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True Memoirs of an Airline Pilot. Part 2

"My first layover in the Caribbean is full of surprises!"

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Author's Notes

"A day in the life of an airline pilot back when flying was fun!"

Jottings from my diary made during a career in flying spanning thirty-eight years.


I flew in the Royal Air Force from the age of twenty-one to twenty-eight.  I enjoyed various postings, both in the UK and abroad. I left and joined a civil airline based in Luton. This story begins one month after I finished my conversion training onto the Boeing 707. The airline flew once a week to Saint Lucia, in the Caribbean. The flight departed early on a Saturday morning and was routed via Gander in Newfoundland. We refueled and stretched our legs in the often freezing temperatures. The return flight back to the UK was the following Saturday evening. Not everyone looked forward to these trips but I did. This was my first. Trips away attracted allowances!

Arrival time was mid-afternoon, local time. The crew had worked for twelve hours but the lure of cheap booze, a warm breeze and scantily clad females meant that it was party time! We assembled in the bar of the Coconut Bay Beach Resort for Manager’s Cocktails. These drinks consisted of three different types of rum, white Bacardi, brown Captain Morgan’s and local black rum with at least forty per cent proof plus something fruit juicy and something fizzy. They were referred to as Zombies, because after one or two you were incapable of moving in any other fashion than that of the cinematic zombies, shuffling, comatose and resembling the living dead.

I had just one, having learned my lesson from a friend who had many such trips under his belt. Drinking too much did not lead to successful sexual encounters with the young members of the cabin crew. I had already flirted with Amanda, a three year veteran stewardess.  She had said a few words on the flight earlier that indicated that she would be happy to join me somewhere private.

After cocktails on this trip, we congregated in the dining room for dinner. I sat next to Amanda and chatted amiably about nothing in particular. At one point during the meal, I asked her, “Have you got anything planned for this week?”

“Some of the girls and Toby want to go to Marigot Bay for a couple of days. We’re five at the moment so we need three rooms and another body to fill the extra bed. Do you want to come?”

Marigot Bay, locally known as Hurricane Hole, is on the North-West coast of the island. It is featured in the film, Doctor Dolittle. Toby had already called them and found out they had five empty rooms.

“If it means I get to share with you and not Toby, sure, I’ll come.”

Amanda laughed, deep and throaty, almost masculine. I liked it. She touched the back of my wrist with her fingertips and said, “Toby wants to shag Evelyn. Sally and Claire are lovers which means I’m the odd one out. I guess that’s the deal then. You and I share a room. I’ll tell them you’re coming. Hey, Guys, Jeff is coming with us. We’ll share a room. What time are we leaving?”

“Taxi’s at ten. I’ve ordered two. Right then, Saturday night is party night, let’s go!” said Toby.

He grabbed Evelyn’s wrist and launched them both in the direction of the bar/dance-floor. Toby and I volunteered to get the first round of drinks.

“So are you and Amanda a thing then, Jeff?” asked Toby as we leaned on the bar.

“I’ve no idea, Toby. We only arranged it just now over dinner but I live in hope.”

“She looks stunning out of uniform, doesn’t she?” 

“Yes, I’ve never seen her out of uniform before. That halter top does wonders for my hormone levels!”

“Mine too but Evelyn has agreed to deal with that for me, bless her.”

“Lucky you. Lucky Evelyn.”

“You’ll have Sally in your taxi tomorrow. They tossed a coin. Sally won and got to choose! I can’t imagine why she chose to go with you two!”

We took the drinks to the table.  We sat, talked, and drank the evening away. For our body clocks, we were five hours adrift, already the early hours of the morning. However, when Amanda and I left for bed around ten-thirty, we went our separate ways without hesitation, both exhausted from the twenty-hour day. I woke up at five and made coffee with my travel kit and sat on the balcony to watch the sunrise. Breakfast began at six.



So began the odyssey to Marigot Bay and the Hurricane Hole Hotel, as it was known back then. It was barely more than a bar, a large terrace for eating and drinking, an oddly shaped pool, and a lot of steep and unguarded steps leading down to some bungalows scattered along and down the hillside. We took the scenic, west coast route which is slower than the east coast route by about forty-five minutes. Claire, Sally, and I hadn’t been before and wanted to see the pretty side of the island. We stopped halfway at a beauty spot near the sulphur springs at Soufriere. We bought the taxi drivers a coffee and a cake each. They were happy enough.

On the ride to Marigot Bay, I sat in the front and the two girls, Amanda and Sally, sat behind. They conversed constantly, inaudible above the din from the radio station blasting from the tinny speakers. The driver sang along to every song in his local dialect and often some pidgin English.

At check-in, I hung back. Toby knew the manager quite well, having stayed several times over the previous year. Sally and Claire asked him for a double bed. I didn't hear the conversation between him and Amanda but I did feel a stab of joyous anticipation when I saw a large double bed in the centre of the round room! We dumped our shoulder bags on the stool and Amanda shut herself in the bathroom. I sat on the chair by the bed and waited. She emerged wearing a teeny weeny bikini. Now I could admire her stunning figure in all its splendour.

“Wow! Amanda, you are stunning. Where have you been hiding that fantastic figure all this time?”

“Under my uniform and my baggy jeans and sweaters. I don't mind showing it off in the summer but it’s November so jeans and a sweater it is. Come on, get your cozzie on. It’s swim time.”

Amanda grabbed two beach towels from the pile by the door and set off back up the hill to the hotel pool. I took about twenty-two seconds to change and rushed after her. When I got to the pool, Amanda had set two sun loungers under an umbrella. Two beers arrived as we lay down on the towels.

“Room twelve,” said Amanda, giving him her widest smile.

“Cheers! Here’s to new beginnings and a relaxing week!” I said.

We clinked glasses and drank. The next thing Amanda said took me somewhat by surprise.

“Relaxing, Jeff? Do you have enough condoms for a week?”

I almost spat into my beer, almost.

“Goodness. Well, er, I have six.”

“Is that all? Shit, that won’t be enough.”

