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Double Trouble

"It had been years and years since I slipped my cock into a soaking, luscious, silky pussy. And I nearly blew it!"

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Author's Notes

"The follow up of Maggie and Sam's adventure, American Girl In An English Town."

I was in the kitchen when I heard the scream. As I ran up the stairs, I saw a naked Lisa standing on the landing, looking into the bathroom.

“Fucking hell!” she said when she saw me, “fucking hell, Maggie, call 911,” pointing into the bathroom.

“What’s happened?” I asked, now standing by her, and now looking anxiously into the bathroom.

“Call 911, Maggie, now!” She was shaking and still pointing into the bathroom.

“What is it!?”

“What is it? There’s an old perv', standing in the widow, jerking his fucking cock! Fucking hell, Maggie!”

“Oh,” I said, “that’s just Sam. He’s harmless.”


I had not been pleased when my beloved twin sister descended upon us. It’s not that we don’t get along, far from it, Lisa and I are very close. It’s just that she is walking chaos well, that’s how Andy describes her. And again, it’s not that I don’t dislike the chaos she brings, but it’s all or nothing with her. 

When I say descended, I mean that. There wasn’t the usual call to ask if she could come, or suggestion that she was passing close by, or even an email. No, my phone rang, it was her.

“Maggie, what’s your address?”

“Windsor, in the UK.”

“Where in Windsor? Just a sec’.”

I could hear voices, English voices. “Lisa, where are you?”

“Bloody Brits' he wants to know your Post Code, I think he means Zip.” 

Oh no, you are kidding, I thought, but surely she wasn’t here, in the UK?

About ten minutes later, the house was in chaos. 

“Maggie, bring my luggage up. Is this my room? Where’s the en-suite? I need some laundry done, I’ll put it in a pile for you. What time’s dinner? Let’s go to a “pub”, I hear they’re great, where is the nearest?”

And about an hour later, I asked her, “How long are you planning on staying?”

“I dunno, a few weeks.” I took a deep breath. 

“Lisa, it’s really lovely to see you and, you know all that stuff, but what’s happened?”

It was the first time she had stopped since she had arrived.

”Nothing. Why should something have happened? I wanted to see my lovely little sis'.” Lisa always referred to me as her little sister, on the basis she was ninety minutes older than me.

I wasn’t taking that for an answer. “Lisa, so what has happened?”

“I’ve split up with Brad.”


“No, this time it’s for real.”

Over the next few minutes, she told me everything. And then over the next couple of hours, and a couple of bottles of wine, she told me again, this time including the truths behind their split. 

“So, he caught you in bed with him, did he?”

“Not actually in bed, I was bent over the kitchen counter!”

”You’re kidding! What did you do?”

“I just stayed there, the pool boy pounding me for all he was worth. No way was I going to stop because that jerk had come home early!”

“And what now?”

“He’s got his lawyers talking to mine, well he’s paying. So I thought I’d come and stay with my little sis’ for a while. You don’t mind, do you? You can show me the sites? Where’s Andy? Has he left you?” Andy, oh hell, I had forgotten about Andy. Oh my god, he’s going to flip his lid. Let me briefly explain. 

Andy and I moved here, to the UK, about six months ago. We love it. OK, it took some getting used to, but we were happy, in fact very happy, even though currently Andy was having to work away from home for most of the week. I missed him but it did allow me to get on with renovating the house and at weekends we made up for the lonely nights. Lisa’s visit was going to mess things up and, to put it mildly, Andy and Lisa did not get on.

You see, when I was young, Lisa and I were trouble, the terrible twosome. I had grown out of it, well almost, but Lisa had not. How Brad had not thrown her out for good years ago, I don’t know. I think it was a cost thing. It would not matter what Lisa got up to, the cost of divorcing her would have been more expensive, but she had crossed the line now.

I was not looking forward to telling Andy the good news. 


I don’t like the winter months. It is fair to say the British winter months are not the most pleasant, cold but not cold enough for snow and if it does snow, it turns to mush in a few days and we don’t cope with it well. Everything stops. But it’s the greyness which does me. I hate it so my wife and I used to go down to the Mediterranean and spend the winter down there.

That was nearly two years ago now. When I lost her, I didn’t want to go off on my own, so I stayed in the grey, which suited my moods.

“Hi Maggie, how’s….” She couldn’t have heard me, I thought, never mind, I’ll catch her later, I hope. Just seeing her going up her path cheered me up. That was another reason why I disliked the winter. 

The summer and early autumn had been the best few months since my wife passed away. To be honest, I had been in such a low place. When Maggie and her husband, Andy, had first moved in, I had made up my mind to ignore them. Bloody Yanks.

