden gash. She turned to Susy and took out some things from her bag.

"I want you to put this on."

My wife took the offered items and Susy hurried off to our bedroom.

"And you," she barked at me as I visibly shrank. "Will strip off now and will remain naked at all times I am in the house. You must submit to all wishes and orders, given by me. Any hesitation or questions will be punished harshly. Nod if you understand."

I did so as I kicked my slippers off and tossed my smoking jacket off. Closely followed by the rest of my clothing.

"Good. Now sit in that chair and don't speak for the duration."

I watched as she proceeded to retrieve several unique items from her bag. She went to the table and laid out a roll of blue cord, anklets, handcuffs, throat collars, leashes, chains, and several masks, gags, and hoods.

"Yes. I think you will look good with that hood on." She pointed at a black leather hood, with cut-outs for my ears, eyes, and mouth. "Put it on."

I dragged it over my thinning head and it fit snugly from my scalp to my neck.

"So, you both desire to walk on the wild side, hmm? I do hope you know what you want."

The cool blonde sat in an armchair and crossed her long legs. The creak of her leather boots was quite audible as she glared at me. She leaned back and her boobs strained against the leather panels of her outrageous corset. Having studied the agency women on offer, I had been immediately taken by Vanessa who was a thirty-year-old beautician in her everyday life.

Susy duly reappeared in the outfit chosen for her to wear. My dick throbbed on my thigh as I drank in the exotic sight of my better half in black stiletto boots that came up to almost crotch level. They laced up tightly up the backs from her ankles to high on her thighs. Around her neck was a two-inch choker which had a long length of chain hanging from where her throat was. Apart from this, Susy was completely nude. Her heavy tits heaved with an obvious excitement and her nipples looked achingly hard.

"Quite a lot of ink. Too much in my opinion."

Vanessa looked Susy up and down. My wanton wife loved getting tattoos and at this moment she sported a garter design around her upper left thigh, a feather on her upper left shoulder. A script in Spanish that read 'Vuela con tus propias alas' under her left breast which meant 'Fly with your own wings.' Her arms were adorned with various symbols, a woman's face, a lion's head, feathers, and butterflies.

Lastly was her long trailing design that traveled down from her right shoulder blade across the right side of her abdomen and down to her upper thigh. As far as I knew, Susy had no experience with other women before, and virtually none concerning bondage or spanking. Now here she was in the buff and with a moistening pussy.

"Well. You certainly have potential, Chica."

Susy looked at me with a frown as she contemplated my wearing the bondage hood. Vanessa stood up walked around Susy and checked her out. I saw how small her waist was, cinched in as it was by the restricting corset. Her white flesh contrasted with Susy's tanned skin.


"Si, Mistress Vanessa."

Susy pranced around the room with her hips forward and with her firm buttocks rolling alternatively. In those spike heels, she pretty much fought for balance as she strode about. The simple act of moving captured the Latina's raw sexuality and the sheer presence of her femininity as her shaven mound appeared from within her parted thighs.

Her toned body displayed those incredible firm buttocks that pushed up and outward as she ambulated. Vanessa reached out to cup Susy's lower cheeks and nodded in approval. Her right hand folded around the subtle curve of Susy's buttocks with a soft caress, and then she probed that place I knew well where Susy's upper thighs dissolved into her nether holes.

"Yes, I shall enjoy spanking these beauties. You must be a dancer, am I right?"

"Si, I like to dance."


Susy was taken aback when Vanessa picked up the trailing chain and tugged on it hard. My wife's head lifted as she was forced to follow the domme around the room before me. Now and again, Vanessa pulled and Susy threw her arms out for balance. She was made to go this way and that and my cock reached full erection at the provocative view of Susy's rear end being made to jiggle behind her.

"That's the way. Put on a good show for your husband, See him gulping for air under his hood?"

My cock throbbed like mad and I gripped it in a sweaty fist to calm myself. Again Vanessa sat and she gestured to Susy to go down on her knees at her feet. With a harsh tug, my hot spouse hit the carpet and she came face to crotch with the leather-clad blonde.

"Lick my boots."