“Packets of three!” I said.

“Eighteen. Hmm! You might not have to wear one every time though!”

That comment conjured up all sorts of pictures in my head, one involved her fabulous arse!

“Really? Well, three a day. We should be okay, if I can manage that much!”

“Nice strong man like you. That shouldn’t be a problem.

“No boyfriend at the moment?”

“Had one for two years. Toby Adams. He’s screwing a junior who joined in April, plonker. Nothing since August. You?”

“Nothing permanent, no. I’m having too much fun right now. You have my undivided attention for a whole week, that and the unfettered use of my well-conditioned body.”

“As long as you can attend to me with a decent erection, we’ll get along fine!”

“Is it only my erection you want? How about my tongue?”

“If you know how to use it properly, then that too. Yes.”

“Any more talk like that and we will have to break open the first packet very soon. Are the others coming to the pool for lunch or is it just us?”

“Toby intends to screw Evelyn at every available opportunity, so he told me at breakfast. I guess this is the first such opportunity. Claire and Sally are probably asleep. They didn’t go to bed until two, silly girls.”

“What were you girls chatting about in the taxi. All I heard was that dreadful singing.”

Amanda laughed her deep, masculine chuckle. It sounded almost sensuous.

“He was a bit flat, to say the least. We were discussing group sex, if you really want to know. Claire has never had sex with a man. Sally has been telling her how much fun it is and now Claire wants to try it. She apparently has been waiting for the right man. She told Sally that you might be fine for a first time experiment.”

“What? Are you serious? And what did you say?”

“I’m a grown woman and we are not in a relationship so whatever we do here this week is fine with me. Once we pass ten West, all constraints come off, so I was told by the last First Officer I came here with.”

“Right. I see. Well, we are currently at about sixty-two West here in Saint Lucia so I guess we left our constraints long ago. Well, I’m game if you are, and Claire, of course. Is Sally included in this?”

“Oh yes! She is the organiser so she wants to be there directing operations! She said she wants to try tonight. I told her I want you to myself and tomorrow is soon enough.”

“Right, well, er yes. That all sounds fine. Are you eating lunch?”

“I already ordered BLTs with the beers. They’ll be here soon. I suggest we retire for our siesta later and resurface at six for sundowners up in the bar. That’s when the rest of them will congregate.”

“Right. That sounds like a plan.”

We sipped cold beer, ate a very nice BLT and drank another beer. We slipped in the pool several times to cool off, laying wet on the large towels until we were dry and had to repeat the operation. Amanda’s body held me in awe. Her bikini top barely covered her nipples while the bottom triangle simply accentuated her pubic mound with the merest hint of a camel-toe. From the back view, the green triangle sat high on the cheeks of her butt, covering nothing at all. She lowered herself gently into the pool, knowing the tiny triangles would be displaced if she dived or jumped in. We made a lot of bodily contact below the surface of the water. We stood at a depth where the water came up to Amanda’s neck. I held her hips, she rested her hands on my shoulders. We faced each other, our mouths close, just a few inches apart. For some reason, we did not kiss, not then.

“Do you like eating pussy, Jeff?” she asked, smiling at me.

“Oh, yes. Do you like sucking dick? Do you swallow?”

“Yes, and yes. I love it. I love the taste, the feel, the protein!”

“Jeff, do you like sucking a woman’s arsehole, as long as it’s clean, of course?”

“Oh, God. Yes. I do, absolutely.”

“Then I will make sure mine is polished and shiny when we get back to the room. I love having a tongue, a finger even a dildo in my arse. How about you? You like anal?”

“A finger or maybe two but I’ve never tried a dildo. Do you have one with you?”

“I have two. One each, maybe!”

“I like the sound of that. I’m happy to try anything new, especially with a woman as beautiful as you. I trust you have lube!”

“Oh yes, I do have lots of lube. Wait and see. Right, let’s go. My pussy is getting wet and your dick feels about ready for me. Come on.”



Amanda had her own agenda where orgasms were involved. We spent five minutes in the shower washing while paying particular attention to her ring-piece! Amanda led me by holding gently onto my somewhat erect dick, She sat on the edge of the bed and examined it from close up.

“Hmm. Nice,” she said.

She lifted it and kissed the tip. No open mouth drawing me in, no tongue swirling around the head, no sucking on the shaft and crown, She let go and moved up to the top of the bed. I pulled on my already swelling cock and joined her on the bed. She lay back, held her shins in her hands, raised her knees to rest beside her breasts and said, “Eat me, Jeff. Make me cum as many times as you can. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Not one to refuse the offer of a meal, I lay on the diagonal of the bed and set to work. Her hairless pussy split to reveal the inner lips, pink and slightly swollen. She too had been aroused by the conversation and the sexual promises we made to one another in the pool.

Amanda’s pussy had indeed begun to lubricate as evidenced by my face sliding freely up and down her pussy lips in pursuit of her first orgasm. She held my head, guiding me with the lightest pressure to apply more force to a certain spot. She hummed and groaned quietly as I lapped and licked at her sweet-tasting pussy. The nectar flowed in abundance, so much so that I had to swallow every now and then. Now I knew what she meant when she said she had plenty of lube!

Her first orgasm arrived on the back of an express train, no stopping, just passing straight through at a hundred miles an hour! A roaring, surging, thrashing, screaming woman lay beneath my head as she shuddered and shook at its passing. A shock wave tore through her strong body, her breasts and neck flushed crimson, her legs vibrated as she gasped for breath. Her thighs held my head in a vice-like grip, clamping my mouth onto her pussy. I felt the hot liquid squeeze past my cheeks, spread over my face and down my chin onto the bedspread. Now I knew why Amanda had placed two towels on the bed under her hips. She grasped my head, spread her thighs wide, stopped shuddering and shouted, “Again!”

I repeated exactly what I had been doing for the previous two minutes. This time it took a little less than a minute and a half. Again she shook, shouted, shuddered and shimmied her lower body as the paroxysm of delight ripped through her.

