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The Older Woman Part 3: The Four Day Weekend

"The weirder it gets, the better the sex"

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Author's Notes

"Nobody should ever be treated with anyone other than respect. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Especially from a lover."

Many years would go by before I could look objectively at the events surrounding my relationship with Kayla. Even to this day, there are things that I haven’t been able to reconcile. While it seemed as though I was living out every young man’s sexual fantasy, both Kayla and I were severely damaged human beings. Some of our experiences were unforgettably erotic while others were uncomfortably traumatic.

Meanwhile, my marriage and home life seemed almost unreal, like some kind of waking dream. Living a lie wasn’t necessarily difficult. After all, I lost my faith in God well before the affair started. However, my uncontrollable lust for Kayla was changing me in ways I couldn’t comprehend or understand. Even my wife began to notice something was amiss when I stopped going to church.

For the first few months, my service call route was my connection to Kayla. I was using a company van, so it didn’t cost me anything to make a detour a couple of times a week. Then I started canceling calls or making believe I couldn’t find the customer’s home address (this was well before GPS and cell phones) so I had time to visit Kayla.

Neither my wife nor my boss knew that I was stopping at Kayla’s house two or three times a week, usually in the afternoon when my other calls were finished. Even though we spent most of our time in her bed, Kayla and I did have the opportunity to get to know each other a little better during this time.

Kayla was no longer a doctor’s receptionist. She told me that she won a lawsuit against the doctor for sexual harassment and didn’t need to work. She also explained that had been divorced from her abusive husband for more than ten years.

It sounds hard to believe but we didn’t go out in public together until my wife and I separated about six months after my infamous first service call. During that time, I only saw Kayla occasionally interact with one other person - her daughter Naomi.

Naomi was just days away from seventeen when we first met, which made me five years older than her but nineteen years younger than her mother. During a sex break, I walked out to the kitchen to get some water. Naomi was just getting home from school and hadn’t even removed her backpack. I was wearing a robe and introduced myself. Naomi just glared at me and went straight to her room without saying a word. It ended up being one of our most pleasant interactions.

All of these lives were spiraling into chaos, especially mine. Meanwhile, I was savoring every moment. Not just the incredible life-changing sex but also the unbridled exhilaration of committing so many sins simultaneously. There was something intoxicating about fucking Kayla while imagining my life partner going about her daily life entirely unaware. In a way, it felt like revenge for wrongs she wasn’t even responsible for.

Sometimes during sex with Kayla, my mind would wander. I would suddenly see Naomi in her room, hearing her mother orgasming, and it would turn me on even more. Occasionally, I fantasied about other women I knew - women from church and other housewives from other service calls. Part of me wanted to try my newly developed bedroom skills on another woman. In other words, I was consumed with lust.

And so, I’m sure it’s obvious to anyone reading this, that eventually, my downward spiral would lead to a fiery crash. The real beginning of the end began on one particular four-day weekend.

Four months into our affair, Kayla and I hatched a plan. We were laying in bed lamenting the fact that we had never spent a night together. We only ever had two to four hours to play and Kayla mentioned that she wanted to teach me some new things. I suddenly had an idea. After talking through some details with Kayla, I put the plan into motion.

That night, I told my wife that work was requiring me to go to a training seminar over a long weekend. I explained that I would have to travel upstate, leaving on Friday morning and coming home late Monday. My wife accepted this story without batting an eye, most likely because she hated having me around. There is little doubt that my affair further eroded our marriage but it was a train wreck well before.

My wife wasn’t a bad person, even though I resented her back in those days. She was dealing with childhood trauma of her own due to being sexually abused by a family member who was also a prominent church elder. The church elders told her that psychiatrists were working for Satan, so she never got any professional help. Even worse, every time she went to church, she had to be cordial to her abuser.

The following Friday morning, I drove to Kayla’s house and was walking in the door just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. When I entered her bedroom, Kayla was waiting for me, decked out in lingerie that made her look like a model. Lace bra, black stockings with a garter, her favorite pair of black high heels, and no panties.