Now I thought differently. We had shared a beer most evenings, sat on her porch watching the sunset, chatting about everything and nothing and, on several occasions, I had joined her and Andy at weekends. They made me happy again, if only just for a few hours. And Maggie and I would sometimes look at each other knowingly. We had our secret and it was special.

It was later that same day. I’d popped down the pub for a pint and, as I opened the back door, I saw the bathroom light on. Good, I thought, it would be just what I needed and so I grabbed a beer and went up to my bathroom.

There she was. I watched in the dark for a few minutes taking in the view. Fuck, she looked gorgeous, as always and, as she slipped off her top, I felt my cock harden. Another sip of my beer and she unclipped her bra and bent over slightly, I marvelled as she cupped her breasts and squeezed them, pulling them and then letting them fall. 

I undid my jeans letting them fall to the ground, and stroked my erection, it straining in my boxers. I was in no rush. She turned to face the mirror, obviously inspecting her breasts and then stood, hands on her hips, stretching her back. Here we go, I thought, and I put my beer down.

As her hands started to undo her jeans, my hands pulled down my pants and I started to stroke my cock, so when she pulled them down, my cock was in my hand and, as her knickers followed, I had applied a mouthful of spit to my helmet and was circling my glands.

Fuck she is gorgeous, I thought. Her ass looked perfect, as usual, and when she cupped her cheeks and pulled them apart, I started to wank harder, as I imagined being with her now. When she turned, I knew we were nearing the moment. She was looking over her shoulder, enjoying the view I just had, and I started to pump my hand harder as her fingers dipped between her legs.

Here goes, I thought, and I turned on my light and stood, my hand stroking my rock-hard cock, rubbing my helmet with my pre-cum, it almost pressed against the window. And after a few seconds, I looked up. She had gone.


“What the hell do you mean, he’s harmless! Maggie, he was just standing there, jerking his frigging cock, watching me strip. You need to get a patrol car here.”

I poured her another drink.

“Lisa, it’s just Sam. He’s my neighbour. He, well, he’s just lonely.”

“Lonely!? OK, he’s a fucking lonely perv then.” I thought perv was a little unfair but I wasn’t sure Lisa would listen and when she went to look for the phone I had to stop her.

“Lisa, he’s not causing anyone any harm.”

“Of course he is!” She really did look incredulous. “Maggie, if he doing that, he is probably flashing people in the park, going around at night peeking into people’s windows. He needs to be locked up!”

“Oh, he’s not doing that, it’s just me he looks at.”

“Maggie, he’s flashing you! It’s indecent exposure, or whatever they call it over here.”

“Is it? What if I flash him?” She slowly put her glass down, nearly missing the counter.

“Are you telling me you deliberately let him watch you, to jerk off watching you?”

I didn’t need to answer, she saw the look on my face.

“Maggie, why?!”

To be honest, I couldn’t answer that. Instead, I told her how it had started and that now, perhaps once, even twice, a week, we stand masturbating together. And the following day when we see each other, we chat away and not once, have either of us said a thing. 

“It’s our secret,” I explained.

“Well, it isn’t a secret anymore is it!”

“Oh, yes it is, Lisa. You cannot tell anyone.” She looked at me with mischief written across her face. “Lisa, I fucking mean it.”

“So, Andy doesn’t know, eh?”

“Lisa, I fucking mean it, I’m serious about this.” She still had that look on her face, I’d seen it before. “Let’s put it this way Lisa if you breathe a word of this to anyone, and I mean anyone, then Brad’s attorney is going to hear about you and those black lads from Eastside.”

“You won’t dare.” That look on her face had been replaced with one of genuine concern. 

“Or how about your bachelorette party? Or the time I had to pretend you were at ours for that weekend. Who was it? Oh yeah, I remember, Brad’s best friend. Now, what was his name?”

We were both laughing and she smiled.

“OK Maggie, you win.”

I went on to explain a little more about Sam, his wife and how kind he had been, well eventually, and that I enjoyed our evening chats, watching the sun go down.

“He thought it was me. He probably is wondering why I had left so suddenly.”

“Well, it is an easy enough mistake.” We laughed again as we both remembered the tricks we used to play on everyone. You see we are not just twins, we are identical twins. To be honest, we are the mirror image of each other and even our mother sometimes gets us mixed up.

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And growing up we used it to our advantage. “You didn’t tell me, it must have been Lisa,” and we even swapped boyfriends, after Lisa had told me how big her boyfriend’s cock was. We had done that several times and it was fun, and yes, his cock was huge! 

