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The Dark Shadow of Desire

"A man discovers a new fetish when he catches his fiancée fucking two men."

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Hidden in the depth of your lust, you will find your own dark shadow of desire.

My therapist asked me to write out my confession, read it to myself, seal it in an envelope and burn it.

My name is Derek and this is my confession. 

It was last Friday night. I had arranged for a limousine to take my fiancée and I to the formal ball that begins the Arts Centre’s new exhibition season. The tickets were very expensive but I knew that my fiancée loved elite social affairs and the art shows so I wanted to provide her with a wonderful time. I wore a black, classic tuxedo with a red bow tie. 

I rang her doorbell and, as usual, it took Tiffany several minutes to come to the door.

“You have a key, silly,” she said, opening the door to let me in.

She stood inside the doorway with her back to me, looking back over her left shoulder, holding the tiny strands together at the neck that held the hooks to her backless dress.

“Would you please hook this?” she asked in a frustrated voice, “I can’t seem to line it up.”

I connected the tiny hooks and Tiffany spun around playfully, her eyes beaming and smiling at me as she asked, “How do I look?”

I could hardly speak. She looked so stunningly beautiful and glamorous. Her long, slightly curly, sandy blonde hair was styled to one side; her make up was perfect. She wore long, hanging diamond earrings on tiny, single, white gold chains and a red sequin dress. Of course, it was backless, hooked behind the neck and open almost to her ass. In the front, it scooped very low between her perky breasts, almost to her navel. The dress hugged her perfectly shaped, tight body almost like a glove. The dress was short but not ultra short, showing off her sexy long legs in a pair of natural colored stockings, displayed on a pair of high-heeled, red, patent leather pumps. Her right wrist was adorned with several silvery bangles and, of course, her left hand displayed the diamond engagement ring I had gone into great debt to purchase.

“Well?” she asked, shrugging expressively, her eyebrows raised, both hands flattened out with her arms bent at the elbows.

“Stunning!” I said, “Absolutely, amazingly gorgeous.”

“Thanks!” she quipped in a happy satisfied tone. She spun on the balls of her shoes and walked across the room to where her wrap for the evening lay draped over the edge of the sofa.

“Could you help me with my wrap, kind sir?” she asked playfully.

“Of course,” I answered and quickly walked over and placed it around her sexy, exposed shoulders.

“You look stunning, yourself,” she said, smiling sweetly.

We walked outside and Tiffany saw the uniformed limousine driver holding the passenger door open for us.

“Oh, my God; you sprang for a limo!” she exclaimed.

“The best for my lady,” I answered,

We were both already slightly buzzed from drinking champagne in the limousine by the time we reached the gala. The large, historic art deco factory building loomed before us. It had been fabulously refitted and was now the immaculate Arts Centre for the city. A huge, open room where factory equipment was once housed was now a grand ballroom and, in almost every direction and on several floors, there were hallways leading to dozens of art exhibit rooms and art studios.

Techno dance music thumped loudly and many patrons were already dancing as we entered the main room. All around us, people were dressed fabulously. Formally dressed servers with trays of champagne and caviar darted in and out of the large crowd of attendees. Most of the finest and wealthiest people in the city were there. Not all were among the finest, though.

The ball the year before had featured an orchestra playing waltzes and the exhibit had revolved around a rococo art theme. This year was very different, with the theme being erotica, and I was quite curious as to what art would amuse us all that evening.

 Tiffany and I had just begun to sip more champagne when out of the crowd appeared Leone and Tamango. I hoped they did not see us, but Tiffany’s bopping to the music in her heels soon caught their eye. The two of them quickly weaved through the crowd until they were upon us.

Leone was an Italian guy, originally from New Jersey, and owned a night club that was a favorite with the city’s young jet set. He was always way too tan, obviously spending much of his time in tanning beds. He was dressed just as hideously as I could have expected. His gold tuxedo jacket fit him very tightly over a shiny, gold shirt and shiny, maroon bow tie with gold polka dots. His dark hair was long and pulled back into a pony tail. Dangling earrings, which seemed quite strange for a man to wear, adorned both his ears.