“Again!” she squealed.

I set to work once more, enthused by her evident orgasmic delight and pleasure. Her third orgasm arrived after only a minute this time. Same result, same shouting the word, FUCK! for the whole island to hear. My head glistened with a combination of her juices and my sweat. She demanded more, so I did as asked and once again worked my magic with my tongue and fingers. By now, she had made so much lubricant that sliding my forefinger into her pussy and my next two fingers into her ass, pushing and pulling, pumping in and out with abandon as my mouth sucked, my tongue swirled and my teeth bit at her seemed absolutely the obvious thing to do!

Her fourth orgasm shook her so much, that she collapsed after about fifteen seconds of vibrating and shaking. Her legs fell open, her hands dropped to the bed and her head lay back, her whole body shining with sweat, her lower body glistening with her squirted juice and my sweat. The air-con in the room barely coped with the heat we generated. Amanda rolled away from me and curled her body into the foetal position. Seconds later she said, “Put it in my ass, Jeff. No condom.”

She raised her right knee off the bed and held the cheek of her ass as I moved closer. I held my cock in my right hand and made sure the angle was just right, then I thrust, once, hard, deep. I had six inches buried in her tight ring. I began to fuck her, with long, slow strokes. Amanda’s right hand now pressed on her pussy, circling her clitoris with the pads of her fingers. Her right knee raised higher and higher as she came closer to orgasm. I determined I would come with her this time. I didn’t need long, nor did she. I fucked her with increasing intensity, increasing tempo, increasing depth until my whole cock hit home, deep within her.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Amanda screamed.

We came together. I felt the eruption of boiling lava somewhere around the base of my spine. It shot through my body as the electric shock of my orgasm shook me. I clutched at Amanda’s shoulders and hips, burying my cock as deep as it would reach and then some more, holding still while she vibrated in my arms, prolonging our orgasms. She slowed her movements until she lay still. My cock stayed buried inside her. Amanda reached back over her shoulder and placed her hand flat on my cheek. I felt the real warmth of her touch.

“Sleep. Don’t move, just close your eyes.”

She let go and returned to the foetal position. I lay tight up behind her, joined so intimately as to feel her as an extension of my own body. I closed my eyes and amazingly, slept for about thirty minutes. When I woke up, it was because Amanda was clenching her ass around my now almost flaccid cock. As her muscle squeezed and relaxed around my cock, I felt the stirring of an erection, the strong foundation, the scaffolding emerged, supporting the building blocks as my cock rose for the upcoming onslaught. Once she deemed it sufficient, she said, “Hold my hips and roll onto your back.”

She reached behind her and grasped my hips. I grabbed hers and together we rolled her into kneeling astride my hips, with her back to me. She reached between her legs and stroked my ball sack, squeezing it gently with her long fingers. She rocked back and forth, my cock lodged as deep as it would go. I reached up and held her shoulders. She leaned back, my hands slid around to her breasts. I moulded and squeezed them, pinching her nipples between my fingers and thumbs. She groaned in appreciation. Her hips began to rise, lifting her backside clear of my body. I looked down and saw my cock buried halfway into her ass. She began to ride me.

She raised and lowered her hips, using her strong thigh muscles, riding me as she would a cantering horse.  She continued this for a full minute. I had to leave go of her breasts. I couldn’t keep my upper body high enough to reach her so made do with stroking and lightly slapping her ass cheeks as she rose clear of me.

“Harder,” she grunted.

I slapped her, harder, smack! On both cheeks. Twice, each cheek.


I complied, slapping harder until I saw the redness appear on each cheek. She fucked me, I smacked her, she moaned with each impact and with each thud as her body slammed down onto mine. Her grunts became a staccato, one for every slap, one for every impact.

“Harder!” she demanded.

I couldn’t put much power into my slaps while lying back on the bed. Her ass sat too close to my body to get in a real hit. I brought my hand back in line with my shoulder and swung as hard as I could. The slap sounded loud, her grunt, louder. She slowed the pace, allowing me more time to inflict each slap. We kept the rhythm going for a further minute until she could no longer restrain herself. She began to slam down harder, her fingers smashing into her clitoris, while her other hand pulled on my scrotum, scratching and stretching the thick skin with her fingernails.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! “ she wailed as she came.

I let go inside her, jetting my cum up into her ass. She screamed and shouted, repeating her shaking and shuddering as she exploded into a frenzy of cataclysmic proportions. I grunted a few times as each jet erupted from my cock. Amanda gripped my ball sack, hauling it up towards her belly. The pain felt exquisite. She drained my sack into her ass.  Seconds later, still gripping my sack, she stopped moving. The realisation hit her and she let go, thankfully. I’m pretty sure my nuts were as empty as they will ever be. Amanda rolled to her right, collapsing onto the bed. I stayed where I lay. Watching as her ass winked closed after I had vacated the hard ring. A hint of cum seeped out and dripped onto the now-soaking wet towel. I picked up a corner and wiped her ass for her. She laughed!

“That was amazing, Jeff. We haven’t used a condom yet! But we will. I need some sleep after all that. Come here, cuddle me.”



We slept for over an hour and a half, our body clocks still out of synch with local time. Amanda woke me when she climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom. I checked the time; five-thirty. Almost time for sundowners. I noticed she had taken the wet towels with her. I heard the shower running. I grabbed my book and read for fifteen minutes while she did what she had to do. The Peter Wright memoir had me enthralled. ‘Spycatcher’, banned in the UK until recently.

“Your turn, Jeff. Ten minutes to get ready. Is that enough for you?”

Amanda appeared looking stunning. She wore a pale green spaghetti strapped dress with cleavage to die for. No bra and her c-cup breasts swayed gently as she moved. The green shimmered under the low sun streaming into the room. Her black heels glimmered, her red painted toenails poking out of the front. I wondered if she wore panties.

“Go commando. I am.”

“Give me five minutes.”