“So, Lisa, not a word to anyone. Promise me.”


I wonder what she’s up to? I was watching her from the kitchen window and I could not help but think, what is she up to? Perhaps that was unfair, but I know my sister. As she chatted, she kept sweeping her hair away from her face and off her neck, tossing her head just that little bit more than normal and I could see by the expression on Sam’s face, that she was smiling at him, she was flirting. I hope she doesn’t say anything she shouldn’t.

“Oh, he’s a lovely man, isn’t he?” she said, walking back into the kitchen. Yes, he is, I thought, and what are you up to, Lisa? “How old is he?”

“I’m not sure, to be honest, perhaps late sixties, early seventies? Why?” 

“Well, he can’t be that old can he, judging by that erection he had the other night, he can still get it rock-hard!” and she laughed.

“Fucking hell, Lisa, you didn’t say anything did you?”

“No, I did not.” I gave her one of my serious looks. “Honest little sis’ I promise.” I handed her a glass of wine and wandered into the snug where the fire was roaring. Lisa followed me in and joined me on the sofa.

“So, while Andy is away, does this sexy mouse like to play?” She patted my leg and I shot her another annoying look. 

Andy had not been best pleased when he arrived home late on Friday evening to find Lisa sitting at the kitchen island. And his mood didn’t improve and when, later that night, she walked in on us making love. I could have slapped her. 

“Don’t worry about me, can I borrow your vibrator sis’” and she began rummaging through my bedside table. Andy slipped off me. “Where do you keep it? You must have one. Is it fully charged?” I leaned over Andy and opened the drawer on the other side of the bed.

“Oh, thanks sis’, you can carry on now,” and she walked out, her naked bottom disappearing around the corner.

“Shut the bloody door, Lisa,” I shouted and she reappeared briefly before slamming the door behind her, but not before she wiggled her tits at us.


I was pleased Maggie was OK. I hadn’t been worried about what had happened, I mean it could have been the phone or something, so when Maggie stopped briefly to say hi, I was pleased, and she seemed very happy. To be honest, I did most of the talking, but she was smiling and I couldn’t help but think she had a sparkle in her eye.

So, that evening, when I returned from the pub, I was hoping to see the bathroom light on. And it was. I grabbed a beer and went up to my bathroom and there she was. She had her back to the window but instead of undressing, she seemed more interested in the shower. After a few minutes she reappeared, but again she turned and went back towards the shower. Something was wrong.

I waited, obviously disappointed but wondered what it could be. I could not believe what happened next. I suppose I shouldn’t have been so surprised as I knew that Maggie knew I was there. When she reappeared, she looked straight at me, or rather the dark window of my bathroom and she beaconed me over. It was unmistakable as she even mouthed “Help” and waved me over.

As I walked up the path, I was a little concerned. Our secret was exactly that, our secret and this was the first time either of us had ever indicated we knew. But when she opened the door, she was smiling.

“Oh Sam, thank you. I can’t get the shower right. It’s either freezing or boiling.” 

“No problem, Maggie,” and, as I climbed the stairs, she followed. I knew the way and when I got to the door my heart fluttered, as I immediately imagined the scenes I had witnessed.

“Let me show you,” and I watched as Maggie pushed ahead and turned the shower on, twisting the handle and as the water poured out, she allowed it to soak her arms.

“See!?” She was standing, her hands on her hips, but when she turned to face me, her T-shirt was soaked, her breasts completely visible, and her nipples hard. Fucking hell.

I pushed past her, my eyes almost glued on her lovely tits and tried the handle. It was stiff, a bit like me now, but it turned and I waited a short while whilst the hot water came through. Yes, it was hot but I moved the handle and gradually it cooled.

“There, I think that should be alright now,” and I turned and stopped dead. Oh my god. Maggie was standing just a few steps away, her hands still on her hips, but completely naked. Oh my god. 

I had seen her naked many times, but from the “safety” of my bathroom, but now, here, just a few feet away, there she was. 

At this distance, things are so different. We stood like that just for a few seconds but long enough for me to see the tiny bumps on her nipples, the soft fair hair on her thighs and her arms and the light-tight curls of her pubic hair, just a small strip above her beautiful pussy. And I felt my cock stir.

“Thank you, Sam,” she said, and, as she slowly walked past me, she added, “You might as well stay and play.” 

As Maggie soaped herself, I stood transfixed. As her fingers played with her nipples, I rubbed my cock through my trousers and when she slipped her fingers into her gorgeous pussy, I unzipped my trousers and pulled them and my pants down, allowing my rock-hard cock the space it needed.

