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No One Could Have Predicted

"A summer visit home takes a sensual turn."

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Author's Notes

"First story, let me know what you think please. I don't expect rave reviews but hopefully enough people will like it to maybe warrant a second part."

Drew lay in bed on a Saturday with his left arm behind his head and his right throwing a handheld rubber ball into the air, catching it as it came down. It had been two days since he'd arrived home from college for his summer break and already he was bored. He knew this would happen, the same as last summer.

"I should have gone somewhere..." he trailed off, wishing that he had taken his friends up on the offer to go to California for the break. But Drew declined, determined to come home and meet a few of his old friends from his high school days. He didn't find out until he was in town that they all made last-minute vacation plans and didn't bother to invite him.

Regardless, he'd made his decision and now here he lay, in his old bedroom that hadn't changed even after Drew had moved out. Guess mom couldn't bring herself to come in here after I left, he thought. Ever since Drew's father died when he was twelve, and with no children in the family, he and his mom had become much closer. It broke his heart to leave her alone but he knew that he needed to strike out on his own and grow as a person. Even though his plans fell through with his friends, Drew was glad that he could spend time with his mother again.

As if sensing that her son was thinking of her, Drew's mother walked through the bedroom door.

"Hey, honey!" She said in a cheery tone. "You coming down soon?"

Drew caught his ball and turned toward her. "Yeah, sorry. I got lost in thought." He stood up and as he followed his mom to the stairs, he caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror. Stopping, Drew saw that his mom was halfway down the stairs. "Be right there. I'm gonna splash some water on my face." She turned and smiled.

"I'll be down here." Drew smiled back and moved into the bathroom to get a full look at himself. Staring at his reflection, he took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm no movie star," said Drew. He was about 6'2", with an average build. He used to be very slim but with so much to do at college, he was forced to rely on fast food for sustenance and that had caused him to gain weight so he had a little bit of a stomach. Luckily it wasn't super pronounced but he still wished he made more time for exercise.

"Maybe something to focus on this summer?" Drew asked himself, before realizing he'd said that out loud and felt slightly embarrassed.

Continuing to size himself up, Drew noted his slightly darker skin, due to his Mexican heritage, and the hair on his arms, which came from... who knew? He was wearing a red shirt with a design of an eagle in black on the back and blue jeans. Under his shirt, he hid a slightly hairy chest which he hated but never thought to do anything about it. The only grooming he did was his underarms and his pelvic area.

For all the imaginary women interested in me, he thought to himself, rolling his eyes.

Looking at his face, Drew saw his brown eyes and glasses he'd worn since the first grade. While it gave him a knowledgable look, it didn't really make him any more attractive. He ran a hand through his short, black hair and over his jaw, feeling the bit of stubble he kept on his chin and cheeks. His nose kind of stuck out, but it wasn't pointy or crooked. All in all, Drew didn't exactly see anything that made him stand out among other men, but he didn't view himself as ugly either.

"Nothing wrong," he mumbled, still wishing there was something more to his appearance. Like something was missing...

Going downstairs, Drew's mom was sitting in her comfy chair, looking at her social media apps. She had long, brown hair that went down to her ears, hazel eyes, and was wearing a purple dress with a pair of diamond-studded earrings. Standing at 5'9", she sat with her right leg crossed over her left. Her skin was slightly tan though not as much as Drew's. Moving to the couch, Drew sat down at the arm and found himself at a loss for words.

"Oh! You'll never guess who I ran into today," chimed his mom. "Our old neighbor, Carol!"

Drew squinted, trying to remember an old classmate named Carol, but no one came to mind.

"She said 'excuse me, but are you Marilyn?' and I immediately recognized her!" When his mom looked up at him, Drew just shrugged.

"You probably remember her as Ms. Crest."

After a moment, Drew's mind flashed back to when he was a kid. Ms. Crest was their next-door neighbor who would sometimes watch Drew when his mother was called into work unexpectedly. He acted out, hating it at first, preferring to spend time with Marilyn but Ms. Crest explained that since his father passed away, Drew's mom had to work extra hard. After realizing this, Drew decided not to hold it against his mom and even came to enjoy his visits with Ms. Crest. As he grew up, Drew saw her less and less, until Ms. Crest moved to the city for a new job opportunity. Thinking back on this made Drew smile. She made him feel comfortable and safe at a time in his life when things seemed uncertain.

Realizing that he hadn't responded to his mother, Drew cleared his throat.

"Really? I haven't seen her in forever. How is she these days?" Marilyn laughed.

"Still as lively as ever! That girl never slows down. Probably why she could never hold onto a guy. They couldn't keep up with her!" Drew laughed with his mom. "She's moving back out this way, a couple of streets down. I gave her my number and told her to let me know if she needed any help. You wouldn't mind would you, honey?" Marilyn asked.

While it wasn't the summer break Drew had been hoping for, it was something to do.

"Sure, it will be nice to see her again," he said.

Just then, Marilyn's phone buzzed. Looking at it, she muttered, "Speak of the devil" and put the phone up to her ear.