 Tamango, a Jamaican avant garde artist, seemed to always accompany Leone. Tamango was quite a fixture at Leone’s nightclub which featured much of his art work as decorations. Tamango was tall, dark, and though he claimed to be Rastafarian, I had never seen him wearing dreadlocks, just long braids. He wore a much more conventional tuxedo though his shirt was a very shiny, silky material with a frilly weave pattern. 

 Both were well acquainted with Tiffany and I, but I had always had an apprehensive feeling about them. Both of them were always too flirtatious with Tiffany and annoyed me by touching her arms and back when speaking to her. Furthermore, I had heard many rumors about their bawdy sexual activities with countless numbers of gorgeous women.

“Tiffany! Derek!” exclaimed Leone in a friendly voice as he squeezed between two patrons and walked up to us.

“Hello!” squealed Tiffany as Leone offered her a quick peck on the cheek and slight hug, immediately followed by Tamango doing the same.

They both then shook hands and acknowledged me standing next to Tiffany.

“How are you guys?” she asked.

“Extremely well,” offered Tamango in his Jamaican accent.

“Where are your dates?” Tiffany queried.

“No dates tonight,” answered Leone.

“Too many fine ladies available,“ Tamango interjected, “We thought we’d try our luck.”

Tiffany giggled and said, “You won’t have a problem finding someone, I’m sure"

I really wanted to pull Tiffany away from those two sleazy guys and look for other friends to mingle with, and to check out the art exhibits. She, though, seemed quite content spending time talking to Leone and Tamango.

Tiffany had soon finished off her champagne and asked me to get her some more. As I started to leave to find a server, both Leone and Tamango asked if I could get them a glass of champagne also. I was quite annoyed at that but made off through the crowd to find either a server or a bartender.

In just a few minutes, I was weaving though the crowd holding four champagne glasses awkwardly above my head to avoid someone jostling them and returned to the place we had been standing; I could not see them. As I perused the crowd, I finally saw them standing over by the wall viewing a large, impressionistic-style oil painting of a woman being sexually ravished by two men. Soon, I had made my way up to them without having spilled much of the champagne and distributed the glasses amongst them.

We were soon making our way along the wall, viewing the various erotic paintings. I found myself very uncomfortable hearing Leone and Tamango discussing the sexual nature of the paintings with Tiffany. We stood in front of an enormous painting of intercourse and listened to Tamango say, “Look at how the penis enters the rosy, aroused labia.” I was not feeling very comfortable with the situation. 

As we continued viewing the paintings, Tiffany persisted in rocking her body to the thump of the loud music. She loved to dance and I was not much of a dancer so when Leone turned to me and asked if it would be okay for him to dance with Tiffany, I did not want to upset her by saying no. 

Before I could even answer, Tiffany interjected, “Since you aren’t into this techno dancing, Derek, why don’t you find the mayor or business friends and do some networking while I have a few dances with Leone and Tamango?”

“Okay, I’ll do that for a while and you can get in a few dances,” I hesitantly answered. I did feel quite uncomfortable with the situation but I really did need to kiss up to the mayor because of an ongoing business deal needing the city’s approval.

After spending more time socializing than I wanted to with the mayor, city dignitaries, and business leaders; I wandered back over to the dance floor area. I finally saw both Leone and Tamango dancing with Tiffany. They were taking turns spinning her and doing some sandwich grind dancing on her. Tiffany seemed very much into it, which made my face flush, but an even more bizarre feeling of arousal built within. I watched them dance for a minute or two; then I stepped in and grabbed Tiffany by the hand.

“I’m cutting in,” I said and pulled her away to dance the next song with me. 

 No objection was raised from Leone and Tamango, but Tiffany did turn and say something in French to which Tamango responded in French. I was not pleased with that, especially not having a clue what they had said. After one dance, I took Tiffany by the hand and led her from the dance floor.

“Let’s go check out some of the exhibits,” I said.

“Okay,” answered Tiffany, obviously well buzzed from the champagne.

I led her down one of the many corridors, all of the walls decorated with erotic paintings and sketches of all sizes. We came to a room and I led Tiffany inside. Erotic ceramic art was displayed throughout this room. There were chairs surrounding a coffee table which was adorned with a large ceramic penis. 

“Let’s take a load off,” I said and sat down, Tiffany sitting next to me.

Tiffany told me that she wanted some more champagne. Just then, I saw a server near the doorway so I jumped up to get her attention and almost stumbled over a large ceramic vagina on the floor in the process. I did, however, retrieve us a couple of glasses of champagne.