I peed in the shower, scrubbed and washed everywhere and emerged five minutes later. I slung on my jeans and a white sports shirt my only attire, as suggested by the most beautiful woman I have enjoyed, ever. I put a packet of three condoms in my pocket, my Breitling watch on my wrist and my wallet in my back pocket.

“I’m ready.”

We climbed the steps up to the bar. We arrived on time and greeted the rest of the crew. The two young juniors looked suitably impressed and impressive. Claire and Sally wore halter tops and jeans, bare midriffs on show. Sally showed a stud in her navel, a blue stone glinting in the setting sun. Evelyn and Toby sat at a table, deep in conversation as we chatted to the girls, We got our drinks, a green cocktail for Amanda and yellow and pink for the girls. I had a cold Heineken. Choices were Heineken or nothing! I handed Claire and Sally their cocktails and we all said, “Cheers!” and clinked our glasses.

“So, Mandy, did you ask Jeff about our plan?” asked Sally.

Amanda smiled and took another sip of her cocktail. She looked over the rim into my eyes. Hers twinkled, mine remained untroubled, waiting for her response.

“Yes, Sally, I was going to tell you he said no but you wouldn’t have believed me, would you? Yes, he’s eager to do as you ask, aren’t you, Jeff? We can do it tomorrow if you like.”

The girls clapped a high five, careful not to spill their drinks. Claire said, “Oh, wow! I get to pop my cherry, at last. Thank you Jeff, and Mandy, you are a sport. Both of you. Thank you.What time tomorrow?”

“After lunch. Don’t eat a big lunch. The BLT is the meal of choice. No alcohol for lunch, okay?”

“Whatever you say, Ma’am. We’ll be ready for lunch at twelve,” said Sally.

“Let’s join the others at the table,” said Amanda.

 I said nothing and we joined Evelyn and Toby at the table. We chatted amiably about the hotel, the weather, the pool, the cocktails, the Olympics, Amanda’s body and her green dress. Some of us took pictures of the group with the setting sun behind us. The waiter snapped one for all of us together. I glanced around the bar. About fifteen other guests sat or stood at the bar. There were a few yachts moored down in the bay and the crews and guests were also enjoying the sunset. We sipped at our drinks. Toby leaned closer to me and spoke quietly,

“We can confirm to the rest of the world that you’re now enjoying carnal knowledge of each other, at least seven times for Amanda and we think twice for you. Our bungalow is the next one down from yours. She’s loud, isn’t she?”

Amanda evidently overheard the last comment and said,

“I’ll ask the manager to move us to the last bungalow if it bothers you. That one sits right down there on its own and you won’t be disturbed.”

Amanda spoke with humour in her voice, good-natured banter. Toby responded in a similar manner. Evelyn reached sideways and took Amanda’s hand.

“No need for that. The noise is quite a turn-on, to be honest. I hope these two can’t hear you though.” she pointed to Claire and Sally.

“What? Are you talking about us?” asked Sally, grinning.

“It’s nothing for your young ears to hear!” said Toby.

“Young? We’re both twenty-one and know enough, believe me!” said Sally.

We continued to chat about nothing in particular, gossiping occasionally about other crew members, something I tended to avoid. I can’t remember names so rarely comment on anyone. We chatted and drank for about an hour until dinner beckoned. We ordered food at the bar. The hotel didn’t have a dining room. Amanda and I ordered a bottle of wine, being the elder statesmen of the crew. Dinner consisted of fish, fish and fish, with salad and fries. The barman cranked up the volume on the music system. Dance time! Claire and Sally had attracted the attention of two guys who I guessed were crew on one of the yachts. They looked to be American maybe, fit, healthy-looking young men with tight T-shirts and three days of stubble. They sauntered over to our table and asked for a dance. The girls jumped up and joined them on the small dance floor in the center of the bar. Rick Astley pounded out his number one hit, never giving you up, nor desert you. The bar rocked and rolled for several hours while almost everyone danced, even me.

Billy Ocean, Michael Jackson, Guns N’ Roses and many more blasted out of the speakers as we danced the evening away. Amanda and I drank the wine slowly, knowing that an excess of alcohol dulls the performance when our priority is sex! A little after eleven we made our excuses and left the others to it. I carried the half-full wine bottle. We carefully made our way down the steps to the bungalow. Some of the lights were blown making it tricky to see the way down. We made it safely to the bungalow, put on a few lights and headed straight for the shower. I brushed my teeth while Amanda showered. Amanda took my hand and pulled me into her arms.

“Come here, Jeff. Kiss me.”



We engaged, kissed and held on to each other, warm, hard, encircling, embracing, loving. Oh, how we kissed! Long, open mouth, saliva running between us, pulling, sucking, slurping and nibbling, a hot, steamy kiss, something we had neglected to try until now. It would be the first of many such kisses over the next six days. Amanda reached down to move my cock until it nestled between us, squeezed between our bellies. I reached for her right breast, squeezed and moulded the firm flesh into my hand. She moaned, I groaned and we moved to the bed, both of us aroused enough to need the condom.

Amanda expertly unrolled it down the length of my cock, holding the teat to ensure the absence of any air. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs.

“Just put it in and keep still for a while, can you?”

I knelt between her legs. She held her lips open, the moisture glistened in the pale light from the bedside table. I positioned my cock at the portal and wiped the head up and down a few times.

“Now.” Amanda groaned.

I pressed and slid inside her. I shuffled my knees closer and pushed again, deep, as deep as it would go until it met the limit of travel inside her hot sheath. I rocked forward and lay on top her, my chest pressed hard against her breasts. I lodged my elbows either side of her warm breasts and relaxed. Her ankles locked behind my knees, pulling me in even harder. We kissed, for the second time, for the longest time, without moving, save for my cock twitching inside her and her pussy muscles gripping and relaxing around my rock-hard erection.

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We lay still for several minutes. For some reason, it seemed absolutely the right thing to do. We were not in a hurry and were both young, full of stamina and hormones, getting ready to unleash the storm that would surely come once we began to fuck for real. This prelude felt so perfect, I would have been happy to stay still even longer. Amanda ended it when she began to rock her hips a little.