"Carol! I was just talking about you with my son!" After listening for a moment, she laughed and then went silent again. Finally, she spoke again. "No! Don't be silly! We'd be happy to help... Okay! We'll see you soon. Buh-bye." Marilyn hung up and looked at her son.

"That was Carol. The movers just dropped her stuff at her new place and left but she took some of the more fragile things in her car and needs some help putting them inside. She said the movers were kinda gruff-looking and didn't trust them to handle her things with care. I told her we'd be there-"

Just then, Marilyn's phone buzzed again. "Oh PLEASE not now." She answered the phone again with a polite "hello". After listening for a moment, she asked, "Jane can't do it?" Listening to the response, she sighed. "Alright, I'll be right there," and she hung up. "They need me at the office, honey. I'm sorry but can you go and help Carol with her move?"

Drew felt a sudden rush of excitement and after a brief moment, replied to his mother.

"Of course. No worries mom." He smiled.

"Great! I'm glad you drove home this summer, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to go. I'll send you the address." Marilyn rose out of her chair and grabbed her purse on the coffee table. "I was hoping we could go someplace nice tonight to eat but we'll have to do it another time."

She quickly walked over to Drew and kissed his head. "Now don't keep Carol waiting!" Marilyn ran into the garage and Drew heard the sound of the garage door opening and closing, signaling her departure.

As he got up, Drew's mind wandered to the moment of the unexpected feeling.

"What was that about?" he wondered aloud. "Wow, I talk to myself WAY too much." Shaking his head, Drew went out the front door, locked up the house, and proceeded to drive toward his destination.

It was around 6 pm when he pulled up to the address, and Drew saw a gray van with the doors open in the driveway. Parking on the curb, he turned off the ignition and walked up to the van. Just then, someone came out.

"Is that you Drew?"

Looking to his left, Drew saw Ms. Crest standing in the front doorway and froze. Before him stood a woman, maybe 5'8", with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, bright blue eyes, and a slender figure that curved at her chest and hips. She was wearing a purple long sleeve, button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing her porcelain skin. The blue jeans she was wearing hugged her hips perfectly. Drew's eyes started focusing on Carol's chest but he caught himself and kept moving his head until his eyes matched hers. Despite her slightly disheveled look, Drew was absolutely confident that this was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen in his life.

"Um, hello?"

Suddenly, words pierced Drew's ears and when he regained his focus, he saw that Ms. Crest was slightly confused.

"Y-yes. I mean, yeah, that's me. I'm him. Or I-I'm Drew." he sputtered out.

"Oh my god! You look so different!" She walked over to him and was about to give him a hug when she stopped herself. "Probably not a good idea. I've been sweating a bit." Drew shook his head.

"It's ok. I mean, it-it's great to see you, Ms. Crest." Carol just laughed.

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"Silly boy! I see that hasn't changed." Drew's face went red and he hoped that she wouldn't see in the evening sky. "It's nice to see you all grown up! But we can catch up later. I don't want to keep you here too late so grab a box and carefully bring it inside. Be careful not to bump it on the doorway or anything." Drew waved his hand, trying to act nonchalant.

"No problem Ms. Crest."

Carol smiled at him. "Great," she said and gave a small wink at him as she turned around and headed toward her van. After watching her walk for a moment, Drew remembered why he was there and went to work.

About an hour and a half had passed since Drew had helped bring the boxes in. That only took about 15 minutes, after which they began unpacking some of them. Drew worked hard, not with the unpacking so much as trying not to stare at Ms.Crest. At one point, she asked him to follow her as she carried a box upstairs in case she lost her balance. Drew did what she asked, though he wouldn't have been much help if she fell because he was staring at her ass, which was eye level to him on the stairs.

As they moved the box into the bedroom, Carol bumped it against the door on the way in. "Damn it. I hope nothing is broken." She looked at the box for a moment, then set it down.

They went back downstairs and Drew helped her put up a few lamps and move some furniture around. As they placed her pictures of family and friends around the living room, Drew noticed that she didn't have too many with a man in them, and even in those it was the same man. Probably a husband, he said to himself and found that the thought disheartened him.

"Ok, I think we've done enough for the day." Carol stood up and put her hands on her back, stretching. "Thank you so much for all of your help Drew" she turned and said. Drew waved his hand again.

"No worries Ms. Crest. It was my pleasure." Carol giggled.

"You do know that you can call me by my first name, right?"

"Yes, Carol," said Drew. Or at least he meant to. All that ended up coming out of his mouth was "Y-y-yeah". She just smiled at him.

"Would you mind if I ran up and took a quick shower? I don't want to send you home without something to eat but I really need to clean up."

After a second of picturing what that may look like, Drew replied "s-sure. TYT! That means take your time, which I guess I could have said before but I..." He trailed off, unable to find a way to finish his sentence.

Carol looked at him for a moment and giggled again. "Silly," she said, moving toward the stairs. At the foot, she turned and said "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Drew nodded and sat down on the couch, watching as she moved up the stairs. After she was out of sight, Drew realized he had been holding his breath and exhaled.