Just as I sat down, to my great disappointment, Leone and Tamango appeared at the door.

 “I can’t believe you guys are in here,” yelled Tamango as they came bounding through the door in a fervent display of excitement.

I had so hoped to have Tiffany alone to view all of the erotic displays, anticipating that it would get her in the mood for some torrid sex once we got back to her place later that night. I was distinctly disappointed at Leone and Tamango’s arrival.

They sat just across the coffee table from us and immediately began to laugh and comment about the big ceramic penis on the table. Tiffany was joining in on the hilarity and reached over to erotically stroke the erect piece of art, causing Leone and Tamango to laugh and flirt even more.

Under the influence of the champagne, Tiffany was putting on quite a display. In fact, I was sure that she was crossing her legs a lot as if attempting to subtly tease the two of them with up-skirt peeks. I did not want to leave her alone with them but my bladder had filled to capacity and I was overcome with the urge to relieve myself. 

“I’m going to the men’s room and I’ll be right back,” I said as I stood up.

“Oh, Sweetie! Could you please bring me some more champagne when you come back?” Tiffany asked.

Right away, she was joined by Leone and Tamango asking for me to bring them back champagne also. I just nodded my head and hurried out the door. I really needed the relief and wanted to get back to keep an eye on things.

After my visit to the men’s room and collecting the champagne, I rushed back, only to discover they were not in the room. My stress elevated immensely. I walked back out into the hallway, giving descriptions of the three of them and asking if anyone had seen them. One guy pointed toward the back end of the hall. 

I hurried down the hall as fast as I could walk, still balancing all those filled champagne glasses. I looked in all of the rooms, which were occupied with partiers viewing the erotic art exhibits, but I did not see Tiffany, Leone or Tamango anywhere. I finally had arrived at the end of the hall where there were two large double doors that led to an area where art studios and classrooms were. I pushed the doors open with my back, still holding the glasses, and proceeded down the darkened hallway until I heard voices.

I then slipped into the room quietly; still carrying all those silly champagne glasses.

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I stopped behind a wall of lockers in what was obviously a painting classroom. I peeked around the corner of the lockers and saw Tiffany standing there with Leone and Tamango in the midst of several easels and paint caddies. Next to the three of them was something like a large round ottoman, only larger. I suspected it was what a model used to recline on during art classes.

My heart began racing and I almost felt like I was going to shake. I knew that I should just walk right in and confront them about what was going on but some bizarre curiosity overcame me. It was overpowering and I was just frozen in place. 

Leone pulled Tiffany towards him and kissed her. I almost dropped the champagne glasses so I sat them on the floor behind me. I felt rage build up inside me but still I stayed hidden behind the lockers, watching. I could not understand why I did not charge into the room. 

Tamango, standing behind Tiffany, started to rub her bare back and his hand slid down to her ass. Watching that, my rage seemed to intensify but something else startled me; I realized I had a raging erection.

‘What could be wrong with me?’ I thought.

 I could see that Tiffany was giving Leone deep tongue kisses as his hands began caressing her breasts; all the while, Tamango kept rubbing her ass. Leone’s hand next moved inside Tiffany’s dress, squeezing and fondling her perky breasts which, even from my view, prominently displayed her very erect nipples. Tamango then unhooked the tiny straps behind her neck and her red sequin dress began a slow, sensual slide down her tight, sexy body.

I was completely mesmerized yet overcome with rage and jealousy. However, it felt as if some spirit world entity had overcome my body, holding me firmly in place, keeping me discreetly hidden and peeking around the lockers.

 Tiffany’s dress hit the floor, exposing her nakedness except for her very sheer, tiny, red thong panties, thigh stockings and her red heels. Both guys lifted her onto the model’s cushioned platform and immediately began pulling their own clothes off. To my shock, Tiffany’s hand slid into her panties as she lay there and she began to finger herself as she watched the two guys undress.

Tamango was the first to lay beside her and immediately started to kiss her as his dark chocolate fingers slid into her panties and she embraced his shoulders with her arms. Leone then crawled down next to them on her other side and began to fondle and squeeze her breasts. Tiffany then began kissing one, then the other; passionate, deep tongue kisses. She soon lay her head back and arched her back as Tamango was by then finger fucking her pussy rigorously while Leone squeezed at her nipples. Even with the thump of the techno dance music in the background I could easily hear Tiffany’s loud moans of pleasure.

