Her Monday
Day Two
It is hot; steam swirling around my body like moist silk fabric. I lie there, my body stripped of any covering, as my arms remain held over my head by some invisible force; my legs spread, my womanhood open and wanton. Yet, as I lie here, I am without fear; I feel a hunger, an emptiness, a need to be filled.
He is there, in the dark. I can feel his presence, and I try to find him, the mist and darkness obscure my view. At last I see him, his eyes, staring at me, taking in my body. I am vulnerable, his for the taking. Yet, he is still, watching me, not venturing closer. He has won, and I am his prize. He will take me when he wants, yet he does not move to consummate his victory.
Still, he does not move closer, his distance never changes, his eyes have found mine and do not waiver. He does desire me; as his eyes are burning with desire. The intensity of his gaze is filled with an animal lust.
I feel his desire for me is so evident, it causes my body to respond to him; I can feel moist droplets lubricating me. My body has a will of its own and my body wants him to fill me. I want to taste his tongue devouring mine, his powerful arms crushing me to his chest, molding my breasts to his muscles, his throbbing cock filling me.
My eyes beg him to release me, to allow me to pleasure him. Yet, he still remains distant. In his eyes, his lust increases and I felt like a lamb to be devoured by a lion. His gaze is too intense; I smell my moist desire for him. I silently beg him to ravish my body, and hoping to bring him to my side, I close my eyes.
I feel his lips on mine…
Opening my eyes, I felt the sunlight streaming through the skylight warming my bed. It is morning and I remain alone in my flat.
“What a dream,” I near silently murmured to myself, “last evening must have really left me hungry.”
I am flat on my back, my hands had fallen asleep over my head. I eased my arms down and the numbness slowly left. I remembered where I was and peeked at my bedside clock.
“Oh, nearly eight, I’d better get a move on.”
I quickly jumped out of bed, rushed to the bath to grab a quick shower and paint my business face on. Out to the dresser, I selected my “granny panties” as my old boyfriend would call them and added a pink-laced bra. Then dashing to the closet to dress, I quickly donned a simple buttoned white blouse, gray skirt with matching jacket; my “business dress to impress” attire. A quick check in the mirror, all was in order and I hurried out for my business breakfast.
I quickly strode up the several blocks to the outdoor café on La Rambla and found Raoul already seated at a table gazing at the paper while enjoying a morning café con leche.
Glancing up, Uncle Raoul rose and greeted me with a warm smile, a warmer hug and a quick peck on my cheek.
“Belinda, it is so good to see you. My, you have grown into such a lovely young woman. You do so take after your mother.”
As I sat, I noticed a beautiful blonde woman seated with a man wearing a suit several tables in front of us. Although facing away from me, he looks familiar, his light brown hair shining in the morning sun. I can’t see his face, yet somehow believe I might know him.
The waiter arrived then and I ordered café con leche and bollos, a sweet roll. Raoul is confirming to me that although I am not there officially, I have been granted permission to go over the genome findings, if only for my thesis. As we are family, he continued the conversation by filling me in on everything his wife and children have been up to. I try to listen attentively, but as I gazed at the stranger with brown hair, my mind wandered back to my evening on the patio.
As we finish our breakfast, Raoul informed me that our car is here, gesturing to a small sedan that had just pulled up nearby. As we rose, I noticed the reflection of us in the café glass, and could not help but notice the stranger with light brown hair starring back at my reflection as well. His eyes look so familiar and it suddenly dawned on me that this handsome man looking at my reflection must be my showering neighbor.
Raoul gave my arm a little tug and reluctantly I turned to the car. As we pull away, I glanced back again toward him and wondered why had he been staring at me? ‘Had he seen me the previous night peeping at him? Had he really been staring at my reflection, or was my imagination running away again?’
Once at the university, I immersed myself in my studies of the genome sequencing. They had used shotgun sequencing, which although the most accurate method; was still produced by many short reads of the genome that had to be combined to deliver a nearly complete genome. The work is tedious but I am more interested in the short reads or individual contigs, not the completed genome.
Raoul stopped by in a few hours offering to take me to lunch but I resisted his sweet invitation, as I was anxious to continue my work. In Spain, lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is often followed by a siesta; I knew I could not afford such a luxury. Nearly everyone had left the building and I had the lab to myself.
About an hour later, the phone rang, and thinking it might be Raoul, I picked it up with a simple “Hola, ¿puedo ayudarle?”.