The spell broke, the quiet stillness shuddered as her hips rocked under me. Her ankles unlocked, allowing me to move my own hips back and forth inside, to the limit of travel once again. Amanda repeated her rocking motion, I continued mine, the movement pumped my cock in and out just enough to fire the synapses in my brain, telling me that the time for action is now! I changed the locus of my weight, shifting more to my knees and less to my elbows, giving me the leverage I needed to begin fucking this amazing body that lay spread-eagled below me. We hung on to the kiss, keeping close, keeping tight, keeping our intimate contact.

I increased the movement, Amanda increased her rocking, my cock increased the stroke such that we had maybe two inches of movement. We continued this rhythm for a full minute until I decided the time had come to do some serious fucking. I extended my arms, lifting my weight from her upper body, exposing her breasts to the cool air in the room. I began to fuck her properly, in and out, five inches or more on each thrust. Amanda grunted a little each time I pounded down into her. Her head strained up to look between her legs. She watched my slick pole of flesh driving into her clasping pussy lips, rolling and unfurling with each stroke. Her fingers began to rub, hard, pressing on her swollen clitoris.

She rubbed furiously, I continued fucking her, long and hard, pounding into her hot body as her orgasm approached. She rushed towards her first orgasm of the evening, I felt confident it would not be the last. I restrained myself as best I could, resisting the urge to up the tempo and come with her. I knew she had the capacity to come quickly and several times after our introductory session this afternoon. I wanted to withhold my orgasm until she has had at least three or four. Amanda screamed, as quietly as she could, muffling the sound with her left hand as her right hand rubbed in hard circles over her clitoris. She shook and shuddered, as before, her legs quivered as her orgasm ripped through her well-toned body. Her breasts shook, her light brown hair glistened, wet at the roots, in spite of the air-con doing its best to cool the room.

She stopped rubbing, her scream became less ferocious, quieter, until the moan stopped and her lungs filled with much-needed air. Her head stopped shaking, her legs lay still. I leant down and took her left nipple into my mouth. I sucked, she shuddered. I stopped and let go. Amanda lay still, for about thirty seconds until she said, “Again!”

I resumed my stroking, she resumed her paddling with her fingers, her knees came up either side of her heavy breasts, rocking her hips such that I began pounding almost vertically down into her pussy. She stuffed a pillow behind her head and watched herself getting fucked. My erection felt as hard as it has ever been, my cock as stiff as it will ever be, seven and a half inches of iron-hard flesh making every effort to split her open. Her second orgasm arrived in less time than it took for me to get up to speed. Her fingers did all the work, my cock simply provided a bonus, a stimulant for her G spot. I had no problem with that.


I knelt up, pulling her hips onto my thighs, tipping her body back onto the bed, pushing her pussy up parallel to the bed. Her hand flew once again, her fingertips working their magic as she brought herself to another rapid orgasm. I barely moved, just rocking my cock in and out of her hot body, moving barely an inch at a time. I felt the head of my cock pressing up hard inside her pussy, pushing back against the pressure of her hand. We attacked her clitoris from both sides, well, above and below strictly speaking. It did not take long. Amanda moaned and screamed yet again, shaking and quivering as her body vibrated with the electric shocks of her orgasm. She made little effort to stifle her screams. I felt sure that Evelyn and Toby would have heard that one if they had already returned to their room.

“Your turn. Fuck me hard, Jeff, as hard and as quick as you can. I’ll come with you.”

I didn’t need asking twice. I dropped her hips back onto the bed. She raised her knees, holding her ankles, spreading herself wide open to my onslaught. I skipped the slow build-up. I wanted action, fast and hard, as instructed. I got up to speed within a second or two, pumping hard, long, deep, quicker as her moans increased in pitch and volume again. I pounded into her, the thudding of flesh and pubic bone against pubic bone sent shudders through the bed frame.

My orgasm began, the fire had been lit deep inside my spine, low down somewhere indefinable, indeterminate, suffusing throughout my sweating body. I rammed as hard as I could, Amanda thrust back at me, her hips rocking up to meet each down-thrust. I reared my head back, pushed my cock as deep inside her as I could possibly go, stopped moving and blasted my cum, again, again, again, then a pause, shoot again and then just a shudder as my semen drained into the teat of the condom. Amanda screamed, shuddered and came again, her fourth, or fifth.

I dropped my weight onto her body. She clung to my shoulders, stroking my neck and back, scratching me with her nails. Her ankles connected behind me. She had me locked up hard next to her body, crushing me in her embrace. We were both wet with the exertion, sweat collecting between her breasts and in her belly-button. Amanda rolled us onto our sides, keeping her tight grip. We gasped for breath as our hearts slowed to a more normal pace. I reached down and slid my cock clear of her pussy, gripping the condom to prevent it slipping off. I pulled it off my now deflating cock, tied a simple knot and dropped it onto the floor on what would become my side of the bed.

“That was wonderful, Jeff. Fantastic. As good as it gets for me. How about you?”

“Yes, totally outstanding. You have a wonderful body, the sweetest pussy and the most magical muscles I have ever had, ever. I mean it. You are every man’s dream come true.”

“I haven’t had a fuck since August and today I have made up for lost time. Can we stay here until Friday, do you think? I love this place and it’s about as good as it gets for a honeymoon. We can pretend, can’t we?”

“Of course, yes. That’s a great idea. We can stay until Saturday midday if you like. I’ll pay for the room.” we laughed.

Amanda uncoupled her legs and rolled away from me. We dashed to the bathroom. I had worked up quite a sweat, as had she and needed a cool rinse before trying to sleep. We didn’t fool about, just a cold sluice and back to the bed, lying on the damp sheet with the air-con struggling to bring the room temperature down to a comfortable level. We lay side by side, naked, face up, held hands and talked for a few minutes. When Amanda failed to respond to a question, I knew that sleep had overtaken her so I closed my eyes and joined her in dreamland.