Si, Mistress Vanessa."

My eyes widened as I saw Susy run one hand up one knee-high boot as she poked her tongue out to swipe up the other from toe to knee. She stopped licking where the top of the boot ended and the soft thigh started. Then she slobbered down to the heel of the boot which she sucked on as if it were a breadstick. Vanessa parted her legs wider and I could see her useless thong was duly sodden.

"Now the other one."

Susy shifted on her knees and her tongue slipped out from open lips to trace a line from an ankle to boot top.

'Keep going. Show me how a cat laps up cream."

Susy's mouth met pussy and Vanessa helped out by moving her thong to one side. I was surprised that the domme had let her pubic hair develop as she sported quite the fair bush. Susy dipped her pointed tongue into the nest and Vanessa pulled up on the chain around her neck so that her face pressed into her snatch.


Susy exhaled loudly as she tried to breathe with her nose and mouth buried in a hot cunt. Vanessa's legs moved on and out as she hummed contently from my wife's oral prowess. I had the perfect view of Vanessa's bush becoming slightly darker with her juices. The tightly curled pubes seemed to be almost transparent as Susy began to capture the woman's clit between her pouting lips and the edges of her teeth.

"That's it, bitch. Kiss it."

Susy grunted and sucked and pulled as she frigged the blonde with a darting finger. Her hot breath made Vanessa undulate in the chair and her long legs jerked fitfully as she shunted on her rear end.

"Look at her go. Have you ever seen your wife go down on another woman?"

No, I had not, and what a fucking turn-on it was. Susy was eagerly lapping up juiced-up cunt folds as she chewed merrily on the tiny nub there. Her mouth and chin were liberally coated and she let spit strings draw out until they snapped. Her tongue was everywhere, swiping, flicking, and dribbling all over Vanessa's mound and inner thighs. Then, Susy was pushed away roughly and I gasped when the blonde slapped her firmly across the tits.

"That was shit! Stand up."

Vanessa wriggled out of her thong and shoved them against the bemused face of Susy. She mumbled as the flimsy rag was rubbed over her mouth and chin. Vanessa tossed it to the carpet and pointed at a desk.

"Bend over that!"

Susy looked about her and skittered over to my work desk which was clear of papers and laptop. She laid her front on the wooden surface in such a manner that her backside thrust out in a most exposed way. She shot me a glance and I was enraptured by her smouldering eyes. I focused on the backs of her thighs where her boots finished.

"Put your elbows on the desk and widen your legs."

Susy spread her supple legs and turned the toes of her high boots in. The outline of her bald cunt lips was prominent and moist as she quivered on her elbows. My cock ached as I watched the blonde stand close behind her.

"Are you enjoying this? Well, I have so much more for you to experience. I believe in my subjects learn obedience and humility."

Could Susy be any more sexually arousing? Standing there waiting to be dominated by another woman? What a provocative sight. Her bum cheeks tightened into two smooth globes, superbly separated and firm. Vanessa began to use one hand to rub Susy between the legs, gliding up and down her slit from behind and releasing her juices from her. Now and again, Susy's puckered starfish winked as Vanessa used her little finger to flick at it.

"You need to be taught a lesson. Do you know what kind?"

"A spanking?"

"What! A spanking, Mistress!"

The first open-palmed smack drew a whimper from my wife and she twisted on her heels with gritted teeth.

"Por favor. A spanking, Mistress."

Vanessa stood side on and she hit Susy twice more on either cheek. She bravely stayed in position as she was spanked a dozen times in quick succession. Sometimes on either cheek and sometimes across both her nates. The rounded curves of her bum strained and spasmed from the rude assault and her nails scratched the top of the desk.

Although she moaned and shook, Susy appeared to enjoy the treatment and purred like a kitten. There came a pause in the proceedings as Vanessa caressed Susy's cheeks, making my wife shiver from the unexpected touch. I sucked in air as I watched avidly, noting how Susy was stroked along the gentle slope of her bum. Susy tightened her buttocks as her cheeks were squeezed and pinched.