After a moments pause an incredibly smooth baritone voice asked, “¿Raoul es en ?”
“No, él ha ido a almorzar . ¿Puedo tomar el mensaje ?” In my best Spanish, I had tried to explain that Raoul has gone to lunch but that I could take a message, but I believe my accent must have given me away.
“Oh… your English?” that intoxicating voice inquired.
“Yes, well, Australian but I live in UK. Did you want me to take a message for my uncle?”
“No, well…” he paused, “please tell him that Caderyn called, and I should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
”Caderyn? I will be sure to give him the message, is there anything else?”, I really wanted to keep him on the phone, just to listen to his deep sexy voice.
“No, thank you, Ms…”
I only paused for a moment before replying, “Belinda”.
“Thank you, Belinda.” and the phone went dead.
That man had the most intoxicating voice, I could listen to him forever. But I realized the voices rarely matched their appearance. Still, if he looked like he sounded, he would be good enough to eat.
I found myself remembering my dream last night, the stranger’s eyes burning into me. I tried to remember his face, but could only see his eyes, well, his eyes and his thick cock. I couldn’t help it, I was entranced. Remembering the moments I gazed at his body, my pulse quickened and I was becoming aroused again.
“Stop that!” I cursed to myself.
“What’s that?” I spun around to find Raoul had returned, his gaze concerned.
I took a deep breath, and smiled at him, “Oh, nothing, I was just…” I paused, “Caderyn called, he said he should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
“Oh,” he looked excited, “you really should meet Caderyn.”
My mind was already picturing him…
“He has something that you really need to see.”
The question in my eyes made my uncle smile. “It is a new method of genome comparative analysis,” He continued, “based on cloud computing,”
I was familiar with the concept of using multiple computers to analyze data but had never heard of using it for genome analysis. I tried to question my uncle further but he kept saying “Mañana, mañana todo será revelado”; All will be revealed tomorrow.
I continued working until nightfall then walked towards my flat looking for an appetizing restaurant. I finally chanced upon a small warm and earthy restaurant, which I was sure, would serve authentic Spanish home style meals. I had a delicious local fish served with arroz cubano, white rice tomato sauce and egg. I could barely finish it but having gone all day on just my café and roll, I deserved it. Washing it down with a glass of light wine, I was very satisfied with my day.
Leaving the restaurant I continued wandering toward my flat, passing many Spaniards going from club to club, laughing and enjoying the cool night air. The custom was to meet friends at a bar, have a drink with some Spanish appetizers, tapas, then choose the next bar for more tapas.
I arrived home and once inside quickly showered and put on a warm robe, then make some Spanish hot chocolate, very thick, as is the local custom. Walking out on the terrace I could see there were still revelers at the small pub across the way but my neighbors windows were all darkened.
My eyes were being drawn to my neighbors flat, no one was there, but I kept picturing his eyes and the way he seemed to watch me as I lay there watching him, being aroused by him, my body responding to his actions. It was like a dream, a lustful dream. ‘He had been in my dream as well… yes, it was him in my dream.’
Well, I really didn’t need to see my delicious neighbor tonight, he was much too distracting to me for what I needed to accomplish here. I also felt somewhat guilty about seeing him last night, yet I still remained on the terrace… watching… waiting.
Relishing the cool evening breeze, I slowly finished sipping my chocolate, went into my bedroom and was soon asleep. As I gazed across the courtyard separating our flats, I wondered if I would dream of him again.
- - - - - - - - - -
His Monday
Day Two
I can feel the heat, permeating the area and I sense the source was ahead of me. It is different than a dry desert heat, it’s like the jungle and the humid air fills my lungs with a thickness. There is also an odor, no, really a fragrance of sweetness, like fruit, passion fruit.
I see her then, she is laid upon her back, her arms are stretched over her head, restrained by some hidden pinion. Her legs are spread open like a pheasant being served on a platter. Her nakedness accents her helpless state. She is the source of the heat, it radiates from her.
She does not show fear; instead she seems resigned to her fate, almost as if she is anticipating it. She slowly shifted her gaze around, as if she senses something. It is more than that, she desires something or someone.
She suddenly sees me, recognition coming to her face in a flash, and I realize it is me that she has been waiting for. Am I her salvation or her nemesis? I do not know what plan she nurtures for me, nor am I aware of any premeditation I might harbor. Her gaze captivates me, it is as if she can glimpse into my secret desires; and that she relishes what I might do to her.