“Go on Sam, jerk it for me,” she said, watching me closely, her hands now pumping into her pussy, her arms squeezing her breasts. And I did. All the while, Maggie worked her pussy, her eyes focusing on my cock, then glancing up to look at me, and smiling, but it seemed she was struggling, her face straining.

“Fuck this!” she said suddenly, and she stepped out of the shower and grabbed my cock. As soon as her fingers touched me I felt a surge inside me and even though I was hard I felt blood rush into it. “Sam, fuck me, please, now.” Still holding my cock, she moved over to the basin and bent over and directed my cock into her pussy. I didn’t need to ask twice but I was not ready for the incredible sensation. 

It had been years and years since I had slipped my cock into a soaking, luscious, silky pussy. And I nearly blew it. The sensation was just so incredible and I felt my balls tighten and the spasms around my helmet, so I immediately withdrew. Maggie sighed, and thrusted her bottom towards me, her hands spreading her cheeks. What a sight!

Oh God, Sam, I thought, calm down, so I slowly knelt behind her, and licked. At first, Maggie said nothing, but as I got to work with my tongue, she began to moan softly, and the more I explored her pussy and her anus, the louder she became, her hands reaching behind her onto my head and pressing me into her.

And the memories flooded back to me, of how I would do this to my lovely wife and how much I had missed the scent of a woman's pussy and the taste of a woman's juices. I could have stayed there forever, except that Maggie was now driving her bottom against me.

"For fuck's sake, Sam, fuck me, fuck me!" Please cock, don't let me down now, I thought.

I got to my feet and slowly slipped my cock up her pussy, her labia spreading and she groaned. I did it again, this time making sure her clitoris felt the whole length of my cock slide over it and then I positioned my cock and in it slipped.

“Oh, fucking hell, ah, fucking hell, Sam,” and she let out a short high-pitched moan, almost a scream, as I drove my cock deep into her again and, as I began to pound into her, her beautiful bottom quivering on each thrust, her hands dived between her legs. And she orgasmed.

I do not know how much longer it took for me to explode, and I do mean explode. After Maggie had orgasmed I had relaxed and, as the pulses in her receded, she began to drive back onto me and, as I drove into her, I felt wonderful, alive, and happy again.

When I finally slipped out of her, she turned and gently kissed me and returned to the shower, my cum dribbling down her legs. And I pulled up my pants and trousers and left her to it, slowly walking back to my house, content with life.


I don’t like shopping. Oh, let me clarify that. I hate grocery shopping. So when I got home, I had at least expected Lisa to help me unload the car. It’s the only time I use the car and that is something I don’t miss, the car. I’m told we are lucky here, where we live, as we walk everywhere. The only time I use the car is for the big grocery shop. 

I found Lisa drinking wine, in front of the fire, having just showered.

“Can you give me a hand? Please!” She did, slightly reluctantly. “Good day?” I added sarcastically.

“Lovely thanks,” she said. “You?”

“No, I fucking haven’t,” I snapped. Andy had left this morning very unhappy. And that made me unhappy.

“Andy didn’t give you what you needed?” How I didn’t punch her, I don’t know. 

We spent the next ten minutes shouting at each other, but we both gradually ran out of insults and swear words. 

“Lisa, you can’t do this to me.”

“I’m sorry little sis’ honestly, I am sorry.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it, looking at me. “Look, tomorrow evening, when Andy gets home, I’ll be out. Promise, you can do anything you want to him.”

“Oh, thanks!” I said, my sarcasm returning. But she was smiling?

“Lisa, what have you been up to?”

“Me?” she said, smiling again. “Nothing. But you’ve been having fun!”


I had laid awake most of the night, the images and sensations of that evening flashing through my head. I hadn't showered as I had wanted to stay like I was, covered in Maggie's juices and my cum, and I could still taste her. But the morning came, and I showered and walked down to the corner shop to get my paper, a routine I had done since we moved here twenty-five years ago.

The sun was just rising when I turned into our road and was surprised to see a taxi outside Maggie's, and I had only taken a couple more steps when Maggie appeared, suitcase in her and got in. I wonder where she is going so early, I thought, and the car turned around and drove up past me.

I watched closely and was perhaps a little disappointed that she did not see me. As I walked up my path, I realised there was a light on in her house. I knew Andy would not be back until Friday evening. She's left a light on, I thought as I unlocked the back door.

"Sam, hi Sam!"

"Oh, hi Maggie, did you forget something?"

"No, Sam, no. Sam, we need to talk."

Written by EmmaEddie72
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