I was amazed at how submissive the usually unreserved Spanish spitfire had become, resigned and openly willing to be used and abused. One trembling cheek was smacked suddenly and she jerked on the heels of her boots. Vanessa bent lower and slapped Susy's thighs, making her bend at the knees slightly.

"Keep fucking still. Bad girls need to be taught a lesson in how to obey."

My cock was as stiff as a poker in my sweating fist as Susy received rapid spanks, Vanessa alternating back and forth between each buttock. My wife's hips moved back and forth as if she were fucking an imaginary dick.


The noise of a hand striking raw flesh reverberated in the room. The more Susy bucked the more smacks she got.

"Keep that bottom up and out, you Spanish tart."

"Ungh! Si, Mistress."

As she was further spanked with a bare hand, Susy's half-moons amazingly sprang apart slightly. As I spanked my erection and my nostrils flared under my hood, I saw Susy's buns getting redder and redder. And a distinct handprint emerged on both of her buttocks. The slap, slap, slap of the smacking was creating a film of perspiration between Susy's thighs. Vanessa continued to smack Susy with practiced accuracy and timing on the very crown of each cheek. Susy moaned and thrust her hips forward with a wild frantic urgency as her pussy dripped.

"Cielos! Heavens above!"

Susy reacted as her bum was spanked with two hands at the same time so that the meticulously spaced blows seemed like an uninterrupted assault. She flinched in time with the strikes, emitting 'oohs' and 'ows' as a soundtrack. There came a pause and Susy teetered on a knife edge as she wondered what was to come.

"Now that you're thoroughly wet, I think it only fair to serve you. Stay still."

I blinked rapidly when I watched Vanessa step into a strap-on harness and lube up the six-inch ribbed dildo that protruded from the central ring. She kicked Susy's boots out further with her right foot and positioned herself just right. My beautiful Latina spat as she was slapped on her bottom twice.

"Get that bum up higher, Chica."

Two more slaps followed, and Susy obeyed. in one quick push, the blonde slammed the dildo into Susy's cunt and instantly started fucking her with rotating hips, taking hold of the chain around her neck. She pulled on it hard every time she pushed herself in, thus making Susy gasp from the dominant affront. Vanessa put her hands on either side of Susy's waist and drilled her with rising hip motions, ensuring the full length of the fake cock become buried in my wife's pussy.

"Are you getting all of this, Mister Thompson?' I was asked and I nodded yes.

The smell of females in heat coupled with leather emphasised my increased ardour. Vanessa's thighs pressed against the backs of Susy's legs as they both settled into a rhythmic rut, and the regular slapping of their thighs made me wank off faster. The dildo corkscrewed inside Susy and she whimpered in delight as it was buried up to the hilt in her sodden muff. The defined muscles of Susy's thighs were taut and she stood high on her toes. I couldn't believe my eyes as they both groaned in pleasure.

"I need a rest. Come here, Chica."

Vanessa sat in a chair and Susy stood erect and rubbed her wrists and fondled her burning buns. I focused on her rosy rear end and contemplated rubbing it better with lotion later on when we were alone.

"Sit on it."

"Si, Mistress Vanessa. Anything you ask I will do."

Amazing. Susy had become completely under the influence of the domme. Vanessa held the dildo up and Susy sat in the woman's lap and promptly sank on the slick sex toy. She held onto Vanessa's shoulders and lifted her hips up. For a brief second, she waited and then slammed down. The head of the fake cock spread her open, and as Susy spread her legs more, the more she sank down. Vanessa moved her hands along Susy's upper thighs as my spouse hopped to and fro.

It was a delightfully arousing sight to watch her ride the thing and her big boobs bounced in Vanessa's face. My view was from behind the pair of wanton women so that I could appreciate Susy's tight buttocks rippling on top of the blonde's thighs on each down stroke. She settled into a steady rhythm and she tossed her long mane back as she dug the toes of her thigh-high boots in. Vanessa used her hands to squeeze and fondle Susy's bottom cheeks, adding to the sensuous female fuck.

"Turn around now, bitch. I want to see that spanked bottom."