I want desperately to approach her, release her, touch her, caress her, but she awakens a fear in me.
Day Two
It is hot; steam swirling around my body like moist silk fabric. I lie there, my body stripped of any covering, as my arms remain held over my head by some invisible force; my legs spread, my womanhood open and wanton. Yet, as I lie here, I am without fear; I feel a hunger, an emptiness, a need to be filled.
He is there, in the dark. I can feel his presence, and I try to find him, the mist and darkness obscure my view. At last I see him, his eyes, staring at me, taking in my body. I am vulnerable, his for the taking. Yet, he is still, watching me, not venturing closer. He has won, and I am his prize. He will take me when he wants, yet he does not move to consummate his victory.
Still, he does not move closer, his distance never changes, his eyes have found mine and do not waiver. He does desire me; as his eyes are burning with desire. The intensity of his gaze is filled with an animal lust.
I feel his desire for me is so evident, it causes my body to respond to him; I can feel moist droplets lubricating me. My body has a will of its own and my body wants him to fill me. I want to taste his tongue devouring mine, his powerful arms crushing me to his chest, molding my breasts to his muscles, his throbbing cock filling me.
My eyes beg him to release me, to allow me to pleasure him. Yet, he still remains distant. In his eyes, his lust increases and I felt like a lamb to be devoured by a lion. His gaze is too intense; I smell my moist desire for him. I silently beg him to ravish my body, and hoping to bring him to my side, I close my eyes.
I feel his lips on mine…
Opening my eyes, I felt the sunlight streaming through the skylight warming my bed. It is morning and I remain alone in my flat.
“What a dream,” I near silently murmured to myself, “last evening must have really left me hungry.”
I am flat on my back, my hands had fallen asleep over my head. I eased my arms down and the numbness slowly left. I remembered where I was and peeked at my bedside clock.
“Oh, nearly eight, I’d better get a move on.”
I quickly jumped out of bed, rushed to the bath to grab a quick shower and paint my business face on. Out to the dresser, I selected my “granny panties” as my old boyfriend would call them and added a pink-laced bra. Then dashing to the closet to dress, I quickly donned a simple buttoned white blouse, gray skirt with matching jacket; my “business dress to impress” attire. A quick check in the mirror, all was in order and I hurried out for my business breakfast.
I quickly strode up the several blocks to the outdoor café on La Rambla and found Raoul already seated at a table gazing at the paper while enjoying a morning café con leche.
Glancing up, Uncle Raoul rose and greeted me with a warm smile, a warmer hug and a quick peck on my cheek.
“Belinda, it is so good to see you. My, you have grown into such a lovely young woman. You do so take after your mother.”
As I sat, I noticed a beautiful blonde woman seated with a man wearing a suit several tables in front of us. Although facing away from me, he looks familiar, his light brown hair shining in the morning sun. I can’t see his face, yet somehow believe I might know him.
The waiter arrived then and I ordered café con leche and bollos, a sweet roll. Raoul is confirming to me that although I am not there officially, I have been granted permission to go over the genome findings, if only for my thesis. As we are family, he continued the conversation by filling me in on everything his wife and children have been up to. I try to listen attentively, but as I gazed at the stranger with brown hair, my mind wandered back to my evening on the patio.
As we finish our breakfast, Raoul informed me that our car is here, gesturing to a small sedan that had just pulled up nearby. As we rose, I noticed the reflection of us in the café glass, and could not help but notice the stranger with light brown hair starring back at my reflection as well. His eyes look so familiar and it suddenly dawned on me that this handsome man looking at my reflection must be my showering neighbor.
Raoul gave my arm a little tug and reluctantly I turned to the car. As we pull away, I glanced back again toward him and wondered why had he been staring at me? ‘Had he seen me the previous night peeping at him? Had he really been staring at my reflection, or was my imagination running away again?’
Once at the university, I immersed myself in my studies of the genome sequencing. They had used shotgun sequencing, which although the most accurate method; was still produced by many short reads of the genome that had to be combined to deliver a nearly complete genome. The work is tedious but I am more interested in the short reads or individual contigs, not the completed genome.
Raoul stopped by in a few hours offering to take me to lunch but I resisted his sweet invitation, as I was anxious to continue my work. In Spain, lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is often followed by a siesta; I knew I could not afford such a luxury. Nearly everyone had left the building and I had the lab to myself.
About an hour later, the phone rang, and thinking it might be Raoul, I picked it up with a simple “Hola, ¿puedo ayudarle?”.