Leone then slid up toward her face and Tiffany grabbed his erect cock and started to lick it while Tamango slid down between her wide-spread legs and buried his face into her pussy.

I could not believe what I was seeing. I could not believe that I found myself so incredibly aroused. Part of me was ready to charge in and confront them. It certainly was not fear of the confrontation that held me back but this bizarre and overwhelming arousal and curiosity that did so. 

 ‘Where has this come from?’ I asked myself, ‘How long has this been buried deep inside me?'

In utter amazement, I continued to watch the erotic scene unfold before me. My cock was raging inside my trousers; totally erect and throbbing, pushing my tuxedo slacks outward, I knew better than to touch it as I was so excited I would probably cum all over myself.

My heart still pounded as I watched. Tamango continued licking and fingering Tiffany as she had Leone’s cock in her mouth. Next, Tamango moved up to where Tiffany could move her head left to right, taking Leone’s cock in her mouth then going to Tamango's cock. Her legs were spread out wide in plain view for me to see. Her wet pink cunt lips inside her ultra sheer panties were visibly swollen with arousal.

Leone next slid in between her legs, pulled her panties off and pushed his cock into her cunt. All I could see was his ass thrusting back and forth as her legs spread outward with each push. Tamango still had his cock in her mouth. However, he soon moved back just to watch the action himself as Leone started to fuck Tiffany much more furiously. Tiffany's voice cried out in pleasure and she yelled out, “Fuck me!” 

“Fuck me hard, dammit!” she screamed.

I could feel sweat beading down my face as my heart beat so hard I thought it would come through my chest. I was still shocked by the overwhelming feeling of arousal combined with extreme jealousy, though the rage had seemed to subside.

By then, Leone held one of Tiffany’s legs almost straight up and Tamango had hold of the other, allowing her ass to be pushed upward for Leone to penetrate Tiffany’s pussy deeper. With every thrust, a slapping noise smacked out loud from the collision of the two torsos and her body shook from the impact. Her moans were intense and her loud, breathy pants coincided with each thrust. 

Then Leone quickly pulled out of her and, as he moved, I could see that Tiffany’s juicy cunt hole was gaping. I thought for a split second that I would squirt in my pants. Leone next turned her over, putting Tiffany on her hands and knees. He then slid up behind her and shoved his cock into her pussy from behind while Tamango moved in front of her and pushed his cock in her mouth. For several minutes, they sandwiched Tiffany from front to back with her on her knees. I was startled when Leone smacked Tiffany’s ass cheeks a couple of times and she let out a pleasurable scream. 

Somehow, with my brain as numb as it was from watching all of this, I had the forethought to reach down and grab a glass of champagne, which I drank down in almost one long gulp. Exhaling, and my heart still racing, I could not take my eyes off the scene of Tiffany being fucked wildly by those two guys.

Leone seemed to strain and his thrusts staggered as he grunted. He groaned out, “Oh, fuck!”

I realized that he had just shot his load of cum into my fiancée’s cunt. Leone then pulled his cock out of her and collapsed onto the edge of the large ottoman. I could see Tiffany’s creamy open cunt from behind. Immediately, Tamango crawled up underneath Tiffany. 

“C’mon, babe,” said Tamango, “I know you like it on top!”

‘How would he know she likes it on top?’ I wondered. 

 Tiffany held Tamango’s nearly porn-sized cock in her hand as she manoeuvred on top of him. I was astonished as I watched her ass, which was pointed in my direction, and saw her juicy, wet, pink labia spreading out over the big round head of his dark cock just before she slid down on him. His big penis just disappeared into her. She went all the way down to the very base of his cock as her labia spread out against the top of his balls. As she came back up, I could see his cock totally shiny and wet from her juices. She began to more quickly bounce up and down on him, grinding her ass from left to right, sliding upon Tamango like he was a Sybian.

Tiffany was so wet that she soaked his balls and crotch. She began moaning, panting and screaming out how much she loved it. Her head arched backward and she slung her styled hair all around. She was riding him like a rodeo cowgirl on a bucking horse. Sweat began to build upon her body, covering it all over in a shiny sheen.