Susy twisted about and faced away from the Dominatrix and looked at me. She moved back into a straddle and wedged the dildo inside her cunt. I clearly saw her bald outer flaps spread out as the fake dick rode up. She wiggled her hips and pushed down so that the dildo filled her completely. Vanessa rubbed her buns and then smacked her hard and true.


"Fuck me, bitch!"

As she sat flush in the woman's lap, my wife tossed her head and moved up and down with vigour. Susy accelerated her grinding, hammering fully onto the ribbed dildo which jarred her huge boobs. She was moaning continuously now as she neared her climax. This is what she desired and she was truly getting it. Susy's lower body plowed into Vanessa's lap as she rode a wave of overwhelming ecstasy. Fucking the dildo became the sole focus of her attention as she fucked herself silly.

"You nothing but a fucking slut! Fucking fuck me!"

Susy groaned as her spike heels dug in. She jerked fitfully as her cunt embraced the sex toy. Vanessa kept stroking her buttocks and watched avidly at Susy from behind, nodding in approval at how the Latina firecracker bobbed in her lap.

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Susy welcomed her orgasm with a shudder and a shriek and carried on riding the toy for a full minute after coming. Then she slowly lifted herself off and cupped her muff.

"See to your man."

She tottered over to me dutifully and grabbed my throbbing organ. Her wet fingers grabbed the base of my throbbing erection and she began to jerk me. She peered into my eye slits and grinned as she tossed me off. My head under the hood was dripping and my eyes burned with sweat. I ejaculated heavily and several arcs of cum spat out and over Susy's superb tits and I slumped in my chair. She tasted my seed and as I shook in the after throes of my tumultuous climax she stood up and smiled happily.

Done for the evening Vanessa packed her things away and bid us a good evening. Later on, we discussed the event and Susy decided she would like to do the same sort of thing again one day. All in all, it had been something unusual and I had been pleasantly surprised how erotic it had all been. One for the diary.


When my stunning Spanish wife buys lingerie we're both winners. With her sensational figure and gazelle-like legs, there is nothing I love more than to see Susy all sexed up. She looked seductive and sleek wearing her latest purchases from one of her favourite online designers of latex lingerie, 'Honey Bee' Underwear. As she modelled her pieces for me I was overcome with desire. She was always dark and sultry, and now she looked mysterious and flirtatious in addition.

"How do you like it?"

"Oh, it's really good," I replied in all honesty.

Putting the word ‘play’ back in lingerie, her strappy black set featured a cupless halter bra that left her DD-sized breasts uncovered and out there. Her barely-there body harness was almost like an afterthought and resembled strands of dental floss that crisscrossed her belly and then sloped away to her pubic mound.

Her thin suspenders were attached to an elasticated waistbelt which had a bondage ring at the back. The pair of midnight black briefs had an unfortunate task of ticking in Susy's pussy mound and failed totally. Her well-formed and shapely legs were bare and both her calves and thighs were tense as she teetered on a very glamorous pair of killer heels. Finished in a shiny black luster, they had an impressive six-inch heel that added an extra level of edginess.

"Vanessa has really stoked your inner slut, my love."

"She has. I feel so turned on just wearing this."

Me too, I thought as Susy's sweet perfume filled my nostrils. Her thick raven hair cascaded over her shoulders and onto the small of her back. Her kissable lips looked like a slash of crimson as she pouted and preened. I gripped the arms of my armchair as I watched her hips roll as she strutted for me in the main room of our home in Surrey. My cock stirred as she turned her back to me so that my gaze could linger on that stupendous backside of hers.

"Fucking beautiful," I mused as my dick throbbed with a certain longing for the times when we were first married and we rutted like animals in heat.

"You think Vanessa will approve?"

"A hundred percent. She'll have eyes out on stalks."

"When does she get here?"

As Susy spoke those words, I heard the doorbell. Our hired Dominatrix had arrived. I hurried to the door to open it and was greeted by the stunning blonde we had met not so long ago. My wife and I had both always been pretty straightforward and normal in our attitude toward sex. Well, fairly straightforward. Considering I let Susy openly take other men to bed on the condition I am there to watch her get fucked silly. So when she said she wanted a bit of submission and sapphic action, I was thoroughly turned on and intrigued. Vanessa brought a bag of tricks on her initial visit and a good time had been enjoyed by one and all.