Kayla sat up to meet me as I approached the bed. After removing my clothes, she pulled a scarf out from under the pillow and used it to blindfold me. Kayla guided my body onto the bed so that I was laying on my back.

I felt Kayla’s breath against my neck. She whispered in my ear, “You’re mine for the next four days.”

My cock was immediately hard. I felt Kayla’s fingertip barely stroking the sensitive nerve under the head. She continued, “This cock belongs to me, not to your fucking wife. She never wanted this cock, so it belongs to me and I am going to do whatever I want with it.”

While Kayla mercilessly teased my cock with one fingertip, her dirty talk continued, “I love it when this beautiful cock is so far inside of me that it’s pounding against my cervix but first I’m going to tease you until you want to cum so bad that you’re going to beg for it. Then I’m going to let you fuck me however you want. You can fuck my pussy, my tits, my mouth, or my asshole, but not until I say it’s okay.”

This went on for some time, I was so hot I started to worry that I might spontaneously combust. I felt pre-cum oozing out of my cock. Kayla purred, “That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” and used the same fingertip to slowly smear it all over the head of my cock and underneath the sensitive ridge around the head.

Then I heard Layla’s lips sucking my precum off of her finger before saying, “Your cum is so fucking delicious, Nick, but right now I want your tongue.”

Before I could process the words, I could feel Kayla’s stockings and thighs against my cheeks. Her clean scent was unmistakable. I stuck out my tongue in anticipation and was rewarded with Kayla’s wet pussy enveloping my entire mouth. My tongue slipped inside of her. Kayla began forcibly grinding her pussy into my open mouth. My face was immediately soaked.

Then Kayla’s tongue was licking the head of my cock, wrapping her lips around the head, moaning louder with each passing moment. My cock twitched and Kayla must have thought I was about to cum. She stopped moving and said, almost angrily, “God-fucking-damnit, Nick, I said you are not allowed to cum until I say you can cum! Do you fucking understand me?”

As she said the words, she pressed her pussy down hard over my mouth, holding it there so I couldn’t audibly answer. I tried to nod.

“Fucking answer me, Nick! Do you understand? If you won’t answer, then I’m going to punish you!”

Kayla sat up, putting more of her weight on my face, and started to furiously grind her hips back and forth. I could barely breathe but for some reason, I enjoyed every second of it.

Kayla started to breathe heavily and groaned, “Stick your fucking tongue in me!" and I did as commanded. Her nylons against my face were starting to feel rough. I brought my hands up above my head and found Kayla’s heels, grabbing hold of them for support.

Kayla mercilessly fucked my face for at least another three or four minutes before letting out a primal scream and audibly squirting around my mouth. I could feel her cum running down my chin, neck, and chest.

After dismounting from my face, she laid back down next to me and started once again teasing my cock with her fingertip. Kayla whispered, “Good boy. Now ask me if you can cum.”

“Is it okay if I cum?” I asked.

“No! It’s my cock and I will tell you when you can cum. Maybe if you say ‘please” I will let you cum.”

I said, “Please, may I cum?” her finger still unrelentingly teasing.

“Don’t you dare, Nick. Don’t you dare cum. I am not done with your cock yet.”

Kayla made me sit up and told me to take off her clothes. She forced me to undress her with the blindfold on. When I unclasped her bra, she stuck a nipple in my mouth and commanded me to suck it. When I removed her heels and stockings, she forced me to suck her toes.

Then she removed the blindfold, pushed me back down on the bed, and said, “Watch me while I play with my cock.”

With one hand firmly around the base, Kayla went to work on my cock, using her mouth in ways I’d never even imagined, never once breaking eye contact. Whenever she sensed I was getting close to orgasm, she would stop licking or sucking and just watch my cock involuntarily twitch with a Devilish grin on her face.

Because I’m a quick learner, I knew exactly what Kayla wanted to hear, so I begged, “Will you please let me cum?”

“No. I’m not fucking done and this cock belongs to me!”

“Please, Kayla…” I responded, my eyes expressing the pain she was causing me. “I mean, what if I can’t control myself and I cum before you say it’s okay?”

“You better not or you are going to be in a lot of fucking trouble!”