After a moments pause an incredibly smooth baritone voice asked, “¿Raoul es en ?”
“No, él ha ido a almorzar . ¿Puedo tomar el mensaje ?” In my best Spanish, I had tried to explain that Raoul has gone to lunch but that I could take a message, but I believe my accent must have given me away.
“Oh… your English?” that intoxicating voice inquired.
“Yes, well, Australian but I live in UK. Did you want me to take a message for my uncle?”
“No, well…” he paused, “please tell him that Caderyn called, and I should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
”Caderyn? I will be sure to give him the message, is there anything else?”, I really wanted to keep him on the phone, just to listen to his deep sexy voice.
“No, thank you, Ms…”
I only paused for a moment before replying, “Belinda”.
“Thank you, Belinda.” and the phone went dead.
That man had the most intoxicating voice, I could listen to him forever. But I realized the voices rarely matched their appearance. Still, if he looked like he sounded, he would be good enough to eat.
I found myself remembering my dream last night, the stranger’s eyes burning into me. I tried to remember his face, but could only see his eyes, well, his eyes and his thick cock. I couldn’t help it, I was entranced. Remembering the moments I gazed at his body, my pulse quickened and I was becoming aroused again.
“Stop that!” I cursed to myself.
“What’s that?” I spun around to find Raoul had returned, his gaze concerned.
I took a deep breath, and smiled at him, “Oh, nothing, I was just…” I paused, “Caderyn called, he said he should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
“Oh,” he looked excited, “you really should meet Caderyn.”
My mind was already picturing him…
“He has something that you really need to see.”
The question in my eyes made my uncle smile. “It is a new method of genome comparative analysis,” He continued, “based on cloud computing,”
I was familiar with the concept of using multiple computers to analyze data but had never heard of using it for genome analysis. I tried to question my uncle further but he kept saying “Mañana, mañana todo será revelado”; All will be revealed tomorrow.
I continued working until nightfall then walked towards my flat looking for an appetizing restaurant. I finally chanced upon a small warm and earthy restaurant, which I was sure, would serve authentic Spanish home style meals. I had a delicious local fish served with arroz cubano, white rice tomato sauce and egg. I could barely finish it but having gone all day on just my café and roll, I deserved it. Washing it down with a glass of light wine, I was very satisfied with my day.
Leaving the restaurant I continued wandering toward my flat, passing many Spaniards going from club to club, laughing and enjoying the cool night air. The custom was to meet friends at a bar, have a drink with some Spanish appetizers, tapas, then choose the next bar for more tapas.
I arrived home and once inside quickly showered and put on a warm robe, then make some Spanish hot chocolate, very thick, as is the local custom. Walking out on the terrace I could see there were still revelers at the small pub across the way but my neighbors windows were all darkened.
My eyes were being drawn to my neighbors flat, no one was there, but I kept picturing his eyes and the way he seemed to watch me as I lay there watching him, being aroused by him, my body responding to his actions. It was like a dream, a lustful dream. ‘He had been in my dream as well… yes, it was him in my dream.’
Well, I really didn’t need to see my delicious neighbor tonight, he was much too distracting to me for what I needed to accomplish here. I also felt somewhat guilty about seeing him last night, yet I still remained on the terrace… watching… waiting.
Relishing the cool evening breeze, I slowly finished sipping my chocolate, went into my bedroom and was soon asleep. As I gazed across the courtyard separating our flats, I wondered if I would dream of him again.
- - - - - - - - - -
His Monday
Day Two
I can feel the heat, permeating the area and I sense the source was ahead of me. It is different than a dry desert heat, it’s like the jungle and the humid air fills my lungs with a thickness. There is also an odor, no, really a fragrance of sweetness, like fruit, passion fruit.
I see her then, she is laid upon her back, her arms are stretched over her head, restrained by some hidden pinion. Her legs are spread open like a pheasant being served on a platter. Her nakedness accents her helpless state. She is the source of the heat, it radiates from her.
She does not show fear; instead she seems resigned to her fate, almost as if she is anticipating it. She slowly shifted her gaze around, as if she senses something. It is more than that, she desires something or someone.
She suddenly sees me, recognition coming to her face in a flash, and I realize it is me that she has been waiting for. Am I her salvation or her nemesis? I do not know what plan she nurtures for me, nor am I aware of any premeditation I might harbor. Her gaze captivates me, it is as if she can glimpse into my secret desires; and that she relishes what I might do to her.