I had still not fully adjusted to the time change and woke around four-thirty. I slipped on my shorts, put my travelling coffee kit on to boil and brushed my teeth. I sat outside in the dark and waited for the sun to come up. It didn’t take long, a little after five and the sky turned pale over the back of the hills above the hotel. By five-thirty, the light had improved sufficiently for me to be able to read my book. I had read about two chapters when Amanda joined me wearing my T-shirt. She had used my mini boiler and made us both a coffee. She handed me a cup, bent down and kissed me, full on my lips, her tongue probing my mouth. She tasted of toothpaste.

“Good morning, Amanda. How are you this morning?”

“I have an aching pussy. I think I had too many orgasms yesterday! I think I’ll wait until siesta time before I try that again. How about you? Ready for the initiation later today?”

“I think so. I had a great sleep and feel fine. I am hungry though.”

“We can eat a big breakfast and just a BLT for lunch. We can finish this coffee and go up soon. The dining room is open at six-thirty.”

The day went as planned. Breakfast, a visit to the bathroom, swimming and a coffee by the pool with all six of us enjoying the company and the cool water shaded by the umbrellas. Just before we went for lunch, Evelyn spoke quietly to Amanda,

“Sally tells me you have planned an interesting afternoon. Claire wants to lose her virginity with Jeff and Sally wants to watch. Are you okay with that?”

Amanda laughed and touched my arm.

“Both of us are looking forward to it, aren’t we, Jeff?”

“Yes, we are,” I said

“Toby and I want to watch. Would you mind?” said Evelyn.

Amanda laughed. I chuckled and sipped at my water. Toby looked on, amused and Evelyn looked crestfallen, awaiting my verdict.

“Well, since we are all such good friends, I mean I’ve known half of you for at least two days now and since I have the idea that Amanda quite likes the idea, indeed, she probably relishes the idea, then the answer is yes, of course you can. Assembly will be in our room after lunch. Bring whatever you think you might need with you and no telling anyone about this when we get back past Ten West, understood?”

They all agreed, although I had to explain what Ten West meant to Claire and Sally. We went to the bar area and arranged two tables for lunch. Six BLTs made life easy for the kitchen staff. We all drank water or fruit juice in preparation for a busy afternoon.


As we ate lunch, Claire turned to me and said, loud enough for the six of us to hear, “I’m not a virgin, virgin. I’ve had lots of different toys in there but never a man’s cock. I just want to know what Sally knows. She’s had men, and boyfriends before we got together and keeps on about how great the sex was. So I thought I’d better find out what all the fuss is about. Sally suggested you would be ideal. You’re single, good looking and now she tells me that Amanda says you are well equipped to be my first experience of PIV, as she called it.”

I looked across the table at Amanda and frowned. She had been gossiping about me to Evelyn, already! Still, as long as it stayed between us I didn’t feel too concerned. The waiter cleared the dishes. I ordered an espresso and the rest followed suit. I needed to stay alert for the next couple of hours.

“PIV. I love that expression as if it is the pinnacle of sexual attainment, the ultimate totem upon which man can achieve the truly unique sexual experience, the holy grail of sexual congress. Penis in Vagina. How very wrong most people are. Claire, I should tell you that it is indeed pleasant but by no means the ultimate sexual experience. It is one of many to be savoured, indeed, some you have already experienced so you know what I mean. The sex you and Sally have is as pleasurable and unique as any that heterosexual couples have and then we have group sex to consider, anal, homosexual, mutual masturbation, auto-erotica, BDSM and so many other aspects to learn about. It is a never-ending quest and I am dedicating my life to experiencing as many of them as possible. Sex with a virgin is on my list. It is right now, top of my list!”

Claire looked at me and sipped her coffee. I tried making eye contact with everyone but they were all busy holding and adjusting coffee cups. What did I say? Amanda saved the day when she said, “I suggest we all shower and meet in cabin twelve in fifteen minutes. Bring whatever you need with you, we only have condoms and a few toys. If you want a full-on fuck-fest, then bring everything you have and let’s see where the Claire-Jeff-Defloration exhibition leads us, eh?”

Nobody objected, indeed, everyone assented and nodded, drained cups and gathered belongings, Filo-faxes, cameras, books and more as they hurried back to the cabins. Amanda and I sat, not in a hurry to move. She held my hand and said,

“Ready for the show, are we, Jeff? Can you get it up for little Claire, do you think?”

“I’m sure I can. We’ll soon see, won’t we?”

“If you can’t, I will be there to give you a helping hand, and mouth. I assume all you have to do is to get it in there and fuck her for a minute or so until she knows what it feels like. That seems to be the idea, so Sally tells me, anyway.”

“I’m sure I can manage that, come on, let’s go.”

We both showered quickly, groins and armpits mainly, plus Amanda’s arsehole, well, and mine. We draped towels around our waists and waited for the others. Toby and Evelyn arrived wearing a sarong and he in a T-shirt and wrap-around Thai silk affair tied at his hip. The girls arrived soon after dressed only in large silk scarves tied around their bosoms. They dropped bags and satchels on the floor around the room. We stood around the bed in a semi-circle, expectant, waiting for something to happen. I took the initiative and said, “Claire, come here to the middle of the bed. Here, give me your sarong thing and you have my towel, ready? Pull.”

We pulled in unison. She tugged at my towel and my erection sprang free. Her eyes glued to my cock. I had her silk scarf which I lazily threw towards Amanda. I knelt on the bed, facing Claire, both of us naked save for a small silver cross nestling between Claire’s breasts and my watch. I shuffled closer to her, held her shoulders and smiled into her pretty, elfin-like face. She smiled back, holding eye contact, confident, ready, eager. She had short hair cut close to the nape of her neck. Dyed a rich chestnut colour, it glows in the sunlight streaming through the nearby window. Her pubic hair amounted to a tiny strip of dark brown about two inches long and an inch wide, a landing strip. Still damp, it had water droplets glistening on the tips of the hairs.