"Good evening, Vanessa. And how are you?"

She shot me a withering look and wagged her index finger at me.

"That's MISTRESS Vanessa. Are you getting senile or what? I shan't tell you again."

I gulped and nodded. Nice way to start. She was a surly bitch and no mistake. As she brushed by me I saw that she was wearing a backless black dress that dipped so low that it showed off the tops of her nether cheeks. The way this woman stood, with her head held proudly high and her slightly haughty attitude, saw her ooze confidence and a superior air. Although I had lived a full and sexually active life, even before marrying Susy, I always felt some reticence in the company of those like her. Susy joined us in her chosen lingerie with a big smile and a bounce in her step.

"Hola, Mistress Vanessa. You look fabuloso."

Vanessa huffed and waved a dismissive hand and proceeded to take off her dress. The statuesque blonde stood resplendent in all her naked glory. Teetering on her six-inch stiletto heels, her bountiful bust heaved and my eyes were drawn to her supple thighs that tapered into her lush bush of golden pubes. She looked again at Susy and took out some things from her bag.

"Well, we're not wearing 'shoelaces' tonight, my little Latina slut. I have something more exciting in mind. Strip off."

Susy took off her special outfit and in a moment was standing before us stark naked. As she trembled, her lush-enhanced tits jiggled from side to side and her buttocks clenched with anticipation.

"You two, Mister Thompson. Get naked."

I gulped and hesitated but relented as the Dom gave me a cold stare. I took off my shirt and laid it over my chair. Then I rolled my trousers off and lost my underpants.

"How pathetic," she commented on my slumbering dick. "Poor darling. I have the very thing. Put this on at once."

I took from her what appeared to be a codpiece. As black as coal and made of rubber. I looked at my wife and shrugged. I cupped my wedding tackle with it and fastened the single strap around my bottom. It was a snug fit and the thin strap outlined the cheeks of my bum as well as biting into my balls.

"Now, don't you look all sexy and whatnot?"

Vanessa had a sarcastic smile on her lips as she studied me front and back. Then she motioned for Susy to approach and the sight of the two naked and fuckable females in front of me made my cock start to harden. My glans rubbed alarmingly on the smooth inside of the codpiece and I wondered in dread what would happen if I reached a full erection. Would it break my shaft?

"Let us prepare ourselves."

Vanessa had in her hand a white container of sandalwood-scented talcum powder. She proceeded to dust Susy with the stuff from her boobs to her shaven snatch, paying extra attention to the crevice of her bum and vulva. Susy hissed and rocked on her high heels as Vanessa rubbed her snatch and spread out her bald cunt flaps. My wife pushed her hips forward to capture the blonde's fingers in her muff. Then Vanessa covered herself and clouds of talc seemed to float in mid-air as they both looked like a pair of naked ghosts. Both Susy and I were fascinated at this new shared experience

"You see, wearing rubber is one of the most popular fetishes around. The feeling of contentment and freedom when wearing skin-tight rubber really does it for me. The sweet aroma of good-quality rubber is also pleasant. Also, although I like the subtlety of matte rubber, the sight of a person in beautifully polished rubber is very nice. There are clear exhibitionistic and voyeuristic elements to it. I always encourage mutual rubber fun as it’s a massive thrill for me. Two people in bed in full head-to-toe skin-tight thin rubber is an erotic experience. That feeling of being safely cocooned in thin rubber whilst simultaneously feeling naked beneath is for me one beautiful sensation."

As she spoke, the blonde dressed herself in a figure-hugging, short-sleeved, red rubber mini dress. She sat in a chair and tugged on a pair of what appeared to be red rubber skyscraper thigh boots. When she stood again, she towered over the both of us at a height of over six feet. She looked across at us and continued.