I want desperately to approach her, release her, touch her, caress her, but she awakens a fear in me.

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It isn’t that I fear what she might do to me; my fear is that I might harm her. My desire for her is too intense; I would surely lose all self-control by her mere touch. Passion would overtake me, forcefully pushing me to take her, shove my tongue deep into her mouth, tasting her, biting her lips. I would pull her body against me, crushing her breasts against my chest. I would ram my cock deep into her, stroke after stroke; each stroke intensifying my hardness, engorging me further and in turn driving myself deeper into her.
Her gaze assures me of her desire for me to satisfy her, they implore me to give into my animal instincts and devour her. Her passion level is infinite and she will take me, matching my kisses, her tongue enveloping mine and swallowing me. My caresses would be an appetizer to her passion, she would crave more, each stroke driving deeper as I explore her curves, her valleys and her crevices. She would pull my cock into her, matching her rhythm to mine, stroke after endless stroke. She would absorb my seed, my body, and my soul. She would drain me, taking my life energy and I would be left, body limp, my soul lost into hers.
At long last she closes her eyes, and I think to quickly release her from her bonds. I now am over her, her lips close to mine and as her lips part, her tongue comes to me, drawing me into her. I close my eyes and let the sensation overtake me, surrendering to the moment, the kiss, the lust and the passion of her body.
Opening my eyes, I found myself in bed, the sunlight streaming into my windows. I had closed all the windows and the room had already heated up from the morning sun. My alarm had not yet gone off, but I slid out of bed and padded into the kitchen to start the water boiling for a quick cup of coffee.
I quickly showered, shaved my thick stubble down to a proper appearance and picked out a conservative suit. Not my favorite garb, I much preferred an open collar and lightweight slacks, but the day demanded more. Too quickly I poured the burning hot black coffee down my throat, to jolt the final vestiges of sleep and dream out of my mind.
Leaving my apartment, I headed down to La Rambla to a comfortable café for my morning meeting. Julia was just arriving and after a perfunctory kiss we sat down for a leisurely breakfast. My younger sister is a statuesque blonde with curves that are too good to be true and I noticed several disappointed looks as I joined her. Her eyes crinkle as she smiled at me and a scattering of freckles sprinkled upon her cheeks giving her a look much less than her thirty years. Although dressed in a conservative dress, her curves always reminded men how enticing the right woman could look dressed in anything.
The waiter came and we quickly ordered café con leche and toast. We chatted for a few minutes about her hubby, Adrian, a professor at the university. He was expecting me later. I was to demonstrate my brainchild of human DNA research to him and several of the department heads.
After a few minutes the waiter delivered our order. The café con leche was delicious, strong coffee with hot frothy milk, so much better than the simple coffee and cream served in the states.
Genomes are analyzed using the shotgun method; which produced millions of segmented views, or contigs, of a genome, which once gathered, had to be realigned, it wasn’t perfect but it was the best method available. What I had done was to develop a mathematical algorithm model to describe each segment of a genome structure as a unique pattern that could be mathematically compared to others. The algorithm was able to analyze the individual segments or contigs of the genome produced by the shotgun method to compare with similar contigs, seeking matches. The process produced matches where they had been missed previously due to imprecise contig alignment. To assist the analysis we would use cloud computing.
Cloud computing allowed a nearly infinite amount of computers to analysis data, the data stored on my cloud server. Each computer could task itself to analyze a portion of the data, comparing it and looking for similar patterns elsewhere. Finding identical contigs in different genomes indicated a genetic similarity, most of which were expected in related species but some contigs represented unique patterns for a species. It was these unique contigs that I was hoping to explore, from where did they evolve?
As my sister was chatting, I glanced at the reflection of the café glass and noticed a girl greeting an older gentleman several rows behind me, her raven hair was up but it still shown in the morning sun. My mind recalled the beautiful vision I had seen the previous afternoon, remembering her in the shower gave me an adrenalin burst better than any coffee.
Seeing this girl give the older man a kiss, I was disappointed but perhaps this was not the same girl, she had on a serious business suit and did not fit the image I had of how my beautiful neighbor would dress.
I rejoined the conversation with Julia, and we reminisced about our childhood, growing up in Wales. Yet, here we both are, she living in Barcelona and I bouncing back and forth between my home in Florida and my apartment in Barcelona. Each location so different, I loved both homes and couldn’t imagine it any other way. Still Barcelona had a stronger pull on me.