Amanda sat on the corner of the bed, close enough to touch me. Toby sat on the opposite corner, Evelyn sat on his lap with her arms around his neck. Sally stretched across the top end of the bed, lying on the pillows. She undid the top of the scarf, exposing her small breasts. She had gold studs through both nipples. She reached for Claire and pulled gently on her shoulder, dropping her back such that Claire’s head rested on Sally’s stomach. She leaned down and kissed her, mouths at ninety degrees to one another. Tongues flashed, Sally laughed and reached for me.

Amanda leaned toward me and took my cock in her hand. She unrolled a condom, Durex Super Thin, ensuring the teat was compressed, expelling all the air. I moved back a little and dropped onto my elbows between Claire’s raised knees. I  looked up at her smiling face. She evidently knew what to expect having a lesbian lover who must have done this for her so many times. I made a show of extending my tongue so that she could see it. She giggled and said,

“This will be another first. No man has been where you are going right nowww uuggghhhh!”

I moved in as she spoke, planting the flat end of my tongue over her labia and clitoris, pressing firmly as I made contact, squashing her clitoris hard against her pubic bone. I licked, sucked, and pulled her lips with my lips, resorting to a little use of teeth to pull the plump skin into my mouth. I sucked and swirled my tongue, flicking the tip across her clitoris. Claire moaned, she wriggled and adjusted her legs to more widely splay her hips. Sally fondled her breasts, Amanda stroked her inner thigh, Evelyn moved from Toby’s lap to stroke her other thigh. Claire touched herself just above her clitoris, pulling the flesh towards her belly-button.

“Ready, look,” she muttered.

I looked. Moisture oozed from her labia, and her clitoris stood exposed, engorged, erect, ready. I knelt up, moved closer and felt Amanda grasp the shaft of my cock. She guided it to the portal of lust, the virgin vagina. I paused as Claire settled and waited. All eyes in the room focused on my erection and her vaginal opening. The two joined, slid a little as Amanda moved her wrist, almost without warning, I saw my cock slide inside the tightest pussy I have ever felt. Amanda still held a good portion of my cock but I felt sure I could manage on my own. I also felt loathe to tell her so said nothing.

Sally now reached down the length of Claire’s body and began to finger her exposed clitoris. I pumped slowly in and out, pressing all bar Amanda’s handful hard inside her tiny body. Sally kissed, almost upside down now as she leaned across her body. Amanda stroked long and sensuous strokes up the inside of Claire’s thigh. Evelyn did the same. I glanced at Toby who had dropped the wraparound shawl and held a sizeable erection in his right hand. He stroked it lazily as if waiting for an opportunity to use it. His gaze stayed fixed on Claire’s wet pussy and my cock plundering her in time to the Macarena once again.

“Let go, she needs to feel it all.”

Amanda withdrew her hand and on the next in-stroke, I pushed every inch deep inside her no longer virgin pussy. She shrieked!

“Faaarrrrrkkkkk! Fuck, fuck, that’s fucking big! Wow, fuck, wow, again, push, again, fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes, yes, more, harder, yes, coming, fuck, yes, come, come, come, arrrggghhh! Yeahhhsss!”

Claire went rigid, I stayed buried deep inside her, Sally stopped trying to kiss her thrashing head and simply held her shoulders as she vibrated and jerked under me. Her eyes closed tight and her breath came in sharp gasps as the jolts of her orgasm blasted through her nervous system. It looked quite spectacular. Evelyn and Toby applauded, as did I. Amanda and Sally joined in and we all laughed, apart from Claire who was too busy gasping for air. I withdrew slowly and lay back on the corner of the bed.

“My turn,” said Amanda.

I stayed where I was as Amanda straddled my hips, lowering herself onto my cock without hesitation or interruption. I prayed this would be a repetition of yesterday’s ride as she began to fuck me, her arms around my neck, her mouth glued to mine, her breasts squashed against my chest. Toby moved to sit on the end of the bed next to me. Evelyn assumed the same position, diving down onto Toby’s cock until we were a pair of golden fuck-gods, enjoying the ministrations of two beautiful fuck-maidens. They rode in tandem, keeping time with each other, their lower legs touching on the bed.

Claire hoisted herself up the bed until she lay next to Sally. They watched as the two seniors rode their men to completion. It took Amanda about four minutes of concerted fucking to bring me to a spine-shattering climax. I blasted my cum deep inside her pussy, filling the teat and the upper half of the condom with my thick, creamy liquid. Evelyn made Toby cum seconds later, evidently without a condom as she rose up and let the third or fourth jet of cum splash up onto her pussy, smearing it as it hit her before dropping back down onto his erection and coming herself as she rubbed frantically at her clitoris, smothering her lips with the now foaming cream under her fingers. Amanda continued for about ten seconds and came at the same time as Evelyn, both of them crying out, shaking and jerking their hips until they eventually stilled and rested, cocks still buried inside them. This time Sally and Claire applauded.

“What about you, Sally? You’ve missed out,” I said.

“What, on an orgasm? No, I didn’t. I came when you did inside Amanda and again just now when you two came. I can squeeze my pussy and make myself cum whenever I wish. I can cum again now while I’m talking to you and you would never know. There, just came again, agh, fuck, thank you, Jeff. That was great.”

“Wow! That is quite some trick, some skill. Amazing. I wish I could do that,” said Amanda.

“I found out I could do it on the school bus some years ago. I sat at the back and bounced up and down and had about six orgasms in each direction, twice a day. At weekends I just had to sit on it and squeeze. I only had about six each weekend day. I tried to work out how many orgasms I’ve had but it’s impossible. I do it when I’m on the drinks trolley. I have sex with every good-looking woman on the plane. I do it on the bus to work, even when I’m pushing the trolley in Sainsbury’s sometimes. Some days I have twenty or more. There aren’t many days I don’t have at least half a dozen orgasms. Lucky me, eh?”

“I can vouch for that. All I have to do is hold her pussy and press, she comes like a geyser. I can make her have a sort of multiple cum continuous cum, if you know what I mean. She goes on for two or three minutes sometimes.”