"It all began when I was young and had on a swim cap; I was mesmerised by the smooth feel of the rubber, the sounds it made, and the smell. I don’t know what made me associate rubber with sex but I began masturbating with it, and ever since, my sex life has been wonderfully enhanced. As a teenager, I came across fetish magazines filled with pictures of people wearing latex clothes, and I realized, with relief, that there were others like me. My rubber fetish is fun, wonderful, and an integral part of me and it has enriched my sex life."

Susy held up a similar rubber garment and Vanessa nodded to her to put it on. This was a one-piece, black rubber catsuit with a zip at the back and a crotch zip. Also, there were black rubber elbow-length gloves and the same pair of six-inch heeled, black rubber boots that would reach Susy to mid-thigh. She looked at me and I squirmed in my chair as the codpiece kissed my rising dick.

Susy slowly pulled the suit up her legs, feeling the cold touch of the rubber as it slid up her lithe legs. Up past her knees, to her thighs, she slowly pulled the suit on. The smooth all-enveloping rubber suit moulded itself perfectly to her curvy body, stretching over her like a membrane. When she had the lower half of the suit on, she slid her hands into the armholes and shivered involuntarily as the cold rubber met her smooth belly. I could see a look of astonishment and feverish delight on her face as she embraced the rubber as she brought the buoyant suit up to crotch level.


Susy felt Vanessa's eyes on her as she let the rubber gusset caress her bald vulva. Onward and upward, my spouse pulled it up to her boobs and as she encased her huge tits. Her spectacular bosom was clearly defined by the stretchable substance and the thin latex sculpted itself in a Susy silhouette. Her prominent pubic mound was visible to all as she scissored her legs.

"How do I look?"

"Stunning. How is it?"

Susy ran her hands over the ductile suit and almost purred.

"I can feel my nipples rub on the inside, and I have a continuous throb in my loins. As I move even the slightest pressure squeezes my legs, bottom, and my pussy."

"Let me zip you up."

Vanessa came behind the quivering Spanish bombshell and zipped her up. Now Susy was covered from the neck down to her knees in rubber. She panicked slightly when the blonde vixen tugged a rubber hood over Susy's head. It encompassed her face in an oval from under her chin, past the front of her ears, and across her forehead below the hairline. There were two cut-outs for her eyes and mouth. Her long raven hair exited the hood from an opening just behind the crown of her head and fell down her back in a black curtain.

"Am I to remain like this all evening?" she asked, speaking out of the mouth hole.

"You will speak only when spoken to! And you will refer to me as Mistress at all times!"

"I'm sorry, Mistress."

Almost completely encased in her rubber skin, Susy began to perspire, and the sweat trickled between her flattened breasts and loins. I could see her legs shake helplessly as her excitement mounted. Vanessa snaked her arms around Susy's slim waist and she drew my wife towards her own rubber shape form. My cock strained in my codpiece as they kissed each other in a lengthy French kiss as they began to grind against each other, their hot bodies in the rubber steaming up as a result. They came tit to tit, belly to belly as their latex squeaked erotically. Each clung to the other as they became more and more turned on, both of them moaning in delight. The sight of Susy's darting tongue emerging from the mouthpiece of her hood was indescribable. Erotic and odd at the same time.

"Touch me there," ordered Vanessa.

Susy bent her head and her gloved hands pulled on the clingy hem of the blonde's smooth red dress and tried to raise it up her bare thighs. Gradually she eased the wrinkle-free rubber up over her legs until the dress was up to just above her loins. I grimaced in both pain and ardour as I eyed up Vanessa's pale bum framed by the red latex. Seeing as she had forgone the wearing of any underwear, her golden bush was now all too visible and the fair pubes glistened with her moisture. She parted her thighs and Susy cupped her muff with one rubber glove. My latex-sheathed spouse proceeded to caress the domme's cunt with a sawing action from the rear and forward.

Vanessa rocked on the heels of her skyscraper boots as she sighed in pure passion. This, presumably, was the woman's dream come true as Susy rubbed her cunt faster. Vanessa bucked and whimpered as one rubber gloved finger delved inside her quim thereby driving her mad with lust. It certainly was a thrilling turn-on for me too as Susy bent at the knees and eased her gloved finger into Vanessa deeper.