The raven-haired beauty was leaving and I studied her reflection as she and her dining companion stood up. It really couldn’t be the same girl, but then she suddenly looked in the reflection of the glass and met my eyes. I saw a spark of recognition, then she quickly turned and joined her companion walking to a nearby car. ‘No, it couldn’t be her, but if so, then why would she recognize me? My neighbor had not seen me watching her, or had she?’
Julia and I had finished breakfast and we parted, she had shopping to do and since I wasn’t expected until ten am, I looked forward to a leisurely stroll to the university. The cool morning air was filled with the aroma of bakeries and everywhere people were enjoying breakfast at the numerous sidewalk cafes. European cities have a different vibe than American cities. It is only in Europe that people take the time to relish the simple pleasures of the day, and of them, Barcelona is the best.
I met Adrian at the university and we went directly to the main computer server room. Getting to work, I immediately set about installing new software via the server. Each computer installed on the server would have a small program installed on it that would allow it to analyze the genome data segments during idle time. Computers are busy 1% of the time waiting for input from the user, so using the 99% idle time to crunch numbers, multiplied by thousands of computers on the network gave the analysis program the power of a supercomputer, well… actually many supercomputers.
The installation was going well and I was sure to complete the final configurations necessary by the following morning. I called Adrian to give him the update and he mentioned a Professor Raoul, whom I had spoken to earlier, would be most interested in the update.
I called Professer Raoul, and the phone was answered by a melodic voice, “Hola, ¿puedo ayudarle?”
The voice gave me pause, the Spanish was perfect but the accent was different.
I finally responded, “¿Raoul es en?”, asking if Raoul was available.
“No, él ha ido a almorzar. ¿Puedo tomar el mensaje?”, Raoul was out but she was offering to take a message. Her accent sounded almost English, and her voice was tantalizing, making me want to keep her on the phone.
“Oh… your English?”, I responded, hoping to keep the girl in conversation.
“Yes, well, Australian but I live in UK. Did you want me to take a message for my uncle?”, ‘such a beautiful voice but who was she?’
“No, well…”, I paused, but did not want to end the conversation so soon, “please tell him that Caderyn called, and I should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
”Caderyn? I will be sure to give him the message.”, most people stumble when they first hear my name, but it rolled of her tongue like warm honey on a hot buttered bun.
“No, Thank you, Ms…”, I really wanted a name to go with this stimulating fantasy she was creating in my libido.
She only paused for a moment before replying, “Belinda”.
“Thank you, Belinda.” and I quickly hung up before I should say something else and sound foolish.
“Belinda”, I repeated in my head, “Belinda, Belinda, Belinda”. I would not soon forget that name.
I returned to my work and by early evening everything was complete. I could do the trial run tomorrow and if all went well be able to start analysis of data shortly thereafter.
Leaving the university, I strolled down the narrow streets, passing several restaurants where throngs of people were keeping the waiting times too long.
Although famished, I did not want a laborious meal and continued down to La Luna de Júpiter, the small bar across the courtyard from my apartment. I found a small table beside the window and ordered a whiskey neat while looking over the small menu of items they had available. Choosing the simple lamb and potatoes with a light salad, I knew it would satisfy my hunger while the whiskey satisfied my mind and soul.
Looking over the courtyard, I relished my simple apartment and wished I could spend more time here. Such simple pleasures are the essence of life.
I noticed a light come on upstairs at my neighbor’s apartment and a few minutes later she came out on the terrace. Her hair was down and the light reflected off it as she sipped out of a large mug. She had a robe on and the breeze would lift it showing her long legs. What a tantalizing vision.
She was gazing at the courtyard, but surely couldn’t see me here. I wished she had decided to eat here; I might have a chance to introduce myself, get to gaze into her eyes and share a moment together. But alas, she continued sipping from her mug while looking across the courtyard.
I realized she kept staring at my terrace, but I knew my lights were off. ‘Why would she be interested in my terrace, what was she thinking? She surely hadn’t seen me staring at her the previous afternoon, or had she? Or had she seen me later?’ Remembering the previous night in the shower, I felt a flush creep across my face.
She was quickly becoming a stimulating if embarrassing enigma.
I finished my dinner; the lamb was delicious and savored my second whiskey. It had gotten late, and my beautiful neighbor had disappeared. Paying my bill I went up to my apartment.