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After one such exchange, Kayla straddled my body and slowly guided my cock deep inside of her cunt. After all of the teasing, the feeling was altogether unworldly. Kayla brought her torso down onto mine. Then she held herself entirely motionless and whispered in my year, “I’m going to massage your cock with my pussy but if you cum inside of me and waste that delicious cum, I’m going to seriously punish you.”

Kayla began flexing and releasing the muscles in her pussy. At first, the sensation was barely noticeable but after a few minutes, the feeling was sending waves of pleasure throughout my entire body. I began to flex my cock in unison with every one of Kayla’s releases. It was like we were engaged in some erotic sexual ritual. Even though part of me wanted to orgasm with every fiber of my being, another part of me wanted to see how long it was possible to maintain the new and overwhelmingly sensual feeling.

Something came over me, and I whispered in Kayla’s ear, “Your pussy belongs to me now.”

Kayla’s cunt seemed to clamp down and her body went entirely rigid. Her orgasm was altogether different. She never once uttered a sound but I could feel her pussy fill up with her own juices before it shot out like a crumbling dam and poured down my inner thighs.

I rolled Kayla over and began fiercely fucking her, calling on all of the built-up energy from nearly two hours of relentless teasing. It dawned on me that this is what Kayla wanted all along - to work me up into an ecstatic state to take our sex to another level. Our bodies were both covered in a mixture of sweat and Kayla’s juices. Her nails dug into my back and I could feel the warmth of blood added to the fluid mix.

Kayla had an earth-shattering orgasm that seemed to last for minutes. Halfway through, tears started streaming from her face but she wasn’t crying. She must have sensed I was worried about her, so she grabbed a fistful of my hair and brought my face down to hers. Kayla kissed me so hard, it felt like being consumed.

Then, almost entirely out of breath, she growled, “You can cum now but you have to cum on my body.”

I was ready. I pulled out and held my cock with one hand as the first orgasmic wave overtook me. The first blast flew over Kayla’s head and hit her headboard. The next hit her right in the face which caused her to shout out, YES!”. The rest fell across her neck, tits, and stomach. I was amazed by how much cum my body was able to produce.

Kayla was in paradise, She used a finger to collect my cum from her face and neck and eagerly swallowed it. Kayla told me to lick it off of her tits and stomach. After gathering up a mouthful, I fed it to her with my tongue. She even collected the blast from the headboard to make sure it didn’t go to waste.

Spending the night with Kayla for the first time was incredible. Especially after fucking from sunrise until sundown. It gave us an opportunity to talk, which was something we seldom did, and Kayla always wanted to talk about sex.

She told me how she constantly craved sex and how now all she could think about was my cock. Kayla then explained that, since we met, she hadn’t been able to go anywhere without masturbating. Even while driving in her car.

Kayla told me she was driving to the mall a few days before. At a stoplight, she started fantasizing about me and stuck two fingers under her dress and into pussy. Even after the light turned green and she started to drive, she kept going. At the next red light, a van with a man in the passenger seat pulled up next to Kayla. By this time her skirt had ridden up to her waist, so nothing was hidden. Kayla made eye contact with the man and let him watch as she came.

Kayla told me another story about going to the doctor to have her IUD checked (just to be sure - Kayla did not want any more children). There were three other patients in the waiting room but was so horny that she shoved a throw pillow under her butt and started “hunching” it, as she said.

I asked Kayla what “hunching” meant and she said, “I can put a pillow or ball or just about anything under my butt and then barely move my hips back and forth to get myself off. Nobody can tell that I’m doing it.”

Kayla said that the hard part was hiding her orgasm and that in the doctor’s office. Apparently, she grunted when she came and thought she was going to fall out of her chair.

During our second day together, Kayla and I tried to see how long I could keep my penis inside of her. A long time, it turns out. We sat sitting up, our arms and legs wrapped around each other, perfecting the technique of doing little more than flexing our pelvic muscles. Kayla had a series of multiple orgasms and to this day, watching her sweat-covered body writhing with uncontrollable pleasure is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed.