Susy got onto her haunches with an audible creaking and started to nibble and suck on the blonde thatch in her face. She closed her eyes and plunged her tongue in and out of Vanesa, alternately using her middle digit to frig the woman as she flicked out at her clit. Vanessa placed her hands on top of Susy's hooded head and ground her pussy into my wife's mouth which appeared out of the designated cut-out.

"Watch this."

Vanessa shook her head and shivered as she put her hand in between Susy's legs and grasped the crotch zip. She brought it up and the latex divided to display Susy's bald mons. A few wisps of talc wafted up as the blonde fingered my wife's heated vulva. Susy hissed and tilted her head back when Vanessa went down on her knees to lick her moist labia, both the outer flaps and the inner folds.


Susy felt her wetness seep out and she squirmed with increasing arousal as her slit was lapped up and down with deft swipes of the domme's tongue. From where I was seated, I saw her inner lips drawn out and then pushed in again and again. I was desperate to wank my aching knob but was denied by this archaic cock sock.

Susy mumbled in Spanish as the blonde flicked out at her tiny bud, tweaking it by rotating her tongue around it in an astounding figure of eight. She groaned loudly like the wanton slut she was, gyrating and humping Vanessa's mouth like mad. The latex skin must surely have added to her already heightened state of arousal as she teetered on her high heels.


Susy yelled as she came in Vanessa's mouth. She shook uncontrollably as wave upon wave of pleasure hit her like electric shocks. Vanessa stood up and smoothed out her short dress and nodded in approval.

"Let's go to the bedroom. I have something to show you."

The ladies took off, squeaking as they went, and I followed. Bent over and half crippled by the itchy codpiece encasing my poor member. Vanessa had retrieved an item from her bag of tricks and Susy's face was a picture as she set eyes on the unusual-looking rubber dildo that was set in a harness of some sort. Vanessa tied off the item around her waist and thighs with the thin straps and began to jerk the fake cock as if it were real.

"Lie on the bed."

Susy did so, fanning her raven tresses out from the back of her hood over a pillow and creaking loudly, she opened her legs. Vanessa moved onto the bed and settled between Susy's rubber-clad thighs. From my point of view, Vanessa's cunt and anus showed perfectly as the hem of her latex dress rode up. She aimed the lubed-up head of the sex toy against Susy's pussy entrance and followed through, spearing my besuited spouse with the dildo. The thick rubber dick slipped inside my wife's cunt with a squelch and a sucking sound. Susy held onto Vanessa's bare upper arms as she was vigorously humped by the blonde domme.

Vanessa caressed the rubber catsuit that encased Susy and her face was a pretty picture as she got off on the smell of the clingy substance. The dildo was now slamming in and out at a fair rate and both women moaned as they writhed on the bed. Streams of glistening love juice ran from each cunt and my nostrils flared at the intoxicating scent of female cum and rubber. The catsuit moulded itself to Susy's slim hips and hugged her firm bum as she lifted her legs into Vanessa's forearms. I looked on in sheer wonderment as the black rubber cock thrust up and out of her bald gash to the hilt. Then the blonde pulled out and she tapped Susy on the shoulder to make her assume a doggy-style position.

"Okay, I'm going to fuck you like a dog now."

As Susy eagerly knelt on the bed on all fours, her bottom raised naturally. Vanessa got behind her and with a sexy wiggle of the hips she mounted my wife. The shiny rubber tip went in and Susy pushed back with one hefty motion.


Her pussy was thus filled and her head dipped forward. With her hands around Susy's waist, the experienced dominatrix hammered my wife over and over. Her exposed nether cheeks jiggled and her anus seemed to wink at me as I watched avidly. She shrieked obscenities as she slammed the dildo roughly into Susy from behind. The persistent drilling of Susy must have made her drip buckets inside the rubber outfit and I didn't envy her one bit. I had my own discomfort with this fucking codpiece strangling my erection. Together they wailed and groaned in pleasure as they smashed into each other.

"In my bum, in my bum!"

Susy begged and Vanessa paused in mid-stroke, the dildo half and half out of my wanting Latina fuck bunny.