As I stripped down to my boxers I gazed out the window, my bedroom looked across to her terrace, and her bedroom beyond. The moonlight shown into her room and I could imagine her lying in bed, only a light blanket pulled over her delicious curves. ‘Was she dreaming of me?’
I lay down on my bed, gazed across the view toward her, and relived last nights dream until I fell asleep.
To be continued...
Her gaze assures me of her desire for me to satisfy her, they implore me to give into my animal instincts and devour her. Her passion level is infinite and she will take me, matching my kisses, her tongue enveloping mine and swallowing me. My caresses would be an appetizer to her passion, she would crave more, each stroke driving deeper as I explore her curves, her valleys and her crevices. She would pull my cock into her, matching her rhythm to mine, stroke after endless stroke. She would absorb my seed, my body, and my soul. She would drain me, taking my life energy and I would be left, body limp, my soul lost into hers.
At long last she closes her eyes, and I think to quickly release her from her bonds. I now am over her, her lips close to mine and as her lips part, her tongue comes to me, drawing me into her. I close my eyes and let the sensation overtake me, surrendering to the moment, the kiss, the lust and the passion of her body.
Opening my eyes, I found myself in bed, the sunlight streaming into my windows. I had closed all the windows and the room had already heated up from the morning sun. My alarm had not yet gone off, but I slid out of bed and padded into the kitchen to start the water boiling for a quick cup of coffee.
I quickly showered, shaved my thick stubble down to a proper appearance and picked out a conservative suit. Not my favorite garb, I much preferred an open collar and lightweight slacks, but the day demanded more. Too quickly I poured the burning hot black coffee down my throat, to jolt the final vestiges of sleep and dream out of my mind.
Leaving my apartment, I headed down to La Rambla to a comfortable café for my morning meeting. Julia was just arriving and after a perfunctory kiss we sat down for a leisurely breakfast. My younger sister is a statuesque blonde with curves that are too good to be true and I noticed several disappointed looks as I joined her. Her eyes crinkle as she smiled at me and a scattering of freckles sprinkled upon her cheeks giving her a look much less than her thirty years. Although dressed in a conservative dress, her curves always reminded men how enticing the right woman could look dressed in anything.
The waiter came and we quickly ordered café con leche and toast. We chatted for a few minutes about her hubby, Adrian, a professor at the university. He was expecting me later. I was to demonstrate my brainchild of human DNA research to him and several of the department heads.
After a few minutes the waiter delivered our order. The café con leche was delicious, strong coffee with hot frothy milk, so much better than the simple coffee and cream served in the states.
Genomes are analyzed using the shotgun method; which produced millions of segmented views, or contigs, of a genome, which once gathered, had to be realigned, it wasn’t perfect but it was the best method available. What I had done was to develop a mathematical algorithm model to describe each segment of a genome structure as a unique pattern that could be mathematically compared to others. The algorithm was able to analyze the individual segments or contigs of the genome produced by the shotgun method to compare with similar contigs, seeking matches. The process produced matches where they had been missed previously due to imprecise contig alignment. To assist the analysis we would use cloud computing.
Cloud computing allowed a nearly infinite amount of computers to analysis data, the data stored on my cloud server. Each computer could task itself to analyze a portion of the data, comparing it and looking for similar patterns elsewhere. Finding identical contigs in different genomes indicated a genetic similarity, most of which were expected in related species but some contigs represented unique patterns for a species. It was these unique contigs that I was hoping to explore, from where did they evolve?
As my sister was chatting, I glanced at the reflection of the café glass and noticed a girl greeting an older gentleman several rows behind me, her raven hair was up but it still shown in the morning sun. My mind recalled the beautiful vision I had seen the previous afternoon, remembering her in the shower gave me an adrenalin burst better than any coffee.
Seeing this girl give the older man a kiss, I was disappointed but perhaps this was not the same girl, she had on a serious business suit and did not fit the image I had of how my beautiful neighbor would dress.
I rejoined the conversation with Julia, and we reminisced about our childhood, growing up in Wales. Yet, here we both are, she living in Barcelona and I bouncing back and forth between my home in Florida and my apartment in Barcelona. Each location so different, I loved both homes and couldn’t imagine it any other way. Still Barcelona had a stronger pull on me.
The raven-haired beauty was leaving and I studied her reflection as she and her dining companion stood up. It really couldn’t be the same girl, but then she suddenly looked in the reflection of the glass and met my eyes. I saw a spark of recognition, then she quickly turned and joined her companion walking to a nearby car. ‘No, it couldn’t be her, but if so, then why would she recognize me? My neighbor had not seen me watching her, or had she?’