 My arousal was mind-numbing. I felt hot all over. My cock still throbbed relentlessly. I could not believe how wild Tiffany was. The sexual aggression she displayed was shocking to me. The sex she and I shared had always been much more vanilla than the torrid scene I encountered.

“Oh, fucking God!” she screamed out loud, “I’m cumming!”

She kept grinding on Tamango but then started to slow down.

“Oh, no girl!” exclaimed Leone who had been laying next to them watching. “It’s time for your favorite.”

‘Her favorite?' I asked myself.

Leone was on his knees next to Tiffany and she began to lick, spit and slobber all over his cock, getting it really wet. She never moved off of Tamango’s cock. Next, Leone moved up behind her and I could tell he was starting to push his cock into her asshole.

 I was totally stunned. I had no idea that she would do anal sex, she never did with me.

He finally pushed all the way into Tiffany and she now had two cocks buried into her at once; Tamango still inside her cunt and Leone buried deep into her asshole. Tiffany moaned out and screamed, “Oh, fuck, this is so fucking good!”

Leone began ploughing in and out of her asshole while Tiffany lay sandwiched between the two guys. Tamango still inside her cunt, trying to move in and out as best he could.

I watched in a combination of intense arousal and shocking horror as my fiancée screamed out loud in intense pleasure. It didn’t take long until she was again screaming out, “Oh, fuck; I’m cumming!”

Leone and Tamango did not stop fucking her holes though. They kept ploughing her until I was sure that they both had shot their loads into her. Then they all began to leisurely wind down to a stop. They slowly pulled apart, all of them shiny with sweat by this point. Tiffany’s labia were swollen and droopy, cummy, creamy, wet and nasty. The sight of that almost made me orgasm. Tamango, whose cock had been last buried in her cunt, was covered in creamy cum and cunt juice.

“C’mon, baby,” he said, “You know you love to lick it clean.”

I was stunned as Tiffany engulfed Tamango’s wet, nasty cock and then she slurped her tongue all the way down it, licking it all over really good, including his scrotum. When she pulled her face up to where I could see, I saw her lips, face and chin were shiny wet.

I was, by now, keenly aware that this was not the first sexual encounter between Tiffany and those two guys.

“Shit!” said Leone, “I guess we need to get dressed and hurry back before Derek gets too suspicious.”

By then I had come out from behind the lockers without even realizing what I was doing. 

I spoke out in a loud demanding voice, “You two fuckers get the hell out of here, now!”

Both Leone and Tamango jumped to their feet, their eyes were wide open in surprise.

“Now!” I shouted.

They both scooped up their clothes and disappeared out the door in a hurry, scurrying to get their clothes on in the dark hallway outside that room.

Tiffany, still laying down with her legs spread in front of me, just looked up at me. She did not seem upset at all. In fact, she seemed rather pleased as she looked at me, almost smiling.

She asked, ”You watched it all didn’t you?”

 Tiffany stood up and walked right up to me and poked her fore finger against the horizontal protrusion in the front of my trousers. Her finger playfully twirled around the swelling. She then walked around me in a circle, letting her finger slightly caress me all the way around, and she stopped again in front of me.

“You are so fucking aroused!” she exclaimed.

Tiffany then pressed her mouth to my ear as her hand slowly caressed my throbbing penis, “You loved watching me get fucked, didn’t you?”

She then softly kissed my lips before she buried her tongue in my mouth until I responded by sucking it and pushing my tongue into her mouth. She then quickly pulled her head back and looked deeply into my eyes.

“Tell me how much you loved seeing your girl’s pussy get fucked!” she said.

I gulped but could not get a word out.

“Tell me!” she demanded.

“I loved it!” I finally quipped.

“This changes everything you know,” she said, “Oh, our sex life is going to be so much more fun now.”

“You want to fuck me so badly right now don’t you?” she asked demandingly.

“Yea, I do,” I answered.

Tiffany lay back down, spread out her legs in front of me, displaying her wet, nasty cunt, and said, “You can fuck me only after you taste my freshly fucked cunt.”


I find myself bound by the arousal of my darkest desires. Do you know the depths of the shadow of your darkest desire?

Copyright ©2013 Buz Bono. All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Buz Bono.

Written by Buz
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