Now that she was out of the room, he wasn't so tense anymore. Thinking back to his teens, he tried to remember what she looked like back then. For the life of him, he could not recall her shape or any of the features he noticed this evening.

"Was she always so beautiful?" he wondered aloud. His mind drifted to Carol in the shower and he felt tense again.

Looking around, Drew noticed a box in the corner. She must have forgotten about it, he thought. Walking over to it, he read the word written in black marker: "bedroom". A thought crossed through his mind. "Should I take it up there?" he said aloud. "But she's showering," he countered as if another person was speaking to him. "Although... I'd hate to make her lug it all the way up after I leave." Drew paused for a couple of minutes, going back and forth in his mind. Finally, he said "I'll take it upstairs and leave it by the bedroom door. No harm in that," he concluded.

Taking the box upstairs and walking toward the master bedroom, he reached the threshold. Setting the box down, Drew could hear the shower running. Turning to go back downstairs, he found that his feet wouldn't move. One peek in her room, he thought. She won't know. Against every rational sense he had, Drew quietly opened the door and stuck his head inside. The room was pretty barren with boxes strewn about. Ms. Crest will probably decorate later, he mused. At least the bed was set up. King size with plenty of room to sprawl out and stretch. Drew walked inside the room and almost stepped on an opened box.

Leaning down to inspect it, Drew found that this was the box that Ms. Crest bumped in the doorway on the way in. It didn't seem like anything was broken, which was probably a relief for her. He spotted something small and, unable to help himself, reached in to pull it out. Drew could feel that it was made of glass and as he brought it up to his face, he thought he recognized it. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. Drew was holding a small, glass dildo in his hand.

Maybe Ms. Crest was worried that this was broken, he thought to himself. Despite realizing what it was, Drew didn't want to let go of it. In fact, now that he knew what it was, he wanted nothing more than to imagine how she used it on herself. He closed his eyes, letting his mind run wild. As she inserted the toy inside of her, Drew could hear her moan. It was so lifelike, almost like it was real.

After a moment of hearing Ms. Crest's voice over and over, Drew opened his eyes. Listening for a moment, he heard moans, real moans, coming from the master bathroom. A very tiny part of him tried to resist, but the other part of him barrelled over it and he moved toward the bathroom door.

Opening it slightly, the water from the shower became louder. Yet hidden amongst the sound of running water, Drew could make out tiny moans. The mirror in the bathroom reflected the shower and as he looked, Drew couldn't believe his eyes.

Carol was in the shower, leg raised on a marble step inside, with her back against the wall. Her left hand was reaching toward her chin with her arm perfectly framed in between her ample bosom. Drew saw her breasts, easily C cup or more, heave up and down as she breathed in and out, nipples pointed and hard. Her right hand was holding another glass dildo, this one maybe 4 inches long.

Ms. Crest was slowly pumping the toy in and out of her shaven pussy as deep as it could go. Her moans grew louder, her chest rising with each thrust. Drew was so mesmerized by Ms. Crest's movements that he didn't realize his right hand had moved to the bulge in his jeans.

Ms. Crest stopped for a moment, bringing the toy to her mouth and sliding it inside. After a few moments, she removed it and once again pressed it against her sex. This time, before she slid inside, she used the head of the dildo to tease her clit. Letting out a little whimper, Carol inserted the toy once more and began easing it in and out of her wet entrance. By this point, Drew had his shaft out, fully erect, and was stroking it, keeping with the rhythm that Ms. Crest was following.

After several minutes of using her toy, Caro's breathing became shallow. She began to whimper as her left hand teased her clit once again. Knowing that an orgasm was on the way, Drew began stroking faster, from base to tip. He wanted to cum for Ms. Crest, cum just for her, even if she didn't know he was there.

When her hips began to buck, she let out a long moan, signaling her climax. Drew was about to cum with her when he realized his cock was still out. With no other choice, he stuck it back inside his jeans and climaxed in his underwear. It took everything he had not to make a noise.

After the feeling receded, Drew leaned against the doorway, trying to steady his breathing. Looking into the mirror, he saw the reflection of Ms. Crest. She had sat down on the marble step, still coming down from her orgasm. Drew was still leaning against the doorway when he heard the shower turn off.

Panicking, he quickly made his way toward the bedroom door, hoping that Ms. Crest wouldn't hear anything as she opened the shower door. Moving into the hallway, Drew closed the door behind him and went downstairs. Going into the first-floor bathroom, he ran the faucet and removed his jeans, doing his best to try and clean himself up as much as possible without leaving any evidence.

He used the towel on the rack to help and when he put it back, he hoped that Ms. Crest wouldn't bother using the downstairs bathroom tonight. After a few minutes, he decided that he could do no more so he put his jeans back on and ran out of the bathroom. Sitting down on the couch where she left him, Drew tried to catch his breath again.

Mind racing, he barely noticed the creaking coming from the second floor. He realized they were Ms. Crest's footsteps and did his best to compose himself and act as if nothing was wrong. Like he hadn't just watched her pleasure herself. As the footsteps began moving down the stairs, Drew tried to brace himself for whatever came next...




Written by GreetingsEverybody64
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