The room went quiet, absorbing this piece of perhaps historic news. I’d never heard of a woman with that ability before although I knew it existed. I know of a malady that is certainly not welcome when a woman has spontaneous orgasms without any stimulation or warning. Sally had complete control over her orgasms, it seemed and she chose when and how many to have at will. Amanda stood, taking the condom with her, tying a knot, and dropping it in the waste basket next to the desk. She disappeared into the bathroom. Evelyn pushed Toby back on the bed and stood up, going to sit on the chair beside the small oval desk.

Amanda returned, I took her place, peed, and washed my cock of the seed smeared around the upper half of the shaft. I checked the mirror, still looking good. I returned to the room and saw Evelyn still at the desk, Toby lying on the bed. Sally and Claire embraced on the top end of the bed.

“Anyone feel like a DP or a spit-roast?” I suggested.

Toby laughed. I heard a few words like, fuck, and, off, Jeff. After a beat, Amanda said, “Yes, please. Both.”

The two girls on the bed both said, "What!”

Toby looked at me and opened his mouth in surprise. Evelyn grinned from ear to ear. She almost shouted,

“This I have to see! Toby, go for it! Which of them will do the anal, Amanda?”

“That’ll be Jeff. Toby, are you up for this?” asked Amanda.

“Yes, he is. Here let me get you ready, Toby. Stay there and let me pump you up. Amanda, get him ready.”

Amanda moved in front of me, dropped to her knees and set to work with her hands and mouth, hurrying to bring my cock back to working condition. Evelyn set to work on Toby, sucking and slurping on the crown of his cock. I stopped looking, concentrating on Amanda’s technique on my cock. Within a minute or so she had me hard, but she wanted me harder for anal. She continued until I had a ramrod hard-on. She stood, turned, ran her right hand between her legs, smearing her own lubrication back up to her arsehole. She shuffled back to stand in front of me, her back to me. She squatted and lowered herself over my cock. I held my cock vertical and let her slide down over it. She slid it all the way in, hard and deep.

“Toby, in my mouth first, come here.”

Toby stood as Evelyn moved aside. He stood beside Amanda and presented his erection at head height to her eager mouth. She grasped it in both hands, about the same size as mine, I noticed, as she opened her mouth and engulfed the crown between her lips. Her hands pumped drawing his cock deeper into her mouth. I sat still, leaning back on my hands while Amanda rode my cock about an inch in and out with each thrust. She had it as deep as it would go on each down-stroke. She groaned and grunted as my cock filled her arse. Toby looked at Evelyn who sat taking pictures with her camera, pictures fit to grace the very best porn magazines from Sweden and Germany.

“Fuck me now, Toby. Let me feel both cocks inside me. I’ve dreamed about this! Come on, fill my cunt, Toby.”

Toby moved into position in front of us. The levels were wrong. He had to get up on the bed. I leaned back, flat on the bed and Toby knelt between our splayed legs. He shuffled forward as Amanda leaned back on her hands on either side of my nipples. Toby, evidently unsure of the protocol, of the etiquette, shuffled forward and held his cock ready for action.

“Just slide it in there, Toby. No worries. Just don’t come in there, okay?” I said quietly.

Toby shuffled a little more, lowered the head of his cock to lodge at the entrance and pushed. He slid an inch inside Amanda’s wet pussy, then another, then the rest until he had his cock as deep as it could go.

“Fuck me, Toby, just fuck me hard.”

Toby did as he was told. He pumped hard, long, deep strokes, gripping Amanda’s shoulders to support himself. She reached up and gripped his forearms. He gripped hers. He slammed into her now, his cock sliding hard against mine as he fucked her tightness. I didn’t have to do anything.

“Evie, get him a condom, will you? I want them both to cum inside me.”

Evelyn stood and opened the foil packet. She pinched the teat, stood next to us and said, “Gimme.”

Toby stopped briefly, withdrew and waited a beat while Evelyn covered his erection in the latex condom. He slid back inside, as if he had just had a Formula One pit stop for a new tire! He resumed his pumping. Amanda began to groan and swear.

“Fuck, yes, fuck, yes, fuck, hard, fuck, big, fuck, yes, harder, Toby, more, fuck, yes, yes, yesss!”

Toby concentrated his efforts, holding tight and pulling Amanda towards him as he thrust into her, making the contact with her pussy all the more intense. I could feel his cock as it slid in and out through the wall of Amanda’s vagina, so very close to her anus. He began to grunt with each thrust. His brow creased, sweat developed and he began to shout,

“Fuck me, Amanda, this is the most intense fucking fuck I have ever fucking had. I am cumming already, sorry, fuck, fuck, cumming, now, now, now, aagghhh! Fucking hell, yesssss!”

Amanda screamed as Toby blasted his cum inside her. She came with a shriek, a shout, a cry and shuddered on top of me. I felt Toby’s cock pulsing against mine as he came. It triggered my own orgasm. I grunted, growled and blasted my hot cum deep into Amanda’s tight arse. Evelyn kept taking pictures capturing three orgasms exploding within about five seconds of each other. What an awesome fuck! What an awesome, once-in-a-lifetime event. Amanda fell back onto me, Toby stood, withdrawing the condom and dropping it in the same waste-basket. He sat on the chair near the desk, leaned on his knees and dropped his head, fucked.

Sally and Claire said nothing, absorbing the scene they had just witnessed, surely a huge addition to their sexual experience. Evelyn looked delighted. She went and knelt next to Toby, stroking his leg and talking to him in hushed tones. He smiled and kissed her. She kissed him back, lovingly, all was well, it seemed. Amanda rolled off me and lay quietly on the edge of the bed. I cuddled up close behind her and we shut our eyes, unconcerned what the rest of them might do. Just before I fell asleep I heard Claire say, “I want to try anal with Jeff. Can I? Tomorrow maybe?”

“Yes, Cooch. You’ll have to ask him but that’s fine by me,” replied Sally.

Moments later, they quietly left with Evelyn and Toby. Next stop, is cocktails at six. We slept.

Written by JeffersonMerrick
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