"Oh, you want it up there, do you? You stuck-up bitch!

Vanessa eased the fake cock from Susy's pussy and then gave her several rapid spanks on each of her quivering cheeks. The dildo was pointed at Susy's back passage and the tip slowly pressed to her puckered anus. In her hood and rubber catsuit, it was hard to gauge her feelings but her agonised yelp made it clear. Vanessa continued to ease the dildo in until Susy had the thing pushed up her rear end. The blonde shifted on her knees and began to pump her hips back and forth. I was gobsmacked at the sight of my wanton spouse rocking on all fours as the rubber dong stretched out her rectum.

The blonde bitch leaned over Susy's back so that she could reach around to play with her clit. Now the black rubber toy was well and truly buried in Susy's shitter and she wailed and banged a fist on the mattress as she was pounded relentlessly. She loved it as she cried in the affirmative again and again until she was pushed onto her front as Vanessa settled on her back. Susy climaxed and the domme finally pulled out and rolled off. As Susy lay panting Vanessa looked in my direction and came toward me.

"You've been pretty quiet, Mister Thompson. Let me relieve you."

With her latex mini dress hiked up to her midriff she bent over and untied my cock sock. When I was released I exhaled deeply and my dick sprang up proud and erect. The glans had a deep purple hue and the big blue vein on the right side of my shaft pulsed vividly as I breathed. I swear that I had never been so hard in my life. The relief was immense and I held onto my throbbing organ as if to reassure it all was well.

"I need a dick myself. Allow me."

Vanessa took hold of my prick and started sliding her hand up and down the entire length. She jumped up and sat in my lap and pressed the shaft to her lower belly. She began a sort of belly dance, grinding and slipping to and fro, teasing my erection with her golden bush. I ached for her to insert it in her hot pussy but I denied that pleasure. What a cunt! Susy had taken her hood off by now and her immaculate hair was lank and matted to her back and shoulders. She got out of the rubber suit and her entire body was saturated in sweat. She sat on the edge of the bed and she now became the voyeur of the marriage.

"Shall I fuck him, my little Latina?"


I gulped as Vanessa stopped her tease and denial and twisted up so that she could sink onto my stiff log. The feeling of being enveloped by another was so intense that I almost came there and then. With her rubber-clad frame settled on my groin, she remained quite still as Susy cocked her head for a better view. A prickle of sweat glistened on my temple as I willed the blonde bitch to move on my throbbing member. Her hands rested on my abdomen as she began to roll her hips at last. Every push-down was making my cock swell and my balls tighten.

"You like?"

I nodded in silence as my throat dried up. As she humped me she kept her upper half still and just used her hips to move along my boner which drove me even more crazy.

"You like slow or faster?"

I made a circle in the air as I indicated for her to speed up. She obliged and lifted up and down on my prick at a fair, rate of strokes, and I was delighted in the sensation of having her ride my cock to the hilt. Her hips went in fast circles for several strokes, and her blonde pubes meshed with mine. My mouth opened wide as My balls swelled and she guessed that she had succeeded in bringing me to an impending climax. She felt a wicked sense of complete control and dominance as she squeezed the muscles of her pussy around my log, bringing me to the very brink.

"Uh-huh," she muttered as she lifted right up then so that my cock left her warm confines and I fucked air.

"No fair!" I protested as at the point of no return Vanessa grabbed my hands and held them down on the arms of the chair leaving him with no option but to cum on my belly in a ruined orgasm.

She giggled as my cum spewed out with no physical contact so that the exquisite relief was lost for me. Without a backward glance, Vanessa tottered off with an ignoble grin.

"I'm so bad!" she scoffed as she looked at Susy and me. "No hard feeling I hope. I hope that we'll be seeing much more of each other in the future. Well, must dash. I have a train to catch. You have my number. Don't be strangers now."

I rubbed my dribbling dick and Susy clapped her hands. I suppose she lived for these moments, and I embraced our respective slide into depravity, just to keep her sated. It had been the first time I had fucked another woman since Susy and I had wed, and the amazing thing was that she had enjoyed it so much. Something to keep in mind for the future.


Written by moasan
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