I could get her off by sucking her nipples or earlobes. Even just whispering dirty stories into her ears could send her body into radical spasms. I was also getting good at controlling my speed and tempo, edging myself almost to orgasm and then back down, building to an unquenchable crescendo where I took full possession of Kayla’s body with mine.

At some point later in the day, Kayla asked, “Would you like to try fucking me in the ass?”

My religious upbringing came rushing back into my head. Anal sex, which everyone in church called sodomy, seemed like the most forbidden thing in the world. It also sounded gross to me, because my religious programming was telling me so.

I told Kayla I was not into the idea at all. Later, when we were back in bed and going at it, she said, “Why don’t you want to fuck me in the ass?”

I was really embarrassed because I didn’t want to admit that it had anything to do with my church and upbringing. All I could say in answer was, “Because I just don’t want to,” which sounds really childish because it was.

By the time we went to sleep, Kayla was begging, “Please fuck my asshole tomorrow. Remember, it’s my cock, so you have no choice.”

The idea of anal sex was making me feel like running out of the house. I was nervous in all sorts of unhealthy ways. Lying awake in bed, I decided that I was not going to give into Kayla’s pressure.

The next day, Kayla made us both breakfast. We were standing next to each other by the counter when she said, “Do you want to fuck me in the ass right here in the kitchen?”

When I refused, Kayla got visibly angry and said, “What are you Nick, some kind of pussy? A REAL man would fuck me in the ass. There is something wrong with you.”

The words hurt, especially when she started calling me names. Kayla intended the words to hurt. Like I’ve said, many years later I had to go through a long process of healing from this entire experience. But at the time, I didn’t know any better. I was more than just naïve, I was downright ignorant.

Kayla picked a kitchen knife off the counter and pointed it at me. Then she gave me an ultimatum. I can’t write about Kayla’s ultimatum here because it would violate submission guidelines.

A few minutes later, I was in the bathroom putting a band-aid on my neck. I had chosen to remain firm in my decision. I want to be clear that I understand how fucked up all of this is. Nobody should let another treat them as I let Kayla treat me, but I did, and this is the truth about what happened.

An hour later, Kayla and I were back in bed. She was already back to mocking me and questioning my manhood when I just broke down and agreed to have anal sex.

From this point on, Kayla was patient and taught me how to use a finger to get her loose before slowly penetrating her with my cock.

My cock is really thick and it hurt her. The feeling was very different but once a few minutes had gone by, it didn’t really seem like a big deal. I fucked Kayla’s ass from behind while she rubbed her pussy and came screaming face-down in her pillow. Then she took me to the shower, washed me down, and sucked my cock until I came in her throat.

On the third day, we sat out in Kayla’s living room watching porn videos on her TV and fucking on the sofa and floor. By this time, I was covered in various cuts and bruises. Kayla didn’t fare much better and even her knees were rubbed raw from the carpet.

Naomi ended up coming home after spending the night at a friend’s house. When she walked in the door, Kayla and I were sitting on the sofa cuddled under a blanket. Naomi walked through the room, stopping to turn around when she reached the hallway. She looked right at me and said, “Do you go back to school tomorrow?” and then kept walking. Obviously, Naomi wasn’t thrilled that someone her own age was having sex with her mother.

By day four, my dick hurt. We spent most of the day in bed, massaging each other’s sore muscles and bringing each other to orgasm with our mouths and hands. We did get in one last slow fuck right before I had to leave.

During the drive back to my apartment, I kept going over excuses to tell my wife if she asked any questions about my bruises and cuts, or if she was curious about the bogus work seminar.

My wife never even once asked me a single question or noticed my lover’s marks all over my body. Entirely oblivious. Years later, I would wonder if maybe my wife consciously or unconsciously avoided the signs. All of my clothes smelled like Kayla. Even my body seemed to carry some of her scent.

Regardless, coming home from the four-day weekend made me realize how awful my life really was. Without a plan to get out of my marriage and few life skills to handle the many things I was going through, I sat back and watched the whole thing burn down.

The more my life crumbled around me, the more I wanted Kayla and the better our sex became. Until even that fell apart. If you want to hear more, I’ll eventually tell the whole story.

Written by AlaskanDevil
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