Julia and I had finished breakfast and we parted, she had shopping to do and since I wasn’t expected until ten am, I looked forward to a leisurely stroll to the university. The cool morning air was filled with the aroma of bakeries and everywhere people were enjoying breakfast at the numerous sidewalk cafes. European cities have a different vibe than American cities. It is only in Europe that people take the time to relish the simple pleasures of the day, and of them, Barcelona is the best.
I met Adrian at the university and we went directly to the main computer server room. Getting to work, I immediately set about installing new software via the server. Each computer installed on the server would have a small program installed on it that would allow it to analyze the genome data segments during idle time. Computers are busy 1% of the time waiting for input from the user, so using the 99% idle time to crunch numbers, multiplied by thousands of computers on the network gave the analysis program the power of a supercomputer, well… actually many supercomputers.
The installation was going well and I was sure to complete the final configurations necessary by the following morning. I called Adrian to give him the update and he mentioned a Professor Raoul, whom I had spoken to earlier, would be most interested in the update.
I called Professer Raoul, and the phone was answered by a melodic voice, “Hola, ¿puedo ayudarle?”
The voice gave me pause, the Spanish was perfect but the accent was different.
I finally responded, “¿Raoul es en?”, asking if Raoul was available.
“No, él ha ido a almorzar. ¿Puedo tomar el mensaje?”, Raoul was out but she was offering to take a message. Her accent sounded almost English, and her voice was tantalizing, making me want to keep her on the phone.
“Oh… your English?”, I responded, hoping to keep the girl in conversation.
“Yes, well, Australian but I live in UK. Did you want me to take a message for my uncle?”, ‘such a beautiful voice but who was she?’
“No, well…”, I paused, but did not want to end the conversation so soon, “please tell him that Caderyn called, and I should be ready for a test run tomorrow.”
”Caderyn? I will be sure to give him the message.”, most people stumble when they first hear my name, but it rolled of her tongue like warm honey on a hot buttered bun.
“No, Thank you, Ms…”, I really wanted a name to go with this stimulating fantasy she was creating in my libido.
She only paused for a moment before replying, “Belinda”.
“Thank you, Belinda.” and I quickly hung up before I should say something else and sound foolish.
“Belinda”, I repeated in my head, “Belinda, Belinda, Belinda”. I would not soon forget that name.
I returned to my work and by early evening everything was complete. I could do the trial run tomorrow and if all went well be able to start analysis of data shortly thereafter.
Leaving the university, I strolled down the narrow streets, passing several restaurants where throngs of people were keeping the waiting times too long.
Although famished, I did not want a laborious meal and continued down to La Luna de Júpiter, the small bar across the courtyard from my apartment. I found a small table beside the window and ordered a whiskey neat while looking over the small menu of items they had available. Choosing the simple lamb and potatoes with a light salad, I knew it would satisfy my hunger while the whiskey satisfied my mind and soul.
Looking over the courtyard, I relished my simple apartment and wished I could spend more time here. Such simple pleasures are the essence of life.
I noticed a light come on upstairs at my neighbor’s apartment and a few minutes later she came out on the terrace. Her hair was down and the light reflected off it as she sipped out of a large mug. She had a robe on and the breeze would lift it showing her long legs. What a tantalizing vision.
She was gazing at the courtyard, but surely couldn’t see me here. I wished she had decided to eat here; I might have a chance to introduce myself, get to gaze into her eyes and share a moment together. But alas, she continued sipping from her mug while looking across the courtyard.
I realized she kept staring at my terrace, but I knew my lights were off. ‘Why would she be interested in my terrace, what was she thinking? She surely hadn’t seen me staring at her the previous afternoon, or had she? Or had she seen me later?’ Remembering the previous night in the shower, I felt a flush creep across my face.
She was quickly becoming a stimulating if embarrassing enigma.
I finished my dinner; the lamb was delicious and savored my second whiskey. It had gotten late, and my beautiful neighbor had disappeared. Paying my bill I went up to my apartment.
As I stripped down to my boxers I gazed out the window, my bedroom looked across to her terrace, and her bedroom beyond. The moonlight shown into her room and I could imagine her lying in bed, only a light blanket pulled over her delicious curves. ‘Was she dreaming of me?’
I lay down on my bed, gazed across the view toward her, and relived last nights dream until I fell asleep.
To be continued...